Morinaga ceno tranquilamente junto a Masuda-san y Kanako mientras les  dịch - Morinaga ceno tranquilamente junto a Masuda-san y Kanako mientras les  Anh làm thế nào để nói

Morinaga ceno tranquilamente junto

Morinaga ceno tranquilamente junto a Masuda-san y Kanako mientras les platicaba lo acontecido en ese día junto al joven Takeshi, les conto todos los detalles y a la pequeña niña se le iluminaron los ojos de la emoción, ella y su onii-san irían a la tan ansiosa fiesta de Halloween disfrazados.

-¡Siiiiii, vamos a ir a la fiesta!-saltaba la pequeña.

-Ves Kana-chan te dije que no te preocuparas- le decía su tía con una sonrisa.

-Si Kanako-chan todo esta preparado pasado mañana tu y yo iremos a un gran baile jajajaja- le sonreía gentilmente.

-Yujuuuuu siiiiiii que alegría- gritaba la niña, mientras los adultos reían con ella.

Mientras tanto en el segundo piso un joven escuchaba los risas, recargado en el barandal, sin ser notado por ellos, estaba muy indeciso en bajar, lo pensaría un poco más, tal vez reuniría el valor suficiente para hablar con Morinaga a solas.

-Pues mi traje de princesa es hermoso me quedo muy lindo jajaja, ¿Ah? dime Morinaga-san ¿Cómo te quedo tu disfraz?- le cuestiono la niña.

-¿Eh?- recordó cuando se lo probó aquella vez frente al espero y lo que paso después.

Con un leve sonrojo en sus mejillas y rascándose la cabeza le contesto -Creo que me veo bien, solo espero no hacer el ridículo jajajaja- reía tiernamente.

-¡Debes de verte muy guapo!, verdad Masuda-san que Morinaga-san ¿Es un chico muy guapo?-expresaba con una sonrisa.

-Claro Mori-kun debe de verse muy apuesto, seguro las chicas que vayan no te dejaran tranquilo jajajaja- le respondía la señora.

-Claro que no, no digan eso por favor- se excusaba, sin embargo en su mente estaba aquella mirada que Souichi le había mostrado al espiarlo tras la puerta -"se veía tan lindo avergonzado"- pensaba sonriendo.

Souichi por otro lado estaba rojo como un tomate, al recordar a Morinaga vestido de aquella forma, su memoria le mostro claramente aquella figura con traje blanco y acabados dorados, -"se veía muy bien"- pensó para el mismo -"Que demonios, claro que no… el pervertido aquel no se veía bien para nada"- se respondía igualmente; sin embargo su mente le comenzó a jugar una broma mostrándole de nuevo la forma en que esa ropa fue saliendo de aquel cuerpo, con delicadeza, hasta el punto de quedarse semidesnudo ante sus ojos –pero… tiene buen cuerpo- lo dijo inconscientemente y en voz baja, sin embargo reaccionó, se tapo su boca con las manos y entro de nuevo a la habitación.

-Maldición por que tengo que recordar algo como eso… porque… porque- se recostó en la cama mientras trataba de no pensar en Morinaga pero fue imposible como si fuera una película las imágenes iban y venían a su cerebro mientras su corazón se aceleraba incontrolablemente.

Terminaron de cenar y platicar tranquilamente, se encontraban kanako y Morinaga en la sala platicando mientras su tía le preparaba el futón en donde dormiría esa noche.

-¿Nisan ya se quedó dormido?- le cuestionaba la pequeña a su tía.

-Si, fui a recogerla charola y lo vi durmiendo tranquilamente, por lo menos ese niño comió bien- sonreía la señora tranquilamente.

-Que bueno, me alegro mucho- contesto Morinaga con una sonrisa.

-Bueno Mori-kun ya está listo, si necesitas otra manta o algo me avisas- le decía la señora mientras llamaba a la pequeña -Kana-chan hay que ir a dormir, ya es tarde-.

-Pero yo quiero platicar con Morinaga-san un poco mas- reclamaba a su tía en un susurro.

-Vamos, mañana platicaras lo que quieras con él- comentaba mientras empujaba a su sobrina en dirección hacia las escaleras.

-Kanako-chan tranquila, falta poco para ir a divertirnos- le tocaba suavemente su cabeza - buenas noches- le dijo Morinaga con dulce sonrisa.

-Tienes razón nos divertiremos mucho- le respondió de la misma forma.-"ojala mi hermano también fuera, estoy segura que solucionarían sus problemas bailando"- fantaseaba mientras se retiraba a dormir con su Tía.

Se acostó en el suave futón y miro su celular, había un mensaje sin leer en su bandeja de entrada.

-¡Takeshi-san!- exclamó comenzando a leer el nombre de quien lo enviaba.

-"Podemos vernos mañana, por favor"- leía detenidamente esa simple frase escrita en el mensaje.

-"No, lo siento, necesito resolver mis problemas con mi Sempai primero y no quiero que piense cosas que no son"- envió la respuesta rápidamente.

-"Solo un momento por favor, quiero saber si te encuentras bien"- le envió otro mensaje.

-"Takeshi-san no te preocupes estoy bien, en serio"- escribió su respuesta.

-"No, no es suficiente, necesito ver tu rostro cuando me digas "estoy bien", solo así lo sabré si es verdad"- le volvió a responder.

-"Por favor, nos veremos en la fiesta, buenas noches"- escribió lo que sería su último mensaje.

-"Ok, no insistiré más, sin embargo mañana por la tarde yo estaré libre, si me necesitas llámame ok, por favor confía en mí, buenas noches Morinaga-san"- el joven rubio respondió, aun con la esperanza de que aceptara verle.

-¡Takeshi-san!- suspiro mientras leía el último mensaje que le enviaba.

Se acomodó en su futón y cerro sus apacibles ojos, toco su mejilla suavemente mientras sus labios susurraba un saludo para su ser amado -Buenos noches Souichi-…

Era la noche tan esperada por todos, sin embargo no sabía cómo demonios había llegado ahí, había mucha gente, era un lugar muy amplio y vistoso, las luces de colores alumbraban todo el lugar y la música resonaba con potencia, caminaba tranquilo por el lugar con su mirada confundida, no te tenía idea de lo que pasaba en esos momentos, era como si su mente se hubiera desconectado y de repente hubiera aparecido ahí, en esa odiosa fiesta que para él no tenía sentido; de repente llego hasta un gran ventanal en donde pudo ver su reflejo completamente.

-¡QUE DEMONIOS ES ESTO!- expresó lleno de confusión, al ver el disfraz que traía puesto.

Un hermoso vestido color rosa pardo, en corte A, cuya parte de arriba era formado por un corset sencillo ajustado con lazos gruesos del mismo todo, entallado en la cintura y la caída de este era muy amplia dándole una figura impresionante. Su cabello estaba ajustado por un broche que detenía su lago cabello, tenía unos aditamentos que le hacían parecer una princesa totalmente.

-Que… que… hago yo usando… ¡ESTA PORQUERIA!- grito colérico, sin embargo, parecía a nadie importarle, cada persona presente, ni siquiera lo notaba, se sentía muy avergonzado, su cara ardía en un rojo vivo, tenía que huir de ahí lo más rápido posible.

Mientras las personas bailaban y se divertían con otras; él se encontraba corriendo entre ellas en dirección a la salida de aquel salón -"Que hago aquí, no debí venir… nunca debí venir aquí… maldición"- pensaba molesto mientras que de sus ojos salían pequeñas lágrimas, alzaba y sujetaba aquel disfraz que le imposibilitaba el correr con ligereza, estaba a punto salir de aquel lugar cuando de repente algo lo detuvo fuertemente, volteo la mirada y lo vio -¿Eh?-

Un apuesto joven de profundos ojos verdes cuyo disfraz de príncipe en color blanco, le hacía resaltar lo apuesto que era, lo miro con un rostro preocupado -¡Eres tu!- le dijo sorprendido.

Rápidamente Morinaga lo tomo y jalo del brazo antes de que saliera del lugar, lo atrajo hacia el rodeándolo con sus brazos fuertemente. -Te amo demasiado Souichi yo… jamás te aparataría de mi vida- le estrecho con mas fuerza hundiendo su cabeza entre su hombro y su cabello sintiendo como aquel cuerpo temblaba entre sus brazos.

-¿Eh?- no comprendía sus palabras -Suéltame idiota… quiero irme a casa…- Intentaba zafarse de su agarre, sin conseguir separarse ni un milímetro.

-Nos iremos a casa después, ven por aquí- le dijo Morinaga con una dulce voz.

-Adonde demonios vamos Mori…- Souichi trato de resistirse, sin embargo la fuerza del otro chico lo superaba en esos momentos.

Morinaga abrió una de las puertas del lugar, dentro se encontraba todo el material de decoración y todas las cosas requeridas para esa noche, entro atrayendo a Souichi consigo que apenas podía caminar con aquel según él "ridículo" disfraz, sin embargo había que reconocer que se le veía muy bien, y ante los ojos de Morinaga era perfecto para la fiesta.

Entraron y al cerrar la puerta Morinaga puso el seguro en ella, ni siquiera encendió la luz, pues por el ventanal se dejaba ver la luz de la maravillosa luna llena que alumbraba esa increíble noche. Se acerco a Souichi que miraba confundido todo el lugar.

-¿Que hacemos aquí Morina… mmm- no pudo terminar su frase, sus labios fueron reclamados por un príncipe que lo tomo del rostro con dulzura en sus manos.

-Espe… Mori… mm- Souichi trató de separarse pero uno de los brazos de Morinaga lo tomo de la cintura con fuerza, mientras su otra mano se encontraba detrás de su nuca entre sus cabellos ejerciendo presión para que no separara su boca.

El beso que había empezado dulce e inocente se transformó en un beso bastante apasionado y lujurioso, por parte de ambos que movían sus lenguas vertiginosamente, en la boca de cada uno. Souichi enlazo sus brazos al cuello de Morinaga y este apretó más su agarre en su cintura, los segundos pasaban haciéndolos suspirar, cada vez que el beso era interrumpido, ambos buscaban la boca del otro con los ojos cerrados, sintiendo el calor invadir sus cuerpos poco a poco.

-Mori… ¡ah! ¡ah!- Souichi intentaba regresar su compostura a su mente y cuerpo -deten… te ¡ah!- pero era imposible sintiendo esos besos en su cuello, le gustaba sentir tanto esos labios robándole el aliento y acariciando su cuello con lujuria -Morinagaaa- exclamaba extasiado.

-No puedo… ¡ah! Te deseo aquí y ahora Souichi… por favor ¡ah!- regreso de nuevo a sus labios mientras sus manos acariciaban su espalda por encima de esos gruesos lazos que se trenzaban en su espalda con un amarre en la parte de abajo, lo sintió con sus manos y sus dedos desanudaron aquellos lazos y comenzaron a aflojar la parte de arriba del disfraz que Souichi llevaba.

-Que haces idiota ¡ah! ¡ah!- sintió sus besos en su cuello y las manos de Morinaga en sus hombros bajando la parte del disfraz y de
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Morinaga ceno quietly along with Masuda-san and Kanako while he chatted them what happened on that day along with the young Takeshi, they told all the details and the little girl is lit up the eyes of emotion, she and your OLI-san would so anxious Halloween party dressed as.-Siiiiii, let's go to the party!-jumping small.-See Kana-chan I told you that not you preocuparas - said you her aunt with a smile.-If Kanako-chan all this prepared after tomorrow you and I go to a big dance Hahahaha - smiled you kindly.-Yujuuuuu siiiiiii joy - screamed the girl, while adults laughed with her.Meanwhile on the second floor a young man heard the laughter, recharged the rail, without being noticed by them, I was very undecided in lowering, I would think it a little more, maybe meet brave enough to talk to Morinaga alone.-As my princess dress is beautiful I'm very cute lol, do Ah? tell me Morinaga-san how I am I your costume?-question you the girl.-Huh? - recalled when he tasted it is this time faced with the hope and what happened after.With a slight blush on her cheeks and scratching your head I answered - I think that you I am good, just hope not to do the ridiculous jajajaja - tenderly laughed.-You should see you very handsome!, truth Masuda-san that Morinaga-san is a very handsome guy?-said with a smile.-Clear Mori-kun should be very good looking, safe girls who go not leave you quiet jajajaja - answered the Lady.-It is clear that no, do not say that please - you excusing, however in his mind was that look that Souichi had shown him to spy behind the door-"looked so cute embarrassed"-thought smiling.Souichi on the other hand was red as a tomato, remember to dress that way Morinaga, your memory you showed clearly figure with white suit and gold finishes,-"looked very well" - thought for it-"demons, clear... do not pervert that not seen good for nothing"-answered equally; However his mind began you to play a joke again showing the form that that clothing was coming out of that body, gently, to the point of staying naked before your eyes - but... has good body - said it unconsciously and in a low voice, however reacted, tapo is his mouth with their hands and go back into the room.-Curse that I have to remember something like that... because... because - he leaned back on the bed while trying not to think about Morinaga but it was impossible as if it were a film images were coming and your brain while his heart was accelerating uncontrollably.They had finished dinner and talk calmly, they found kanako and Morinaga in the room talking while his aunt prepared you the futon where would sleep that night.-Do Nisan already fell asleep? - questioned him little to his aunt.-Yes, I went to pick up her tray and saw him sleeping quietly, at least that child ate well - calmly smiling Lady.-Well, I'm glad - Morinaga answered with a smile.-Good Mori-kun is ready, if you need another blanket or something let me know - said Lady while she called the small - Kana-chan must go to sleep, it is already afternoon-.- But I want to chat with Morinaga-san a bit more - it claimed her aunt in a whisper.-Come on, tomorrow you platicaras what you want with it - said while he was pushing his niece in the direction towards the stairs.-Kanako-chan quiet, lack little to go to have fun - played you gently head - Goodnight - Morinaga said with a sweet smile.-Have reason we will have fun much - he replied in the same way. "I wish my brother also out, sure that they solve their problems by dancing"-fantasized while he retreated to sleep with her aunt.She lay down on the soft futon and looking at his cell phone, was a message without reading in your Inbox.-Takeshi-san! - exclaimed starting to read the name of who sent it.-"We can see us tomorrow, please" - carefully read that simple phrase written in the message.-"No, sorry, I need to solve my problems with my Sempai first and do not want to think things that are not" - sent the answer quickly.-"Just a moment please, I want to know if you are good" - sent him another message.-"Takeshi-san don't worry I am well, seriously"-wrote his response.-"No, it is not enough, I need to see your face when I say"I am well", just so you will know if it's true"-returned him to respond.-"Please, see you at the party, Goodnight"-wrote what would become his last message.-"Ok, I shall not dwell further, however tomorrow afternoon I will be free, if you need me call me ok, please trust me, good nights Morinaga-san"-young blonde replied, still hoping that agree to see him.-Takeshi-san! - sigh as I read the last message that sent you.Are accommodated in your futon and Hill your gentle eyes, touched his cheek gently while his lips whispered a greeting for your loved one-Buenos nights Souichi-...It was awaited by all night, however I did not know how demons had arrived there, had many people, it was very spacious and colorful, lights of colors gave light all over the place and music resonated with power, I walked quiet through the place with her confused look, I had no idea of what happened in those moments, it was as if his mind had been disconnected and had suddenly appeared there in this odious party that for him it didn't make sense; I suddenly get a large window where you could see your reflection completely.-THAT hell is this! - full of confusion, said seeing the disguise that brought since.A beautiful dress Brown pink, in A court, whose upper part was formed by a set simple corset with the same thick ties, fitted at the waist and fall of this was very broad, giving an impressive figure. His hair was set by a brooch that stopped her Lake hair, had a few attachments which made it look like a Princess fully.-That... I... I... using this crap! - I scream do choleric, however, seemed to anyone, each person present, not even noticed it, he felt very embarrassed, his face was burning in a red hot, had to flee from there as soon as possible.While people danced and had fun with each other; He was running between them in the direction out of that salon-"I'm here, I should not come... never should have come here... curse"-I thought annoyed while his eyes went small tears, stood and held that costume that made it impossible for him to run with lightness, was about to get out of that place when suddenly something stopped him strongly I turn to look and saw him - huh?-A handsome young man of deep green eyes whose Prince in white costume, made him highlight what I bet that was, so I look with a worried face - you're your!-said you surprised.Quickly took it Morinaga and I pull arm until it came out of the place, it attracted him towards the surrounding him with his arms strongly. -I love you too Souichi... ever you aparataría of my life - Strait you with more force plunging his head between her shoulder and her hair feeling as that body was trembling in his arms.-Huh? - did not understand his words - release me idiot... I want to go home...-trying to break out of his grip, without spreading a millimeter.-We'll go home then, come by here - Morinaga said in a sweet voice.-Where demons go Mori...-Souichi surpassed it in those moments I try to resist, however the strength of the other boy.Morinaga opened one of the doors of the place, inside everything was decoration material and all the required things for that night, I enter Souichi to attract that barely it could walk with him according to the "ridiculous" disguise, however had to admit that he was very well, and in the eyes of Morinaga was perfect for the party.They entered and closed the door Morinaga put the insurance on it, not even lit the light, because through the window is allowed to see the light of the wonderful full moon that shone that incredible night. I approached Souichi all over the place looking confused.-Do we do here Morina... mmm - failed to finish his sentence, his lips were claimed by a Prince who take it on the face with tenderness in his hands.?-Espe… Mori… mm- Souichi trató de separarse pero uno de los brazos de Morinaga lo tomo de la cintura con fuerza, mientras su otra mano se encontraba detrás de su nuca entre sus cabellos ejerciendo presión para que no separara su boca.El beso que había empezado dulce e inocente se transformó en un beso bastante apasionado y lujurioso, por parte de ambos que movían sus lenguas vertiginosamente, en la boca de cada uno. Souichi enlazo sus brazos al cuello de Morinaga y este apretó más su agarre en su cintura, los segundos pasaban haciéndolos suspirar, cada vez que el beso era interrumpido, ambos buscaban la boca del otro con los ojos cerrados, sintiendo el calor invadir sus cuerpos poco a poco.-Mori… ¡ah! ¡ah!- Souichi intentaba regresar su compostura a su mente y cuerpo -deten… te ¡ah!- pero era imposible sintiendo esos besos en su cuello, le gustaba sentir tanto esos labios robándole el aliento y acariciando su cuello con lujuria -Morinagaaa- exclamaba extasiado.-No puedo… ¡ah! Te deseo aquí y ahora Souichi… por favor ¡ah!- regreso de nuevo a sus labios mientras sus manos acariciaban su espalda por encima de esos gruesos lazos que se trenzaban en su espalda con un amarre en la parte de abajo, lo sintió con sus manos y sus dedos desanudaron aquellos lazos y comenzaron a aflojar la parte de arriba del disfraz que Souichi llevaba.-Que haces idiota ¡ah! ¡ah!- sintió sus besos en su cuello y las manos de Morinaga en sus hombros bajando la parte del disfraz y de
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Morinaga have dinner quietly by Masuda-san and Kanako while they talked what happened on that day by the young Takeshi, I told them all the details and the little girl's eyes lit up with excitement, she and her Onii-san would go so anxious Halloween costume. -¡Siiiiii, let's go party! -saltaba small. You see Kana-chan told you not preocuparas- told his aunt with a smile. If Kanako-chan around this prepared after tomorrow you and I are going to a big dance jajajaja- smiled gently. -Yujuuuuu siiiiiii that joy cried the girl, while the adults laughed with her. Meanwhile on the second floor a young man listening to the laughter, leaning against the railing without being noticed by them, I was very hesitant to go down, I would think a little more, maybe meet the courage to talk to Morinaga alone. Well my princess costume is beautiful lol I am very cute, huh? tell Morinaga-san How do you stay your costume? - I question the girl. Huh? -. He remembered when tested this time against hope and what happened next with a slight blush on her cheeks and scratching her head answer I think I look good, just hope not ridicule jajajaja- laughed tenderly. -¡Debes to see really very handsome !, Morinaga Masuda-san-san is a very handsome boy -expresaba with a smile. - Clear Mori-kun must be very handsome, confident girls who will not leave him alone jajajaja- you would answer the lady. Of course not, please- do not say that he would excuse himself, but in his mind was that look that Souichi had shown the spy behind the door - "so cute embarrassed looked." - thought smiling Souichi other hand was red as a tomato, remembering Morinaga dress that way, his memory clearly showed the figure in a white suit and He finished gold - "looked very good" - thought to myself - "What the hell, of course not ... the perverted that did not look good at all" - is also responding; but his mind began to play a joke to him again showing how those clothes was out of that body, gently, to the point of running naked before his eyes ... But it has good body-voice and said unconsciously low, however she reacted, capped his mouth with his hands and went back to the room. Damn that I remember something like that ... because ... because- sat back on the bed while trying not to think but was Morinaga impossible as if it were a film images came and went to his brain, his heart was racing uncontrollably. They finished dinner and talk quietly, were kanako and Morinaga in the room talking while her aunt prepared the futon where sleep that night. -¿Nisan and fell asleep - he questioned the little girl to her aunt. Yes, I went to pick tray and saw him sleeping peacefully, at least that child welfare smiling lady ate quietly. That good, I'm glad - Morinaga replied with a smile. Well Mori-kun is ready, if you need another blanket or something avisas- I told the lady as she called small Kana-chan have to go to sleep, it is already late. - But I want to talk with Morinaga-san claimed some chewing her aunt whispered. Come tomorrow you platicaras whatever you want with him commented as he pushed his niece toward the stairs. -Kanako-chan quiet, lack divertirnos- little to go gently touched his head - Morinaga said good night with sweet smile. You're right we will have fun much- answered in the same way .- "I hope my brother also was, I'm sure that would solve their problems dancing. "- fantasizing as he retreated to sleep with her ​​aunt lay on the soft futon and looked at his cell, had an unread message in your inbox. -¡Takeshi-san - exclaimed beginning to read the name of who it sent. - "We can meet tomorrow, please" - carefully read the simple written in the message phrase. - "No, sorry, I need to solve my problems with my Sempai first and do not want you to think things that are not" - sent the answer quickly. - "Just a moment please, let me know if you're okay" - he sent another message. - "Takeshi-san do not worry I'm fine, really" - he wrote his answer. - "No, it is not enough, I need to see your face when you tell me "I'm fine," just so I'll know if it's true "- he turned to answer. - "Please, see you at the party, good night" - he wrote what would be his last post . - "Ok, I will not insist more, but tomorrow afternoon I will be free, if you need me call me ok, please trust me, good night Morinaga-san" - the blond replied, still hoping to accept see. -¡Takeshi-san - sigh as he read the last message sent to him. He settled on his futon and closed his gentle eyes, touched his cheek softly as his lips whispered a greeting for your loved one Souichi- Good night ... It was awaited by all night however did not know how the hell he got there, there were many people, it was a very large and attractive place, the colored lights lit all over the place and the music resonated with power, walked quiet place his confused look, I had no idea what was happening at the time, it was as if his mind had disconnected and suddenly had appeared there in that party odious to him made ​​no sense; suddenly came to a large window where he could see his reflection completely. What the hell is this -!. he said in confusion, seeing the costume she wore a beautiful pink dress brown, in section A, the part of above it was made ​​by a simple corset trimmed with thick bonds of the same whole, fitted at the waist and falling this was very spacious giving an impressive figure. Her hair was set by a brooch hair stopped its lake, had some additions that made ​​him look like a princess completely. That ... that ... I am using this crap ... - angry scream, but nobody seemed to mind, each bystander, or even notice, he felt very embarrassed, his face burned bright red, had to run away as fast as possible. While people were dancing and having fun with each other; he was running between them towards the exit of that room - "What am I doing here, I should not have come ... I should never have come here ... curse" - thought annoyed while his eyes out small tears, stood and held this disguise that running lightly impossible, he was about to leave the place when suddenly something stopped him tightly, looked away and saw Huh - A handsome young man of deep green eyes whose costume prince in white, made ​​him highlight how handsome he was, how I look with 'You're worried your face -. she said surprised Morinaga quickly took it and pulled the arm before he left the place, pulled him by surrounding it with his arms tightly. I Souichi 'I love you too ... you never aparataría of my life close to him more strongly burying his head in her shoulder and her hair feeling like her body trembling in his arms. Huh? - Let go of me did not understand their words idiot ... I want to go home ... - he tried to wriggle out of his grip, without getting separated one iota. 'We'll go home then, come around here Morinaga said with a sweet voice. Mori-where the hell are we going ... - Souichi tried to resist, however the strength of the other guy was beyond him at the time. Morinaga opened one of the doors of the place, in all material decor and all the things required for that night was, entered attracting Souichi I get could barely walk with that According to him "ridiculous" disguise, but had to admit that he looked very well, and in the eyes of Morinaga was perfect for the party. They entered and closed the door Morinaga put insurance on it, not even turned on the light, through the window as he showed off the wonderful light of a full moon that illuminated this amazing night. Souichi looking confused at all approached the place. What are we doing here ... mmm-Morina could not finish his sentence, his lips were claimed by a prince who took his face gently in his hands. -Espe Mori ... mm ... - Souichi tried to secede but one arm of Morinaga grabbed his waist tightly, while his other hand was behind his neck in her hair exerting pressure not separated his mouth. The kiss that had started sweet and innocent It became a very passionate and lustful kiss, by both that moved their tongues rapidly in the mouth of each. Souichi wrapped her arms around Morinaga and this tightened his grip on her waist, the seconds ticked by making them sigh, every time the kiss was interrupted, both sought each other's mouths with eyes closed, feeling the heat invade their little bodies little. -Mori ... ah! Ah - Souichi trying to return his composure -deten your mind and body ... you ah - but it was impossible to feel those kisses on her neck, she liked those lips feel much stealing her breath and stroking her neck with lust -Morinagaaa- ecstatically he exclaimed. 'I can not ... ah! I wish here and now Souichi ... please ah - return back to his lips as his hands caressed her back over those thick ties that were woven into his back with a tie in the bottom, he felt with his hands and fingers untied those ties and began to loosen the top of costume Souichi had. That idiot do ah! Ah - he felt his kisses on her neck and hands Morinaga on his shoulders down the part of the costume and

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Morinaga dined quietly beside Masuda San and Kanako while Talk, what happened on that day by the Young Takeshi, told them all the details and the Little Girl's Eyes Lit Up The Emotion, she and her Onii San went to the Halloween Party dressed as anxious

- Boss, come on. To go to the party!

- was small.See Kana Chan I told you not to worry about his aunt said to him with a smile.
Kanako Chan - If everything is ready After Tomorrow you and I are going to a Great Ball. - He smiled gently.

- YooHoo yesssss that Joy - shouted The Girl, while the adults laugh with her

. Meanwhile in the second floor, a young man listening to the laughter, leaning on the Balustrade, without being noticed by them,I was very hesitant to go down, I think some more, maybe meet up enough Courage to talk with Morinaga alone. - My Princess Outfit is beautiful I am very cute hahaha, ah? Tell me how you keep your Morinaga San Costume? He questioned the girl. - huh? - recalled the time when tested against the Hope and what happened after.With a slight Blush on her cheeks and scratching the head answered - I think I do, I just hope not to be ridiculous. - laughed tenderly.

- you look very handsome! Truth that Morinaga, Masuda San San is a very Handsome Boy? I said with a smile.

- mori Kun must be Handsome,Sure the girls will not leave you alone. - I gave the lady. - No, Don't say that, please be excused, but in his mind was the look that Souichi had shown him the spy after the door - "He looked so nice embarrassed Smile

" I thought. On the other hand, Souichi is red as a Tomato, Morinaga remember to dress that way,His report showed clearly that figure in a white suit and Gold finishes, "looked very well", he thought to himself, "What the hell, of course not... The Pervert that didn't look good for Nothing" - was equally; however, his mind began to play a joke with him again how the clothes were Out of the body, GentlyTo the point of staying Half Naked before their eyes, but... - you have a good body unconsciously and said in a low voice, however reacted, covered his mouth with his hands and went back to the room.
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