Y-yo… soy… soy hermano de Kunihiro y Tetsuhiro. Decía nervioso mientra dịch - Y-yo… soy… soy hermano de Kunihiro y Tetsuhiro. Decía nervioso mientra Anh làm thế nào để nói

Y-yo… soy… soy hermano de Kunihiro

Y-yo… soy… soy hermano de Kunihiro y Tetsuhiro. Decía nervioso mientras cerraba los ojos y un rubor se hacía notar en su rostro.

- ¿Perdón? Levante una ceja e hice una mueca con los labios. - Dices que eres hermano de Morinaga y Kunihiro. Me reí y burle de lo que decía. - Me estaba preocupando un poco por lo que tenías que decir… pero creo que te di demasiada importancia. ¿No crees que pudiste haber inventado algo mejor?

- P-pero…

- Dices una palabra de lo que sabes… y te mato. ¿Entendiste? Me agache para estar cara a cara, lo mire fijamente a los ojos mientras apretaba su barbilla y mejillas con fuerza. No permitiría que un mocoso como él intentara chantajearme o algo parecido, yo tomaría medidas antes de eso. Era seguro que no llegaría tan lejos pero con asustarlo tanto como para que mantuviera la boca cerrada era suficiente.

- Me… me estas malinterpretando.

- Oh… ¿En serio? Pregunte sarcásticamente.

- S-sí. Yo no quiero hacerle daño, es lo que menos deseo, pero hay algo que debo entregarle.

- ¿Y qué es lo que "según tú" debes entregarle?

- Una carta de mamá. Puedo imaginar que es muy parecida a la que ella me envió. En la carta me pedía que se la entregará cuando lo encontrará oportuno… imagino que con el propósito que nos encontráramos y conociéramos.

Me sentía flaquear pero este imbécil no me iba a convencer de nada. Tatsumi Souichi no es ningún maldito ingenuo del que alguien pueda venir a verle la cara.

- No puedo creer todas las estupideces que estás diciendo… o mejor dicho no me debería impresionar el que puedas decir toda esa mierda. Traer a los muertos solo para inventar semejantes idioteces… no eres más que un maldito gusano.

No soporte su teatrito, lo tome de la muñeca y lo avente al suelo. Tenía que desquitarme de alguna manera, mi paciencia había alcanzado sus límites.

- No esperaba que me creyeras después de decirlo… de hecho, no espero que alguien lo haga. Estuve tanto tiempo en las sombras que ahora me es imposible alcanzar la luz.

Parecía muy dolido pero como pudo se acomodó y sentó en el piso. Me dijo que tenía una manera de comprobarme que decía la verdad, igual yo seguía sin creerle, no iba a verme la cara de estúpido. Me pidió que le pasara su bolso pues todavía le incomodaba bastante moverse y yo solo le seguí el jueguito para ver como terminaba admitiendo que todo lo que decía era una broma; por lo que sabía de la familia de Morinaga era imposible que de alguna manera el fuera hermano de ellos.

- No me dejaré engañar por este idiota. En cuanto termine de decir lo que tenga que decir lo echo de aquí para no volver a verlo nunca más.

Tan pronto tuvo la bolsa en sus manos comenzó a buscar algo. Sacó lo que parecía ser un sobre y tomó el papel que estaba dentro.

- ¿Ves esto? Es su carta. Me decía mientras la mostraba.

- …

- No es algo que me gustaría enseñarle a cualquiera pero confió en ti tanto como Morinaga-niisan parece hacerlo, además necesito de tu ayuda. Por favor, léela.

Diciendo lo último me entrego la carta junto con el sobre. Todavía quería permanecer incrédulo pero cuando tuve aquel papel en mis manos, dude, no tenía idea de si su contenido podría afectarme o no. Busque en el sobre la dirección desde la que fue enviada o algún dato que me diera una pista de donde procedía pero solo había unas iniciales en la parte posterior de este.

Al desdoblar la carta empecé a leerla. La primera línea hizo que me recorriera un escalofrío por el cuerpo y me inquietará [Querido hijo]. Conforme iba leyendo aquel papel mis manos no podían mantener su estabilidad y sentía como el aire me iba haciendo falta. En ella se mostraba la triste despedida de una madre a su hijo, se disculpaba, agradecía y deseaba un mejor futuro para quien tanto cariño tenía; no podía sacarme de la cabeza a mi propia madre cuando se despidió de mí. Un nudo se formó en mi garganta. Con cada palabra sentía el amor que esa madre expresaba, un cariño tan puro y cálido.

Mientras la leía me forcé a detener las pocas lagrimas que se había acumulado en mis ojos y querían escaparse. Era lamentable pero eso no quería decir que la madre que hablaba en esta carta necesariamente tendría que ser la de Morinaga. No conocía su letra para desmentir lo que el chico afirmaba. Pero de pronto fui silenciado cuando continué leyendo el siguiente párrafo. Se mencionaba claramente a ambos hermanos y solicitaba, como antes había mencionado, que buscará a Morinaga y le entregará la carta que venía junto a esta. Detuve mi lectura y solo observe el nombre de Morinaga. Tenía sentimientos encontrados y no sabía cómo lidiar con la noticia. Una vez más perdía mi camino y se detenía mi andar. Debía tomar esto como buenas o malas noticias, como afectaría esto a Morinaga o podía ser que esto lo ayudará en cierta forma superar la perdida de la cual aún no tenía conocimiento. Solo veía su nombre en aquel papel.

- ¿Qué debo hacer?... ¿qué es lo que él pretende al enseñarme esto?

Me tranquilice un poco y termine de leerla. Al final firmaba como CHIZUKO MORINAGA, el nombre me resultaba familiar lo había escuchado en una ocasión de la propia boca de Morinaga, así que cualquier duda quedaba parcialmente aclarada con esto. Aunque la noticia me hubiera impactado, reflexione con la cabeza fría una vez más y solo podía afirmar que él conocía el nombre de la mamá de Morinaga y posiblemente llegaron a encontrarse en persona. Pero incluso con esta carta no podía dar validez a lo que afirmaba, esta carta podía ser una farsa pues no tenía como comparar la escritura. No era más que una muy emotiva carta que a primera vista podía impresionar pero no respondía a mis dudas.

- ¿Cree que me voy a tragar el cuento?... pues está equivocado.

- Muy emotiva y CONVINCENTE cartita. Enfatice burlándome. - No creas que con esto me harás cambiar de opinión. Arrojé el sobre a sus pies.

- Te la mostré para que veas que no prendo tener algún tipo de acercamiento romántico con Morinaga-niisan, quería que eso quedará aclarado.

- ¡Ja! C-como si me importará lo que él hiciera. Puede meterse con quien quiera, es su problema. A pesar de tener este sentimiento dentro de mí, de aceptar ser su pareja, no iba a admitir con facilidad que yo estaba en una relación con él.

- Yo no estaría tan seguro de eso. Hasta hace un momento estabas a la defensiva y preocupado por lo que pudiera hacer para afectarlo, he visto como me mirabas en días anteriores cuando buscaba provocarte celos, además de que hace rato mencione que no diría nada sobre su relación y tú en ningún momento lo negaste.

- ¿¡Q-quién esta celoso!?... y antes no dije nada porque… porque… ¡no es de tu incumbencia! Además es normal preocuparte por tu… compañero de piso si tiene problemas.

- ¿Compañero de piso?... sé que su relación va mucho más allá que eso, solo hay que verlos para darse cuenta. Me explicaba.

- ¿Qué…

- Él es el tipo de persona que hace todo por la persona que ama, expresa maravillas de ti y procura tu felicidad a toda costa, aun por encima de la suya. Tú pareces ser mucho más duro y agresivo, pero creo que debes tener tus momentos, eres algo así como tsundere…

¿¡A QUIÉN RAYOS LE DICES TSUNDERE!? Me sacó de quicio y le di un buen golpe que lo lanzo contra la pared. - No seguiré escuchando tus tonterías. No me gusta que la gente saque sus propias conclusiones con respecto a mi persona. Si es todo lo que tenías que hablar conmigo entonces…

Me interrumpió mientras sobaba la zona afectada. Un moretón más no haría la diferencia en su cara así que en verdad a mí no me importaba.

- Espera. Había dicho que podía comprobarte que estaba diciendo la verdad. Hurgó una vez más en su bolsa y me entregó una hoja doblada.

- ¿Es otra de tus cartitas? Me burlaba de sus intentos por convencerme.

- No, esta vez es algo a lo que no puedes refutar. Me dijo tranquilo.

- …

Desdoble la hoja. Era un acta de nacimiento. Mis ojos se abrieron al ver los nombres madre, padre e hijo. Todo estaba en completo orden, no había señales de que fuera un documento falso, tenía firmas de testigos, sello, como dijo esta vez no podía poner un "pero".

- ¿Por qué llevas esto contigo? ¿No crees que es bastante conveniente para ti? Lo rete por última vez con la esperanza que dijera algo que lo contradijera.

- Después de recibir la carta sabía que necesitaría algo así por lo que hace unas semanas solicite ese documento. Era solo cuestión de tiempo para que alguien me pidiera pruebas y ahí están.

Se había convertido en una realidad innegable y como toda verdad en algún momento saldría a flote. No dejaría que abriera la boca con Morinaga, era yo quien debía tratar ese tema con él, soy yo quien debo de cargar con esa responsabilidad que su hermano me encomendó, lo había decidido y sería yo quién trataría de tranquilizarlo y apoyarlo tanto como lo necesitará. Sería de las pocas veces que me mostrará tan solidario y tolerante con él. Comprendía el dolor que podía padecer y no lo dejaría derrumbarse.

- Aunque tenga las pruebas frente a mí simplemente no puedo o no quiero creerlo. Es una locura.

- Tatsumi-san… ¿está bien?

Mire mis manos sosteniendo el documento con temblor; rabia, temor, confusión, muchas cosas pasaban por mi cabeza sintiendo como aquella piedra que cargaba aumentaba de tamaño.

- ¿Y qué es lo que tienes pensado hacer? ¿Por qué es a mí a quien le cuentas todo esto, no sería más fácil hablar directamente con Morinaga? Aunque había dicho eso era un alivio que fuera el primero con él que hablaba. Quería saber su siguiente movimiento, con suerte podía detenerlo antes de que Morinaga regresara.

- Necesito tu ayuda…

- ¿Mi ayuda? ¿Para qué? Mis hombros se relajaron un poco ante la confusión.
Từ: -
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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And I... am... am brother Kunihiro and Tetsuhiro. He said nervous while I closed my eyes and a flush is noted in his face.-Does forgiveness? A brow lift and made a grimace with the lips. -You say that you are a brother of Morinaga and Kunihiro. I laughed and mock what he said. -A bit by what you had to say... was worrying but I think I gave too much importance. Don't you think that you could have invented something better?-P-pero...-You say a word of what you know... you and kill you. Do you understand? I crouch to be face to face, stare him in the eyes while he pressed his chin and cheeks with force. Would not allow that a kid like him tried to blackmail me or something similar, I would take action before that. It was certain that it would not so far but to scare you as much as to keep your mouth shut, it was enough.-Me... me these misinterpreting.-Oh... do seriously? Ask sarcastically.-Y-Yes. I don't want to hurt you, is what less desire, but there is something I must give.- And what "according to you" you should give?-A letter from MOM. I can imagine that it is very similar to that she sent me. The letter asked that he give it is when you find it appropriate... imagine that with the purpose which we find and know.I felt waver but this idiot I wasn't going to convince of anything. Tatsumi Souichi is not no damn naive that someone can come to see his face.-I can't believe all the crap you're saying... or rather not should impress me I can say all that shit. Bring the dead only to invent such crap... you are not more than a damn worm.Does not support its teatrito, take the doll and l'avenir it you to the ground. I had to take it out somehow, my patience had reached its limits.-Did not expect me to believe after saying it... in fact, I don't expect someone to do it. I spent so much time in the shadows that now it is impossible to reach the light.It seemed very hurt but as it could be accommodated and sat on the floor. He told me that he had a way of checking me that he was telling the truth, as I still did not believe him, he wouldn't see me stupid face. He asked me that happen to you your bag it still bothered him quite moving and I just followed him with the game to see how he ended up admitting that what he said was a joke; so it knew of the family of Morinaga was impossible that somehow the brother of them out.-I will not fooled by this idiot. In how much end said what I have to say I miss him here not to go back to never see him more.No sooner had the bag in his hands began to look for something. He took out what looked like an envelope and took the paper that was inside.-Do you see this? It is his letter. He told me as he showed it.- …-It is not something that I would like to teach anyone but relied on you as much as Morinaga-niisan appears to do so, I also need your help. Please, read it.Saying the latest give me the letter with envelope. I still wanted to remain skeptical, but when I had that paper in my hands, dude, I had no idea if their contents could affect me or not. Look in the envelope the address from which it was sent or some data that would give me a clue of where came but only had initials on the back of this.To unfold the letter, I started to read it. The first line did that it traveled a chill by the body and [dear son] inquietará me. As I was reading that paper my hands could not maintain its stability and it felt like the air was making me lack. She showed the sad farewell of a mother to her son, is apologetic, appreciated and wanted a better future for who had so much care; not couldn't make me head to my own mother when he said goodbye to me. A knot formed in my throat. With every word felt the love that mother expressed, an affection so pure and warm.While reading it I forced to stop the few tears that he had accumulated in my eyes and they wanted to escape. It was regrettable but that didn't tell that mother who spoke in this letter necessarily should be Morinaga. I knew its letter to deny what the guy said. But suddenly I was silenced when I continued reading the next paragraph. Clearly mentioned to both brothers and was requesting, as before he had mentioned, that he will seek to Morinaga and will give you the letter that came with this. I stopped my reading and just note the name of Morinaga. I had mixed feelings and didn't know how to deal with the news. Once again losing my way and stopped my walk. You should take this as good or bad news, as it would affect this Morinaga or could it be that this will help you somehow overcome the loss of which still had no knowledge. He only saw his name on that paper.-What should I do?... What is what he tries to teach me this?I reassure a bit and finished reading it. In the end he signed as CHIZUKO MORINAGA, the name was familiar to me had heard him once from your own mouth of Morinaga, so any doubt was partially cleared with this. Although the news had impacted me, reflect with cool head once more and only he could say that he knew the name of the mother of Morinaga and possibly came to meet in person. But even with this letter could not give validity to what he affirmed, this letter could be a farce because it wasn't as compare the writing. It was nothing more than a very moving letter that at first glance could impress but did not respond to my questions.-Do you think I'm going to swallow the story?... well it is wrong.-Very touching and CONVINCING little note. Emphasize mocking me. -Don't think that I will do with this change of opinion. I threw the envelope at his feet.-I showed it you so you can see that non prendo have some sort of romantic approach with Morinaga-niisan, want that will be cleared up.-Ja! C-like if it will matter to me what to do. You can get with who you want, it is their problem. Despite having this feeling inside me, accept to be your partner, would not admit easily that I was in a relationship with him.-I wouldn't be so sure about that. Until a moment ago you were on the defensive and worried about what they could do to affect it, I've seen as I looked at in earlier days when he sought to make you jealous, besides that little while ago mentions that I would not say anything about their relationship and you you never denied.-Q-who is jealous! ... and before I said anything because... because... it is not your business! In addition it is normal to worry for your... roommate if you have problems.-Do roommate?... I know that their relationship goes far beyond that, just have to see them to realize. I explained.-What...?-It is the type of person who does everything for the person who loves, expresses the wonders of you and try your happiness at all costs, even above their own. You seem to be much more hard and aggressive, but I think that you must have your moments, you're something like tsundere...WHO RAYS YOU SAY TSUNDERE! Took me freak out and I gave him a good blow that threw him against the wall. -No I will continue listening to your nonsense. I don't like people to make your own conclusions with regard to my person. If it is everything you had to talk to me then...I was interrupted while he sobaba the affected area. One bruise more would not make the difference on your face so really I did not care.-Wait. He said that he could check you that he was telling the truth. I rummaged once again in her bag and handed me a folded sheet.-Is another of your notes? I made fun of their attempts to convince me.-No, this time is something that you can not refute. He told me quiet.- …Unfold the sheet. It was a birth certificate. My eyes were opened to see the names mother, father and son. Everything was in full order, there were no signs that it was a false document, it had signatures of witnesses, seal, as he said this time could not put a "but".-Why take this with you? Don't you think that it is quite convenient for you? Challenge him for the last time with the hope that say something that contradicted it.-After receiving the letter he knew that he would need something by which a few weeks ago requested that document. It was only a matter of time that someone asked me tests and there they are.It had become an undeniable reality, and as all true at some point would be afloat. He would not fail to open the mouth with Morinaga, I was who should address that issue with him, am I who should bear this responsibility that I entrusted his brother, he decided and I who would try to reassure him and support him as much as you will need it. The few times he will show me so supportive and tolerant with him would be. He understood that he could suffer and pain would not collapse.-Even if you have the evidence against me simply I can't or don't want to believe it. It's crazy.-... Is Tatsumi-san it OK?Look at my hands holding the paper with trembling; anger, fear, confusion, many things went through my head feeling like that stone carrying increasing in size.- And what they are planning to do? Why it is I whom you have all this, would be easier to talk directly with Morinaga? Although he said that it was a relief that would be the first with him talking. I wanted to know their next move, with luck he could stop it before Morinaga returned.-I need your help...-My help? For what? My shoulders relaxed a bit before the confusion.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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II ... I'm ... I'm Kunihiro and Tetsuhiro brother. Said nervously as he closed his eyes and a blush became noticeable in her face. - Excuse me? Raise an eyebrow and grimaced with his lips. - You say you're brother and Kunihiro Morinaga. I laughed and mocked what he said. - I was a bit concerned by what you had to say ... but I think I gave you too much. Do not you think you could have invented something better? - B-but ... - You say a word of what you know ... and I'll kill you. Do you understand? I bent down to be face to face, look into his eyes as he pressed his chin and cheeks hard. Not allow a brat as he tried to blackmail me or something, I would take measures before that. It was certainly not go so far but enough to scare him to keep his mouth shut was enough. - I ... I misinterpreting these. - Oh ... Really? Asked sarcastically. - S-yes. I do not want to hurt him, it is the least desire, but something must give. - And what is it that "as you" must deliver? - A letter from Mom. I can imagine that is very similar to the one she sent me. The letter asked me to deliver it when they find appropriate ... I imagine that in order to meet me and knew. I felt falter but this jerk not going to convince me of anything. Souichi Tatsumi is no naive someone can come to see his face bloody. - I can not believe all the crap you're saying ... or rather should not impress me you can say shit. Bring the dead only to invent such crap ... you're just a damn worm. No support his little theater, take it to the wrist and avente the ground. I had to take it out somehow, my patience had reached its limits. - I did not expect you to believe me after saying ... in fact, I do not expect someone to do it. I was so long in the shadows reach me now the light is impossible. It seemed very hurt but as he could and sat down on the floor. He said he had a way to check me was telling the truth, as I still did not believe him, he would not see my face stupid. He asked me to pass him his bag because he still move pretty uncomfortable and I just followed him little game to see how it ended up admitting that everything he said was a joke; so I knew Family Morinaga was impossible that somehow the brother out of them. - I will not be fooled by this idiot. As you finish saying what I have to say I miss him here, never to see him again. As soon as I had the bag in his hands he began to look for something. He pulled out what looked like an envelope and took the paper that was inside. - You see this? It is your letter. Said while showing me. - ... - It's not something that I would teach anyone but trust you as much as Morinaga-niisan seems to, well I need your help. Please read it. Saying the last I handed the letter with the envelope. But still I wanted to remain incredulous when I had that paper in my hands, dude, I had no idea whether their content might affect me or not. Look on the direction from which it was sent or some thing to give me a clue where it came from but there was only initials on the back of this. By unfolding the letter began to read it. The first line made ​​a shiver through me by the body and can condemn me [Dear son]. As I read that paper my hands could not maintain its stability and the air felt like I was going to be needed. It's sad farewell to a mother showed her son, apologized, thanked and wished a better future for those who had so much love; I could not get out of my head my own mother when he said goodbye. A lump formed in my throat. With every word felt that mother love expressed, so pure and warm affection. While reading I forced myself to stop the few tears that had built up in my eyes and wanted to escape. It was unfortunate but that did not mean that the mother spoke in this letter would necessarily be to Morinaga. He did not know the lyrics to deny what the guy said. But suddenly I was silenced when I continued to read the next paragraph. It is clearly mentioned both brothers and asked, as I had mentioned before, it would seek to Morinaga and will deliver the letter that came with this. I stopped my reading and just note the name of Morinaga. I had mixed feelings and did not know how to deal with the news. Again I lost my way and stopped walking. Should take this as good or bad news, as this would affect Morinaga or it could be that it will help somehow overcome the loss of which still had no knowledge. I only saw her name on that paper. - What should I do ... what he intends to teach me this? I calmed a little and finish reading. At the end he signed as Chizuko Morinaga, the name was familiar had heard once from Morinaga's own mouth, so any doubt was partially clarified this. Although the news had shocked me, I think with a cool head once more and he could only say that he knew the name of the mother of Morinaga and possibly came to meet in person. But even with this letter could not validate what you said, this letter could be a farce as there was to compare the writing. It was just a very emotional letter impress at first sight but could not answer my questions. - You think I'm going to swallow the story ... it is wrong?. - Very emotional and compelling little letter. Emphasize mocking. - Do not think that this will make me change my mind. I threw the envelope at his feet. - I showed you that you may see that I turn not to have some kind of romantic approach with Morinaga-niisan, want that to be clear. - Ha! C-like if I care what he did. You can mess with anyone, it's their problem. Despite having this feeling inside me, agreed to be his partner, he would not admit easily that I was in a relationship with him. - I would not be so sure about that. Until a moment ago you were on the defensive and worried about what I could do to affect it, I saw how I looked at in earlier days when he sought provoke jealousy, plus a while mention would not say anything about your relationship and you at no time refused. - Q-who is jealous ... and before I said nothing because ... because ... it's none of your business!?! Also is normal to worry about your ... roommate if you have problems. -? Roommate ... know that their relationship goes much further than that, you just have to see them to notice. He explained. - What ... - He's the kind of person who does everything for the person who loves you and expresses wonders seeks your happiness at all costs, even above his. You seem to be much harder and aggressive, but I think you have your moments, you are something like tsundere ... WHO DO YOU SAY RAY Tsundere !? I was infuriated and gave him a blow that threw him against the wall. - I will not listening to your nonsense. I do not like people to draw their own conclusions about my person. If all you had to talk to me then ... He interrupted me while rubbing the affected area. A bruise more would make no difference in your face so that really did not matter to me. - Wait. You could check you had said that he was telling the truth. He fumbled again in her purse and handed me a folded sheet. - Is it another of your little notes? I scoffed at his attempts to convince me. - No, this time it's something you can not refute. I said quietly. - ... Unfold the sheet. It was a birth certificate. My eyes were opened to see the names Mother, father and son. Everything was in perfect order, no sign that it was a forgery, had signatures of witnesses, seal, and this time he said he could not put a "but." - Why do you carry this with you? Do not you think it's quite convenient for you? The last rete hoping to say something that contradicted. - After receiving the letter that I would need something so few weeks ago requested that document. It was only a matter of time before someone asked me and there are tests. It had become an undeniable reality and as all truth would eventually afloat. No leave to open his mouth with Morinaga, it was I who should treat that issue with him, I am who I must bear the responsibility that his brother commanded me, I had decided and would be who would try to reassure him and support him as much as they need . It would be of the few times that I show so supportive and tolerant. He understood the pain she could not let him suffer and collapse. - Even if the evidence before me I can not or simply do not want to believe it. It's crazy. - Tatsumi-san ... okay? Look at my hands holding the document with trembling; anger, fear, confusion, many things went through my head feeling like the stone that was carrying grew larger. - And what do you plan to do? Why is it me who you tell all this, it would be easier to talk directly with Morinaga? Although it had said that it was a relief that he was the first who spoke with him. I wanted to know his next move, hopefully I could stop him from Morinaga back. - I need your help ... - My help? What for? My shoulders relaxed a little in confusion.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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And I -- I'm -- I'm Brother Kunihiro and Tetsuhiro. Said nervous while I closed My Eyes and a Blush noted in his face. - Sorry? Raise an Eyebrow and did a Grimace. - You're Brother Morinaga and Kunihiro. I laughed and scoffed at what he said. - I was getting a bit worried by what you had to say... But I think I gave too much importance.Don't you think you could have invented something better?


but... - Say a word you know... And i'il kill you. You understand? I bent down to be face to Face, staring into my eyes as he pressed his chin and Cheeks with force. Don't allow a little as he tried to Blackmail me or something, I'd take measures before that.I was sure that I wouldn't Go that far, but with him so as to keep the mouth closed was enough.


these misunderstanding. - Oh, really? I asked sarcastically.

- S -. I Don't want to hurt less, is what you desire, but there is something I must give you. - What "You" need to deliver?

- A Letter from Mom.I can imagine that is very similar to that she sent me. In the letter asked me to deliver when it is right... I guess with the purpose that we meet and know each other.

I Waver but this asshole wouldn't sell anything. Souichi Tatsumi is no damn naive someone can come to face

.- I can't believe all the crap you're saying... Or rather I should Impress you can say all that shit. Bring The Dead only to invent idiocies... You're a fucking Worm.

do not support your Little Puppet show, take the Doll and threw it on the floor. I had to get that out somehow, my patience has reached its Limits.- I didn't expect you to believe me after that... In fact, I Don't expect anyone to do so. For so long I was in the Shadows, it is impossible to reach the light.
seemed very hurt but she arranged and laid on the floor. I said you had a way to have proof that he was telling the Truth, as I Still Believe, I Don't See The Stupid Face.He asked me to pass her Purse so uncomfortable enough still Move and I just went to see how the game ended with admitting that everything he said was a joke; he knew the family of Morinaga was impossible that somehow the brother of them.

I'm not fooled by this idiot.
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