Regresé al apartamento bastante exhausto. Fui al cuarto de Morinaga y  dịch - Regresé al apartamento bastante exhausto. Fui al cuarto de Morinaga y  Anh làm thế nào để nói

Regresé al apartamento bastante exh

Regresé al apartamento bastante exhausto. Fui al cuarto de Morinaga y escondí el lubricante bajo la cama para que no se diera cuenta. Después, fui a la sala para recostarme en el sofá y eliminar el historial páginas web de mi laptop para que no haya ningún rastro de lo que estuve viendo. Luego, durante el resto del día me puse a transcribir los reportes del laboratorio y obviamente, llamé a Mika-san para saber cómo iban los experimentos. Por suerte... nada estaba fuera de control.

Horas más tarde... escuché que la puerta del apartamento se abría. Morinaga había llegado. Lo lamento mucho, Morinaga... pero lo que te haré esta noche será por tu bien...

-Estoy en casa, Sempai...- dijo bastante animado abriendo la puerta.

-Bienvenido a casa-

-Gracias- dejó su saco y su mochila a un lado y se acercó a mí –Mi amado Sempai- se sentó a mi lado y me sonrío -¿Cómo estuvo tu día? Pensé que aún estarías en la universidad-

-Etto...- qué le digo –Sí bueno... salí temprano porque el baka de Tadokoro derramó el reactivo "A" y no pudimos continuar con el experimento-

-¿Enserio? Qué mal, pero Sempai... pudieron preparar otro...-

-Sí, lo sé... pero estaba tan enojado que les grité a los dos y los mandé a su casa. Así que yo también me fui-

-Pobre Tadokoro-san, me imagino el miedo que habrá sentido con tus gritos jeje-

-¿QUÉ ESTÁS INSINUANDO?- me ofendí –Seré un tirano pero no un monstruo como para dar miedo-

-Lo que tú digas, Sempai jeje-

Luego de esa conversación, cenamos juntos y finalmente tomamos un baño. Obviamente Morinaga entró primero a la ducha y luego yo. Sinceramente, Morinaga y yo no lo hacíamos todos los días y no estaba seguro si esta noche él querría hacerlo. Además con la discusión que habíamos tenido... y el hecho que le haya dicho algo como que no puede tocarme cuando se le dé la gana... puede que no me toque si no se lo pido, pero como cómo hago para que... AHHHHH. No pienso ir a decirle "Morinaga, hay que hacerlo". JAMÁS.

Planeé salir de la ducha solo en toalla y cambiarme en su habitación, bajando la guardia para así provocarlo. Sé que al verme desnudo... no se negaría a hacerlo, ya que es un BAKA PERVERTIDO. Luego... dejaré que me lo haga como suele hacerlo... y cuándo él esté cansado echado bocarriba en la cama... actuaré.

Así lo hice. Salí de la ducha solo envuelto de la cintura para abajo con la toalla de baño. Me dirigí a la habitación de Morinaga con mi pijama en mano. Entré sin ni siquiera tocar y empecé a secarme el pelo con otra toalla que tenía. Morinaga estaba sentado en la cama con las piernas estiradas y con la laptop encendida...

-Pensé que te vestirías en el baño, Sempai-

-¿Por qué hacerlo? Puedo vestirme donde se me dé la gana- respondí a mi manera.

-De... acuerdo-

Me quité la toalla dándole la espalda a Morinaga, pero desgraciadamente el muy baka no me prestó atención. Empecé a secarle lentamente, pero NADA. Me cansé de hacer el ridículo así que me puse la pijama de inmediato, pues ya empezaba a sentir frío. Mientras me cepillaba el cabello escuché la risa de Morinaga...


-¿De qué te ríes, baka?- lo miré de reojo, pues pensé que se estaba burlando de mí.

-¿Ah? No... nada. Es que estoy chateando con Taiga y me está contando cosas que están pasando en la Farmacéutica de Hamatsu jaja-

-¿Con Taiga, eh?- lo que me faltaba, esa maldita intrusa entrometiéndose –Pues apaga eso de una vez-

-¿Eh? Pero por qué-

-¿Cómo que por qué, idiota?- me irrité –Ya es tarde... A DORMIR-



Le grité y de inmediato guardó la laptop, mientras que yo terminaba de peinarme...

-¿Siempre tienes que terminar el día hablando con esa mocosa?- me mostré fastidiado.

-¿Qué tiene de malo, Sempai?- preguntó inocentemente –Taiga es mi mejor amiga-

-¿Y? Ya trataste con ella suficiente mientras vivías en Hamatsu ¿no?-

-Tienes razón, pero... a veces la extraño- se puso algo nostálgico –Era muy agradable su compañía-

-Claro... tanto que a veces se quedaba a dormir en tu habitación ¿no, idiota?-

-Tranquilo, Sempai- sonrió –Sabes muy bien que soy gay. Entre Taiga y yo no sucedió nada más allá que la amistad-

-¿Lo juras?-

-Sí... lo juro-

-Bien... de todos modos no me interesa-

-No te preocupes, Sempai- Morinaga se había acercado a mí y me había abrazado desde atrás –Sabes que yo solo te amo a ti- empezó a pegarme su cuerpo por atrás y a besarme el cuello –No hay razón para ponerse celoso-

-¿CELOSO?- me enojé –¡Nadie está celoso aquí, baka!- quise zafarme de su agarre por su falta de respeto.

Para mi desgracia, Morinaga era más fuerte que yo por lo que de un movimiento rápido, me volteó y nos quedamos frente a frente. No tuve tiempo de gritarle, pues capturó mis labios en un instante. El vaivén de lenguas empezó y me deje llevar ya que era parte del plan. No mostré ninguna señal de rechazo, tan solo le seguí la corriente, tanto así que dejé caer el peine y abracé a ese baka... a mi baka.

Caminamos abrazados y sin despegar nuestros labios. Morinaga estaba muy apasionado... bueno... era de esperarse... no lo habíamos hecho desde su cumpleaños. Me depositó suavemente en la cama, él se posicionó encima de mí y sin darnos cuenta, nuestra ropa ya se hallaba en el piso de la habitación. Como siempre... Morinaga hizo lo suyo. La habitación se llenó de caricias, besos, sudor, gemidos, temblores y sobretodo, placer.

Eso es Morinaga... disfrútalo, porque luego de que te vengas... me tocará a mí. Tan solo espero haber aprendido cómo se hace y no causarte un daño que no puedas olvidar. Recuerda que esto... no lo hago porque yo quiera... sino... lo hago por tu bien... para curarte ese maldito trauma.

Segundos después... nuestros cuerpos se encontraban en los últimos movimientos...

-Ah... ahh... te... te amo... Sempai...-

-Ah... ahhh... ba... baka... termina... de... una... vez... ahh...-

Nos dejamos vencer por el orgasmo y nos corrimos al mismo tiempo. Morinaga me besó profundamente en los labios y se bajó de encima de mí para recostarse bocarriba en su lado de la cama justo como lo planeé. Morinaga estaba cansado, se notaba por su respiración entrecortada. Llegó el momento de actuar, pensé. Me giré con la poca fuerza que me quedaba y logré estar un poco encima de él...

-¿Sempai?- me miró extrañado, pero de pronto... lo besé.

Nos dejamos llevar por el beso que yo inicié...

-Mmmm... Sem... Sempai- intentó hablarme -No me digas que... quieres más-

-Shhhh... silencio, baka- nos hablamos entre besos –Yo me... encargo-

-...ahhhhhhhh- Morinaga soltó un gemido grande, pues había agarrado su miembro para frotarlo y así distraerlo –Ahhhh... Sempai... gracias... se siente bien-

De pronto, Morinaga cerró los ojos y se dejó llevar por el placer que le estaba dando. Me quité de encima y me puse de rodillas en la cama mirándolo de frente. Sus piernas estaban abiertas y para que no se dé cuenta de mi intención, continué acariciándolo. Silenciosamente me agaché un poco y logré alcanzar el pequeño frasco de lubricante que estaba bajo su cama. Lo abrí con mucho cuidado con una mano, mientras con la otra seguía con Morinaga.

Lubriqué totalmente mi mano izquierda y luego intercambie las manos para lubricarme la derecha. Obviamente, Morinaga sintió algo diferente mientras lo frotaba...

-Ahhh... Sem... pai... qué... qué es eso- hablaba extasiado de placer –Se... se siente algo... frío y... resbaloso-

-¿Te gusta?- tuve que tragarme mi vergüenza y seguirle la corriente con ese lenguaje cochino que le gustaba hablar.

-Sí...- él me contestaba sin ni siquiera abrir los ojos –No sabía que... querías lubricante-

-Bueno... pensé que se sentiría mejor con esto-

-No es necesario, Sempai... ahhhh...- gimió –Tú... tú... lubricas mucho por ti... mismo-

-¿En... serio?- ese maldito sin vergüenza me hizo sonrojar.

-Sí, mi Sempai. Te amo-

-Y...- antes de hacerle lo que estaba a punto de hacer... debía corresponderle –Y yo... también-

Lo buena era que el lubricante había chorreado hasta su entrada y mis manos estaban bañadas en esa sustancia resbalosa. Era el momento perfecto para introducirle un dedo y comenzar con todo esto, pero... de algún modo... me entró miedo...

¿Y si Morinaga se molesta? ¿Y si Morinaga reacciona mal? ¿Y si se asusta? ¿Y si grita? ¡QUÉ HAGO!

Empecé a llenarme la cabeza de dudas, pero no podía tardarme tanto, pues en cualquier momento, Morinaga querrá tomar control de la situación y me pondrá debajo de él.

Maldición... es AHORA O NUNCA. A la cuenta de 3... le meteré el dedo así chille o no, y lo abrazaré fuerte para que no se mueva.

Aquí voy... 1... 2... y... 3...

-¡¿QUÉ CREES QUE ESTÁS HACIENDO?!- dijo Morinaga, quien se había sentado en la cama, mirándome fijamente, con el ceño fruncido y sujetándome con fuerza la mano que iba introducir.
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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I returned to the apartment fairly exhausted. I went to the room of Morinaga and hid the lubricant under the bed so not realized. Then, went to the room to lay me on the sofa and delete history web pages of my laptop so there is no trace of what I was seeing. Then, during the rest of the day I began to transcribe the laboratory reports and obviously Mika-san I called to find out how the experiments were. Luckily nothing... was out of control.Hours later... I heard that the apartment door was opened. Morinaga had arrived. Sorry, Morinaga... but what you do tonight will be for your sake...-I'm home, Sempai... said quite lively opening the door.-Welcome Home--Thank you - he left his coat and his backpack to one side and came to me - my beloved Sempai - sat down beside me and I smile - how was your day? I thought that you'd still be in the University--Etto...-what say you - well Yes... I left early because the baka of Tadokoro shed reagent 'A' and could not continue with the experiment --I seriously? Wrong, but Sempai... could prepare another...--Yes, I know... but it was so angry that I shouted them both of them and sent them home. So I also went--Poor Tadokoro-san, I imagine the fear that you have felt with your screams lol--WHAT you're IMPLYING? - I offended you - will be a tyrant but not a monster to be scary --What you say, Sempai hehe-After that conversation, we had dinner together and finally take a bath. Obviously Morinaga went first into the shower and then I. Sincerely, Morinaga and I didn't do it every day and I was not sure if tonight he would like to do so. In addition to the discussion that we had... and the fact that has told you something that you can not touch me when you want... you can that does not touch me if I do not ask it, but as I do so... AHHHHH. I'm not going to tell you "Morinaga, must be done". EVER.I planned to get out of the shower only in towel and change me in your room, lowering the guard to thus provoke him. I know that seeing me naked... it would refuse to do so, since it is a PERVERTED BAKA. Then... I'll let let me as it tends to do it... and when he is tired cast face up on the bed... will act.So I did it. I left the shower just wrapped from waist down with bath towel. I went to the room of Morinaga with my Pajamas in hand. I went without even touching and I started to dry my hair with another towel that was. Morinaga was sitting on the bed with your legs stretched and turned on laptop...-I thought you vestirías in the bathroom, Sempai--Why do it? I can dress me where I give the win - I replied to my way.-Of... remember -I removed the towel giving back to Morinaga, but unfortunately the very baka no attention me. I started to dry him slowly, but nothing. I got tired of making the ridiculous so I put the Pajamas immediately, because it was already beginning to feel cold. While it brushing my hair I heard the laughter of Morinaga...-Hahahahaha--What you laugh, baka? - looked at him askance, because I thought that he was mocking me.-Do Ah? No... nothing. I'm chatting with Taiga and is me telling things that are happening in the pharmaceutical of Hamatsu haha --With Taiga, eh? - what that damn intrusa meddling - I was missing, because it turns off that once --Huh? But why--How to why an idiot? - me irrité - it is late... TO SLEEP--But...--TURN OFF!-I yelled and immediately kept the laptop, while I finished combing I...-Do always have to end the day talking with that runny? - I showed become weary.-What's wrong, Sempai? - asked innocently - Taiga is my best friend -- And? Already tried with it enough while you lived in Hamatsu not? --You're right, but... sometimes the stranger - got something nostalgic - your company - was very nice-Course... so much that he sometimes stayed to sleep in your room would not, idiot?--Quiet, Sempai - smiled - you know very well that I am gay. Between Taiga and me nothing beyond the friendship - happened-You swear it?--Yes... swear --Well... of all modes does not interest me --Don't worry, Sempai - Morinaga had approached me and I had embraced from behind - you know that I just I love you - started to hit me with his body back and kiss me neck - there is no reason to be jealous --JEALOUS? - I was angry - no one is jealous here, baka!-wanted zafar me your grip for his lack of respect.To my dismay, Morinaga was stronger than me so a motion fast, I turned around and we were face to face. I didn't have time to scream, as he captured my lips in an instant. The push-pull of languages began and lulled me since it was part of the plan. No I showed no sign of rejection, kept just her current, so I dropped the comb and embraced that baka... to my baka.We walk embraced and without taking off our lips. Morinaga was very passionate... well... expected... had not done since his birthday. I gently deposited on the bed, he was positioned on top of me, and without realizing it, our clothing was already on the floor of the room. As always... Morinaga made theirs. The room was filled with caresses, kisses, sweat, groans, tremors, and above all, pleasure.That's a Morinaga... enjoy it, because once you come... I will be up to me. I just hope have learned how and not cause you damage that you can not forget. Remember that this... do not do it because I want to... but... do it for your sake... to cure this damn trauma.Seconds later... our bodies were in past movements...-Oh... ahh... you... I love you... Sempai...--Oh... ahhh... ba... baka... ends... of... a... time... ahh...-We got beat by the orgasm and we ran at the same time. Morinaga kissed me deeply on the lips and fell on top of me to lie down face up on your side of the bed just as I planned it. Morinaga was tired, you could tell by his shortness of breath. It was time to act, I thought. I turned to me with the little strength that I had and was able to be a little over the...-Sempai? - looked at me strangely, but suddenly I... kissed him.We are led by the kiss that I started...-Mmmm... SEM... Sempai - tried to talk to me - don't tell me... you want more --Shhhh... silence, baka - we talk between kisses - I me custom... --... ahhhhhhhh-Morinaga gave a groan of large, had seized its member to rub it and thus distract him - Ahhhh... Sempai... thank you... feels good –Suddenly, Morinaga closed his eyes and was carried away by the pleasure that was giving him. I took off my top and I was kneeling on the bed looking from the front. Her legs were open and so don't realize my intention, I continued caressing it. I got quiet down a bit and managed to reach the small bottle of lubricant that was under his bed. I opened it carefully with one hand, while the other remained with Morinaga.I totally lubriqué my left hand and then switch hands to lubricate me right. Obviously, Morinaga felt something different while he rubbed it...-Ahhh... SEM... pai... what... What is that - spoken ecstatic pleasure - be... something feels... cold and slippery... --Do you like? - I had to swallow my embarrassment and keep current with this language slob who liked to talk.-Yes...-He answered me without even opening his eyes - didn't know you wanted... Lube --Well... I thought I would feel better with this--Not necessary, Sempai... ahhhh...-moaned - you... you... lubricas much for your... self --Do en... seriously? - that damn no shame made me blush.-Yes, my Sempai. I love you--And...-before making what was about to make... should apply to you - and I... also -How good was the lubricant had blasting up to its entrance and my hands were drenched in that slippery substance. It was the perfect time to introduce a finger and start with this, but... somehow... got fear...And if Morinaga bother? And if Morinaga reacts badly? And if he gets scared? And if you shout? THAT I DO!I started to fill me with doubt head, but could not take me so much, because at any time, Morinaga will want to take control of the situation and I put under it.Curse... it is now or never. 3 account... I meteré you the finger so chille or not, and embrace it strong so that it cannot move.Here I go... 1... 2... and... 3...-DO THAT YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING? -Morinaga, who had been sitting on the bed, staring at me, with furrowed brow and holding me firmly the hand that would introduce said.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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I returned to the apartment pretty exhausted. I went to the bathroom and hid the lubricant Morinaga under the bed so he would not notice. Then I went to the room to lie down on the couch and delete history websites my laptop so there is no trace of what I was seeing. Then during the day I began to transcribe laboratory reports and obviously called Mika-san going to know how the experiments. ... Luckily nothing was out of control. Hours later ... I heard the apartment door open. Morinaga had arrived. I'm so sorry, Morinaga ... but what I do tonight will be for your own good ... I'm at home, Sempai ...- said opening the door quite lively. Welcome home- -Gracias- left his bag and she backpacks aside and approached me My beloved Sempai- sat next to me and I smile How was your day? I thought I'd still be in the university -Etto ...- what you say Yeah well ... I left early because the Baka of Tadokoro spilled reagent "A" and could not continue the experiment- -¿Enserio? Too bad, but could prepare another Sempai ... ...- Yes, I know ... but I was so angry that I yelled at them both and sent her home. So I also fui- me Poor Tadokoro-san, I imagine the fear that must have felt with your screams jeje- What are you implying? - I offended -Seré a tyrant but not a monster like to give fear -What you say, Sempai jeje- After that conversation, we had dinner together and finally took a bath. Morinaga obviously came first and then shower. Sincerely, Morinaga and I did not do it every day and was not sure if he would do it tonight. In addition to the discussion we'd had ... and the fact you have said something like you can not touch me when given the win ... you can not touch me if you do not ask, but as how I get. .. AHHHHH. I'm not going to say "Morinaga, do it". NEVER. I planned out of the shower and towel change only in your room, down the guard and provoke him. I know you saw me naked ... not refuse to do so, since it is a BAKA pervert. Then ... I will do as I usually do ... and when he's tired lying face up in bed ... I will act. So I did. I got out of the shower wrapped only from the waist down with the towel. I went to the room of Morinaga in my pajamas in hand. I came without even touching and began to dry my hair with another towel that was. Morinaga was sitting on the bed with your legs straight and turned on the laptop ... thought you would dress in the bathroom, Sempai- Why do it? I can dress where cattle give me answered my way. ... -of agree- I removed the towel his back to Morinaga, but unfortunately the very Baka did not pay attention to me. I began to wipe slowly, but nothing. I got tired of looking foolish so I immediately put on my pajamas, as was beginning to feel cold. While I was brushing my hair I heard the laughter of Morinaga ... -Jajajajaja- 'What are you laughing, Baka - I looked at her, because I thought he was mocking me. Ah? No, nothing. I'm just chatting with Taiga and is telling me things that are happening in the Pharmaceutical Hamatsu haha 'With Taiga, eh - what I need, that damn meddling outsider Well off that than once Huh? But why- why How idiot - irritated me 'It's late ... A sleep- But ...- -¡APAGA - I screamed and immediately put the laptop while I finished to comb ... Do you always have to finish the day talking to that brat - I showed her annoyance. What's wrong, Sempai - -Taiga innocently asked my best friend- So? And tried her enough while living in Hamatsu right? - You're right, but ... sometimes stranger put something nostalgic your company- It was very nice course ... so much that sometimes he would sleep in your room is not, idiot - Easy, Sempai- smiled know very well that I am gay. Among Taiga and nothing happened beyond friendship- -¿Lo swear - I swear it Yes ... Well ... anyway not interested me Do not worry, Morinaga had approached Sempai- to me and I had embraced from behind You know I love you I just started hitting me at TI your body back and kiss my neck -No reason to be jealous Jealous - 'Nobody got angry jealous here , Baka - I wanted to free myself from his grasp by his disrespect. To my dismay, Morinaga was stronger than me so a quick movement, he turned and we were face to face. I had no time to scream, as captured my lips in an instant. The swing of languages ​​began and I swayed as it was part of the plan. I did not show any signs of rejection, I just went along, so much that I dropped the comb and hugged me ... that baka baka. We walked embraced without taking off our lips. Morinaga was very passionate ... well ... expected ... we had not done since his birthday. He gently laid me on the bed, he positioned himself over me and without realizing it, our clothes and lay on the floor of the room. As always ... Morinaga did his thing. The room was filled with touching, kissing, sweat, groans, tremors and above all, pleasure. That's Morinaga ... enjoy it, because after you touch me ... come to me. I just hope to have learned how to do and not to cause damage that can not forget. Remember this ... because I do not want ... but ... I do it for your sake ... to heal that bloody trauma. Seconds later ... our bodies were in the last movement ... - Ah ... ahh ... you ... I love you ... Sempai ...- Ah ... ahhh ... ba ... baka ... ends ... of ... one .. . Once ... ahh ...- We let overcome by orgasm and we ran together. Morinaga deeply kissed me on the lips and got off me to lie face up on his side of the bed just as I planned. Morinaga was tired, you could tell by his labored breathing. It was time to act, I thought. I turned with the little strength he had left me and I managed to be a little above it ... -¿Sempai - looked at me strangely, but then ... I kissed him. We got carried away by the kiss that I started ... Mmmm ... Sem ... Sempai- tried to talk Do not tell me that ... want more- Shhhh ... silence, we talk baka- between kisses me ... 'I encargo- ahhhhhhhh -... - Morinaga gave a big groan, having grabbed his cock to rub and so distract -Ahhhh ... Sempai ... thanks ... it feels welfare Suddenly Morinaga closed his eyes and drifted for his pleasure I was giving. I shook off my knees and on the bed facing him. Her legs were open and not to realize my intention, I continued stroking. Silently I bent down a little and managed to reach the small bottle of lubricant under his bed. I opened it carefully with one hand while the other continued with Morinaga. Lubricate totally my left hand and then exchanged hands lubricarme right. Obviously, Morinaga felt something different as she rubbed ... Ahhh ... Sem ... pai ... what ... what is that- He spoke ecstatic pleasure ... it feels something cold and ... ... resbaloso- You like -. I had to swallow my shame and go along with that language that he liked to talk dirty Yeah ...- he answered without even opening my eyes I did not know .. . wanted lubricant- Well ... I thought I would feel better with this- No necessary, Sempai ... ahhhh ...- moaned You ... you ... you ... much to lubricate mismo- 'In ... seriously - that damn shameless made ​​me blush. Yes, my Sempai. I love you ...- And before him what he was about to do ... And I ... should correspond too- good thing was that the lubricant was blasting until it enters and my hands were bathed in that slippery substance. It was the perfect time to introduce a finger and start with all this time, but ... somehow ... I got scared ... What if Morinaga bother? What if Morinaga reacts badly? What if you get scared? And if screams? I do! I started to fill my head with doubt, but could not take me much, because at any time, Morinaga want to take control of the situation and put me under him. Damn ... it's now or never. On the count of three ... I'll put your finger and scream or not, and hold you tight so that it does not move. Here I go ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... and ... -¡ WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING -! Morinaga, who had sat up in bed, staring at me, frowning and holding my hand tightly said it would introduce.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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I returned to the apartment quite exhausted. I went to the bathroom Morinaga and hid under the bed so that the LUBRICANT is not realized. Later, I went to the room to lie down on the couch and remove the history pages of my laptop so that there is no trace of what I Was Seeing. Then, during the rest of the day I started to write Lab Reports and obviouslyI called to know how Mika San were the experiments. Luckily... Nothing was out of control.
hours later... I heard the door open. Morinaga has arrived. Sorry, Morinaga. But what I'll do Tonight will be good for you...

I'm Home, sempai... - He said quite Lively opening the door. - Welcome Home -

- he left his bag and a Backpack aside and came over to me, My Beloved sempai SAT next to me and I Smile - how was your day? I thought you'd still be in University -

- Etto... What I Say Oh Well... I left early because of the Baka Tadokoro poured the "reactive" and could not continue with the Experiment -

- really? What Wrong, but sempai...

could prepare another... - Yes, I know...But he was so Angry that I shouted at the two and I sent her home. So I went -

- poor Tadokoro San, I imagine the fear you have with your Screaming hehe

- - What are you suggesting? - i'm offended –seré a tyrant but not a Monster like Scary -

- Whatever - sempai, hehe

after this Conversation, dinner together and finally we took a Bath.Obviously Morinaga came first in the shower and then me. Sincerely, Morinaga and I did it every day and I wasn't sure if he would do it tonight. In addition to the discussion we had... And the fact that he has said something like that you can't Touch Me When you want! You can not touch me if I like, but how am I to... Ahhhh.I'm not going to say "Morinaga, be done." Never.

I planned out of the shower and towel Change Alone in his room, dropping their Guard so as to provoke him. I know you see me NAKED... Do Not Refuse to do so, as it is a Baka Pervert. Then... I will do as usual. And when he is tired lying face up on the bed. DO IT.

I did so.
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