No había necesidad de consultar un reloj o de revisar un celular. Sabí dịch - No había necesidad de consultar un reloj o de revisar un celular. Sabí Anh làm thế nào để nói

No había necesidad de consultar un

No había necesidad de consultar un reloj o de revisar un celular. Sabía que habían transcurrido un par de horas desde que dejó la universidad y se puso a caminar sin rumbo fijo. No es que fuera desorientado, pero la oscuridad, la nieve y el caos lo confundían lo suficiente como para preguntarse cada cinco minutos qué calle debía tomar. El GPS no era una opción porque los celulares no tenían ni señal ni conexión a Internet.

A pesar de su carácter impulsivo, mientras recorría las calles e iba viendo a familias atemorizadas de entrar a sus propias casas a pasar la noche por miedo a las réplicas, se iba dando cuenta de que no lograría nada con desesperarse. Claro que al pensar en lo que podría haberle sucedido a Kanako era inevitable no entrar en pánico y querer correr sin detenerse hasta llegar hacia donde estaba ella. Sin embargo, siendo realista, no había forma de ir a pie hasta su escuela, ya que estaba en otra prefectura. Hasta tenía ganas de reprenderla cuando la encontrara por haber tomado la precipitada decisión de estudiar tan lejos. Solo rogaba internamente que los dormitorios de su escuela fueran seguros y que hubieran evacuado a todas las niñas a tiempo. Y también rogaba que su pequeña no estuviera demasiado asustada.

Llegó a una intersección que le pareció familiar. Hizo memoria y recordó vagamente que había pasado por ahí un par de veces con alguien, específicamente su asistente, y este le había mencionado que era una ruta alterna en caso de desastre. ¿Debía seguir hacia la izquierda o la derecha? Le costaba mucho trabajo recordar lo que le había dicho exactamente y ahora se arrepentía de no haberle prestado la debida atención en aquel momento. Si bien había prometido no desesperar, le frustraba que recién empezando su jornada de regreso, ya estuviera dudando tanto sobre el camino.

– Maldición, así nunca voy a llegar.

La nieve se había detenido, pero el frío era penetrante. Estaba seguro de que el gobierno ya habría empezado a tomar medidas urgentes. Al ser un país tan sísmico, estaban preparados para un desastre de esa magnitud y eso les daba mucha ventaja en comparación con otras naciones. No obstante, el panorama no dejaba de ser aterrador. No se consideraba una persona débil ni frágil como lo describía a veces su asistente, pero estaba dudando acerca de cuánto más resistiría yendo a pie por un camino del que ni siquiera estaba del todo seguro.

– No puedo detenerme, tengo que seguir…

Aunque ese pensamiento era constante, el frío y el cansancio lo hicieron detenerse. Se sentó en la banca de un parque y sacó su celular para intentar llamar a su hermana nuevamente. La misma voz de antes le respondió y colgó con rabia. Marcó luego el número de su kouhai, pero algo extraño sucedió. No era la típica grabación, sino más bien una especie de ruido como si alguien hubiera contestado pero no quisiera hablar. Las manos le temblaron y tartamudeó.

– ¿Mo-Morinaga?

La llamada se cortó repentinamente. Souichi frunció el ceño furioso y tuvo ganas de arrojar el celular lejos de ahí, pero se contuvo. Era su única conexión con el mundo por el momento, así que no podía dejarse llevar por sus impulsos. ¿Qué podría significar eso? ¿Realmente su kouhai había contestado y colgado la llamada al ver que era él? Era algo inaudito, aunque conociendo a su caprichoso asistente era muy posible.

– ¿Pero qué estoy pensando? Morinaga jamás me haría eso. Jamás haría que me preocupara de ese modo. Sé que lo ha hecho antes, pero no lo haría en una situación tan delicada como esta.

Cuando presionó el ícono de llamada una vez más, oyó la misma grabación que había escuchado antes al llamar a Kanako. No supo si sentirse mejor o peor. Se levantó y avanzó un par de metros más, pero era inútil. Estaba agotado. Por inercia, se dejó caer sobre otra banca y se abrazó a sí mismo mientras sus párpados bajaban automáticamente. La última imagen que pasó por su mente fue la de Kanako, Tomoe y él jugando con sus padres en un parque muy similar a ese.

Abrió los ojos de golpe y el desconcierto se hizo presente. Miró a su alrededor y en primera instancia no supo dónde se encontraba. Parpadeó un par de veces para comprobar que no estaba soñando y, sí, estaba tirado en una banca de un parque a medio iluminar. Un señor de avanzada edad lo contemplaba con extrañeza y dio un respingo al verlo un tanto cerca.

– Ohayou gozaimasu. – saludó amablemente.

– Ah, ohayou…

– No me diga que ha pasado aquí la noche. ¿Por qué no fue a un centro de evacuación?

– A-Ah, es que estoy yendo a casa de un familiar. Necesito encontrar a mi hermana. Por cierto, ¿tiene hora?

– Son casi las 7.30 de la mañana.

Souichi se sobresaltó. ¿Cómo es posible que se hubiera quedado dormido? Sacó su celular que estaba algo frío al contacto y volvió a marcar los mismos dos números de la noche anterior con el mismo frustrante resultado. Suspiró cerrando los ojos y la voz del anciano lo trajo a la realidad.

– Aún no hay señal, pero la central de telecomunicaciones está trabajando en ello y estoy seguro de que pronto verán la forma de instalar teléfonos públicos que funcionen. Y creo que no es una buena idea hacer grandes recorridos por ahora. Lo mejor será ir a un refugio y esperar a que los transportes se normalicen.

– No puedo hacer eso, sería una pérdida de tiempo y realmente tengo que encontrar a mi hermana.

El obstinado científico sintió un mareo al levantarse de golpe y se cogió la cabeza para estabilizarse un poco siendo auxiliado por el amable señor frente a él. Este lo ayudó a ponerse de pie y le dio un papel con la dirección del refugio al que él mismo se dirigía.

– Por favor si necesita algo o si no tiene donde pasar la noche, que veo que también es su caso, vaya a este lugar, ¿de acuerdo?

– Lo tendré en cuenta, gracias. Por cierto, ¿qué hace usted por aquí?

– Busco a personas para llevarlas hasta el refugio. Unos han perdido a su familia, otros están lejos de su hogar y muchos están heridos. Si ve a alguien más en su situación, por favor dígales que vayan a ese lugar, ¿sí?

Souichi se asombró de la generosidad de aquel ser humano e hizo una pequeña reverencia en señal de agradecimiento. Guardó el papel en uno de sus bolsillos y retomó su camino.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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There was no need to consult a watch or a cell phone review. I knew that a couple of hours had passed since he left College and began to walk aimlessly. It is not that he was disoriented, but darkness, snow and chaos confused enough to wonder every five minutes which Street should take. The GPS was not an option because cell phones had no signal or connection to the Internet.Despite his impulsive nature, while he toured the streets and it was seeing families fearful of entering their own homes to spend the night for fear of aftershocks, it was realizing that do not achieve anything with despair. Of course it was inevitable to do not to panic and want to run without stopping until you get to where she was thinking about what could have happened to Kanako. However, realistically, there was no way to walk to school, I was in another Prefecture. Until he wanted to rebuke it when you find it for having taken the hasty decision to study so far. Only I internally prayed that their school dormitories were safe and that they had evacuated all the girls on time. And I also prayed that his small was not too scared.He came to an intersection that seemed familiar. He made memory and vaguely recalled that it had been there a couple of times with someone, specifically his assistant, and this had mentioned that it was an alternate route in case of disaster. Should you continue to the left or the right? Took you a long work remembering what you had said exactly and now repent of having not paid due attention at that time. Although he had promised not to despair, he frustrated that just starting their return journey, already you were doubting both on the road.-Curse, so I'll never get.The snow had stopped, but the cold was penetrating. He was sure that the Government would have already begun to take urgent action. Being a so seismic country, they were prepared for a disaster of this magnitude, and that gave them much advantage in comparison with other Nations. However, the picture wouldn't be frightening. A weak or fragile person was not considered as his assistant describing him at times, but I was wondering about how much more would resist going on foot along a path that was not even entirely sure.-No I can stop myself, I have to follow...Although that thought was constant, cold and fatigue made it stop. He sat down on a park bench and pulled out his cell phone to try to call his sister again. The same voice before answered and hung up angrily. He then scored the number of his kouhai, but something strange happened. It was not the typical recording, but rather a kind of noise as if someone had answered but I cannot talk. Hands shook him and he stammered.-Do Mo-Morinaga?The call was cut off suddenly. Souichi furious frowned and had wanted to throw the phone away from there, but was contained. It was his only connection with the world at the moment, so it could not be carried away by their impulses. What could that mean? Really his kouhai had answered and hung the call to see whose was it? It was unheard, but knowing his capricious Assistant was very possible.- But what I'm thinking? Morinaga would ever make me on that. He would never do it to worry me that way. I know that you've done it before, but you wouldn't do it in a situation as delicate as this.When he pressed the call icon once more, he heard the same recording that had been heard before calling Kanako. Didn't know if feel better or worse. Rose and advanced a couple of meters, but it was useless. I was exhausted. By inertia, dropped on another bench and hugged himself while his eyelids down automatically. The last image that went through his mind was Kanako, Tomoe, and he playing with his parents in a park very similar to that.He opened his eyes at once and the confusion was present. Miró to his around and at first didn't know where he was. He blinked a couple of times to check that I was not dreaming and, Yes, was lying on a bench in a park environment to illuminate. A man of advanced age watched with strangeness and gave a respingo see it somewhat closely.-Ohayou gozaimasu. -She greeted kindly.-Ah, ohayou...-Do not tell me that he has spent the night here. Why wasn't it an evacuation center?-A-Ah, is that I am going home from a family member. I need to find my sister. By the way, do you have time?-They are almost 7.30 in the morning.Souichi was startled. How is that I would have fallen asleep it possible? He pulled out his cell phone, which was rather cold to the contact and returned to mark the same two numbers last night with the same frustrating result. He sighed, closing his eyes and the voice of the old man brought him to reality.-Still no signal, but the telecommunications unit is working on it and I am sure that soon will see how to install public phones that work. And I think that it is not a good idea make great tours for now. The best will be go to a shelter and wait for that return to normal transport.-I can't do that, it would be a waste of time and I really have to find my sister.The obstinate scientist felt dizziness when rising from the coup and took the head to stabilize a bit being aided by the friendly Mr in front of him. This helped him to stand up and gave him a paper with the address of the shelter that he headed.-Please if you need something or if you don't have spend the night, I see that it is also appropriate, go to this place, right?-Will take it into account, thanks. By the way, what do you do here?-I'm looking for people to carry them to the shelter. Some have lost their family, others are away from home and many are injured. If you see someone in your situation, please tell them to go to that place, Yes?Souichi was amazed that human generosity and a little bowed in gratitude. It kept the paper in one of his pockets and resumed his way.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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There was no need to consult a clock or revise a cell. I knew they had passed a couple of hours since she left college and started walking aimlessly. Not that he was disoriented, but darkness, snow and chaos confused him enough to ask every five minutes which street to take. The GPS was not an option because the cell had no signal or Internet connection. In spite of his impulsive character, as he walked the streets and was frightened seeing families entering their homes for the night for fear of aftershocks He is gradually realized that would accomplish nothing with despair. Of course the thought of what might have happened to Kanako was inevitable not to panic and want to run without stopping until you get to where she was. However, realistically, there was no way to walk to school, as it was in another prefecture. So I wanted to scold her when he found her for having made ​​the rash decision to study so far. Only internally she begged her school dormitories were safe and they had evacuated all the girls on time. And praying that his little was not too scared. He came to an intersection that seemed familiar. He recalled vaguely remembered that he had been there a few times with someone, specifically his assistant, and had mentioned that this was an alternate route in case of disaster. Should he go left or right? I had a hard time remembering what he had said exactly and now regretted not having given due attention at the time. Although he had promised not to despair, was frustrated that just starting their journey back, and I was doubting both on the road. - Damn, and I'll never get. The snow had stopped, but the cold was penetrating. He was sure that the government would have already begun to take urgent action. Being such a seismic country, they were prepared for a disaster of this magnitude and it gave them great advantage compared to other nations. However, the picture it was still scary. It was not considered a weak and fragile person sometimes described as his assistant, but was hesitant about how much resist going to walk down a path that was not even sure. - I can not stop, I have to go ... Although that thought was constant, cold and fatigue did stop. He sat on a park bench and pulled out his cell phone to try to call her sister again. The same voice answered and hung up angrily. Then he dialed his kouhai, but something strange happened. No recording was typical, but rather a sort of noise as if someone had answered but did not want to talk. His hands trembled and stammered. - Mo-Morinaga? The call ended abruptly. Souichi furrowed brow furious and wanted to throw the cell away from there, but he refrained. It was his only connection to the world at the moment, so I could not be swayed by his impulses. What could that mean? Do you really kouhai had answered his call and hung to see it was him? It was unheard of, but knowing his wayward assistant was very possible. - But what am I thinking? Morinaga would never do that. I would never do that to worry that. I know it's been done before, but do not do in a situation as delicate as this. When he pressed the call icon again, he heard the same sound he had heard before the call Kanako. He does not know whether to feel better or worse. He got up and took a couple of meters, but it was useless. He was exhausted. By inertia, it fell on another bench and hugged himself as her eyelids lowered automatically. The last image flashed through his mind was that of Kanako, Tomoe and him playing with his parents in a very similar to that park. He opened his eyes shut and the confusion was present. He looked around and at first did not know where she was. He blinked a few times to make sure I was not dreaming and yes, was lying on a bench in a park Mid illuminate. An elderly gentleman watched him with surprise and jumped at him a little closer. - Ohayou gozaimasu. - Greeted kindly. - Ah, ohayou ... - Do not tell me happened here at night. Why did not go to an evacuation center? - A-Ah, I'm going home for a family. I need to find my sister. By the way, do you have time? - It's almost 7:30 am. Souichi started. How is it possible that he had fallen asleep? He pulled out his cell that was something cool to the touch and scored again the same two numbers the night before with the same frustrating result. He sighed, closing his eyes and the voice of the old man brought it to reality. - Still no sign, but the telecommunications exchange is working on it and I'm sure you'll soon see how to install public telephones that work. And I think it's not a good idea to make long journeys for now. You'd better go to a shelter and wait for transport normalization. -. I can not do that, it would be a waste of time and I really need to find my sister 's stubborn scientist felt dizzy when getting up suddenly and took the head to stabilize somewhat be helped by the kind man in front of him. This helped him to his feet and gave him a paper with the address of the refuge to which he himself was going. - Please if you need anything or if you have to spend the night, I see it is also the case, go to this Instead, okay? - I'll remember that, thanks. By the way, what are you doing here? - I'm looking for people to take them to the shelter. Some have lost their families, others are far from home and many are wounded. If you see someone else in your situation, please tell them to go to that place, right? Souichi was amazed at the generosity of one man and bowed slightly in acknowledgment. He put the paper in his pocket and resumed his way.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
There was no need to consult a Watch or edit a cell. I knew a couple of hours had elapsed since he left College and began to walk aimlessly. It is not to be Confused, but Snow and Darkness, Chaos confused enough to ask every five minutes what Road to take.The GPS was not an option because the cell had no signal or connection to the Internet.

despite his impulsive character, while walking through the streets and was fearful of seeing families in their own homes to spend the night for fear of Aftershocks, he realized that would not achieve anything with Despair.I Think what could have happened to Kanako was inevitable not to Panic and want to run without stopping to get to where she was. However, Realistically, there's no way to walk to School, because I was in another Prefecture. Until when will I be reprimanded for having taken a Hasty decision to study so far.Just begged internally that the bedrooms of their School had been evacuated to safe and that all girls in time. And also pray that your little was too scared.

reached an intersection that seemed familiar. His Memory and recalled vaguely that had been there a few times with someone, specifically his assistantAnd this had mentioned that it was an Alternate route in case of Disaster. Should follow to the left or the right? He was struggling to remember exactly what he had said and now he regretted not having paid due attention at that time. Although promised not to Despair, which frustrated him just beginning their Journey Back.I was so hesitant on the way. - Damn, I'm never going to make it. The Snow had stopped, but the cold was penetrating. He was confident that the Government would have already started to take urgent measures. To be a Seismic Country, were prepared for a disaster of this magnitude and that gave them a great advantage in comparison with other nations. However,The Picture would be frightening. Was not a weak or Fragile person sometimes described as his assistant, but I was hesitating about how to resist going on foot along a path that was not even quite sure. - Can't stop, I have to follow...

But That thought was consistent, cold and tired You stopped.He sat on the Park Bench and pulled out his cellphone to call his sister again. The same Voice as before and he responded with Rage. Then the number of marked his kouhai, but something strange happened. It wasn't the typical Recording, but rather a kind of noise, as if someone had answered but I didn't want to talk. His hands trembled, and he stammered.

- mo - Morinaga?

The call was cut off suddenly. Souichi frowned was Furious and wanted to throw the phone away from there, but he refrained. It was his only connection to the World at the moment, so I could not be carried away by their impulses. What could that mean? Really kouhai had answered the call and hang up to see him? It was unheard of.Although knowing his assistant was very capricious.

- but what am I thinking? Morinaga would never do that to me. I would never do that to me that way. I know who has done it before, but I wouldn't do it in so Delicate a situation as this.

when pressed the call Icon once again heard the same recording that was heard before the call to Kanako.He did not know whether to feel better or worse. He stood up and moved a couple of feet, but it was useless. I was exhausted. Inertia, dropped on other Banking and hugged himself while his eyelids lowered automatically. The last image that went through his mind was of Kanako, Tomoe and him playing with their parents in a Park like that

.Opened the eyes of shock and confusion was present. He looked around and in the first instance did not know where he was. Blinked a couple of times to check I was not dreaming, and I was lying on a Park Bench to illuminate. An elderly gentleman looked upon him with Surprise and that gave him a near - ohayou gozaimasu.

.- kindly greeted.

Oh, ohayou... - Don't Tell Me You've Been Here All Night. Why didn't you go to an evacuation Center?

- - Oh, I'm Going Home for a family. I need to find my sister. By the way, what time is it?

- are almost 7:30 in the morning.

Souichi is startled. How is it possible that you'd fallen asleep?Pulled out his cellphone was something cold to touch and re marked the same two numbers from the previous night with the same frustrating results. She sighed, Closing the eyes and the Voice of the old man brought him to reality.

- still no Signal, but the Telecommunications Center is working on this and I am sure you will soon see how to install Public Phones that work.And I think that is not a good idea to make great routes for now. You better go to a Shelter and wait for transport to normalize.

- I can't do that, it would be a waste of time and I really have to find my sister.The Scientist felt dizziness on standing up Stubborn a coup and took the head to stabilize a bit being aided by the friendly man in front of him. This helped him up and gave him a role in the direction of Refuge to which he himself directed.

Please - If you need anything or if not you have to spend The Night, I see that it is also your case, go to this place, okay?

- i'll keep it in mind, thanks. By the way, what are you doing here?

- I am looking for people to take them to the shelter. Some have lost their family, others are far from their homes and many are injured. If you see someone in your situation, please tell them to go to that place?

Souichi is shocked by the Generosity of one human being and made a Little Bow in Token of gratitude. Kept the paper in his Pocket and went on his way.
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