La limusina les dejó ante el apartamento, bajaron de ella Morinaga, So dịch - La limusina les dejó ante el apartamento, bajaron de ella Morinaga, So Anh làm thế nào để nói

La limusina les dejó ante el aparta

La limusina les dejó ante el apartamento, bajaron de ella Morinaga, Souichi y una durmiente Kanako en brazos de Akira que la había cargado durante todo el viaje de vuelta a casa, con cariño, le había caido muy bien la jovencita, sobretodo porque no era como otras fans molestas, sino que se había mantenido educada ante todo y no la había acosado a preguntas, sin duda era una entre un millon.

Subieron las escaleras al piso y abrieron.

-Así que aquí es donde vives ahora Testu-chan-sonrió Akira- mm parece amplio.

-¿quieres entrar y tomar algo?-ofreció Tetsuhiro tomado a Kanako en brazos.

-No gracias, si no regresamos al hotel rápido Kou-san nos regañará a mi y a Taro-kun y creéme lo que menos quiero es a ese hombre enfadado.

-Entonces ya nos veremos.-suspiró Morinaga con esa mirada que su sempai tanto odiaba.

-Trae, voy a acostar a Kanako mientras tu te despides-hablo Souichi tomando a la niña en brazos antes de entrar a la casa dejando a Morinaga y a Akira solos a pesar de que algo en su cabeza le decía que no se fuera muy lejos.

-La verdad, ya veo a que te referías, esta bien bueno -comentó Akira riendo un poco- me das envidia, un novio tan lindo.

-Aki chan, el no es mi novio -suspiró triste- ya le oíste antes.

-Mis cojones, ese tío esta coladito por ti-rio- nunca había visto a nadie tan celoso.

-¿Celoso? ¿el sempai?-Morinaga la miraba como de su cabeza hubieran salido ramas de arbol con duendecillos que tocaban la trompeta en un ritmo disonante.- Creo que has bebido demasiado, el nunca se pondría celoso de mi -suspiró con una mirada triste haciendo a Akira suspirar.

-Venga, no pongas esa cara-le acarició la mejilla- estaré aquí toda la semana del festiva, ¿te parece que quedemos y nos veamos?

-¿estaría eso bien? ¿no tienes trabajo?

-Necesito unas vacaciones-respondió como si nada encogiendose de hombros-además hace tiempo que no nos vemos, y quiero estar contigo, ¿acaso ya no quieres estar conmigo? -hizo un puchero- ¿ya no me quieres Tetsu-chan?

-Claro que te quiero -rió- ya lo sabes tu bien.

-Entonces mañana paso a recogerte y nos vamos a dar un paseo, quiero que me enseñes Nagoya.

Entonces Akira se acerco y le dió un pequeño beso en los labios, o eso iba a hacer cuando escuchó un carraspeó detrás de Morinaga, lo que le hizo poner una sonrisa demoníaca, casi parecida a la que tenía Souichi en esos momentos.

-Kanako-chan ya esta acostada-anunció como si nada

-Oh, entonces yo me voy -sonrió Akira normal- mañana vendré por la mañana a por ti Tetsu-chan, no desayunes y te llevo a desayunar por ahí.

-esta bien, ah espera, tenía que darte algo-recordó Morinaga antes de marchar a la cocina, dejando a ese par solos.

-Asi que amigo de la infancia-Akira alzó una ceja y sonrió apoyándose en el marco de la puerta con los brazos cruzados, retador.

-Si, uno muy íntimo a decir verdad-aguantó la risa al ver la cara que Souichi ponía.

-Ya veo -suspiró bastante molesto- ¿como de íntimos?

-Eso lo dejaré a tu imaginación, solo te dire que los labios de Tetsu chan en esos momentos siempre sabían a fresa- definitivamente si las miradas matasen en esos momentos Akira sería un cadaver pulverizado en el suelo.-¿celoso?


-Bueno, Tetsu-chan y yo tuvimos lo nuestro, y fue algo más bonito que lo que tuvo con el imbecil de Masaki-sonrió Akira, oh si, iba a morir a lo grande.- pero supongo que no tienes derecho a estar celoso, después de todo ustedes no son nada, lo que me deja el camino libre para avanzar con Tetsu-chan lo que yo quiera.

-Oye, tú, ni se te ocurra...

-¿que? no tienes derecho a quejarte, no son pareja -sonrió diabólico haciendo callar al sempai de su amigo.-Tetsu-chan es libre cual pájaro, y yo me aprovecharé de esa libertad, quien sabe, quizas me lo lleve a América para pasar por la bicaría.

Lo siguiente que supieron ambos es que Akira estaba suspendido en el aire por las manos del sempai que trataba de estrangularla, suerte que llegó Morinaga y los separó agarrando al sempai por los brazos para que soltase al cantante que cayó al suelo de culo, tosiendo.

-Aki-kun ¿estas bien?-dijo sin soltar al hombre que se revolvía en sus brazos

-Si,no te preocupes -se sobaba el cuello y recogió el paquete que había soltado Tetsuhiro al ir a parar a su sempai- será mejor que me marche ya, vendré mañana por ti a las nueve. Nos vemos Tetsu-chan.

Cuando Akira se marchó Souichi se zafó de Morinaga con fuerza, estaba enfadado, muy enfadado, sobretodo porque eso había sido un ataque de celos, pero es que solo de imaginarse a Morinaga con alguien que no fuera él hacía que se lo llevaran los demonios, aunque no era algo que fuera a admitir tan rápido, estaba celoso, muy celoso de Akira.

-Sempai, ¿puedes explicarme porque casi matas a Aki-kun?-inquirió Morinaga persiguiendo a su sempai por el piso.

-¡Callate, es su culpa!-gritó caminando al cuarto de Morinaga, donde pasaría la noche.

-¿su culpa? ¿que hizo? se que Aki-kun puede ser algo tocanarices, pero no a tanto de querer su muerte.

-¡Ese idiota me estaba restregando la relación que tenían! -bramó mirandole sonrojado hasta las orejas.-se hizo el silencio

-Sempai...¿Estabas celoso de Aki-kun?-preguntó temeroso Morinaga, esa pregunta hizo que el rubio se sonrojase más de lo que ya estaba-¿eh, de verdad?

-Cierra la boca imbecil, yo no estaba tengo derecho. -susurró esto último antes de que Morinaga lo abrazase con fuerza-Mori...

-Escuchame sempai, no importa lo que pase, yo no podría amar nunca a Aki-kun-le dijo al oído haciendo que se estremeciera y jadeara- además, mi corazón, desde hace años, solo es tuyo sempai.

Se besaron para remarcar aquellas palabras, caminando hacia la cama, olvidandose de que en la habitación de al lado estaba Kanako durmiendo, las ropas volaron de sus cuerpos antes de tocar las sábanas, sin dejar de besarse, de tocarse el uno al otro, recorriendo con los dedos aquella piel que ya era tan conocida, pero igual de adictiva que la primera vez. Cada vez que un beso terminaba Souichi empezaba uno, quería borrar todo rastro del sabor de los labios de Akira de la boca de Morinaga, esa boca, ese cuerpo que marcó con la propia para que mañana el cantante lo viera, era suyo, Morinaga era solo suyo, y si Akira queria guerra, guerra iba a tener.

-Sempai, te amo.

Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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The limousine left them to the apartment, they fell it Morinaga, Souichi and a sleeping Kanako in the arms of Akira that had loaded it during the entire trip back home, with love, you had fallen very good girl, above all because it was not like other annoying fans, but had been educated primarily and had not harassed her questions , no doubt was one among a million.They went up the stairs to the floor and opened.-So here is where you live now Testu-chan-smiled Akira - mm seems broad.-would you like to enter and take something?-offered Tetsuhiro Kanako taken in arms.-No thanks, if not we return to the hotel fast Kou-san will scold us to me and Taro-kun and believe me I least want is this angry man.-Then we'll.-Morinaga sighed with that look that your sempai both hated.-Brings, I'm going to bed to Kanako while your you goodbye - speak Souichi taking the girl in her arms before entering the House leaving Morinaga and Akira alone while something in his head told him not far away.-The truth, I already see that meant you, well okay - he said Akira laughing a little - you give me envy, a nice boyfriend.-Aki chan, the non-is my boyfriend - he sighed sad - because you have heard it before.-My balls, this guy this coladito by ti-rio - had never seen anyone so jealous.-Do jealous? do the sempai?-Morinaga looked it like his head would have come out tree branches with Pixies played the trumpet in a dissonant rhythm-I think that you've drunk too much, the would never be jealous of my - sighed with a sad look to making Akira sigh.-Come, do not put that face - stroked you the cheek - I will be here throughout the week of the holiday, do you think that we stay and see you?-would would that be good? don't you have a job?-Need a vacation - encogiendose responded as if nothing of shoulder-in addition long not see you, and I want to be with you, perhaps already don't want to be with me? -made a stew - not me like Tetsu-chan already?-That I love you - clear River - as know you you well.-Step then tomorrow to pick you up and we go for a walk, wants me to teach Nagoya.Then Akira approached and it gave a small kiss on the lips, or that was going to do when he heard a carraspeó behind Morinaga, which made him put a smile of demonic, almost like Souichi which had at that time.-Kanako-chan because this lying - announced as if nothing-Oh, then I'm leaving - smiled normal Akira - tomorrow will come in the morning for you Tetsu-chan, no breakfast and I take you to have breakfast out there.-Okay, Oh wait, had to give you something - recalled Morinaga before leaving the kitchen, leaving that alone pair.-So, friend of the child-Akira raised an eyebrow and smiled leaning on the the door frame with arms crossed, Challenger.-Yes, very intimate one to tell the truth - it endured the laughter to see the face that Souichi.-As I see - sighed quite annoying - like from intimate?-That I'll leave to your imagination, you just dire to the lips of Tetsu chan in those moments always knew to strawberry - definitely if looks kill in those moments Akira would be a corpse powder on the ground.-do jealous?-should I?-Well, Tetsu-chan and I had ours, and it was anything more beautiful than what you had with moron of Akira Masaki-smiled, oh yes, he was going to die big- but I guess you do not have a right to be jealous, after all you are not nothing, leaving me the way free to move forward with Tetsu-chan what I want.-Hey, you, even you can think of...-What? you do not have a right to complain, there are couple - smiled diabolical making silence the sempai from your friend-Tetsu-chan is free which bird, and I I will use that freedom, who knows, maybe lead me to America to pass by the bicaria.The next thing you knew both is that Akira was suspended in the air by the hands of the sempai who was trying to strangle her, lucky became Morinaga and separated them grabbing the sempai by arms so it soltase the singer who fell to the ground of ass, coughing.-Aki-kun do these well?-said without releasing the man who churned in her arms-Yes, not to worry - it sobaba is the neck and picked up the package which had come loose Tetsuhiro going to stop his sempai - better me marche already, I will come for you tomorrow at nine o'clock. We are Tetsu-chan.When Akira left Souichi suddendly of Morinaga forcefully, was angry, very angry, above all because that was an attack of jealousy, but it is making only of imagine Morinaga with someone that he wasn't that demons, take it away even though it was not something that was to admit so quickly, was jealous, very jealous of Akira.-Sempai, can you can tell me because almost kills Aki-kun?-inquired Morinaga chasing his sempai across the floor.-Shut up, is your fault!-cried walking a quarter of Morinaga, where he spent the night.-do your fault? did that? is that Aki-kun can be something tocanarices, but not so much to his death.-This idiot I was scrubbing the relationship they had! -It bellowed mirandole flushed until the ears-the silence was made-Sempai... were you jealous of Aki-kun? - asked fearfully Morinaga, that question did the blond sonrojase is more than what was already - huh, really?-Shut your mouth idiot, I wasn't jealous... have no right. -she whispered this last until Morinaga abrazase it with force-Mori...-Escuchame sempai, no matter what happens, I might not never love to Aki-kun-le told the hearing that he is sticks and jadeara - in addition, my heart, for years, is only yours sempai.Kissed to highlight those words, walking towards the bed, forgetting that in the room of to the side was Kanako sleeping, clothes flew from their bodies before touching the sheets, while kissing, touching each other, crossing fingers that skin that was so well known, but just as addictive as the first time. Whenever a kiss ended Souichi started one, I wanted to erase all trace of the flavor from the lips of Akira of Morinaga mouth, that mouth, that body that marked with their own so that tomorrow could see the singer, was his own, Morinaga was just hers, and if Akira wanted war, war would be.-Sempai, I love you.-Ah
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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The limousine stopped them at the apartment, they got it Morinaga, Souichi and Kanako sleeping in the arms of Akira who had carried throughout the trip back home, with love, had fallen very well the girl, especially because it was not and other annoying fans, but he had remained polite at all and had not harassed questions undoubtedly was one in a million. They climbed the stairs to the floor and opened. So this is where you live now Testu-chan-smiled Akira- mm seem large. 'You go and drink? he offered Tetsuhiro Kanako taken in arms. No thanks, if not back to the hotel quickly Kou-san us scold me and Taro-kun and believe what they least want is that angry man. Then we veremos. sighed and Morinaga with that look that his sempai hated. Bring, I'm going to bed Kanako while you say goodbye-spoke Souichi taking the baby in her arms before entering the Leaving home and Akira Morinaga alone even though something in his head told him not to go too far. 'The truth, I see what you meant,' said Akira well this good laughing a little, you give me envy a so cute boyfriend. -Aki chan, he's not my boyfriend sighed sadly already heard before. 'My balls, that guy is Coladito yourself-Rio- had never seen anyone so jealous. Jealous? Does sempai? -Morinaga Looked like his head had left tree branches with pixies who played trumpet in a rhythm disonante.- I think you've drunk too much, he never would be jealous of my sighed with a sad look making Akira sighed. Come on, do not make that face-stroked her cheek'll be here all week holiday, do you think who are left and see us? 'Would that right? Do not you have a job? I need a vacation as if nothing replied shrugging-plus long since we've seen, and I want to be with you, did not you want to be with me? She made ​​a pout would not want me and Tetsu-chan? Of course I love you already know he laughed your good. Then step tomorrow to pick and go for a walk, I want you to show me Nagoya. Then Akira I reached over and gave him a little kiss on the lips, or so he would do when he heard a cough behind Morinaga, which made ​​him put a demonic smile, almost similar to that had Souichi at that time. -Kanako-chan and this lying-announced as usual Oh, then I smiled Akira I normally come tomorrow morning after you Tetsu-chan, do not eat breakfast and take you to breakfast there. All right, oh wait, I had to Morinaga give-remembered something before going to the kitchen, leaving the pair alone. 'So-childhood friend Akira raised an eyebrow and smiled leaning in the doorway with folded arms challenger. If one very intimate truth-endured laughter to see the face that put Souichi. 'I see quite annoyed sighed How intimate? 'That I will leave to your imagination, you just say Tetsu's lips at the time chan always they knew to milling definitely if looks could kill at that time would be a cadaver Akira sprayed into the insulated flooring-jealous? Should I? Well, Tetsu-chan and I had our thing, and was more beautiful than idiot had with Akira Masaki-smiled, oh yes, would die to grande.- but I guess you have no right to be jealous, after all you are nothing, leaving me free way forward with Tetsu -chan what I want. Hey, you, you do not even think ... What? you have no right to complain, not silencing diabolical couple smiled at his sempai friend.-Tetsu-chan is free like a bird, and I'll take advantage of that freedom, who knows, maybe take me to America to go through bicaría. The next thing I knew the two is that Akira was suspended in the air by the hands of sempai trying to strangle her, so that came Morinaga and separated grabbing the upperclassman's arms for him to release the singer fell on his ass, coughing. -Aki-kun, are you okay? 'he said the man hold which turned in his arms Yes, do not worry She rubbed his neck and picked the package that was released Tetsuhiro to go to stop his sempai- will be better that I leave now, I will come for you tomorrow at nine. See Tetsu-chan. When Akira left Morinaga Souichi shook off strongly, was angry, very angry, especially because it was a fit of jealousy, but I just imagine someone Morinaga but him made take him demons, although it was not something that was so quick to admit, I was jealous, very jealous of Akira. -Sempai, can you explain that almost killed Aki-kun? he asked Morinaga chasing his sempai on the floor. Shut up, it's your fault! cried walking Morinaga's room, where he would spend the night. 'Your fault? What did? Aki-kun will be something tocanarices, but not much about his death. -That idiot I was rubbing the relationship they had! bellowed Mirandole flushed until the silence is orejas.-made -Sempai ... Were you jealous of Aki-kun? Morinaga asked fearfully, that question made ​​the blond blush over what was ¿eh-ya, right? Shut your mouth asshole, I was not jealous ... I have no right. She whispered the latter before Morinaga embrace him tightly-Mori ... Listen to me sempai, no matter what happens, I could never love Aki-kun-whispered in his ear making her shiver and also jadeara-, my heart, for years, is only yours sempai. They kissed to emphasize those words, walking towards the bed, forgetting that in the next room was Kanako sleeping clothes flew from their bodies before touching the sheets, without stop kissing, touching each other, running her fingers skin that was already so well known, but just as addictive as the first time. Whenever a kiss ended Souichi began one wanted to erase all traces of the lips taste Akira Morinaga mouth, that mouth, that body itself marked with the singer for tomorrow to see, was his, was Morinaga his alone, and if Akira wanted war, war would have. -Sempai, I love you. Oh

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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We left them to the apartment, dropped her Morinaga, Souichi Kanako and sleeping in the Arms of Akira had Loaded during the trip Home, with Love, the girl had fallen very well, especially because it was not like other fans bother, but had been educated at all and had not harassed with questions, without doubt was one in a million.Went up the stairs to the floor and opened.

- so this is where you live now testu - chan smiled Akira seems - mm wide. - want to come in and take something? - offered to Kanako Tetsuhiro taken in Arms.

thank you, if we're not back to the hotel quickly Kou San we Scold me and Taro Kun and believe me, I Don't Want That Man angry. - then we'll See.- with that look that Morinaga sighed his sempai hated.

- i'm going to bed while you say good-bye to Kanako Souichi - taking the girl in her arms before entering the House, leaving Morinaga and Akira alone Despite that something in his head told him not to go too far - The Truth.

, I See what you meant, this well - Said Akira Laughing a Little - I really EnvyA cute boyfriend.

- Aki Chan, he's not my boyfriend sighed SAD - - you heard before. - my balls, that guy's got a Little Crush On You - River - i've never seen anyone so Jealous. - Jealous? The sempai? - The Morinaga looked like his head had left tree branches with Pixies playing the trumpet in a Rhythm disonante. - I think you've had too much to drink.Never Be Jealous of my sighed with a SAD look doing Akira Sigh.

- Why the face caressed her cheek - - i'll Be Here All week of Festive, you stay and see us?

- would that be all right? You Don't have a Job?

- I need a Vacation - Responded as if nothing shrugging his shoulders and long time no see, and want to be with you,Don't You Wanna Be With Me? - made a pot - I want Tetsu Chan?

- of course - River - I know you. - then I'll pick you up tomorrow and we'll go for a walk, Teach me Nagoya.

then Akira came and gave him a Little Kiss on the lips, or I was going to do when he heard a coughed behind of Morinaga,He put a smile almost demonic, similar to that in those moments I had Souichi.

- Kanako Chan is already lying down - announced as if nothing

Oh, so I Smile - - Akira normal Tomorrow I'll come by for you tomorrow Tetsu Chan, and you don't have breakfast take breakfast there. - Okay, oh wait, I had to give you something - recalled Morinaga before going to the kitchen,Leave the couple alone.
and Childhood Friend Akira raised an Eyebrow and smiled, leaning on the door frame with arms crossed, Challenger.

- Yes, one very close to truth - stood Laughing to see the face that Souichi

- I see it. - He sighed quite annoying - how close?

- I leave to your imagination,Just tell you that the lips of Tetsu Chan in these moments always knew definitely Strawberry - If Looks Could Kill in those moments would be pulverized Akira a corpse on the ground. - Jealous?

- should?

- Tetsu Chan and I had our thing, and it was more beautiful than you had with Masaki - Akira smiled, oh yeah, I was going to die in a big way.- but I guess you have no right to Be Jealous, after all you are nothing, which leaves me Free way to make Tetsu Chan what I want. - Hey, you, Don't You Dare...

? You have no right to complain, are not making up the Diabolical couple smiled his sempai - Tetsu Chan is free like a Bird, and I will take advantage of this Freedom, and who knows,May I take you to America to spend the bicaría.

next thing I knew is that both Akira was suspended in the air by the hands of the sempai who tried her Luck came, Morinaga and separated by grabbing the sempai arms to put the singer fell down, coughing.

- Aki kun, are you okay?He said without releasing the man who turned in their arms

- Yes, Don't Worry - it rubbed neck and picked up the package that had released Tetsuhiro to go to his sempai - i'd better go now, I'll come for you tomorrow at Nine. We Tetsu Chan.

when Akira Souichi is left out of Morinaga with Force, was angry, very angry,Mainly because it had been a Jealous Rage, but is only imagine Morinaga with someone who wasn't there to Lead The Demons, even though it wasn't something that was so quick to admit, I was very jealous of Akira.

- sempai, can you explain me why you almost killed Aki - kun? - Chasing his sempai Morinaga asked for the floor. - Shut Up, IT's your fault!- Walk the room shouted Morinaga, where he would spend the night. - your fault? He did? It can be something tocanarices Aki kun, but not so much to his death.

- that Idiot I was scrubbing the relationship they had! - Did orejas. - looking flushed until there was Silence

- sempai were jealous of Aki kun? - afraid Morinaga asked,That question led to the sonrojase Rubio more than it already was - Hey, really?

- Shut Up Asshole, I was not Jealous Don't I have the right. Before this last whispered that I Embrace with Morinaga Force - mori sempai...

- Listen To Me, no matter what happens, I could never love Aki Kun - told the hearing that shudder and pant - Besides, My Heart, from years ago,It is only Yours sempai.
kissed to highlight those words, walking towards the bed, Forgetting that in the next room was Kanako sleeping clothes flew their bodies before hitting the sheets, while kissing, touching one another, along with the fingers the skin already was so well known, but just as addictive as the first time.Each time a Kiss ended Souichi one started, I wanted to erase any trace of the taste of the lips of the mouth of Akira Morinaga, that Mouth, The Body marked with the morning to see the Singer, was theirs, Morinaga was his alone, and if Akira wanted War, war was going to be.

- sempai,

oh I Love You.
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