The limousine left them to the apartment, they fell it Morinaga, Souichi and a sleeping Kanako in the arms of Akira that had loaded it during the entire trip back home, with love, you had fallen very good girl, above all because it was not like other annoying fans, but had been educated primarily and had not harassed her questions , no doubt was one among a million.They went up the stairs to the floor and opened.-So here is where you live now Testu-chan-smiled Akira - mm seems broad.-would you like to enter and take something?-offered Tetsuhiro Kanako taken in arms.-No thanks, if not we return to the hotel fast Kou-san will scold us to me and Taro-kun and believe me I least want is this angry man.-Then we'll.-Morinaga sighed with that look that your sempai both hated.-Brings, I'm going to bed to Kanako while your you goodbye - speak Souichi taking the girl in her arms before entering the House leaving Morinaga and Akira alone while something in his head told him not far away.-The truth, I already see that meant you, well okay - he said Akira laughing a little - you give me envy, a nice boyfriend.-Aki chan, the non-is my boyfriend - he sighed sad - because you have heard it before.-My balls, this guy this coladito by ti-rio - had never seen anyone so jealous.-Do jealous? do the sempai?-Morinaga looked it like his head would have come out tree branches with Pixies played the trumpet in a dissonant rhythm-I think that you've drunk too much, the would never be jealous of my - sighed with a sad look to making Akira sigh.-Come, do not put that face - stroked you the cheek - I will be here throughout the week of the holiday, do you think that we stay and see you?-would would that be good? don't you have a job?-Need a vacation - encogiendose responded as if nothing of shoulder-in addition long not see you, and I want to be with you, perhaps already don't want to be with me? -made a stew - not me like Tetsu-chan already?-That I love you - clear River - as know you you well.-Step then tomorrow to pick you up and we go for a walk, wants me to teach Nagoya.Then Akira approached and it gave a small kiss on the lips, or that was going to do when he heard a carraspeó behind Morinaga, which made him put a smile of demonic, almost like Souichi which had at that time.-Kanako-chan because this lying - announced as if nothing-Oh, then I'm leaving - smiled normal Akira - tomorrow will come in the morning for you Tetsu-chan, no breakfast and I take you to have breakfast out there.-Okay, Oh wait, had to give you something - recalled Morinaga before leaving the kitchen, leaving that alone pair.-So, friend of the child-Akira raised an eyebrow and smiled leaning on the the door frame with arms crossed, Challenger.-Yes, very intimate one to tell the truth - it endured the laughter to see the face that Souichi.-As I see - sighed quite annoying - like from intimate?-That I'll leave to your imagination, you just dire to the lips of Tetsu chan in those moments always knew to strawberry - definitely if looks kill in those moments Akira would be a corpse powder on the ground.-do jealous?-should I?-Well, Tetsu-chan and I had ours, and it was anything more beautiful than what you had with moron of Akira Masaki-smiled, oh yes, he was going to die big- but I guess you do not have a right to be jealous, after all you are not nothing, leaving me the way free to move forward with Tetsu-chan what I want.-Hey, you, even you can think of...-What? you do not have a right to complain, there are couple - smiled diabolical making silence the sempai from your friend-Tetsu-chan is free which bird, and I I will use that freedom, who knows, maybe lead me to America to pass by the bicaria.The next thing you knew both is that Akira was suspended in the air by the hands of the sempai who was trying to strangle her, lucky became Morinaga and separated them grabbing the sempai by arms so it soltase the singer who fell to the ground of ass, coughing.-Aki-kun do these well?-said without releasing the man who churned in her arms-Yes, not to worry - it sobaba is the neck and picked up the package which had come loose Tetsuhiro going to stop his sempai - better me marche already, I will come for you tomorrow at nine o'clock. We are Tetsu-chan.When Akira left Souichi suddendly of Morinaga forcefully, was angry, very angry, above all because that was an attack of jealousy, but it is making only of imagine Morinaga with someone that he wasn't that demons, take it away even though it was not something that was to admit so quickly, was jealous, very jealous of Akira.-Sempai, can you can tell me because almost kills Aki-kun?-inquired Morinaga chasing his sempai across the floor.-Shut up, is your fault!-cried walking a quarter of Morinaga, where he spent the night.-do your fault? did that? is that Aki-kun can be something tocanarices, but not so much to his death.-This idiot I was scrubbing the relationship they had! -It bellowed mirandole flushed until the ears-the silence was made-Sempai... were you jealous of Aki-kun? - asked fearfully Morinaga, that question did the blond sonrojase is more than what was already - huh, really?-Shut your mouth idiot, I wasn't jealous... have no right. -she whispered this last until Morinaga abrazase it with force-Mori...-Escuchame sempai, no matter what happens, I might not never love to Aki-kun-le told the hearing that he is sticks and jadeara - in addition, my heart, for years, is only yours sempai.Kissed to highlight those words, walking towards the bed, forgetting that in the room of to the side was Kanako sleeping, clothes flew from their bodies before touching the sheets, while kissing, touching each other, crossing fingers that skin that was so well known, but just as addictive as the first time. Whenever a kiss ended Souichi started one, I wanted to erase all trace of the flavor from the lips of Akira of Morinaga mouth, that mouth, that body that marked with their own so that tomorrow could see the singer, was his own, Morinaga was just hers, and if Akira wanted war, war would be.-Sempai, I love you.-Ah
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