Mientras caminaba por un solitario pasillo de la universidad de Nagoya dịch - Mientras caminaba por un solitario pasillo de la universidad de Nagoya Anh làm thế nào để nói

Mientras caminaba por un solitario

Mientras caminaba por un solitario pasillo de la universidad de Nagoya, Souichi se encontraba perdido en sus pensamientos, hace solo unos momentos había tenido una conversación muy larga con el profesor Fukushima acerca del futuro prometedor que Morinaga tendría en sólo unos meses; sin embargo la noticia tuvo un gran impacto en su corazón y en su mente.

-"Así que será en Canadá… el nuevo trabajo de Morinaga será en Canadá"- pensaba insistentemente.

Sin embargo, se encontraba tratando de controlar el torrente de emociones que sentía en esos momentos como consecuencia de aquella pregunta que le había formulado el profesor Fukushima; camino más rápido hasta llegar a su amado laboratorio en donde al abrir, dio gracias al cielo que se encontrará vacío, parece que sus asistentes terminaron sus labores y se habían marchado; entro y cerro tras él la puerta tranquilamente, avanzó unos pasos y llego hasta su silla en donde dejo caer el peso de su cuerpo y de nuevo volver a recordar la anterior conversación.

Unos minutos antes…

-¿En el… extranjero?- había formulado la pregunta, repitiendo lo que su profesor acababa de mencionarle.

-Así es, Farmacéutica S tiene su sucursal más grande en el extranjero, y se encuentra en Canadá- le respondía un emocionado profesor quien le había revelado una noticia inesperada.

-"Canadá… él ha dicho Canadá… Morinaga tendrá un contrato indefinido en Canadá…"- fue su primer pensamiento al escuchar las palabras del profesor Fukushima, realmente él imaginó que el futuro trabajo de Morinaga seria en alguna provincia de Japón, un trabajo fijo en Hamamatsu ó incluso pensó en Nagoya; pues Morinaga repetía miles de veces que lucharía por una plaza en la ciudad, y el motivo era siempre el mismo, quería estar cerca de su "amado Souichi"; pero no, jamás pensó que su trabajo sería en el extranjero y menos en Canadá.

Sabía lo lejos que se encontraba ese país, pues él había viajado en el pasado a tomar un seminario por dos meses. Conocía que era un país bastante tranquilo y "muy liberal" en ese tema que tanto odiaba, tiempo después comprendió que en esos dos meses que él estuvo allá, fue muy frustrante para Morinaga y no podía negarlo, para él también. Morinaga se había atrevido a ir a visitarlo, con la justificación de que lo extrañaba demasiado, él no estaba muy de acuerdo con eso pero, por más que trató de evitarlo no lo consiguió y al final Morinaga pasó una increíble noche con él.

-"El muy pervertido, lo consiguió… también esa noche… aunque yo no me resistí"- reflexionaba con sus recuerdos con un leve sonrojo.

-Tatsumi-kun, Tatsumi-kun ¿Estás bien?- le preguntó el profesor sacándolo de sus pensamientos.

Se había quedado perdido en recordar de manera rápida los acontecimientos ocurridos antes, trató de controlarse y regreso a la conversación.

-¿Eh? Si ¿Qué pasa?- le pregunto al profesor que lo miraba extrañado.

-Te comentaba que Morinaga-kun tendrá un contrato indefinido en Canadá, ese muchacho tiene mucha suerte y un excelente futuro, desde que me acompaño a Vancouver a aquella convención, y le di un tema para que desarrollará y expusiera ante aquellos investigadores y doctores en diferentes especialidades y empresas, Morinaga-kun llamó mucho la atención- comentaba él amble profesor.

-Cuando regresamos a Nagoya poco tiempo después recibí un correo de uno de mis contactos que me pidió información acerca del chico que me acompaño, me dijo que una empresa se había interesado en él. Inmediatamente después me comunique con mi amigo que me informó que se trataba de Farmacéutica S, me pidió que me comunicara con los reclutadores de la empresa y enviará inmediatamente la información de Morinaga-kun, para que entrará a un selección de los mejores candidatos- el profesor parecía emocionado, platicándole todo esto a Souichi quien estaba aún en shock.

-Un tiempo después me llegó la notificación que Morinaga-kun era la mejor opción para ocupar una de las vacantes disponibles en la ciudad de Hamamatsu y que tendría que asistir a una entrevista formal, cuyo fin era tratar con él en persona para evaluar sus conocimientos, habilidades y personalidad, por supuesto que esta más que claro que solo era para conocerlo personalmente- suspiró con una sonrisa sincera.

-Morinaga es un chico muy inteligente, realmente cuando lo conocí me sorprendí y me recordó a cuando tú eras mi estudiante, tan capaz y con un futuro prometedor, un tiempo después cuando me comunicó que te empezaría a ayudar en el laboratorio como asistente, fue algo que me impresionó, pues su mancuerna como Sempai y Kouhai sería perfecta, ambos han trabajado juntos por mucho tiempo y sus resultados han sido muy prometedores, sin embargo sus caminos profesionales son diferentes; tú decidiste apoyar a la universidad con tus investigaciones y seguir con tu doctorado, él en cambio concluiría su licenciatura e iniciaría su maestría- continuó su conversación -Así que no dudé en recomendarlo y alegrarme cuando el acepto ir a la entrevista, él a echo un excelente trabajo en sus entrenamientos y proyectos, que ahora le ofrecen mejores opciones- concluyó.

-Y bien Tatsumi-kun ¿Qué te parece la oferta que farmacéutica S le propone?- le cuestionó tranquilamente.

-¿Eh? Pues… yo creo… que es una muy buena oportunidad y creo que será un excelente futuro- Souichi respondía por cortesía a la pregunta que su profesor le hizo, sin embargo dentro de él estaba un sin fin de emociones revoloteándose sin compasión.

-Yo también pienso lo mismo, es una excelente oportunidad- comento el profesor viendo a Souichi detenidamente.

-Tatsumi-kun ¿Qué piensas? ¿Estas contento por Morinaga-kun?- le cuestionó el amable profesor.

-Por supuesto que lo estoy… yo no tendría por que no estarlo, es solo que… que me preguntaba por que me ha dicho esto a mi, debería buscar a Morinaga y decírselo cuanto antes- le respondió un poco nervioso a su profesor.

-¡Ah! bueno lo que pasa es que… bueno recuerdas que quería pedirte un favor Tatsumi-kun- le recordó, rascándose su cabeza nerviosamente.

-Si, lo recuerdo- contesto serio.

-Ya que tú eres su compañero y su amigo mas cercano yo quiero hacerte una pregunta personal sobre él y que me la respondieras sinceramente, ese es el favor que vine a pedirte- solicitó el profesor.

-¡Eh! que pregunta- le dijo sorprendido, pensando seriamente sin saber que cuestionaría el profesor.

-Tatsumi-kun… Morinaga-kun en estos momentos ¿Vive con su pareja sentimental?- cuestionó directamente.

-¿Ah?, ¿Cómo dice usted…vivir… con su… pareja sentimental?- quedo sorprendido con sus ojos muy abiertos -disculpe pero esa pregunta es muy personal- le comentó algo molesto.

-je je no lo tomes a mal muchacho, lo que pasa es que, ir a trabajar al extranjero es una muy buena oportunidad para él, pero Morinaga-kun es un chico joven, amable y muy apuesto, he escuchado de parte de algunas de mis alumnas un rumor y es que Morinaga-kun actualmente tiene una relación sentimental, pues lo ha comentado discretamente je je je- se rio el profesor.

-Una pareja sentimental, pues no lo sé realmente, tal vez tenga una novia… pero... yo no se….- trato de responder rápidamente sin detalles, para salir del problema.

-je je je Tatsumi-kun eres un buen amigo ¿Verdad? al no quererme dar una respuesta real, pero yo conozco a Morinaga-kun el mismo tiempo que tu, él ha sido mi alumno más cercano, sin embargo tú y el son más unidos, son amigos y pues sabes mas cosas de él- le comento tranquilamente el profesor-Yo sé que Morinaga-kun es gay y desde que llego a Nagoya él ha vivido solo, sé que no tiene buena relación con su familia, él no suele decir los detalles sin embrago no dudo que en estos momentos se encuentre en una relación sentimental con alguien, es por eso que te lo pregunto directamente a ti, a su mejor amigo ¿Morinaga-kun está viviendo con alguien?- volvió a preguntar.

-"QUE DEMONIOS ACABA USTED DE PREGUNTAR"- su pensamiento se reflejó en sus ojos que estaba muy abiertos -Usted sabe que Morinaga es… es- no podía decir la palabra.

-Gay, si lo sé, me lo confeso hace tiempo, je je je fue complicado por que fui testigo de una declaración de jóvenes - expresaba el profesor con una sonrisa en su rostro.

-¿Una declaración? ¿Cuándo? ¿Quién?- Souichi pregunto con interés.

-je je je bueno eso fue hace tiempo, caminaba por el pasillo y me detuve al ver a una de mis alumnas platicando con él, bueno eso me pareció hasta que escuche que ella le confesaba sus sentimientos abiertamente, mientras la joven hablaba muy nerviosa él la veía con una sonrisa y después de dejarla terminar el amablemente la rechazó, la joven le agradeció el haberla escuchado y se fue llorando- narraba muy apenado.

Souichi mientras lo escuchaba imaginaba la escena, no era extraño que Morinaga pasara por esa situación ya que el siempre lo veía rodeado de chicas, quienes le pedían apoyo con algunas materias -"obviamente son solo escusas para estar cerca de él"- pensó.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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As I walked a lonely Hall of Nagoya University, Souichi was lost in his thoughts, just a few moments ago I had had a very long conversation with Professor Fukushima about the promising future that Morinaga would have only a few months; However the news had a big impact in his heart and in his mind.-"So that it will be in Canada... the new work from Morinaga will be in Canada" - thought consistently.However, he was trying to control the flood of emotions I felt in those moments as a result of the question it had asked Professor Fukushima; way up to reach his beloved laboratory where to open, fast thanked heaven that will be empty, it seems that his assistants ended their work and they had left; I enter and Hill after the door quietly, advanced a few steps and get your chair where I dropped the weight of your body and back again to remember the previous conversation.A few minutes before...-In the... foreign?-had asked the question, repeating what her teacher just mention him.-So, pharmaceutical S has its largest overseas subsidiary, and is located in Canada - answered an excited professor who had revealed an unexpected news.-"Canada... He has said Canada... Morinaga will have a permanent contract in Canada... "-it was his first thought on hearing the words of Professor Fukushima, really he imagined that the future work of Morinaga would be in any province of Japan, a work fixed in Hamamatsu or even thought of Nagoya;" as Morinaga repeated thousands of times to fight for a place in the city, and the reason was always the same, I wanted to be close to his "beloved Souichi"; but no, he never thought that his work would be less in Canada and overseas.I knew how far that was there, because he had traveled in the past to take a seminar for two months. I knew that it was a fairly quiet country and "very liberal" in that topic so much hated, later realized that in those two months that he was there, it was very frustrating for Morinaga and could not deny it, for it also. Morinaga had dared to go visit him, with the justification that missed it too, he was not very much agree with that, but as much as he tried to avoid it failed and ultimately Morinaga spent an amazing night with him.-"The very perverted, got it... also that night... Although I do not I resisted" - reflected with their memories with a slight blush.-Tatsumi-kun, Tatsumi-kun are you well?-asked the Professor out of his thoughts.It had been lost in remember quickly the events that occurred earlier, tried to control himself and return to the conversation.-Huh? If what happens?-ask the professor that you looked at him surprised.-Said you that Morinaga-kun will have a permanent in Canada contract, that boy has good luck and a great future, accompanied me to Vancouver to that Convention, and I gave him a theme so that it will develop and expose yourself to those researchers and doctors in different specialties and companies, Morinaga-kun called much attention - commented the amble Professor.-When we returned to Nagoya shortly thereafter I received an email from one of my contacts which asked me for information about the boy who accompanied me, told me that a company had been interested in him. Immediately after I contact my friend who informed me that it was pharmaceutical S, asked me to communicate with recruiters from the company and will immediately send the information of Morinaga-kun, so that it will enter a selection of the best candidates - the Professor seemed excited, talking all this to Souichi who was still in shock.-Some time later I got notification that Morinaga-kun was the best choice to fill one of the vacancies in the city of Hamamatsu, and would have to attend a formal interview, whose aim was to deal with him in person to assess their knowledge, skills and personality, of course that is more than clear that it only was to know him personally - he sighed with a sincere smile.-Morinaga is a very intelligent guy, actually when I met him I was surprised and reminded me of when you were my student, so ably and with a promising future, a time later when he informed me that you would begin to help in the laboratory as an Assistant, was something that struck me, his dumbbell as Sempai and Kouhai would be perfect, both have worked together for a long time and its results have been very promising However their professional paths are different; you decided the University with your research and follow with your doctor, he instead completed her Bachelor's degree and began her master's degree - he continued his conversation - so I don't hesitate to recommend it and rejoice when the accept to go to the interview, he to echo an excellent job training and projects, which now provide better options - concluded.- And well Tatsumi-kun do you think offer pharmaceutical S proposes you?-questioned you quietly.-Huh? Because... I think... it is a very good opportunity and I think that it will be a great future - Souichi responded by courtesy to question his teacher made him, however within it was an endless emotions flitting without compassion.-I also think the same thing, is an excellent opportunity-commented Professor Souichi watching carefully.-Tatsumi-kun what you think? These happy by Morinaga-kun?-questioned the friendly teacher.-Of course that I am... I wouldn't not be, is just that... that I wondered that it told me this to me, should look for Morinaga and tell them as soon as possible - answered her teacher a little nervous.-Ah! What happens is good... well you remember that I wanted to ask you a favor Tatsumi-kun - it reminded him, scratching his head nervously.-Yes, I remember it - answer seriously.-Since you are his mate and his friend close I want to ask you a personal question about it and answer me it sincerely, that is the favour which I came to ask you - asked the professor.-Eh! that question - told her surprised, seriously thinking without knowing that would call into question the professor.-Tatsumi-kun... Morinaga-kun currently does live with his girlfriend?-questioned directly.-Do Ah?, how you say... live... with his... girlfriend? - stay surprised with their eyes wide open - sorry but this question is very personal - you told him something annoying.-je je don't take it bad boy, what happens is that, going to work abroad is a good opportunity for him, but Morinaga-kun is a young, friendly, and very good looking guy, I've heard a rumor on the part of some of my students and Morinaga-kun currently has a romantic relationship, as he reviewed discreetly je je je - is River teacher.-A girlfriend, because I don't know really, perhaps I have a girlfriend... but... not you...-I try to respond quickly without details, to get out of the problem.-je je je Tatsumi-kun you're a good friend right? not wanting me to give a real answer, but I know Morinaga-Kun the same time as you, it has been my closest student, however you and are more United, they are friends and because you know more things from him - I calmly commented the teacher - I know that Morinaga-kun is gay and since I get to Nagoya he has lived only I know that it does not have good relationship with his family, he does not usually tell the details without however I have no doubt that currently is in a relationship with someone, that's that I wonder what you directly to you, her best friend Morinaga-kun is living with someone?-asked again.-"What demons just you ask" - his thinking was reflected in his eyes was very open - you know Morinaga is... - could not say the word.-Gay, if I know, me lo confessed long ago, je je je was complicated by that witnessed a declaration of youth - expressed the teacher with a smile on his face.-Would a statement? If so, when? Who? - Souichi asked with interest.-je je je well that was long ago, walked down the aisle and I stopped to see one of my students talking with him, that seemed good to me until you hear that she confessed her feelings openly, while the young man was very nervous he saw her with a smile and after let it finish the kindly rejected it, the young man thanked him having heard and he was crying - narrated very upset.Souichi as I listened to it imagined the scene, it was not uncommon that Morinaga passed by this situation since the always saw him surrounded by girls, who asked some materials support-"they obviously are only excuses to be near him" - thought.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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While walking down a lonely hallway Nagoya University, Souichi was lost in thought, just moments ago he had had a long conversation with Professor Fukushima about the promising future that Morinaga would in a few months; but the news had a great impact on your heart and in your mind. - "So it will be in Canada ... the new work Morinaga be in Canada." - he thought insistently However, he was trying to control the flood of emotions I felt at that time because of that question that had asked Professor Fukushima; faster to get to his beloved lab where opening, thanked God that will be empty road, it seems that his assistants finished their work and gone; came in and closed the door quietly behind him, stepped forward and reached his chair where he dropped the weight of his body and again to recall the previous conversation. A few minutes before ... 'In the ... abroad - he had formulated . the question, repeating what his teacher had just mentioning Aye, Pharmaceutical S has its largest overseas branch, and is located in Canada, he answered an excited teacher who had revealed unexpected news. - "Canada ... He said Canada ... Morinaga have a permanent contract in Canada ... "- was his first thought upon hearing the words of Professor Fukushima, he really imagined that the future would work in any province Morinaga of Japan, a steady job or even Hamamatsu he thought in Nagoya; Morinaga since repeated thousands of times fight for a place in the city, and the reason was always the same, I wanted to be near his "beloved Souichi"; but no, he never thought his work would be less abroad and in Canada. He knew how far that country was, as he had traveled in the past to take a seminar for two months. He knew it was a fairly quiet country and "very liberal" in the subject he hated, later realized that in those two months he was there, it was very frustrating for Morinaga and could not deny it, for him too. Morinaga had dared to visit him, on the grounds that she missed him too, he was not quite agree with that but, though tried to avoid he failed and finally Morinaga spent an incredible night with him. - " Very perverted, also got ... that night ... but I could not resist me "- reflected his memories with a slight blush. -Tatsumi-kun, Tatsumi-kun Are you okay? -. asked the teacher him out of his thoughts were had been lost quickly recall the events occurring before, he tried to control himself and return to the conversation. Huh? What if - I ask the teacher looked puzzled. 'I commented that Morinaga-kun will have a permanent contract in Canada, that boy is lucky and a great future, since Vancouver to accompany me to that convention, and I gave a theme to develop and exposed to those researchers and doctors in different specialties and companies, Morinaga-kun caught my attention-amble commented Professor. When we returned to Nagoya shortly after I received an email from one of my contacts I asked about the boy that I accompany me, told me that a company was interested in him. Immediately after I contact my friend informed me that it was Pharmaceutical S, I asked that I contact recruiters of the company and immediately send information Morinaga-kun, that will go to a selection of the best candidates-the Professor seemed excited, all this platicándole Souichi who was still in shock. -A after the notification came to me Morinaga-kun was the best choice to fill one of the vacancies available in the city of Hamamatsu and would have to attend a formal interview, whose purpose was to deal with it in person to assess their knowledge, skills and personality, of course, is more than clear that it was only to meet personally-sighed with a sincere smile. -Morinaga is a very smart guy, really when I met him I was surprised and reminded me of when you were my student, so capable and with a promising future, some time later when he told me that you would begin to help in the lab assistant, was something that impressed me, as his dumbbell as Sempai and Kouhai would be perfect, both have worked together for a long time and the results have been very promising, but their career paths are different; you decided to support the university with your research and follow your doctorate, instead he would conclude his degree and begin their maestría- continued his conversation So you do not hesitate to recommend it and rejoice when he agreed to go to interview him pour a . excellent job in their training and projects, which now offer better options- concluded Tatsumi-kun 'Well what do you think the offer that offers pharmaceutical S - quietly questioned him. Huh? Well ... I think ... it's a very good opportunity and I think that will be an excellent future-Souichi courtesy to answer the question that his teacher made ​​him, but inside it was a myriad of emotions revoloteándose without compassion. 'I also I think the same is an excellent opportunity-commented Professor Souichi watching carefully. -Tatsumi-kun What do you think? Are you happy with Morinaga-kun -. He questioned the teacher friendly 'Of course I am ... I would not have that not be, it's just ... I wondered why I said this to me, you should seek to Morinaga As before- and I tell a little nervous replied his teacher. Ah! good thing is that ... well remember that I wanted to ask you a Tatsumi-kun Please reminded him, scratching his head nervously. Yeah, I remind you answered seriously. 'Since you're his partner and his closest friend I want to make personal questions about him and sincerely respondieras me, that's the favor I came to pedirte- asked the teacher. Hey! I told him that asks, surprised, thinking seriously unaware that question the professor. -Tatsumi-kun ... Morinaga-kun right now Lives with his girlfriend - directly questioned. -¿Ah ?, How do you say ... live ... with his girlfriend ... -. I'll take it surprised with his eyes wide Excuse me but that question is very personally said something annoying Heh heh not take this the wrong boy, what happens is that going to work abroad is a great opportunity for him, but Morinaga-kun is a young, friendly and very handsome boy, I've heard from some of my students is a rumor and Morinaga-kun currently have a relationship, because what has commented quietly je je- engineering professor laughed. -A girlfriend, then I do not really know, maybe have a girlfriend ... but ... I do not ... .- try to respond quickly without details, out of the problem. Heh heh Tatsumi-kun je're a good friend, right? not love to give a real answer, but I know Morinaga-kun the same time as you, he was my closest pupil, and yet you are more united, because you are friends and know more things about him I comment quietly Professor-I know Morinaga-kun is gay and since arriving in Nagoya he lived alone, having no good relationship with his family, he usually does not say the details no clutch no doubt that now is in a relationship with someone, that's why I'm asking you directly to you, to your best friend Morinaga-kun is living with someone - he asked again. - "what the hell just YOU ASK" - his thinking was reflected in his eyes were wide open You know it is ... ES Morinaga could not say the word. -Gay, if you know what I confessed long ago, heh heh heh was complicated because I witnessed a youth statement - expressed Professor with a smile on his face. -¿Una statement? When? Who - Souichi asked with interest. Heh heh heh well that was long ago, walked down the aisle and stopped to see one of my students talking to him, well it seemed to me to hear that she confessed her feelings openly, as the girl spoke very nervous he saw her with a smile and after letting her finish the kindly refused, she thanked him for the hearing it and was crying narrated very sorry. Souichi as I listened imagined the scene, it was not Oddly Morinaga go through this situation since it always was surrounded by girls, who asked him some support materials - "obviously are just excuses to be near him" - he thought.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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While walking on a secluded hallway of Nagoya University, Souichi was lost in their thoughts, Only moments ago, had a very long conversation with the teacher about the promising future that Morinaga Fukushima have only a few months, but the News had a Big Impact on your heart and in your mind.- "so you will be in Canada. The New Work of Morinaga is thought insistently in Canada" -.

however, was trying to control the Flood of emotions I felt in those moments as a result of the question asked by Professor Fukushima; fastest way to reach his Beloved Laboratory where the Open,Gave thanks to Heaven is empty, it appears that their assistants completed its work and had left; entered and closed the door quietly behind him, Advanced a few steps and came up to his Chair where it dropped The Weight of his body again and return to the previous conversation. A few minutes before

- in the country? - I asked the question,Repeating what his teacher had mentioned.

- that is, has its largest Pharmaceutical s Branch abroad, and is located in Canada - a teacher who was excited has revealed an unexpected News.
"Canada - Canada Morinaga, he said, will have an indefinite contract in Canada..." was his first thought when he heard The Words of Professor FukushimaHe imagined the future work would be in any Province of Japan Morinaga, a permanent job in Hamamatsu or even thought in Nagoya; Morinaga repeated thousands of times to fight for a place in the City, and it was always the same, I wanted to be near his "Beloved Souichi"; but no, never he thought that His work would be less in Canada and abroad.I knew how far it was that country, he had travelled in the past to take a seminar for two months. I knew that was a pretty quiet and very liberal, "in that I hated, later included in these two months that he was there, it was very frustrating for Morinaga and could not deny him. Morinaga had dared to go into it
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