-Estoy muy preocupado por Taiga- suspiró y se puso de costado para verme –Es decir... todo el tiempo está encerrada en su habitación y...-
-¡¿Siempre tienes que hablarme de ella?!- me quejé sin alterarme y aún mirando el libro.
-Ah... etto...- se puso algo nervioso –No sabía que te molestaba-
-No es que me moleste, baka. Es solo que...- bajé el libro y miré al techo –Lo único que sale de tu boca es "Taiga esto... Taiga el otro... Taiga bla bla bla"... ¿ya basta, no?-
-No tienes por qué estar celoso, mi Sempai- expresó inocentemente.
-...- maldición... no... no estoy celoso... no pienses eso... nooo -¡NO! No estoy celoso-
-Entonces por qué te...-
-Solamente quiero que dejes de mencionármela. Sabes muy bien que no me agrada- respiré hondo –Además... si ella quiere estar encerrada en el cuarto es SU problema- lo miré –Nadie le prohibió que saliera de ahí-
-Lo sé... y es por eso que me preocupa- puso esa cara triste –Deberíamos ayudarla-
-¿"Deberíamos"?- enfaticé –Ah no... yo NO pienso ayudarla. No tengo por qué hacerlo-
-Pero, Sempai...-
-Escúchame bien, baka. En primer lugar... el que quiso ayudarla ofreciéndole un alojamiento aquí eres TÚ...-
-Sí, pero tú aceptaste-
-Acepté porque no me quedó de otra. No iba a tirar a una mocosa embarazada a la calle- renegué –No soy tan desalmado- volví a mirar el techo –Además... tú no dejabas de insistir-
-Por favor, Sempai... ayúdame a animarla... o por lo menos... a sacarla de ese cuarto-
-Ya te dije... si quiere estar encerrada ahí... es SU problema-
-Es que... ME PREOCUPA-
-¿Por qué tanta preocupación?- cuestioné –Está encerrada en su habitación... al menos sabemos que el loco de su ex novio no la podrá encontrar-
-No lo digo por eso, mi Sempai, sino lo digo por su embarazo. En estos dos meses... su pancita... ha crecido mucho-
-¿Estás hablando enserio?- volví a mirarlo.
-Sí. Pensé que tendría no sé... recién 2 meses de embarazo, pero... su barriga parece de 4 meses-
-...- me sorprendió.
-No sé mucho sobre mujeres embarazadas, pero pude leer en internet que si una mujer lleva otra vida dentro de ella... no puede estar llorando día y noche. Debe estar feliz, animada, comer sano, moverse, respirar aire puro..., pero... estar postrada en una cama... casi sin comer por voluntad... y llorando, pues... está lastimando tanto a su bebé como a ella misma-
-Ay...- suspiré –Pero qué podemos hacer. Ella es la que no quiere salir del cuarto. No la podemos obligar tampoco-
-Pero... no sé... animarla... intentar hablar con ella. Eso sí podemos hacer-
-¿Y luego?- pregunté –¿Una vez que salga de la habitación...?-
-Pienso llevarla a un ginecólogo para que revise el estado del bebé-
-Mira, Morinaga. Yo ando muy OCUPADO como para estar gastando mi tiempo en animar a esa mocosa. Además... ¿"ginecólogo"? ¡Ja! ¿Y quién pagará eso, tarado?-
-Pues... yo-
-Claro...- fui sarcástico –Le das casa, comida, atención personalizada y ahora... ¿vas a pagarle el ginecólogo?- me indigné –Qué sigue después... ¿le comprarás ropa? ¿la llevarás a sus clases de parto? ¿le comprarás regalitos para el bebé?-
-Bueno... si lo necesita... creo que podría hacerlo- respondió nervioso a que le gritara por su respuesta.
-¡NO, MORINAGA!- de todas formas me enojé –Si ella necesita gastar... pues que lo haga con SU DINERO- me señaló –No quiero que se le haga costumbre pedirte dinero cada vez que ella necesite. Tú ya cumpliste con ayudarla y ofrecerle un hogar "temporal"... entonces... no te metas en lo demás. Que Taiga se preocupe en conseguir un trabajo para que pueda pagar sus asuntos-
-Conseguir un empleo estando embarazada es... muy difícil-
-Baka... ese era el trato. Se supone que TÚ ibas a ayudarla a conseguir un trabajo. No me vengas a cambiar las cosas ahora ¡eh!-
-Y voy a ayudarla, pero... primero necesito animarla... hablar con ella-
-Pues habla con ella, pero... no cuentes conmigo- le advertí.
-Yo NO me ofrecí a consolarla y menos a animarla- lo regañé -Lo único que hice fue aceptar que se refugiara aquí mientras ella estuviese embarazada- dejé mi libro en la mesita de noche -Es todo... ahora duérmete- apagué la luz apropósito y me volteé para darle la espalda.
Qué se ha creído ese baka de Morinaga... que... ¿yo voy a estar gastando MI DINERO y gastando MI TIEMPO en esa mocosa? JAMÁS. Yo tengo cosas importantes que hacer. Para mí... Taiga es solo una intrusa en esta casa... una intrusa que se irá a penas nazca su bebé. Yo tengo derecho a seguir con mi vida normal, renegué hasta que poco a poco me quedé dormido.
Al día siguiente... regresé de trabajar un poco tarde. Me moría de hambre y el baka de Morinaga aún no había regresado. Por suerte... en la nevera había sopa miso. Tan solo tenía que recalentarla. Minutos después... me senté en el sofá, con un tazón de sopa en una mano y en la otra... el control remoto de la televisión. Desde que Taiga empezó a encerrarse en la habitación... el televisor era completamente mío en las noches y... lo disfrutaba mucho.
El reloj marcó las 10pm y Morinaga aún no llegaba a casa. Me enojé un poco, porque ese sin vergüenza ni siquiera se molestó en avisar que llegaría más tarde de lo normal. Saqué mi celular del bolsillo para llamarlo y justo antes de abrirlo... me entró una llamada... "Tetsuhiro Morinaga", decía en la pantalla...
-Qué...- contesté sin mucho interés para que no piense que estuve preocupado por la hora.
-Hola, mi Sempai- saludó bastante nervioso.
-¿Estás en casa?-
-Etto... se me hizo algo tarde. Recién voy a salir de la farmacéutica-
-De acuerdo- suspiré –Gracias por avisar-
-¿Puedes hacerme un favor?- preguntó inocentemente.
-Qué cosa-
-Espero que no te enojes por lo que te voy a pedir pero...-
-¡Habla ya!- insistí.
-¿Podrías servirle un poco de sopa miso a Taiga, por favor?-
-¿QUÉ?- me indigné, pues YO no iba a gastar mi tiempo por esa mocosa.
-Por favor, Sempai. Sé que te molesta hacer cosas por Taiga, pero... voy a demorar en llegar al apartamento... y... ella debe estar muriéndose de hambre... y...-
-Si tiene TANTA hambre... pues que salga de la habitación y venga a servirse sopa ELLA MISMA-
-No lo hará- respiró hondo –Por favor, Sempai... por favor. Hazlo... aunque sea por esta vez, por favor... por favor... por favor...- me rogaba por el teléfono como y un niño.
-...- detesto ser yo el que cede –De acuerdo. Tan solo apresúrate, baka-
-¡Gracias, mi Sempai!- expresó con mucha felicidad y colgó.
No me quedó opción más que interrumpir mi sagrado y tranquilo momento viendo la televisión para levantarme, servirle sopa a esa mocosa y llevársela en bandeja al cuarto. Es una maldita inútil ¡Por qué rayos no sale de ese cuarto a hacer sus propias cosas! Si tan solo me molesta ver a Morinaga que le lleva la comida al cuarto... aún peor me irrita si se la llevo yo mismo.
Me puse de pie... calenté la sopa en un tazón y la puse en la bandeja. Fui cuidadosamente al mi ex habitación donde Taiga estaba encerrada y con la luz apagada. Conste que eso no lo hacía ni por Taiga ni por Morinaga... tan solo me atreví a hacerlo por ese pequeño bebé que no tiene la culpa de nada. Entré al cuarto, prendí la luz con mi hombro... y ahí estaba la muy floja... echada en posición fetal, sin decir una sola palabra. Dejé la bandeja en la mesita de noche y estaba dispuesto a irme de ahí... pero... la cólera me agarró y quise hacer que esa mocosa deje de aprovecharse de la hospitalidad de Morinaga...
-¡¿Hasta cuándo piensas estar tirada en esa cama?!- fui serio y al punto.
-...- no recibí respuesta.
-¡Oye, baka!- permanecí parado al lado de la cama de brazos cruzados –Te estoy hablando-
-...- aún sin respuesta.
-¡Eres patética!- se me ocurrió la idea de insultarla para hacerla reaccionar –Tan solo mírate. Te has pasado DOS meses sin moverte de esa cama, más que para ir al baño. ¿Eres estúpida o qué? Acepta tu penosa realidad. Tu ex novio te vio la cara por más de cinco años y encima... te preñó- fui duro, pero aún así ninguna respuesta –Apuesto a que Takasu se reiría de esto-
-...- noté que se enroscó más con la sábana –Vete...- susurró.
-¿Qué? ¿Qué dijiste?- fui sarcástico –No te oigo, niñita tonta-
-Vete... por favor... vete- hablaba muy bajito.
-¡Ja! Hasta tu propio hijo cuando crezca... se avergonzaría de tener una madre tan humillante como tú-
Sempai?--Hmm?--I am very concerned about Taiga - he sighed and stood on its side to see me - i.e.... all the time is locked in his room and...--Do always have to tell me about it? -I complained without disturbing me and even looking at the book.-Ah... etto...-got something nervous - I didn't know that I bothered --It is not that I bother, baka. It's just that...-I got the book and looked at the ceiling - the only thing that comes out of your mouth is "Taiga this..." Taiga the other... "Taiga blah blah blah"... enough, no?--Don't have to be jealous, my Sempai - said innocently.-...-curse... no... I'm not jealous... don't think that... nooo - NO! I'm not jealous--Then why you...--I just want to let to mention me it. You know very well that I am not pleased - took a deep breath - plus... If she wants to be locked up in the room is your problem - looked at him - nobody forbade him to come out of there --I know... which is why it worries me - put that sad face - we should help her --Do "should"? - stressed - Oh no... I don't think help her. I don't have to do it--But, Sempai...--Hear me well, baka. First he wanted to help her offering him accommodation here... are you...--Yes, but you accepted--I accepted because I had no other. Was not going to pull a runny pregnant Street - renounced - I am not so heartless - I went back to look at the roof - also... you not left to insist --Please, Sempai... help me... or at least... encourage you to pull it out of that quarter--Ya I told you... If you want to be locked up there... is your problem --Is that... I CARE --Why what so much concern? - questioned - is locked in his room... at least we know that the madman of her ex-boyfriend can not find it --I do not say why my Sempai, but say this for her pregnancy. In these two months... your tummy... has grown--Do you're talking seriously?-I went back to look at it.-Yes. I thought that it would be I don't know... just 2 months of pregnancy, but... his belly looks like 4 months --.-I was surprised.-Don't know much about pregnant women, but I read online that if a woman takes another life within it... not you be crying day and night. You must be happy, lively, eat healthy, move, breathe pure air... but... be prostrate in a bed... almost without eating will... and crying, because... it is hurting both your baby and herself --Oh...-sighed - but what we can do. It is which does not want to leave the room. We cannot force it either-- But... don't know... encourage you... to try to talk to her. That we can do -- And then? - asked - once you leave the room...? --I have reviewed the status of the baby - a gynecologist-Look, Morinaga. I'm too busy to be spending my time in encouraging that runny. Plus... do "gynecologist"? It HA! And who will pay for that, tare?--Well...--Of course...-I was sarcastic - hit House, food, personalized attention and now... are going to pay the gynaecologist? - me indigné - what follows after... do buy you clothes? you take it to your childbirth classes? do buy you gifts for baby?--Well... If you need it... I think that I could do it - said nervous to to scream you for their response.-NO, MORINAGA! - anyway I was angry - if she needs to spend... because you do it with your money - I said - I don't want to make you custom order you money whenever she needs. You already completed with help and offer you a 'temporary' home... then... no mess in the other. Taiga worry in get a job so he can pay his affairs--Get a job while pregnant is very difficult--Baka... that was the deal. It is assumed that you were going to help her get a job. I do not come to change things now eh! -- And I'm going to help her, but... first I need to encourage you... talk to her --Well, talk to her, but... don't count with me - I warned you.-Sempai...--I not offered me to console her and less to encourage it - regañé it - the only thing I did was to accept it refuge here while she was pregnant - I left my book on the nightstand - is all... now asleep - I turned off the light intentional and I turned to give him back.What is believed that Morinaga baka... that... I'm going to be spending my money and spending my time at that runny? EVER. I have important things to do. For me... Taiga is only an intruder in this House... your baby is born by an intruder who will go to penalties. I have the right to continue with my normal life, renounced until gradually I fell asleep.The next day I returned... to work a little late. Me dying of hunger and the baka of Morinaga had still not returned. Luckily... in the refrigerator had miso soup. I just had to reheat it. Minutes later... I sat on the couch with a bowl of soup in one hand and in the other... the remote control of the TV. Since Taiga began to withdraw into the room... the TV was completely mine at night and... I enjoyed it very much.The clock marked 10 pm and Morinaga still did not arrive home. I got a little angry because that without shame or even bother to let that you arrive later than normal. I took my phone from the Pocket to call him and just before open it... got a call... "Tetsuhiro Morinaga", said in the screen...-What...-I answered without much interest so don't think I was worried about the time.-Hello, my Sempai - greeted quite nervous.-Hello...--Are you at home?--Yes--Etto... made me rather late. I'll just leave the pharmaceutical--Of agreement - sighed - please advise--You can do me a favor? - asked innocently.-What--I hope that do not get angry by what I'm going to ask but...--Habla ya! - insisted.-Do you serve you a little soup miso Taiga, please?--WHAT? - I indigné, because I was not going to spend my time for that stuffy nose.-Please, Sempai. I know that it bothers you do things by Taiga, but... will it take to get to the apartment... and... she must be dying of hunger... and...--If you have so much hunger... as you leave the room and come to serve soup herself--It will not - breathed deep - Sempai... Please please. Do it... Although by this time, please... Please... Please...-I begged over the phone as and a child.-.-I hate to be me that yields - agree. Just hurry, baka --Thank you, my Sempai! - he expressed with much happiness and hung up.I had no choice rather than interrupt my sacred and quiet moment watching television to raise me, serve you soup at that runny and take it in tray into the room. Is a fucking useless rays do not come out of that room to do their own things! If it bothers me just to see Morinaga carrying her food to the room... even worse it irritates me if I took her.I was standing... I heated the soup into a bowl and put it in the tray. I was carefully to the my former room where Taiga was locked and the lights off. Stating that that did not by Taiga by Morinaga... only I dared to do it for that little baby that is not guilty of anything. I went into the room, turned on the light to my shoulder... and there was the very loose... pitch in the fetal position, without saying a single word. I left the tray on the nightstand and was ready to get out of there... but... the anger seized me and wanted to stop that runny take advantage of the hospitality of Morinaga...-Till when you think be lying in that bed? -I was serious and to the point.-...-I got no response.-Hey, baka! - remained standing beside the bed of folded arms - I'm talking about --...-still no response.-You're pathetic! - I thought the idea of insulting her to make it react - just look at you. TWO months have passed you without leaving the bed, rather than to go to the bathroom. Are you stupid or what? It accepts your painful reality. Your ex-boyfriend saw you face more than five years and over you... preñó - I was hard, but still no response - I bet Takasu would laugh this --...-I noticed that it started more with the Savannah - go...-whispered.-What? What did you say? - was sarcastic - I can't hear you, silly girl --Go... Please... go - spoke very quietly.-Ja! Even your own son when you grow up... be ashamed of having a mother as humiliating as you--DIJE QUE TE LARGUEEEEEEES!-
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..

¿Sempai - Hmm - I'm very concerned about Taiga- sighed and turned on her side to say ... It's me all the time is locked in her room and ...- -¡¿Siempre have to talk it -! I complained not get upset and still looking at the book. Oh ... etto ...- she got a little nervous I did not know you molestaba- 'It's not bothering me, baka. It's just that ...- lowered the book and looked at the ceiling only thing coming out of your mouth is "this ... Taiga Taiga Taiga other ... blah blah blah" ... enough is enough, no? - No you have reason to be jealous, my Sempai- said innocently. -...- curse ... no ... I'm not jealous ... nooo do not think that ... NO! I'm not jealous ...- Then why you 'I only want you to stop mencionármela. You know very well that I took a deep breath pleasing Besides ... if she wants to be locked in the room is YOUR problem-barred Nobody looked at him to get out of there- I know ... and that's why I He puts that concern We should help her sad face -¿ "should" - I emphasized Oh no ... I do not think help. I have no reason to do so But, Sempai ...- Listen to me, baka. First ... that would help you offering accommodation here is YOU ...- Yes, but you aceptaste- -Acepté because I had no other. He would not shoot a brat pregnant at the street- disowned No I'm so desalmado- looked back at the ceiling ... Besides, you would not let stress enough 'Please help me cheer Sempai ... ... or at least ... to get her out of the room- 'I told ... if you want to be locked up there ... is him this ... It's that concern ME Why so much concern - questioned - It is locked in her room ... at least we know the crazy ex-boyfriend can not find- No I mean by that, my Sempai, but I say about her pregnancy. In these two months ... her tummy has grown ... much- Are you talking seriously - back at him. Yes. I thought I would not know ... just two months pregnant, but ... your tummy 4 months seems -...- I was surprised. I do not know much about pregnant women, but I read on the internet that if a woman carries another life inside her ... he can not be crying day and night. You should be happy, lively, eat healthy, move, breathe fresh air ... but ... being bedridden ... will eat almost crying ... and then ... he is hurting both its baby and herself- Oh ...- I sighed But what we can do. She is the one who does not want to leave the room. Either- we can not force ... But ... I do not know ... try to encourage her to talk to her. We can do-that 'And then - I asked -¿Una time you leave the room ... - 'I think her to a gynecologist to check the condition of the baby Look, Morinaga. I'm too busy to be spending my time on encouraging that brat. Besides ... "gynecologist"? Ha! And who will pay that, moron - Well ... I- course ...- 'I was sarcastic give shelter, food, personal attention and now ... are you going to pay the gynecologist - I was indignant -What still later ... you'll buy clothes? Did you bring it to their childbirth classes? Would you be buying presents for the baby - if needed ... Well ... I think I could do so nervously replied that scream for your answer. No, Morinaga - anyway If she was angry need to spend ... well do it with their money No I said I want to ask you is custom made money every time she needs. You and you turned to help and provide a "temporary" home ... then ... do not get in otherwise. Taiga worry about getting a job so you can pay their affairs -Get a job while pregnant is ... very hardly -Baka ... that was the deal. It is assumed that you were going to help her get a job. I come to you not change things now huh - And I'm going to help, but ... first I need to talk to her to encourage her ... Well, she talks to her, but ... do not tell me-I warned. - Sempai ...- I do not offered me comfort and less to cheer her scolded the only thing I did was take refuge here while you were pregnant-she left my book on the bedside table ... It's all over now duérmete- purposely turned off the light and turned to give it back. What has been believed that baka Morinaga ... ... what I'll be spending my money and spending my time on that brat? NEVER. I have important things to do. For me ... Taiga is only an outsider in this house ... an intruder who will go hardly your baby. I have the right to continue with my normal life, I disowned until gradually fell asleep. The next day ... back to work a little late. I was starving and Baka Morinaga had not yet returned. Luckily ... in the fridge he had miso soup. Just he had to reheat it. Minutes later ... I sat on the couch with a bowl of soup in one hand and in the other ... the TV remote control. Since Taiga began to lock himself in the room ... the TV was all mine ... at night and enjoyed it very much. The clock struck 10pm and Morinaga not yet come home. I was angry a little, because that shameless even bother to warn you arrive later than normal. I pulled my phone out of his pocket to call and just before I came open ... a call ... "Tetsuhiro Morinaga" read on the screen ... ...- -What I said without much interest do not think that was . concerned about the time Hello, my Sempai- greeted quite nervous. Hey ...- Are you at home - -Yes.- -Etto ... I was a little late. Recently I'll leave the pharmaceutically -of agree- sighed Thanks for avisar- you do me a favor - asked innocently. What a thing- I hope you do not get mad at you but I will ask ... - 'Speak Now - insisted. Could serve some miso soup Taiga, please - What? -. I was indignant because I would not spend my time for that brat -Please Sempai . I know it bothers you do things for Taiga, but ... I'll take to reach the apartment ... and ... she must be starving ... and ...- If it is so hungry ... to leave the room and come herself-serve soup deep breath Hara 'I do not' Please ... please Sempai. Do it ... even for this time, please ... please ... please ...- begged me on the phone and as a child. -...- I hate to be the one who gives Okay . Just hurry, baka- Thanks, my Sempai - expressed much happiness and hung up. I had no choice but to interrupt my sacred and quiet time watching television to get up, serve soup that brat and take it in the fourth tray . It's a damn useless rays Why not leave that room to do their own thing! If only bothers me to see Morinaga it takes the food to the room ... even worse irritates me if I carry myself. I stood there ... I heated the soup into a bowl and put it in the tray. Carefully I went to my former room where Taiga was locked and the lights out. Stating that he did not nor Taiga or by Morinaga ... just bring myself to do it for that little baby who has no fault. I entered the room, I turned on the light with my shoulder ... and there was the very loose ... lying in a fetal position, not saying a word. I put the tray on the nightstand and was willing to go there ... but ... anger gripped me and I wanted to make that brat stop taking advantage of the hospitality of Morinaga ... when you think -¡¿Hasta be lying in that bed -?! I was serious and to the point. -...- I received no reply. Hey, baka - remained standing beside the bed idly 'I'm talking -...- yet unanswered. 'You're pathetic - I got the idea to make it react insult' As just look at you. You've spent two months without leaving the bed, rather than go to the bathroom. Are you stupid or what? Accept your painful reality. Your ex boyfriend saw you up for more than five years and up ... you preñó- I was hard, but still no answer I bet you would laugh at this-Takasu -...- I noticed that curled over the Go away ...- whispered sheet. What? What did you say? - I was sarcastic 'Do not hear, tonta- little girl Go away ... please ... veterinary spoke very softly. Ha! Even your own son when he grows up ... would be ashamed to have a mother like you, so humiliating -¡DIJE LARGUEEEEEEES YOU! -
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Sempai? -
- hmm? -
- I am very worried by Taiga - sighed and stood next to me, i.e.... All the time he's locked in his room. -
- you always talk to me about it? - Brother! I complained and even without looking at the book.
Oh... - This... - I knew something was bothering you nervous -
- not that I mind, Baka. It's just that...- I got off the book and looked at the ceiling, only out of your mouth is "Taiga... The Taiga. Taiga blah blah blah... " That's enough, isn't it?
- - You Don't have to Be Jealous, my sempai was innocently.
-... Damn... Not... I'm not Jealous... Don't think that... No. - No! I'm not Jealous - - then why you
... - Just stop mencionármela.You know very well that I am not Happy Together - I took a deep breath. If she wants to be locked in the room is your problem - I looked out there - Forbidden -
I know... And that's why I'm worried - put that sad Face –Deberíamos Help -
- "We"? - Don't hit the Ah... I won't help you. I Don't have to do it - but -
, sempai... - Listen, Baka. In the first place... Who wanted to help with accommodation here
you are... - Yeah, but you accepted -
I accepted because I had another. Wasn't gonna throw a Little pregnant Street - deny - so Heartless - back to watch the roof together. You kept insisting -
Please, sempai... Help me to cheer her up... Or at least... Get her out of that room -
- I told you...If you want to be locked up in there... Is your problem -
- is...
I'm worried - Why Worry so much? - i - IT's locked in her room... At least we know that Crazy ex boyfriend may not find -
- Don't say that, my sempai, but because of her pregnancy. In These two months. Her Tummy... Has grown -
- are you serious? - I See. - Yeah.I thought I would not know... Just 2 months of Pregnancy, but... Your tummy looks for 4 months -
... Me. - I Don't know much about pregnant women, but I read on the internet that if a woman carries another life inside her... Can not be crying day and night. You must be happy, Lively, Healthy Eating, moving, Breathing Pure Air..., but... Be confined to a bed.Almost without eating Will... And crying because... Your Baby Is Hurting both as herself -
Oh... But what I can do. She doesn't want to leave the room. We can't Force too
... I Don't know... Cheer her up... Try to talk to her. It can do -
- and then? - I asked once to leave the room?
- going to a gynecologist to check the State of the baby -
- look, Morinaga. I'm too busy to be spending my time in encouraging that Brat. Besides... "Gynecologist"? Ha! And who will pay for that, asshole? -
I - - - I was sarcastic, "Das House, Food, personalized attention, and now... You're gonna pay the gynecologist? - i indigné what remains after...
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..