Mientras se dirigía de vuelta a la salita de espera, Ryu pensó en su c dịch - Mientras se dirigía de vuelta a la salita de espera, Ryu pensó en su c Anh làm thế nào để nói

Mientras se dirigía de vuelta a la

Mientras se dirigía de vuelta a la salita de espera, Ryu pensó en su charla previa con la veterana intensivista, Watanabe sensei, cuando llevaron al paciente de vuelta a la UCI...

"— Doctora Watanabe, gomen nasai por todo. Nuevamente pongo en sus manos a mi paciente. Según entiendo durante el destete hizo una crisis ansiosa que le provocó la dehiscencia de la sutura pericárdica y el episodio de parada cardíaca ¿Estoy en lo correcto?

— Sí Yamato sensei. No sabemos el por qué hizo el episodio de ansiedad... lo único que pudimos notar antes que perdiera la conciencia es que repetía un nombre de manera constante: "Yuri-chan". ¿Sabe a quién se refería?

Cuando escuchó la frase de su colega, Ryu estuvo seguro de una cosa. Iba a tener que romper varias reglas del hospital por el bien de su paciente, a fin de evitar que la situación volviera a repetirse.

— Eeehhh... sí Watanabe sensei. Es la hija del paciente, probablemente presenció la agresión y al no verla, cuando se despertó esto hizo que Tatsumi-san se agitara desencadenando la crisis ansiosa.

— ¿Entonces qué haremos Yamato sensei?... si lo despertamos nuevamente, la niña no está y hace otro episodio similar puede que no vuelva a tener otra oportunidad de salvarse. Sabe usted bien que está prohibido el ingreso de niños en la UCI.

— Ya lo sé sensei, pero también hay otros familiares que pueden tranquilizarlo, está su hermana y amigos de la familia. Quiero pedirle un favor, ya sé que es poco ortodoxo para su Unidad pero agradecería enormemente su colaboración ya que está visto que necesitamos destetar rápido al paciente de la ventilación mecánica para evitar complicaciones innecesarias y además que esté tranquilo.

— Sí dígame Yamato sensei. Si es posible con mucho gusto se hará.

— Agradecería si fuese posible que el paciente tuviese acompañante permanente durante las primeras 24 h del postoperatorio en UCI. Yo personalmente hablaré con la familia para instruirles sobre las normas de conducta en la Unidad.

— Mmmmhhh... Lo que me pide es un poco arriesgado ¿no le parece sensei? ¿Qué pasaría si estos familiares incumplen los protocolos sanitarios amenazando a los demás pacientes? ¿Y si se repitiera una situación similar no serían un estorbo para el trabajo del personal de la unidad?...— la médica se detuvo un momento, cavilando frente a uno de los amplios ventanales de su oficina en actitud reflexiva, mientras que Ryu rezaba para que diera el visto bueno a la propuesta, lo que haría que todo fuera más sencillo.

— Aunque sin embargo también es cierto que si barajamos los riesgos versus los beneficios podría sernos de utilidad... Está bien, daré mi aprobación bajo los términos que me acaba de enunciar y usted será el responsable del buen comportamiento de estas personas. Por favor facilítenos la identificación completa de todos y cada uno de ellos cada vez que vayan a acompañar al paciente para así poder dar el permiso de entrada. ¿Está usted de acuerdo Yamato sensei?— así había sido siempre con la Dra. Watanabe y Ryu no esperaba menos de la extraordinaria mujer.

— Muchas gracias sensei por la confianza que ha depositado en mí. Ahora mismo iré a hablar con la familia y volveré con los datos— respondió Ryu inclinándose respetuosamente.

Ahora, Ryu no tenía mucho tiempo para preparar los turnos de acompañamiento permitidos por la Dra. Watanabe. Tenía obligaciones con otros pacientes y una larga agenda de consultas para empezar en una hora. Así que cuando entró en la sala de espera su actitud había cambiado de la de Ryu-kun el novio de Tatsumi Kanako, a la de Yamato sensei el jefe del servicio y cirujano a cargo del paciente Tatsumi Souichi.

— Buenos días otra vez a todos. Kanako-chan, Morinaga-san, Yuriko-chan... veo que falta Taichirou-san— interiormente Ryu suspiró. De las dos personas presentes solo conocía a una y de la otra, Morinaga-san, sabía por Kanako que había sido un amigo cercano de Souichi-san pero que se habían distanciado años antes y no en los mejores términos, además no era un familiar. Definitivamente no una buena opción para acompañar al paciente.

— Me alegra informarles que Tatsumi-san ha superado exitosamente la reintervención que hemos debido realizar por una recaída de su enfermedad. Sin embargo eso retrasa su recuperación y debemos estar seguros que no sufra de ansiedad al despertarse y que vuelva a complicarse como sucedió hace unas horas...

— Es por eso que he acordado con Watanabe sensei que el paciente esté acompañado por algún familiar en las primeras 24 horas de su estancia en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos, algo que en principio dejaré en manos de Kanako-chan como la única persona de la familia Tatsumi presente. — Por el rabillo del ojo Ryu vio como Morinaga-san bajaba la cabeza con tristeza. No había sido su intención causarle pena al hombre, pero dados los antecedentes por el momento no le dejaría acercarse a Tatsumi-san. Había mucho en juego.

Kanako, aunque alegre por la recuperación de su hermano vio preocupada como su Morinaga-niisan se entristecía con las palabras de Ryu. Estaba segura de que en el momento en que se enteró de que su hermano estaba enfermo, muy probablemente había dejado atrás todo para cuidar de su hermano, como siempre lo había hecho y ahora que estaba aquí le decían que no podría verlo por no ser un Tatsumi.

Kanako decidió que haría todo lo que pudiera para que él y su nii-san se encontraran, era lo menos que podía hacer por ambos.

— Morinaga-nii seguro que puedes ayudarme con Yuri-chan mientras yo velo por mi hermana ¿nee?... recuerda que mi hermano debe estar muy preocupado por ella, yo le diré que tú estás a su cargo y así mi oniisan estará tranquilo. — Kanako vio como Morinaga se tensó y le devolvió la mirada con pánico en los ojos.

— Pe- Pero Kanako-chan... Yuriko no me conoce. ¿Y si no nos llevamos bien? ¿Y si la hago llorar? Sempai no quería verme recuerd— Morinaga no pudo seguir hablando cuando Kanako le pasó a la niña en cuestión, cortando en seco cualquier otra protesta que saliera de sus labios y adoptando una postura que sólo había visto en su sempai años atrás.

— ¡Tsk! ¡Tonterías Morinaga-nii! Yuriko-chan es una niña muy dulce que acaba de pasar por una situación muy difícil. ¡¿Qué pensaría mi niisan de ti si escuchara todo ese sin sentido que acabas de decir?!— Morinaga tragó en seco y los ojos se le humedecieron, por un momento le pareció escuchar a su tirano en las palabras de su hermana.

Sin decir nada más, se sentó en la silla con la pequeña Yuriko en su regazo. Observó su rostro, que estaba más tranquilo, aunque la niña seguía muda encerrada dentro de sí misma, algo que ya preocupaba a Kanako quien se inclinó y le dio un beso en la frente.

— Yuri-chan voy a ver a tu otoosan y mientras tanto tú te quedarás con Morinaga-nii. Pórtate bien ¿nee?— La niña asintió con un leve movimiento de cabeza y apoyo su cabeza contra el pecho de Morinaga, que instintivamente la abrazó con suavidad contra sí, maravillándose del aroma que emanaba de la pequeña, porque era el mismo que recordaba de su sempai.


— Entonces Taichirou-san... Tatsumi-san, con quien usted no se veía hacía varios años, le llamó anteayer en la noche pidiéndole con urgencia que se encontrase con él y no le dijo para qué o por qué y usted fue a su encuentro sin más...— el detective Koji con cara de pocos amigos se sentó frente a Isogai, quien a su vez tenía el rostro de alguien que ha pasado por una pesadilla y aun no despierta de ella, con unas ojeras tan profundas que podrían despertar la envidia de un mapache.


El puñetazo y el posterior grito del detective Koji sobre la mesa, sobresaltó a Isogai despertándole completamente de la duermevela que no le dejaba desde el día anterior, apenas había dormido unas dos horas.

— ¡Y USTED PRETENDE QUE NOS CREAMOS ESA IDIOTEZ! ¡¿ACASO ME CREE TAN ESTÚPIDO?!— las gotitas de saliva que salpicaban la cara de Isogai eran fiel prueba de lo exaltado que estaba el detective.

Eran ya cuatro horas en las que Isogai había repetido la misma información palabra por palabra... y el cabrón del detective frente a él no daba muestras de cejar en su intento de hacerle caer en un error. Para Isogai eso no era raro, al fin y al cabo las acusaciones contra Souichi eran graves y la investigación debía ser muy concienzuda. Lo realmente extraño era que el hombre no había grabado la entrevista y tampoco le había dado a firmar ninguna declaración, parecía como si el hecho que su testimonio le fuese de ayuda a Souichi no fuese un apoyo para el caso, como si su intención contra toda lógica fuese... inculpar al acusado.

"¡Mierda!" fue lo único que pudo pensar Isogai mientras buscaba en su mente la manera de terminar con el estúpido interrogatorio. Si así de mal lo estaba pasando él, no quería ni imaginar lo que pasaría con Souichi cuando lo interrogara el bastardo.

— Discúlpeme detective... pero realmente estoy cansado. Ya he respondido a todas sus preguntas y le he dicho todo lo que sé. Podría ser tan amable de dejarme ir ¿O acaso ahora soy sospechoso? ¿Tengo acaso que llamar a mi abogado?— preguntó Isogai con toda la calma de la que era capaz en el momento aunque su paciencia estaba llegando a su límite, viendo lo que se proponía el hombre frente a él. Del esfuerzo que estaba haciendo por no saltar de la silla y estrangular al idiota que decía llamarse detective, tenía la cara enrojecida y una vena protruida en su sien. Claro que tampoco había ayudado demasiado el enterarse horas antes que el amor de su vida ya tenía pareja y no era él, era demasiada presión.

— ¡LLAMAR A SU ABOGADO! ¡JA! ¡LO SABÍA! ¡USTED ESTÁ ENCUBRIENDO A SU AMIGO ABUSADOR!— Le gritó el hombre mientras le golpeaba triunfalmente con el índice en el pecho, puntualizando cada palabra. Y esa fue la gota que rebosó la copa. Isogai se levantó de su asiento y abrió la puerta sorprendiendo y atemorizando al detective al mismo tiempo, que no se esperaba una respuesta así del hombre frente a él.

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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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While he went back to the waiting room, Ryu thought in his previous talk with veteran intensivist, Watanabe sensei, when they took back to the ICU patient..."-Dr. Watanabe, gomen nasai for everything." Once again I put in his hands to my patient. As I understand during weaning made anxious crisis that led le to suture dehiscence pericardial and stop episode heart am I right?-Yamato Yes sensei. We do not know the why did anxiety episode... the only thing we noted before that he lost consciousness is that it repeated a name consistently: "Yuri-chan". Do you know who is meant?When he heard the words of his colleague, Ryu was sure of one thing. It would have to break several rules of the hospital for the sake of his patient, in order to avoid that situation would recur.-Eeehhh... Yes Watanabe sensei. She is the daughter of the patient, probably witnessed the assault and not see it, when they woke up this made Tatsumi-san is agitated triggering anxiety crisis.-Then what we will do Yamato sensei?... If we woke up again, the girl is not and it makes another similar episode may not again to have another opportunity to save himself. You know well that prohibited the entry of children in the ICU.-I know sensei, but there are also other family members who can reassure him, is his sister and family friends. I want to ask you a favor, I know that it is unorthodox for your unit but you greatly appreciate your collaboration since it is seen that we need quickly wean the patient from mechanical ventilation to avoid unnecessary complications and is also quiet.-Yes tell me Yamato sensei. If we can gladly be.-I would appreciate if it were possible that the patient had permanent companion during the first 24 h of postoperative ICU. I personally speak with the family to teach them about the rules of conduct in the unit.-Taste... What I ask is a little risky isn't it sensei? What if these family members violate health protocols threatening to other patients? And if you repeat a similar situation not would be a hindrance to the work of the staff of the unit?... - the medical paused a moment, pondering facing one of the large windows of his office in thoughtfulness, while Ryu prayed that give the nod to the proposal, which would that everything was easier.-Although however it is also true that if we toyed the risks versus the benefits could be useful... Okay, I will give my approval under the terms that I have just stated and you will be responsible for the good behaviour of these people. Please provide us complete identification of all and each one of them whenever they go to accompany the patient to be able to give the entry permit. Do you agree Yamato sensei?-so he had always been with the Dr. Watanabe and Ryu did not expect less than the extraordinary woman.-Thank you sensei by the trust has placed in me. Now I will go to talk to the family and I will return with data - replied Ryu bowing respectfully.Now, Ryu did not have long to prepare accompaniment shifts allowed by Dr. Watanabe. It had obligations with other patients and a long agenda of consultations to begin in an hour. So when it came into the waiting room his attitude Tatsumi Kanako's boyfriend, had shifted the Ryu-kun to the Yamato sensei chief surgeon in charge of the patient Tatsumi Souichi and the service.-Hello again everyone. Kanako-chan, Morinaga-san, Yuriko-chan... I see that lack Taichirou-san - inwardly Ryu sighed. Two persons present only knew one and the other, Morinaga-San, by Kanako knew that it had been a close friend of Souichi-san but that years before, and not on the best terms, had distanced itself also was not a family member. Definitely not a good choice to accompany the patient.-I am glad inform that Tatsumi-san has successfully passed the reoperation which we due for a relapse of his illness. However that delays his recovery and we must be sure that it does not suffer anxiety when waking up and return to get complicated as it happened a few hours ago...-That is why I agreed with Watanabe sensei that the patient is accompanied by a family member in the first 24 hours of their stay in the intensive care unit, something that in principle I will leave in the hands of Kanako-chan as the only person of the present Tatsumi family. -From the corner of the eye Ryu saw Morinaga-san went down head with sadness. Had not been his intention to cause grief to the man, but given the background by the time wouldn't you approach Tatsumi-san. There was a lot at stake.Kanako, but gladly for the recovery of his brother was concerned as its Morinaga-niisan grieved with the words of Ryu. I was sure of that at the moment they learned that his brother was sick, very probably had left behind everything to care for her brother, as she had always done and now here was told that he could not see it as not being a Tatsumi.Kanako decided that he would do everything he could so that he and his nii-san were found, was the least that could be done by both parties.-Morinaga-nii safe that you can help me with Yuri-chan while I veil my sister would nee?... remember that my brother must be very concerned about it, I will tell you that you're in charge, so my oniisan is quiet. -Kanako saw Morinaga tensed and returned the look with panic in the eyes.-Pe - but Kanako-chan... Yuriko does not know me. And if we do not get well? And if I make her cry? Sempai didn't want to see me Restore - Morinaga could not continue speaking when Kanako took the girl in question, cutting dry any other protest that left her lips and adopting a position that had only seen his sempai years ago.-Tsk! nonsense Morinaga-nii! Yuriko-chan is a very sweet girl who just went through a very difficult situation. What would my niisan you think if you heard all that nonsense you just say? -Morinaga swallowed dry and eyes be watering him, for a moment it seemed to him listening to his tyrant in the words of his sister.Without saying anything else, sat in the Chair with the small Yuriko on your lap. He noted his face, which was quieter, though the girl remained silent enclosed within itself, something that already was concerned about Kanako who leaned over and gave him a kiss on the forehead.-Yuri-chan I'll see to your otoosan and meanwhile you will stay with Morinaga-nii. Behave well would nee? - the girl nodded with a slight motion of the head and support its head against the chest of Morinaga, who instinctively hugged her gently against each other, marveling at the aroma emanating from the small, because it was he remembered from his sempai.-o0o--Then Taichirou-san... Tatsumi-san, with whom you not seen for several years, called him the day before yesterday at night asking urgently that he were with him and not you said what or why and you went to meet no more... - detective with scowling Koji sat opposite Isogai, who had the face of someone who has gone through a nightmare and not even wake up her , with eyecups so deep that they could arouse the envy of a raccoon.PAM!Punch and the subsequent cry of the Koji detective on the table, startled Isogai waking him completely from the duermevela that kept him from the day before, just I had slept about two hours.-AND YOU INTENDED US TO BELIEVE THIS IDIOCY! BELIEVE ME SO STUPID? -saliva droplets that dotted the face of Isogai were true proof of the exalted was the detective.They were already four hours where Isogai had repeated the same information word for Word... and the bastard of the detective in front of him did not give samples to relent in her attempt to make him fall into a mistake. For Isogai that was not rare, in the end and after the accusations against Souichi were serious and research should be very conscientious. The really strange thing was that the man had not recorded the interview and had not given him to sign any statement, seemed to like the fact that his testimony could you help Souichi if not support for the case, as if his intention against all logic was to... indict the accused."Shit!" was the only thing that might think Isogai while searching for the way to put an end to the stupid interrogation in his mind. If this bad it was happening, I didn't want to even imagine what would happen with Souichi when questioned it the bastard.-'M sorry me detective... but really I'm tired. I've already answered all your questions, and I told him everything I know. You could be so kind to let me go am or perhaps now suspicious? Should I perhaps call my lawyer?-asked Isogai with all the calmness which was able at the time even though his patience was nearing its limit, watching that proposed the man in front of him. The effort that was doing by not jump out of the Chair and strangle the idiot that said call detective, had reddened face and a vein in his forehead protruding. Clear that neither had helped too find out hours before that the love of his life already had couple and was not, was too much pressure.-CALL YOUR LAWYER! IT HA! KNEW IT! YOU are CONCEALING his ABUSER friend!-shouted the man while hitting him triumphantly with the index on the chest, punctuating each word. And that was the drop that overflowed the Cup. Isogai rose from his seat and opened the door to amaze and terrorizing the detective at the same time, a response is not expected as well of the man in front of him.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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As he walked back to the waiting room, Ryu thought of his previous talk with veteran intensivist, Watanabe sensei, when they brought the patient back to the emergency ... . "- Dr. Watanabe, Gomen nasai all over again I put in . their hands I understand my patient during weaning was an anxious crisis that caused the pericardial suture dehiscence and the episode of cardiac arrest Am I right? - Yes. Yamato sensei not know why he's episode anxiety ... the only thing we noticed before losing consciousness is repeating a name steadily, "Yuri-chan" Do you know who he meant.? When he heard the words of his colleague, Ryu was sure of one thing . I was going to have to break several hospital rules for the good of his patient, in order to prevent the situation were to repeat itself. -. eeehhh ... yes Watanabe sensei is the daughter of the patient, probably he witnessed the assault and not see, when he woke up this made ​​Tatsumi-san was stirred anxious triggering the crisis. - So what do Yamato sensei ... if he woke again, she is not and does another similar episode may not have again another opportunity to save. You know well that it is prohibited the entry of children in the ICU. - I know sensei, but other family members who can reassure him, is his sister and family friends. I want to ask you a favor, I know it's unorthodox for his unit but greatly appreciate your cooperation as it is seen that we need to wean quickly the patient from mechanical ventilation to avoid unnecessary complications and also it is quiet. - Yes tell me Yamato sensei. If possible gladly will. - I would appreciate if it were possible that the patient had constant companion during the first 24 hours after surgery ICU. I personally talk to the family to instruct them on the rules of conduct in the Unit. - Mmmmhhh ... What I ask is a little risky sensei is not it? What if these family health protocols violate threatening other patients? What if a similar situation would not repeat a hindrance to the work unit staff? ...- Medical paused, brooding in front of one of the large windows of his office thoughtful attitude while Ryu prayed to give its approval to the proposal, which would make everything easier. - Even though it is also true that if we shuffle the risks versus the benefits could be useful to us ... Okay, I'll give my approval under the terms that I just stated and you will be responsible for the good behavior of these people. Please supply the complete identification of each and every one of them every time they go to accompany the patient in order to give entry permission. Do you agree Yamato sensei's - and had always been with Dr. Ryu Watanabe and expected no less from the extraordinary woman.. - sensei Many thanks for the trust you have placed in me. Now I myself will talk to the family and will return with the data-Ryu bowing respectfully replied. Now, Ryu did not have much time to prepare accompaniment shifts allowed by Dr. Watanabe. He had obligations to other patients and a long agenda of consultations to start in an hour. So when he came into the waiting room his attitude had changed from that of Ryu-kun's boyfriend Tatsumi Kanako, the Yamato sensei service chief and surgeon in charge of the patient Tatsumi Souichi. - Hello again to all . Kanako-chan, Morinaga-san, Yuriko-chan ... I see missing Taichirou-san Ryu sighed inwardly. Of the two people present only knew one and the other, Morinaga-san, knew Kanako who had been a close friend of Souichi-san but had distanced years before and not in the best of terms, also was not a family . Definitely not a good choice to accompany the patient. - I am happy to report that Tatsumi-san has successfully passed the re-operation we have had to make a relapse of their disease. But that slows their recovery and we must be sure not to suffer anxiety upon waking and complicated as happened again today ... - That's why I agreed with Watanabe sensei that the patient is accompanied by a relative in the 24 hours of their stay in the ICU, which in principle will leave it Kanako-chan as the only person in this family Tatsumi. - On the corner of his eye he saw Ryu Morinaga-san lowered her head sadly. It had not meant to cause grief to man, but given the history by the time you would not approach Tatsumi-san. There was a lot at stake. Kanako, but happy for the recovery of his brother was worried as his Morinaga-niisan was sad with the words of Ryu. I was sure that by the time he learned that his brother was sick, very had probably left behind everything to take care of his brother, as he had always done and now he was here he said he could not see him for not being a . Tatsumi Kanako decided he would do all he could so that he and his Nii-san was found, was the least I could do both. - Morinaga-nii sure you can help me with Yuri-chan while I watch over my sister Nee ? ... remember that my brother must be very worried about it, I'll tell you that you are in charge and so my oniisan be quiet. - Kanako saw Morinaga stiffened and stared back at him with panic in his eyes. - Pe- But Kanako-chan ... Yuriko not know me. What if we do not get along? What if I do mourn? He sempai not want me recuerd- Morinaga could not continue talking when Kanako happened to the girl in question, cutting short any protest that pass their lips and taking a stand that had only seen in his sempai years ago. - Tsk! Morinaga-nii Nonsense! Yuriko-chan is a very sweet girl who just went through a very difficult situation. What would my niisan you if he heard all that nonsense you just said -?!. Morinaga gulped and eyes became moist for a moment he thought he heard his tyrant in the words of his sister Saying nothing more, he sat in the chair with the small Yuriko in his lap. He watched her face, which was quieter, although the girl was locked move within itself, something that worried Kanako who leaned over and kissed him on the forehead. - Yuri-chan will see your otoosan and while So you'll stay with you Morinaga-nii. Be good Nee - The girl nodded with a slight nod and rested her head against his chest Morinaga, who instinctively hugged her gently against him, marveling aroma emanating from the small, because it was the same as remembered his sempai. -o0o- - Then Taichirou-san ... Tatsumi-san, who you could not see for several years, called him yesterday at night asking it urgently meet him and did not say why or and why you went to meet no more ...- Koji detective scowl sat opposite Isogai, who in turn had the face of someone who has been through a nightmare and still not wake her, such deep dark circles that could arouse the envy of a raccoon. PAM! The punch and subsequent scream Koji detective on the table, Isogai completely startled the dozing waking him that kept him from the day before, had barely slept a two hours. - AIMS AND YOU BELIEVE THAT WE idiotic! Have I THINK SO STUPID -! Saliva droplets that splashed face Isogai were exalted true test of what was the detective. They were already four hours in which Isogai had repeated the same information word for word ... and Detective bastard in front of him showed no sign of relent in its attempt to make him fall in error. To Isogai that was not unusual, after all the accusations against Souichi were serious and the investigation should be very thorough. The really strange thing was that the man had not recorded the interview and had given no sign any statement, it seemed as if the fact that his testimony would be helpful to support Souichi was not the case, as if his intention against all logic was ... blame the accused. "Shit!" was all she could think Isogai while searching in his mind how to end the stupid interrogation. If this bad was having him, I would not imagine what would happen when questioned Souichi bastard. - Excuse me, detective ... but I'm really tired. I've answered all your questions and I told you everything I know. It could be kind enough to let me go Or perhaps I now suspect? Do I have anything to call my lawyer - Isogai asked calmly that he was capable of at the time but his patience was reaching its limits, seeing what the man intended against him. The effort she was making not to jump off the chair and strangle the idiot who called detective, had a red face and a vein protruded in his temple. Of course not helped too much learning hours before the love of his life and had a partner and it was not him, it was too much pressure. - call your lawyer! JA! I KNEW IT! YOU ARE YOUR FRIEND covering ABUSERS - He shouted the man as he triumphantly beat the index in the chest, punctuating each word. And that was the drop that overflowed the glass. Isogai rose from his seat and opened the door to the detective surprising and frightening at the same time that such a response was not expected of the man before him.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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While he was heading back to the waiting room, he thought the team talk with the veteran intensivist, Watanabe Sensei, when brought the patient back to ICU...

"- Dr. Watanabe, gomen nasai for everything. I put back in your hands to my patient.As I understand it a crisis during the weaning was anxious that caused the dehiscence of the suture and the pericardial episode of Cardiac Arrest, am I right?

- Yamato Sensei. We don't know why did the episode of anxiety... What we notice before he lost consciousness is constantly repeating a name: "Yuri Chan". You know who it is?

When he heard the words of his colleague, Ryu was sure of one thing. He was gonna have to break some rules of the hospital for the good of the patient, to prevent the situation repeated.

- huuuh... Yes, Sensei Watanabe. Is the daughter of the patient, probably witnessed the assault and did not see her,When he woke up this made Tatsumi San excited triggering the crisis anxious. - then what do we do Yamato Sensei? ... If you wake up again, The Girl's not and other similar Episode I might never get another chance to save themselves. You know well that it is prohibited to Children in ICU.

I know SenseiBut there are also other relatives can reassure him, his sister and Friends of the family. I want to ask you a favor, I know it's a Little Unorthodox to his unit but would greatly appreciate your cooperation because it is seen that need Rapid weaning the patient from mechanical ventilation to avoid unnecessary complications and be quiet.- yes tell me Yamato Sensei. If possible we will gladly.

- would be possible if the patient had a Constant Companion during the first 24 h postoperatively in the ICU. I personally talk with the family to instruct on standards of Conduct in the unit. - mmmmhhh

... What you ask is a bit Risky, isn't it Sensei?What would happen if these Protocols Are Family Health threatening the other patients? And if repeated a similar situation would not be a hindrance to the work of the staff of the unit? - the doctor stopped for a moment, Thinking in front of one of the large windows of his office in Reflexive attitudeWhile Ryu Prayed to give its approval to the proposal, which would make everything Simpler.

- though it is also true that if we considered the risks versus the benefits could be useful... Okay, I'll Give My approval under the terms that I just mentioned and you will be responsible for the good behaviour of these people.Please provide the complete identification of all and each one of them every time I go to accompany the patient and to take the entry permit. Do you agree Yamato Sensei? That had always been with Dr. Watanabe and Ryu did not expect less than the extraordinary Woman.

thanks Sensei by the confidence you have placed in me.Right Now I'm going to go talk to the Family and return with the data - bowing respectfully replied Ryu. Ryu

Now, didn't have much time to prepare the accompanying shifts allowed by Dr. Watanabe. It had obligations to other patients and a Long Schedule of consultations to start in an hour.So when he came into the waiting room, his attitude had changed the Tatsumi Ryu kun's boyfriend Kanako Sensei to Yamato, the Chief of the service in charge of the patient and Surgeon Souichi Tatsumi.

- Hello Again everybody. Kanako Chan, Morinaga San, Yuriko Chan... I missed taichirou Ryu san inwardly sighed.The two people only knew one and another, Morinaga San, Kanako knew who had been a close friend of Souichi - san, but had left years before and not on the best terms, it was not a family member. Definitely not a good choice to accompany the patient.- i'm glad to inform you that Tatsumi San has successfully passed the reoperation due to that we have a Relapse of their disease. However that delayed his Recovery and we must be sure that you don't suffer anxiety to wake up and return to unravel as happened a few hours ago...

- that's why I agreed with Watanabe Sensei the patient is accompanied by a relative in the first 24 hours of Intensive Care Unit stay, something that in principle to leave in the hands of Kanako Chan as the only person of the Tatsumi Family present. - out of the corner of my eye I saw Morinaga Ryu san her head sadly.It had not been his intention to cause shame to Man, but given the record by the time Don't Let Her near Tatsumi San. There's a lot at stake.
Kanako, although happy for the Recovery of her brother was concerned as its Niisan Morinaga - with the words "Ryu. I was sure that at the moment when she found out that her brother was sick,Very probably had left everything behind to take care of her brother, as she always DID, and now I was here, I said that we could not see him for not being a Tatsumi.
Kanako decided that I would do anything I could for him and NII San was found, it was the least I could do both.

- nii Morinaga - sure you can help me with Yuri Chan, while I watch over my sister Nee? ... Remember My Brother must be very concerned about her, I'll tell him that you are in charge and that my oniisan will be quiet. - saw as Kanako Morinaga Is Strained and she looked back at him with Panic in her eyes.

- b-but Kanako Chan... Yuriko doesn't know me. And if we don't get along? And if I cry?I didn't want to see me. - sempai Morinaga could not continue Talking when Kanako happened to the girl in question, any other protest Cutting dry out your lips and taking a stance that he had seen only in his sempai years ago.

- tsk! Morinaga Nii - nonsense! Yuriko Chan is a very sweet girl who has just come through a very difficult situation.What would my Niisan if you hear all that nonsense you say? Morinaga Dry! - ate and Tears welled up in his eyes for a moment, he seemed to hear his Tyrant in the words of his sister.

without saying anything more, sat down in the chair with small Yuriko in his Lap. His face was observed, which was more quiet,Although the girl remained Silent enclosed within itself, Something That worried Kanako who leaned over and kissed him on the forehead.

- Yuri Chan going to see your otoosan while you're staying with Morinaga - NII. Behave Nee? - The Girl nodded with a slight Movement of the head and support his head into the chest of Morinaga, Instinctively hugged her Gently against it,Marveling at the Aroma from the small, because it was the same that he remembered from his sempai.

- then taichirou o0o - san... Tatsumi San, with whom you have not seen for several years, called him the day before yesterday in the night asking urgently to meet him and told him not to what or why you went to meet her, and without more...- Detective Koji scowling SAT opposite Isogai, Who in turn had the face of someone who has had a nightmare and not yet Awake her with eyes so deep that could arouse the Envy of a Raccoon. Pam


The Punch and The Cry of the detective Koji on the table,Isogai despertándole completely rattled the Doze that prevented her from the previous day had hardly slept two hours. - and you expect us to believe that bullshit! I Think So Stupid? - droplets of saliva that dotted the face of Isogai were True Test of exalted was detective.

There were four hours in which the same information Isogai had repeated Word for Word. The son of a detective in front of him not to relent in their attempt proved to be a mistake. It was not uncommon for Isogai, after all the accusations against Souichi were serious and the investigation should be very careful.What's really Strange was that the man had not recorded the interview and had not signed any statement, it seemed as if the fact that his testimony would help to Souichi is not support for the event, as if his intention against all Logic... Charge the accused.
"Shit!"It was all I could think about Isogai while looking in his mind the Stupid way to end the interrogation. If this bad was happening to him, he doesn't even want to imagine what would happen with Souichi when I ask the Bastard. - Excuse me, detective... But I'm really tired. I've answered all your questions, and I told him everything I know.Would you be kind enough to let me go now or I suspect? I have to call my Attorney? He asked with the calm of the Isogai was able at the time but his patience was Reaching its limit, seeing that the man in front of him. The effort was made not to jump off the chair and strangle The Idiot who said his name was detective,His face reddened and protruida a Vein in his head. I had not helped much Learning hours before the Love of his life was already a couple and it wasn't him, it was too much pressure.

- Call Your lawyer! Ha! I know! You are covering for his friend. - shouted The Man while beating him triumphantly with the index in the chest, pointing to each Word.And that was the last straw. Isogai Rose from his seat and opened the door to Surprise and frightening the detective at the same time, are not expecting a response of the man in front of him.
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