POV SEMPAIEra de noche, estaba recostado bocarriba en mi cama intentan dịch - POV SEMPAIEra de noche, estaba recostado bocarriba en mi cama intentan Anh làm thế nào để nói

POV SEMPAIEra de noche, estaba reco


Era de noche, estaba recostado bocarriba en mi cama intentando dormir, cosa que me era imposible. Todo estaba en absoluto silencio, no podía dormir... tan solo me quedaba ver la oscuridad, pero la paz de mi habitación se rompió cuando escuche mi celular sonar... ¿Pero... qué es esto?... Una llamada... a estas horas... y jamás había visto este número...

-¿Sí... quién es?-

-Cuánto tiempo sin oírte... SOUICHI TATSUMI- se oyó una pequeña risa, era una voz de hombre.

-¿Quién eres, ah?- me puse a la defensiva, pues creí que era una broma.

-¿Qué pasa? ¿Ya no me recuerdas?-

-Mire... no estoy para bromas telefónicas así que voy a colgar-

-¿Seguro que quieres colgar?-

-Sí y ya no me moleste-

-Entonces no te importará que te diga que... tengo secuestrado a Morinaga Tetsuhiro... y si no haces TODO lo que yo te diga... lo mato... ¿Entiendes? LO MATO-

¿Qué? Pero… qué mierda es esto… quién puede hacerme una broma tan fea como esta… y sobretodo usar el nombre de Morinaga. Además… no… no puede ser… esto no tendría que ver con la desaparición de Yuki… ¿verdad? ¿Acaso ella en verdad contrató a alguien para lastimar a Morinaga? No… no me puedo creer esta. Debo ser duro… debo… nosé… AHHH pueden ser tantas cosas como por ejemplo la baka de su amiga Taiga que siempre está fastidiándome, posiblemente le haya dicho a alguien para que me haga una broma telefónica. No… NO ME LO VOY A CREER… pero espera… ¿Y si es real? ¿Y si en verdad Morinaga está entre la vida y la muerte? ... ¿QUÉ HAGO?

No me quedó de otra que continuar hablando con aquella persona cuya voz desconocía…

-¿Qué… qué clase de broma de mal gusto es esta?- cuestioné bastante nervioso.

-Ninguna broma, Tatsumi…- rió un poco –Tengo a Morinaga Tetsuhiro aquí… en MI PODER… y si no haces TODO lo que yo te ordene… simplemente… se muere-


-¿Quieres que te mande alguna parte de su cuerpo a tu casa? ¿Una oreja, un dedo, un ojo?-

-¡No!- grité asustado, pues lo que me dijo es horrible –Tan… tan solo… pásame con él…-

-Eso no va a poder ser…- se aclaró la garganta –El pobre estaba tan borracho cuando lo encontré que se quedó profundamente dormido jajajajaja- se burló.

-Bastardo- lo maldije.

-¡OYE! SIN INSULTOS, IMBÉCIL. RECUERDA QUE PUEDO HACERLE MUCHO DAÑO A TU PEQUEÑO KOHAI- me dejó mucho con la amenaza –Pero bueno… para que me creas… revisa tu mail… te acabo de mandar una foto-

¿Una foto? Solo así podré saber si esto no es una broma y que en verdad el tipo tiene a Morinaga secuestrado.

Automáticamente me quedé sin habla y sin aliento que con el celular en la mano, prendí mi laptop e intenté entrar a mi mail.

Prende… prende… rápido… maldita sea… rápido, le gritaba a la laptop. Maldita tecnología por qué aún sigues siendo lenta.

Entré a mi mail y definitivamente… había un mensaje con una foto adjunta. Por un momento me tembló la mano… no pude abrir ese correo… sentí MIEDO. ¿Y si en verdad Morinaga está secuestrado? ¿Qué voy a hacer?

El secuestrador aún estaba aguardando en el teléfono a que yo revise el mail y le responda. Respiré hondo… y le di click.

No... no puede ser... ese... ESE SÍ ES MORINAGA... No, por dios… MORINAGA… MORINAGA… PERO CÓMO… CÓMO TE PASÓ ESTO.

El corazón se me aceleró, sentí una gran opresión en el pecho y de paso las lágrimas se me salieron. Había dos fotografías… una de Morinaga tirado en un callejón prácticamente dormido y la otra sí me causó un gran susto y desesperación… se veía a un Morinaga arrodillado con cadenas en los pies que conectaban con el suelo, con las manos encadenadas en su espalda, con los ojos vendados y con la boca tapada…

-¿Ahora sí me crees?- preguntó el secuestrador.

-MALDITO, QUÉ LE HICISTE- reaccioné mal, era obvio que ahora me iba a chantajear e iba a lastimar a Morinaga.

-¿Yo? Nada... todavía-


-Me temo que eso no podrá ser, Tatsumi. Yo tengo cuentas pendientes contigo-

-No sé quién eres, maldito imbécil… pero si le haces algo a Morinaga TE JURO QUE YO MISMO TE MATO-

-¿Enserio? ¡No me digas! Jajajajajaja…- se burló, pero se puso serio de golpe –Basta de chistes y escúchame bien, bastardo… te ordeno que vengas TÚ SOLO hasta aquí… no debes decirle a NADIE sobre esto y menos avisarle a la policía. Tan solo quiero que vengas SOLO a la dirección que te voy a dar. Ni se te ocurra traer algún arma porque inmediatamente lo sabré y si descubro que alguien más aparte de ti está viniendo… mataré inmediatamente a Morinaga ¿ENTENDIDO?-

-Por favor… no lastimes a Morinaga… yo…- le rogué.

-Dije…. ¡¿ENTENDIDO?!-

-Sí- dije nervioso –Te juro que haré lo que me pidas pero… no lastimes a Morinaga…-

-Mira… a mí no me jures nada. Tan solo haz lo que te digo. Tienes 48 horas para venir… si no vienes en ese tiempo… lamento decirte que ya no te aparezcas porque a Morinaga lo encontrarás bien muerto-

-No lo mates, por favor… te lo suplico…-

-No me suplices nada. Todo depende de ti y que llegues a tiempo-

-¿Dónde… dónde me encuentro contigo?- me puse más nervioso.

-La dirección te la voy a mandar a tu mail. Solo te puedo decir que es en una casa abandonada en Hamatsu y…-

-¿Hamatsu?- me sorprendí –¿Debo ir hasta allá?-

-Así es-

-Pero… 48 horas no serán suficiente… qué tal si no consigo vuelo…-

-NO ME IMPORTA- me gritó –No sé cómo haces… pero en 48 horas estás aquí… sino… despídete de tu kohai-

-Si consigo un vuelo ahora si llego a tiempo, pero… si no hay un vuelo…-

-Entonces qué esperas… si no hay vuelos… empieza a correr jajajaja- se burló –Tienes 48 horas empezando desde ahora… no lo olvides… adiós-

-No… espera… ¿aló? ¿aló?- me había colgado.

¡Maldición… maldición… MALDICIÓN! ¡Ahora QUÉ HAGO! Si no hago lo que el tipo ese me pidió… realmente asesinará a Morinaga… no puedo permitir eso… NO QUIERO QUE ESO PASE. No… Morinaga… no… por favor… no pueden asesinarte… yo… yo no quiero… yo… yo… yo te… necesito.

Me dolía el pecho… no podía dejar de respirar tan aceleradamente… no podía calmarme, pero… no podía perder más tiempo. Debía hacer algo… DEBÍA IR A HAMATSU, PERO YA.

Rápidamente me cambié de ropa, apunté la dirección que el tipo me había enviado, tomé mi pasaporte y algo de dinero y salí del apartamento. Por un momento pensé en llevar una navaja con qué defenderme, pero… no puedo… me amenazó de que si traía un arma… lo sabría y entonces… Morinaga estaría en peligro. Debía guardar la calma y hacer las cosas con cuidado, aunque era obvio que el tipo me quería a mí y está usando a Morinaga como anzuelo.

Debo darme prisa. No puedo dejar que a Morinaga le pase algo... y por mi culpa. Mierda... todo esto es mi culpa... es MI CULPA.
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV SEMPAIIt was night, was lying face up in bed trying to sleep, something that was impossible to me. Everything was in absolute silence, could not sleep... I was just see darkness, but broke the peace of my room when I heard my phone ringing... but... What is this?... A call... to these hours... and never seen this number...-Yes... who is?--How long without hearing you... SOUICHI TATSUMI - a small laugh was heard, it was a man's voice.-Who are you, ah? - I was on the defensive, because I thought it was a joke.-What? Already not I remember?--Look... am not for phone jokes so I'm going to hang up --Are you sure you want to hang up?--Yes and no longer bother me--Then no you matter to tell you that... I have kidnapped Morinaga Tetsuhiro... and if you don't do everything I tell you... killed him... do you understand? THE MATO -What? But... what crap is this... who can make me a joke so ugly like this... and above all use the name of Morinaga. Plus... no... cannot be... This would not have to do with the disappearance of Yuki... right? Maybe she indeed hired someone to hurt Morinaga? No... I can't believe me this. I must be hard... I... nose... AHHH can be so many things as for example the baka of Taiga friend that is always nagging me, possibly said to someone to make me a phone prank. No... NO ME LO VOY to believe... but wait... and if it is real? And if in truth Morinaga is between life and death? ... WOULD I DO?It was not me other than continue talking to that person whose voice was unaware...-What... what kind of sick joke is this? - questioned quite nervous.-No joke, Tatsumi...-he laughed a bit - am with Morinaga Tetsuhiro here... my power... and if you don't do everything I command you... just... die--NO TE BELIEVE! HOW DO I KNOW THAT YOU HAVE TO MORINAGA...? --Would you like to send you some part of your body to your House? An ear, a finger, an eye?-Screamed - not! - scared, because what I said is horrible - so... just... spend with him...--That's not going to be able to be...-was it clarified the throat - the poor was so drunk when I found him he fell deeply asleep jajajajaja - mocked.-Bastard - I cursed him.-HEY! WITHOUT INSULTS, IDIOT. Remember that I can do him much harm to your little KOHAI - left me much with the threat - but good... so believe me... check your email... I just send a photo -A photo? Only then will I know if this is not a joke and that indeed the type has kidnapped Morinaga.Automatically I stood speechless and breathless than with the cell phone in hand, I turned on my laptop and I tried to get my mail.Turn on... light... fast... damn... fast, screaming it to the laptop. Damn technology why they're still still slow.I went into my mail and definitely... had a message with an attached photo. For a moment the hand trembled me... I could not open that e-mail... felt fear. And if in truth Morinaga is kidnapped? What will I do?The kidnapper was still awaiting on the phone I check the mail and reply. I took a deep breath... and gave him click.No... It cannot be... that... THAT IF MORINAGA IS... No, by God... MORINAGA... MORINAGA... BUT HOW TO I... AS YOU DID THIS.I heart accelerated, I felt a great tightness in the chest and step tears left me. There were two pictures... one of Morinaga pulled into an alley almost asleep and the other if caused me a great scare and despair... saw a Morinaga kneeling with chains on the foot connecting with the ground, with his hands chained at his back, blindfolded and with their mouths covered...-Now yes I do? - asked the kidnapper.-Damn, that you did - I responded badly, it was obvious that I was now going to blackmail and was going to hurt to Morinaga.-Me? Nothing... yet--LET IT GO, LET IT GO... FREE IT--I'm afraid that that may not be, Tatsumi. I have outstanding accounts with you--Do not know who you are, damn fool... but if do you something to Morinaga tea I swear to me same TE MATO --I seriously? Don't tell me! Jajajajajaja...-clouded, but got serious blow - enough jokes and hear me well, bastard... I command you to come TU only so far... not must tell no one about this and less to notify the police. I just want to you to come only at the address I'm going to give. Not ever bring any weapon because I will immediately know it and if I find out that someone else besides you is coming... will immediately kill Morinaga do understand?--Please don't hurt Morinaga... I...-I begged him.-I said... did understand? -I said - yes - nervous - I swear that I will do what I ask, but you hurt... no to Morinaga...-Look... I no I swear nothing. Just do what I tell you. You have 48 hours to come... If you don't come by that time... sorry to say you that you already don't appear because Morinaga you will find it well dead --Do not kill it, please... I beg you...--No me suplices nada. It all depends on you and arrive on time --Where... where am I with you?-I was more nervous.-I the address will send to your email. I can only say that it is in a House abandoned in Hamatsu and...--Do Hamatsu? - I was surprised - I must go there?--So--But... 48 hours will not be enough... What if I can't fly...--NO ME IMPORTA - yelled at me - I don't know how you do... but in 48 hours you are here... but... say goodbye to your kohai --If I get a flight now if I arrive on time, but... If there is a flight...--Then what are you waiting... If there are no flights... starts running jajajaja - mocked - have 48 hours starting from now... don't forget it... bye --No... wait... do alo? do alo? - I had hung.Curse... curse...! DAMN IT! Now I do! If I do what the guy asked me... really murdered Morinaga... I cannot allow that... I DON'T WANT THAT PASS. No... Morinaga... no... Please... no can kill you... I... I no I want...... I... I you... I need.I had pain chest... could not breathe so quickly... I could not calm myself, but couldn't... do not waste any more time. He should do something... YOU SHOULD GO TO THE HAMATSU, BUT ALREADY.I quickly changed clothes, I pointed the direction that the type had sent me, I took my passport and some money and walked out of the apartment. For a moment I thought to bring a knife with what defend me, but... I can't... I threatened that if he brought a gun... would know and then... Morinaga would be in danger. You should keep calm and do things carefully, though it was obvious that the type I wanted me and he is using to Morinaga as bait.I must hurry me. I can not to Morinaga pass you something... and by my fault. Shit... all this is my fault... is my fault.
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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POV SEMPAI was night, was lying face up in bed trying to sleep, which was impossible. Everything was absolutely silent, could not sleep ... I was just seeing the darkness, but the peace of my room broke when I heard my phone ringing ... But ... what is this? ... A call ... at this time ... and I had never seen this number ... who is' Yes ... - Long time no hear ... Souichi TATSUMI- a small laugh was heard was a man's voice . Who are you, ah - I got defensive because I thought it was a joke. What's wrong? Already not remember me - Look ... I'm not for prank calls so I'm going to hang up You sure you want to hang - Yes and no longer moleste- Then you will not mind me just say .. . I have you kidnapped Tetsuhiro Morinaga ... and if you do everything I tell you ... I'll kill him ... Do you understand? LO Mato What? But ... what the hell is this ... who can make me so ugly as this joke ... and above using the name of Morinaga. Also ... no ... it can not be ... this should not do with the disappearance of Yuki ... right? Did she actually hired someone to hurt Morinaga? No ... I can not believe this. I must be hard ... I ... nose ... AHHH can be many things such as Baka Taiga her friend who is always bugging me, perhaps someone has told you to do me a prank call. No ... I DO NOT BELIEVE I WILL ... but wait ... what if it's real? And if indeed Morinaga is between life and death? ? ... WHAT DO I had no other to continue talking to the person whose voice unknown ... What ... what kind of joke is this - I questioned quite nervous. -No kidding, Tatsumi ... - he laughed I have to Tetsuhiro Morinaga little here ... in my power ... and if you do whatever I command you ... just ... dies- BELIEVE 'Do not! HOW DO I KNOW YOU HAVE A Morinaga ... - You want me to send some part of your body to your home? A ear, a finger, an eye - -¡No - screamed scared, because what he said is horrible ... just ... 'As him pass me ... - 'That's not going to be able ... - he cleared his throat 'The poor man was so drunk when I found that he was deeply asleep jajajajaja- scoffed. -Bastardo- cursed him. Hey! WITHOUT INSULT, MORON. REMEMBER THAT CAN MAKE MUCH DAMAGE TO YOUR LITTLE KOHAI- left me much good ... But with the threat to believe me ... check your mail ... I just sent one photosensitive A photo? Only then will I know if this is not a joke and that really the guy has to Morinaga kidnapped. Automatically I was left speechless and breathless with the cell phone in hand, turned on my laptop and tried to access my mail. Turns ... turns ... fast ... fast ... damn, he shouted to the laptop. Damn why technology yet are still slow. I went to my mail and ... there was definitely a message with a photo attached. For a moment I shook his hand ... I could not open the mail ... I was scared. And if indeed Morinaga is kidnapped? What am I going to do? The kidnapper was still waiting on the phone to check the mail and I will respond. I took a deep breath ... and I clicked. No ... can not be ... that ... Now that's Morinaga ... No, by God ... ... Morinaga Morinaga ... BUT HOW DO YOU ... this happened. My heart accelerated, I felt a tightness in his chest and step left me tears. There were two pictures ... one of Morinaga lying in an alley practically asleep and the other if I caused a great shock and despair ... it looked a Morinaga kneeling with chains on their feet connecting with the floor, his hands chained to his back, blindfolded and with his mouth covered ... 'Now I think yes - asked the kidnapper. Damn, it will HICISTE- reacted badly, it was obvious that I would now blackmail and would hurt Morinaga. -¿Yo ? Nothing ... still- Leave him alone, let it go ... LIBÉRALO- I'm afraid that may not be, Tatsumi. I have outstanding accounts with you- I do not know who you are, damn fool ... but if you do anything to Morinaga I swear that I myself Mato -¿Enserio? Do not tell me! Jajajajajaja ... - mocked, but suddenly sobered Enough of jokes and listen to me, you bastard ... I command you to come here ... You just should not tell anyone about this and least notify the police. I just want you to come ONLY to the address you'll give. Do not ever bring a gun because I'll know immediately if I discover that someone other than you is coming ... immediately kill Morinaga got it - 'Please ... do not hurt Morinaga ... I ... - I begged. I said .... Understood -! -Yes.- said nervous I swear I'll do anything you ask me but ... do not hurt Morinaga ... - Look ... I do not swear anything. Just do what I tell you. You have 48 hours to come ... if you do not come at that time ... I regret to say that no longer show up because you find good dead Morinaga kill him No, please ... I beg you ... - No suplices anything. Everything depends on you and you get to time- Where ... where I meet you - I became more nervous. -The address the'll send you your mail. I can only tell you that it is in an abandoned house in Hamatsu and ... - -¿Hamatsu - Shall I was surprised to go there - So ES But ... 48 hours will not be enough ... what if I do not get flight ... - 'I yelled imports do not know how you do ... but 48 hours are here ... but ... say goodbye to your kohai- If I get a flight now if I get time, but ... if there is a flight ... - Then what to expect ... if there are no flights ... You're starting to run jajajaja- mocked 48 hours starting now ... remember ... adiós- No ... wait ... Hello? ¿Hello? - Had hanged me. Damn ... damn ... damn! What do I do now! If I do not do what I asked the guy ... really will murder Morinaga ... I can not allow that ... NOT want that to happen. No ... Morinaga ... no ... please ... can not kill you ... I ... I do not want ... I ... I ... I ... I need. My chest hurt ... I could not stop breathing so fast ... I could not calm down, but ... I could not lose more time. I had to do something ... should go to Hamatsu BUT NOW. I quickly changed my clothes, I pointed the direction that the guy had sent me, took my passport and some money and left the apartment. For a moment I thought about bringing a knife to defend myself, but ... I can not ... threatened me that if I had a gun ... and then ... Morinaga know would be in danger. He must remain calm and do things carefully, but it was obvious that the guy wanted me and Morinaga is using as bait. I must hurry. I can not let anything happen to Morinaga ... and because of me. Shit ... this is all my fault ... it's my fault.

đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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POV sempai

it was Night, I was lying face up in my bed, trying to sleep, I was impossible. Everything was in absolute Silence, I couldn't sleep... So I could only see the Dark, but the peace of my room was broken when hear my cell phone ringing... But... What is this? ... A Call... At this hour... And I've never seen this number...

- Yes... Who is it?
- long time no hear... Souichi Tatsumi was a small laugh, it was a man's Voice. - who are you, ah? - I got defensive, because I thought it was a joke. - What? You Don't remember me? -
- look... I'm not kidding Telephone so I'm hanging up -

- sure you wanna Hang? - Yes -


I no longer Bother - - then you won't Mind if I tell you...I have kidnapped Tetsuhiro Morinaga. And if you don't do everything I say... I'm gonna kill you. Do you understand? -

what killed him? But... What the hell is this... Who can get me an ugly Joke like this, and especially to use the name of Morinaga. It can't be... It doesn't have to do with the disappearance of Yuki... Right? Perhaps she hired someone to hurt Morinaga?I can't believe this. I must be hard... I should... I Don't know. There can be many things such as the Baka her friend Taiga who is always pestering me, possibly has told someone to make me a prank phone call. No, I'm not believe... But wait... And if it's real? And if you really Morinaga is between Life and Death? ... What should I do?

I had another to continue talking with that person whose voice unknown...

what kind of sick Joke is this? - I quite nervous.

- No joke, Tatsumi, laughed a little and to Tetsuhiro Morinaga here... In my power...... and if you don't do what I want... Just...

dies - - I Don't believe you! How do I know that you have to Morinaga...?
- you want any part of your body in Your House? A Ear, Finger, an Eye?

- - No! - i Scared, because what he said is so horrible... Just... Okay...

- - that's not going to be... - cleared his throat, poor was so drunk when he found he was deeply asleep jajajajaja - Mocked.
I - You Bastard. - Hey! No insults, you idiot.Remember that I can do a lot of damage to your small kohai - left me a lot with the Threat, but good for you. Check your email I just sent you a photo -

a Photo? Only in this way can I know if this is not a joke and that in Truth the guy has kidnapped automatically Morinaga.

I was Speechless and Breathless with the cell phone in Hand,
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