POV MORINAGATodo era tan extraño. No lograba recordar nada y cada vez  dịch - POV MORINAGATodo era tan extraño. No lograba recordar nada y cada vez  Anh làm thế nào để nói

POV MORINAGATodo era tan extraño. N


Todo era tan extraño. No lograba recordar nada y cada vez que trataba de hacerlo me dolía la cabeza. Ese tonto accidente me pudo haber costado la vida, pues tengo entendido que me estaba desangrando por la cabeza. De verdad que me llevé un buen golpe como para tener amnesia.

Sinceramente no recuerdo casi nada. Solo sé que me llamo Tetsuhiro Morinaga, soy de Fukuoka, odio a mi familia y ellos me odian a mí; y además... tengo 25 años... claro que mi edad lo sé porque esa niña embarazada que estuvo en el cuarto me lo dijo.

A pesar de toda esa situación confusa... no tuve miedo. De hecho que estaba algo perdido, pero... el doctor me aseguró que poco a poco iría recuperando mi memoria. Tal vez recorriendo lugares que normalmente frecuento o... viendo fotografías mías. Lo bueno era que no estaba solo. Se supone que ese anciano de lentes y esa niña embarazada... eran mis "mejores amigos"... o al menos eso me dijeron. No tuve opción que confiar en ellos.

Me dieron de alta ese día y fuimos al apartamento donde se supone que vivo con esos raros amigos que tengo. A decir verdad, el anciano de lentes no era mala persona. De hecho... era muy divertido molestarlo y hacerlo enojar. Cada vez que lo hacía... él se irritaba y por alguna razón extraña se sonrojaba. Pero la niña embarazada se contenía cada vez que quería hacerla enojar. Según ella... quería tenerme paciencia, pero... yo haré que su paciencia se acabe. Tenía ganas de hacer que exploten.

Entramos al apartamento y pensé que recordaría algo, pero... NADA. Es más... me sentía perdido. El anciano de lentes, a quien se supone que debo llamar "Sempai" me hizo un recorrido rápido por el lugar. Me enseñó la sala, la cocina, los baños, y finalmente... mi habitación.

Observé cada centímetro de mi cuarto para poder recordar algo...

-¿Y bien?- preguntó Sempai –¿Hay algo que se te haga familiar?-

-Mmmmmm... no- expresé con naturalidad –Pero sí tengo una pregunta-


-¿Por qué mi cama está desordenada?-

-Ah... es porque... yo... dormí ahí- Sempai me respondió algo nervioso.

-¿Tú?- me indigné un poco -¿Pero por qué? Se supone que es mi cama-

-Fue por qué... por qué...-

-¿Además... por qué hay ropa tuya en mi cama?- me acerqué a la cama y la cogí –Es mi cuarto. No entiendo qué tu pertenencias están aquí-

-¿Cómo... cómo sabes que eso es mío?- se sorprendió.

-Es obvio...- observé las prendas –Yo no usaría ropa tan fea como esta y además...- me las pegué al cuerpo –Son muy pequeñas para mí. Yo tengo más cuerpo y...-

-¿Insinúas que yo no tengo buen cuerpo?-

-¿Buen cuerpo? Jajaja- me burlé –Tan solo mírate. Eres todo flacucho y sin gracia-

-¡Cómo te atreves a decirme eso, bastardo!-

-Ay jajajaja...- me calmé y lo tomé a la broma –Tranquilo, anciano, solo fue un chiste. Relájate-

-No me hacen ninguna gracia tus "chistes"- se irritó –¡Y deja de llamarme "anciano"!- respiró hondo –Dijiste que me llamarías "Sempai", así que refiérete a mí con ese seudónimo-

-De acuerdo, "Sempai"- enfaticé.

-Grrrrr- rugió.

-Tranquilo, Souichi, paciencia- la niña embarazada le susurró a Sempai.

-¿Por qué tanto le dices "paciencia", eh?- interferí -¿Acaso va a matarme o qué?-

-Ganas no me faltan-

-Claro que no, Mori. Souichi no hará nada en tu contra. Ambos queremos ayudarte-

-¿"Mori"?- me sorprendí -¿Por qué me dices "Mori"?-

-Ah... es porque... todos te llaman Morinaga y... decirte "Mori" me parece más tierno-

-Pues llámame... "Morinaga" ¿de acuerdo?- le ordené.

-Etto... no sabía que te molestaba-

-¡Suena horrible! "Mori" ¡ja!- me burlé –Dirígete a mí con más respeto, niña-

-No soy una niña- reclamó –Si quieres que te respete llamándote "Morinaga", entonces tú también respétame llamándome por mi nombre-

-¿Y cuál se supone que es tu nombre?-

-Me llamo "Taiga"-

-Qué nombre tan tonto- susurré.

-¿QUÉ?- ella se alteró.

-Tranquila- ahora era Sempai quién le susurraba a Taiga que se calmara.

-Bueno, pues... "Sempai"- aún no me acostumbraba –Quita tus cosas... porque esta es MI HABITACIÓN- enfaticé.

-No puedo. Tú y yo dormimos juntos- se cruzó de brazos.

-¿Perdón?- me indigné.

-Ah... no, no, no- Taiga interfirió –Souichi se refiere a que... comparte la habitación contigo, porque yo estoy usando la de Souichi y... bueno... sabes que no se ve bien que un hombre y una mujer duerman en el mismo cuarto y...-

-¿Y qué? ¿Acaso dos hombres durmiendo juntos se ve normal?- contesté.

-Es increíble que tú digas eso- expresó Sempai.

-¿Por qué dices eso?- reclamé.

-Nada, nada...- Taiga explicó nerviosa –Souichi dormía en el mismo cuarto que tú, pero en un futón...-

-Ah...- respondí dudoso –Menos mal- suspiré –De todos modos... me gustaría tener PRIVACIDAD-

-¿Me estás echando del cuarto?- Sempai se ofendió.

-Pues... sí- respondí con naturalidad.

-¿Y dónde voy a dormir?-

-En el sofá-

-Aj... sabes qué... haz lo que quieras. Me niego a rogarte espacio en tu cochina habitación. Si ya no quieres que duerma contigo... NUNCA MÁS LO HARÉ-

El anciano cuatro ojos se enojó por lo que dije y acto seguido recogió sus cosas que había en mi habitación y salió irritado junto con Taiga.

Hasta ahora no termino de creer que... ¿ese tal "Souichi" compartía habitación conmigo? ¿Yo durmiendo con otro hombre? Mierda... qué clase de vida tenía antes como para haber aceptado algo así, me aterré y me quedé encerrado en mi cuarto.


¡Estúpido bastardo de mierda... AHHHHH! Estoy tan enojado con ese baka. Ahora se atreve a echarme de su habitación. Tanto que me insistía para que durmiera con él para que ahora... me bote así nomás. Maldición... debo tener en cuenta que ese Morinaga no es mi Morinaga. Ese es un idiota que quiere ocupar el puesto de Morinaga en esta vida, pero NO LO HARÁ.

Salí de la habitación con mi ropa en las manos y la lancé al sofá. Estaba bastante molesto. No podía dejar de rugir y expresar odio por todo. Me senté al lado de mi ropa para respirar hondo y calmarme un poco.

Taiga también estaba bastante impactada con lo que acababa de pasar. Sin decir nada... ella se sentó completamente muda en el sofá pequeño de mi lado.

-Ahora que...- rompió el hielo –Ahora que Mori no recuerda nada... ¿vas a echarme de aquí?- expresó triste y nerviosa.

-¿Qué dices?-

-Souichi...- suspiró –Yo sé que tú y yo no nos llevamos bien y que... bueno... tú me odias. Y ahora que Mori no se acuerda de quién soy yo... ¿me botarás a la calle, no?-

-Ay...- rolé los ojos –Podría hacerlo y es más... te lo mereces- respiré hondo –Pero no lo haré-

-¿Por qué?-

-Porque en primer lugar... Morinaga puede recuperar su memoria en cualquier momento y si ve que ya no estás aquí... me odiará. En segundo lugar... necesito que me ayudes a que Morinaga recupere sus recuerdos. Y en tercer lugar... no soy tan desalmado como para botarte a la calle con 7 meses de embarazo, baka-

-Gracias, Souichi- se sintió aliviada –Prometo que no seré una molestia para ti-

-Eso espero...- suspiré -Entonces ¿tregua?- estreché mi mano.

-Tregua- sonrió y me dio la mano como cerrando un trato.

-Bien... pero si me sacas de quicio... probablemente sí te corra de aquí- agarré mi ropa y se la entregué –Ahora... lleva esto a mi habitación-

-¿A tu... habitación?-

-Sí. La habitación que yo te presté-


-Voy a volver a dormir ahí-

-¿Qué?- se sorprendió –Y en dónde se supone que dormiré yo-

-No sé, Taiga, en un futón o algo- renegué –No estoy de humor para discutir. Lleva mi ropa al cuarto y quédate ahí- me sobé la cara –Quiero estar solo-

Sin responderme como siempre solía hacerlo, se fue en silencio y con mi ropa en brazos a su habitación que en verdad era mi ex habitación.

Al caer la noche, aún continuaba en la sala. Como me la pasé muy preocupado por el baka de Morinaga... no me quedó de otra más que distraerme un poco viendo los últimos informes de mis experimentos en mi laptop. Todo estaba tranquilamente silencioso hasta que...
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV MORINAGAEverything was so strange. He could not remember anything and whenever you tried to do it the head hurt. That silly accident could have cost my life, because I have understood that I was bleeding from the head. Truth that I took a good hit to have amnesia.Honestly I don't remember almost anything. I only know that I'm Tetsuhiro Morinaga, I'm from Fukuoka, hate my family and me they hate me; and also... I have 25 years... of course that my age I know it because the pregnant girl who was in the room told me.Despite all this confusing situation... I didn't have fear. In fact it was something lost, but... the doctor assured me that he would go slowly recovering my memory. Perhaps visiting places which I normally travel or... watching my own photographs. It was good that he was not alone. It is assumed that this old man with glasses and that girl pregnant... were "best friends"... or at least that they told me. I had no choice but to rely on them.I was high that day and we went to the apartment where it is assumed that I live with those rare friends that I have. To tell the truth, the old man of lenses was not bad person. In fact... it was fun to annoy him and make him angry. Whenever he did... He is annoyed and for some strange reason sonrojaba. But the pregnant girl contained it whenever I wanted to make her angry. As she wanted... bear with me, but I will... make that their patience runs out. I wanted to make that exploit.We entered the apartment and I thought he would remember something, but... NOTHING. It's more... I felt lost. The elder of lens, who supposed that I call "Sempai" did a quick tour of the place. Taught me the room, the kitchen, baths, and finally... my room.I watched every inch of my room to be able to remember something...- And good? - asked Sempai - is there anything that you do family? --Mmmmmm... I expressed non - naturally - but I do have a question--What?--Why is my bed cluttered?--Ah... is because... I... slept there - Sempai replied me somewhat nervous.-You? - indigné me a bit - but why? Is supposed to be my bed--It was why... why...--Also... Why is there clothes yours in my bed? - I approached the bed and grabbed it - is my room. I do not understand what your belongings are here--How... you know that's mine?-was surprised.-It is obvious...-watched items - I would not use clothes so ugly like this and also...-me glued them to the body - are very small for me. I have more body and...--You insinuate that I have good body?--Do good body? Lol - I burlé - just look at you. You're all skinny and without grace--How dare you tell me that, bastard!--Oh hahaha...-I calmed down and took it to the joke - quiet, elderly, was only a joke. Relax--Not your "jokes" - do me no grace he is irritated - and fail to call me "old"! - breathed deep - you said that I would call "Sempai", so refer to me with that pseudonym -Agreed, "Sempai" I stressed.-Grrrrr - roared.-Quiet, Souichi, patience - the pregnant girl whispered to Sempai.-Do you both say you "patience", eh? - interfere - anything is going to kill me or what?--I don't lack desire to--It is clear that no, Mori. Souichi won't do anything against you. Both want to help you--Do "Mori"? - I was surprised - tell me why "Mori"?--Ah... is because... all call you Morinaga and... say "Mori" seems more tender --Then call me... "Morinaga" Okay?-ordered you.-Etto... didn't know that you annoyed you--Sounds horrible! "Mori" HA! - I burlé - head over to me with more respect, girl --I am not a girl - he claimed - if you like that you respect calling you "Morinaga", then you also respect me calling me by my name -- And what is supposed to be your name?--My name is "Taiga"--Foolish name - susurré.-WHAT? - it was altered.-Quiet - was now Sempai who whispered you to Taiga that he calm down.-Well, maybe... "Sempai" - still not used me - remove your things... because this is my room - I stressed.-I can't. You and I slept together - crossed arms.-Forgiveness? - I indigné.-Ah... no, no, no - Taiga interfered - Souichi refers to... share the room with you, because I'm using the of Souichi and... well... you know that it does not a man and a woman to sleep in the same room and...-- And what? Perhaps two men sleeping together looks normal?-said.-It's amazing that you say that - said Sempai.-Why say that? - claim.-Nothing, nothing...-Taiga explained nerve - Souichi slept in the same room as you, but in a futon...--Ah...-I said dubious - goodness - I sighed - anyway... I would like to have privacy --Me are missing the quarter? - Sempai was offended.-Well... Yes - responded with naturalness.- And where I sleep?--On the sofa--Aj... you know what... get what you want. I refuse to request you space in your filthy room. If you do not want to sleep with you... NEVER MORE IT WILL DO -The old four eyes became angry by what I said and then collected their things in my room and left irritated with Taiga.So far no end of believing that... would that such "Souichi" shared room with me? Me sleeping with another man? Shit... what kind of life before had to have accepted something, I panicked me and I was locked up in my room.POV SEMPAIStupid bastard shit...! AHHHHH! I am so angry with that baka. Now dare to throw me out of your room. So much that it insisted so sleep with him so now... me boat I just like that. Curse... have to take into account that Morinaga is not my Morinaga. That is an idiot who wants to fill the post of Morinaga in this life, but won't do.I left the room with my clothes in his hands and threw it on the sofa. It was quite annoying. I could not stop roaring and express hatred for everything. I sat beside my clothes to breathe deep and calm down a bit.Taiga also was quite shocked with what had just happen. Without saying anything... She sat completely silent on the small couch at my side.-Now that...-broke the ice - now that Mori does not remember anything... are going to throw me out of here? - expressed sad and nervous.-What do you say?--Souichi...-sighed - I know that you and I do not we get along well and that... well... you hate me. And now that Mori does not remember who I am... would I botarás the street, no?--Oh...-rolé eyes - I could do it and more... you deserve it - I took a deep - breath but I won't do it --Why?--Because in the first place... Morinaga can regain his memory at any time, and if you see that you're not here... I hate. Secondly... I need your help for Morinaga to recover his memories. And thirdly... I am not so cruel to throw you out with 7 months of pregnancy, baka --Thanks, Souichi - felt relieved - I promise that I will not be a nuisance for you --That I hope...-sighed - then do truce? - shook my hand.-Truce - smiled and gave me a hand as closing a deal.-Well... but if I get crazy... probably yes you run here - I grabbed my clothes and I gave it is - now... brings this to my room --To your... room?--Yes. The room that I lent you--But...--I'm going to go back to sleep there--What? - was surprised - and where it is assumed that I - sleep-I do not know, Taiga, a futon or something - renounced - I'm not in the mood to discuss. Takes my laundry room and stay there - I sobé face - I want to be alone -Without answering me as it always used to do, he was silently and with my clothes in her arms to her room that was indeed my former room.At nightfall, still continued in the room. As I spent it very worried baka of Morinaga... it was not me another more distracted me a little watching the latest reports of my experiments in my laptop. Everything was quietly silent until...
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Morinaga POV Everything was so strange. He could not remember anything and every time I tried to do my head hurt. That dumb accident could have cost me life, because I understand that I was bleeding from the head. I really took me a good shot to have amnesia. I honestly do not remember much. I just know that my name Tetsuhiro Morinaga, I'm from Fukuoka, hate my family and they hate me; and also ... I have 25 years ... of course I know my age because that pregnant girl who was in the room told me. Despite all this confusing situation ... I was not afraid. In fact it was something lost, but ... the doctor assured me that would gradually recovering my memory. Maybe touring places that normally frequent or ... seeing my photographs. Good thing he was not alone. It is assumed that lens old pregnant girl ... and that was my "best friends" ... or so I was told. I had no choice but to trust them. I was discharged that day and went to the apartment where he is supposed to live with those rare friends who have. In fact, the old lens was not a bad person. In fact ... it was really fun to bother and make him angry. Each time he did ... he was irritated and blushed some strange reason. But the pregnant girl is contained every time I wanted to piss her off. According to her ... she wanted me patience, but ... I'll have her patience runs out. I wanted to make it explode. We entered the apartment and thought I would remember something, but ... nothing. What's more ... I felt lost. The old lens, who is supposed to be called "Sempai" I did a quick tour of the place. He showed me the room, the kitchen, the bathrooms, and finally ... my room. I watched every centimeter of my room to remember something ... 'Well - Sempai asked' Is there anything that makes you familiar? - -Mmmmmm expressed naturally ... no But if I have a question, 'What - Why my bed is messy - Ah ... is because ... I ... slept there- Sempai answered me nervous. Does your - was outraged me a little But why? It is supposed to be my bed It was why ... why ...- -¿Además ... why are yours clothes on my bed - I went to bed and took it's my room. I do not understand what your belongings are here- How ... how do you know that's mine - was surprised. It's obvious ...- I watched the garments' I would not use this as ugly as clothing and more ...- I stuck to me for me They're very small body. I have more body and ...- -¿Insinúas that I have no good body - -¿Buen body? Hahaha I teased 'Just look at you. You're all skinny and without grace How dare you say that to me, you bastard! - Oh hahaha ...- I calmed down and took the joke Easy, old man, it was just a joke. Relájate- No I do not appreciate your "jokes" - he was irritated 'And stop calling me "old man" - a deep breath You said you'd call me "Sempai", so please refer to that pseudonym to me Okay, "Sempai." - I emphasized -Grrrrr- roared. Easy, Souichi, patience pregnant girl whispered to Sempai. Why so much you say "patience," eh - -do interfered going to kill me or what? - I -Ganas not faltan- course not, Mori. Souichi do nothing against you. Both want ayudarte- -¿ "Mori" - I was surprised 'Why do you say "Mori" - Ah ... is because ... all Morinaga call you and tell you ... "Mori" seems more tender - Well, call me ... "Morinaga" okay - I ordered. -Etto ... did not know you molestaba- -¡Suena horrible! "Mori" ja - -Dirígete I teased me with more respect, girl- I'm not a girl-claimed If you want respect you calling "Morinaga", then you respect me also calling me by my name 'And what is supposed to be your name? - My name "Taiga" - What a name as tonto- whispered. - What?. it was altered . -Tranquila- now Sempai who was whispering to him to calm down Taiga Well, well ... "Sempai." - I not yet used your stuff ... -Quita me because this is my room I stressed I can not. You and I are sleeping together-crossed his arms. Excuse me - I was indignant. Ah ... no, no, non Taiga interfered -Souichi refers to ... share the room with you, because I'm using of Souichi and ... well ... you know it does not look good for a man and a woman sleeping in the same room and ...- So what? Did two men sleeping together looks normal - I answered. It's amazing you say that- said Sempai. Why do you say that? -. I claimed Nothing, nothing ...- Taiga explained he slept on the nervous -Souichi same room as you, but on a futon ...- Ah ...- replied bad- sighed Less doubtful 'Anyway ... I would have Privacy- 'Are you throwing the room - was offended Sempai . Well ... naturally I answered Yes. And where I sleep - -In the sofa Ach ... you know what ... do what you want. I refuse to beg space in your filthy room. If you no longer want to sleep with you ... NEVER AGAIN AS Hare four eyes The old man was angered by what I said and immediately gathered her things that were in my room and left irritated with Taiga. So far I do not quite believe that ... that such "Souichi" shared a room with me? Me sleeping with another man? Shit ... what kind of life I had before agreeing to something, I panicked and I was locked in my room. SEMPAI POV fucking stupid bastard ... AHHHHH! I'm so angry with that baka. Now he dares to throw me out of his room. While insisting me to sleep with him now ... I just like that boat. Damn ... I need to know that this is not my Morinaga Morinaga. That's an idiot who wants to take the place of Morinaga in this life, but will not. I left the room with my clothes in hands and threw it on the couch. It was quite annoying. I could not stop roaring and express hatred for everything. I sat next to my clothes to take a deep breath and calm down a bit. Taiga was also quite shocked with what just happened. Without saying anything ... she sat completely silent on the small couch on my side. Now that broke the ice ...- Now that Mori do not remember anything ... are you going to kick me out of here - and expressed sad nervous. What do you say - ...- sighed -Souichi I know you and I do not get along and ... well ... you hate me. And now that Mori do not remember who I am ... botarás me on the street, no - Oh ...- I rolled my eyes and I could make you more ... But I took a deep breath mereces- Hare not Why? - Because first ... Morinaga can regain his memory at any time and if you see that you're no longer here ... I hate it. Secondly ... I need you to help me to recover his memories Morinaga. And third ... I'm not so heartless as to botarte the street with 7 months pregnant, baka- Thanks, Souichi- felt relieved I promise I will not be a hassle for you- 'That hope ...- Then sighed Truce - shook my hand. -Tregua- smiled and shook my hand as closing a deal. Well ... but if you get me crazy ... yes you probably run out of here, I grabbed my clothes and Now ... I handed it takes this to my room ... -¿A your room - Yes. The room I presté- ...- But I'm going back to sleep there- What? - And where was surprised supposed to sleep I- I do not know, Taiga, on a futon or something- disowned I'm not in the mood to argue. Take my clothes room and stay there-kneaded my face I want to be alone- no answer as always used to do, he went quietly and with my clothes up her room that really was my former room. At night , he was still in the room. As I spent my time very concerned about the Baka Morinaga ... I had no other option than to distract myself watching the latest reports of my experiments on my laptop. Everything was peacefully quiet until ...

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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POV Morinaga

everything was so Strange. I couldn't remember anything, and every time I tried to make my head hurt. That stupid accident could have cost me the Life, because I understood that I was bleeding from the head. I took a punch to have amnesia.

I remember almost nothing. I just know that I'm called Tetsuhiro Morinaga, FukuokaI Hate my family and they Hate Me; and also... I am 25 years old. Of course My Age because I know that pregnant Girl Who was in the room told me. Despite this situation confused... I was not afraid. The fact that something was lost, but... The doctor assured me that my memory was gradually recovering. Maybe visiting places that normally frequent or...See pictures of me. The good thing was that I was not alone. It is supposed that this old man with glasses and that girl pregnant... They were my best friends... Or at least that's what they told me. I had no choice but to trust them.

I was high that day and went to the apartment where he is supposed to live with that weird friends. To tell the Truth, The Old glasses was not a Bad person. In fact...It was very funny to bother you and make you Angry. Every time I did... He became irritable and for some Strange reason she blushed. But the girl pregnant contained every time he wanted to make her Angry. According to her... I have to bear with me, but... I will make your patience runs out. I wanted to make you explode.

we entered the apartment, and I thought I would remember something, but... Nothing. It's more...I felt Lost. The Old lenses, whom do I Call "Sempai" made me a quick tour of the place. He taught me the room, The Kitchen, bathrooms, and finally... My room.

I watched every inch of my room to remember something...

? - Is there anything you asked sempai Family do? -
- mmmmmm...Naturally, but I Don't - Yes, I have a question -

? -
- Why my bed is messy? -

Oh... It's because... I... I slept there sempai answered me jumpy. - you? - i indigné a bit - but why? Is My Bed -

- was why. Why... -

- in addition... Why are your clothes on my bed? - I went to bed, and I took it to my room.I Don't understand what your belongings are here

- how... How do you know that? - surprised.

it's obvious... - I would Wear Clothing Garments - not as Ugly as it is and... - I Just hit the body are very small for me. I have more Body and...

- implying that I have a good body? -

nice body? LOL - I made fun - just look at you. You're Skinny and without Grace -

- How Dare You say that to me, you bastard! - Oh

hahaha i calmed down and took the joke –tranquilo, Old Man, it was just a joke. Relax -

- I do not have any Grace your "jokes" - was angry and stop calling me "Old Man." I took a deep breath –Dijiste me as "Sempai", so you see me with that Nickname -

- Okay, hit "Sempai" -.

- Grrrrr roared. - quiet, Souichi,Patience - the pregnant Girl whispered sempai.

- Why you say "patience", huh? - interfered - you'il Kill me or what? - i'm not - like


- of course not, Mori. Souichi will do nothing against you. We both want to help -

- "Mori"? - I was surprised by what I say "Mori"? -

Oh... It's because... Everyone call you Morinaga and... Say "Mori" seems to me More Gentle... - Call Me

..."Morinaga" okay? - I ordered.

- Etto... I didn't know you had -

- Sounds awful! " Mori "ha! - I made fun –dirígete me with more respect, Girl

I'm not a Child - - If you want my respect for you, then you also "Morinaga" you calling me by my name -

- and what is your name? - Call Me

"Taiga" - What a stupid name

- i Whisper. - What?- she was upset.

- Quiet - sempai who was whispered to Taiga to calm down. - Well, well... " Sempai "- I haven't used –quita your things... Because this is my bedroom - hit.

I can not. You and I slept Together - crossed Arms. - Excuse me? - i indigné.

Oh... No, no, no - taiga interfered –souichi refers to... Share the room with you,Because I am using the Souichi and... Well... You know that is not good for a man and a woman to sleep in the same room

- and... - and what? Two men are sleeping together look normal? - that's amazing. - you say that expressed sempai.

- Why do you say that? - Bad. - Nothing. - nervous –souichi Taiga explained slept in the same room as you, but in a futon...

Oh...- doubtful, less Bad - I answered anyway... I'd like to have Privacy -

- are you throwing me out of the room? Sempai was offended. - well... Yes - i Naturally.

- and where will I Sleep? - on the couch -


- AJ... You know what... Do what you want. I refuse to beg Dirty space in your room. If you don't want to sleep with you... Never Again will I -

Old Four Eyes Angry by what I said, and then he picked up his things in my room and got irritated with Taiga. Until now I Don't believe that... That Souichi "shared room with me? I slept with another man? Shit... What kind of Life he had prior to agreeing to something, I panicked, and I was locked in my room POV sempai.

Stupid bastard... Ahhhhh! I'm so angry with the Baka. I dare you to throw me out of his room. So I tried to sleep with him for now. My Boat like that. Damn. I must keep in mind that this is not my Morinaga Morinaga. That's an idiot who wants to occupy the post of Morinaga in this life, but I Will.I left the room with my clothes in his hands and threw it on the couch. I was pretty upset. I couldn't Stop Roar and Express hatred for everything. I sat beside my clothes to take a deep breath and calm down a little bit.
Taiga was also quite impressed with what just happened. Without saying anything. She sat in the sofa, completely Mute little of my hand. - Now...- Broke The Ice, I Don't remember anything... You're gonna kick me out? I was sad and nervous. - What? -
- sighed Souichi... - I know you and I Don't get along and... Well... You hate me. And now I Don't remember who I am... Botarás me on the street, right?

- - - - May I do so rolé Eyes and more... You deserve it - but I take a deep breath -

- Why? -
- because in the first place... Morinaga can regain her memory at any time, and if he sees that you're here... I hate that. In the second place... I need help to regain their Memories Morinaga. And thirdly... I'm not as Heartless as to throw you out on the street with 7 months of Pregnancy, Baka

thank you,- –prometo Souichi felt relieved that I will not be a trouble to you -

I hope... - i - truce? - I shook my hand.
- Truce smiled and gave me a hand as Closing a deal. - well... But if you irritate me. Probably you out of here - i grabbed my clothes and I handed it to him now... Take this up to my room -

- your... Room?

- - Yeah.The room that I loaned you


back to sleep there - - What? I was surprised, and where am I supposed to sleep I -

- I Don't know, taiga, Denied a futon or something - - i'm in the mood to argue. Take My clothes to the room and stay there - i sobé Face

I Be Alone - without an answer as always used to,It was quiet and my clothes in her room that she was my former room.

at Nightfall, was still in the room. As I was very concerned by the Baka of Morinaga. I was more than a Little distracted watching the last Reports experiments on my laptop. All was quiet until Quietly...
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