Chapter 1: An unexpected day"Why I passed this, why I am so attracted to this subject", that thought was what went through the mind of Souichi Tatsumi, a young man of about 20 years recently began its third year in Nagoya University.It was a beautiful spring day and for him that day looked like it was going to be like any day, but made a mistake since I wasn't expecting to fall in love at first sight, "no, this is not love, it is not, it is impossible" is repetiauna and again, trying to deny the obvious as soon as you saw it could not remove you the eyes up I never imagine feeling that sensation in your chest, it felt like your heart was beating so fast that it seemed he was out of the chest, and her cheeks Redden is. Not understood, had been this consequence of seeing a pretty girl would make sense but I never imagine that a guy would be that would bring about that strange feeling."I want to know who he is, as it is called... damn it! why I you want to know all that shit?" questioned internally, what was that guy who gave him a crazy desire to know him, to know your name, your age, which studies, if you have wedding and things like that?While you pulled your hair in frustration that he felt at that moment, not realized that the guy that caused him such distress was talking to a girl, until...-Morinaga-kun staff could question you something?-Yes, no problem, don't worry...He heard the question from a female voice not far from him, he returned to reality, gave notice that that voice came from a girl's hair brown clear and gray eyes who was very interested in the answer that could give the boy's dark blue hair."Morinaga-kun", heard, and was as she call it, finally knew the boy's last name "it's a good start," thought.-Well, I wanted to ask if... in these moments are going out with someone?The girl was nervous when they asked that question so daring, but also expectant for the answer that that guy who just saw it would give was attracted to him, and was not the only interested by the response of the boy. Not far from there where these two were behind a wall Souichi listened to the conversation and was also interested by the response of that boy that had captivated him just saw it happen, although he did not accept it even.-Did not expect me to ask that - said the somewhat uncomfortable guy.-Sorry, I didn't make you feel uncomfortable... do not worry do not need to answer my question if you want.-said somewhat embarrassed girl.-You neglected, you don't why apologize...-Insurance that does not bother you with my question...-Insurance-Then... you have girlfriend Morinaga-kun?-ask the somewhat nervous girl-No, I have no girlfriend- But you are interested in some girl at the moment.-No, I'm not interested in anyone currently, perhaps later appears the person who I fell in love, or perhaps because I met her but currently still not this in love with that person but over time do it-said the boy's hair dark blue and beautiful green eyes.Before this last the girl could not help blushing, as he felt that he had perhaps opportunity that he set in it, not now but maybe later. Meanwhile Souichi had heard the response of the peliazul, was internally happy by what they had heard, that guy had no girlfriend and was not interested in anyone at the moment, that meant you had a chance to approach him, know him, win their trust and hopefully this guy "enamoraría me", thought and then realized where his thoughts he was going , was what the hell you going?, since when behaved as a quinceañera enamorada or worse still a stalker?, because a guy conversation was heard and her friend on the sly, why had given you curiosity to know if the peliazul had a girlfriend? Or if he was interested in someone? and why rejoiced when the gave a no for an answer to both questions?, that was because like the girl, he also felt you had chance to fall in love with him...-I walked within the Faculty of agriculture headed to the cafeteria, he had away from the Park of the faculty where the peliazul and the brown haired girl is were talking a little more, he didn't want to continue listening to your conversation although asked are why had been listening in the first place a conversation that was not him? I simply couldn't understand why his attitude, or didn't understand perhaps...-It must be accumulated stress, perhaps should take a day off - it responded to the reason for his attitude.I was so lost in his thoughts that not realized the guys who were talking a few meters in front of him including the peliazul and just when those guys were fired and went to their respective classes which was left behind the turn was just to hit with the chico pelilargo distracted, because of the surprise hit and also the pelilargo sat key size difference.-Curse why do not you look for where you walk! - screaming furious as he stood, without realizing that the guy he was yelling was...-Sorry, it was not my intention to push it,... in addition I think that you also have some of the blame for not realizing that I was right in front of you-I said politely peliazul and slightly scared by not wanting to bother more to the guy who had reacted furious fall.-¿Eh?- solo había logrado decir eso, no esperaba que el chico con el que se había golpeado, al que había gritado y al que pensaba golpear si no se disculpaba como se debía era…-¿Morinaga?-¿Eh?-ahora era el peliazul el sorprendido, pues no esperaba que el extraño con el que se había chocado supiera su nombre- ¿Cómo sabe mi nombre?, nos conocemos acaso.Cierto, el peliazul no conocía al chico de cabellos largos y ojos color miel con el que se había chocado, si lo hubiera visto antes lo recodaría, pues este chico en su opinión, "y tal vez de muchos", llamaba la atención "un chico apuesto" pensó Morinaga, el nunca olvidaría tan fácil a un chico tan atractivo como lo era el pelilargo que tenía en frente, entonces ¿cómo sabia aquel atractivo hombre su apellido sin que se hubiera presentado antes?-No, no nos conocemos… de hecho c-creo que esta es la primera vez que hablamos- lo decía con bastante nerviosismo, no entendía por qué estaba así, sin duda ese chico lo hacía reaccionar de formas que él no quería.-Pero entonces cómo sabes mi nombre?-¿eh?, bueno yo…pues veras…tu…ella…yo…-no tenía idea de que debería responderle después de todo el sabia su nombre porque escucho que esa chica de cabello marrón lo llamo así, solo por eso sabia su apellido "no le puedo decir que lo estuve espiando mientras él hablaba con esa chica", pero no se le ocurría nada que pudiera servir como una mentira creíble, así que solo le quedo dejar salir su enojo-¡eso a ti que te importa!-después de gritar se arrepintió por ello.-es… está bien no tienes que decirme como sabes mi nombre, no te enojes por favor - estaba asustado ese grito lo había asustado así que prefirió no seguir insistiendo por saber la respuesta a su pregunta además que "parece que no dudaría en golpearme si sigo insistiendo por una respuesta" pensaba Morinaga; se dio cuenta que ese chico de cabellos largos y ojos color miel tenía un fuerte carácter y él no quería hacerse enemigos en sus primeros días de clases así que prefirió terminar todo por la paz.-me disculpo por insistir con mi pregunta no quería que te molestaras, tal vez oíste mi nombre por ahí…, ya no importa en verdad –lo decía mientras hacia una reverencia.-¿eh? no,…está bien yo más bien debía disculparme por gritarte… de esa forma-lo decía nervioso y sorprendido pues llego a pensar que se chico se molestaría con el "parece que me tiene miedo, maldición" estaba molesto consigo mismo, él no quería que el otro chico le tuviera miedo, llego a pensar que si había una oportunidad de conversar con el peliazul habría la posibilidad de que se hicieran amigos pero parece que ahora le tenía miedo "no creo que quiera ser mi amigo ni acercarse a mi sin temor a que le grite o le golpee" pensaba algo desilusionado.El peliazul apenas escucho la respuesta se enderezo y se dio cuenta que el pelilargo estaba nervioso y también algo ¿triste? "por qué parece algo triste, pesará acaso que estoy molesto con él, pero si me he disculpado" pensaba Morinaga, al darse cuenta que el pelilargo parecía que no iba a decir algo más, decidió hablar…-No te preocupes… ahora que lo pienso no sé cómo te llamas y tampoco me he presentado como es debido que tonto soy, donde están mis modales- lo decía algo apenado mientras mostraba una linda sonrisa-mi nombre es Morinaga Tetsuhiro y este es mi primer año en la universidad un gusto conocerlo- decía haciendo una pequeña reverencia.-Mi nombre es Tatsumi Souichi y este es mi tercer año en la carrera de agricultura- lo decía nervioso, pero feliz porque el peliazul no parecía molesto y tampoco parecía tenerle miedo, además que le había dicho su nombre completo "Morinaga Tetsuhiro, me gusta cómo suena su nombre".-¡Yo también soy de la carrera de agricultura, eso quiere decir que eres mi sempai!- lo decía Morinaga muy emocionado, de hecho tanta era su emoción que tomo las manos de Souichi e invadió un poco su espacio personal.-….- Souichi por otra parte estaba sorprendido, no esperaba que el peliazul reaccionara tan feliz por el solo hecho de que era su sempai.
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