El timbre sonó. No sabía quién podría ser, puesto que no esperábamos a dịch - El timbre sonó. No sabía quién podría ser, puesto que no esperábamos a Anh làm thế nào để nói

El timbre sonó. No sabía quién podr

El timbre sonó. No sabía quién podría ser, puesto que no esperábamos a nadie. Al menos yo no, o también podía ser alguien que nos dejara algún paquete o correspondencia.

-Yo abro- dijo Morinaga.

-No- me puse de pie primero –Yo iré. Mejor tú anda a la cocina y sirve más palomitas que esta GORDA ya se lo tragó todo-

-A quién le dices "gorda", tirano- se defendió Taiga.

-A ti, GORDA- enfaticé apropósito.

-Ya, ya... por favor. No peleen- Morinaga se puso en medio de los dos y nos calmó.

-Sí, Souichi. No te pelees conmigo. Aparte... no estoy "gorda", estoy "embarazada"- se cruzó de brazos –Mejor anda a abrir la puerta. Sirve de algo en esta casa, INÚTIL- expresó Taiga.

-¡TAIGA!- Morinaga la regañó por haberme faltado el respeto.

Esa maldita mocosa. ¿Por qué siempre tiene que molestar? Un día de estos me va a agarrar cruzado y seré capaz de lanzarla por la ventana o encerrarla debajo del lavabo del baño para no verle la cara.

No respondí porque el baka de Morinaga ya se había metido a regañarla. Fui hasta la entrada para abrir la puerta…

-¡Quién!- pregunté de mal humor antes de abrir.

-Correspondencia- dijeron del otro lado.

¿Correspondencia? ¿A esta hora?, me pregunté, pero estaba tan concentrado en mi odio hacia Taiga que no me importó y abrí la puerta…

-Tú no eres el cartero- me apoyé en el marco de la puerta con la mirada seria y cruzado de brazos.

-¡Ja! Por supuesto que no lo soy-

-Pierdes tu tiempo si crees que te llevarás a la enana-


-Así le digo a Taiga-

-Al parecer… no te llevas bien con ella- se cruzó de brazos y se burló.

-No. Pero ese no es tu problema. De todas maneras no te la voy a entregar-

-Jajaja... no seas terco, Souichi. Ahórrate las molestias de soportar a Taiga y tan solo... devuélvemela-

-Jajajaja…- me burlé –Te dije que pierdes tu tiempo-

-Estoy siendo educado- fingió hipocresía -Te pido gentilmente que me devuelvas a Taiga-

-De acuerdo…- se acercó a Takasu –Entonces yo te diré "amablemente"… que te LARGUES de mi casa…. ASESINO- resalto.

-…- Takasu sujetó a Sempai del cuello de la camisa –A mí no me vas a faltar el respeto, cuatro ojos maricón-


-No, maldito homosexual, no te voy a soltar-

-NO SOY UN HOMOSEXUAL... Y YA DÉJAME- empecé a forcejear, pues el condenado era más fuerte que yo.

-Te voy a enseñar que conmigo NADIE se mete...- alzó su puño y yo me cubrí.


Escuché el grito de Morinaga a lo lejos y sus pasos que rápidamente se acercaban. Con las justas logró impedir que Takasu me golpeara; y en vez de eso... fue Morinaga quien lastimó a Takasu. Vino corriendo desde atrás y le dio un puñete en la mejilla a Takasu, quien me soltó y retrocedió unos pasos sobándose la cara.

Por el impacto y la sorpresa... también retrocedí unos pasos y Morinaga se puso delante de mí dándome la espalda... para defenderme. Todo indicaba que Morinaga no permitiría que nadie me haga daño, pues en ese momento estaba muy enojado. Jamás lo había visto con el seño tan fruncido.

-No te atrevas a tocar a MI PAREJA- exigió Morinaga.

-Vaya... tú sí que das unos buenos golpes, marica- respondió Takasu algo debilitado.

-Vete de aquí... VETE-

-Mierda...- susurró –Cómo duele...- se limpió la sangre de los labios –Esto te puede costar tu empleo en Farmacéuticas S, sabías-

-No tienen por qué despedirme. No hice nada malo. Fuiste tú el que vino por tercera vez a mi casa para amenazarnos o molestaros; y encima... quisiste agredir físicamente a mi pareja. Estoy en todo mi derecho de defender a los que amo- se puso serio y lo enfrentó.

-A los que... ¿amas?- fue sarcástico –¿Por qué hablas en... "plural"? ¿Acaso también estás enamorado de Taiga? Jajajajaja...- se rió.

-No me refiero a eso, idiota. Y no tengo por qué darte explicaciones. Solo exijo que te vayas de aquí y que no nos molestes más-

-Pues fíjate "marica"- Takasu también se acercó a él para enfrentarlo –No te tengo miedo. Y voy a seguir viniendo las veces que se dé la gana hasta llevarme a Taiga- se enojó.

-Pues no me cansaré de llenarte la cara de golpes las veces que te atrevas a venir-

-Jajajajaja...- se burló –Tú no puedes hacerme nada, porque...-

-¿Por qué? ¿Me seguirás amenazando con "acusarme" con el gerente de Farmacéuticas S?- lo avergoncé –Qué... ¿no eres capaz de defenderte por ti solo? ¿Tan débil eres?-

-Morinaga, ya cállate- le susurré desde atrás, pues no quería que esta pelea pase a mayores –No empeores las cosas-

-Tienes razón- sonrió hipócritamente –No tengo por qué caer tan bajo como para ir acusándote. Tengo pensado más cosas que te podrían hundir e incluso... lastimar aún más- se hizo el misterioso –Así que... ten MUCHO cuidado, Morinaga Tetsuhiro, porque algún día de estos... a tu "novio" le puede costar la vida- mantuvo su sonrisa falsa, me dio una última mirada y se fue.

El carácter fuerte de Morinaga poco a poco estaba saliendo. No era la primera vez que lo vería tan enojado. A decir verdad, no me gustaba que él se ande peleando con la gente y menos que incluya los golpes. No quisiera que salga lastimado. Menos mal que el asesino de Takasu no se atrevió a agredirlo físicamente, pues sino no me iba a quedar con los brazos cruzados.

No puedo creer que ese asesino se haya atrevido a levantarme la mano, y tampoco podía creer que yo no haya sido capaz de defenderme y tan solo me cubrí. Es decir… Takasu no se ve tan fuerte. Ese tipo es de mi tamaño, pero tiene la contextura de Morinaga; sin mencionar que tiene un rostro maligno. La próxima vez… no me voy a dejar.

Aún estábamos parados afuera del apartamento… totalmente atónitos por lo que acababa de pasar. No podía creer que Takasu había amenazado a Morinaga con asesinarme ¿Acaso era yo quien ahora estaba en problemas? Toda esta situación me tenía realmente enojado, sobretodo con Morinaga, pues yo se advertí en su momento. Le dije que no nos metiéramos en lo que no nos compete. Reaccioné y sujeté a Morinaga del brazo y con toda mi fuerza lo jalé hasta la sala, cerrando la puerta principal de una patada...

-Sempai… Sempai…- se quejaba mientras lo jalaba hasta la sala -¿Qué pasa?-

-¿Qué pasa? ¿QUIERES SABER LO QUE PASA?- grité, lo solté y nos detuvimos en medio de la sala –¡Esto es lo que pasa!- le lancé una bofetada.

-…- se sorprendió y me miró boquiabierto -¿Por qué me pegas?-


-¿De qué hablas?-

-Ese bastardo de Takasu ya te declaró la guerra y encima… te amenazó con MATARME-

-No te preocupes, Sempai- intentó calmarme –No voy a permitir que nada malo te pase-

-¡Ese asesino te puede hacer daño a ti también!-

-¡Pero yo sé defenderme, Sempai!- se excusó.

-¡NO, NO, NO!- renegué –Te dije… te dije claramente que no debíamos meternos en asuntos que no nos compete. Además… así seas el hombre más fuerte del mundo no podrás contra una pistola o un cuchillo, baka. Takasu es capaz de todo. Conozco a los tipos como él- me calmé y me quebré un poco –No quiero que vuelva a pasar lo mismo que nos pasó con el otaku-

-No, mi Sempai. No te pongas así- me abrazó sorpresivamente –No tienes por qué llorar-

-Quién está llorando, imbécil- lo empujé para que dejara de abrazarme –Además… cómo es eso de… "defender a los que amo"- enfatizó.

-No comprendo-

-Eso le dijiste a Takasu- me sonrojé inconscientemente.

-Ah… jajaja- río un poco el muy baka –Me refería a que a ti te amo y a Taiga la quiero como una hermana-

-No cambies las cosas, idiota. Dijiste "amo" para los dos- maldición estoy sonando como un celoso.

-No malinterpretes las cosas, mi Sempai. No es que ame a Taiga, sino lo dije para… tú sabes… generalizar-

-Generalizar ¿no?- puse mis manos en la cintura y empecé a sospechar –¡Habla! ¿Qué sientes por la mocosa de tu amiga?-

-¿AH?- se sorprendió -¿Es un chiste, verdad?-

-No. No es un chiste, bastardo- me puse rudo –Exijo que me digas la puta verdad-

-¡Sempai! Relájate. No tienes por qué hablarme así. Entre Taiga y yo no hubo nada, no hay nada, y no habrá nada más allá que una amistad-

-Júrame… júrame por tu vida y por nuestra relación que entre tú y Taiga no hubo nada-

-Ay- suspiró –Ya te dije que no. Confía en mí. Yo jamás he hecho nada "comprometedor" con Taiga; es decir, bueno… solo esa vez en Hamatsu cuando nos hicimos pasar por "novios" para engañarte ¿recuerdas?- (véase "Sempai se Casa 1 – Cap 18")

-Sí… sí… no me hagas recordar esa mierda- renegué.

-Bueno… solo esa vez, pero nada más-

-...- rolé los ojos -¿Lo juras?-

-Lo juro- sonrió.

-Bien…- respiré hondo, pues quería terminar el tema –Hablando de Taiga… ¿dónde está la mocosa?-

-Es cierto. Se supone que estaba aquí… en la sala-

-Qué extraño-
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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The doorbell rang. I did not know who could be, since we did not expect anyone. At least I don't, or also could be someone who let us any packages or correspondence.-I open - Morinaga said.--No--I was standing first - I'll go. Better you go to the kitchen and serves more popcorn than this fat already swallowed it all --You say who 'fat', tyrant - defended Taiga.-You, fat - stressed intentional.-Now, now... Please. Not fight - Morinaga stood in the middle of the two, and calmed us down.-Yes, Souichi. You don't fight with me. Apart I'm... not "fat", I am "pregnant" - crossed of arms - better go to open the door. It's worth in this House, VAIN - expressed Taiga.-TAIGA! - Morinaga scolded her for having lacked respect.That damn runny. Why always does that bother? One of these days I will grab Cross and I'll be able to throw it out the window or lock it below the bathroom sink to not see his face.Not answered because the baka of Morinaga has already had gotten to scold her. I went to the entrance to open the door...-Who! - asked in a bad mood before opening.-Correspondence - said on the other side.Correspondence? At this time?, I asked myself, but I was so immersed in my hatred of Taiga which I didn't and I opened the door...-You are not the postman - I supported in the frame of the door with serious eyes and arms crossed.-Ja! Of course I'm not it--You lose your time if you think that you win the dwarf--Dwarf?--So I say to Taiga --Apparently... not you get on well with her - it crossed of arms and mocked.-No. But that is not your problem. Anyway not I you will deliver--Hahaha... don't be stubborn, Souichi. Save you the inconvenience of supporting to Taiga and just... return it to me--Hahaha...-I burlé - I told you that you lose your time --I am being educated - pretended hypocrisy - I ask kindly that I return to Taiga --From agreement...-approached Takasu - then I will tell you "kindly"... that you LARGUES of my house... KILLER - boss.-...-Takasu fastened to the collar Sempai - me I won't disrespect, four-eyed faggot --RELEASE ME--No, damn gay, I will not release--I AM NOT A HOMOSEXUAL... And because let me - I started to struggle, as the convicted person was stronger than me.-I'll teach that with me nobody gets...-He raised his fist and I covered me.-DO NOT TOUCH SEMPAI-I heard the cry of Morinaga in the distance and his footsteps approaching quickly. With the fair managed to prevent that Takasu hit me; and instead of that... was Morinaga who hurt to Takasu. It came running from behind and gave him an appliances on the cheek to Takasu, who I let go and retreated a few steps away, rubbing his face.By the impact and surprise... also retrocedí a few steps and Morinaga stood in front of me giving me back... to defend me. Everything indicated that Morinaga would not allow anyone do me harm, because at that time I was very angry. He had never seen it with the breast as brow.-Don't you dare touch my partner - he demanded Morinaga.-Go... you give it a few good hits, somewhat weakened Takasu said marica.-Go here... GO--Shit...-whispered - how it hurts...-wiped blood from his lips - this you can cost your job in pharmaceutical S, you know --Do not have why to dismiss me. I did nothing wrong. Was you who came to my house for the third time to threaten us, or disturb you; and over you... wanted to physically assaulting my partner. I am in my right to defend those who master - got serious and confronted him.-To which... would love? - it was sarcastic - by what you speak in...? "plural"? You're also in love with Taiga? Jajajajaja...-laughed.-I do not mean that, idiot. And I have no why give explanations. I only require you go here and that we do not disturb more--Well look you "fag" - Takasu also approached him to face it - I'm not afraid. And I will keep coming many times giving the win to take me to Taiga - got angry.-Because I cannot fill the face of hits times that you dare to come--Jajajajaja...-mocked - you cannot do me nothing, because...--Why? I'll still threatening to "accuse me" with the pharmaceutical Manager S?-it felt ashamed - what... are not able to defend yourself for you alone? Are you so weak?--Morinaga, and shut up - I susurré him from the back, because I didn't want this fight to go to older - not empeores things --Have rightly smiled hypocritically - I have No why fall so low as to go accusing you. I have thought about more things that you could sink even... harm even more - the mysterious - became so... be very careful, Morinaga Tetsuhiro, because some of these days... can cost your "boyfriend" life - he kept his false smile, gave me a last look and went.Morinaga strong character was gradually emerging. It wasn't the first time I'd see him so upset. To tell the truth, that he go fighting with people and less hits that include I didn't. I cannot to come out hurt. Luckily, the murderer of Takasu did not dare to attack him physically, maybe but not going sit idly.I can't believe that this murderer dared to raise my hand, and I could not believe that I was not able to defend myself and covered only my. That is to say... TAKASU is not so strong. Such is my size, but it has the texture of Morinaga; not to mention that it has an evil face. Next time I will leave... not.Still we were standing outside apartment... totally stunned by what had just happen. Could not believe that Takasu had threatened to Morinaga kill me it was I who was now in trouble? This whole situation had me really angry, above all with Morinaga, as I was warned at the time. I told him that we do not put in what is incumbent not upon us. I responded and attached to the arm Morinaga and with all my strength pulled him up to the room, closing the front door of a kick...-Sempai... Sempai...-grumbled as he pulled up to the room - what?--What? Would like to know what is happening? - screamed, dropped it and we stopped in the middle of the room - this is what happens! - got you a slap in the face.-...-He was surprised and he looked at me open-mouthed - what hit me? --You are a moron, MORINAGA! - I descontrolé - now if we're SCREWED --Of which you speak?--That bastard of Takasu you already declared war and over... you threatened to kill me --Don't worry, Sempai - tried to calm me - not gonna let anything pass you --That murderer can do damage to you also!--But I know to defend me, Sempai!-apologised.-NO, NO, NO! - renounced - I said... I said clearly that we had not to take on issues that not compete us. In addition... so are the world's strongest man can not against a gun or a knife, baka. TAKASU is capable of anything. I know types like him - I calmed down and I broke a little - I don't want again to spend the same thing we went through the otaku --No, my Sempai. Do not be so - suddenly hugged me - not have why cry --Who is crying, idiot - pushed it to let embrace me - plus... How is that of... "defending those who love" - emphasized.-Do not understand--That said you to Takasu - me sonrojé unconsciously.-Ah... lol - laugh a little the very baka - I meant that to you I love you and I love to Taiga as a sister --Do not change things, idiot. You said "master" for the two - curse I'm sounding like a jealous.-Don't misunderstand things, my Sempai. It is not to love to Taiga, but I said it to... you know... generalize --Generalize huh? - I put my hands on the waist and began to suspect - speaking! Do you feel by the stuffy nose of your friend?--Do AH? - surprised - is it a joke, truth?--No. It is not a joke, bastard - I was rude - I demand that I tell the fucking truth --Sempai! You can relax. You don't why talk to me as well. Between Taiga and myself there was nothing, nothing, and there will be nothing more than a friendship--Swear I... swear by your life and our relationship that between you and Taiga there was nothing --Ay - sighed - I already said that not. Trust me. I've never done anything "compromising" with Taiga; i.e. good... only this time in Hamatsu when we go through "boyfriend" to deceive you remember? - (see "Sempai will house 1 - Cap 18")-Yes... Yes... I don't remember that shit - renounced.-Well... only this time, but nothing else --...-rolé eyes - swear it? --I swear - smiled.-Well...-breath deep, because I wanted to finish the theme - talking Taiga... where is the runny?--It is true. It is assumed that I was here... in the Hall--Strange-
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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The doorbell rang. I did not know who it could be, since they were not expecting anyone. At least I did not, or could also be someone who left us a package or correspondence. 'I said fas- Morinaga. -No- I stood -I go first. Better you go to the kitchen and serves more popcorn this GORDA what has already swallowed all- -Who you say "fat" Taiga tyrant fought back. -A you, I emphasized Gorda on purpose. Yeah, and ... please. Morinaga peleen- not stood in the midst of them and calmed us. Yes, Souichi. Do not fight me. Besides ... I'm not "fat", I "pregnant" - arms crossed Better walk to the door. It's worth in this house, useless Taiga said. -¡TAIGA - Morinaga scolded for having disrespected. That damned brat. Why do you always have to bother? One of these days I will grab crossed and be able to throw it out the window or enclose it under the bathroom sink not see his face. I did not answer because the Baka Morinaga had already gotten a scolding. I went to the entrance to open the door ... -Who - I asked cranky before opening. -Correspondencia- said the other side. ¿Correspondence? At this hour ?, I wondered, but he was so focused on my hatred Taiga that did not bother me and opened the door ... 'You're not the postman I leaned against the door frame with the serious look and crossed arms . Ha! Of course not am- 're wasting your time if you think you'll take the enana- -¿Enana - So tell Taiga- 'Apparently ... you do not get along with her ​​folded his arms and sneered . No. But that's not your problem. Anyway, I will not get the entregar- Hahaha ... do not be stubborn, Souichi. Save yourself the hassle of supporting and Taiga just ... devuélvemela- -Jajajaja ... - I scoffed I told you lose your time- I'm being hypocritical educators pretended I'll kindly ask you to return me to Taiga- Okay ... - he approached Takasu Then I'll tell you "kindly" ... you to get out of my house .... Shoulder assassin. - ... - Takasu grabbed Sempai neck shirt -A me not going to disrespect four eyes maricón- -SUÉLTAME- No, homosexual Damn, I'm not going to soltar- -NO I AM A GAY ... And DÉJAME- began to struggle, as the condemned was stronger than me. 'I'll teach that no one messes with me ...- raised his fist and I covered me. Do not touch A SEMPAI- heard Morinaga's cry in the distance and his footsteps quickly approaching. With just managed to prevent Takasu hit me; and instead ... Morinaga who was hurt Takasu. Came running from behind and gave him a punch on the cheek Takasu, who released me and stepped back, rubbing his face. By the shock and surprise ... also I stepped back and stood before Morinaga me back to me. .. to defend. Everything indicated that Morinaga not let anyone hurt me, because at that time was very angry. I had never seen so furrowed with the design. Do not you dare touch my partner-demanded Morinaga. -go ... it does give you some good shots, Takasu said marica- somewhat weakened. Get out of here ... veterinary Shit ...- whispered ...- -How hurts the blood wiped his lips -This could cost you your job in Pharmaceutical S, sabías- No have to say goodbye. I did nothing wrong. You who came for the third time to my house to threaten or disturb; and above ... Did you physically assaulting my partner. I'm in my right to defend those who ammonium he became serious and faced him. -A who ... love - was sarcastic Why do you speak in ... "plural"? Perhaps you are also in love with Taiga? Hahahaha ...- she laughed. 'I mean that, you idiot. And I do not have to give explanations. Only I demand that you leave here and do not bother us more- Well look "fagot" - Takasu also approached him to face you No I have fear. And I'll keep coming back as often as you earn is given to Taiga- take me angry. 'I do not get tired of the face of beatings fill the time you dare come- -Jajajajaja ...- mocked 'You do not You can do anything to me, because ...- Why? Would I'll still threatening to "accuse" the manager of Pharmaceutical S - so ashamed ... -What are you not able to stand up for yourself? So weak are - -Morinaga as cállate- whispered from behind him, not wanting this fight from escalating No things- make it worse You're right I do not have smiled hypocritically why stoop so low as to go accusing . I have thought more things you could sink even ... hurt even more-was the mysterious So ... be careful, Tetsuhiro Morinaga, because one of these days ... your "boyfriend" can cost you life- maintained his false smile, gave me one last look and left. The strong character of Morinaga was coming slowly. It was not the first time I'd see him so angry. Truthfully, I did not like that he walks with people and fighting unless it includes shocks. I do not want to get hurt. Fortunately, the murderer of Takasu not dare to assault him, but because I was not staying with his arms crossed. I can not believe that this murderer has dared to raise a hand, and could not believe that I have not been able to defend and only covered me. I mean ... Takasu is not so strong. That guy is my size, but has the texture of Morinaga; not to mention it has an evil face. Next time ... I will not stop. We were still standing outside the apartment ... totally stunned by what had just happened. I could not believe that Takasu had threatened to kill Morinaga Was it me who was now in trouble? This whole situation was really angry, especially with Morinaga, because I was warned at the time. I said no metiéramos us what is not for us. I reacted and hold to Morinaga arm and with all my strength I pulled up to the room, slamming the front door with a kick ... -Sempai ... Sempai ... - he complained as he pulled up to the room What passing - -¿ What's up? WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS - I shouted, I let go and stopped in the middle of the room -This is what happens - I gave him a slap. - ... - surprised and gaped at me 'Why do you strike me? - You're a fool, Morinaga - Now if we're out of control I JODIDOS- 'What talk - That bastard Takasu and you declared war and over ... you threatened to kill me 'Do not worry, Sempai- I tried to calm myself I'm not going to let anything bad pass- -That murderer can hurt you too - 'But I know defend, Sempai -. he apologized No, no, NO - disowned - I said ... I said clearly that we should not get involved in matters not our business. Also ... so you're the strongest man in the world can not against a gun or a knife, baka. Takasu is capable of anything. I know guys like him calmed down and I broke a little I do not want that to happen again the same thing happened with the Otaku- No, my Sempai. Do not get hugged me ASI- No surprise why you cry -Who is crying, moron pushed him to stop hugging Besides ... of how that is ... "defend those who love" - he stressed. I do not understand - 'That you told unconsciously Takasu- blushed. Oh ... hahaha laugh a little too baka I meant to you and Taiga love you like a sister I love No you change things, you idiot. You said "love" for two- curse I'm sounding like a jealous. No misunderstand things, my Sempai. Not that love Taiga, but I said to ... you know ... generalize -Generalizar right? - I put my hands on her waist and began to suspect 'Speak! What do you feel about the brat your friend - -¿AH - Is it surprised a joke, right? - No. It is not a joke, I got rude bastard I demand you tell me the fucking truth -¡Sempai! Relax. Why do not you talk like that. Among Taiga and there was nothing, nothing, and there is nothing beyond a friendship- Swear ... swear by your life and our relationship with you and no nothing-Taiga sighed 'I told -Ay- not. Trust me. I've never done anything "compromising" with Taiga; that is, well ... only this time in Hamatsu when we did stop by "boyfriends" to deceive you remember -? (see "Sempai is Casa 1 - Cap 18") Yes ... yes ... I do not remember that shit disowned. Well ... only this time, but no more -...- rolled my eyes -¿Lo swear - swear it'm smiled. Well ... - I took a deep breath, wanting to finish the topic Speaking of Taiga ... where It is the brat - That's right. Was supposed to be here in the hall ... What a stranger

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
The doorbell Rang. I didn't know who he could be, because we weren't expecting anyone. At least I did not, or could also be someone who will leave us some package or correspondence.

I - - I said Morinaga.

- i stood first - go. You better go to the kitchen and serves more Popcorn this fat already swallowed it all

- who say "fat" Tyrant - Defended Taiga.

you,Fat hit on purpose. - Now, now... Please. Don't Fight - Morinaga stood in the middle of the two and calmed us down. - Yeah, Souichi. Don't fight with me. Besides... I'm not fat, I'm "Pregnant" - crossed Arms Best Go Open the door. Does anything in this House - was useless, taiga.

- taiga! - Morinaga scolded her for having disrespected.

That Fucking Brat.Why does it always have to be? One of these days I will get crossed and I'll be able to throw it through the window and locked her under the bathroom sink not to see his face. I didn't answer because the Baka of Morinaga had already been scolding her. I went to the entrance to open the door...

Who! - I had a bad mood before opening correspondence Said.

on the other side.Correspondence? At this hour? I asked, but I was so focused on my hatred of Taiga that I didn't Care and I opened the door...

- The Postman - I leaned in the doorway with Serious look and crossed his arms. - Ha! Of course I'm not

- - You're wasting your time if you think you're taking it to the Dwarf -

- Midget? - so I -

to Taiga -Apparently, you don't get along with her crossed Arms and mocked.

not. But that's not your problem. Anyway i'm Not Giving - -

hahaha... Don't be Stubborn, Souichi. Save Yourself The Trouble of Taiga and just... - Give It Back -

hahaha i chaffed told you wasting your time -

- i'm being polite - faked Hypocrisy - i Gently back Taiga -

- approached Takasu "Kindly" then I'll tell you... Get out of My House... Killer - He stressed.

- sempai Takasu fastened to the neck of the shirt, I disrespect you, Four Eyes SuÉltame -

- - - No, you fucking gay, I'm not letting you go -

đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
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