¡Mei, responde!−la tomo de los hombros y la agito un poco, la chica es dịch - ¡Mei, responde!−la tomo de los hombros y la agito un poco, la chica es Anh làm thế nào để nói

¡Mei, responde!−la tomo de los homb

¡Mei, responde!−la tomo de los hombros y la agito un poco, la chica estaba distinta −vamos, reacciona ¿estás bien?

− ¡¿Y cómo voy a estar?!−descargo toda su ira en Souichi que puso los ojos en blanco, después de que se molestaba en preguntarle recibía gritos de una niñita.

− ¿y cómo se supone que voy a saberlo? Saliste corriendo del bar y la única persona lo suficientemente sobria para ir por ti era yo.

− ¿no podrías decir algo más amable…−hiso un puchero, sintió basilar sus pies unos instantes, dio una mirada rápida, no parecía que Souichi estuviera realmente preocupado, más bien el chico estaba agobiado, se maldijo mentalmente, no estaba funcionando en lo absoluto, intento dar un paso hacia él, quizá si hacia contacto físico Souichi entendería, era una buena ocasión para que se le torciera el tobillo−o al menos intentarlo?−Souichi levanto la ceja, estaba harto de las malditas fiestas de los profesores borrachos−¡Souichi!

− ¿Qué?−Mei comenzaba a perder las esperanzas ¿que Souichi era de piedra? Suspiró por lo bajo, aun le quedaba el factor sorpresa−volvemos, o prefieres irte a tu departamento−al ver la negativa de la chica puso los ojos en blanco e intento decir otra cosa, había olvidado lo desesperante que era tratar con mujeres y más las de la facultad, parecía que se empeñaban en ser irritables y complicadas−Mei, los profesores se preocuparan, si no quieres hablar de ello lo entiendo, pero copera y vámonos de aquí.

− ¡no! Aun no puedo.

− ¿y que te falta?


−Aja−estaba haciendo un capricho, justo como los de Kanako, y la gente empezaba a verlos de manera extraña, por no decir que parecía que le estaba rogando y en realidad lo estaba haciendo, volteo hacia ella con los nervios a estallar para toparse con que estaba hablando…y llorando−¿qué tienes?

− ¡es mi hermano, te lo acabo de decir!−Souchi se llevó las palmas a la cabeza, respiro profundo y trato de calmarse, era una chica…una chica desesperante−pareciera que nunca me escuchas.

−si bueno, hablas demasiado.

Se le cayó el orgullo al suelo ¿pero qué demonios le pasaba a ese tipo? Estaba claro que el tiempo en el que convivía con Souichi, este era un cabron de primera, pero no era mala persona, aun así tenía algo que le atraía. No era que la noticia fuera falsa del todo, y que la escenita de salir como damisela derrotada del bar haya sido teatro…no del todo. Pero era momento de cambiar de estrategia con él. El chico era demasiado duro.

− ¿Y bien?−Souichi se llevó las manos al pecho dedicándole una mirada amenazante, la chica puso los ojos en blanco, tenía el maquillaje corrido por las mejillas.

− Tu ganas−en ese momento la soltó para seguir el camino contrario− ¿a dónde vas?

−a mi departamento.

−No he terminado de hablar−se detuvo en seco, tenía ganas de dejarla hablando sola, pero no era capaz de dejar a una chica sola en la noche y menos con esas pintas. Mei traía un escote pronunciado y la mayoría de los hombres volteaban a verla, estaba claro que le pasaría algo si andaba por ahí borracha−regresare si me acompañas, he dejado mi bolso.

No le quedaba opción, y lo sabía. Además, tenían que quitarse del camino, estaban prácticamente discutiendo en la calle sin mencionar que venían autos en el camino. Tomo a Mei del brazo y se apresuró a regresar al Bar, entre más rápido se deshiciera de ella mejor.


−al menos de esta forma esos viejos verdes no nos persiguen con su asquerosa mirada−giro la vista encontrándose con los ojos de la chica, venia jadeando por la caminata, de inmediato desvió la vista al frente−deberías considerar no salir así.

Mei se ruborizo, enseguida volteo a ver su escote, la blusa se había bajado unos centímetros más y realmente mostraba más carne de lo planeado. Se detuvo arrastras, lo que sorprendió a Souichi que tenía el entrecejo fruncido, separo los labios para quejarse pero no dijo nada al ver como Mei se desesperaba por cerrar los botones de su blusa. Se rio mentalmente, era demasiado tonta, eso no significaba que dejarían de verla, apenas y le cubría un poco, pero se veía realmente avergonzada. La imagen de Kanako se coló en su mente y levanto la comisura de los labios en una media sonrisa. Volteo hacia el camino que seguían y se adelantó, dejándola unos pasos atrás.

Los murmullos de las personas parecían el ambiente principal de la calle. Su brazo le pesaba, sin pensarlo se llevó una mano a este en donde Mei estaba sujetada con fuerza. Sintió el suave tacto de su piel y la sostuvo para soltarse de su agarre, pero antes de que pudiera hacerlo, Mei alejo su mano y se adentró en el bar.

La chica se deslizo entre los clientes hasta llegar a la barra, Souichi levanto una ceja confundido y a la vez molesto por haberla seguido. Se llevó las manos a los bolsillos dispuesto a entrar y despedirse de todos los viejos borrachos que estaban dentro, apenas dar un paso un chico choco contra su hombro haciendo que se tambaleara dando traspases hasta alcanzar la pared más cercana. Volteo frenético hacia él, para toparse con un hombre no mayor de veintitrés años con el aspecto más desagradable que se imaginó, sin contar con que corría con desesperación sin que nadie le siguiese y sin dejar de voltear a ver el camino tras él.

−«debería recordar porque estoy siguiendo a una niñita estúpida como un perro faldero»−hiso presión en el puente de la nariz y puso los ojos en blanco, con la otra mano abrió la puerta del bar dándose cuenta al instante de que el lugar estaba tranquilo, casi en silencio. Busco con la vista al grupo de ancianos de la universidad, sin encontrarse con nada parecido a unos viejos borrachos. Dio un recorrido visual tratando de avanzar lentamente para evitar verse estúpido o algo por el estilo−«y he aquí la maldita respuesta»−Mei estaba sentada en la esquina de la barra con un tipo colgado a ella, se le insinuaba y al parecer Mei comenzaba a entrar en pánico, sus ojos se cruzaron y de inmediato salto de la silla hacia Souichi, los tacones la hicieron tropezar pero sin caer al suelo, el chico logro sostenerla antes de caer, se giró frenética con la palma en alto para estamparla en la cara del tipo, cuando un escalofrió recorrió su cuerpo, la mano del hombre se deslizo hacia sus muslos para después hacer presión. Se le inundo la cara de desesperación, giro la vista a todos lados sin encontrar solución, abrió la boca sin dejar salir palabra alguna, hasta que los sucios dedos que la sujetaban abandonaron su cuerpo y cayeron en seco a su lado. Con los ojos llorosos alcanzo a divisar a Souichi frente a ella con el puño en el aire.

−Se podría saber qué demonios te pasa−fulmino con la mirada al hombre que acababa de derribar, sin notar quien era y se echó a correr. Souichi chasqueo los dientes, y rolo los ojos dispuesto a reprender y decirle unas cuantas cosas a Mei−no es agradable ver que…−se le corto la voz al ver que la chica temblaba mientras sostenía sus rodillas, Mei levanto la vista, dejando ver su rostro lleno de maquillaje arruinado, balbuceo algo que Souichi no pudo comprender y le tomo el pantalón con los puños, de primera pensó en quejarse pero se relajó un poco, para después pronunciar la estupidez más grande que pudo− ¿quieres un trago?
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Mei, respond! −la took the shoulder and agito slightly, the girl was different −vamos, reacts are well?− And how can I be? −descargo all your anger on Souichi who put eyes blank, since you bothered to ask him received cries of a little girl.− and how is that you I know it? You went running out of the bar and I was the only one sober enough to go for you.− not could tell something nicer... −hiso a stew, basilar felt his feet a few moments, gave a quick look, did not seem that Souichi was really concerned, rather the boy was overwhelmed, mentally cursed himself, was not working at all, I try to take a step toward it, perhaps if physical contact towards Souichi would understand, was a good chance that rotates the tobillo−o the less try? −Souichi raise eyebrow was tired of the damn holidays of teachers borrachos− Souichi!− What? −Mei started to lose hope that Souichi did stone? He sighed low, still had the sorpresa−volvemos factor, or you prefer to go to your departamento−al see the refusal of the girl put the eyes blank and try to say something else, I had forgotten the despairing thing was dealing with women and most of the faculty, it seemed that they laboured to be irritable and complicadas−Mei, teachers worry, if you do not want to talk about it understand it , but copera and let's go from here.− no! Yet I can't.− and you lack?−Fuerza.−AJA−estaba making a fad, just like Kanako, and people began to see them strangely, not to say that it seemed that he was begging him and he was actually doing it, turn towards her with nerves to burst to come across that I was talking about... and llorando− do you have?− It is my brother, I just say! −Souchi took the Palms head, deep breath, and try to calm down, was a girl... a girl desesperante−pareciera I never hear.−SI speak well, too.Fell you the pride to the ground but what the hell you went to that type? It was clear that time which coexisted with Souichi, this was a first bastard, but was not a bad person, still had something that attracted him. It wasn't that the news was false at all, and that might leave the bar as a defeated damsel has been theater... not quite. But it was time to change strategy with him. The boy was too hard.− And good? −Souichi got hands to the chest, giving a menacing look, the girl put the eyes in white, had run down the cheeks makeup.Your ganas−en then dropped − to follow the path contrario− where are you going?− my Department.−No've finished hablar−se arrested in dry, I wanted to let her talking alone, but was not able to leave a girl alone at night and less with those pints. Mei brought a pronounced cleavage and most men westward to see her, it was clear what would happen you something if he walked out there borracha−regresare if I want to join, I have left my bag.He had no choice, and I knew it. In addition, they had to get out of the way, they were practically arguing on the street not to mention coming cars on the road. Taking Mei's arm and he hurried back to the Bar, more fast is you get rid of it better.−duele.−Al less this way those green old not persecute us with their disgusting mirada−giro view meeting with the eyes of the girl, came panting by walk, immediately diverted to the frente−deberias view consider no output as well.Mei blush, then turning to see her cleavage, blouse had lowered a few centimetres more and actually showed more flesh than you had planned. Stopped you drag, which surprised Souichi who had brow brow, separated the lips to complain but said nothing to see how Mei is despaired by close buttons of her blouse. Is River mentally, it was too silly, that did not mean that they would see her, just and covered him a little, but it looked really embarrassed. The image of Kanako sneaked into his mind and lift the corner of the mouth in a half smile. Turning toward the road that remained and he stepped forward, leaving it a few steps back.The murmurings of the people seemed to be main street environment. Her arm weighed him, without thinking about what a hand was this where Mei was fastened with force. He felt the soft touch of his skin and he held it to release its grip, but before he could do so, Mei away his hand and he delved into the bar.The girl slip between the customers up to the bar, Souichi lifted an eyebrow, confused and annoying at the same time by having to follow. Took their hands in pockets ready to come and say goodbye to all the old drunks who were inside, just take a step a choco boy against his shoulder doing that it ISRAEL21c giving traspases to reach the nearest wall. Frantic swing toward it, to encounter one man not more than twenty-three years with the most unpleasant aspect that imagined, without having that ran with desperation without that anyone follow him and fail to turn around to see the road behind him.− "should remember because I'm following a stupid little girl as a lap dog" −hiso pressure on the bridge of the nose and put the eyes in white, with the other hand opened the door of the bar realizing instantly that the place was quiet, almost silent. I seek with the view of the Group of elders of the University, without anything like a drunken old. It gave a visual journey trying to move slowly to avoid seeing stupid or something by the estilo− 'and behold the damn answer' −Mei was sitting in the corner of the bar with a hung her type, was hinted her apparently Mei began to panic, crossed his eyes and immediately jump into Souichi Chair heels made her trip but without falling to the ground, the boy achievement hold it before falling, it turned frantic with Palm high Fane in the face of the type, when a shiver he travelled around his body, the man's hand slip towards her thighs then put pressure. Are you flooded the face of despair, turn the view to all sides without finding solution, he opened his mouth without letting out a Word, until the dirty fingers that held it left his body and fell dry by his side. With watery eyes I can see Souichi in front of it with his fist in the air.−Se might know what the hell you pasa−fulmino look at the man who had just overturned, without noting who was and broke into a run. Souichi click teeth, and rolo eyes willing to rebuke and say a few things to Mei−no is nice to see that... −SE short you voice seeing the girl trembled while holding his knees, Mei levanto view, revealing his face full of ruined makeup, babbling something that Souichi could not understand and took her pants with cuffs, first thought of complaining but relaxed a little, for then the stupidity of the larger pudo− would like a drink?
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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! Mei responds He took her by the shoulders and shake it a bit, Let the girl was different, reacts are you okay? - And how I'll be -?! unleashed its wrath on Souichi who rolled his eyes blank, after it received bothered to ask a little girl cries. - And how am I supposed to know? You ran the bar and the only person sober enough to go for you was me. - could not you say something nicer ... -hiso pouted, basilar felt his feet for a moment, gave a quick glance, it appeared that Souichi was really worried, rather the boy was overwhelmed, mentally cursed, was not working at all, try to take a step toward him, maybe if Souichi physical contact to understand, was a good opportunity for him to twist the ankle-or at least ? I try -Souichi raised eyebrow, he was sick of the fucking party of drunken-¡Souichi free! - What Mei began to lose hope what do Souichi was stone? He sighed softly, still had the wow-back factor, or would you rather leave your department-seeing the refusal of the girl rolled her eyes and tried to say something else, I'd forgotten how desperate I was dealing with women and more the faculty, who insisted seemed to be irritable and difficult-Mei, teachers worry if you do not want to talk about it enough but copera and get out of here. - No! Even I can not. - are you missing? -force. Aha-was doing a whim, just as Kanako, and people began to see them in a strange way, to say that it seemed like he was begging and actually I was doing, turned toward her nerves pop encounter he was talking ... and crying-what is it? - he's my brother, I like what I just said -Souchi palms to the head was deep breath! and try to calm down, she was a girl ... a girl desperate-it seems that never listen to me. Yeah well, you talk too much. He dropped to the ground pride but what the hell was wrong with that guy? It was clear that the time he lived with Souichi, this was a bastard first, but it was not a bad person, still had something that appealed to him. Not that the news was completely false and that little scene out as defeated damsel theater bar has been ... not quite. But it was time to change strategy with him. The boy was too hard. - Well -Souichi clutched his chest giving him a menacing look, the girl rolled her eyes, had makeup smeared cheeks?. - You win-at that time to let go follow the contrary way where are you going? -in my department. 'I have not finished talking-I stopped short, I wanted to let her talking to herself, but was not able to stop one girl at night and less those pints. Mei wore a plunging neckline and most of the men turned to stare at her, it was clear that something would happen if you went around drunk-be back if you come with me, I left my bag. He had no choice, and he knew it. In addition, they had to get out of the way, they were almost arguing in the street not to mention cars coming down the road. Mei took her arm and hurried back to the Bar, the faster you get rid of it better. It hurts. -at least this way those dirty old men do not pursue us with their disgusting look-turning sight encountering eyes the girl, came panting from the walk, immediately looked away to the front-you should consider not leave well. Mei blushed, quickly turned to see her cleavage, her blouse had fallen a few centimeters more and really showed more flesh than planned . He stopped dragging, which surprised Souichi who was frowning, her lips parted to complain but said nothing to see Mei was desperate to close the buttons of her blouse. Mentally laughed, it was too silly, that did not mean they would stop her, barely covered her a little, but it looked really embarrassed. Kanako's image slipped into his mind and lifted the corner of his mouth in a half smile. They turned to the path followed and stepped forward, leaving a few steps back. The murmurs of the people seemed the main street environment. His arm was heavy, without thinking one hand this was where Mei was held with force. Felt the soft touch of your skin and held for loose from his grip, but before he could, Mei away his hand and went into the bar. The girl slipped between clients up to the bar, Souichi raised an eyebrow confused and annoyed at the same time have followed. He put his hands into the pockets willing to come and say goodbye to all the old drunks who were inside, just step one guy crashed against his shoulder making traspases giving stagger up to the nearest wall. Turning toward him frantic, to encounter a man not more than twenty-three years with the most unpleasant aspect imagined, without running desperately without anyone to follow him and still turn to see the road behind him. - " should remember because I am following a stupid little girl like a lapdog "-hiso pressure on the bridge of the nose and rolled his eyes, with the other hand opened the door of the bar instantly realizing that the place was quiet, almost silently. I looked around the group of old university, without encountering anything like an old drunk. He gave a visual tour trying to crawl to avoid being stupid or something style- "and behold the damn answer" Mei was sitting in the corner of the bar with a guy hanging to it, and apparently he hinted Mei began to panic, their eyes met and immediately jumped up to Souichi, heels made ​​her stumble but not fall to the ground, the boy hold before dropping achievement, frantically turned palm up to stamp on the guy's face, when a chill through his body, the man's hand slid to her thighs and then exert pressure. He flooded the face of despair, turn the view around without finding solutions, opened his mouth without leaving a word out until dirty fingers that held his body abandoned and fell short by his side. With tearful eyes I caught a glimpse of Souichi front of her with his fist in the air. He could know what the hell is wrong with you-glared at the man who had just overthrown, not noticing who was and ran. Souichi snapped his teeth and rolled his eyes ready to scold and tell you a few things to Mei-not nice to see that ... She'll cut the voice to see that the girl was shaking as she held her knees, Mei looked up, revealing ruined his face full of makeup, babbling something Souichi could not understand and took his pants with cuffs, first thought of complaining but relaxed a little, and then say the stupidest thing he could manage would you like a drink?

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Mei, answer! - take the shoulders and shook a Little, the girl was −vamos reacts differently, you okay?

- and how am I going to be? All his Anger! −descargo Souichi has White Eyes after that bothered to ask a little girl was screaming. - and how am I supposed to know?You ran out of the bar and the only person Sober enough to go for you

I was. - couldn't you say something nice...−hiso Pouting, basilar felt his feet for a few moments, gave a Quick Glance, it seemed that Souichi was really worried, rather the kid was mentally overwhelmed, Cursed, was not Working at all, try to take a step towards him,Maybe if Souichi physical contact to understand, was a good opportunity for him to turn the tobillo−o at least try? −souichi raised Eyebrow, he was tired of the bloody events of Teachers borrachos−souichi!

- What? −mei began to Lose Hope that Souichi Stone Age? Whispered so low, still had the factor sorpresa−volvemos,
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