-¡AHHHHHHHHHHHHH... MORIIIIIIIIIIIIII!- me abrazó sin pensarlo –MORIII dịch - -¡AHHHHHHHHHHHHH... MORIIIIIIIIIIIIII!- me abrazó sin pensarlo –MORIII Anh làm thế nào để nói


-¡AHHHHHHHHHHHHH... MORIIIIIIIIIIIIII!- me abrazó sin pensarlo –MORIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII...- gritaba llorando y escondiendo su rostro en mi cuello –FUE HORRIBLE... FUE HORRIBLE, MORIIIIIII-

-¿Qué... pero... qué sucedió?- la abracé también sin comprender lo que decía.

-¡AHHHHH!- lloraba sin parar –Fue horrible... HORRIBLE...-

-¿Qué cosa? ¿Qué fue horrible?-


-¿De quién? ¿De Takasu?-

-¡TAKASUUUUUUUUU! ¡AHHHHHHHHHHH!- chilló nuevamente.

-Taiga... tranquila... oye... Taiga-

-Ahhhhh... Mori... Moriiiiiiiiiiiiii-

-Está bien. Llora todo lo que quieras. Desahógate-

-Ahhhhhhh... ahhhhhhh... ahhhhhh...-

-Tranquila... ya pasará... relájate...- le acariciaba la espalda sin romper el abrazo.

-Ahhh... ahh...- respiraba entrecortado –Yo... yo... me siento muy triste...- empezó a calmarse.

Poco a poco estaba concluyendo con su llanto. Su respiración se iba normalizando, y sus lágrimas dejaban de caer. Claro que sentí mi hombro húmedo, pero no importaba. Me mantuve bien abrazado a ella... acariciando desde su cabeza hasta su espalda para hacerla sentir protegida y querida. De pronto... hubo un largo silencio, hasta que...

-Muy bien... bravo...- Sempai estaba apoyando en la pared en la entrada de la sala aplaudiendo viéndonos –Pero qué abrazo tan COMPROMETEDOR- enfatizó burlosamente.

-Ah... Se... Sempai...- me puse algo nervioso y automáticamente me separé de Taiga poniéndome de pie –No... no es lo que tú crees; es decir... no estaba haciendo nada malo. Tan solo estaba consolándola-

-Sí... creo que los "interrumpí"-

-No seas sarcástico, Sempai. Taiga me abrazó y se puso mal y obviamente la abracé-

-Claro, Morinaga, solo te faltó el BESO de consuelo ¿cierto?-


-Ay por favor, Souichi. No empieces con tus celos estúpidos-

-TÚ NO TE METAS- la puso en su lugar –Esta discusión es entre MORINAGA Y YO-

-Sí, pero YO estoy involucrada ¿no?- se le enfrentó –Además... Mori y yo no estábamos haciendo nada malo. Tan solo me estaba consolando-

-No tengo por qué confiar en ti-

-Entonces si no confías en mí, CONFÍA EN TU NOVIO-

-¡PAREJA! Maldición... te he dicho MIL VECES que digas PA...RE...JA...-

-Novio, pareja, enamorado... ES LO MISMO, TARADO-

-Grrrrrr...- Sempai estaba lleno de ira –¡LARGO DE MI CASA!-

-¿Qué?- Taiga se sorprendió.

-¡QUE TE VAYAS! No sé a qué rayos viniste, pero entérate de una buena vez que... TÚ NO ERES BIENVENIDA AQUÍ-

-¡SEMPAI!- lo regañé.

-¿Así? Pues solo me iré si Mori me lo pide- retó Taiga.

-¡MORINAGA! DILE A ESTA MOCOSA QUE SE LARGUE- Sempai me dio una orden.

-¡BASTA!- grité pues me colmaron la paciencia –Ya dejen de pelear, por favor-

-Dejaré de pelear cuando esta INTRUSA se vaya de MI CASA-

-Sempai... Sempai... por favor tranquilo, recuerda que también es mi casa. Además... no puedo correr a Taiga en su estado. Está muy lastimada y triste...- intenté hacerlo entrar en razón acercándome a él.

-¿Estás dándome la contra? ¿TE ESTÁS PONIENDO DE SU LADO?- ahora Sempai estaba enojándose conmigo.

-¡SIEMPRE ESTÁ DE MI LADO!- Taiga se metió.

-¡TAIGA!- la regañé por decir algo indebido.

-¿Es cierto eso, baka?- me cuestionó Sempai.

-¿Eh? No, Sempai. Claro que no. Simplemente estoy siendo justo y comprensivo- suspiré –Ay... miren, hagamos algo. Taiga, por qué no vas a darte una ducha y a cambiarte de ropa, mientras que Sempai y yo terminamos la cena-

-¿QUÉ? ¿LA ENANA VA A CENAR CON NOSOTROS?- Sempai si indignó.

-¿A quién le dices "enana", HOMOSEXUAL FRUSTRADO?- Taiga lo insultó.


-¡SILENCIO!- pegué otro grito –Taiga... vete a bañar...- le ordené.



-... De acuerdo...- Taiga se bajó del sofá, recogió su maleta de ruedas y se dirigió al baño.

-Y Sempai... ven conmigo- lo jalé del brazo y lo llevé a la cocina.

Nada de esto estaba saliendo bien. Cada vez que entablaban una conversación, Sempai y Taiga terminaban peleándose. Realmente, Sempai se salió de control. Por qué quiso correr de la casa a Taiga en la situación en la que se encuentra. Bueno... sé que Taiga le faltó el respeto a Sempai, pero Sempai estaba malinterpretando las cosas respecto al abrazo de consuelo que le di a Taiga. Ahhhhhh... TODO ESTO ME MAREA. Pero lo más importante ahora es saber... ¿QUÉ RAYOS LE PASÓ A TAIGA? ¿POR QUÉ LLORÓ DE ESA FORMA? ¿QUÉ QUISO DECIRME CON QUE "FUE HORRIBLE" Y CON QUE "TIENE MIEDO"? No sé qué quiso decir con eso pero... hoy día... ME LO TIENE QUE DECIR.

Taiga ya estaba encerrada en el baño, mientras que Sempai y yo estábamos en la cocina...

-¡Suéltame, baka!- Sempai se zafó bruscamente de mi agarre –¿Por qué me hiciste quedar mal?-

-Sempai... estabas siendo injusto-


-¿Cómo puedes ser tan cruel de querer que yo la corra de la casa?-


-No es así, Sempai- respiré hondo –En primer lugar... tú malinterpretaste las cosas. Tan solo estaba abrazando a Taiga. Tan solo te dijo que si no confías en ella, entonces debes confiar en mí-

-Sí, pero usó la palabra "novio"-

-Es lo mismo que "pareja", Sempai-

-Lo sé. Pero esa mocosa sabe perfectamente que NO ME GUSTA que usen esa palabra. Solo lo hace para fastidiar... ¿QUÉ NO TE DISTE CUENTA?-

-Bueno... tal vez se excedió pero... no era para que la eches de aquí-

-¡Morinaga!- me calló –No me estés regañando. Yo estaba en TODO mi derecho de defenderme. Además... TÚ TIENES QUE ESTAR DE MI LADO, BAKA. ERES MI... ah... eres mi... tú sabes... eres mi... pareja-

-No estaba del lado de nadie. Simplemente estaba siendo justo-

-¡Bueno ya!- se hartó –Pero por qué tenías que empeorar las cosas INVITÁNDOLA A CENAR CON NOSOTROS-

-¿Qué tiene de malo?- pregunté inocentemente –En el estado que está... me imagino que debe tener hambre-


-Sempai... no puedo ser tan ajeno a sus problemas. Recuerda que ella es mi mejor amiga-


-Ay, Sempai. No me hagas elegir así- hice un puchero.

-¡Está bien!- quiso cortar la discusión –Dejaré que se quede a cenar, pero después de eso... SE VA ¿ME ENTIENDES? SE VA-


Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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-AHHHHHHHHHHHHH...! MORIIIIIIIIIIIIII! - hugged me without thinking - MORIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII...-screaming crying and hiding his face in my neck - was HORRIBLE... WAS HORRIBLE, MORIIIIIII --What... but... what happened?-also embraced it without understanding what he was saying.-AHHHHH! - cried non-stop - was horrible... HORRIBLE...--What? What was horrible?--I HAVE MIEDOOOOOO!--From who? From Takasu?--TAKASUUUUUUUUU! AHHHHHHHHHHH! - screamed again.-Taiga... quiet... Hey... Taiga--Ahhhhh... Mori... Moriiiiiiiiiiiiii--It's okay. Cry all you want. Let--Ahhhhhhh... ahhhhhhh... ahhhhhh...--Quiet... it will pass... relax you...-caressed you back without breaking the hug.-Ahhh... ahh...-breathed choppy - I... I... I am very sad...-began to calm down.It was gradually concluding with its crying. His breathing was normalizing, and her tears stopped falling. Of course I felt my wet shoulder, but no matter. I kept me well embraced her... Petting from his head to his back to make her feel protected and loved. Suddenly... There was a long silence, until...-Well... bravo...-Sempai was supporting in the wall at the entrance of the room applauding watching - but what hug so compromising - emphasized burlosamente.-Ah... Is... Sempai...-got rather nervous and I automatically separated Taiga getting standing - not... not what you think; IE... no he was doing nothing wrong. It was only consoling her--Yes... I think that "I interrupted them" --Don't be sarcastic, Sempai. Taiga hugged me and was wrong and obviously embraced it--Clear, Morinaga, you just missed the kiss of comfort right?--Ah?--Oh please, Souichi. Don't start with your stupid jealousy--YOUR not TE goals - this put it in place - discussion is between MORINAGA and me --Yes, but I am involved isn't it? - faced you - also... Mori and I were not doing anything wrong. It was comforting just me--I have trust in you--Then if you don't trust me, CONFÍA EN TU NOVIO--COUPLE! Curse... you've said thousand times that you say PA... RE... JA...--Boyfriend, partner, lover... IS THE SAME, CALIBRATION--Grrrrrr... -Sempai was full of wrath - long in my house!--What? - Taiga was surprised.-QUE TE VAYAS! I don't know what rays came, but find out once that... YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE-I regañé - SEMPAI! -.-So? Because I only go if Mori asks me - he challenged Taiga.-MORINAGA! Tell him to this runny nose which is snap - Sempai gave me an order.-ENOUGH! - I yelled as they filled me patience - already stop fighting, please --Will I stop fighting when this intruder in my house--Sempai... Sempai... please calm, remember that it is also my home. Also... no I can run to Taiga in their State. It is very hurt and sad...-I tried to do it enter reason approaching me.-You are giving me against? YOU're putting on your side?-now Sempai was angrier with me.-ALWAYS is on my side! - Taiga got.I regañé - TAIGA! - to say something improper.-Do it is true that, baka?-questioned me Sempai.-Huh? No, Sempai. Clear that no. I'm just being fair and comprehensive - I sighed - Ay... look, do something. Taiga, don't go to take a shower and change your clothes, while Sempai and I finished dinner --WHAT? THE dwarf is going to have dinner with us?-Sempai if it outraged.-Would you say who "dwarf", frustrated HOMOSEXUAL? - Taiga insulted him.-SHUT UP! NOT I SAY SO --SILENCE! - hit another cry - Taiga... go to swim...-ordered you.-But...--NOW!--... Agreement...-Taiga fell of the couch, picked up her suitcase wheels and headed to the bathroom.-Sempai... come with me - I pulled the arm and took it to the kitchen.None of this was going well. Whenever they were waging a conversation, Sempai and Taiga ended fighting. Actually, Sempai went out of control. Why he wanted to run home to Taiga in the situation in which it is located. Well... I know that Taiga lacked respect for Sempai, but Sempai was misinterpreting things regarding the hug of consolation that I gave to Taiga. Ahhhhhh... ALL THIS I TIDE. But the most important thing now is know... what RAYS you step to TAIGA? WHY DO I CRIED IN THIS WAY? WHAT WANTED TO TELL ME THAT "IT WAS HORRIBLE" AND THAT "AFRAID"? I don't know what he meant with that but... today... ME IT HAS TO SAY.Taiga was already locked in the bathroom, while Sempai and I were in the kitchen...-Let go, baka! - Sempai is suddendly abruptly my grip - why would I did to look bad? --Sempai... were ungenerous –-Huh?--How can you be so cruel to want that I run it House?--He deserved it. IT WAS VERY OFFENSIVE TO ME--Not so, Sempai - took a deep breath - first of all... the things you malinterpretaste. I was just hugging Taiga. Said only you that if you don't trust it, then you should trust me--Yes, but "boyfriend" - used the word-It is the same as "couple", Sempai--I know it. But that runny knows well that I don't like using that Word. Only does it to annoy... what not you gave have?--Well... maybe exceeded but... it wasn't so you take it from here--Morinaga! - silent me - you are not me scolding. I was in my right to defend myself. In addition... YOU HAVE TO BE ON MY SIDE, BAKA. You're my... ah... you are my... you know... you're my... couple --I wasn't on the side of anyone. She was simply being just--Well now! - are you sick and tired - but why you had to make things worse, inviting to dinner with us --What's wrong? - I asked innocently - in the State that is... I guess you must have hunger --THAT IS NOT OUR PROBLEM--Sempai... I cannot be so oblivious to their problems. Remember that she is my best friend-- AND ME YOUR PARTNER, IDIOT --Oh, Sempai. I do not choose so - I made a stew.-OK! - wanted to cut the discussion - I will leave to stay for dinner, but after that... IT WILL DO I UNDERSTAND? IS VA --But...-- AND NO TE DARE GIVE ME AGAINST, BECAUSE SERIOUSLY I ENOJARÉ -
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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-¡AHHHHHHHHHHHHH ... MORIIIIIIIIIIIIII - -MORIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII hugged me without thinking ...- screaming crying and hiding her face in my neck It was horrible ... It was horrible, MORIIIIIII- What ... but ... what it happened - the also embraced without understanding what he was saying. -¡AHHHHH - cried non-stop HORRIBLE ...- It was horrible ... What else? What was horrible - 'I've got MIEDOOOOOO - 'Who? How Takasu - -¡TAKASUUUUUUUUU! Ahhhhhhhhhhh - screamed again. -Taiga ... quiet ... hey ... Taiga- -Ahhhhh ... Moriiiiiiiiiiiiii- Mori ... All right. Cry all you want. Desahógate- -Ahhhhhhh ... ahhhhhh ...- ahhhhhhh ... Calm down ... and go ... relax ...- rubbed his back without breaking the hug. Ahh ... ahh ...- I breathed choppy I ... I ... I feel very sad ...- began to calm down. Gradually he was concluding his tears. His breath was normalizing, and her tears stopped falling. Of course I felt my wet shoulder, but no matter. I kept well embraced her ... caressing from her head to her back to make her feel loved and protected. ... Suddenly there was a long silence until ... Very well ... bravo ...- Sempai was supporting wall at the entrance of the room applauding But seeing as how hug COMPROMETEDOR- burlosamente emphasized. Ah ... is ... Sempai ...- I got a little nervous and automatically pulled away from standing up Taiga No ... it's not what you think; I mean ... he was not doing anything wrong. I was just consolándola- Yes ... I think the "interrupted" - Do not be sarcastic, Sempai. Taiga hugged me and got sick and obviously the abracé- course, Morinaga, you just missed the kiss of comfort is not it - -¿Ah - Oh please Souichi. Do not start with your jealousy estúpidos- Your metastatic DO NOT put in place 'This discussion is between Morinaga and me Yes, but I'm involved right? - Besides confronted him ... and I Mori we were doing anything wrong. I was just consolando- No I have reason to trust TI Then if you do not trust me, trust your boyfriend -¡PAREJA! Damn ... I've said a thousand times you say ... RE ... JA PA ...- -Novio couple in love ... is, TARADO- -Grrrrrr ...- Sempai was full of anger Get out MY HOUSE - What? - Taiga was surprised. What a go! I do not know which came rays, but find out once and that ... YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE- -¡SEMPAI - scolded him. 'So? Well, I'll only if it pide- Mori challenged me Taiga. -¡MORINAGA! TELL THAT this brat Sempai stringers gave me an order. Enough - I cried because I filled the patience-and stop fighting, please- 'll leave this fight when INTRUSA go to my house -Sempai. Sempai ... .. quiet please remember that this is also my home. Besides ... I can not run Taiga in your state. It is very hurt and sad ...- I tried to reason with him approaching. Are you giving me against? WOULD YOU ARE PUTTING YOUR SIDE - Sempai was getting angry with me now. 'Always on my side - Taiga got. -¡TAIGA -. scolded for saying the wrong thing it true that, Baka - I Sempai questioned. Huh? No, Sempai. Of course not. I'm just being fair and sighed sympathetically Oh ... look, do something. Taiga, why not go take a shower and change clothes while Sempai and I finished dinner- What? DOES THE DWARF VA dinner with us - Sempai if angry. 'Who you say "dwarf" HOMOSEXUAL FRUSTRATED -. Taiga insulted Shut up! Do not tell ASI- Silence - I hit another scream -Taiga ... go to bathe ...- I ordered. But ...- 'Now - According -... ...- Taiga he got off the couch, picked up his suitcase on wheels and went to the bathroom. And Sempai ... come with me pulled him by the arm and led him to the kitchen. None of this was going well. Every time you two started to talk, and Taiga Sempai fighting ended. Actually, Sempai got out of control. Why I wanted to run from home to Taiga in the situation where you are. Well ... I know Taiga disrespectful to Sempai, but Sempai was misinterpreting things regarding comforting hug I gave Taiga. Ahhhhhh ... All this makes me dizzy. But most important now is to know ... what the hell happened to TAIGA? WHY I cry like that? What did you tell me how "it was horrible" AND THAT "AFRAID"? I do not know what I meant by that but ... today ... ME WHAT HAS TO SAY. Taiga was already locked in the bathroom, while Sempai and I were in the kitchen ... Let go, Baka - Sempai suddenly broke free from my grip 'Why did you get me wrong - were being unjust -Sempai ... Huh? - How can you be so cruel to want me to run the house - She She deserved. I was OFENDIENDO- No so, Sempai- -First deep breath ... you misinterpreted things. I was just hugging Taiga. Just he told you that if you do not trust it, then you have to trust me, 'Yes, but used the word "boyfriend" - It's the same as "partner" Sempai- I know. But that brat knows that I DO NOT LIKE to use that word. Just do it to annoy ... What you did not notice - Well ... maybe ... but he was not exceeded for the throw of here -¡Morinaga - 'I stopped me you're scolding . I was all over my right to defend myself. Besides ... you have to be on my side, BAKA. YOU ARE MY ... ah ... you are my ... you know ... you're my ... couple- She was not on anyone's side. I was just being right- 'Well now - got fed But why had it worse inviting her to dinner with us- What's wrong? - I asked innocently -In the state that is ... I guess must be hungry That's not our problem- -Sempai ... I can not be so alien to their problems. Remember that she is my best friend- And I your partner imbecile Oh, Sempai. Do not make me choose ASI- I pouted. 'All right - I wanted to cut the discussion'll let him stay for dinner, but after that ... WILL Do you understand me? SE VA- But ...- And do not you dare AGAINST GIVING ME, ME BECAUSE seriously ENOJARÉ-

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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- ahhhhhhhhhhhhh... Moriiiiiiiiiiiiii! - hugged me without thinking –moriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... Screaming and crying hiding his face in my neck, horrible... It was horrible, moriiiiiii -

what... But... What happened? - I also not understand what he said. - Ahhhh! - he cried non-stop, horrible...

- awful. - What? What was horrible? - I have miedoooooo


- - Who?Of Takasu? - takasuuuuuuuuu
! AHHHHHHHHHHH! I screamed again.

- taiga... Quiet... Hey... Taiga -

- AHHHHH... Mori... Moriiiiiiiiiiiiii

- - Okay. Cry all you want.

- Let It Out - You barely know him. Ahhhhhhh... - Quiet - Ahhhhhh...

... I Will... Relax... - i stroked the back without breaking the Hug. - Ahhh... Ahh... I was getting... I... I feel very sad.- began to subside.

I was slowly ended with his Tears. His Breathing was Normalized, and her Tears were falling. I felt my shoulder Wet, but no matter. I kept Well embraced her. Stroking from your head to your back to make her feel protected and loved. Soon... There was a Long Silence, until - well...

... Bravo...Sempai was supporting in the wall at the entrance of the room clapping each other Hug so embarrassing - but what burlosamente emphasized.

Oh... ... Sempai... - I got a Little nervous and I automatically separated from Taiga standing up -... It's not what you think; that is to say... I wasn't doing anything wrong. I was here for her

just - - Yeah. I think the "Interrupt"
- Don't be sarcastic, sempai. Taiga was wrong and she hugged me, and obviously I -

- Clear, Morinaga, you just missed the Kiss of true Comfort? -

Oh? -

Oh Please, Souichi. Don't start with your Stupid Jealousy -

- you stay - put in place this discussion is between Morinaga

and I - - Yeah, but I'm not involved? - You fought Together...Mori and I weren't doing anything wrong. - only he was consoling me


- Trust You - so if you don't Trust Me, Trust Your Boyfriend -

- Partner! Damn... I told you a thousand times to re tell the...

- Boyfriend, couple, love... Is the same thing, asshole -

- grrrrrr... Sempai was full of AnGer –Largo My House!

- - What?

- taiga was surprised. - You Go!I Don't know what you know, but a good time... You are not welcome here!

- sempai! - I did. - so? Well, I just go if you ask me - mori challenged Taiga Morinaga.
! Tell This Girl Out sempai gave me an order.

! - i screamed because I meet the patience - stop Fighting, please -

- stop Fighting when the Intruder away from my home -

- sempai...Sempai... Please remember that quiet, IT's My House, too. Besides... I can't Run a Taiga in your State. She's hurt and sad, I tried to Reason with him, approaching him. - are you against me? Are you taking his side? - Now sempai was getting angry with me. - IT's always on my side! - got Taiga.

- taiga! - I did Say Something inappropriate.- is that true, Baka? I questioned sempai. - huh? No, sempai. Of course not. I'm just being Fair and understanding - I sighed, alas... Look, Let's do something. Taiga, why don't you go take a shower and Change clothes, while sempai and I finished dinner -

- What? The Dwarf's gonna have dinner with us? Sempai if Outraged.

- who you calling a "DWARF", Gay frustrated?

- taiga insulted him. - Shut Up! Don't tell me that

- - Silence! - i –taiga another cry... Go take a shower... - I.

- Now! -

... Okay... - taiga got off the couch and picked up her suitcase Wheel and went to the bathroom.
and sempai... Come With Me - I pulled the arm and took him to the kitchen.

it was going well. Every time I made a conversation,Sempai and Taiga ended up Fighting. Really, sempai is out of control. Why he wanted to Run Home to Taiga in the situation You are in. Well... I know that Taiga disrespected sempai, sempai was misinterpreting things but the COMFORTING Embrace I gave to Taiga. Ahhhhhh... All This makes me Dizzy. But what is most important now is to know...What happened to Ray's Taiga? Why mourn that way? What he wanted to tell me that "It was horrible" and "Scared"? I Don't know what he meant by that, but... Today... I have to say.
Taiga was already locked in the bathroom, while sempai and I were in the kitchen...

Let Go, Baka! Sempai slipped sharply My Grip - Why do you make me look Bad?

- sempai...Were you being unfair -

- huh?

- - how can you be so cruel to me out of the House? - You deserved it

I was offended. - not so, I took a deep breath First sempai... You misunderstood things. I was just Holding Taiga. Just told you that if you don't Trust Her, then you must Trust Me

- - Yeah, but he used the word "Boyfriend" -

- is the same as "partner",Sempai

I know. But that little Brat, you know perfectly well that I Don't like to use that word. Just to piss... Don't you realize? -
- well... Maybe it was, but... Was not to throw away -

- Morinaga. - I did - You're scolding. I was in all my right to defend myself. Besides... You have to be on my side, Baka. You're my... Ah... You're my... You know...You're my... Partner -

- was not on anyone's Side. I was just being right - i

! - tired, but why did you make things worse invitÁndola

to dine with us - - What's wrong? - I asked innocently in the State that is... I imagine you must be hungry -

that's not our problem -

- sempai... I can't be so oblivious to their problems.She Is My Best Friend - and I -

your partner, worst - - Oh, sempai. Don't make me choose. So I made a pot.

! - Cut the discussion –dejaré wanted to stay for dinner, but after that... Will you understand me? - be


- and don't You Dare Me, because I really enojarÉ -
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