«—Kanako Tatsumi» leyó en el grabado, la mente se le ilumino, como una dịch - «—Kanako Tatsumi» leyó en el grabado, la mente se le ilumino, como una Anh làm thế nào để nói

«—Kanako Tatsumi» leyó en el grabad

«—Kanako Tatsumi» leyó en el grabado, la mente se le ilumino, como una especie de recuerdo momentáneo, por un segundo sintió como las lágrimas se acumulaban en sus ojos, dejando en duda las palabras de Matsuda sobre su visita a la joyería. Estaba claro que esa cadena estaba hecha para ella. Kanako acerco las palmas a su cuello y la tomó entre las yemas de los dedos para observarla nuevamente. Su madre tenía una igual.

Matsuda siguió con la cartera de mano, dejándola en una de las de Kanako. Esta vez le dedico una amplia sonrisa. Solo faltaba asegurarse de no perder el dinero antes de llegar al centro comercial. Enseguida ambas siguieron con lo que estaban haciendo; Matsuda lavando los platos y kanako en realidad no hacía nada más que estar de pie en el mismo sitio, alternando miradas a su móvil y a la entrada.

Con el pulgar a punto de marcarle a su hermano mayor, llamaron a la puerta. El timbre de dos campanadas sonó—un tono vergonzoso, después de todo no era una casa grande— la puerta corrediza se abrió, eran pasos pesados, que no esperaron a ser recibidos.

— ¡Llegaste muy temprano!—alterno la mirada entre su hermano y la habitación que se encontraba escaleras arriba— Espérame, solo voy por la lista de compras, no me tardo—Kanako se sobresaltó, al ver recargado en la pared a Souichi, con su usual cara de pocos amigos, pero ¡el chico había llegado temprano! El hermano que necesita que le repitan las cosas a cada segundo para asegurarse de que las haga, no podía hacerlo esperar— ¡No te sientes, ahora bajo!— subió las escaleras lo más rápido que pudo, que si no fuera porque había mantenido una mano sujetada a la barandilla, se hubiera resbalado en el último escalón.

Souichi se relajó un poco, venia hostigado de lo poco que llevaba el día, pero ver entusiasmada a Kanako le subió el ánimo. Se dirigió a su tía y el saludo cordialmente, no dio tiempo para que entablaran una conversación, puesto que, como Kanako había dicho, bajó en menos de un minuto.

—Creí que tendría que llamarte mínimo unas dos veces más, es un alivio ver que lo recordaste hermano— El viento estaba tranquilo, sin dejar que el sol abochornara el medio día. Kanako daba vueltas alrededor de Souichi mientras caminaban, antes de que iniciara la secundaria siembre brincaba tomada de su mano, viendo como su vestido se movía con el viento, pero incluso ella reconocía que eso era vergonzoso, al menos no era ahora— ¿Qué pasó con Morinaga, por qué no ha venido contigo?

En todo el camino había mantenido la mirada al frente, hasta que Kanako comenzó a parlotear sobre su nuevo hogar y lo emocionada que estaba por la cena. Limitándose a solo asentir con la cabeza. Al escuchar la última frase de su hermana, por poco para en seco, si no fuera porque se topó con dos ojos miel de gran tamaño, llenos de curiosidad, los cuales le observaban de arriba abajo, tratando de captar cada una de sus reacciones.

¿Había razones ocultas? No era exactamente lo que pensaba Kanako al respecto, pero vaya que su hermano debía practicar esconder sus emociones. Justo en ese momento, el chico puso una cara cómica, algo desconcertado para después, quedarse unos minutos a pensar la respuesta.

—No es lo que piensas Kanako.

— ¿De qué hablas?¿qué debería…que se supone que no debería pensar?— Souichi estaba siendo algo incoherente, no había nada raro en la pregunta, además ella le había dicho que ambos debían acompañarla, y allí solo estaba uno de ellos—anda, ya déjate de indiferencias y dime que paso con Morinaga.

—Supongo, que estará trabajando. Quizá venia para la casa de Matsuda y un camión lo atropello…hay muchas posibilidades.

— ¡Hermano, no le desees mal a Morinaga, es tu único amigo!

—No sé qué quieres que te diga, no es como si tuviera un localizador para saber dónde está ese tipo todo el tiempo—ambos seguían tercos, y Souichi no sedería, aunque realmente no era una discusión, y Kanako quería que por una vez su hermano actuara como una persona cuerda, no le extrañaba porque no tenía más amigos, pero seguía siendo su hermano, y no quería que los demás se alejaran de él—eres igual que Tomoe.

— ¡Ah! ¡Ya salió la verdad, sigues molesto por el asunto de la preparatoria!

—No entiendo cuál es tu afán por ser independiente, ve como Tomoe se dejó engañar por ese pedófilo, pervertido y homosexual de Kurokawa. Y tenía más edad que tú cuando se fue a Tokio.

— ¡Hermano!— grito Kanako, con el entrecejo fruncido. Llegaron a la parada del autobús, y Kanako puso sus manos sobre su cintura en jarras. Al igual que Souichi ella no presto atención al lugar en el que se encontraban, además de qué los comentarios de su hermano estaban llevaron a su paciencia al límite—soy mayor, puedo cuidarme sola y no es como si me fuera a Tokio, solo me mudare más cerca de la preparatoria, a diez minutos de distancia en autobús a casa de Matsuda, eres un exagerado.

—Yo no me mudare a un departamento de mala muerte, ni siquiera me dijiste o me tomaste encuentra para tomar esa ridícula decisión, se supone que soy tu hermano mayor.

—Me lo hubieras impedido— las palabras de Kanako cayeron como un balde de agua fría sobre Souichi, asombrándose por la determinación de Kanako, que no equivocaba, seguro y hubiera buscado cualquier oportunidad para evitarlo—te has quedado cayado, sabes que si lo harías «sin mencionar que la ves pasada también te negaste»—fingió sorpresa e indignación, muy sobreactuadas, Kanako no podía evitar querer reírse por atrapar a su hermano, una cosa es que él se opusiera a su decisión, pero sabía que solo era porque quería protegerla. No podía culparlo, hasta ella misma empezaba a dudar.

Para llegar al centro de la ciudad, el autobús técnicamente rodeaba las calles que daban a la universidad en donde Souichi había empezado a dar clases, por lo que el camino se hacía un poco largo. Volteo a ver a su costado, Souichi se había quedado dormido en el asiento pegado a la ventana y estaban a una parada de llegar.

«— ¿Pero a quien se le ocurre dormirse en un autobús, y uno hasta el tope de gente?— tenía que apresurarse o se la comerían viva en la bajada— de acuerdo, tengo que pensar ¿Cómo lo despierto?— el camión se detuvo, y Kanako entro en pánico, con lo primero que vio tomo una decisión. Agarro la coleta de cabello de Souichi con el puño y tiro de ella con fuerza, al momento en que el tirón abandono su palma el autobús acelero —demonios— Kanako se cubrió los ojos con las palmas, mientras vio como la cabeza de Souichi revotaba contra el cristal»

Una pequeña risa abandono sus labios, se sintió sumamente culpable.

Como era de esperarse la reacción de Souichi no fue buena, pero al verla con las manos juntas implorando perdón, se tranquilizó. Se levando del asiento para asegurarse de que nadie se fuese a sobrepasar con Kanako en ese espacio tan reducido. Y a cada hombre que la miraba con dobles intenciones lo fulminaba con los ojos.

Creyendo que el mundo estaba podrido y lleno de gente como Kurokawa, se planteó ahorrar para comprarse un automóvil. No podía confiar en que Kanako anduviera por la calle con tanta gente enferma en ella y en el metro venía siendo lo mismo e incluso había gente aún más insolente.


— ¡Eh Mei, voltea! ¿Ese no es el profesor Tatsumi?— La primera que volteo fue Kanako, que estaba a un lado de ellas. Tres chicas, simples a su opinión, que por una extraña razón señalaban a su hermano, y después se susurraban comentarios llenos de risitas. Fue como juzgar lo obvio, pero vamos, se trataba de su hermano, lo menos que podía hacer era enterarse de que iba tanto misterio con ese trio.

Las chicas se habían puesto a escoger entre un pasillo lleno de colonias y artículos de higiene personal, como si buscar un buen desodorante les fuera vital. Tomaban uno y volteaban a todas direcciones, después resignadas lo dejaban en donde lo habían tomado. Kanako les calculo unos catorce años por su actitud infantil. Cuando ella misma estaba en un centro comercial, con un vestido floreado a juego con unas valerianas celestes y el cabello trenzado a los lados y en ese momento no recordaba de donde había sacado el valor para amarrarlo con listones. Tenía que moverse antes de parecer la acosadora de las acosadoras, ya tenía unos minutos parada en la misma posición tomando la canasta de compra entre las dos manos, dejándola descansar al frente. Sin duda al recordar su vestimenta se sintió que no estaría muy lejos de igualarlas—ellas con su actitud de hormonas alborotadas y Kanako con el autoestima necesitando unas platicas motivacionales— en todo caso, el punto era averiguar que se traían ellas, no despreciarse a sí misma su atuendo.

"—¡Vamos a hablarle!— dijo Nanami, que al parecer insistía en que Mei se acercara, sin tomar en cuenta a Kanako que se había acercado tanto a ellas que parecía que fuese parte de su grupo—Asami, dile a Mei que no sea cobarde"

Fue lo último que pudo escuchar antes de ser descubierta. Las chicas voltearon a ver a Kanako, que lo primero que hiso fue sonreírles, como último recurso, y se agacho a fingir que escogía una loción del anaquel. La más alta que era Nanami, separo sus labios sin decir nada, Kanako creyó que se estaría pensando que decirle, pero para suerte de ella, no tendría que hacerlo, en eso Kanako dio un paso para alejarse, antes de percatarse de que Souichi las estaba mirando. El trio se sobresaltó por tener su atención. Como niñitas regresaron a parlotear entre ellas, aprovechando esto Kanako se deslizo de su lado con sutileza, no se percató que la mirada de dos de ella la seguía como el mármol.

— ¿Estas lista?—Souichi se adelantó a ayudar a Kanako con la canasta.

"— ¿Has visto eso? Esa niña es algo suyo, hace un rato estaba a un lado de nosotras—no había manera de saber de quién era la voz, y en realidad no le importaba, para Kanako las tres eran iguales, pero sin duda estaban interesadas en Souichi, no tendrá amigos por su carácter pero mientras no hable la gente tiene buena impresión de el— ¿
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«-Kanako Tatsumi» reads in the engraving, the mind is it illuminated, as a kind of momentary memory, by a second felt as accumulated tears in their eyes, leaving in doubt Matsuda words on his visit to the jewelry. It was clear that that string was made for her. Kanako approached palms on his neck and took it between the pads of the fingers to see it again. His mother had an equal.MATSUDA followed with the wallet, leaving it in one of the Kanako. This time I am smiling broadly. Just needed to be sure not to lose money before you get to the Mall. Both then followed with what they were doing; MATSUDA washing dishes and kanako in reality did nothing more than be standing in the same place, alternating looks to your mobile and the entrance.With your thumb to mark his older brother, was called to the door. Rang two bells chime - tone embarrassing, after all was a big house - the sliding door opened, they were heavy steps, which is not expected to be received.-You came early! - alternate gaze between his brother and the room which was upstairs - wait for me, just go for the shopping list, not me slow-Kanako was startled to see charging in the wall to Souichi, with his usual scowling face, but the boy had arrived early! Brother you need to repeat him things every second to make sure to do them, could not do it wait - you don't feel, now under!-climbed the stairs as fast he could, that if it was not because it had maintained a hand attached to the railing, had slid in the last step.Souichi relaxed a little, harassed came from what little they carried the day, but excited to see Kanako went the mood. He went to his aunt and greeting cordially, he gave no time to engage a conversation, since, like Kanako had said, it fell in less than a minute.-I thought that I would have to call you at least two more times, is a relief to see that you remembered him brother - the wind was calm, while the Sun abochornara noon. Kanako gave turns around Souichi as they walked, until high school began sow jumping taken from his hand, watching as her dress was moving with the wind, but even she acknowledged that that was embarrassing, at least it was not now - what happened with Morinaga, why hasn't come with you?Across the road he had held the gaze to the front, until Kanako began chattering about their new home and the excited what was for dinner. Limited to only nodding the head. To listen to the last sentence of his sister, narrowly for dry, if not because he ran into two eyes honey's large, full of curiosity, which watched her top down, trying to capture each of their reactions.There were hidden reasons? It was not exactly what thought Kanako in the connection, but go that his brother should practice to hide their emotions. Just at that moment, the boy put a comic face, somewhat taken aback to then stay a few minutes to think about the answer.-It is not what you think Kanako.-Of which you speak? what should... it is assumed that you should not think? - Souichi was being somewhat incoherent, there was nothing rare in question, in addition she had told him that both were to accompany it, and there was only one of them-go, already forget the indifference and tell me what happened with Morinaga.-I guess, that you will be working. Perhaps came to Matsuda House and a truck hit it... There are many possibilities.-Brother, don't want you evil to Morinaga, is your only friend!-I don't want to tell you, it is not as if it has a locator to find out where is that kind all the time - both were stubborn, and Souichi not silk, although it was not actually a discussion, and Kanako wanted that for once her brother acted as a rope, not missed him because had no more friends, but his brother remained , and I didn't want that others away from him-you're like Tomoe.-Ah! Already the truth came out, still upset over the issue of high school!-Do not understand what is your desire to be independent, looks like Tomoe is deluded by the pedophile, pervert and homosexual of Kurokawa. And older than you had when you went to Tokyo.-Brother! - Kanako cry, with brow brow. They arrived at the bus stop, and Kanako put his hands on his waist in jars. Like Souichi she don't pay attention to the place where he were, besides what your brother comments were brought to your patience to the limit - I'm, I can take care of myself alone and it is not as if I went to Tokyo, I only mudare closer from high school, ten minutes away by bus to House of Matsuda you are an exaggerated.-Yo no me mudare to a seedy apartment, even told me or I took is to take this ridiculous decision, it is assumed that I am your elder brother.-Have prevented it me - Kanako words fell like a bucket of water cold on Souichi, amazed by the determination of Kanako, who not wrong, safe and had sought every opportunity to avoid this - you've been crook, you know that if you would 'not to mention that you see also last you refused' - feigned surprise and indignation, very sobreactuadas, Kanako couldn't help wanting to laugh to catch his brother one thing is that it oppose their decision, but I knew that it was only because I wanted to protect it. I could not blame him, until she same began to doubt.To get to the city centre, bus technically surrounded the streets that gave to the University where Souichi had started giving lessons, so the road was a bit long. I turn to see his side, Souichi had fallen asleep on the seat next to the window and they were to stop coming.«- But who comes up asleep in a bus, and one to the top of people? - I had to hurry or they would eat it live in the fall - in agreement, I have to think how are you awake?-the truck stopped, and Kanako entered in panic, with the first thing he saw tomo a decision.» "I grabbed queue of Souichi hair with his fist and throw it with force, at the time that pull abandoned his Palm bus sped - demons - Kanako covered the eyes with their palms, while he watched as head of Souichi revotaba against the glass"A small laugh left his lips, felt extremely guilty.As expected the reaction of Souichi was not good, but seeing her with hands together begging forgiveness, be reassured. Levando seat to make sure that no one would be exceeded with Kanako in that small space. And every man who looked at her with double intentions thundered it with eyes.Believing that the world was rotten and full of people like Kurokawa, was saving to buy a car. You could not trust Kanako to walk down the street with so many sick people in it and the metro came to be the same and even had even more insolent people..-Eh Mei, turn! That's not the Professor Tatsumi?-the first I dump was Kanako, who was next to them. Three girls, simple to your opinion, which pointed to his brother, and then for a strange reason is whispered comments full of giggles. It was how to judge the obvious, but hey, it was his brother, the least that could be done was to find out that the trio was so much mystery.The girls were wearing to choose between a hall full of colonies and toiletries, as if search a good deodorant was vital. They took one and westward to all directions, then lost left him in where it had been taken. Kanako calculation les some fourteen years for your child attitude. When she was in a mall, with a dress floral game with a celestial valerians and hair braided at the sides and at the time did not remember where he had removed the value to tie it with Ribbon. I had to move before seem the harassing of the harassing, he had a few minutes stop at the same position taking the basket of purchase between the two hands, leaving the rest to the front. No doubt remember their dress felt that it wouldn't be very far to match them - with their attitude of restless hormones and Kanako with the self-esteem need some talks motivational - in any case, the point was to find out that they brought is, not despised herself her outfit."- Let's talk about it! - Nanami, who reportedly insisted that Mei approached said, without taking into account Kanako that she had approached both to them that seemed to be part of their group-Asami, tell Mei not be cowardly"It was the last thing heard before being discovered. The girls turned to see Kanako, that the first thing that did was smile, as a last resort, and I duck to pretend that it chose a lotion of the shelf. The highest being Nanami, separated her lips without saying anything, Kanako believed that would be thinking that tell you, but fortunately for her, it would not have to do so in that Kanako took a step away, before realizing that Souichi was watching them. The trio was startled to have your attention. As little girls returned to chattering among them, taking advantage of this Kanako is slip on your side with subtlety, not realized that two of her gaze followed as marble.-These list?-Souichi came forward to help Kanako with basket."-Have you ever seen that?" That girl is his, a while ago I was on one side of us - there was no way of knowing who was the voice, and he did not really care, Kanako for three were the same, but they were certainly interested in Souichi, won't you friends by their character but while he is not speaking people have good impression of-?
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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"-Kanako Tatsumi" read the engraving, the mind brightened, as a kind of momentary memory for a second felt tears gathering in his eyes, leaving in doubt the words of Matsuda on his visit to the jewelry. It was clear that this chain was made ​​for her. Kanako approach palms to her neck and pulled her into the fingertips to watch again. His mother was an equal. Matsuda continued his briefcase, leaving one of the Kanako. This time he smiled broadly. Just missing sure not to lose money before you get to the mall. Then both they continued with what they were doing; Matsuda and Kanako washing dishes actually did nothing to stand in the same place, alternating glances at his mobile and input. With your thumb to point to mark his older brother, knocked on the door. The bell rang two bells-an embarrassing tone, after all it was not a big- house the sliding door opened, they were heavy footsteps, they did not expect to be received. - You came very early -alterno looked from his brother! stairs and the room was top- Wait, just go for the shopping list, take-Kanako not jumped me, seeing leaning against the wall Souichi, with his usual scowl, but the boy had come early! The brother who needs things repeated every second to make sure that do, could not do wait- not you feel, now under - went up the stairs as fast as he could, if it were not because he had maintained a hand attached to the railing, had slipped on the last step. Souichi relaxed a little, how little harassed wore the day was coming, but excited to see Kanako turned up the mood. He went to his aunt and cordially greet, there was no time to engage in a conversation, since, as Kanako had said, fell in less than a minute. I thought I would have to call at least a couple of times, it is a relief to see brother remembered that the wind was calm, without letting the midday sun abashed. Kanako revolved around Souichi while walking, before you started secondary sow jumped holding his hand, watching as her dress moved with the wind, but even she recognized that it was embarrassing, at least it was not now- What happened with Morinaga, why has not he come with you? All the way he had kept his eyes straight ahead until Kanako began to chatter about their new home and how excited I was for dinner. Limited to just nod. Hearing the last sentence of his sister, almost to dry, if not because he ran with two eyes honey large, full of curiosity, who watched him up and down, trying to get each of their reactions. He had hidden reasons? Not exactly what Kanako thought about it, but boy was practicing his brother to hide his emotions. Just then, the boy made ​​a comic face, bemused and then, spend a few minutes thinking about the answer. 'It's not what you think Kanako. - What are you talking about ... what should they not supposed to think? ? - Souichi was being somewhat inconsistent, there was nothing wrong with the question, she also told him that both were with her, and there was only one-go, and allow yourself to indifference and tell me what happened to Morinaga. I guess, you will be working. Perhaps came to the house of Matsuda and a truck hit him ... there are many possibilities. - Brother, you do not want evil to Morinaga, it's your only friend I do not know what can I say, it's not like I have a locator know where that guy all the time-both remained stubborn, and Souichi not sedería, but it really was not a discussion, and Kanako wanted for once his brother acted as a sane person, not surprised because he had no friends, but He was still his brother, and did not want others to stay away from him-you're just like Tomoe. - Ah! There goes the truth, you're upset about the issue of school! I do not understand what is your desire to be independent, seen as Tomoe fooled by that pedophile and homosexual pervert Kurokawa. And he was older than you when he went to Tokyo. - Brother - Kanako cry, frowning. They reached the bus stop, and Kanako put his hands on her waist hips. As Souichi she did not pay attention to where you are, plus what were the comments of his brother were led to his patience to the limit-I'm older, I can take care of myself and it's not as if I went to Tokyo, only me 'll move closer to the school, ten minutes away by bus Matsuda home, you are an exaggeration. I do not I'll move to a crummy apartment, or even told me I took is to make this ridiculous decision, means I'm your older brother. 'I had what impedido- Kanako words fell like a bucket of cold water on Souichi, amazed by the determination of Kanako, he could not go wrong, safe and had sought every opportunity to avoid this-you are left crook, you know that if you do "without mentioning that you see past also refused you" feigned surprise and indignation, very over-acted, Kanako could not help but want to laugh to catch her ​​brother, one thing is that he opposed his decision, but knew it was just because he wanted to protect. I could not blame him, even she began to wonder. To get to the city center, the bus technically surrounded the streets leading to the university where Souichi had begun teaching, so the road was a little long. Turned to see his side, Souichi had fallen asleep in the next to the window seat and were to stop coming. "- But who comes up asleep on a bus, and one to the brim with people? - He had to rush or eat her in the bajada- agree, I have to think about How you awake - the truck stopped, and Kanako panicked, the first thing he saw made ​​his decision. Grabbed the ponytail hair Souichi fist and pulled her tightly, at the time the tug left his palm the bus sped -demonios- Kanako eyes covered with palms, while saw head against Souichi revotaba crystal " A little laughter left his lips, he felt extremely guilty. As expected Souichi reaction was not good, but at her with folded hands begging forgiveness, he calmed down. Levando seat is to ensure that no one was to overcome with Kanako in that small space. And every man who looked so disingenuous eyes glared. Believing that the world was rotten and full of people like Kurokawa, was raised to save for a car. I could not trust that Kanako were walking down the street with so many people sick in it and in the subway was being the same and there was even more insolent people. . - Hey Mei, turn! Is not that Professor Tatsumi - The first one was turned Kanako, who was on one side of them. Three girls, simple to your opinion, which for some strange reason pointed to his brother, and then filled with giggles comments whispered. It was like judging the obvious, but hey, it was his brother, the least I could do was learn that was much mystery with the trio. The girls were put to choose between a corridor full of colonies and toiletries, as if looking for a good deodorant them was vital. They took one and turned to stare at all directions, resigned after he was left where they had taken. Kanako calculate them about fourteen years for his childish attitude. When she was in a shopping center with a flowered dress with a matching celestial valerian and braiding hair on the sides and at the time he did not remember where he got the courage to tie with ribbons. He had to move before the stalker apparently harassing, minutes and had a stop in the same position taking shopping basket between his hands, letting it rest in front. No doubt remembering his clothes he felt it would not be very far-equalize them with his rowdy attitude and self-esteem Kanako hormones need a motivacionales- talks in any case, the point was to find out that they were brought, not despise each other the same outfit. "Come to talk - Nanami said, apparently insisted that Mei approached, regardless Kanako who had come so close to them that seemed to be part of their group-Asami, tell Mei than cowardly " was the last thing she heard before being discovered. The girls turned to see Kanako, the first thing was to smile hiso as a last resort, and bent down to pretend he chose a lotion shelf. The highest was Nanami, parted his lips without saying anything, Kanako thought she was thinking to tell, but luckily for her, there would have to, in that Kanako took a step away, before she realized that Souichi the was looking. The trio started to have their attention. As little girls they returned to chatter among them, using this Kanako slid on his side with subtlety, did not realize that the eyes of two of it's still as marble. - Are you ready -Souichi stepped forward to help with Kanako basket. "- Did you see that That girl is something of yours, a little while ago was on one side of us-there was no way to know who the voice was, and really did not care, for Kanako all three were equal, but certainly they were interested in Souichi not have friends in character but do not talk while people have good impression of him ¿

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Kanako tatsumi» '- read the engraving, Mind brightened, like a kind of episodic Memory, a Second Felt like tears were in her eyes, leaving in doubt the words of Matsuda on his visit to the store. It was clear that Chain was made for her. Kanako approached Palms their neck and it took between the Fingertips to watch it again.His mother had the same

Matsuda. Followed with the Hand Bag, Leaving one of the Kanako. This time he gave a Broad smile. Just needed to make sure you don't lose the money before they get to the Mall. Both followed immediately with what they were doing; Matsuda washing dishes and Kanako actually did nothing more than standing in the same place.Alternating Glances at his mobile and entry.

with the Thumb to point to call his eldest Brother, knocked at the door. Bells rang the doorbell of Two Tone - A Shame, after all it wasn't a Big House - The Sliding Door is opened, Heavy Footsteps, not waiting to be received.

- came very early.- look, Alternating between his brother and the room was upstairs. - Wait, I'm only on the shopping list, I was startled to see - Kanako, leaning on the wall with his usual Souichi, scowling, but the boy had come Early! Brother need to repeat things every second to make sure you do,I couldn't wait. - Don't you feel Low, now! - Went upstairs as fast as he could, if it wasn't because he had kept a hand held on to the railing, he slipped in the last step.
Souichi relaxed a Little, he harassed the little that Carried the day, but see Kanako got excited Mood. He went to his aunt and Greetings,Did not have time to engage in a conversation, as Kanako had said, was down in less than a minute. - I thought I'd call you at least twice More, IT's a relief to see that you remembered Brother - the wind was cool, but the Sun was embarrassed Kanako gave half a day. Souichi while Walking Around,Before the beginning of the secondary Plant down holding her hand, watching her Dress was Moving with the wind, but even she recognized that it was embarrassing, at least not now. - What happened to Morinaga, why didn't he come with you?

all the way had the eyes to the front,Until Kanako began to talk about their new home and how excited I was for dinner. Limited to just NOD Your Head. To hear the last sentence of Her Little Sister, to Dry, IF encountered two large Honey eyes full of Curiosity, which he watched from up to Down, trying to capture each of their reactions.Had Hidden reasons? Not exactly what I thought Kanako thereon, but that his brother should practice to hide their Emotions. Just at that moment, The Boy got a Funny Face, somewhat puzzled to stay a few minutes later, to think of the answer. - IT's not what you think Kanako. - What are you talking about? What should we should not think?- Souichi was somewhat inconsistent, there was nothing unusual in the question, and she had told him that both should accompany, and there was only one of them - Come on, stop indifferences and tell me what happened with Morinaga.

I guess, who will be working. Maybe you came to the House of Matsuda and a Truck hit him there are many possibilities.

- Brother, not bad you want Morinaga,
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