POV SEMPAINO... NO... NO... MALDICIÓN. Aún no han pasado las 24 horas. dịch - POV SEMPAINO... NO... NO... MALDICIÓN. Aún no han pasado las 24 horas. Anh làm thế nào để nói



NO... NO... NO... MALDICIÓN. Aún no han pasado las 24 horas... SÉ QUE AÚN NO. Maldito otaku... ERES UN TRAMPOSO, pensaba mientras cerraba fuertemente los ojos llenos de lágrimas; sin embargo, siento unas pequeñas manos quitándome las cadenas de los brazos y liberándome. Abrí los ojos de golpe y me doy con la sorpresa que era Yuki...

-Que... ¿nos vienes a matar?- estuve a la defensiva.

-No, baka. Te estoy ayudando- susurró.


-Cállate y ayúdame a quitarte esto...-

NOS ESTÁ AYUDANDO... YUKI... NOS ESTÁ AYUDANDO. No... un momento... puede que sea una trampa, puede que esté fingiendo ayudarnos porque en realidad nos llevará donde el otaku; pero... debía mantenerme callado hasta que nos desencadene a Morinaga y a mí por completo; así que le seguí la corriente...

-Bien... ahora ayúdame con Morinaga- me dijo y de inmediato lo desencadenó.

Morinaga y yo nos pusimos de pie; y mi primera reacción fue agarrar a Yuki del cuello de su ropa y acorralarla contra la pared...


-¿Así? No me digas... ¿Qué crees... que no me he dado cuenta que esto es una trampa?-

-No es ninguna trampa. Rápido... suéltame... antes que venga nii-san-





-Escúchame... yo... yo no quería hacerles esto. Admito que ayudé a mi nii-san con la venganza, pero nunca me imaginé que los iba a matar. Por eso... por eso los estoy ayudando a irse... TIENEN QUE IRSE-

-¡Sempai! Si esta fuera una trampa ¿no crees que Yuki tendría un arma para amenazarnos?-

Morinaga tenía razón, Yuki no tenía ni un arma. La miré con mucho odio a los ojos y luego la lancé al suelo, pero con la poca fuerza que tenía... me imagino que no le habrá dolido. Morinaga estaba bastante débil, no podía mantenerse el pie y fui a ayudarlo, para que se apoyase en mí y así salir por la puerta por la que entró Yuki; sin embargo, nos detuvimos al escuchar la frenada de un carro justo afuera de la puerta con dirección a la calle...

-Mierda... nii-san llegó-

-Maldición... y ahora qué hacemos- me puse nervioso.

-Salgan por la puerta de atrás... rápido- Yuki intentaba no alterarse para no gritar, pero se le notaba desesperada –Si salen por la puerta de adelante... se toparán con nii-san y los asesinará-

-Y cómo sé que él no entrará por la puerta de atrás-

-Nii-san va a instalar una bomba y hará explotar esta casa. Esa bomba detonará en un minuto, pero primero deberá instalarla en el primer piso de la casa, así que le llevará unos minutos hacerlo. Luego... él ingresará por la puerta de adelante porque es la más cercana a la salida. En pocas palabras ustedes deben irse por el camino largo, porque si toman el corto... se toparán con él-

-Maldición... no sé si creerte. Has dicho tantas mentiras que ya no sé cuándo dices la verdad-

-Tan solo hazme caso y vete, Souichi... VETE- suspiró –Yo me quedaré aquí para distraer a nii-san y que ustedes tengan más tiempo para huir- dijo cabizbaja –Es lo menos que puedo hacer por ustedes-

Que Yuki se hiciera la buena y la sacrificada ahora... ME IMPORTÓ UNA MIERDA. No le hice caso y jalando a Morinaga del brazo, empezamos a correr hacia la puerta de atrás, por el camino largo como nos había dicho Yuki. Lastimosamente tuve que creerle, pero antes de salir del lugar...

-¡Souichi!- gritó Yuki.

-¿Qué?- me detuve por unos instantes dejando que Morinaga me llevara la delantera.

-Espero que algún día me perdones por todo lo que te hice- sonrió melancólicamente.

-Vete al carajo- le saqué el dedo medio con mucho desprecio.

Nuevamente eché a correr con la poca fuerza que me quedaba.


Tengo miedo... pero hice bien. Sé que hice bien. Los ayudé a salir juntos y vivos de esta venganza. Lo siento Nii-san, pero... en estos días... me he dado cuenta que el único culpable... FUISTE TÚ. Qué pena que me haya dejado manipular por él por mucho tiempo. Soy una estúpida. Debí haber averiguado primero el caso de Nii-san, en vez de creer en sus palabras; debí encontrar a un hombre que me ame y casarme con él, en vez de arrebatarle el amor a Morinaga. Espero que tú también me perdones algún día Morinaga-san. Eres un buen tipo... y sabes... sé que Souichi te quiere mucho.

Mientras me concentraba en mis pensamientos, mi rostro reflejaba una sonrisa melancólica y mis ojos se quedaron mirado a la dirección donde ellos se había ido, pero...

-Así que los ayudaste ¿no?- escuché la voz de nii-san por atrás y me volteé de inmediato muy asustada.

-Te... tenía que hacerlo... y... y no voy a... permitir que... que los mates- tartamudeé, pero fui valiente.

-Pensé que no serías capaz de traicionarme, sabiendo que te puedo hacer MUCHO DAÑO- empezó a avanzar y yo empecé a retroceder del miedo.

-No te atrevas a tocarme, criminal... asesino... VIOLADOR- le saqué en cara todo lo que era.

-Eres una estúpida, Yuki. Ahora TÚ TAMBIÉN... ME LAS A PAGAR-

Para mi mala suerte, de tanto retroceder me topé contra la pared y nii-san me había acorralado. Me asusté y empecé a llorar del miedo. Sentí una patada en el estómago que me dejó sin aire y un puñete en el rostro que me tumbó al suelo. Para que no me siguiera golpeando... me hice la inconsciente...

-Seguro esos imbéciles se fueron por la puerta de atrás. Pero no los voy a dejar salir... voy a darme la vuelta por el primer piso y los sorprenderé al final de su camino jajajajaja- empezó a hablar solo y logré escuchar su plan.

Nii-san me dio la espalda para irse por la puerta de adelante y darse la vuelta por el primer piso, pero antes que salga, me puse de pie y me trepé a su espalda tal cual mono salvaje...



Empezamos a forcejear. Yo lo arañaba y le arrancaba los cabellos; mientras que él me lanzaba golpes como podía y empezó a golpearse la espalda contra la pared, porque así los golpes me caerían a mí. Intentaba soportarlos, pero en una de esas, mi hermano se chocó de espaldas contra una pared rota y desgraciadamente una tubería de agua sobresalía y me dio directo en la nuca. Solo recuerdo que caí y me desmayé.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV SEMPAINO... NO... NO... CURSE. Still have not passed the 24-hour... I KNOW THAT YET. Damn otaku... You are a CHEATER, he thought as he closed strongly his tearful eyes; However, I feel some small hands taking away the chains of arms and releasing me. I opened the eyes of blow and I realize with surprise that it was Yuki...-Who... are we coming to kill? - I was on the defensive.-No, baka. I'm helping - she whispered.-WHAT?--Shut up and help me take this...-HE IS HELPING US... YUKI... HE IS HELPING US. No... a moment... it may be a trap, you can while pretending to help us because it actually takes us where the otaku; but... it should keep me quiet until we trigger Morinaga and me entirely; so I followed him current...-Well... now help me with Morinaga - told me and immediately triggered it.Morinaga and I got standing; and my first reaction was to grab to Yuki from the neck of her clothes and corralling it against the wall...-DO THAT THINK THAT YOU DO BAKA... WE HAVE TO GO--So? Don't tell me... What do... think that not I have come to realize that this is a trap?--It is not no trap. Fast... Let me go... before that it comes nii-san--DON'T YOU THINK NOTHING--Souichi!--SEMPAI! LET'S GO--NO, MORINAGA. THIS BAKA OWES US AN EXPLANATION--Listen to me... I... I didn't want to do this to them. I admit that I helped my nii-san with revenge, but I never imagined it would kill them. Why... why I am helping them to leave... THEY HAVE TO GO--Sempai! If this is a trap don't think that Yuki would have a weapon to threaten us?-Morinaga was right, Yuki had a weapon. I looked at her with much hatred in the eyes and then I threw it to the ground, but with the little strength that had... I guess I will not hurt you. Morinaga was rather weak, could not maintain the foot and went to help him, so he is supporting me and so out the door by which entered Yuki; However, we stopped listening to braking of a truck just outside of the door with direction to the street...-Shit... nii-san came--Curse... and now what do we do - I was nervous.-Leaving by the back door... fast - Yuki was trying to not be changed to not yell, but noticeable desperate - if they leave through the front door... they will encounter addressing with nii-san and he murdered them -- And I know that he will not enter by the back - door-Nii-san is going to install a pump and will exploit this House. This bomb will detonate in a minute, but you must first install it on the first floor of the House, so it will take you a few minutes to do so. Then... He will enter through the front door because it is the closest to the exit. In a nutshell you must go by the long way, because if you take the short... they will encounter in addressing with him--Curse... don't know whether to believe you. You said so many lies that I do not know when you say the truth--Just ignore me and go, Souichi... GO - he sighed - I stay here to distract nii-san, and that you have more time to flee - said crestfallen - is the least I can do for you -Yuki made good and the sacrificed now... I IMPORTED A SHIT. I did not do case and pulling to Morinaga's arm, we started to run toward the back door, by the long road as he had told Yuki. Unfortunately I had to believe it, but before you leave the place...-Souichi! - shouted Yuki.-What? - I stopped for a moment leaving Morinaga to take me the lead.-I hope someday forgive me for everything that you did - smiled wistfully.-Go to hell - got you the finger with much contempt.I missed again to run with the little strength that I had.POV YUKII'm afraid... but I did well. I know I did well. I helped them out together and live for this revenge. Sorry Nii-san, but... in these days... I have come to realize that the only guilty... WAS YOU. What a shame that has left me handle it for a long time. I am a stupid. I should have figured out first the case of Nii-san, rather than believe in his words. I should find a man who will love me and marry him, rather than snatch the Morinaga love. I hope you also forgive me someday Morinaga-san. You're a good guy... and you know... I know that Souichi loves you very much.While I concentrated on my thoughts, my face reflected a melancholy smile and my eyes were regarded to the direction where they had gone, but...-So helped them isn't it? - I heard the voice of nii-san from behind and I turn immediately very scared.-You... I had to do it... and... and won't allow...... that the mates - I tartamudeé, but I was brave.-I thought that you be not capable of betraying me, knowing that you can't do much damage - began to move forward and I started back out of fear.-Don't you dare touch me, criminal... assassin... RAPIST - got you on face all that was.-You're a stupid, Yuki. Now you also... I TO THE PAID -For my bad luck, of both de tanto retroceder back I ran into the wall and nii-san had me cornered. I got scared and started to cry from fear. I felt a kick in the stomach that left me without air and an appliances in the face that knocked me to the ground. So follow me knocking not... I got the unconscious...-These imbeciles were safe by the back door. But shall not release... I am going to give me the tour of the first floor and sorprenderé them at the end of its road jajajajaja - began to talk only and I was able to hear his plan.NII-san gave me back to leave through the door forward and turn around on the first floor, but before you leave, I was standing and I climbed on his back that which wild monkey...-NOT GOING TO LET THE MATES... UNFORTUNATE--RELEASE ME, BITCH... DOWNLOAD-We started to wrestle. I clawed it and pulled her hair; While he threw punches as he could and began to strike back against the wall, because it hits me fall to me. Trying to support them, but one of these, my brother crashed on its back against a wall-broken and unfortunately a water pipe stood out and gave me direct at the nape. I only remember that I fell and I fainted.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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SEMPAI POV NO ... NO ... NO ... DAMN. They have not spent 24 hours ... I KNOW YET. Cursed otaku ... You are a cheater, he thought as he closed his eyes tightly tears; however, I am taking my small hands chains and freeing the arms. I opened my eyes shut and give me the surprise was Yuki ... That ... you come to kill us - I was on the defensive. No, baka. I'm ayudando- whispered. What? - Shut up and help me take this off ...- ... YUKI's helping us ... It's helping. No ... wait ... it may be a trap, it may be pretending to help us because we actually take you where the otaku; but ... I should keep quiet until triggered us Morinaga and me completely; so I went along ... Well ... now help me with Morinaga- said and immediately triggered. Morinaga and I stood up; and my first reaction was to grab his neck Yuki clothing and corner her against the wall ... What do you think ... WE HAVE TO DO BAKA IRNOS- 'So? Do not tell me ... what do you think ... I did not realize that this is a trap - No is no trap. Fast ... let go ... before the coming Nii-san 'Do I BELIEVE NOTHING -¡Souichi - -¡SEMPAI! VÁMONOS- No, Morinaga. THIS WE MUST BAKA an explanation Listen to me ... I ... I did not want to do it for them. I admit I helped my Nii-san with revenge, but I never imagined that he would kill. So ... that's why I'm helping ... MUST go IRSE- -¡Sempai! If this was a trap do not you think that Yuki would have a weapon to threaten - Morinaga was right, Yuki did not have a weapon. I looked at a lot of hatred in the eyes and then threw it to the ground, but with the little strength I had ... I guess it will not hurt. Morinaga was pretty weak, could not keep his foot and went to help him, so that he would support me and come out the door you entered Yuki; however, we stopped to hear the braking of a car just outside the door to the street ... Shit ... Nii-san arrived- Damn ... now what we do-I was nervous. - Go out the back door ... fast- Yuki tried not to scream not be altered, but you could come out desperate If the front door ... they will encounter Nii-san and asesinará- And how do I know he did not enter through the back door NII-san are installing a pump and will exploit this house. That bomb detonated in a minute, but you must install it on the first floor of the house first, so it will take a few minutes to do. Then ... he enter by the front door because it is the nearest exit. In short you should go the long way, because if they take the short ... they will encounter him Damn ... I do not know whether to believe you. You have told so many lies that I do not know when to tell the truth 'Just trust me and go, Souichi veterinary sighed ... I'll stay here to distract Nii-san and you have more time to huir- said crestfallen It's the least I can do for you- Yuki became good and now ... ME sacrificed a shit. I ignored him and pulling arm Morinaga, started running toward the back door, down the long road as we Yuki said. Unfortunately I had to believe him, but before leaving the place ... -¡Souichi - Yuki shouted. What -?. I stopped for a moment letting me take the lead Morinaga hope someday forgive me for everything did-you smiled wistfully. 'I Go to carajo- I took the middle finger with great contempt. Again I ran with the little strength I had left. YUKI POV ... but I'm afraid I did well. I know I did well. I helped them out together and live this revenge. Sorry Nii-san, but ... these days ... I realized that the only culprit ... was you. What a pity that she let me manipulate for him for long. I'm a stupid. I should have found out first if Nii-san, instead of believing in his words; I should find a man to love me and marry him rather than snatch love Morinaga. I hope you forgive me someday also Morinaga-san. You're a good guy ... and you know ... I know that Souichi loves you very much. While I focused on my thoughts, my face was a melancholy smile and my eyes were looked at the direction where they had gone, but .. . So that helped right? -. I heard the voice of Nii-san from behind and I turned away so scared ... 'I had to do ... and ... and ... I will not allow that ... that the mates- stammered, but I was brave. I thought you would not be able to betray me, knowing that I can do much damage-started forward and began to retreat in fear. Do not you dare touch me, criminal ... murderer ... VIOLADOR- pulled him face what it was. You're a stupid, Yuki. Now you too ... ME THE A pay- To my bad luck, so I stumbled back against the wall and Nii-san had cornered me. I panicked and began to mourn fear. I felt a kick in the stomach that took my breath away and a punch in the face that knocked me down. So he would not hitting me ... I became unconscious ... Surely those morons went out the back door. But not going to let out ... I'll turn around on the first floor and surprise the end of the road jajajajaja- just started talking and I managed to hear his plan. Nii-san turned away to go by front door and turn around the first floor, but before you leave, I stood up and I climbed on his back as is wild monkey ... 'I will not let DESGRACIADO- MATES ... Let me go, BITCH ... BÁJATE- started to struggle. I clawed and tore their hair; as he threw punches as I could and started banging his back against the wall, because that blows me fall. He is trying to support them, but in one of those, my brother hit back against a broken and unfortunately a water pipe sticking out and gave me straight in the neck wall. I only remember that I fell and fainted.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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POV sempai

... Not... Not... Oh, damn. Still have not last 24 hours... I know it's not fucking otaku... You are a Cheat, thought as strongly closed his eyes Filled With Tears; however, I feel a Little Hands plucking the strings for the Arms and Freeing me. Eyes Open again, and I was the surprise - Yuki...

... You come to kill us?- I was on the defensive.

- Baka. I'm helping you whispered. - What?

- - Shut up and help me get this off... - is helping us

... Yuki... We are helping. Not... A moment... It could be a Trap, pretending to help it may be because in reality take us where otaku; but... Should we keep silent to trigger to Morinaga and me completely;So I followed the current - well...

... Now help me with Morinaga - Told Me and immediately triggered Morinaga.

and I stood; and my first reaction was to grab his neck and Yuki clothes we CORNERED against the Wall...

- What are you doing Baka... - We gotta go -

? Don't tell me... What do you think... I didn't realize that this is a Trap?
- there is no Trap. Quick... Let Me Go... Before the coming of NII San


Don't believe Anything - - Souichi.

- sempai! VÁmonos -

- No, Morinaga. The Baka owes us an explanation -

- Listen... I... I didn't want to do this. I admit that I helped my NII San with Revenge, but I never figured I'd Kill. That's why... That's why I'm helping you... Have to go -

- sempai!If This is a Trap, Don't you think that Yuki would have a gun to threaten us? -

Morinaga Yuki was right, he didn't have a weapon. I looked with so much hatred in the eyes, and then threw it to the Ground, but the Little Strength I had... I imagine you will not be hurt. Morinaga was quite weak, could not keep the foot and went to help him,
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