Sus pasos resonaban cuando pisaba los charcos, agitado y con las lágri dịch - Sus pasos resonaban cuando pisaba los charcos, agitado y con las lágri Anh làm thế nào để nói

Sus pasos resonaban cuando pisaba l

Sus pasos resonaban cuando pisaba los charcos, agitado y con las lágrimas cayéndole con prisas por sus mejillas rosadas, tenía la nariz sangrando y también muchos moretones en distintos lugares de su pequeño cuerpo.

Aun sus abusadores corrían detrás de él, le gritaban cosas que ya sus tapados oídos no comprendían pero no tenía mucho que pensar que clase de cosas decían. Siempre había tenido abusadores que gustaban de maltratarle. Apenas estaba en primaria, aun no comprendía muchas cosas, pero en el a finales de aquel grado comenzó a entender que lo único malo que él hacía era que le gustaban los niños... "¿Eso era malo?", se preguntaba, pero en realidad él no lo veía como nada malo, pero parecía que incluso los adultos lo veían de mala manera, en ese instante recordó cuando una señora amiga de su mamá le pregunto "Waa, Souichi-chan que tan grande haz crecido, incluso eres mucho más guapo de lo que recuerdo, ¿Ya tienes novia?" a lo que él respondió "No, pero me gusta el chico de último grado que se llama Satou". Un grabe error, el rostro de confusión de su madre y de aquella señora lo trastorno y lo puso impaciente, pero ahora que ya tenía 12 años y que sabía la razón no se le hacía nada malo.

-¡No huyas marica!.-Escucho confuso por el sonido de la lluvia que le rodeaba, ese sin duda era aquel hijo de puta llamado Ryu, era el bravucón de su salón y se juntaba con un pequeño grupo de niños que le temían más que lo admiraban, desde que había pasado a ultimo grado de la primaria él y sus amiguitos lo empezaron a molestar más que los años anteriores, y todo por que el rumor de que él le había escrito una carta a su Senpai de ultimo grado y que esa carta era de amor. Fue entonces que él recibiera esos apodos "Marica, Maricón, Puto, Puñal" y demás calificativos irrelevantes a su persona, pero para mala suerte de Souichi, no se redujeron a simplemente llenarlo de tierra su mochila, ni de bañarlo en agua fría ni de tirarle sus cosas, ese ultimo año Ryu había cogido el gusto de acorralarlo y darle patadas y golpes, y cuando murió su mamá hacía uno o dos años no había sido motivo suficiente para apaciguar los golpes o las burlas, incluso eso se volvió parte de sus insultos "Seguro tu mamá murió pensando que eras una desgracia, ¡maricón!".

Siguió corriendo hasta que su rostro fue iluminado por la creciente esperanza, una vuelta más en la calle siguiente y llegaría a su casa. Apretó más el agarre que tenía alrededor de su estomago, pues segundos antes de que escapara ellos lo habían acorralado y le golpearon en el hasta que se cansaron y le patearon, y comenzó a correr más, todo lo que pudo, para suerte de él, él era más rápido que ellos, los años en la primaria le habían servido para tener esa cualidad que hasta el momento le era de gran ayuda. No importo que se mojara los zapatos por dentro, ni que su mochila que cargaba en su espalda se llenara de lodo que aveces salpicaba cuando saltaba en los charcos, ni mucho menos que la sangre perdida le fuer debilitando cada vez más, ni que sus gafas redondas estuvieran cuarteadas y que no pudiese ver lo suficientemente bien, tenía que llegar por lo menos al jardín para sentirse a salvo de Ryu y de sus amigos maleantes.

Y aumento su velocidad y justo cuando iba a llegar se tropezó con un bache, una vez en el suelo, miró el agujero donde su pie se quedo atrapado y maldijo en todos los idiomas que conocía por el momento (Japones solamente), diviso a sus atacantes lejos pero que se acercaban con velocidad, recogió sus cosas lo más rápido que pudo y una vez ellas en su mochila un poco maltratada comenzó a correr un poco más ya incluso sabía cuantos pasos tenía que dar para pisar el patio y recorrer la puerta. 10, contaba mientras caminaba a pesar del dolor que de pronto su tobillo sentía 9, comenzaba a escuchar la voz rasposa de Ryu acercándose un poco más, 8 su respiración parecía que dejaba de funcionar y el aire se le escapaba de los pulmones antes incluso de llegarlo a rosar, 7 las pisadas ajenas a las suyas resonaban más fuerte 6 y las risas que pronto se comenzaban a manifestar le advertían a que apresurara el paso si es que quería seguir vivo, 5, ya no caminaba lento, ahora trataba de volver a un paso más acelerado 4 le faltaba un poco más, 3 solo un poco más y lograría vivir otro día, 2 o más bien otra tarde...1.

Pero justo cuando la esperanza había rosado su mente un golpe recibió su espalda haciendo que cayera una vez más, no bastaron los segundos para después sentir que las patadas llovían arriba suyo, no escuchaba sus llantos, solo las risas de aquellos demonios y la precipitada lluvia que desde hacía un tiempo lo rodeaba.

-¿Creías que ibas a escapar tan fácil princesita?.- esa era la voz de Ryu, sonriente e impaciente de dar una patada aun más fuerte que las anteriores, pero justo cuando lo iba hacer, Souichi tomo si pie y lo mordió haciendo por defecto que todos sus amiguitos se detuvieran una vez más recogió sus cosas con torpeza antes de que reaccionaran, pero ya era demasiado tarde, Souichi había cruzado con éxito la puerta de su casa.

-Rayos...larguémonos de aquí.-Grito Ryu.-Te vemos mañana Marica, de esta ya no te salvas.

Souichi espero paciente a que se fueran, miró por la ventana y una ves que diviso que los niños se habían ido, pudo respirar tranquilo. Se tumbó en el suelo y respiro agitado exhalaba con pesades y inhalaba con dificultada, el dolor en el abdomen era ardiente y le llenaba de un pequeño picar, la piel revuelta en heridas menores y sin "gravedad" le palpitaban debajo de los órganos dañados incluso la hemorragia de su nariz y de su frente le ardían a mares. Tenía que calmarse, tenía que levantarse antes de que su padre regresara con la pequeña Kanako y con su adorado hermanito Tomoe.

Se levanto pasado unos segundos, recogió sus cosas que había botado tras abrir la puerta y cogió un poco de papel de la cocina y tan rápido como ordeno se dirigió a su habitación, una vez adentro se miro en el espejo, el raspón se podía ocultar diciéndole a su padre que se había tropezado en clase de deportes, pero el moretón que tenía en la muñeca cuando Ryu le agarrado de ellas para evitar que escapara la primera vez sería difícil, ni el que se encontraba debajo del ojo sutilmente, ni sus labios cuarteados y un poco sangrantes le serían fácil de ocultar, sus demás moretones que recorrían su piel en distintos lugares los podía ocultar fácilmente a pesar de ser demasiados, ese era una razón por la que le gustaba la ropa larga.

Se limpió la tierra del rostro y del cabello, cambio sus gafas por unas de repuesto y escucho la llegada de su padre bajo a recibirlo.

-Estoy en casa.- Su padre Souji Tatsumi era un hombre muy ocupado que antes de que muriese su mujer viajaba mucho, seguramente se hubiese largado de no ser por que su hermano Tomoe y Kanako aún eran unos bebes, ella 2 Tomoe 5 y el apunto de cumplir los 12, el pobre hombre tenía que hacerse cargo de sus hijos que aún lo necesitaban.

El hombre era un científico y la tarea de ser padre le agotaba tanto como en sus investigaciones, pero sobre todo lo que quizás era lo más agotador en su tarea como padre era ser sobre protector, cuando murió su esposa y con el problema de Souichi, todo se había desmoronado con una creciente inseguridad. Él no hacía menos a su hijo, y hasta cierto punto aceptaba aquella fase de su hijo, a veces rezando para que solo fuese eso, una fase, pero con el tiempo comenzó a dejar de tomarle importancia, pues de todos modos no era en realidad un problema ¿No es así?.

-Bienvenido padre.-Dijo Souichi arrastrando los pies mientras tomaba de la mano a Tomoe y lo dirigía a la cocina.-¿Cómo le fue?.

-Bien-contesto alegre el hombre, él siempre era alegre.-Compre algo para ti, te lo mostrare después de acostar a Kanako en su cuna. ¿Me puedes ayudar con Tomoe también?, parece que se esta muriendo de sueño, que bueno que mañana no hay clases para él.

-Claro.-Dijo con desánimos y llevando arriba a su hermano, parece que su padre no noto su frente raspada ni el leve moretón debajo de su parpado, Souichi suspiro con alivio.

Tomoe nunca le dio trabajo para que se fuese a dormir, así que con suerte ese día no fue la excepción, había cerrado la puerta cuando al cruzar el pasillo se encontró con la mirada acusadora de su padre, se tambaleo un poco pero trato de mantener firme su mirada y así con éxito hacer que su padre ablandase su mirada.

-¿Qué te paso en la cara?.-pregunto con tono autoritario y a la vez preocupado.

-Me he caído en la clase de deportes, me lanzaron una pelota muy rápido y tropecé, creo que no me lo esperaba, no es nada.-Dijo sin titubar, hacía mucho tiempo que las mentiras se le facilitaban.-No hay de que preocuparse viejo.

El hombre le miro desconfiado pero al final lo dejo pasar, caminaron abajo para comer algo y una vez terminado de cenar Souji acerco su maletín y de ahí saco una pequeña bolsa que parecía de regalo.

-Un regalo.-Señalo el hombre y le acerco el paquete al niño que lo miraba desconcertado.

-Gracias.-Dijo Souichi y con calma lo fue abriendo. Y una vez abierto vio en su interior lo que parecía ser un shorts, lo que dejo boquiabierto al niño, quien comenzó a temblar.

-Lo vi y pensé que te iría bien, si quieres podemos ir este sábado a que te compre una camisa que le haga juego, pronto el calor sera insoportable y tendrás que desacerté de esas prendas largas que acostumbras ponerte. ¿Porqué no te lo pruebas?.

-¡No quiero!

El hombre miró impresionado y bajo la taza de té que en sus dedos traía, nunca el niño le había dicho algo semejante, usualmente siempre hacía lo que él quería.

-¿Qué haz dicho Souichi?.-dijo con el ceño fruncido.

-Lo siento padre, no veo conveniente para mi probarme algo tan corto, no me gusta, no lo quiero, me gustan mis pantalones largos y mis camisas holgadas.-Entonces no supo en que momento sus ojos le comenzaron a picar dejando caer las lágrimas una vez más por sus mejillas.
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His footsteps echoed when he stepped on puddles, agitated and with tears falling in a hurry down her pink cheeks, had nose bleeding and also many bruises on various parts of her small body.Even their abusers were running behind him, shouted him things that already their ears covered did not understand but it didn't have much that thinking kind of thing said. He had always had abusers who liked to mistreat him. Just I was in elementary school, still did not understand many things, but at the end of that grade began to understand that the only bad thing he did was that he liked the children... "Was that bad?", he wondered, actually he did not see it as nothing wrong, but it seemed that even adults saw him badly, at that moment remembered when I ask a lady friend of his mother "Waa, Souichi-chan that big grown beam, are even more handsome from what I remember, already you have a girlfriend?" to which he replied 'No ", but I like the guy from last grade called Satou". A tape error, the face of confusion from his mother and that Lady disorder it and put it forward, but now that it was already 12 years old and that he knew the reason is you did nothing wrong.-Do not run away FAG!. -Hear confused by the sound of the rain that surrounded him, that certainly was that son of a bitch named Ryu, the bully of her salon and together with a small group of children who feared him more than they admired him, since he had spent to last grade of primary school he and his friends began to bother more than in the previous years , and all that the rumor that he had written him a letter to his Senpai's last grade and that that letter was love. It was then that he received those nicknames "Fag, faggot, Puto, dagger" and other irrelevant to his person, but for bad luck of Souichi, qualifying were not reduced to simply fill it with Earth your backpack, or bathed in cold water or throw things, that last year Ryu had taken the taste of corralling him and give kicks and punches, and when he died his mother was one or two years had not been sufficient reason to appease the blows or teasing, even that became part of his insults "insurance your mother died thinking that you were a disgrace, maricón!".It kept running until his face was illuminated by the growing hope, one more in the next street turn and came home. It tightened the grip that had more around his stomach, seconds before he escaped they had cornered him and beat him in the until they got tired and kicked him, and it began to run more, everything you could, fortunately for him, he was faster than that, the years in elementary school had served you to have that quality which until now was of great help. I did not care that gets wet shoes inside, nor that his backpack that he carried on his back will fill up mud that sometimes sprinkled when he jumped in puddles, or much less than the lost blood you fuer weakening more and more, or that his round glasses were cracked and that he could not see it enough, he had to at least reach the garden to feel safe from Ryu and his thugs friends.Increase your speed and just when I was going to get tripped over a bump, once on the ground, he looked at the hole where his foot was trapped and he cursed in all the languages he knew by the time (Japanese only), I see their attackers away but that they approached with speed, collected her things as fast that could and after them in his backpack a little battered started running a little longer even knew few steps had to step on the patio and take the door. 10, had as he walked through the pain that suddenly her ankle felt 9, began to hear the raspy voice of Ryu approaching 8 a little more, his breathing seemed that it stopped working and the air escaped her lungs before even get it to rosar, 7 outside his footsteps echoed 6 stronger and the laughter that soon began to manifest warned him to that rush the passage if it is that I wanted to stay alive, 5, already not walking slow, now trying to return to a faster step 4 lacked a little more, 3 single a little more and would live another day, 2 or more other afternoon... 1.But just when hope had pink in their mind a blow received his back making to fall once again, failed seconds after feel kicks rained down up his, not listening to their cries, only the laughter of those demons and hasty rain that had a long surrounded him.-Did you think you were going to escape so easy Princess?. -that was the voice of Ryu, smiling and eager to kick even more strong than the previous ones, but just when he was going to do, Souichi take if foot and bit him by default that all her friends stop a again picked up their things awkwardly until they respond, but it was too late, Souichi had successfully crossed the door of his house.-Rays... get us of here.-cry Ryu-see you tomorrow fag, this already you do not save.Souichi hope patient to leave, looked out the window and once that I had left the children, could rest easy. He lay on the ground and agitated breath with pesades and exhaled and inhaled with complicated, pain in the abdomen was burning and filled him with a small chop, the rumpled skin in minor injuries and "weightless" quivered him under the organs damaged even bleeding from his nose and his forehead you were burning at sea. I had to calm down, I had to get up until his father returned with the small Kanako and her adored little brother Tomoe.Got up last a few seconds, collected his things that had launched after opening the door and caught a bit of kitchen paper and went as fast as I ordered to his room, once inside look in the mirror, chipped could hide telling his father that had been encountered in sports class, but the bruise that was on the wrist when Ryu you seized from them to avoid that it escaped the first time It would be difficult, or which was under his eye subtly, or you would be easy to hide his lips chapped and a little bleeding, its other bruises that ran through his skin in different places could hide them easily despite being too, that was a reason why the long clothes he liked.Cleaned the land of face and hair, change your goggles for a few spare and hear the arrival of his father under a receive it.-I'm home-his father Souji Tatsumi was a busy man until he died his wife traveling much, surely would have left if not for his brother Tomoe and Kanako still were a few babies, her 2 5 Tomoe and I about to comply with the 12, the poor man had to take care of their children who still needed it.The man was a scientist and the task of being a father exhausted him so much as in his investigations, but mostly what was perhaps the most exhausting in its task as a father was to be on guard, when his wife died and with Souichi problem, everything had collapsed with a growing insecurity. It did less to his son, and to some extent accepted that phase of his son, at times praying that it was just that, a phase, but over time began to stop taking her importance, because anyway was not actually a problem isn't it?.-Welcome father.-said Souichi shuffling while taking hand to Tomoe and headed to the kitchen.-How did you?.-Bien-contesto cheerful man, he always was happy-buy something for you, I'll show you after lying to Kanako in his crib. Can you help me with Tomoe also?, it seems that is dying of dream, that good that tomorrow no school for him.-Clear-said with discouragements and leading up to his brother, it seems that his father does not notice his scraped forehead or the slight bruise under his eyelid, Souichi sigh with relief.Tomoe never gave him work so that it would be to sleep, so lucky that day was no exception, had closed the door when crossing the Hall met with the accusing eyes of his father, I staggering a little, but I try to keep your look firm and thus successfully do that his father ablandase his eyes.-Do you step on your face?. -I ask with authoritarian and simultaneously worried tone.-I've fallen into the kind of sports, they threw me a very fast ball and I stumbled, I think that not what expected me, it is not nothing-said without titubar, that lies are you facilitated-not long ago there is that worry about old.Man look you suspicious but ultimately left him pass, stepped down to eat something and once dine Souji came his briefcase and hence a small pouch that seemed gift bag.-A gift-point man and approached the package a child who looked at him puzzled.-Thank you-said Souichi and calmly was opening it. And once open you saw inside what appeared to be a shorts, I leave amazed the boy, who began to tremble.-I saw and I thought that it would do you well, if you want we can go this Saturday to buy you a shirt that you game, soon will be unbearable heat and you'll have that I desacerté of these long clothes that you used to get. Why not you try it?.-Don't want to!The man looked impressed and under the cup of tea that his fingers brought, never the child had said something similar, usually always did what he wanted.-What ever that Souichi?. -He said scowling.-It sorry father, I see not suitable for my try me something so short, I don't like, I don't want it, I like my trousers and my shirts loose.-then did not know that moment their eyes began you to chop dropping tears once more down her cheeks.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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His footsteps echoed when stepped pools, agitated and with tears streaming down her rosy cheeks rush, had a bloody nose and many bruises on various parts of his little body. Even their abusers ran after him, shouting things and their ears covered not understand but did not have much to think about what kind of things they said. He always had liked to mistreat abusers. I was just in elementary school, even not understand many things, but at the end of that degree he began to understand that the only bad thing he did was that he liked children ... "Was that wrong?" He asked, but actually he did not see it as anything wrong, but it seemed that even the adults looked badly at that moment he remembered when a lady friend of his mom asked "Waa, Souichi-chan how big bundle grown even you're much more handsome than I remember, Have you got a girlfriend? " to which he replied "No, but I like the last guy called Satou degree." A record error, the face of confusion of his mother and that lady so upset and put impatient, but now that I was 12 and I knew why he was not doing anything wrong. -¡No fag run away! .- listen It confused by the sound of rain around him, that certainly bastard called Ryu was, was the bully of his living room and hung out with a small group of children feared him more than they admired him, since he had passed last grade of primary he and his friends began to bother him more than previous years, and all for the rumor that he had written a letter to his last grade and Senpai of that letter was love. It was then that he received those nicknames "Marica, Queer, Puto, Dagger" and other epithets irrelevant to him, but Souichi unlucky not be reduced to simply land fill your backpack, or bathe in cold water or throw your stuff, that last year Ryu had acquired a taste to corner him and give kicked and beaten, and when her mother died was one or two years was not enough to appease the blows or teasing reason, even that became part of their insults "Sure your mom died thinking you were a disgrace, fagot!". She ran until her face was illuminated by the rising hope, one more turn at the next street and come home. He tightened the grip he had around his stomach, then seconds before escaping they had cornered and beaten on until they got tired and kicked him, and began to run, all he could, luckily for him, he was faster than them, the years in primary had helped him to have that quality that so far it was a great help. I do not mind that shoes get wet inside, or that his backpack he carried on his back fill with mud splattered sometimes when jumping in puddles, much less blood loss fuer increasingly weakening him, or that his glasses round were cracked and could not see well enough, had to get at least to the garden to feel safe from Ryu and his friends thugs. And increase your speed and before he can get tripped over a pothole, once on the floor, he looked at the hole where his foot was trapped and cursed in every language he knew at the moment (Japanese only), spotted his attackers away but who came with speed, packed up as quickly as he could, once in your backpack a bit battered began to run a little longer even know how many steps had to be taken to step on the patio and take the door. 10 had she walked through the pain he suddenly felt his ankle in September, he began to hear the raspy voice of Ryu moving closer 8 breathing seemed stopped working and the air escaped her lungs even before rosar get it to 7 the outside of the six strongest and echoed his laughter soon began to manifest footsteps warned him to hurry over if they wanted to stay alive, 5, and did not walk slow now trying to re- a faster step 4 lacked a little more, 3 just a little more and achieve live another day, two or more other afternoon ... 1. But just when hope had pink received a blow your mind causing her to fall back again, not enough seconds and then feel the kicks rained above you, not listening to their cries, only the laughter of the demons and the precipitated rain for some time around him. Did you think you were going to get away that easy princess? .- that was the voice of Ryu, smiling and eager to give an even stronger than earlier kick, but just as he was going to do, Souichi take if foot and bit by default that all his friends to stop once He gathered his things more awkwardly before they could react, but it was too late, Souichi had successfully crossed the door of his house. ... let's get out of here. rays-cried-I see you tomorrow Ryu. Marica, this already not you save. Souichi patient expect to leave, he looked out the window and see that spotted that children were gone, could breathe easy. He lay on the floor and agitated breath exhaled with heaviness and inhaled with hindered, pain in the abdomen was hot and filled with a small snack, the revolt skin minor injuries and no "gravity" throbbed beneath the damaged organs even bleeding from his nose and his forehead itched profusely. I had to calm down, had to get up before his father returned with little Kanako and her beloved brother Tomoe. He got up after a short while he had gathered her things thrown after opening the door and took some kitchen paper and as fast as ordered went to his room, once inside I looked in the mirror, scrape could hide telling his father that he had encountered in gym class, but the bruise on her wrist when Ryu will Collared to prevent them from escaping the first time would be difficult, or which was under the eye subtly, and his lips cracked and some bleeding will be easy to conceal, his other bruises that ran over her skin in different places could easily hide the Despite being too many, this was a reason I liked long clothes. the earth's face and wiped hair, change your glasses for a replacement and I hear the arrival of her father to meet him under. I'm at home Souji Tatsumi .- His father was a busy man before he died his wife traveled a lot, probably would not be taken off by his brother Tomoe and Kanako were still a baby, her two Tomoe 5 and about to meet 12, the poor man had to take care of their children who still needed it. The man was a scientist and the task of being father exhausted as much as in their research, but especially what was perhaps the most grueling in its task as be overprotective father was when he died his wife and Souichi problem, everything had collapsed with growing insecurity. He did less to his son, and to some extent accepted that phase of his son, sometimes praying that if it was only that, a stage, but eventually began to stop take importance because anyway it was not really a problem does not it ?. Welcome Souichi FATHER: He shuffled as he took by the hand and led Tomoe to cocina.-How was it ?. Well-I answer cheerful man, he was always alegre.-Buy something for you, I'll show Kanako after putting in his crib. Can I have help with Tomoe ?, also seems that sleep is dying, good thing no morning classes for him. -Claro.-he said with discouragement and leading up to his brother, his father did not seem to notice his forehead scraped or the slight bruise under his eyelid, Souichi sigh with relief. Tomoe never gave work to be go to sleep, so hopefully that day was no exception, he had closed the door when crossing the hall he found the accusing eyes of his father, he stumbled a little but try to keep his gaze steady and so successfully make your father would soften your look. What happened to your face .- I ask authoritatively yet worried?. - I fell in gym class, I threw a very fast ball and stumbled, I think I did not expect, is not nada said without titubar long ago that the lies will facilitaban.-No need to worry old. The man looked suspicious but ultimately let it go, walked down to eat something and once finished dinner Souji brought his briefcase and pulled out a small bag there it seemed gift. -A regalo.-man and I point approached him pack the child looked puzzled. Souichi--Gracias. and calmly said it was opening. And after opening was inside what appeared to be a shorts, which left stunned the child, who began to tremble. 'I saw him and thought that you would be fine, if you want we can go on Saturday to buy you a shirt you do play, soon the heat will be unbearable and you have to desacerté of those long clothes that you usually wear. Why do not you try ?. -I do not want! The man looked shocked and under the cup of tea in her fingers had, never the child had said something similar, usually always did what he wanted. What do said Souichi? .- said with a frown. I'm sorry father, I see convenient for me to prove something so short, I do not like, I do not want it, I like my pants and my shirt holgadas.-Then I did not know that when his eyes began to sting her tears dropping again her cheeks.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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His Footsteps echoed when Riding the puddles, agitated and the tears Rush going with her Rosy Cheeks, nose bleeding and had too many bruises on different parts of his body. Even their abusers ran after him, shouting things already plugged their ears did not understand but I didn't have much to think kind of things Said.I had always liked abusing offenders. I was just in Primary, still did not understand many things, but in the end of that degree he began to understand that the only thing he did was that he liked the Children... " That was bad? " Wondered, but he didn't actually looked like nothing wrong, but it seemed that even adults looked Bad,At that moment he recalled when a Lady Friend of his mom asked "Waa, Souichi Chan that have grown so big, you're even better looking than I remember, you have a girlfriend?" To which he replied "no, but I like the last Grade Boy Named Satou. A big mistake, the face of confusion of his mother and that she was upset and impatient,But now that he was 12 years old, and she knew the reason he was not doing anything bad.

- Don't Run Away! Confusing. - I hear the sound of Rain that surrounded him, that certainly was the son of a Bitch named Ryu, was the Bully in his Chamber and associated with a small group of Children feared him more than him,Since I had last Primary Grade, he and his friends began to bother him more than previous years, and all for the rumor that he had written a letter to his senpai of last Grade, and that the letter was love. It was then that he received the nickname "faggot, faggot, faggot, Dagger" and other words irrelevant to his person, but bad luck Souichi,Is not reduced to simply fill Earth his Backpack, or bathing in cold water or throw things, that last year Ryu had caught The Taste of him and Kicking him and beating, and when he died his mother had one or two years had not been sufficient to appease the blows or teasing,Even that became part of his insults "sure your mom died thinking that you were a disgrace!" .
continued running until his face was illuminated by the growing Hope, once more in the next Street and arrive to your home. He had more Grip around his stomach,Seconds before she escaped because they had CORNERED and beaten in the up tired and kicked him, and began to run More, everything he could, luckily for him, he was faster than them, the years in the primary had served to have that quality which, until then, was of great help. No matter wet shoes inside.And carrying his Backpack on his back filled with Mud that sometimes Sprinkled when jumping in puddles, much less blood loss was increasingly weakening, and Round glasses were quartered and couldn't See well enough, I had to get at least the garden to feel safe Ryu and his friends had.And increase its speed and just as I was about to get hit a Pothole, once on the Ground, looked at the hole where the foot was Trapped and Cursed in all languages known by far (Japanese only), spotted their attackers away but approached with SpeedHe picked up his things as fast as he could, and once in his bag a Little Battered began to run a little more even knew how many steps he had to Tread through the patio door. As he had 10, despite the pain of his ankle felt 9 soon, I began to hear the Voice (Ryu approaching a little more,8 her Breathing seemed ceased Operations and the air out of the Lungs before even managing to Rosar, 7 Footprints outside his laughter echoed stronger 6 and soon began to manifest to speed the pace was warned that if he wanted to stay alive, 5, no longer walked Slow now trying to return to a more accelerated pace 4 missing a Little Bit More,3 only a little more and would live Another Day, another 2 or rather late, etc. '

but just when hope had a Pink Blow his mind was back doing it once more, could not feel the seconds after the Ball kicked up his, not only listen to their cries, laughs those demons and Hasty rain for a long time around him

.- thought you'd get away so easy Princess? - that was the Voice of Ryu, smiling and eager to give a Kick even stronger than before, but when I do, if I Walk and Souichi Bit by default all his friends stopped once again packed her things before they could REACT with clumsy, but it was already too late,Souichi had successfully crossed the door of his house.

- rays...Larguémonos - - See you tomorrow ryu. Cry Pansy, Is You Save Souichi.

I hope Patient were, looked out the window and you saw that the Children had gone, he could Breathe. Lay down on the floor and agitated with regular inhaled and exhaled Breath with difficultPain in the abdomen was hot and filled him with a Little Itch, the skin Revolt in minor injuries and no "Gravity" Moving Beneath the damaged organs even bleeding from his nose and his face Burned Out. I had to calm down, had to get up before his father returned with the small Kanako and his Beloved Brother Tomoe.
Rose last a few seconds.He picked up that had launched after opening the door and took a Little role of the kitchen as fast as ordered and went to his room, once inside they look in the mirror, Scratch could Hide telling his father that had been encountered in Class SportsBut the bruise had him in the wrist when Ryu grabbed them to Keep away the first time would be difficult, or that was underneath the eye subtly or chapped lips and a Little Bleeding would be easy to hide, Other Bruises covering his skin in different places could easily Hide despite being too many,That was one reason why he liked Long clothes.

cleared the Land of face and Hair, change their glasses for a spare and I hear your father's arrival under it.

I - his father souji Tatsumi was a busy Man before he died his wife travelled a lot,Probably would have gone if not for his brother Tomoe and Kanako were still Babies, Tomoe She 2 5 and about the Age of 12, the poor man had to bear their children still needed him. The Man was a scientist and the task of being a father was running out as their research,But mostly what was perhaps the most Exhausting its task as being overprotective father was when he died, his wife and the problem of Souichi, collapsed with a growing insecurity. He was his son, and to some extent accepted that phase of her son, sometimes Praying that that was just a phase.But with Time began to take leave of importance, because it wasn't really a problem, isn't it? - Welcome. -.
Said while shuffling Souichi Tomoe's hand and ran to the kitchen. - how was it? - good.
"Happy The Man, he was always alegre. - buy something for you, i'il show you to Kanako after sleep in his crib.Can you help me with Tomoe? It seems that he is dying, Sleep Well Tomorrow, no School for him.

- have said with discouragement and leading up to his brother, it seems that his father did not notice his face Shaved or slight bruise under his Eyelid, Souichi Tomoe sighed with Relief.

never gave him a job to go to Sleep, so lucky that day was no exception.When he had closed the door across the hall was found with accusing look of his father, staggered a Little, but tried to keep his eyes and successfully make his father ablandase look. - What happened to your face? - Wonder with authoritative tone and concerned.

- I Fell In The Class of Sports, I launched a very fast Ball and tripped.I think that I did not expect, - Said without titubar, Long the lies you facilitaban. - Don't worry, Old Man.

I look suspicious, but eventually let him Pass, walked down to eat something and once finished dinner souji approached his briefcase and there pulled out a small bag that looked like a gift. - a gift

.The Man approached her and said the package to the boy, who looked at him puzzled.

- Souichi and calmly said it was opening. Once opened and saw inside what appeared to be a shorts, which left gaping at the Child, who began to Tremble.

I saw it and I thought that you would do well, if you want, we can go this Saturday to buy you a Shirt To Go with it,Soon the heat is unbearable and you desacerté such Long Garments that you wear. Why don't you try it? - I Don't want.


The Man looked impressed and under the cup of tea in her fingers was never the Child had said something similar, usually always did what he wanted. - What did you say Souichi

? - He said with a frown.

I'm sorry Father,I Don't see my prove convenient for something so short, I Don't like it, I Don't want to, I like my trousers and my shirts holgadas. - then did not know at that moment his eyes began to Itch again dropping Tears on his Cheeks.
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