POV MORINAGA- ¡Ahhh….nnghhh! Su voz sonaba un poco diferente. – P-por  dịch - POV MORINAGA- ¡Ahhh….nnghhh! Su voz sonaba un poco diferente. – P-por  Anh làm thế nào để nói

POV MORINAGA- ¡Ahhh….nnghhh! Su voz


- ¡Ahhh….nnghhh! Su voz sonaba un poco diferente. – P-por favor, n-no me toques…

- ¿Qué tienes? ¿Te duele mucho? Primero deberíamos curarte esas heridas. Toma mi mano y apóyate en mi hombro.

- ¡Es-espera no, n-no me duelen tanto. Sujetó mi brazo para detenerme.

- Pero apenas puedes respirar, estas sudando y estas caliente Estaba preocupado de que el tipo ese le hubiera hecho algo malo.

- M-me dio a tomar algo ¡Ahhh! C-creo que era una d-droga.

- No me digas que es de "ese" tipo de droga. Intervino Senpai algo desconcertado.

- C-creo que sí, lo siento, no quería venir aquí ¡Ahhh! Pero no confío en otras personas… l-lo lamento.

Senpai y yo nos miramos él uno al otro, ninguno de los dos sabíamos que hacer en esta situación pero en los ojos de Senpai veía que ya no había odio o celos. También estaba preocupado y sé que acordaba conmigo en que estaba sufriendo mucho; se veía muy doloroso. Se estaba conteniendo pero el calor ya era evidente en la expresión de su cara.

- T-también quiero disculparme contigo Tatsumi-san. Fue una grosería lo que hacía con Morinaga-niisan, como creo que sospechas, e-era apropósito ¡Ahhh! T-todos mis acercamientos, conozco su secreto, p-pero ¡Ahhh! Nunca se lo diría a alguien, lo… lamento…

Volteé en dirección a Senpai, por un momento se quedó sin habla y sonrojado.

- ¿¡Tú, qué!? Estoy muy molesto, tal vez molesto sería poco para decir cuan cabreado estoy. Se calmó y suspiro - Pero eso lo podemos discutir luego, no soy tan tirano como para tirarte a la calle en estos momentos.

- G-gracias. Entrecerraba sus ojos y fruncía su ceño para contenerse.

- Kyoko-chan ¿Qué deberíamos de hacer? Me refiero a "eso", no creo que puedas quedarte así.

En cuanto lo mencioné se coloró y con sus brazos tapó su falda pero antes de eso me pareció ver algo raro.

- ¡No, no es posible!

- Yo… yo no… De repente escuchamos gritos cerca del departamento.

- ¡YUUHIRO! ¡YUUHIRO! ¡DONDE TE ESCONDES PEDAZO DE MIERDA! Está vez tuviste suerte pero no cuentes con eso para la próxima. Sé que estás viviendo cerca ¿Así que porque no das la cara? Se escuchaba la voz de un hombre furioso, no sabía que era lo que quería pero estaba molestando a todo el vecindario, se escuchaban sus gritos por todos lados. - ¡Yuuhiro! ¿Cuándo piensas salir y dar la cara? Sólo eres un cobarde. Eres un marica.

- ¡Que tipo tan molesto alguien debe de darle su merecido! Senpai se había enojado pues la situación en la que estábamos ya era de por sí difícil de manejar como para que alguien estuviera pegando tales gritos. - No me importa a quien esté buscando o porqué este gritando, en este momento iré a callarlo. Mientras Senpai se acercaba a la puerta para apartar a Kyoko-chan y salir a dar pelea ésta se levantó como pudo, lo sostuvo del brazo y lo detuvo.

- ¡Ahhh! P-por favor, no salgas Tatsumi-san.

- ¿Eh? Pero es una molestia.

Kyoko-chan agachó la cabeza cubriendo su cara con sus mechones para que no pudiéramos verla.

- Me está buscando a m-mí. Pronunció débilmente.

- ¿Pero de que estás hablando? ¿Acaso no escuchaste que al que busca es a un tal Yuuhiro? No te busca a ti, deja de preocuparte por eso y mejor preocúpate de lo otro, yo iré a callar al tipo ese.

- P-por favor… no vayas… Se aferró fuertemente al brazo de Senpai lo que hizo que él se preocupará.

- ¡Oye! Tranquilízate, estás sudando y temblando mucho. Senpai se arrodilló para que ella pudiera sentarse nuevamente.

Después de un corto silencio, volvió a retomar la palabra. Los gritos ya habían cedido, el sujeto probablemente se haya rendido y huido.

- M-mi nombre es Yuuhiro ¡ahhh! L-lamento haberles mentido, quería que lo supieran pero no de esta manera. Su jadeo aumentaba.

- ¿Eh? Tanto Senpai como yo estábamos confundidos, no entendíamos lo que decía.

- P-pero Kyoko-chan, si tu nombre en verdad es Yuuhiro ¿Ese no es un nombre de…?

- Sí, e-es un nombre de hombre.

- ¿¡Qué!? Eso quiere decir que tú… Senpai retrocedió un poco cayendo para atrás por la impresión.

- ¡Angh! S-sí.

Entonces nuestra atención fue captada por algo peculiar cuando ella estaba simplemente tirada en el piso, Senpai estaba tirado de la impresión y yo estaba de cuclillas también cerca. Su falda tenía una elevación considerable, algo definitivamente no común en una mujer.

- Ky-kyo… digo, Yuuhiro, eso es… Se puso rojo cuando notó que habíamos prestado atención a esa parte e intento cubrirse y probablemente uso mucha fuerza pues no pudo controlarse más y gimió.

- ¡Ahh… nngh… ahh…! Soltó un gemido respirando entrecortadamente, aun así permaneció con los brazos cruzados tapándose temblando bastante.

- ¿¡QUÉ DEMONIOS SUCEDE CONTIGO!? ¿¡QUÉ ES TODO ESTO!? Senpai estaba demasiado impresionado y por lo que veía también asustado. Observaba a Yuuhiro con horror. Estoy seguro que al igual que yo no sabía que pensar.

- ¿Qué es todo esto? ¿Kyoko-chan en realidad es un… hombre?
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV MORINAGA-Ahhh... nnghhh! His voice sounded a bit different. -P-please, n-no touch me...-Do you have? Does it hurt much? First we should heal those wounds. Take my hand and lean on my shoulder.-Es-espera, n-no me hurt so much. He fastened my arm to stop me.- But these just you can breath, sweating and these hot was worried that the guy had made him something bad.-M-gave me a drink Ahhh! I think that was a d-droga.-Don't tell me it's "that" type of drug. He intervened rather bewildered Senpai.-C-I guess, sorry, didn't want to come here Ahhh! But do not trust others... l - sorry.Senpai and I looked at the one to the other, neither of them knew that do in this situation, but in the eyes of Senpai saw that hatred or jealousy there was no. I was also worried and I know that you remembered me that was suffering much; It was very painful. It was containing but heat was already evident in the expression of his face.-I t-also apologize with you Tatsumi-san. Was a slam against what he did with Morinaga-niisan, as I suspect, era intentional Ahhh! T - all my approaches, I know your secret, p-pero Ahhh! Never say to someone, the... regret...Turn in direction to Senpai, momentarily stood speechless and flushed.-You, what! I'm very upset, perhaps annoying would be little to say how angry I am. He calmed down and sigh - but that we can discuss it then, I'm not so tyrannical to throw yourself on the street at the moment.-G-gracias. He entrecerraba his eyes and seemed his frown to contain it.-Kyoko-chan what should do? I am referring to "that", I don't think you can stay as well.As mentioned it is colored and with its arms covered her lap but before that I seemed to see something rare.-No, is not possible!-Yo... I do not... Suddenly we heard cries near the Department.-YUUHIRO! YUUHIRO! WHERE TE HIDE PIECE OF SHIT! It is time had luck but don't count with that for the next. I know that you are living near so because you don't give face? I could hear the voice of an angry man, I did not know that it was what I wanted to but was bothering all the neighborhood, their cries were heard everywhere. -Yuuhiro! When do you think go out and face the music? You're just a coward. You're a FAG.-Type as annoying someone must give their well deserved! Senpai had been angry because the situation in which we were already it was in itself difficult to manage as for which someone was hitting such cries. -Me no matter who is looking for or why this crying, now go to shut him up. As Senpai neared the door to depart Kyoko-Chan and exit to give fight this rose as he could, said arm and stopped him.-Ahhh! P - please, do not go Tatsumi-san.-Huh? But it is a nuisance.Kyoko-chan ducked head covering his face with his locks so that we could not see it.-I is looking for m - me. He said weakly.- But what are talking about? Did you not hear that he seeks is to such a Yuuhiro? You don't ask for it, stop worrying about that and better worry of the other, I'll shut up to the guy.-P-please... no go... Cling strongly to Senpai arm which made him worry.-Hey! Calm down, are sweating and shaking much. Senpai knelt so she could sit again.After a short silence, he returned to return to Word. The cries already had been given, the subject probably has been surrendered and fled.-M - my name is Yuuhiro ahhh! L-Lamento have lied, wanted that they knew about this but not in this way. His panting increased.-Huh? Both Senpai and I were confused, did not understand what he was saying.-P-pero Kyoko-chan, if your name is really Yuuhiro that is not a name of...?-Yes, e a man's name.-What! That means you... Senpai receded a little falling back by printing.-Angh! Y-Yes.Then our attention was captured by something peculiar when she was just lying on the floor, Senpai was pulled from print and I was squatting too close. Her skirt had a considerable, something definitely uncommon elevation in a woman.-Ky-kyo... say, Yuuhiro, that is... Got red when he noticed that we had paid attention to that part and I try to cover and probably use much force because he could not control it more and groaned.-Ahh... nngh... ahh...! He gave a groan breathing intermittent, yet remained with folded arms covering his shaking enough.-WHAT THE HELL HAPPENS WITH YOU! WHAT IS ALL THIS! Senpai was too impressed, and so was also afraid. Yuuhiro I watched with horror. I am sure that like me you didn't think.-What is all this? Kyoko-chan is actually a... man?
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Morinaga POV - Ahhh ... .nnghhh! His voice sounded a little different. - P-please d-don't touch me ... - What do you have? Does it hurt much? First we should heal those wounds. Take my hand and lean on my shoulder. - You-wait no, d-don't hurt me so much. Grabbed my arm to stop me. - But you can hardly breathe, you're sweating and these hot was worried that the guy would have done something wrong. - M-gave me a drink Ahhh! II think it was a d-drug. - Do not tell me is "that" type of drug. Senpai intervened somewhat puzzled. - II think so, sorry, I did not come here Ahhh! But I do not trust other people ... l-sorry. Senpai and I looked at each other, neither of them know what to do in this situation but in the eyes of Senpai saw that there was no hatred or jealousy anymore. He was also worried and I agreeing with me that I was suffering a lot; He looked very painful. He was holding but the heat was already evident in the look on his face. - T-also want to apologize to you Tatsumi-san. It was rude what she did with Morinaga-niisan, as I think suspicions, e-was purposely Ahhh! T-all my approaches, I know your secret, b-but Ahhh! He would never tell someone what ... sorry ... I turned towards Senpai, for a moment he was speechless and blushing. - You what !? I am very upset, maybe annoying would be little to say how angry I am. He calmed down and sighed - But we can discuss that later, I'm not as tyrant to throw you into the street right now. - G-thanks. He narrowed his eyes and furrowed his brow to hold back. - Kyoko-chan What should we do? I mean "it", I do not think you can stay well. As I mentioned are colored and with his arms covered her skirt but before that I thought I saw something weird. - No, it's not possible! - I ... I do not ... Suddenly we heard shouts near the shop. - YUUHIRO! YUUHIRO! You hide WHERE piece of shit! It is time you were lucky but do not count on that for next time. I know you're living near So why not give your face? The voice of an angry man listened, I knew that was what I wanted but it was disturbing the whole neighborhood, their cries were heard everywhere. - Yuuhiro! When are you going out and face? You're just a coward. You're a fag. - What kind so upset someone must give him his due! Senpai was angry because the situation where we were it was already difficult to handle as someone was sticking to such cries. - I do not care who is seeking or why this shouting, at this time will go to silence him. While Senpai approached the door to divert Kyoko-chan and go for this fight scrambled to his feet, she held him by the arm and stopped him. - Ahhh! P-please do not leave Tatsumi-san. - Huh? But it's a hassle. Kyoko-chan lowered his head covering his face with his locks so we could not see it. - He is looking for m-me. He spoke weakly. - But you're talking about? Have not you heard that the seeker is a certain Yuuhiro? No longs for you, stop worrying about that and better worry for the other, I'll shut that guy. - P-please ... do not go ... it is strongly gripped the arm Senpai which made ​​him worry. - Hears! Relax, you're sweating and shaking a lot. Senpai knelt for her to sit down again. After a short silence, he reprized the word. The screams had subsided, the subject probably has surrendered and fled. - M-my name is Yuuhiro ahhh! L-regret lying to them, I wanted them to know but not this way. Her gasp increased. - Huh? Both Senpai and I were confused, did not understand what he said. - B-but Kyoko-chan, if your name is indeed Yuuhiro Is that not a name ...? - Yes, e-is a man's name. - Than!? That means you ... Senpai took a little fall back in shock. - Angh! S-yes. Then our attention was caught by something peculiar when she was just lying on the floor, Senpai print was lying and I was crouched nearby. Her skirt had a considerable elevation, something definitely not common in a woman. - Ky-kyo ... I mean, Yuuhiro, that's ... He turned red when he noticed that we had paid attention to that part and try to cover and probably use much strength as he could not more controlled and groaned. - Ahh ... ahh ... nngh ...! He let out a gasping, groaning still remained with trembling arms crossed covering enough. - WHAT THE HELL is wrong with you !? WHAT IS ALL THIS !? Senpai was too impressed by what he saw and also scared. Yuuhiro watched in horror. I'm sure as I knew I would not think. - What is all this? ¿Kyoko-chan is actually a ... man?

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
- Ahhh....nnghhh POV Morinaga

! His Voice sounded a little different. - N - P - Please Don't Touch Me...

? Does it hurt much? First we should Heal these wounds. Take my hand and Lean On My Shoulder. - Wait, no, d-don't Hurt So much. He held my arm to stop.

but you can barely Breathe,These are hot and sweaty and I was worried that the guy that I'd done something wrong.

- M - gave me something to drink! - I think it was a C D

- dope. - Tell me that's not "that" kind of drugs. Senpai intervened somewhat disconcerted.

- C - Yes, sorry, I didn't come here! But I Don't Trust other people... L - i'm sorry.
senpai and I looked at each other,Nobody knew what to do in this situation, but in the eyes of Birds seen there was no hate or Jealousy. It was also concerned that remembered me and I know that he was suffering a lot; it was very painful. But the heat was containing was already evident in the expression of his face.

- T - I also apologize Tatsumi San.He was rude to Niisan Morinaga - as I suspected, and he was never there. T - All My approaches, I know your secret, P - Ahhh! I would never say this to someone, I'm sorry...

I turned in the direction of senpai, for a moment he was Speechless and bashful.

you what! I'm very annoyed, perhaps would be a Little upset to say how Pissed off I am.She calmed down and Sigh, but that we can discuss it then, I'm not as tyrannical as to throw into the street at this time.

- G - Thanks. He half closed his eyes and his mind if Kyoko Chan. - What should we do? I mean "that" Don't think you can stay well.

as I mentioned is colored with his arms and put her skirt but before that I thought I saw something strange.- No, IT's not possible!

- I suddenly heard cries near the Department. Yuuhiro
! Yuuhiro! Where Are You Hiding, you piece of shit! This time you were lucky, but don't Count on that for the Next. I know you're Living so close because you're not on the face? I listened to the Voice of an angry man, I didn't know what I wanted but it was disturbing the whole neighborhood.His cries were heard everywhere. - yuuhiro! When you go out and show his face? You're just a Coward. You're a FAG. - That Guy

so upset someone must get him! Senpai was angry because the situation in which we were alone was unwieldy and somebody was hitting such cries.- I Don't care who's looking for or why this screaming, at this time I'll shut him up. While Birds approached the door to keep Kyoko Chan and go out to fight it up as he could, he held the arm and stopped him. - Ahhh! P - Please Don't Tatsumi San. - huh? But it's a pain.Kyoko Chan - the head covering her face with her locks so that we could not see it.

M - - He's looking for me. Weakly pronounced. - What are you talking about? Haven't you heard that you are looking for is a yuuhiro? I Don't want you, stop worrying about it and you'd better worry about it, I'll shut that guy

.- Please, Don't go... Clung tightly to the Champ arm which made him worry. - Hey! You're sweating and shaking. Senpai knelt down so she could sit back. After a short Silence, resumed the Word. The screams had already assigned, the guy probably has surrendered and fled.

- M - My name is yuuhiro Ahhh!L - i'm sorry that I Lied, I wanted you to know, but not this way. Its increased wheezing. - huh? Both senpai and I were confused, do not understand what it said. - but Kyoko Chan really, if your name is a name that is not yuuhiro...?

- e - is a man's name. - What! ? that means you... A Little Champ was falling back by printing.

Angh! S -

then our attention was caught by something peculiar when she was just lying on the floor, senpai was the impression I was crouched nearby. Her skirt had a substantial Rise, something not common in a woman.

- KY - yuuhiro, Kyo...It was red when he noticed that we had paid attention to the party and tried to cover and probably use much Force because he could not control himself and groaned.
Ahh... Nngh... Ahh! Let Out a Groan Breathing unsteadily, still remained with the arms crossed his fingers Trembling enough. - What the hell's wrong with you! What is all this?! ?Senpai was too impressed by what I saw and also scared. Yuuhiro watched with horror. I'm sure that, like me, I didn't know what to think. - What is all this? Kyoko Chan is really a man?
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