La hora de la comida llegó, cruzaba los dedos para que no fuera japone dịch - La hora de la comida llegó, cruzaba los dedos para que no fuera japone Anh làm thế nào để nói

La hora de la comida llegó, cruzaba

La hora de la comida llegó, cruzaba los dedos para que no fuera japonesa. Quería probar distintas cosas. No sabía exactamente qué hacer, sí esperar a Alexander, ir al comedor… ¿cómo se tratan las citas laborales? Estuve a punto de comerme las uñas.

-Morinaga, el señor Alexander te espera en su oficina.- me comentó una colega con una mirada sospechosa. Yo nervioso asentí la cabeza.

Bien, iba a comer con mi jefe en su oficina. Me parecía un poco fuera de lugar, pero después de todo era mi tipo de educación. A mí muchas cosas me parecían extrañas o maleducadas pero por lo que veía este ambiente era más de confianza que de jerarquías. Llevaba las manos vacías, en Japón llevaría algo para compartir pero en esa ocasión mi cerebro se apagó. Toqué la puerta y la abrí para darme paso a entrar a la oficina de mi jefe.

-Hola de nuevo, Morinaga.- me saludó mientras se movía en su silla giratoria.

-Hola…perdón no compré nada para traer, acabo de terminar mi trabajo y….- me interrumpió.

-Yo sé, debes dejarte de sentirte culpable por las cosas. Yo te invité a comer, no esperaría trajeras nada y soy tu jefe y sé que tienes otras cosas que hacer. A veces creo que eres un mártir por convicción…- con la mano me indicó que me sentara. –Una de las razones para invitarte era para hablarte en privado. Sé no tengo ninguna competencia en tu vida personal, apenas y nos conocemos pero me agobia tu rostro, para tener un hermoso color azul los apagas y pareciera fuera de noche allá dentro siempre. ¿Dónde está tu felicidad? ¿Dónde la dejaste? Mira, no pretendo ser tu psicólogo, pero es la primera vez con algún trabajador que siento esta especie de…sentimiento de preocupación. Por lo que hablamos en aquella cena, poco pero revelador, te puedo decir que todos tenemos un lado triste, otro patético, uno maravilloso y aquel por descubrir. Mi lado triste es que al parecer no puedo mantener una relación amorosa por falta de compatibilidad, el patético que aun así me meto con las personas equivocadas, el maravilloso es que soy una persona exitosa y querida por sus amigos. ¿Cuáles son tus lados, Morinaga?-

Me quedé mudo. Primero concibiendo que mi jefe estuviera hablándome de cosas tan personales y en segundo por lo que pensaba de mí. Tragué saliva, me sentía en un confesionario pero en parte, no me había puesto a pensar en lo que él decía; yo creía sólo tenía una forma de ver y ser.

-Pues, mi lado triste es que estoy enamorado de una persona que no quiere estar cerca de mí por qué no cree lo nuestro funcionaría pero sucedieron muchas cosas… el patético es que sigo esperando en el fondo esas cosas vuelvan a ocurrir y todo fuera como antes, el maravilloso es que me adapto fácilmente a las cosas y soy amigable y la gente suele ser buena conmigo. Espero poder olvidarme de esta persona.

-¿Quién es esta persona?- preguntó.

-Preferiría no decirlo, al menos no por ahora…- No quería supiera que era gay.

-Está bien. Bueno, sólo me gustaría intentarás descubrir las bondades que tiene este lugar para ti. Estoy seguro la pasarás bien si te dejas llevar.- dicho eso sacó una ensalada césar con pollo que sabía bastante bien y un jugo –que no recuerdo de que era pero sabía riquísimo-. Comimos y seguimos charlando de otras cosas, al estar con él me sentía a gusto a pesar que realmente no nos conocíamos pero sentía confianza y realmente quería fuéramos amigos aunque pudiera interponerse la relación jefe-empleado pero yo oraba porque eso no pasara. Mi primer día de trabajo había concluido.

Tenía el resto de la tarde para mí. Podía empezar a explorar mis opciones como había dicho Alexander, debía aun ser precavido pero no veía ningún impedimento para descubrir lugares nuevos. Busqué en internet –y el mensaje de Senpai seguía ahí, sin leerse, esperando…- para ver opciones de bares gay. Encontré muchísimos y eso me alegró. Decidí ir a un bar llamado "Dear" era el que me quedaba más cerca de mi departamento.

Al llegar me recibieron miles de luces, sonidos distintos. Observaba como a nadie le apenaba ser quién era, veía a las parejas bailar y disfrutar su noche. Lentamente me dejaba llevar por el ambiente, me dejaba seducir por las bondades del bar. Me senté en la barra, pedí un whisky en las rocas y contemplé desde mi lugar a los demás…esperaba algún yo ya no fuera el espectador. Se acercó a mí un joven que a ser sincero, no me llamó la atención en lo absoluto. Quiso invitarme a bailar pero decliné su oferta, intentó ofrecerme una bebida pero también la decliné. Intentó por aproximadamente 20 minutos y después se fue. Supongo yo debí haber hecho eso con Senpai, sólo 20 minutos y si no funcionaba…irme. No dedicarle años a seducirlo. Seguí bebiendo un poco más hasta que decidí regresar a mi apartamento.

Al llegar encontré una maleta y a una persona sentada, al parecer dormida. Me asusté, estuve a punto de llamar a la policía si no fuera porqué era persona sentada dijo mi nombre.


Pensé estaba borracho pero me sentía bien, igual estaba cansado. Buscaba mil y un alternativas a lo que estaba viendo. ¿Cómo pasó esto? ¿En qué momento?

-No te molestaste en leer mi correo, ¿verdad?- me dijo con una voz imponente.

Esa persona sentada era Senpai…


El amor de mi vida estaba en la puerta. MI puerta…había viajado horas y horas. ¿Para qué, Senpai? ¿Por qué me haces esto?

-¡¿Qué haces aquí Senpai?! ¿Desde qué hora estás aquí?- exclamé.

-Primero Morinaga, me parece de mala educación me tengas aquí.- me dijo mientras señalaba la puerta. Asentí, y de nuevo me convertí en un perrito fiel, abrí la puerta y cargué su maleta. Lo invité a sentarse al sofá.

-En mi correo decía claramente que vendría a verte. Sentía que debía verte…he estado triste. Me he sentido mal y debo admitir que en parte es por ti.- soltó la liga de su cabello y dejo su hermoso cabello caer sobre sus hombros. –Me siento cansado, fastidiado. Recuerdo fui firme contigo pero la verdad es que mientras más me acerco a lo que quería…menos lo quiero.- se fue desabrochando la camisa. Yo me sonrojé, no sabía que estaba intentado pero quería mantener la postura, no quería pensará seguía siendo una persona impulsiva.

-¿Tienes calor? Puedo prender el aire…- Se acercó a mí, parecía un felino deslizándose con elegancia y ferocidad hacía su presa. Comenzó a hablarme al oído, -Oi, Morinaga…- quería aún resistirme, pero era imposible, él quería algo más. Él lo estaba pidiendo. Lo tomé del rostro y lo besé. No ejerció ningún forcejeo para impedir siguiera mi camino.

-¿Puedo continuar, Senpai?- pregunté. Él asintió mientras se subía en mis piernas. No pensé esté día pasaría, no pensaba que Senpai podía ser tan seductor. Comenzó a menear las caderas, rápidamente podía sentir cómo sus movimientos me provocaban una erección, desabroché mi pantalón y saqué mi miembro, le quité a Senpai lo que quedaba de ropa. Lo penetré una y otra vez, lentamente para acordarme de nuevo de su cuerpo, para volverlo a sentirlo mío. Senpai gemía de placer hasta que veía como lagrimas trazaban un camino en su rostro.

-¿Estás bien, Senpai?- pregunté mientras besaba su frente.

Él se dejó caer sobre mi cuerpo, me abrazó y empezó a sollozar. ¿Qué pasaba con Senpai? Había él mismo llegado por su cuenta, me sedujo, hicimos el amor…y ahora lloraba. ¿Es qué estaba tan arrepentido de hacerlo…o de dejarme?
Từ: -
Sang: -
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The lunch arrived, crossed fingers so she wasn't Japanese. I wanted to try different things. I did not know exactly what to do, yes wait for Alexander, go to the dining room... How are treated work appointments? I was about to eat nails.-Morinaga, Mr Alexander awaits you in your office-I said a colleague with a suspicious look. I nervous nodded his head.Well, I was going to eat with my boss in his office. It seemed a little out of place, but after all it was my kind of education. To me many things seemed strange or rude but so saw this environment was more confidence than hierarchies. He had empty hands, in Japan it would take something to share, but on that occasion my brain went off. I knocked the door and opened it to allow me to enter the office of my boss.-Hello again, Morinaga-greeted me as he moved in his swivel chair.-Hello... sorry not bought anything to bring, I have just completed my work and...-I interrupted.-I know, you let yourself feel guilty for things. I invited you to eat, I would not expect bring nothing and I am your leader and I know that you have other things to do. Sometimes I think you're a martyr by conviction...-with the hand said me me to sit down. -It was one of the reasons to invite you to talk to you in private. I know I don't have any competition in your personal life, only and we know each other but it overwhelms me your face, to have a beautiful blue color you turn them off and it seems out of night beyond inside always. Where is your happiness? Where you left it? See, I do not intend to be your psychologist, but it is the first time any worker that I feel this kind of... feeling of concern. So we speak at the dinner, little but revealing, I can say that everyone has a sad side, another pathetic, one wonderful and undiscovered. My sad side is that apparently I cannot maintain a relationship due to lack of compatibility, the pathetic that I still go with the wrong people, the wonderful is that I am a successful person and loved by his friends. What are your sides, Morinaga?-I stayed silent. First to conceive that my boss was talking to me as personal things and secondly by what they thought of me. I swallowed saliva, I was in a confessional, but partly not had put me to think about what he said; I thought only had a way of seeing and being.-Well, my sad side is that I am in love with a person who does not want to be close to me why our does not believe it would work, but many things happened... the pathetic is that I am still waiting in the background those things happen again and everything was as before, the wonderful is that I easily adapted to things and I am friendly and people tend to be good with me. I hope to be able to forget this person.-Who is this person? - asked.-I would prefer not to say it, at least not for now...-I didn't know that he was gay.-It's okay. Well, only I would like to attempt to discover the benefits that this occurs to you. I'm insurance will go it well if you leave you take.-such that took out a salad Caesar with chicken that knew pretty well and a juice - I do not remember that it was but I knew rich. We ate and we continue chatting about other things, to be with him I felt comfortable despite the fact that we didn't really know but felt trust and really wanted to we were friends although the jefe-empleado relationship could stand but I prayed because that will not happen. My first day of work had been completed.I had the rest of the afternoon for me. It could begin to explore my options as had Alexander said, you should still be cautious but did not see any impediment to discover new places. I searched on the internet - and message of Senpai was there, unread, waiting for you...-to see options for gay bars. I found so many and that pleased me. I decided to go to a bar called "Dear" was that I was closer to my apartment.Upon arrival they received me thousands of lights, different sounds. I watched as distressing to anyone who was, he saw couples dance and enjoy your night. He slowly let me carried away by the atmosphere, they let me be seduced by the goodness of the bar. I sat at the bar, ordered a whiskey on the rocks and contemplated from my place to others... some I expected already was not the Viewer. Came to me a young man who to be honest, not my attention at all. He wanted to invite me to dance but I declined his offer, he tried to offer me a drink but also I declined it. He tried for about 20 minutes and then left. I guess I should have done that with Senpai, just 20 minutes and if it didn't work... go me. Not devote years to seduce him. I kept drinking a little more until I decided to go back to my apartment.Upon arrival I found a suitcase and a person sitting, apparently asleep. I got scared, I was about to call the police if it wasn't because was seated person said my name.-Morinaga:I thought he was drunk but I felt well, I was just tired. I was looking for a thousand and one alternatives to what they were seeing. How did this? At what moment?-Do not you molestaste to read my mail, right? - told me with a stunning voice.That person sitting was Senpai...Senpai.The love of my life was at the door. MY door... had traveled hours and hours. Why, Senpai? Why do I do this?-What are you doing here Senpai? From what time are here?-cried.-Morinaga first, think it me is rude I have here-he said as he pointed to the door. I nodded, and again I became a faithful dog, opened the door and loaded their suitcase. I invited him to sit on the sofa.-In my email he said plainly that he would come to see you. I felt that I should see you... I've been sad. I felt bad and I have to admit that it's partly for you.-dropped the League of your hair and let your beautiful hair falling over his shoulders. -I am tired, annoyed. I remember I was firm with you but the truth is that while most I approach what I wanted... less want it-it was unzipping the shirt. Yo me sonrojé, unaware that I was tried but wanted to maintain posture, didn't think was still an impulsive person.-Do you have heat? I can turn on the air...-approached me, looked like a feline glide elegantly and ferocity towards its prey. He began to speak to me in the ear, - Oi, Morinaga...-wanted to even resist me, but it was impossible, he wanted something more. He was asking for it. I took it from his face and kissed him. Not exercised any struggle to prevent follow my path.-Can I continue, Senpai? - asked. He nodded as he was getting in my legs. No thought is day would happen, didn't think that Senpai could be so seductive. Began to rapidly wiggle the hips, I could feel how their movements caused me an erection, I desabroché my pants and I pulled my Member, I removed a Senpai to the remnants of clothing. I walked it over and over again, slowly to remind me again of your body, to feel it my own. Senpai moaned of pleasure until it looked like tears plotting a path in his face.-Are you okay, Senpai?-asked as he kissed her forehead.He dropped on my body, she hugged me and began to sob. What happened with Senpai? Had he arrived on their own, seduced me, we made love... and now cried. Is it what was so repentant do it... or let me?
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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When the food arrived, crossing their fingers that were not Japanese. I wanted to try different things. I did not know exactly what to do, whether to wait for Alexander, go to the cafeteria ... how appointments labor treated? It was about biting my nails. -Morinaga, Mr. Alexander awaits you in your oficina.- colleague remarked to me with a suspicious look. I nodded my head nervous. Well, I was going to lunch with my boss in his office. It seemed a little out of place, but after all it was my kind of education. To me many things seemed to me strange or rude but what I saw was this atmosphere of trust hierarchies. Empty wore in Japan take something to share but this time my brain went out. I knocked on the door and opened it for me to step into the office of my boss. Hello again, Morinaga.- greeted me as he moved in his swivel chair. Hey ... sorry did not buy anything to bring, I just finished my ... .- work and interrupted me. I know, you should leave feeling guilty about things. I invited you to lunch, trajeras not expect anything and I'm your boss and I know you have other things to do. Sometimes I think you're a martyr out of conviction ... - hand me he said to sit down. One of the reasons was to invite to speak in private. I know I have no competition in your personal life, and we know but just overwhelms me your face, to have a beautiful blue turn off and it seems the night outside in there forever. Where is your happiness? Where did you leave? Look, I do not pretend to be your psychologist, but it is the first time that a worker ... I feel this kind of feeling of concern. As we talked at that dinner, but revealing little, I can say that we all have a dark side, another pathetic one that wonderful and discover. My sad side is that apparently can not keep a relationship for lack of compatibility, even so pathetic that I get with the wrong people, the wonderful thing is that I am a successful and beloved person for his friends. What are your sides, Morinaga - I was speechless. First I conceived that my boss was telling me about things so personal and so on second thought of me. I swallowed, I felt in a confessional but partly, I had not set me to thinking about what he said; I thought I just had a way of seeing and being. Well, my sad side is that I'm in love with a person who does not want to be around me why I do not think our work but many things happened ... the pathetic is still waiting on The fund those things happen again and everything was as before, the wonderful thing is that I easily adapt to things and am friendly and people usually good with me. I hope to forget this person. Who is this person? - asked. I'd rather not say, at least not for now ... - I did not want to know he was gay. All right. Well, I just wish will try to discover the benefits about this place for you. I'm sure the will enjoy yourself if you let llevar.- said that pulled a chicken caesar salad that tasted pretty good and a juice which no memory of it was but knew riquísimo-. We ate and we talked about other things, to be with him I felt comfortable even though we really did not know but felt confident and really wanted us to be friends even if I could stand the boss-employee relationship but I prayed because that does not happen. My first day was over. I had the rest of the evening for me. He could start exploring my options as Alexander said, should still be cautious but saw no impediment to discover new places. I searched the internet Senpai -and the message was still there, unread, waiting ... - for options to gay bars. I found many and that pleased me. I decided to go to a bar called "Dear" was the closest I had left my apartment. Upon arrival I was greeted by thousands of lights, sounds different. Nobody watched as who he was grieved, saw couples dance and enjoy your evening. Slowly I got carried away by the atmosphere, I left seduced by the kindness of the bar. I sat at the bar, I ordered a whiskey on the rocks and watched from my place to others ... I expected some already were not the viewer. He came to me a young man to be honest, I was struck at all. He wanted to invite me to dance but declined his offer, he tried to offer me a drink but also declined. He tried for about 20 minutes and then left. I suppose I should have done that with Senpai, just 20 minutes if not work ... go. No devote years to seduce him. I kept drinking a little more until I decided to go back to my apartment. Upon arrival I found a suitcase and a person sitting, apparently asleep. I was scared, I was about to call the police if it was not why I was seated person said my name. -Morinaga.- thought was drunk but I felt fine as he was tired. He sought a thousand and one alternatives to what I was seeing. How did this happen? What now? 'Do not bother to read my mail, right? - I said in a commanding voice. That person was sitting Senpai ... Senpai. The love of my life was in the door. My door ... had traveled for hours. Why, Senpai? Why do you do this? Senpai -What are you doing here ?! At what time you are here - I exclaimed. 'First Morinaga, it seems rude to me you have told me, pointing here.- door. I nodded, and again I became a faithful puppy, I opened the door and loaded her suitcase. I invited him to sit on the couch. 'In my email clearly I said he would come to see you. I felt I had to see you ... I've been sad. I felt bad and I must admit that in part is you.- League released her hair and let her beautiful hair falling over her shoulders. I feel tired, annoyed. I remember you was strong but the truth is that the more I approach what I wanted ... least quiero.- went unbuttoning shirt. I blushed, I knew he was tried but wanted to maintain posture, did not want to think remained an impulsive person. -¿Tienes heat? I can turn on the air ... - He came to me, like a feline ferocity gliding elegantly and made ​​their prey. He began to speak to the ear, Oi, Morinaga ... - wanted still resist, but it was impossible, he wanted more. He was asking. I took his face and kissed him. Exerted no struggle to prevent follow my way. Can I continue, Senpai? - I asked. He nodded as he climbed on my lap. I did not think this day would happen, did not think Senpai could be so seductive. He began to shake his hips, he could quickly feel his movements caused me an erection, I unzipped my pants and pulled out my member, I removed what remained Senpai clothes. I penetrated again and again, again slowly to remind your body to return to feel mine. Senpai moaning with pleasure until he saw as tear traced a path on his face. You okay, Senpai - I asked as he kissed his forehead. He fell on my body, she hugged me and began to sob. What was wrong with Senpai? He had himself come on their own, seduced me, made ​​love ... and now cried. It is why I was so sorry to do it ... or me?

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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When the food arrived, Crossing fingers for non Japanese. I wanted to try different things. I didn't know exactly what to do, I expect to Alexander, go to the dining room, how it treated appointments? I was about to Eat My Nails.

- Morinaga, Mr Alexander is waiting for you in your office. - I said a colleague with a suspicious look. Nervous I nodded his head.

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