Deja de jugar, no es gracioso.

Deja de jugar, no es gracioso."Soui

Deja de jugar, no es gracioso."

Souichi miró con atención cada pequeño gesto que el otro hacía buscando una pista, lo que fuera que le indicara que era eso efectivamente lo que estaba haciendo, jugar con su cabeza.

Por su parte, el otro no salía del aturdimiento, analizando también en detalle la figura de ese sujeto. El cabello tan largo le llamaba la atención, así como la claridad de sus ojos y «Esa cintura». También ese aura amenazante que le produjo escalofríos sin estar seguro del por qué. Tenía la impresión de estar en peligro de cierta manera, y justo cuando un recuerdo pareció querer asomarse, aún distante, un dolor punzante golpeó sus sienes y volvió a esconderlo todo en alguna esquina de su mente.

Morinaga soltó un quejido en ese momento, apretó fuertemente los párpados y frotó su sien con su única mano útil. Afortunadamente, el dolor no había llegado a durar un minuto.

"Lo siento, pero no sé de qué hablas." Respondió con el respeto debido.


Realmente no podía terminar de creerle. Siendo obsesivo hasta el punto de volverse insoportable en varias ocasiones ¿Cómo era posible que se olvidara de él? ¡De él!

Incrédulo se acercó nuevamente a la cama, estirándose hasta alcanzar el botón que había en la pared, justo por encima de la cabecera. El botón se encendió en una tenue luz algo beige, y él retrocedió los pocos pasos que acababa de dar, en silencio, sin querer gastar inútilmente una sola palabra más. Sólo esperó a que la misma enfermera hiciera aparición, para lo que tardó muy poco.

"¡Ah, buenos días!" Fue lo primero que dijo al entrar y ver a su paciente no sólo despierto, sino que también sentado y aparentemente listo para volver a casa.


"Dígale que deje de hacerse el estúpido y ayúdeme a sacarlo de aquí."

La mujer alzó las cejas dirigiendo su mirada al mayor de los dos.

"¿A qué se refiere?"

"Dice no conocerme. Seguramente sólo sigue molesto por lo que sucedió antes de que terminara así" Dijo señalándolo con la cabeza despectivamente.

"¿En verdad?" Ella se aproximó al borde de la cama. "¿Sabes quién eres tú? Nombre, edad, ocupación…"

"Morinaga Tetsuhiro, 23 años, estudiante de la Universidad de Ciencias Agrícolas de Nagoya."

"¿Sabes dónde y por qué estás aquí?"

"No tengo idea."

"Tuviste un accidente. Parece que no prestabas atención y no viste el auto aproximándose. El dueño del vehículo se quedó contigo hasta que la ambulancia pasó a recogerte y te trajo al hospital. ¿No recuerdas nada de eso?"

"No realmente."

"¿Qué es lo último que recuerdas?"

"No estoy seguro."

Torció un poco la boca, fijándose en las lesiones que el chico presentaba en su cabeza. Nada grave, por fortuna, pero supo que ellas eran la causa.

"Parece amnesia postraumática, por las heridas contusas que sufrió en la cabeza durante el impacto."

"¿Debería golpearlo para contrarrestar eso?"

"¡No!" Rió algo nerviosa, sin saber qué tan enserio podía estar hablando. "Este tipo de amnesia suele ser transitoria, dependiendo del daño recibido. En este caso, es sólo cuestión de tiempo hasta que recupere la memoria."

Sólo cuestión de tiempo, la enfermera se las había ingeniado para hacer a ambos creer que así sería, que sólo debían tener confianza y paciencia respectivamente, aunque Souichi no podía dejar de pensar que el otro simplemente estaba fingiendo para sacarlo de quicio. Gruñía en voz baja a la espera de que Morinaga terminara de ponerse la muda de ropa que su senpai se había tomado la molestia de llevar al hospital, ya que la ropa que traía puesta al momento del accidente había quedado hecha jirones.

Una sonrisa algo tímida, una mirada furiosa en respuesta, y ambos se vieron fuera del establecimiento. Por fin, camino a casa.

"Gracias por acompañarme hasta aquí, no debió molestarse."

El mayor alzó una ceja y giró el rostro para verlo directamente a la cara. La misma sonrisa estúpida de siempre, el mismo tierno encanto que le provocaba deseos casi incontenibles de borrar sus expresiones a golpes. Al menos eso no había cambiado, ni le importaba si algo lo hacía.

"No es molestia, yo también vivo aquí, idiota."

Restó importancia tanto a sus palabras como a su forma de mirar, ese rostro confundido que parecía que lo acompañaría por algún tiempo. Subió las escaleras tranquilo, adelantándose para abrir la puerta y así demostrarle que no era ninguna clase de loco intentando aprovecharse de un pobre incapacitado. Esperó a que el menor entrara en primer lugar y cerró la puerta detrás de ellos.

"Juraría que he vivido solo desde que llegué a esta ciudad."

"Pues ya no, y lo que es más, fue tuya la idea de compartir este departamento conmigo."

"¿Podrías decirme tu nombre?"

Desde la cocina, con el paquete de café sostenido en una mano, el mayor respondió luego de un pesado suspiro.

"Tatsumi Souichi."

No podía ver su rostro, segundos pasaron con la sola compañía del sonido que el café preparándose hacía. Con sólo oír su nombre debía ser suficiente. Con sólo verlo debería bastar para recordar a ese a quien supuestamente amaba tanto.

"No me suena."

Apretó los puños. Era indignante.

"Soy tu jodido senpai."

"Puede que te haya cruzado en la universidad y no recuerde." Lo miró desde el sofá, alzando las cejas. Claramente estaba haciendo un esfuerzo por entender.

"¡Te estoy diciendo que vivimos juntos!"

En medio de la exasperación, una de las tazas se deslizó de entre sus dedos, estrellándose contra el suelo y partiéndose en varios trozos. Maldijo en voz alta al tiempo en que el menor rápidamente se ponía de pie.

"¡Ah! ¡Te ayudo!"

"¡No necesito tu ayuda!"

La mirada que le envió fue suficiente para detener sus pasos. Su mano derecha ardía enrojecida, algo de café había caído en ella provocándole una quemadura bastante dolorosa, aunque nada importante. Se veía tan diferente tras esa capa irascible que desde un primer momento le mostró, tan delicado, podría decirse que casi tan desorientado como él. La culpa movió esta vez el cuerpo de Morinaga quien, a pesar de la negación, buscó un trapo y se inclinó junto a su senpai, ocupándose de limpiar el café derramado.

"Lo siento." Se animó a decir en voz baja. "No quiero ser un inconveniente, pero podré recordar pronto según dijeron así que, por favor, tenme paciencia hasta entonces."

Y esa sonrisa estaba allí otra vez, esa ligera sonrisa que muchas veces le había dedicado, aparentando tranquilidad cuando tras ella se ocultaban cantidad de sentimientos negativos.

¿Qué era eso que acababa de ver? ¿Acaso era lástima lo que se reflejaba esta vez en los ojos de su kohai?

No pudo mantenerle la mirada. Juntó hasta el trozo más pequeño de porcelana y se puso de pie, envolviéndolos en periódico antes de lanzarlos a la basura.

"No te preocupes, tómate el tiempo que sea."

Y velozmente desapareció tras la puerta de su habitación.

A oscuras, en soledad, frente a frente con esa incómoda sensación que no hacía más que incrementarse, tomando desde una pequeña fracción a gran parte de su pecho hasta cerrarse helada haciendo pesar su respiración. Un ligero ardor en sus mejillas que pronto desapareció junto con el frío en su torso.

No le importaba, no tenía motivos para sentirse así. «No me importa» Se repetía dejándose caer de lado a la cama. «No me importa lo que haga, a lo que quiera jugar. No me importa, no le daré el jodido gusto.»

Sobre-reaccionaba, eso lo sabía bien. Tanto movimiento sumado a la falta de sueño seguramente le habían vuelto susceptible, podía sentirlo en su poco usual nivel de mal humor. Giró acomodándose sobre su espalda y miró el techo por un momento. Ese mismo peso que sentía en sus párpados había estado llevándolo los últimos días y, aún así, se le había hecho imposible dormir.

«Morinaga… Desgraciado…»

Apenas notó cuando se cerraron por voluntad propia. Todos sus músculos se relajaron en seguida, al igual que su respiración. El movimiento ascendente y descendente de su pecho se volvió pausado, y su ceño descansó.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
Sao chép!
Stop playing, it's not funny."Souichi looked carefully every small gesture that the other was looking for a track, whatever that you indicate you that is that indeed what he was doing, play with your head.For its part, the other not left stunning, also analyzing the figure of this subject in detail. So long hair called attention, as well as the clarity of his eyes and that «waist». Also this menacing aura that caused chills without being sure of the why. I had the impression of being in danger in a certain way, and just as a memory seemed to want to take a look, even distant, a sharp pain hit his temples and returned to hide it all in some corner of his mind.Morinaga released a moan at that time, strongly pressed the eyelids and rubbed his temple with his unique useful hand. Fortunately, the pain had not reached last a minute."I am sorry, but I do not know of what you speak." He responded with due respect."…"Really I could not finish believe him. Being obsessive to the point of becoming unbearable on several occasions how was it possible to forget him? Of it!Unbeliever approached again to bed, stretching up to the button that was on the wall, just above the header. Button is lit in a dim light slightly beige, and he backed down the few steps that had just taken, silently, not wanting to unnecessarily spend one word more. Only he waited for that same nurse made appearance, which it took very little."Ah, good morning!" It was the first thing he said to come and see his patient not only awake, but also sitting and apparently ready to return home."Bu...""Tell him to stop making stupid and help me out of here."The woman raised eyebrows looking to the greater of the two."What you mean?""It says to not know me. Surely it is only annoying by what happened before the end of this"said nodding it disparagingly."In truth?" She approached the edge of the bed. "Do you know who are you? Name, age, occupation...""Morinaga Tetsuhiro, 23 years old, student of the University of agricultural sciences of Nagoya.""You know where and why you are here?""I have no idea.""You had an accident. It seems that you do not prestabas attention and didn't see the car approaching. The owner of the vehicle stayed with you until the ambulance came to pick you up and brought you to the hospital. Do not remember anything like that?""Not really.""What is the last thing you remember?""I am not sure."A little twisted mouth, looking at injuries that the boy had in his head. Nothing serious, fortunately, but knew that they were the cause."It seems post-traumatic amnesia, by contusas wounds suffered in the head during the impact.""Should you hit it to counteract that?""No!" She laughed somewhat nervous, not knowing what so seriously it could be talking about. "This type of amnesia is often transient, depending on the damage. In this case, it is only a matter of time until it regains the memory."Only matter of time, nurse is them had managed to make both believe it would as well, that only they should have confidence and patience respectively, although Souichi could not stop thinking that the other was simply pretending out of hinge. He snarled quietly waiting that Morinaga ended put the change of clothes that his senpai had taken the trouble to bring to the hospital, since clothes carrying lay at the time of the accident had been made shreds.A rather shy smile, a furious look in response, and both were outside the establishment. Finally, the way to home."Thank you for joining me here, he should not bother".The mayor raised an eyebrow and turned his face to see directly in the face. The same stupid smile always, the same tender charm that caused him almost uncontrollable desire to erase their expressions to shock. At least I had not changed, nor cared if something did."It is not annoying, I also live here, idiot."He shrugged off both his words and his way of looking at, that confused face which seemed that it accompany him for some time. He climbed stairs, coming forward to open the door and thus show that it was not any kind of crazy trying to take advantage of a disabled poor. He waited for the child to enter first and closed the door behind them."I swear that I have lived only since I came to this city.""Therefore as no, and what's more, yours was the idea of sharing this Department with me.""Could you tell me your name?"From the kitchen, with the packet of coffee in one hand, the greater responded after a heavy sigh."Tatsumi Souichi."He could not see his face, seconds became the single company of sound making the coffee preparation. With only heard his name should be sufficient. Just to see what it should suffice to remind that to who supposedly loved so much."Not me sounds."It tightened the cuffs. It was outrageous."I'm your fucking senpai.""May you have crossed at the University and not remember." She looked at him from the sofa, raising his eyebrows. He was clearly making an effort to understand."I am telling you that we are living together!"Amid exasperation, one of the cups slid from between his fingers, crashing against the ground and splitting into several pieces. He cursed loudly at the time in which the minor is quickly would stand."Ah! Help you!""No I need your help!"The look that sent him was enough to stop their steps. His right hand was burning Red, some coffee had fallen into her causing a burn quite painful, but nothing important. She looked so different after that layer irascible which initially showed him, so delicate, you might say that almost as disoriented as he. Blame moved this time the body of Morinaga, who, despite the denial, sought out a rag and leaned next to his senpai, dealing with cleaning up spilled coffee."I'm sorry." He dared to say in a low voice. "I don't want to be an inconvenience, but I soon remember they said so, please bear with me until then."And that smile was there another time, that slight smile that many times had dedicated you, seeming tranquility when amount of negative feelings were hiding behind it.What was that which had just seen? It was pity that this time is reflected in the eyes of his kohai?It might not keep you look. It joined to the smallest piece of porcelain and stood up, wrapping them in newspaper before throwing them in the trash."Don't worry, take your time that is."And quickly disappeared after the door of your room.In the dark, alone, face to face with that uncomfortable feeling that didn't make more than increase, taking much of his chest to close Frost making despite its breath from a small fraction. A light burning in his cheeks that soon disappeared along with the cold in his torso.He did not care to, I had no reason to feel so. "I don't care" was repeated dropping is side to bed. "I don't care what you do, what you want to play. I don't care, I will not give you the fucking taste.»Over-reacted, that I knew well. Both movement coupled with lack of sleep probably had become you susceptible, could feel it in his little usual level in a bad mood. She turned to placing on his back and looked at the ceiling for a moment. That same weight felt on his eyelids had been taking it the last few days and, even so, had made it impossible to sleep.«Morinaga...» Miserable...»He hardly noticed when they closed their own free will. All his muscles relaxed, as well as your breathing. The up and down motion of his chest again paused, and their brows rested.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
Stop playing, it's not funny. " Souichi peered every little gesture that the other was looking for a clue, anything that would tell him that that was indeed what I was doing, playing with his head. Meanwhile, the other not out of the daze, also analyzing in detail the figure of the subject. The long hair as she was struck, and the clarity of his eyes "That waist." Also that menacing aura that gave him chills without being sure why why. It seemed to be compromised in some way, and just as a reminder seemed to want to lean, yet distant, a sharp pain hit his temple and returned to hide everything in a corner of his mind. Morinaga groaned at that time strongly he squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed his temple with his only helpful hand. Fortunately, the pain was not reached last a minute. "Sorry, but I do not know what you mean." He replied with respect. "..." I really do not He believes he could finish. It is obsessive to the point of becoming unbearable repeatedly How could you forget him? From him! Incredulous came back to the bed, stretching to reach the button that was in the wall just above the headboard. The button is lit in a dim light beige something, and he backed away a few steps just given, silently, not wanting to spend a vain word. He just waited for the same nurse did appear, for which it took very little. "Ah, good morning!" It was the first thing he said to come and see his patient not only awake, but also sitting and seemingly ready to go home. "Bu ..." "Tell him to stop be stupid and help me out of here." The woman He raised his eyebrows directing his gaze to the higher of the two. "What do you mean?" "He says not to know. Probably only still upset about what happened before it ended well," he said pointing to his head dismissively. "You really ? " She approached the edge of the bed. "Do you know who are you? Name, age, occupation ..." "Morinaga Tetsuhiro, 23, a student at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Nagoya." "Do you know where and why are you here?" "I have no idea." " You had an accident. It seems that not paying attention and did not see the approaching car. The vehicle owner stayed with you until the ambulance came to pick you up and brought you to the hospital. Do not you remember any of that? " "Not really." " What you are the last thing you remember? " "I'm not sure." He twisted his mouth slightly, noticing injuries that the boy had in his head. Nothing serious, fortunately, but knew that they were the cause. "It looks like post-traumatic amnesia, by blunt injuries to his head during impact." "Should I hit him to counter that?" "No!" He laughed a little nervous, not knowing what could be talking so seriously. "This type of amnesia is usually temporary, depending on the damage received. In this case, it is only a matter of time until they recover the memory." Only a matter of time, the nurse had managed to do both that belief, you just had to have confidence and patience respectively, although Souichi could not help thinking that the other was just pretending to get him out of proportion. Growled low in anticipation that Morinaga finished putting on extra clothes that his senpai had bothered to bring to the hospital, as the clothes he was wearing at the time of the accident had been torn voice. A little shy smile , a glare in response, and both were outside the establishment. Finally, on the way home. "Thanks for joining me here, he should not bother." The biggest raised an eyebrow and turned his face to look you straight in the face. The same stupid smile always, the same tender charm that caused almost uncontrollable desire to delete your expressions to death. At least that had not changed, nor cared if something did. "It's no bother, I also live here, you idiot." downplayed both his words and his way of looking, the confused face that seemed to accompany him by some time. He climbed the stairs quiet, ahead to open the door and show that it was not any kind of crazy trying to take advantage of a poor disabled. He waited until the child entered first and closed the door behind them. "I swear I've lived alone since I arrived in this city." "Well, it was not, and what is more, and yours the idea of sharing this department me. " "Could you tell me your name?" From the kitchen, with coffee packet held in one hand, the greater then answered a heavy sigh. "Tatsumi Souichi." I could not see his face, seconds passed with the sole sound company that was preparing coffee. Just hearing his name should be enough. With just watch it should suffice to remind that who supposedly loved so much. "It does not sound." He clenched his fists. It was outrageous. "I'm your fucking senpai." "Maybe you have crossed in college and remember." He looked up from the couch, raising his eyebrows. He was clearly making an effort to understand. "I'm saying that we live together!" In the midst of exasperation, one cup slipped from his fingers, crashing to the ground and breaking into several pieces. Cursed loudly at the time the child quickly stood up. "Ah! I help you?" "I do not need your help!" The look he sent her was enough to stop their steps. His right hand was burning red, some coffee had fallen into her causing her, but nothing major quite painful sunburn. He looked so different after that irascible layer from the outset showed him, so delicate, arguably almost as confused as him. Blame this time moved the body Morinaga who, despite the denial, sought a cloth and leaned with his senpai, addressing clean the spilled coffee. "Sorry." He dared to say quietly. "I will not be a problem, but I can remember soon as said so, please bear with me until then." And that smile was there again, that slight smile that often had dedicated, appearing calm when behind her hiding amount of negative feelings. What was it he had seen? Was it shame what this time is reflected in the eyes of his kohai? could not keep away. He gathered up the smallest piece of porcelain and stood up, wrapping them in newspaper before throwing them away. "Do not worry, take your time is." And quickly disappeared behind the door of your room. In the dark, in solitude, face to face with the uncomfortable feeling that did nothing but increase, taking a small fraction from much of its ice chest to close despite making his breathing. A light burning in his cheeks that soon disappeared with the cold in his chest. He did not care, had no reason to feel that way. "I do not care" is repeated flopping from side to bed. "I do not care what you do, what you want to play. I do not care, do not give him the fucking taste. " Over-reacting, he knew well. Both coupled with the lack of sleep had surely become susceptible movement, I could feel it in his unusual level of sorts. He turned settling on his back and stared at the ceiling for a moment. That same weight felt his eyelids had been taking it the last few days, and yet, it had become impossible for him to sleep. "Morinaga ... Unlucky ..." He barely noticed when they were closed voluntarily. All his muscles relaxed then, like breathing. The up and down movement of her chest became slow, and rested his brow.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
Stop Playing, IT's not funny. "

Souichi looked with attention to every small gesture that the other was looking for a clue, which was to indicate that this was actually what I was doing, playing with his head. Meanwhile, the other was not stunning, analyzing in detail the figure of that subject. Hair caught his attention.
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