Oh, dios mío. No se preocupe. Mire... mi hijo dejó de vivir en esta ca dịch - Oh, dios mío. No se preocupe. Mire... mi hijo dejó de vivir en esta ca Anh làm thế nào để nói

Oh, dios mío. No se preocupe. Mire.

Oh, dios mío. No se preocupe. Mire... mi hijo dejó de vivir en esta casa desde hace más de 5 años-


-Sí. Por favor, apunte el número y la dirección de su residencia actual-

-Muchas gracias-

Y me lo dio. La señora Takahashi ingenuamente me dio el número y la dirección de su hijo. Perfecto... ahora sí... lo llamaré, pensé con una sonrisa malévola y a la vez con miedo en mi corazón, miedo... de encontrarme con una verdad dolorosa. Sin pensarlo dos veces... marqué...

~Ring Ring~

-¿Aló?- contestó una voz de mujer.

-...- respiré hondo y comencé a hablar –Buenas noches... ¿me podría comunicar con Takasu Takahashi?-

-¿Departe de quién?-

-Del... del banco...-

-Un momento, por favor- la chica hablaba con mucha amabilidad –Amor... tienes una llamada- escuché que la chica gritaba a lo lejos.

-...- ¿amor? ¿qué significa esto?

-¿Sí... aló?- no puede ser... es su voz... ES TAKASU –¿Aló, aló?-

-...- me quedé sin habla y de mis ojos empezaron a brotar lágrimas... de dolor.


"Amor". Esa mujer dijo "amor". Takasu... TIENE UNA AMANTE. No... no es eso... él... ME DEJÓ POR OTRA. No puede estar pasándome esto... NO... NO A MÍ. Sabía... LO SABÍA... sabía que si venía aquí iba a descubrir algo... sabía que las cosas no estaban bien... que había algo que me ocultaba. Maldito... MALDITO TAKASU... MALDITO.

Con lágrimas en mis ojos y la ira recorriendo todo mi ser... lancé la guía de teléfono contra la pared y jalé las sábanas de la cama. Empecé a golpear el suelo, las paredes... estaba histérica. Necesitaba desahogarme... necesitaba VENGARME. Por un momento quise ir a la dirección a la casa de Takasu pero luego me contuve y pensé en lo que me dijo Mori:

-Taiga... pase lo que pase... por favor... no hagas ninguna tontería-

-Intentaré controlarme-

-Recuerda que... Takasu... es peligroso-

"Peligroso"... sí... tenía razón. Takasu era un peligro para mí, pues yo confié en él y me DEJÓ POR OTRA. No... seguro las cosas no fueron así... seguro... ESA ZORRA SE LE METIÓ POR LOS OJOS. ELLA ES LA CULPABLE... ESA PERRA ME ROBÓ A MI TAKASU.

Me calmé... y decidí averiguar más del asunto cuando el cielo vuelva a iluminarse.

Al día siguiente me levanté muy temprano y fui a la dirección que me habían dado los padres de Takasu. Era una casa bastante grande... muy grande para un soltero. Me escondí en la vereda del frente... justo atrás de un auto. Y de pronto... vi a alguien salir.

Tez blanca, delgado, alto, cabello azul y corto... era él... era Takasu... MI TAKASU. Maldición... por lo menos tenía el 1% de esperanza de que en verdad no fuera él, pero... lo estoy viendo con mis propios ojos y sí... es él. Me duele... todo esto me duele.

Vestía un terno, llevaba una maleta de oficina e iba muy aprisa. Se subió a su auto y arrancó al instante. Esperé 5 minutos y luego... fui hasta la casa. Tenía que averiguar más... tenía que saber QUIÉN ERA LA PERRA QUE ME LO HABÍA QUITADO.

Me tranquilicé y antes de tocar la puerta reaccioné. Espera, Taiga... ¿qué se supone que estás haciendo? Si esa chica te abre la puerta... ¿qué vas a decir... qué excusa inventarás como para hacerle preguntas?

Rápidamente regresé al hotel donde me hospedaba y contacté a uno de los mejores falsificadores del pueblo. No me importó pagar mucho dinero, pero necesitaba que me consiguiera una identificación falsa de un banco bastante conocido en el pueblo. En un par de horas lo hizo y me entregó un documento de identificación falsa, al igual que un fotocheck de un banco con mi fotografía y nombre. Con la misma velocidad fui a una tienda y me compré ropa formal para parecer una ejecutiva bancaria. Me arreglé un poco y volví a la casa de Takasu.

Por suerte él no había llegado, pues su carro no estaba. Me acerqué tranquilamente a la puerta y toqué el timbre. A los pocos segundos me abrieron la puerta y...

-Hola- una pequeña voz tímida sonó.

Qué es esto... quién es él... por qué... POR QUÉ HAY UN NIÑO AQUÍ. NO DEBE TENER MÁS DE 6 AÑOS... QUÉ SIGNIFICA ESTO, me dije a mí misma intentando mantener la calma.

-¿Quién es usted?-

-Ah... ho... hola... niño- los nervios se apoderaron de mí –¿Es... está... Takasu?-

-No... pero está mi mamá-

-¡¿Mamá?!- me expresé bastante sorprendida.

-Ay disculpe, señorita. Mi hijo siempre tiende a abrir la puerta sin permiso- se acercó a la puerta desde adentro una mujer de mi edad –¿Qué se le ofrece?- era la voz de la misma mujer que ayer contestó el teléfono.

-Ah...- me quedé sin habla –Bu... bueno...- debo controlarme –Bueno... yo... soy del banco y estoy buscando a Takahashi-san-

-Oh... es una pena. Justo ahora está en el trabajo-

-Uy... no lo sabía- fingí.

-Pero... por favor pase. Lo que necesite decirle a Takasu me lo puede comentar a mí- me atendía con una gran sonrisa y amabilidad –Qué no le dé vergüenza... pase por favor pase-

Me invitó a pasar y a sentarme en su sala. La casa era muy linda. Tenía muchos adornos... costosos podría decir. Yo me senté en un sofá pequeña y ella en un sofá grande con su hijo...

-¿Gustas algo de beber? ¿Café, agua, té...?-

-Eh... no nada. No se moleste, gracias-

-No es molestia, pero no importa- respiró hondo –Usted llamó ayer por teléfono ¿cierto?-

-¿Ayer?- me sorprendió la pregunta, pero luego recordé –Ah... sí cierto jaja-

-Me dijo Takasu que cuando habló por teléfono nadie le contestó y luego le colgaron-

-¡Oh! Sí eso. Es que las líneas telefónicas del banco están en mantenimiento. Por eso a todas las ejecutivas nos están haciendo visitar a los clientes a sus domicilios jaja-

-Debe ser un trabajo agotador-

-Sí... mucho- traté de ser amistosa, pero luego fui directo al punto –Dígame... qué parentesco tiene usted con Takasu... digo... con Takahashi-san-

-¡Oh! Soy su esposa- sonrió de oreja a oreja.


-¿Pasa algo?-

-¿Ah? Eh... NO NO... CLARO QUE NO jeje... perdone. Es que... no lo sabía-

-Verá... Takasu es mi esposo y este pequeño es nuestro hijo-

-¿Hijo?- susurré y sentí una punzada en el alma.

-Dile "hola" a la señorita, pequeño- la mujer le dijo al niño.

-Hola, señorita. Mi nombre es Takeshi y tengo... y tengo... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... tengo así mire... 5 años- me mostró su manito con los 5 dedos arriba -¿Usted cuántos años tiene?-

-Perdone a mi hijo jaja- se disculpó la chica –Es bastante hablador y...-

-Cuánto tiempo... cuánto tiempo lleva casada con él... con Takasu-

-Hace unos 6 años-

¿6 años? ¿Acaso dijo 6 años? No puede ser. Hace casi 6 años... Takasu y yo nos hicimos novios, entonces... ¡por qué esta mujer me está diciendo que se casó con Takasu hace 6 años! Eso... eso... significa que yo... FUI LA AMANTE. Yo... yo nunca fui novia oficial de Takasu. Él me usó como su amante. NO PUEDE SER. ES UN MALDITO DESGRACIADO. CÓMO PUDO HACERME ESO. Claro... ahora lo entiendo. Con razón Takasu siempre andaba viajando, con razón nunca quiso presentarme a sus padres y me metió la excusa que ellos me odiaban, con razón Takasu solo tenía tiempo de verme una vez a la semana, con razón muchas veces no me contestaba las llamadas y con razón... ROMPÍA CONMIGO FRECUENTEMENTE. Ese idiota... ese BAKA... ME USÓ... YO FUI LA AMANTE... FUI "LA OTRA". De repente... su "esposa" no sabe nada del asunto... de repente su esposa es tan estúpida como yo y cree que Takasu le es fiel.

-Debe quererla mucho- continué la conversación.

-¿Por qué lo dice?-

-Tengo entendido que los matrimonios jóvenes tienden a durar poco, y veo que usted está felizmente casada-

-Bueno... no le voy a mentir... Takasu y yo hemos tenido peleas y discusiones... claro como cualquier matrimonio, pero a pesar de todo... él me es fiel. Es un gran padre y excelente esposo. Además...-

-Perdone que la interrumpa pero... debo irme- me puse de pie, pues ya no soportaba tanto dolor.

-Oh... pensé que quería esperar a mi esposo y...-

-¡NO!- me descontrolé sin pensar, pero luego mantuve la calma –Digo... no creo que pueda. Debo visitar a más clientes y...-

-Pero dígame lo que le ha venido a decirle-

-Lo lamento, pero la información que vine a decirle a su "esposo" es confidencial. Solo el titular de las cuentas bancarias puede saberlo- mentí dirigiéndome rápidamente a la puerta.


-Gracias por su amabilidad y adiós-

Fui rápida y me fui de la casa. No podía contener más las lágrimas. Todo lo que me decía la chica o mejor dicho la "esposa" de Takasu... me estaba lastimando. ESE BASTARDO TIENE ESPOSA Y TAMBIÉN UN HIJO. Eso quiere decir que yo solo fui su "diversión". No lo puedo creer. Todo esto me duele. Entonces... ¿por qué Takasu me dijo una vez que se quería casar conmigo? Solo me queda pensar que todas sus palabras fueron MALDITAS MENTIRAS.

Apenas llegué a mi hotel, me tiré en mi cama a llorar. Llorar por todo el dolor que estaba sintiendo, por toda la humillación que recorría mi cuerpo, por el engaño que había vivido estos últimos 5 años,...llorar por Takasu.

Mori tenía razón. Takasu no era un buen hombre, Takasu era peligroso, Takasu no me convenía. Entonces... si Takasu me usó... ¿por qué se ponía celoso cuando me veía con Mori? No lo entiendo... POR QUÉ. Yo soy una estúpida. Si tan solo no me hubiera cruzado de brazos y le hubiera exigido a Takasu que me presentara a su familia... nada de esto hubiera pasado. Por qué dejé que un hombre me manipulara y me dominara. Se supone que a mí NADIE me dice qué hacer. Yo soy libre de tratar a la personas como me da la gana. Así es... soy una chica tsundere... como muchos dicen; entonces... ¿por qué con Takasu me volví débil, sensible y temerosa? Creo que la respuesta es obvia... porque estaba ESTÚPIDAMENTE ENAMORADA y el amor... te convierte en una completa BAKA. Pues... se acabó la Taiga amorosa y sumisa. Ahora seré una completa tirana con Takasu, así como lo soy con TODOS.

Al día siguiente me levanté tarde, pero llena de odio y con ganas de venganza. Así es, yo Taiga Asuka, iba a confesar toda la verdad y fregar el matrimonio de Takasu. Estaba dispuesta a ir a contárselo TODO a su esposa.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Oh, my God. Don't worry. Look... my child left to live in this House for more than 5 years --I seriously--Yes. Please, record number, and the address of his current residence--Thank you-And he gave it to me. Mrs. Takahashi naively gave me the number and the direction of his son. Perfect... now Yes... call, I thought with a malicious smile and sometimes with fear in my heart, fear... find me with a painful truth. Without thinking twice... I marked...~ Ring Ring ~-Alo? - said a woman's voice.-.-I took a deep breath and started to speak - Goodnight... I could communicate with Takasu Takahashi?--I departe de who?--Of... of the Bank...--One moment, by favor - the girl spoke very kindly - love... you have a call - I heard the girl screaming in the distance.-...-love? What does it mean?-Yes... alo?-can not be... is his voice... It is TAKASU - Alo, alo?--.-I was speechless and my eyes began to sprout tears... of pain.I hung."Love". That woman said 'love'. TAKASU... A LOVER HAS. No... isn't that... He... I LEFT ON THE OTHER. This no can be happening I... NO... NOT TO ME. I knew... YOU know... knew that if he came here he would discover something... knew that things were not well... that there was something that I hid. Damn... TAKASU CURSED... CURSED.With tears in my eyes and anger through my whole being... I threw the phone against the wall Guide and pulled the bed sheets. I started to hit the floor, the walls... it was hysterical. I needed to vent... needed, avenge me. For a moment I wanted to go to the address to the House of Takasu but then refrained me and thought about what said me Mori:-Taiga... whatever happens... Please... don't no nonsense --I will try to control myself--Remember that... TAKASU... is dangerous-"Dangerous"... Yes... was right. TAKASU was a danger for me, because I trust him and I stopped by another. No... sure things weren't so... sure... THIS SLUT IS YOU GOT EYES. SHE IS THE CULPRIT... THAT BITCH I STOLE FROM MY TAKASU.I calmed down I... and I decided to find out more of the matter when the sky light up.The next day I got up early and went to the address you had given me the parents of Takasu. It was a pretty big house... very large for a single. I hid in the back of a car... just front sidewalk. And suddenly I saw... someone out.White complexion, slim, high, short, blue hair... was it... was Takasu... MY TAKASU. Curse... at least he had 1% of hope that indeed it wasn't, but... I'm seeing it with my own eyes and Yes... is it. Me duele... all this hurts me.He wore a suit, took a suitcase of office and was very quick. He got in his car and tore off instantly. I waited 5 minutes and then... I went up to the House. I had to find out more... had to know who was the bitch that I LO I had removed.I reassured me and before touching the door responded. Wait, Taiga would suppose you're doing? If that girl opens the door... what you will say... What excuse inventarás to ask questions?I quickly returned to the hotel where I was and contacted one of the best counterfeiters of the people. You didn't pay a lot of money, but I needed to get me a false identification of a well known in the village Bank. In a couple of hours it did and handed me a document of false identification, as well as a fotocheck from a bank with my picture and name. With the same speed I went to a store and bought formal wear to look like a Bank Executive. I managed a little and went back to the House of Takasu.Luckily it has not reached, because his car was not. I quietly approached the door and touched the Bell. Opened me the door for a few seconds and...-Hello - a little shy voice rang.What is this... who is he... why... IT IS A CHILD HERE THERE. YOU MUST NOT HAVE MORE THAN 6 YEARS... Does this mean, I told myself trying to stay calm.-Who are you?--Ah... ho... Hello... child - nerves took over me - is... is...? Takasu?--No... but is my mom--Do MOM? -I expressed quite surprised.-Oh excuse me, Miss. My son always tends to open the door without permission - approached the door from inside a woman of my age - what is offer? - was the voice of the same woman who yesterday answered the phone.-Ah...-I was speechless - Bu... good...-I must control myself - well... I am... Bank and am looking to Takahashi-san --Oh... is a pity. Right now at work--Oops... didn't know it - I pretended.-But... Please stop. You need to tell Takasu can tell it me me - took care of me with a big smile and kindness - what do not give you shame... pass please stop -They invited me to go and sit in your room. The House was very nice. He had many... expensive decorations could tell. I sat on a sofa she and small on a couch with her son...-Like something to drink? Do coffee, water, tea...? --Eh... nothing. Don't bother, thanks--It is not discomfort, but no matter - breathed deep - you phoned yesterday right? --Do yesterday? - I was surprised the question, but then remembered - Ah... Yes true haha--I said Takasu when he spoke on the phone no one replied and then they hung him--Oh! Yes that. It is that the telephone lines of the Bank are in maintenance. Why they are doing all the Executive visiting customers at their homes haha--It must be tiring work--Yes... much - tried to be friendly, but then went direct to the point - tell me... what relationship do you have with Takasu... say... with Takahashi-san --Oh! I am his wife - smiled from ear to ear.-WHAT!--It happens something?--Do Ah? EH... NO NO... Of course not hehe... sorry. It is that... He did not--You will see... TAKASU is my husband and this small is our son--Son? - susurré and felt a twinge in the soul.-Say "Hello" to miss, small - the woman said to the child.-Hello, Miss. My name is Takeshi and I have... and I have... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... I have thus look... 5 years - showed me his hand with 5 fingers up - how many years have you? --Forgive my child haha - girl - apologized is quite talkative and...--How long... long has been married to him... with Takasu --It about 6 years ago-6 years? Did you perhaps 6 years? It may not be. Almost 6 years ago... TAKASU and I we became boyfriends, then... why this woman is telling me that she married Takasu 6 years ago! That... that... means that I... I WAS THE LOVER. I... I never was official girlfriend of Takasu. He used me as his mistress. IT MAY NOT BE. IT IS A MISERABLE DAMN. HOW HE COULD DO THAT. Course... now I understand it. Rightly Takasu always was traveling, rightly never wanted to introduce me to his parents and got me the excuse that they hated me, rightly Takasu only had time to see me once a week, so often not you answered me calls and with good reason... IT BROKE WITH ME OFTEN. That idiot... that BAKA... I USE... I WAS MISTRESS... I WENT TO "THE OTHER". Suddenly... his "wife" does not know anything of the matter... suddenly his wife is so stupid like me and think that Takasu is faithful.-Must love her very much - continued the conversation.-What you say?--I understand that young marriages tend to last bit, and I see that you are happily married--Well... I won't you lie... TAKASU and I have had fights and arguments... clear as any marriage, but despite everything... He is faithful to me. He is a great father and great husband. In addition...--Sorry to interrupt it but... should I go - I was standing, because already I couldn't stand so much pain.-Oh... I thought that I wanted to wait for my husband and...-Me - not! - descontrolé without thinking, but then I kept calm - say... do not think you can. I should visit more clients and...-- But tell me what has been will tell you--I'm sorry but the information I came to tell her "husband" is confidential. Only the holder of the bank accounts can tell - I lied quickly at the door.-But...--Thank you for your kindness and good - byeI was fast and I left the House. It could not be more tears. Everything you told me the girl, or rather the "wife" of Takasu... I was hurting. THAT BASTARD HAS A WIFE AND A SON. That is to say that I just went to your "fun". I can't believe it. All of this hurts. Then... why Takasu I did once wanted to marry me? I can only think that all his words were CURSED lies.Soon as I got to my hotel, I threw myself on my bed crying. Cry for all the pain that I was feeling, all the humiliation that drove my body, by deception who had lived these last 5 years,... to mourn Takasu.Mori was right. TAKASU was not a good man, Takasu was dangerous, Takasu was not me. Then... If Takasu used me... what became jealous when I saw with Mori? I do not understand... WHY. I am a stupid. If I had just not crossed of arms and had demanded to Takasu that I submit to your family... None of this had happened. Why I left that a man I manipulate and dominate me. Supposedly no one tells me what to do. I am free of trying to people as it gives me the win. So... I'm a girl tsundere... as many say; then... why with Takasu I became weak, sensitive and fearful? I think that the answer is obvious... because I was STUPIDLY in love and love... turns you into a complete BAKA. Well... the loving and submissive Taiga is over. I will now be a complete tirana with Takasu, even as I am with everyone.The next day I woke up late, but full of hatred and desire for revenge. So, I Taiga Asuka, was going to confess the truth and scrubbing the marriage of Takasu. She was willing to go to tell it all to his wife.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Oh my God. Do not worry. Look ... my son left to live in this house for more than five years -¿Enserio - Yes. Please note the number and residential address currently -Many thanks- And I gave it. Mrs. Takahashi naively gave me the number and address of your child. Perfect ... yes ... now I'll call, I thought with a wicked smile and yet with fear in my heart, fear ... to meet with a painful truth. Without thinking twice ... I scored ... Ring Ring ~ ~ -¿Aló - a woman's voice answered. -...- deep breath and began to speak Good evening ... I could communicate with Takasu Takahashi ? - -¿Departe who - -From ...- bank ... One moment, please-the girl spoke very kindly have a call- -Love ... I heard the girl screaming in the distance . -...- love? What this means 'Yes ... hello - can not be ... is your voice ... ES TAKASU -¿Aló, hello - -...- I was speechless and my eyes began to ... brought tears of pain. I hung up. "Love." The woman said "love." Takasu ... having an affair. No ... not that ... he ... LET ME THE OTHER. It can not be happening this ... NO ... not me. I knew ... I knew it ... I knew that if I came here was to discover something ... I knew things were not right ... something was hiding me. Damn ... DAMN ... DAMN TAKASU. With tears in my eyes and anger coursing through my being ... I threw the phone book against the wall and pulled the sheets off the bed. I started hitting the floor, walls ... was hysterical. I needed to vent ... I needed revenge. For a moment I wanted to go to the house of Takasu but then caught myself and thought about what Mori said: -Taiga ... whatever happens ... please ... do not do anything tontería- 'll try controlarme- Remember that ... is dangerous-Takasu ... "Dangerous" ... yes ... he was right. Takasu was dangerous for me, because I trusted him and I left her for another. ... Not sure things were not so sure ... That bitch ... took it into his eyes. SHE IS GUILTY ... ME THAT STOLE MY BITCH TAKASU. ... I calmed down and decided to find out more about it when the sky lit again. The next day I got up early and went to the address they had given me the Takasu parents. It was a pretty big ... very big for a single home. I hid in the sidewalk in front ... right behind a car. And suddenly ... I saw someone out. White, thin, tall complexion and short hair blue ... it was ... it was ... MY TAKASU Takasu. Damn ... at least 1% had the hope that he really was not, but ... I'm seeing with my own eyes ... and yes he is. It hurts ... this hurts me. He was wearing a suit, carrying a suitcase office and was very quick. He got into his car and started instantly. I waited five minutes and then ... went to the house. He had to know more ... I had to know who was the bitch who had taken ME LO. I calmed down and knock on the door before I reacted. Wait, Taiga ... what is supposed to be doing? If that girl opens the door ... what will you say ... what excuse to invent him questions? He quickly returned to the hotel where I was staying and contacted one of the best forgers of the people. I do not mind paying a lot of money, but I needed to get me a fake ID of a well known bank in the village. In a few hours he did and handed me a false identification document, as well as a fotocheck a bank with my picture and name. With the same speed I went to a store and bought formal wear to look like a bank executive. I managed a bit and went back to the house Takasu. Luckily he had not come, because his car was not there. I walked quietly to the door and rang the bell. Within seconds I opened the door and ... -Hola- a shy voice sounded. What is this ... who is he ... why ... WHY THERE IS A CHILD HERE. DO NOT HAVE MORE THAN 6 YEARS ... WHAT DOES THIS MEAN I told myself trying to stay calm. Who are you? - Oh ... hello ... ho ... nerves seized child- Is it me ... you are ... Takasu - No ... but my mom -¡¿Mamá -?! I said rather surprised me. Oh sorry, miss. My son always tends to open the door without permission-he approached the door from inside a woman my age What is offered - it was the voice of a woman who answered the phone yesterday. Ah ...- I was speechless Bu ... well ...- I control myself Well ... I ... I'm the bank and I'm looking to Takahashi-san Oh ... it's a shame. Right now at work- -u ... no pretended knew it. But ... please stop. You need to tell me what Takasu can comment to me, I was attending with a big smile and kindness What a shame ... do not give pass- pass please invited me to go and sit in your room. The house was very cute. Had many costly ornaments ... you might say. I sat on a small couch and she in a large couch with his son ... -¿Gustas something to drink? Coffee, water, tea ... - Er ... nothing. Do not bother, thank 'It's not annoying, but it does not matter deep breath You called yesterday by phone true - -¿Ayer - the question surprised me, but then I remembered some haha Ah ... yes - Takasu said when I spoke on the phone no one answered and then colgaron- Oh! If that. It is that telephone lines are in keeping bank. So all we are doing executive visiting clients to their homes haha It must be a work agotador- much- Yeah ... I tried to be friendly, but then went straight to the point ... Tell me what relationship I have you to say ... ... Takasu with Takahashi-san Oh! I am his wife smiled from ear to ear. 'What - -¿Pasa something - Ah? Uh ... no no ... hehe ... Of course not forgive. It's just ... not knew, 'Well ... Takasu is my husband and this is our little son -¿Hijo -. I whispered and felt a twinge in my soul Tell "hello" Miss, small- the woman told the boy. Hello, Miss. My name is Takeshi and I ... and I ... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... and look ... I have five years showed me her little hand with five fingers up 'You how old ? - Excuse me my son haha It's quite talkative girl and apologized ...- -How long ... how long have you been married to him ... with Takasu- 6 'A few years ¿6? Did he say 6 years? Can not be. Almost 6 years ago ... Takasu and I became boyfriends, then ... why this woman is telling me Takasu married six years ago! That ... that ... I mean ... I was the mistress. I ... I was never Takasu official girlfriend. He used me as his mistress. CAN NOT BE. It's a fucking bitch. How could he do that to me. Sure ... now I understand. Rightly Takasu was always traveling, rightly I never wanted to introduce me to his parents and I got the excuse that they hated me, rightly Takasu only had time to see me once a week, rightly often I did not answer my calls and FREQUENTLY break right ... ME. That idiot ... that baka ... ME ... I WAS USED THE LOVER ... I WAS "THE OTHER". Suddenly ... his "wife" does not know anything about it ... suddenly his wife is so stupid like me and believes Takasu is faithful. He must love her much- continued the conversation. Why do you say? - I understand that young couples tend to be short, and I see that you are happily casada- Well ... I'm not going to lie ... Takasu and I have had fights and arguments ... clear as any marriage, but nevertheless ... he is faithful to me. He's a great father and great husband. In addition ...- Excuse me for interrupting but ... I irme- I stood because I could not stand so much pain. Oh ... I thought I wanted to wait for my husband and ...- NO! - I was not thinking of control, but then I kept quiet I say ... I do not think I can. I visit more customers and ...- But tell me what you came to say to him I'm sorry, but the information came to tell her "husband" is confidential. Only the holder of the bank account can quickly addressing knowing it lied to the door. But ...- Thank you for your kindness and adiós- went quickly and I left the house. I could not be more tears. All you told me the girl or rather the "wife" of Takasu ... I was hurting. That bastard has a wife and also a son. That means I was only his "fun". I can not believe it. All this hurts. So ... why Takasu told me once wanted to marry me? I can only think that all his words were damned lies. I just got to my hotel, I threw myself on my bed to mourn. Mourn for all the pain I was feeling, for all the humiliation that ran through my body, the deception that had lived the past five years, ... mourn for Takasu. Mori was right. Takasu was not a good man, was dangerous Takasu Takasu not suit me. So ... if Takasu used me ... why he was jealous when I saw with Mori? I do not understand ... why. I'm stupid. If only I had not crossed his arms and would have demanded Takasu to introduce me to his family ... none of this would have happened. Why I let a man manipulate me and dominate me. It is assumed that Nobody tells me what to do. I am free to treat people as I please. So ... I'm a tsundere girl ... as many say; then ... why with Takasu I became weak, sensitive and fearful? I think the answer is obvious ... because I was stupidly in love, and love ... makes you a complete BAKA. Well ... loving and submissive Taiga is over. Now I will be a complete tyrant with Takasu, and I am with everyone. The next day I got up late, but full of hatred and desire for revenge. So, I Taiga Asuka, would confess the whole truth and scrub Takasu marriage. She was ready to go and tell everything to his wife.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
Oh, my god. Don't worry. Look... My son stopped living in this house for more than 5 Years -

- really?

- - Yeah. Please note the number and Residence address -


and gave it to me. Mrs. Takahashi naively gave me the phone number and address of your son. Perfect... Now... I'll call you, I thought with a Devilish Grin and with Fear in my heart,Fear... To meet a Painful Truth. Without thinking twice. Ring Ring scored...

~ ~

- Hello? A Woman's Voice replied.

...... I took a deep breath and began to speak - night... I could communicate with Takasu Takahashi? -
- from WHO? -
-... The Bank...

- - one moment, please - she spoke with much kindness Love...
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