POV SEMPAIBien... son las 8:10 de la noche. Voy retrasado 10 minutos.  dịch - POV SEMPAIBien... son las 8:10 de la noche. Voy retrasado 10 minutos.  Anh làm thế nào để nói

POV SEMPAIBien... son las 8:10 de l


Bien... son las 8:10 de la noche. Voy retrasado 10 minutos. Aunque... no es para tanto, pensé mientras caminaba por las oscuras calles de Nagoya en dirección a casa de mi Tia Matsuda. Me había tomado mi tiempo en bañarme y cambiarme, ya que a fin de cuentas... solo seríamos pocos los que estaríamos en la cena.

Cuando llegué a la casa vi que las luces estaban apagadas. "Qué raro", pensé pues la invitación de Kanako decía claramente 8:00 de la noche. Me acerqué a la puerta y pude notar que había una nota pegada...

¡Feliz Cumpleaños, Sou-kun! Fui a comprar bebidas gaseosas con Kanako-chan al supermercado. Si llegas antes que nosotras regresemos, espéranos dentro de la casa, por favor. Hay una llave bajo el tapete.

Te quiere

Tu tía Matsuda

¿Así que esperaron hasta el último momento para ir a comprar bebidas? ¡QUÉ PÉSIMAS ORGANIZADORAS DE CUMPLEAÑOS SON! GRRRRR...

No me quedó opción que buscar la pequeña llave bajo el tapete y así poder ingresar a la casa. Todo estaba bastante oscuro, pero había un excelente olor a comida. Cerré la puerta de entrada conmigo adentro y prendí la luz de la sala...

-¡SORPRESAAAAAA!- gritaron todos saliendo de su escondite.

-AHHHHHHHHHH- grité asustado pues me tomaron desprevenido.

Al parecer no iba a ser una pequeña cena familiar. Sino una gran cena. Estaban todos reunidos... no lo podía creer. Y cuando digo todos... es TODOS. Tomoe, el pedófilo de Kurokawa, el bastardo de Isogai, mi viejo; y claro... Kanako, Tía Matsuda...; y... ¿MORINAGA? ¿Cómo? ¿ÉL ESTÁ AQUÍ? Pero... si me dijo claramente que su supervisor no lo dejaba salir de su trabajo y... oh... ya entiendo... TODO FUE UN ENGAÑO PARA DARME ESTA SORPRESA. De alguna forma... me sentía muy feliz.

Dejé la pequeña llave sobre la repisa cerca de la puerta y luego me adentré a la sala para saludar a todos...

-¡Nii-san, feliz cumpleaños!- gritaron Tomoe y Kanako abrazándome al mismo tiempo.

-Gracias- sonreí y los abracé –Kanako... me engañaste por completo-

-Nunca te imaginaste esta sorpresa ¿verdad Nii-san?-

-No. Pensé que sería una pequeña cena FAMILIAR. No sabía que iba a haber intrusos como Kurokawa e Isogai-

-Ay... no seas malo Nii-san- Tomoe hizo un puchero –Sabes muy bien que Kurokawa-san e Isogai-san son parte de la familia... al igual que Morinaga-san ¿cierto?-

-Etto... sí... sí claro- me sonrojé –Por cierto... ¿cómo le hiciste para venir tan rápido desde América?-

-Nii-san... esta sorpresa ya estaba planeada desde hace 1 semana jaja- contestó Tomoe con una sonrisa inocente.

-Ya veo...-

-Eh... fe... feliz cumpleaños... Souichi-kun- escuché una voz asustada escondiéndose atrás de Tomoe.

-Qué sucede, CUÑADO- dije con una sonrisa maligna –¿No piensas saludarme como se debe?-

-Eh...- entró en pánico.

-Anda, Kurokawa-san. Dale un abrazo a mi Nii-san- expresó Tomoe –No hay nada que temer-

-Exacto, Kurokawa... no tienes NADA que temer- dije sarcástico.

-De... de acuerdo- aceptó Kurokawa acercándose a mí –Feliz cumpleaños, Souchi-kun... AYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA- lo abracé con mucha fuerza para estrangular todos sus huesos –Me está matando...-

-¡BASTA, NII-SAN! LO VAS A MATAR- gritó Tomoe intentando separarme de su maldito esposo –SUÉLTALO YA...-

-¡Sou-kun! Suelta al esposo de tu hermano- apareció mi papá.

-¡Viejo! No me digas qué hacer-

-¡QUE LO SUELTES, YA!- se cruzó de brazos.

-Ay... de acuerdo- lo solté y Kurokawa se escondió otra vez detrás de Tomoe.

-Te he dicho mil veces que no intentes asesinar al esposo de Tomoe-kun-

-Pero viejo... es un pedófilo-

-¡Sou-kun... compórtate!-

-Ya... ya... no te hagas el serio. Tú no eres así-

-Jajaja... lo sé- rió mi viejo –Feliz cumpleaños, hijo- me abrazó.


-Feliz Cumpleaños, mi querido Sou-kun. Espero que te haya gustado la sorpresa- Tía Matsuda también me abrazó.

-Claro que sí, Tía Matsuda. No debieron molestarse- fui cortés.

-Al contrario. No es molestia. El cumpleaños es solo una vez al año y hay que celebrarlo- respondió y dejo de abrazarme junto con mi viejo.

-Feliz cumpleaños, mi querido Souichi-kun jajajaja- una maligna presencia llamada Isogai me abrazó colgándose desde mi espalda.

-Suéltame, baka... descuélgate de mí-

-Pero solo estoy siendo cariñoso, Souichi-kun- hizo un puchero y logré zafarlo de mí.

-Sempai...- escuché una tímida voz al frente de mí.

-Mo... Morinaga...- no sé por qué me puse nervioso.

-Uy... como que el ambiente se está calentando jaja- expresó Isogai dirigiéndose a la mesa para cenar.

-Fe... feliz cumpleaños...- sonrió Morinaga bastante sonrojado.

-¿Es enserio, baka? ¿Me mentiste?- dije en son de broma.

-Perdón, Sempai. Es que era una sorpresa-

-Así es Nii-san. Morinaga-san nos ayudó a preparar esta rica cena en secreto- interfirió Kanako.

-Con que ustedes dos se hicieron cómplices ¿eh?- de algún modo me pareció un lindo detalle –Son un par de vivos jaja-

-¡Siiiii! Jajajaja- rió Kanako dirigiéndose a la mesa también.

Morinaga y yo nos habíamos quedado solos cerca de la puerta de entrada, mientras que los demás se sentaron en la mesa llena de comida para empezar con la cena. No entendía por qué mi cara estaba completamente sonrojada y me sentía nervioso. ¿Acaso Morinaga me pone así? Pero es algo muy tonto si él y yo ya somos... pareja. No hay razón para sentirme como un adolescente en aprietos amorosos.

-Perdón por mentir, Sempai-

-Descuida, baka. Kanako tiene razón... era una sorpresa jaja-

-Sí, así es. Y espero que haya valido la pena-

-Claro que sí. No pensé que todos estarían aquí. Hasta mi viejo está aquí- sonreí.

-¿Puedo darte un abrazó?-

-Ah...- me sonrojé aún más –Etto... no-

-¿No? ¿Pero por qué?- hizo un puchero.

-Aquí no, baka. Se vería raro-

-¿Pero por qué Isogai y Kurokawa-san si pudieron?-

-Kurokawa porque lo quería matar e Isogai fue un aprovechado-

-Bueno... como digas, Sempai- sonrió melancólicamente.

-¡Baka! No pongas esa cara... sabes que no me gusta-

-Lo siento-

-Maldición...- susurré –Cuando... cuando lleguemos al apartamento... me podrás... abrazar... y... también... estaría bien esta noche... tú sabes... eso- le ofrecí para alegrarlo un poco.


-¡Oigan, par de tórtolos! Vengan a cenar- gritó el sin vergüenza de Isogai desde la mesa.

Ese bastardo de Isogai, siempre diciendo cosas que no debe... levantando sospechas en mi familia. A veces no lo soporto. Quisiera matarlo más a él que al pervertido de Kurokawa grrrr.

Minutos después ya estábamos todos tranquilamente sentados alrededor de la mesa, cenando el rico banquete de sushi, sashimi, oniguiri, entre otros bocados japoneses. La cena estaba bastante tranquila. Empezamos a hablar de nuestros trabajos, de las últimas noticias en Nagoya, también del clima en América, etc. Hasta que un bastardo con nombre Isogai tuvo que abrir su inmensa bocota para alterar la conversación...

-¿Y cuántos años cumples, Souichi-kun?-

-27 años-

-¿Ah? Pero si en el cumpleaños de Morinaga-kun me dijiste que ya tenías 27 años- refutó.

-¿Enserio? Pues te mentí, porque recién los cumplo-

-Uy... ya vas para la tercera base jaja-

-Sí, Nii-san... ya vas a tener 30 años- se metió Kanako.

-No exageres, Kanako. Para eso faltan como 3 años más- la regañé.

-No es mucho que digamos, eh. Tres años se pasan volando, hijo- comentó mi viejo.

-Y ya sabes qué dice el dicho "Soltero maduro, maricón seguro"... jajajaja- Isogai volvió a abrir su bocota.

-JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA- rieron todos en coro.

-PFFFFFFFFFFFFFF- escupí la bebida.

-JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA- no paraban de reír; todos menos Morinaga, pues a él no le hacía gracia.

-¡CÁLLENSE! ESO NO ES CIERTO...- me enojé y sonrojé –CÁLLENSE TODOS-



-Jajaja... ay Sou-kun. Ten sentido del humor jajaja. Isogai-san lo dijo de broma-


-Jajaja... de acuerdo... de acuerdo. Lo siento- expresó Isogai limpiándose las lágrimas de la risa –Perdón por eso, Souichi-kun, pero debes de admitir que fue gracioso jaja-

-Ya no molesten a mi Nii-san jaja- expresó Tomoe –Mejor hablemos de otra cosa ¿Cómo te va en el trabajo, Nii-san?-

-Pues... bien. De hecho como les decía... soy profesor de la carrera de agricultura para primer año-

-¿Y siempre andas metido en el trabajo?- continuó Tomoe.

-No mucho. A veces tengo tiempo para mí- respondí.

-¿Y qué haces en tu tiempo libre, hijo?- preguntó mi viejo.

-¡Ja! Eso pregúntenselo a Morinaga-kun jajajaja- nuevamente se burló Isogai.

Ese bastardo de Isogai. Definitivamente estoy harto que siempre tenga que molestarme con Morinaga. Maldigo el día en el que Isogai me descubrió con Morinaga en plena calle (véase Volumen 3).
Từ: -
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV SEMPAIWell... These are 8:10 in the evening. I delayed 10 minutes. Although... not to do so, I thought as I walked through the dark streets of Nagoya in direction to casa de mi Tia Matsuda. I had taken my time to bathe and change me, because in the end... just would be few who would be at the dinner.When I got home I saw that the lights were off. "What rare", I thought as the invitation of Kanako clearly said 8:00 at night. I went to the door and I noticed that there was a note attached...Happy birthday, Sou-kun! I went to buy soft drinks with Kanako-chan to the supermarket. If you arrive before that we return, wait inside the House, please. There is a key under the mat.You want toYour aunt MatsudaSo they waited until the last moment to buy drinks? THAT TERRIBLE BIRTHDAY ORGANIZERS ARE! GRRR...It was not option that find the small key under the mat and thus be able to enter the House. Everything was quite dark, but had a great smell to food. I closed the front door with me inside and turned on the Hall light...-SORPRESAAAAAA! - cried all coming out of his hiding place.-AHHHHHHHHHH - screamed scared because they took me off guard.It apparently wasn't going to be a small family dinner. But a great dinner. They were all reunited... could not believe. And when I say all... it is all. Tomoe, the pedophile's Kurokawa, the bastard of Isogai, my old; and of course... Kanako, aunt Matsuda...; and... does MORINAGA? How? DO THIS HERE? But... If he told me clearly that her supervisor would not let him out of their work and... oh... now I understand... EVERYTHING WAS A RUSE TO GIVE ME THIS SURPRISE. Somehow I felt... happy.I left the small key on the shelf near the door and then I entered the room to say hello to all...-Nii-san, happy birthday! - shouted Tomoe and Kanako hugging me at the same time.-Thank you - I smiled and hugged them - Kanako... deceived me completely --Never imagined you this surprise Nii-san right?--No. I thought it would be a small family dinner. I didn't know that it would be intruders and Kurokawa Isogai--Oh... don't be bad Nii-san - Tomoe became a pot - you know very well that Kurokawa-san and Isogai-san are part of the family... like Morinaga-san right? --Etto... Yes... Yes clear - me sonrojé - by the way... How did do you to come so quickly from America?--Nii-san... this surprise was already planned from 1 week haha - ago Tomoe answered with an innocent smile.-I see...--Eh... faith... happy birthday... Souichi-kun - I heard a scared voice hiding behind from Tomoe.-What happens, brother-in-law - I said with an evil smile - don't think greet me as it should? --Eh...-went into panic.-Anda, Kurokawa-san. Give a hug to my Nii-san - Tomoe - said there is nothing to fear --Exact, Kurokawa... you have nothing to fear - said sarcastic.-Of... of agreement - accepted Kurokawa approaching me - happy birthday, Souchi-kun... AYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA - embraced it with great force to strangle all your bones - is killing Me...--BASTA, NII-SAN! It will kill - shouted Tomoe trying to separate me from her damn husband - release it already...--Sou-kun! Release the husband of your brother - my dad appeared.-Old! Don't tell me what to do--THAT it let go, already!-crossed arms.-Burst ay... of agreement - and Kurokawa hid again behind Tomoe.-You have said a thousand times that do not try to kill the husband of Tomoe-kun -- But old... is a pedophile--Sou-kun... behave!--Ya... ya... you don't the seriously. You are not so--Lol... I know it - he laughed my old - happy birthday, son - hugged me.-Thank you--Happy birthday, my dear Sou-kun. I hope you have liked the surprise-aunt Matsuda also hugged me.-Clear that Yes, aunt Matsuda. They should not bother - I was polite.-On the contrary. It is not a hassle. Birthday is only once a year and we must celebrate it - he said and stopped hold me together with my dad.-Happy birthday, my dear Souichi-kun jajajaja - a malignant presence called Isogai hugged me hanging from my back.-Let me go, baka... pick up you from me -- But I'm just being affectionate, Souichi-kun - made a stew and I managed to dislodge it from me.-Sempai...-I heard a timid voice in front of me.-Mo... Morinaga...-I do not know why I was nervous.-Oops... that the atmosphere is warming up haha - expressed Isogai at the table for dinner.-Faith... happy birthday...-smiled rather flushed Morinaga.-Do it seriously, baka? Lied me?-said joke son.-Forgiveness, Sempai. It was a surprise--So, Nii-san. Morinaga-san helped prepare this delicious dinner in secret - Kanako interfered.-With you two were accomplices huh? somehow - found me a cute detail - are a pair of live haha --Siiiii! Hahaha - laughed Kanako addressing the table also.Morinaga and I we had been alone near the entrance gate, while others sat at the table full of food to begin with dinner. I didn't understand why my face was completely blushes and I felt nervous. Perhaps Morinaga makes me thus? But it is something very silly if he and I are already... couple. There is no reason to feel like a teenager in love trouble.-Sorry for lying, Sempai--Neglect, baka. Kanako is right... it was a surprise haha --Yes, so. And I hope that it is worth the effort--Yes to. I did not think that all would be here. Even my dad is here - smiled.-Do I can give you a hugged?--Ah...-I sonrojé even more - Etto... non--Isn't it? But why?-made a stew.-Here, baka. It would be rare--But why Isogai and Kurokawa-san if they could?--Kurokawa because it wanted to kill and Isogai was an exploited --Well... as you say, Sempai - smiled wistfully.-Baka! Do not put that face... you know that I don't like --Sorry--Curse...-susurré - when... when we arrive at the apartment... I can... embrace... and... also... be nice tonight... you know... that - I offered him to brighten it up a bit.-Thank you, my SEMPAI - was moved.-Hey, pair of birds! Come to dinner - she screamed the unashamed of Isogai from the table.That bastard of Isogai, always saying things that should not... raising suspicions in my family. Sometimes I can't take it. I would like to kill him more to him than to pervert of Kurokawa grrrr.Minutes later already were all quietly sitting around a table, dining the rich feast of sushi, sashimi, oniguiri, among other Japanese snacks. The dinner was pretty quiet. We started talking about our work, the latest news in Nagoya, also of the climate in America, etc. Until a bastard named Isogai had to open its vast bocota to alter the conversation...- And how many years do meet, Souichi-kun?--27 years--Do Ah? But if on the birthday of Morinaga-kun, you told me that you already had 27 years - disproved.-I seriously? Because I lied to you, because I just meet them--Oops... you go to third baseman haha--Yes, Nii-san... you will have 30-year - old got Kanako.-Don't overdo, Kanako. For that there are like 3 years more - regañé it.-Is not much to say, eh. Three years will go flying, son - said my dad.- And you know what says this "Bachelor mature, safe queer"... Hahahaha-Isogai reopened its bocota.-JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA - they laughed all in chorus.-PFFFFFFFFFFFFFF - él drink.-Tee - they kept laughing; all less Morinaga, because it did not grace.-SHUT UP! THAT NO ES CIERTO...-I got angry and sonrojé - shut up all --HAHAHAHAHA--YOU DON'T LAUGH, OLD!--Hahaha... ay Sou-kun. Keep sense of humor lol. Isogai-san told joke--Grrrrrrrrr--Hahaha... of agreement... agreement. Sorry - Isogai said wiping tears of laughter - sorry for that, Souichi-kun, but must admit that it was funny haha --Ya don't bother my Nii-san haha - expressed Tomoe - better talk about another thing how you going at work, Nii-san? --Because... well. In fact as I was saying... I am Professor of agriculture for first year career -- And always walk into work? - continued Tomoe.-Not much. Sometimes I have time for me - I replied.-And what do you do in your free time, son?-asked my dad.-Ja! That ask Morinaga-kun jajajaja - again mocked Isogai.That bastard of Isogai. I'm definitely tired always have to bother with Morinaga. I curse the day that Isogai I discovered with Morinaga in the street (see volume 3).
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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POV SEMPAI Well ... are 8:10 pm. I delayed 10 minutes. Although ... it's no big deal, I thought as I walked through the dark streets of Nagoya toward my aunt Matsuda. I had taken my time to shower and change, because after all ... only we would be few that we would be at dinner. When I got home I saw that the lights were off. "Strange," I thought as the invitation clearly said Kanako 8:00 pm. I went to the door and I noticed that there was a note attached ... Happy Birthday, Sou-kun! I went to buy sodas Kanako-chan to the supermarket. If you arrive before we get back, wait for us in the house, please. There's a key under the mat. You want your aunt Matsuda So they waited until the last minute to go buy drinks? Abysmal ARE ORGANIZING BIRTHDAY! GRRRRR ... I had no choice but to seek the small key under the mat so you can enter the house. Everything was quite dark, but there was a great smell of food. I closed the door and turned me inside the room light ... -¡SORPRESAAAAAA - all cried out of hiding. -AHHHHHHHHHH- yelled scared as I took off guard. Apparently not going to be a small family dinner. But a great dinner. They were all together ... I could not believe it. And when I say all ... it's ALL. Tomoe, the pedophile Kurokawa, Isogai bastard, old; and clear ... Kanako, Aunt Matsuda ...; and ... Morinaga? How? HE IS HERE? But ... if I said clearly that her supervisor would not let him quit your job and ... oh ... I get it ... it was all a hoax to me this surprise. Somehow ... I was very happy. I left the small key on the shelf near the door and then I entered the room to greet everyone ... -¡Nii-san, happy birthday - and Tomoe shouted Kanako . hugging while -Gracias- -Kanako smiled and hugged me fooled by completo- ... I never imagined this surprise you Nii-san right? - No. I thought it was a small family dinner. I did not know there would be intruders as Kurokawa and Isogai- Oh ... do not be mean Tomoe Nii-san made ​​a Kurokawa-san and that pout You know very well Isogai-san are part of the family ... just Morinaga-san that way - -Etto ... yes ... yes I blushed clear- 'By the way ... how did you come so fast from America - NII-san ... this surprise since was planned for 1 week ago haha Tomoe said with an innocent smile. 'I see ...- Uh ... faith ... happy birthday ... Souichi-kun I heard a frightened voice hiding behind Tomoe. - What, brother-said with a smirk isn't think should greet as - . Hey ...- panicked Come on, Kurokawa-san. Give a hug to my Nii-san said Tomoe 'Nothing to temer- Exactly, Kurokawa ... you have nothing to temer- said sarcastically. -dE agree- accepted Kurokawa ... approaching me Happy birthday , Souchi-kun ... AYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA- hugged him strongly to strangle his bones' I's killing ...- Enough, Nii-san! A kill-GOING Tomoe screamed trying to separate from her husband cursed AND ...- Let him go -¡Sou-kun! Drop your brother's husband appeared my dad. -¡Viejo! Do not tell me what to do- LO-may release it, YA - he crossed his arms. Oh ... I released agree- Kurokawa and hid again behind Tomoe. 'I've told you a thousand times not to try to kill Tomoe's husband-kun old ... But it is a pedófilo- -¡Sou-kun ... behave - -and ... and ... Do not be serious. You're not ASI- Hahaha ... I know, laughed my old Happy birthday, son hugged me. -Gracias- Happy birthday, dear Sou-kun. I hope you enjoyed the surprise Aunt Matsuda also hugged me. Of course I do, Aunt Matsuda. They should not have went molestarse- polite. Otherwise -AL. It's no trouble. The birthday is only once a year and we must celebrate it responded to hug and left with my old man. Happy birthday, dear Souichi-kun jajajaja- an evil presence called Isogai hugged me hanging from my back. Let me go, baka descuélgate Me '... But I'm just being affectionate, Souichi-kun pouted and managed zafarlo me. -Sempai ...- I heard a small voice in front of me. ... Morinaga-Mo .. .- not know why I got nervous. -u ... and the atmosphere is warming haha Isogai said going to the dinner table. -Fe ... Happy Birthday ...- smiled Morinaga quite flushed. - Is it really, baka? You lied me - I said jokingly. Excuse me, Sempai. It was a surprise that So is Nii-san. Morinaga-san helped us prepare this meal in secret interfered Kanako. With you two were accomplices huh - somehow it seemed a nice touch They're a couple of live haha -¡Siiiii! Kanako laughed Jajajaja- addressing the table too. Morinaga and we had been left alone near the door, while others sat on the table full of food to start with dinner. He did not understand why my face was completely flushed and I felt nervous. Do Morinaga makes me so? But it's very foolish if he and I are already ... partner. There is no reason to feel like a teenager in love trouble. Forgive me for lying, Sempai- -Descuida, baka. Kanako's right ... it was a surprise haha Yes, that's right. And I hope it has been worth it- Of course I do. I did not think they would all be here. Even my old man is here, he smiled. Can I give you a hug - Ah ...- I blushed even more ... no -Etto No? But why - she pouted. Here no, baka. Would rare- But why Isogai and Kurokawa-san if they could - because he wanted to kill -Kurokawa and Isogai was a aprovechado- . Well ... as you say, Sempai- smiled wistfully -¡Baka! Do not look ... I know I do not like- 'm'm sorry ...- whispered Damn ... When ... when we get to the apartment you can ... embrace me ... and also ... ... would be fine tonight ... you know ... that-I offered to cheer a bit. Many thanks, MI SEMPAI- thrilled. -¡Oigan, pair of lovebirds! Come to dinner shouted shamelessly Isogai from the table. That bastard Isogai, always saying things he should not ... raising suspicions in my family. Sometimes I can not stand. I would kill him more than to pervert Kurokawa grrrr. Minutes later we were all sitting quietly around the dinner table the rich feast of sushi, sashimi, oniguiri, among other Japanese snacks. Dinner was fairly quiet. We started talking about our jobs, the latest in Nagoya, also the climate in America, etc. Until a bastard named Isogai had to open his big mouth to alter vast conversation ... 'And how your birthday, Souichi-kun - -27 years Ah? But if on the birthday of Morinaga-kun told me that 27 years had already refuted. -¿Enserio? Well, I lied, because only the cumplo- -u ... and go to the third haha basis Yes, Nii-san ... you'll have 30 years Kanako got. Do not exaggerate, Kanako. That they are missing as three years more- scolded her. 'It's not much to say, huh. Three years fly by, my old son said. And you know what the "Single mature, safe fagot" ... that says jajajaja- Isogai reopened his big mouth. -JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA- all laughed in unison. -PFFFFFFFFFFFFFF- . spit drink -JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA- not stop laughing; all but Morinaga, because he did not like. Shut up! That's not true ...- I was angry and flushed Shut up ALL- -JAJAJAJAJA- 'Your not laugh, OLD - Hahaha ... oh Sou-kun. Lol Have a sense of humor. Isogai-san said it jokingly -Grrrrrrrrr- Hahaha ... okay ... okay. Sorry- Isogai said wiping the tears of laughter Excuse me for that, Souichi-kun, but you must admit it was funny haha 'I do not disturb my Nii-san said Tomoe haha Better talk about something else How will at work, Nii-san - Well ... okay. In fact as I said ... I teach agriculture career first year- 'And you're always stuck at work - Tomoe continued. Not much. Sometimes I have time for me, I said. 'What you do in your free time, son? - asked my old man. Ha! That pregúntenselo Morinaga-kun jajajaja- Isogai scoffed again. That bastard Isogai. I'm definitely tired you always have to bother with Morinaga. I curse the day that I discovered Isogai with Morinaga in the street (see Volume 3).

đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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POV sempai

... It's 8: 10 of the night. I'm late for 10 minutes. Although... Not so, I thought as I walked through the Dark Streets of Nagoya in direction to my aunt's House Matsuda. I had taken my time to shower and get changed, because in the End... Only be a few who would be at dinner.

when I got to the House, I saw that the lights were out. " Weird, "I thought the invitation clearly Kanako Said 8: 00 in the evening. I approached the door, and i noted that there was a little note attached...

Happy Birthday, Sou! I went to buy drinks with Kanako Chan to the supermarket. If you arrive before us back, wait for us in the House, please. There's a Key under the Mat. You Want

your aunt MatsudaSo I waited until the last minute to Go buy drinks? What are pÉsimas Organizing Birthday! Grrrrr...

I was left with no option to find the key under the Mat and thus be able to enter the House. It was quite dark, but there was a great smell of food. I closed the door and turned on the Light inside with me out of the room... - sorpresaaaaaa

!- cried all coming out of hiding.
- ahhhhhhhhhh cried scared I was taken unawares.
apparently was not going to be a little family dinner. But a great meal. They were all gathered... I couldn't believe it. And when I say everyone... Is all. Tomoe, the pedophile, Kurokawa Bastard Isogai, My Old; and clear... Kanako Aunt Matsuda,...; and... Morinaga? How? He is here? But...If I clearly said that his supervisor would not let him out of his job and... Oh... I understand... It was all a Deception To Give Me This surprise. Somehow... I felt very happy.

I left the key on the shelf near the door, and then I went into the room to greet everyone...

- nii San, Happy Birthday! - shouted Tomoe and Kanako around me at the same time.
- I smiled and hugged –kanako... You really Fooled Me

- - you never imagined this surprise you NII San?

- - I thought it might be a little family dinner. I didn't know we'd be Intruders as Kurokawa and Isogai -

Oh... Don't be mean NII San Tomoe made a pot - you know very well that Kurokawa Isogai San San and are part of the Family... Like Morinaga - san, right? -
- Etto... Yes... Yes indeed - i blushed... How Did you come so fast from America? -
- nii San... This Surprise was planned for 1 week Haha - tomoe replied With An Innocent Smile.

- Uh... Faith... Happy Birthday... Souichi Kun - I heard a Voice scared Hiding Behind Tomoe.

what happens,- cool. - you think I said with a smirk Greet me properly?
I panicked. - Come on, Kurokawa San. Hug My NII San was Tomoe - there is nothing to Fear -

- Kurokawa... You have nothing to Fear - sarcastic.

-... Okay - Accepted Kurokawa –Feliz Birthday coming up to me, souchi kun...Ayayayayayayayaya i hugged him with great force to STRANGLE his Bones Is Killing Me...

- nii san! You're Gonna Kill screamed trying to leave your fucking husband Tomoe –suÉltalo already...

- sou! Loose the husband of your brother was my dad.

! Don't tell me what to do -

- Drop It Now! - crossed Arms.

Oh...Okay - I let him go again and Kurokawa HID behind Tomoe.

- i've told you a thousand times not to try to kill the husband of Tomoe Kun -

- But man... It's a pedophile. -

- sou... Behave yourself! - i -

... Already... Don't be serious. You're not - So -

hahaha... - I laughed My Old –Feliz Birthday, son hugged me.

Happy Birthday, My Dear Sou.I hope you liked the surprise - Aunt Matsuda also hugged me

- Yes, Aunt Matsuda. You shouldn't Bother - I was polite.

- on the contrary. It's No bother. The Birthday is only once a year and we should Celebrate replied and left Embrace together with my old man. - Happy Birthday,My Dear Souichi Kun hahaha - an evil Presence called Isogai hugged me hanging from my back. Let Go, bla... Hang from below me

- - but I'm just being Friendly, Souichi - kun and I made a pot zafarlo me

- sempai... - I heard a voice in front of me Shy.

- Mo... Morinaga... - I Don't know why I got nervous. - Oh...As the atmosphere is Warming Haha - expressed Isogai heading to dinner.

fe... Happy Birthday

Morinaga smiled quite flushed. - seriously, Baka? You lied to me? - I said jokingly.

- sempai. It was a Surprise -

- nii San. Morinaga San helped us to prepare this meal in Secret - interfered Kanako.

- you two were accomplices? - I thought it was a nice touch - a couple of live - haha

- Yeah! LOL - laugh Kanako heading the table also Morinaga.

and I were left alone near the front door, while others sat at the table full of food to start with dinner.I couldn't understand why my face was completely flushed and I felt nervous. Morinaga Case makes me so? But it is something very foolish if he and I are... Couple. There's no reason to feel Trouble as a Teenager In Love.

- Sorry for lying, sempai

- Baka. Kanako is right... It was a Surprise haha

- - Yes, it is. And I hope it was worth -

- clear that yes.I didn't think they'd all be here. My Old Man's Here - Ready. - Can I give you a Hug? -
- Ah... - i blushed even more –etto...

- not - not? But why? I made a pot. - not here, Baka. It would look odd -

- but why Isogai and Kurokawa San if they could?

- - Because I wanted to kill Kurokawa and Isogai was used -

- well... As you say, sempai smiled melancholically.

- Baka!Don't give me that face... You know I Don't like -


- Damn... - When I whispered... When we get to the apartment... I can... Embrace... And... Also... Would be good tonight. You know... That I offered to cheer him up a bit. - Thank you, my sempai was touched. - Hey, lovebirds! Come to dinner without Shame of Isogai shouted from the table.That bastard Isogai, always saying things... Arousing suspicion in my family. Sometimes I can't stand it. I would kill him more than the Pervert Kurokawa grrrr. Minutes later, we were all sitting quietly around the dinner table the Rich Banquet of Sushi, sashimi, Japanese snacks oniguiri, among others. The dinner was pretty quiet.We started talking about our work, the latest news in Nagoya, The Climate in America, etc. until a Bastard named Isogai had to open his mouth to alter the vast conversation...

- and how old are you, Souichi kun? -

- 27 years old ah? But if on The Birthday of Morinaga Kun told me that you already had 27 years - it. - really? Well, I Lied,Just Because I -

Oh... You're going to third base - haha

- nii San... You'll have 30 years - got Kanako.

not Exaggerate, Kanako. That's How I did 3 years more.

- is not much, huh. Three years pass by, my old son Said. - and you know what the saying "a single mature, Safe... Hahaha - Isogai returned to open his mouth.- jajajajajajajaja laughed all - in - pffffffffffffff Choir.
I spilled The Drink. - JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA - they all laugh; Less Morinaga, because he wasn't funny.

- Shut! That's not true. - All right, I got mad and –cÁllense - hahahaha

- - - You Easy, man! -
hahaha... Oh Sou. Have a sense of humor, hahaha. Isogai San told a Joke - - -

GRRRRRRRRR - hahaha...Okay... Okay. I was Cleaning Up The Tears of laughter Isogai –Perdón Why Souichi kun, but you must admit it's Funny haha

- - Don't bother my NII San Haha - expressed Tomoe better talk about something else, how's work, Nii San? -
-... Okay. In fact, as I was saying... I am a Professor of the Race for first year

- Agriculture- and you're always stuck at work? - continued Tomoe.

- not much. Sometimes I got time for me

I answered. - and what do you do in your free time, son? - ask my old man. - Ha! That Ask Morinaga Kun hahaha - again mocked Isogai.

that bastard Isogai. I'm definitely tired of always having to bother with Morinaga.I curse the day that I found Isogai with Morinaga in the street (see Volume 3).
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