No sabía qué decir... no sabía cómo defenderme ante sus palabras. Todo dịch - No sabía qué decir... no sabía cómo defenderme ante sus palabras. Todo Anh làm thế nào để nói

No sabía qué decir... no sabía cómo

No sabía qué decir... no sabía cómo defenderme ante sus palabras. Todo lo que estaba diciendo Morinaga era verdad, pero... pero... hay algo que él no sabe. Yo... yo quiero encontrar la forma de decírselo, pero si lo hago ahora... no... no me va a creer. Pensará que estoy jugando con él. Además... es inútil... Morinaga me odia y ya no quiere saber más de mí. No me queda de otra más que callar y consolarlo como lo que siempre fuimos... AMIGOS.

-Tranquilo... todo... todo va a salir bien. Te prometo que vamos a salir de esta y podrás volver a ver a Taiga y...-

-Yo... yo no estoy con Taiga- me interrumpió Morinaga con mucha seriedad.


-Yo te mentí, Sempai-

-¿Mentirme? ¿Cómo?-

-Taiga y yo... solo somos amigos-

-Pero... tú me dijiste que Taiga era tu novia... hasta me lo demostraste y...- me callé solo.

-Y qué...-

-Pues... yo... yo los seguí... y los veía muy felices juntos- me puse melancólico.

-Sabíamos que nos estabas siguiendo. Por eso salimos a todos esos lugares apropósito para que te la creyeras-

-¿Me engañaste? A pesar que antes de irme de tu vida te lo pregunté muchas veces...-

-Era lo mejor. Que te largaras de mi vida, que dejaras de verme, que te resignaras de insistirme tanto-

-¡Morinaga! Cómo pudiste hacer algo así... ¿sabes lo mal que me sentí?-

-¿Tú, mal? Jajaja... no me hagas reír- se burló –Qué te vas a sentir mal tú... si no sientes ni una pizca de amor por mí-

-Morinaga... eso no es cierto. Yo... yo te dije cuando nos reencontramos en Hamatsu que un sentimiento nuevo hacia ti estaba creciendo y...-

-Puras mentiras. Según tú... estabas empezando a quererme, pero no. Cuando yo te sorprendí en Nagoya... estabas bien apasionado con Yuki...-

-¡MIERDA! ¿SIGUES CON ESO?- me enojé –Ya te dije que Yuki me estaba chantajeando... ¿acaso no te das cuenta?-

-Ya no sé qué creerte-

-¡Morinaga! Yuki es la HERMANA del otaku ¿Qué otra prueba quieres?- suspiré y me calmé, pues ya no tenía sentido discutir sobre el pasado –Tan solo quiero pedirte que seas optimista... pienses en que de alguna manera... no sé cómo... vamos a salir de aquí... con vida-

-Lo dudo-

-Y por favor... DEJA DE SACRIFICARTE POR MÍ- le dejé en claro –DEJA QUE EL OTAKU ME LASTIME A MÍ...-



-PORQUE TE AMO ¿ENTIENDES?- volvió a llorar –Te amo, te amo mucho y SIEMPRE TE VOY A AMAR- lo noté frustrado.

Iba a responderle, pero de pronto... oímos que la puerta se abrió y nos quedamos mudos, con las cabezas gachas y nuestros cuerpos inmóviles. Admito que tenía miedo... mucho miedo. ¿Acaso el otaku nos dará la sección de golpes que dijo? Espero que no. No es el momento.

Pude notar que las pisadas que se dirigían a nosotros eran bastante suaves y al mirar a mi costado, pude ver que Yuki había venido con una bandeja de comida. ¿Acaso va a alimentarnos? Ahora que lo pienso bien... tengo hambre y no he comido hace pocos días... y qué decir de Morinaga... El pobre debe estar muriéndose de hambre.

Yuki se me acercó y puso la bandeja a mi lado. La miré con seriedad y ella igual...

-¿Es enserio?-

-¿Qué cosa?-

-Después de tanto engaño, violencia y sufrimiento... ¿vienes a ofrecernos tu hospitalidad?-

-Pero... tienen que comer-

-Maldita hipócrita-

-Por favor, Souichi. Si no comes... Nii-san se enojará-

-¿Y qué es eso? ¿Comida del basurero?-

-No...- levantó el tazón –Son onigiris rellenos con pollo teriyaki...-

-¡Oh! No me digas... qué detalle- dije sarcásticamente –Seguro tu hermano les puso veneno-

-No... yo misma lo acabo de preparar. Nii-san ni siquiera los ha tocado-

-No quiero-

-Souichi... come, por favor. Además... sé que debes tener hambre-

De alguna manera me convenció porque el estómago empezó a rugirme y la comida se veía deliciosa. Hace tiempo que no probaba bocado y quién sabe cuándo lo iba a volver a hacer; así que no podía desaprovechar esta oportunidad porque... en verdad... yo SÍ TENÍA LA ESPERANZA DE SALIR DE AQUÍ.

Obviamente, Yuki no me desató las manos, por lo que ella me daba de comer en la boca. Debo admitir que estaba rico o es que tenía tanta hambre que cualquier cosa me parecería rica. Comí algo apresurado, pues tenía miedo que el otaku viniera y Morinaga no haya comido nada. Creo que fueron 3 onigiris los que me comí y un poco de agua para la sed. Luego, Yuki se acercó temerosamente a Morinaga y le acercó el plato, pero Morinaga hizo su cabeza a un lado bruscamente...

-No quiero-

-Por favor... Morinaga... debes comer algo. Tú has estado más tiempo aquí y...- respondió Yuki.

-Dije que NO- gritó y la miró con furia –No quiero NADA de ti-

-Morinaga... por favor... come algo- interferí, porque Yuki tenía razón... él debía ingerir algo.

-Dije que no quiero... no me molesten-

-Debes comer... por favor come- volví a interferir.

-Tienes hambre Morinaga... lo sé- Yuki le acercó el plato un poco más para que le provocara.

-Por favor... come ¿sí?- insistí –Aunque sea un poco-

No dijo nada, tan solo afirmó con un movimiento de cabeza. Al igual que yo, Yuki le dio de comer a Morinaga; sin embargo, lo ingirió bastante lento, porque me imagino... le dolerían las heridas de su boca. Solo alcanzó a comerse un onigiri y medio, y bebió un poco de agua.

Aunque fue vergonzoso, nos ayudó a cada uno a orinar en un urinario que había en la esquina y luego pasó a retirarse. Fueron como varias horas en las que Morinaga y yo nos mantuvimos en silencio. Decidimos no discutir más, puesto que Morinaga se había recostado como pudo en el suelo y empezó a dormitar. Mientras que yo... solo pensaba en la forma de salir de aquí.

Lo peor de todo era que no podía saber la hora, no estaba consciente si era de noche o de día; pero según mis cálculos, se estaba haciendo de noche. Morinaga ya estaba dormido, su rostro reflejaba tranquilidad, pero a la vez tristeza. De pronto... me vinieron unas ganas enormes de abrazarlo y recostarlo en mi pecho... quería... PROTEGERLO. El sueño poco a poco empezaba a invadirme a mí también hasta que escuché que nuevamente la puerta de atrás se abrió. Me asusté, pues las pisadas que se aproximaban eran fuertes... era EL OTAKU...

-Morinaga... oe... Morinaga...- lo llamé para que se despertara, no vaya a ser que le otaku se atreva a lastimarlo dormido.

Afortunadamente Morinaga se despertó y se levantó como pudo, quedando de rodillas igual que yo. Guardamos silencio con nuestras cabezas gachas hasta que le otaku comenzó a hablar...

-No se hagan los dormidos que no les creo-

Levanté la mirada y pude nota que el otaku traía un arma en sus manos, así que me aterré. Era algo así como un látigo. ¿Qué pensaba hacernos ahora... azotarnos?, pensé. También pude ver a Yuki, pero la vi distinta... bastante asustada. No recuerdo exactamente lo que pasó, tan solo sé que el otaku comenzó a azotarnos en la espalda tanto a Morinaga y a mí por igual. Mientras eso sucedía... él monologaba una sarta de tonterías para hacernos sentir y mal y humillarnos; pero intenté ignorarlo al igual que Morinaga. Sin embargo, cuando terminó la sesión de golpes... o más bien dicho... azotes, se paro al frente de mí y dijo algo que me llamó la atención...

-Espero que disfruten las últimas 24 horas que les queda, porque mañana en la noche... vengo a MATARLOS-

-¿QUÉ?- grité.

-Lo que oíste, Tatsumi... o qué... ¿Creíste que los dejaría con vida? ¿Creíste que mi venganza solo consistía en golpes y que luego los soltaría? Jajajajaja... pues no- se burló –Mañana... SE MUEREN-

-¡NO ESPERA! NO SERÍAS CAPAZ DE HACER ESO ¿VERDAD?- quise hacerle entender que estaba cometiendo un error.

-Claro que soy capaz de eso. Ya me aburrí de golpearlos, así que quiero acabar con esto de una vez... y deberías estar agradecido que les estoy dando 24 horas más de vida-

-Por favor... no lo hagas. Lo que vas a hacer es horrible. No... no puedes matarnos-

-Sí puedo. No voy a dejar que me acuses con la policía otra vez-

-Te... te propongo un trato- me puse más nervioso –Si nos dejas libres y con vida... juro que Morinaga y yo te acusaremos, no le diremos nada a nadie, por favor... te lo suplico-

-JAJAJAJAJAJA- se burló malévolamente -¿Crees que te voy a creer?-

-Juro que estoy diciendo la verdad-

-No, Tatsumi-


La verdad había caído en la desesperación que lo único que se me ocurrió fue ofenderlo y meterle cizaña al asusto para que él mismo se acobardara de sus actos... pero parece que por mis palabras hice que lastimaran a Morinaga...


Lo que había sucedido fue que el otaku había sacado su revólver de su pantalón, se dio media vuelta y le apuntó hacia Morinaga...

-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- Morinaga empezó a gritar de dolor.


-AHHHHHHH... ME DUELEEEEEEE... AHHHHH- Morinaga empezó a llorar, gritar, chillar, forcejear las cadenas del dolor.

-Cállate y deja de ser tan marica, Tetsuhiro. No exageres...- el otaku se aproximó hacia Morinaga, se agachó y recogió algo -¿Ves? La bala está justo aquí... ni siquiera te disparé directamente. Calculé el ángulo y solo hice que te rosara-

-IGUAL... NO DEBISTE HACER ESO... MAL NACIDO- grité con todas mis fuerzas.

-Ay por dios... qué dramáticos- susurró el otaku –¡YUKI!-

-¿Sí, Nii-san?-

-Cura a Tetsuhiro-

-Pero... yo no sé ponerle puntos y...-

-NO SEAS ESTÚPIDA- le gritó a su propia hermana –AMÁRRALE ALGO A LA PIERNA, PERO QUE TETSUHIRO NO PIERDA MUCHA SANGRE. No quiero que se muera desangrado y ya no pueda matarlos a los dos como yo quiero-

-... Sí...-

El otaku prosiguió a retirarse dejándonos en claro que en 24 horas... nos iba a asesinar. ¿Acaso en verdad era el fin?

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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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I did not know what to say... did not know how to defend myself at his words. Morinaga all he was saying was true, but... but... There is something that he does not know. I... I want to find a way to say it, but if I do it now... no... no I will believe. You will think that I'm playing with him. In addition... it's pointless... Morinaga hate me and no longer wants to know more about me. Remains me of another rather than shut up and comfort him as what they always were... FRIENDS.-Quiet... everything... everything will turn out well. I promise that we will get out of this and you will be able to see Taiga and...--I... I am not with Taiga - interrupted me Morinaga very seriously.-What?--I lied you, Sempai--Do lie to me? How?--Taiga and I... just are friends-- But... you told me that Taiga was your girlfriend... up to you you showed it me and...-I said nothing only.- And what...--Well... I... I followed them... and saw them very happy together - I was melancholy.-We knew that we were following. Why we went to all those places intentional to make you believe it--I deceived? Despite the fact that before I go in your life I asked you many times...--It was the best. You largaras of my life, let me see, which resignaras you insist me so much--Morinaga! How could you do something like this... do know how bad I felt?--You, evil? Lol... do not make me laugh - mocked - what you feel bad you... If you don't feel or a pinch of love for me --Morinaga... that is not true. I... I said when we found ourselves in Hamatsu a new feeling to you was growing and...--Pure lies. As you were... starting to love me, but no. When I was surprised you in Nagoya... were well passionate with Yuki...--SHIT! Do you still with that? - I was angry - as I told you that I was blackmailing... Yuki would perhaps not you realize?--Now I don't know what to believe--Morinaga! Yuki is the sister of the otaku other test like?-I sighed and I calmed down, because he had sense to argue about the past - just want to ask you to be optimistic... think that somehow... I don't know how... we will get out of here... with life --I doubt it-- And please... LETS sacrifice you for me - I let him in clear - leaves that the OTAKU ME hurt to me...--SEMPAI... NO IT WILL ALLOW --WHY?--BECAUSE I love you do you understand? - returned to cry - I love you, I love you very much and always you I'm going to love - felt it frustrated.I was going to respond to him, but suddenly we hear... that the door opened and we were dumb, gachas heads and our bodies still. I admit that was afraid... very afraid. Perhaps the otaku will give us the section of punches that said? I hope that does not. It is not the time.I could notice that treads that came to us were quite soft and looking at my side, I could see that Yuki had come with a tray of food. Perhaps will it feed us? Now that I think about it well... I'm hungry and I have not eaten a few days ago... and what about Morinaga... The poor must be dying of hunger.Yuki came up to me and put the tray on my side. I looked at her seriously and she just...-Would it seriously?--What thing?---After of such deceit, violence and suffering... are coming to offer us your hospitality?-- But... they have to eat--Damn hypocritical--Please, Souichi. If you don't eat... NII-san is angry-- And what is that? Food of the landfill?--No... -Rose Bowl - onigiris are stuffed with chicken teriyaki...--Oh! Don't tell me... what detail I said sarcastically - insurance your brother put you poison --No... myself I just prepare. NII-san has not even touched them--I don't--Souichi... eat, please. Also... I know that you must be hungry-Somehow I convinced because the stomach started to roar me and the food was delicious. Time ago that not testing snack and who knows when I would return to do; so could not squander this opportunity because... really... I if I had the hope of out of here.Obviously, Yuki no unfastened me hands, so she gave me to eat in the mouth. I must admit that I was rich or had so much hunger that anything seem rich. I ate something rushed, because the otaku came and Morinaga has eaten nothing was afraid. I think they were 3 onigiris which I ate and a little water to the thirsty. Then, Yuki fearfully approached Morinaga and approached the plate, but Morinaga made his head to one side suddenly...-I don't--Please... Morinaga... you should eat something. You've been here longer and...-Yuki responded.-I said non - shouted and looked at her with fury - I don't want anything from you--Morinaga... Please... eat something - interfere, because Yuki was right... it was eating something.-I said that I don't want to... don't bother me --You should eat... Please come – returned to interfere.-Hungry Morinaga... know, Yuki approached the dish a bit more so that it could provoke him.-Please... come yes? - I insisted - albeit slightly-He didn't say anything, he just said with a nod. Like me, Yuki gave food to Morinaga; However, ingested quite slow, because I can imagine... you dolerían the wounds of his mouth. It only reached to eat an onigiri and a half, and drank a little water.Although it was shameful, helped us each to urinate into a urinal that was in the corner and then went on to retire. They were several hours in which Morinaga and I kept us in silence. We decided to not discuss more, since Morinaga was lying as he could on the floor and began to doze. While I... just thought in the way out of here.The worst thing was that he could not know the time, was not aware whether it was night or day; but according to my calculations, I was doing at night. Morinaga was already asleep, his face reflected quiet, but at the same time sadness. Soon... came me a huge desire to hug him and lay him on my chest... I wanted to... PROTECT IT. The dream gradually began to invade me I also until I heard that the back door was again opened. I got scared, as footsteps approaching were strong... was the OTAKU...-Morinaga... oe... Morinaga...-so I called so you woke up, not going to be that you otaku dares to hurt him asleep.Fortunately Morinaga awoke and arose as he could, leaving on his knees as I do. We were silent with our gruel heads until you otaku began to speak...-Don't get the sleeping I don't think les-I lifted my gaze and I could note that the otaku brought a weapon in their hands, so I panicked me. It was something like a whip. What thought let us now... whip us?, I thought. I could also see Yuki, but I saw it different... quite scared. Not remember exactly what happened, just know that the otaku began to whip us back both Morinaga and me alike. While that was happening... He soliloquized a pack of nonsense to make us feel and evil and humiliate us. but I tried to ignore it like Morinaga. However, at the end of the session of hits... or rather... spanking, stood in front of me and said something that caught my attention...-Hope you enjoy the last 24 hours that left them, because tomorrow evening... I come to kill them --WHAT? - I cried.-What you heard, Tatsumi... or what... do believe that it would leave them with life? You believe that my vengeance only consisted of punches and then you soltaría them? Hahahahaha... well non - mocked - morning... IS DIE --NO WAITING! NOT serious capable of making that right? - I wanted to make him understand that it was a mistake.-Of course, that I am capable of that. I already got bored of hitting them, so I want to put an end to this once... and you should be grateful that I am giving them 24 hours more of life --Please don't do it. What are you doing is horrible. No... You can not kill us--Yes I can. I am not going to leave me to accuse the police again--You I suggest... treatment - I was more nervous - if you leave us free and alive... I swear that Morinaga and I you acusaremos, don't say anything to anyone, please... I beg it --HAHAHAHAHAHA - snickered maliciously - do you think I'm going to believe? --I swear that I am telling the truth --No, Tatsumi--NO TE DARE... YOU ARE TOO COWARDLY TO KILL SOMEONE... COWARD... COBARDEEEE - I started to scream.The truth had fallen into despair that the only thing that occurred to me was offending him and put his tares to the I scared so he acobardara be accountable... but it seems that my words did they hurt to Morinaga...~ PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM (SHUTTER SOUND) ~What had happened was that the otaku had taken his revolver from his pants, half turned and pointed towards Morinaga...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH - Morinaga began to scream with pain.-NOOOO... THAT DID, DAMN. WHY WHAT YOU DID --AHHHHHHH... I DUELEEEEEEE... AHHHHH - Morinaga began to cry, yell, scream, wrestle the chains of pain.-Shut up and stops being so fag, Tetsuhiro. Not exaggerate...-the otaku approached towards Morinaga, bent down and picked up something - do you see? The bullet is right here... you even shot it directly. I figured the angle and just did it rosara you--THE SAME... YOU SHOULD NOT DO THAT... WRONG born - I yelled with all my might.-Oh God... what dramatic - whispered the otaku - YUKI!--Do Yes, Nii-san?--Cure to Tetsuhiro-- But... I don't know put points and...--Don't be stupid - I yelled out to his own sister - tie something to the leg, but that TETSUHIRO not lose much blood. I don't want that I die bleeding and already not to kill them both as I love you--... Yes...-The otaku continued to withdraw leaving us clear in 24 hours... we would kill. It really was the end?
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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I did not know what to say ... I did not know how to defend myself at his words. All I was saying was true Morinaga, but ... but ... there is something he does not know. I ... I want to find a way to tell, but if I do it now ... no ... I will not believe. He'll think I'm playing with him. Besides ... it's useless ... Morinaga hates me and does not want to know me. I have no choice but to keep quiet and comfort as we always were ... friends. 'Easy ... everything ... everything will be alright. I promise we'll get through this and you will again see Taiga and ...- I ... I'm not interrupted Morinaga Taiga- me seriously. What -? 'I lied to you, Sempai- -¿Mentirme? How - -Taiga and I ... we're just friends- But ... you told me that Taiga was your girlfriend ... until you showed me and shut me ...- alone. And why ... - Well ... I ... I followed ... and looked very happy together- I became melancholy. We knew you were following us. So we went to all those places you purposely the creyeras- cheated will ya? Although before leaving your life I asked you many times ...- It was the best. That you largaras of my life, you would stop me, they pester you with tanto- resignaras -¡Morinaga! How could you do something like that ... you know how bad I felt - Does your, wrong? Hahaha ... do not make me laugh mocked -What you're going to feel bad ... if you do not feel a shred of love for me, -Morinaga ... that's not true. I ... I told you when we met again in Hamatsu a new feeling for you was growing and ...- -Puras lies. According to you ... you were starting to love me, but no. When I was surprised in Nagoya ... you were okay ...- Yuki passionate Shit! Still WITH THAT? - I was angry 'I told you that Yuki was blackmailing me ... do not you realize - 'I do not know what creerte- -¡Morinaga! Yuki is the sister of otaku What other test would - I sighed and calmed down, it no longer made ​​sense to discuss last-just want to ask you to be optimistic ... You think that somehow ... I do not know how ... let's get out of here ... with life- 'm doubtful And please ... STOP sacrifice for me- let him clear otaku 'Let ME ...- hurt my -NO SEMPAI ... I will not PERMITIR- Why? - Because I LOVE YOU DO YOU UNDERSTAND - mourn again I love you, I love you very much and always going to bitter I felt frustrated. I was going to answer, but ... suddenly we heard the door opened and we were silent, with our heads down and motionless bodies. I admit I was afraid ... very afraid. Does the otaku section will give blows he say? I hope no. It is not the time. I noticed that the footsteps addressed us were quite soft and looking to my side, I could see that Yuki had come with a tray of food. Is it going to feed? Now that I think about it ... I have hungry and have not eaten a few days ago ... and what about Morinaga ... The poor must be starving. Yuki approached me and put the tray beside me. I looked at her seriously and she still ... Is it seriously - What thing? - 'After so much deception, violence and suffering ... are you coming to offer your hospitality - But ... have to eat - Damn hypocrite -Please Souichi. If you do not eat ... Nii-san enojará- 'What is that? What about food from the dump - No ...- he rose bowl onigiris They're stuffed with chicken teriyaki ...- Oh! Do not tell me ... what I said sarcastically detail- Surely your brother put them poisonous myself No ... I just prepare. Nii-san has not even tocado- want- No -Souichi ... come, please. Besides ... I know you must be hungry somehow convinced me that the stomach began to rugirme and the food looked delicious. I have not tasted bite and who knows when it would re-do; so I could not miss this chance because ... really ... I was hoping YES out of here. Obviously, no Yuki untied my hands, so she fed me in the mouth. I must admit I was rich or he was so hungry that anything I seem rich. I ate something quick, because I was afraid that the otaku come and Morinaga has not eaten anything. I think it was three I ate the onigiri and a little water to the thirsty. Then, timidly approached Yuki Morinaga and approached the plate, but Morinaga made ​​his head sharply to one side ... No want- 'Please ... Morinaga ... must eat something. You've been here longer and ...- Yuki said. 'I said NO- shouted and glared I want nothing of TI -Morinaga ... please ... come something- interfered because Yuki was right ... he should eat something. I said I do not want ... I do not molesten- You must eat ... please commit interfere again. You're hungry ... I know, Morinaga Yuki approached the plate a little more to provoke him. 'Please ... come okay - Even if it insisted a little, he did not say anything, just said with a nod. Like me, Yuki fed him Morinaga; however, it swallowed quite slow, because I imagine ... would hurt the wounds of his mouth. He only managed to eat a onigiri and a half, and drank some water. Although it was embarrassing, it helped everyone to pee in a urinal that was in the corner and then went into retirement. They were like several hours when Morinaga and I kept silent. We decided not to argue anymore, since Morinaga was leaning back as he could on the floor and began to doze. While I ... just thought the way out of here. The worst thing was I could not tell the time, I was not aware whether it was night or day; but according to my calculations, it was getting dark. Morinaga was asleep, his face was calm, but also sadness. Suddenly ... I came a huge desire to hug him and lay him on my chest ... I wanted to ... protect it. The dream slowly began to invade me too until I heard the back door again opened. I panicked, because the approaching footsteps were strong ... it was otaku ... -Morinaga ... oe ... Morinaga ...- I called him to wake him up, not going to be that you dare otaku to hurt asleep. Fortunately Morinaga woke up and scrambled to his feet, knees being like me. Silent with our heads down until he started talking otaku ... No I do not think- the sleeping that they are made ​​I looked up and I could notice that the otaku had a gun in his hands, so I panicked. It was like a whip. What did ... have beaten us now ?, I thought. I could also see Yuki, but I saw different ... pretty scared. I do not remember exactly what happened, just know that the otaku began to have beaten back both Morinaga and me alike. While that happened ... he monologue a bunch of nonsense and to make us feel bad and humble; but I tried to ignore it as Morinaga. However, when the session ended shock ... or rather ... whipping, I stood in front of me and said something that struck me ... I hope you enjoy the last 24 hours they have left, because tomorrow night ... I come to MATARLOS- What? - I cried. 'What did you hear, Tatsumi ... or what ... You thought that would leave alive? Did you think my only revenge was to shock and then would release? Hahahaha ... well ... Tomorrow is non mocked die-SE -¡NO WAIT! You would not be able to do that right? -. I wanted to make him understand that he was making a mistake Of course I'm capable of that. I'm already bored of beating them, so I want to end this once ... and you should be grateful I am giving you 24 hours over life- 'Please ... do not. What you do is horrible. No ... you can not matarnos- Yes I can. I will not let the police accuse me again- I'll ... I'll make you a deal- I got more nervous If you let us free and alive ... and I swear Morinaga accuse you, do not say anything anyone, please ... do what pleaded -JAJAJAJAJAJA- is maliciously mocked think I'm going to believe - I swear I'm telling the truth No, Tatsumi- -NO you dare ... you are too coward to kill someone ... COWARD ... COBARDEEEE- started screaming. The truth had fallen into despair that all I could think was offending weeds and put him to scare himself to cower in their actions .. . but it seems that I had hurt my words to Morinaga ... ~ PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM (SOUND TRIP) ~ What had happened it was that the otaku had pulled his gun from his pants, turned around and pointed toward Morinaga .. . -AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- Morinaga began to scream in pain. Noooo ... you did, DAMN. WHY THE HICISTE- -AHHHHHHH ... ME ... AHHHHH- DUELEEEEEEE Morinaga began to mourn, cry, scream, struggling chains pain. Shut up and stop being such a fagot, Tetsuhiro. Do not exaggerate the otaku ...- approached to Morinaga, bent down and picked something See? The bullet is right here ... I do not even shoot straight. I calculated the angle and just did rosara- you -just ... You should not do that ... EVIL born- I screamed with all my might. Oh god ... what dramáticos- whispered -¡YUKI otaku! - - Yes, Nii-san - -Cura to Tetsuhiro- But ... I do not know how to put points and ...- -Don't be ESTÚPIDA- yelled at his sister's leg -AMÁRRALE SOMETHING, BUT NOT Tetsuhiro MISS much blood. I do not want to die bled and you can not kill them both as I want- Yes -... ...- The otaku continued to retreat leaving clear that in 24 hours ... we would kill. Is it really was the end?

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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I didn't know what to say... I didn't know how to defend myself against his words. All I was saying was true, Morinaga, but... But... There's Something He doesn't know. I... I want to find a way to tell you, but I do now... Not... You're not gonna believe me. Think I'm playing with it. Besides... It's useless... Morinaga Hates Me And I Don't want to know me More.I have no choice but to keep quiet and comfort as you always were... Friends.

- quiet... Everything... Everything's gonna be okay. I Promise You, we're gonna get out of this and you might see Taiga and... - - i

... I'm not with Taiga - interrupting Morinaga very seriously. - What? - I Lied -

- sempai, Lie To Me? How? -
- taiga and I... We're Just Friends -

...You told me that Taiga was your girlfriend... Until I showed up and... - I just.

... - well... I... I followed you... And looked very Happy Together - i Melancholy.

- we knew that we were following. That's why we went to all those places by the way that you believe -

- You tricked me? Despite that before you leave your life Many Times...

- was best.Get out of my life, you see me, pushing me to phone rlngs will you resign from both -

- Morinaga. How could you do something so... You know how bad I felt? -

you wrong? Hahaha... Don't make me Laugh - Fun - You Feel Bad You... If you don't feel even a little bit of Love for me

- Morinaga. That's not true. I...I told you when we met in Hamatsu a New feeling towards you was growing and...

- All Lies. According to you... You were starting to love me, but not when I was in Nagoya. Were you passionate with Yuki...

! Still? - I told you I was mad - Yuki was blackmailing me. Don't you realize?

- I Don't know what to believe - - Morinaga

!Yuki is the sister of otaku what more Proof do you want? - I and I calmed Down, I had no sense to discuss the past, so I just want to ask you to be optimistic. You think that somehow... I Don't know how... Let's get out of here... With Life -


- and please... Let you sacrifice yourself for me - I made it clear that the otaku Stop freaking me Hurt Me..

- sempai...I will not allow -

- Why?

- - Because I Love You, you know? - again I love you so much and I Will Always Love You - I felt frustrated.
was about to answer, but soon... We heard the door opened and stayed Silent, with their heads down and our bodies motionless. I was afraid... Very afraid. You give us the otaku section of Strokes that said? I hope not.
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