Las semanas seguían pasando y yo aún tenía esas ganas de llorar intens dịch - Las semanas seguían pasando y yo aún tenía esas ganas de llorar intens Anh làm thế nào để nói

Las semanas seguían pasando y yo aú

Las semanas seguían pasando y yo aún tenía esas ganas de llorar intensas que aún no había soltado y Taiga se dio cuenta; por eso un día que iba irse con su novio de un día para otro me dijo "Mori... cuando uno está dolido lo mejor es llorar todo lo que puedas para sacar el dolor que llevas dentro... por eso... te dejaré solo hasta el día siguiente y quiero que te desahogues sin que te avergüences y luego, créeme que se sentirás como nuevo y yo vendré a hacerte compañía". Así lo hizo; salió con su novio desde el sábado en la tarde y no volvió hasta el domingo en la noche. Recuerdo perfectamente que ese fin de semana lloré como nunca. Me salían lágrimas sin parar, la respiración se me aceleraba tanto que por ratos me quedaba sin aire. Tomé mucha agua, pues no tenía ganas de comer. Lloré mucho y para que mis otros vecinos no se ganen con mi drama; me encerré en mi armario y ahí grité, chillé y exploté en llanto. Golpeaba las cosas, insultaba al aire, me deseaba la muerte... todo... por un momento no aguantaba el dolor y sentí unas ganas increíbles de llamarlo... estaba a punto de marcar su número, pero recordé que posiblemente hoy en día esté con su esposa en casa muy felices y no quise interrumpir eso. Recordé cada cosa que pasó en Nagoya... desde la primera vez que lo vi con Yuki hasta el matrimonio... mi mente se llenaba de escenas tristes y me frustré. Pensé en suicidarme, pero luego me odié por haber siquiera permitido que pasara esa abominable idea por mi cabeza... POR SUPUESTO QUE NO ME IBA A MATAR POR UN HOMBRE... que... NISIQUIERA ME QUISO... ni como un amigo.

El domingo en la noche regresó Taiga y me encontró sentado y encerrado en la esquina de mi armario con ojeras, los ojos bien rojos y la respiración acelerada. Me sacó del armario, me abrazó y me obligó a bañarme. De alguna forma me sentí liberado, más tranquilo por haber llorado lo suficiente y sobretodo limpio por la ducha; sin embargo, esa tristeza de mi rostro aún no se borraba y Taiga se me lanzó a hacerme cosquillas y reventé a carcajadas.

La tristeza poco a poco se me iba yendo del rostro gracias a Taiga. Ella era una chica bastante feliz, su vida era perfecta... sobre todo porque tenía el novio perfecto, según ella. Yo no lo conocía... solo sabía que se llamaba Takahashi Takasu y era 2 años mayor que Taiga; y bueno que tenía un trabajo bastante ocupado en otra empresa.

Taiga y yo teníamos la misma edad, yo era mayor por meses, así que también la cuidaba a ella como una hermanita. El hecho que Taiga y yo estemos siempre juntos, eso causó cierta polémica en la empresa... aunque sabían que yo era gay... mis compañeros pensaban que estaba en algo con Taiga; es decir, que me gustaba Taiga o que yo le gustaba a ella. Al principio me incomodó, pues no me gustaba que duden de mi sexualidad; pero luego me fui acostumbrando a que me "emparejaran" con Taiga. A nadie le molestaba, ni siquiera a Taiga... pero a quien sí le incomodaba todo eso era a Takasu (el novio de Taiga). A pesar de ser perfecto, pues también tenía sus defectos y el más grande era: LOS CELOS.

Taiga me comentó que le había hablado a Takasu de mí, pero siempre recalcándole que solo éramos amigos y que yo era GAY. A Takasu al principio no le importó, pero cuando se enteró que Taiga y yo parábamos muy unidos hasta a veces la veían salir de mi habitación en las mañanas, eso lo hacía enojar... no le gustaba el hecho que Taiga se quedara a dormir en mi habitación. Había que tener cuidado en eso porque aunque Takasu no trabajaba en la misma empresa que nosotros... tenía amigos dentro de la Farmacéutica que obviamente le contaban todo.

Taiga a veces se peleaba con Takasu por mi culpa; es decir, porque Takasu le reclamaba a Taiga que por qué siempre andaba conmigo y ella obviamente me defendía diciendo que yo estaba pasando por un momento difícil y que necesitaba de una amiga; sin embargo, a mí... Takasu me parecía una persona extraña.

Recuerdo esa vez que Taiga y yo salimos un sábado al cine y a cenar en plan de amigos, porque quería despejarme un poco y distraerme; además cada quincena y fin de mes que la empresa nos remuneraba... íbamos a un lugar caro a comer o sino hacíamos varias cosas en la calle. Esa vez fuimos al cine a ver una de terror, no recuerdo en nombre pero salimos con hambre y luego de haber comido comida mexicana regresamos a los condominios a pie como para bajar la comida con la caminata; pero Taiga estaba tan agotada que la tuve que cargar de regreso en mi espalda. Aún no era de noche, pero si se veía el ocaso. Su novio nos había visto y se acercó a nosotros a la defensiva. Recuerdo que empezó a gritar y a insultarme: "QUIÉN ES ESTE, IMBÉCIL... ¿TU AMANTE? ¿ÉL ES TU AMIGO GAY DEL QUE TANTO HABLAS? ¿POR QUÉ SIEMPRE ANDAS CON ÉL... ACASO TE GUSTA LOS HOMOSEXUALES? ¡OYE TÚ MARICÓN... ALÉJATE DE TAIGA... ELLA ES MI NOVIA... QUE TE QUEDE BIEN CLARO! ¡SI TE VUELVO A ENCONTRAR MUY CONFIANZUDO CON TAIGA... JURO QUE TE ROMPO LA CARA MARICÓN DE MIERDA!".

Y Taiga se fue con él porque Takasu se la llevó. Ese día... vi los ojos llenos de ira del novio de Taiga y supe que no me daba buena espina... que ese hombre no era de fiar. Obviamente no respondí, pues no quería armar una pelea y menos causarle problemas a Taiga. Ella no volvió a los condóminos durante todo el fin de semana y el lunes que entramos a trabajar, ella llegó tarde, estaba distinta, bastante callada y cabizbaja... y vi en ella algo que me asustó. Tenía en el brazo, exactamente arriba del codo,... un MORETÓN. En ese momento pensé "Takasu la golpeó... por mi culpa". Le reclamé a Taiga ese golpe y me lo negó todo. Me dijo que había sido obra de Takasu, pero no de la forma que yo me imaginaba, solamente estaban discutiendo y cuando forcejearon él la agarró muy fuerte y no se dio cuenta y la lastimó, pero que él se había disculpado.

Desde que vi ese golpe en el brazo... había comprendido que esa relación no iría bien, que si Taiga se deja lastimar por su novio ahora... qué será más adelante. Desde ese entonces... supe que ese hombre... NO ERA DIGNO DE TAIGA NI DE NINGUNA MUJER.

Luego de esa vez... Taiga y yo no salíamos juntos al exterior muy a menudo para no cruzarnos con el mal carácter de Takasu; sin embargo, dentro de la Farmacéutica, parábamos juntos como buenos amigos.


Ahora... tantas cosas habían pasado... el hecho de olvidar a Sempai, las actividades de la Farmacéutica y el problema con el novio de Taiga. Todo eso me mantenía ocupado, hasta ya podía pasar tiempo solo y no me afectaba mucho, tan solo me ponía triste cuando empezaba a pensar en Sempai y mi vida en Nagoya; sin embargo, hoy era un día feliz pues habíamos ganado el concurso anual entre las ramas de la Farmacéutica S y eso me hizo dormir por primera vez con una sonrisa en el rostro.

Dos semanas después ya todos estaban con los preparativos navideños. La farmacéutica estaba bien decorada para la víspera navideña y todos comentaban qué cosa iban a hacer por fiestas. Navidad, la época del año más feliz del mundo para todos... menos para mí. Se acerca la fecha... creo que estaré solo. Estaba en la oficina trabajando cuando en eso a Taiga se le ocurrió preguntar...

-¿No es linda la decoración?-

-Sí... me agrada mucho... se puede sentir la víspera navideña con solo estar rodeado de todos estos adornos-

-Sí... ¡AMO LA NAVIDAD! La decoración, el árbol, la comida, los regalos, los cohetes... todo me gusta... y sobre todo porque veo a mi familia-

-Sí...- me desanimé un poco –Debe ser lindo pasarla con la familia-

-¿Dije algo malo? ¿Por qué ese tono tan desanimado?-

-Bueno... no celebro la navidad-


-Antes la pasaba con mi familia, pero desde que me fui a estudiar a la Universidad de Nagoya... no he podido. Además... ya te conté la historia de mi pueblo y lo que me pasó ahí...-

-Ah sí... con el tema del suicidio de Masaki-

-Del CASI suicidio-

-Tienes razón... aún sigue vivo... mala hierba nunca muere-

-¿Por qué dices eso? Masaki no es malo-

-No que va... tan solo te utilizó para estar cerca de tu hermano y luego te botó... y encima se hace la víctima-

-ESO ES... cierto- me ganó –Pero ya se disculpó-

-Sí... bueno... si tú lo dices...- suspiró –En fin... entonces... ¿irás a Fukuoka?-


-Pero Mori... estoy segura que a tus padres les dará mucha alegría verte...-

-JAJAJAJAJA no lo creo...-

-¿Por qué?-

-ME ODIAN- enfaticé.

-¡Nah! Estás exagerando... todos los padres quieren a sus hijos...-

-Sí... y el mejor ejemplo son el aumento de los orfanatos- dije sarcásticamente.

-Si pero...-

-Taiga... no quiero hablar de mis padres, por favor-

Por primera vez... le mostré seriedad a Taiga, cosa que la sorprendió, pero con eso dejó de preguntarme sobre mi familia.

Dos días después llegó el 24 de Diciembre, Taiga iba a regresar a su pueblo que estaba a 4 horas de Hamatsu para pasar Navidad allí; aún era de mañana así que había tiempo para viajar. Todos los trabajadores que vivían en los condominios también se fueron. Yo era el ÚNICO que se quedaría en la farmacéutica en vísperas navideñas...

-¿Estás seguro que no quieres venir?- dijo parada en la puerta de mi habitación con su maleta.

-¿Bromeas? Te he dicho mil veces que no quiero molestarte- dije con una sonrisa melancólica.

-Jamás dije que fueras una molestia, Mori... estoy segura que mi familia estará encantada de tenerte en navidad-

-Cómo crees, Taiga. La familia es para pasarla con la familia... yo solo seré un intruso en la familia Asuka, jeje y créeme que si Takasu se entera... se armaría la graaan pelea-

-Bueno... si no se entera no pasa nada-

-No te preocupes, Taiga, yo estaré bien aquí... compraré unas cosas para cenar y me acostaré temprano-

-Bueno... al menos tuve la intención- soltó su maleta y me abrazó muy fuerte –Que la pases bien, Mori... te quiero mucho, mejor amigo-

-Y yo a ti, mejor amiga-

Y se fue. Al caer la noche, toda la empresa estaba a oscuras; obviamente a los trabajadores no nos permiten ingresar a las oficin
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The weeks were passing and I still had the desire to mourn intense that it had still not released and Taiga realized; so a day that would go out with her boyfriend from one day to another told me "Mori... when one is hurt it is best cry all that you can to get the pain you carry inside... so... I will leave you only until the next day and I want to you vent be ashamed and then, believe me you will feel like new and I will come to keep you company". So he did; He left with her boyfriend since Saturday afternoon and did not return until Sunday night. I remember well that weekend I cried like never before. Tears went me non-stop, breath I accelerated so much that by the time I was without air. I took lots of water, because I didn't want to eat. I cried a lot and for my other neighbors will not win with my drama; I locked me in my locker and there screamed, yelled and blew up in tears. Hitting things, it insulted the air, wished me death... everything... for a moment it not enduring the pain and felt an incredible desire to call it... was about to dial your number, but remembered possibly today is with his wife at home very happy and did not want to interrupt that. I remembered everything that happened in Nagoya... from the first time that I saw him with Yuki until marriage... my mind is filled with sad scenes and I hijacked. I thought killing me, but then I hated for having even allowed that you happen to this abominable idea through my head... OF course that not ME was going to kill by a man... that... EVEN I wanted to... or as a friend.The Sunday night returned Taiga and found me sitting and locked up in the corner of my closet with dark circles, eyes well red and accelerated breathing. Got me out of the closet, she hugged me and forced me to bathe. Somehow I felt calmer, released for having cried enough and above all clean shower; However, the sadness of my face is still not erased and Taiga lunged me to tickle me and I burst out loud.Sadness slowly was going I the face thanks to Taiga. She was a very happy girl, her life was perfect... mostly because had the perfect boyfriend, according to her. I did not know him... only I knew that it was called Takahashi Takasu and was 2 years older than Taiga; and good had a very busy in other company work.Taiga and I had the same age, I was higher for months, so it also took it to her as a little sister. The fact that Taiga and I are always together, that caused some controversy in the company... Although they knew that I was gay... my coworkers thought it was something with Taiga; i.e., Taiga liked or that I liked her. At first bother me, because I didn't that they doubt my sexuality; but then I was getting used to that I "emparejaran" with Taiga. Nobody bothered him, even to Taiga... but yes bothered to whom everything that was Takasu (the boyfriend of Taiga). Despite being perfect, as also had its flaws and the largest was: LOS CELOS.Taiga told me that he had spoken you to Takasu me, but always stressing him we were only friends and that I was GAY. Takasu at the beginning it did not care you, but when heard that Taiga and I stopped very close sometimes they saw it leave my room in the morning, that made him angry... didn't like the fact that Taiga would be to sleep in my room. He had to be careful in that because although Takasu was not working in the same company as us... I had friends within the pharmaceutical that obviously had it all.Taiga is sometimes fighting with Takasu by my fault; that is, because Takasu claimed to Taiga why he was always with me and she obviously defended me saying that I was going through a difficult time and that I needed a friend; However, to me... TAKASU seemed a strange person.I remember that time that Taiga and I were out one Saturday to the cinema and to dine at friends plan, because I wanted to clear my head a bit and distract me; In addition every two weeks and month-end that the company paid us... were going to an expensive place to eat or but did several things on the street. This time we went to the cinema to see one of terror, I remember on behalf but left hungry and after eating Mexican food will return to condo walk to get food with the walk; but Taiga was so exhausted that I had to charge back on my back. It was still not at night, but if the decline was. Her boyfriend had seen us and approached us on the defensive. I remember that began to scream and insult me: "who is this idiot... would your lover?" YOUR FRIEND GAY WHICH IS MUCH TALK? DO YOU ALWAYS YOU'RE WITH HIM... PERHAPS DO YOU LIKE GAY PEOPLE? HEY YOUR FAGGOT... STAY AWAY FROM TAIGA... SHE IS MY GIRLFRIEND... MAKE IT CLEAR YOU WELL! IF TEA AGAIN I FIND VERY COCKY WITH TAIGA...! I SWEAR THAT YOU BREAK THE FACE FUCKING FAGGOT! "."And Taiga went with him because Takasu took it. That day... I saw the eyes of wrath of the boyfriend of Taiga and I knew that did not give me good Thorn... that this man was not to be trusted. Obviously not answered, because I didn't want to put together a fight and cause fewer problems to Taiga. She did not return to the condominium owners throughout the weekend and on Monday we went to work, she arrived late, was different, very silent and crestfallen... and I saw in it something that frightened me. I had the arm, just above the elbow,... a BRUISE. At that moment I thought "Takasu hit her... my fault". Claim you to Taiga that blow and it denied me everything. He said that had been the work of Takasu, but not in the way that I imagined, only they were arguing and when they wrestled he seized it very strong and did not notice and hurt her, but that he had apologized.Since I saw that hit on the arm... it had understood that that relationship would not be fine, leaving Taiga hurt by her boyfriend now... What's more it later. Since then I knew... that man... IT WAS NOT WORTHY OF TAIGA OR ANY WOMAN.After that time... Taiga and I didn't together abroad very often for not coming across with the bad character of Takasu; However, within the pharmaceutical, we stopped together as good friends.END OF FLASHBACKNow... so many things had passed... the fact of forgetting Sempai, drug activities and the problem with the boyfriend of Taiga. All that kept me occupied, until now could spend time alone and did not affect me much, just I put sad when I began to think Sempai and my life in Nagoya; However, today was a happy day because we had won the annual contest between the branches of the pharmaceutical S and that made me sleep with a smile on his face for the first time.Two weeks later all were already with the Christmas preparations. The pharmaceutical was beautifully decorated for Christmas Eve and everyone commented on what it would do for festivals. Christmas, the season of the world happier for all... less for me. On the date... I think I'll be only. I was in the office working when it occurred to him to ask in that to Taiga...-Is decoration not cute?--Yes... I like very much... you can feel the Christmas Eve with only being surrounded by all these ornaments --Yes... love Christmas! Decoration, tree, food, gifts, rockets... everything I like... and especially because I see my family --Yes...-me discouraged a bit - should be nice to spend it with the family --Did I say something wrong? For what such a tone so despondent?--Well... no I celebrate Christmas--WHAT? YOU GONE CRAZY?--Before he spent it with my family, but since I went to study at Nagoya University... I could not. In addition... already told you the story of my people and what happened there...--Ah yes... with the subject of suicide of Masaki --Of the almost suicide --You're right... yet is still alive... bad grass never dies --Why do you say that? Masaki is not bad--Not going... just you used to be close to your brother and then you threw... and over victim becomes-THAT is... true - I won - but he already apologized--Yes... well... If you say it...-he sighed - well... then... are going to Fukuoka? --Non-- But Mori... sure that will give your parents great joy to see you...--JAJAJAJAJA I don't...--Why?--I hate - I stressed.-Nah! You are exaggerating... all parents want their children...--Yes... and the best example is the increase in orphanages - I said sarcastically.-Yes but...--Taiga... don't want to talk about my parents, please-For the first time... I showed seriousness to Taiga, which surprised her, but thereupon ceased to ask me about my family.Two days later he arrived on December 24, Taiga would return to his people who was 4 hours from Hamatsu to spend Christmas there; It was still morning so had time to travel. We were also all workers living in condominiums. I was the only one who would be on the Christmas Eve in the pharmaceutical...-Are you sure you don't want to come? - said standing in the door of my room with his suitcase.-Are you kidding? You have said a thousand times that I don't want to bother you - I said with a melancholy smile.-I never said that you were a nuisance, Mori... sure that my family will be happy to have you at Christmas --How to think, Taiga. The family is to spend it with the family... I only will be an intruder in the Asuka family, hehe and believe me that if Takasu... will arm the graaan fight --Well... If not nothing learns happens--Don't worry, Taiga, I will be well here... I will buy a few things for dinner and I sleep early --Well... at least I had the intention - dropped his suitcase and hugged me very strong - which passes well, Mori... I love you, best friend -- And I you, best friend-And it was. At nightfall, enterprise was in the dark; Obviously they do not allow workers entering the office
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The weeks were passing and I still had the urge to mourn intense that had not yet released and Taiga realized; so one day I was going to go with her ​​boyfriend overnight said "Mori ... when you're hurt it's best to mourn everything you can to make the pain you have inside you ... so ... I leave you alone until the next day and I want you desahogues without being ashamed, then, believe me feel like that again and I will come to you company. " So did; She came out with her ​​boyfriend on Saturday afternoon and did not return until Sunday night. I distinctly remember that weekend cried as ever. I tears came without stopping, breathing quicken me both times that he would stay out of air. I took a lot of water, having no appetite. I cried a lot and my other neighbors do not win with my drama; I locked myself in my closet and then yelled, screamed and exploded into tears. Hitting things, insulting the air, wished me death ... all ... for a moment I could not stand the pain and I felt an incredible urge to call him ... he was about to dial your number, but possibly remembered today day with his wife is very happy home and not want to interrupt that. I remembered everything that happened in Nagoya ... the first time I saw him Yuki until marriage ... my mind was filled with sad scenes and got frustrated. I thought of killing myself, but then I hated myself for having even allowed to pass the abominable idea my head ... of course I was not going to kill you ... ... A MAN WANTED ME NOT EVEN ... or as a friend. The Sunday night Taiga returned and found me sitting and locked up in the corner of my closet with dark circles, fine red eyes and rapid breathing. I pulled the closet, hugged me and forced me to bathe. Somehow I felt liberated, calmer for having cried enough and especially clean the shower; however, the sadness in my face not be erased and Taiga threw tickle me and busted out laughing. The sadness slowly I was going through Taiga's face. She was a very happy girl, his life was perfect ... mostly because I had the perfect boyfriend, she said. I do not know ... I just knew it was called Takahashi Takasu and was two years older than Taiga; and good I had a busy job in another company. Taiga and I were the same age, I was older by months, so also took care of her like a sister. The fact that Taiga and I are always together, causing some controversy in the business ... but they knew I was gay ... my classmates thought I was onto something with Taiga; ie Taiga I liked or that I liked it. At first it bothered me because I did not like to doubt my sexuality; but then I got used to me "pair up" with Taiga. No one bothered, not even Taiga ... but who does all that bothered him was to Takasu (Taiga's boyfriend). Despite being perfect, it also had its flaws and greatest era. JEALOUSY Taiga told me that he had spoken to me Takasu, but always insisting that she only were friends and that I was gay. A Takasu at first did not care, but when he learned that Taiga and we stopped very close to sometimes looked out of my room in the morning, it made ​​him mad ... did not like the fact that Taiga stay to sleep in my room. I had to be careful about that because even Takasu not work in the same company ... we had friends within the Pharmaceutical obviously told him everything. Taiga sometimes fought with Takasu my fault; that is, because he claimed to Taiga Takasu why he was always defended me and she obviously telling me I was going through a hard time and needed a friend; However, to me ... Takasu seemed a stranger. I remember that once Taiga and I went to the movies and a Saturday dinner at friends plan because I wanted to clear my head a bit and distract; plus every fortnight and month-end enterprise remunerated ... we were going to an expensive place to eat or else did several things on the street. This time we went to the movies to see a horror, I do not remember the name but left hungry and after eating Mexican food back to the condo to walk it down with the walk; Taiga but was so exhausted that I had to carry back on my back. It was not yet night, but the decline was seen. Her boyfriend had seen us and approached us on the defensive. I remember I started screaming and insulting me: "Who is this MORON ... Is he your lover YOUR FRIEND GAY TALK SO MUCH WHY you're always PERHAPS YOU LIKE IT ... HEY GAY? YOU STAY AWAY FROM GAY ... TAIGA ... she's my girlfriend ... that will be clear! IF YOU VERY confianzudo return to find Taiga ... I swear I'll break your face fucking fagot! ". And Taiga went with him because Takasu took her. That day ... I saw eyes full of anger Taiga boyfriend and I knew I was not a good feeling ... that this man could not be trusted. Obviously I did not answer, not wanting to pick a fight and less cause problems for Taiga. She did not return to the condominium during the weekend and on Monday we went to work, she was late, she was different, very quiet and downcast ... and she saw something that scared me. On his arm, just above the elbow, ... a bruise. At that time I thought "... Takasu hit my fault." Taiga complains to me that punch and denied everything. He said he had been the work of Takasu, but not the way I imagined, but they were discussing as they struggled he grabbed very strong and did not notice and hurt, but he had apologized. Since I saw that punch in the arm ... he understood that the relationship was not going well, that if Taiga is left hurt by her boyfriend now ... what will be later. Since then ... I knew this man ... WAS NOT WORTHY OF TAIGA OR ANY WOMAN. After that time ... Taiga and I went out together to the outside very often to not sit with evil character Takasu ; however, within the Pharmaceutical, we stopped together as good friends. END OF FLASHBACK Now ... many things had happened ... forget the fact Sempai, the activities of the Pharmaceutical and the problem with Taiga's boyfriend. All that kept me busy until he could spend time alone and did not affect me much, just made ​​me sad when I started thinking about my life Sempai and Nagoya; However, today was a happy day because we had won the annual contest between the branches of the Pharmaceutical S and that made ​​me sleep for the first time with a smile on his face. Two weeks later they were all with Christmas preparations. The drug was well decorated for Christmas Eve and everyone commented how thing were going to do for holidays. Christmas, the time of the happiest year for all ... except for me. The date is coming ... I think I'll be alone. He was in the office working when that Taiga was thought to ask ... Is not it cute decoration - Yes ... I like a lot ... you can feel the Christmas Eve with just being around all these adornos- Yes ... I LOVE CHRISTMAS! Decoration, tree, food, gifts, rockets ... all I like ... and especially because I see my family Yes ...- discouraged me a bit Must be nice to spend it with family - Did I say something wrong? Why so discouraged that tone - Well ... do not celebrate Christmas- What? Have you gone LOCO - Before the spent with my family, but since I went to study at the University of Nagoya ... I could not. Besides ... I already told you the story of my people and what happened to me there ...- Ah yes ... to the theme of suicide Masaki- -From ALMOST suicide 're right ... still alive ... weed never dies- Why do you say that? Masaki is not bad- Not that goes ... just like it used to be close to your brother and then I threw the victim ... and above is true-That's ... But I won already apologized Yes ... well ... if you say so ...- sighed 'Well ... then ... go to Fukuoka - -No- Mori ... But I'm sure your Parents give them much joy to see you ...- -JAJAJAJAJA not think so ...- Why? - I emphasized ODIAN--ME. -¡Nah! You're exaggerating ... all parents want their children ...- Yes ... and the best example is the increase in orfanatos- said sarcastically. If but ...- -Taiga not want to talk ... my parents, please- For the first time ... I showed seriousness Taiga, which surprised her, but it stopped asking about my family. Two days later came the December 24, Taiga was returning to his village it was 4 hours Hamatsu to spend Christmas there; it was still morning so there was time to travel. All workers who lived in the condo were also. I was the only one to remain in the pharmaceutical at Christmas eve ... Are you sure you will not come - said standing at the door of my room with his suitcase. kidding? I've said a thousand times that I do not want molestarte- said with a wistful smile. 'Never said you were a nuisance, Mori ... I'm sure my family will be delighted to have you at Christmas -How think, Taiga. The family is to spend with family ... I just will be an intruder in the Asuka, hehe family and believe me if Takasu learns ... the graaan would arm fight- Well ... if he does not know nothing happens - Do not worry, Taiga, I'll be fine here ... buy a few things for dinner and I go to bed early- Well ... at least I was pointedly dropped his suitcase and hugged me strong That a good time, Mori ... I love you, best friend And I you, best friend- and left. By nightfall, the entire company was dark; workers obviously do not allow us to enter the Oficin

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The Weeks passed and I still had the intense Cry that had not yet released and Taiga is realized; a day that would go with her boyfriend from day to day I said "Mori... It is best when one is pained Cry all you can to get the pain inside you... That's why...I'll Leave You Alone until the next day and I want you to let it out without Shame, and then it will feel like new and I will come to you. " So he did; he left with her boyfriend since Saturday afternoon and didn't come back until Sunday night. I Well remember that weekend I Cried as never before. I had Tears without stopping,Breathing is Accelerated for me both times I was left without air. I took a lot of water, it didn't feel like eating. I Cried a lot, and to my other Neighbors did not win with my drama; i locked myself in my closet and there i screamed, yelled and exploded in tears. Things hit, insulted in the Air, I wanted the Death... Everything...For a moment I couldn't Stand The Pain and felt a Desire incredible Calling... I was about to Dial Your Number, but I remembered that today is very happy with his wife at home, and didn't want to interrupt that. I remembered everything that happened in Nagoya. Since the first time I saw with Yuki until marriage. My Mind was filled with Sad scenes and got frustrated.I thought of killing myself, but then I hated for having even allowed to pass that abhorrent idea in My Head... Of course, I'm not going to Kill A Man... That... Nisiquiera I wanted... And as a friend. On Sunday night came and Found Me sitting Taiga and locked in the corner of my closet with Circles, Red Eyes and Rapid Breathing. Pulled me out of the closet,She hugged me, and forced me to take a Bath. Somehow I felt liberated, more easy to have cried enough, and above all, clean the shower; however, that Sadness of my face is not yet Erased and Taiga threw me to tickle me and blew up.

Sadness slowly I was leaving the face thanks to Taiga. She was a Very Happy Girl, his life was perfect.Especially because he was the perfect boyfriend, she said. I Don't know... I just knew it was Takahashi Takasu and Taiga was 2 years older than good; and that he had a rather busy job in another company.
Taiga and I were the same age, I was older by months, so she also cared for her as a Little Sister. The fact that Taiga and I are Always together,That caused some Controversy in the company... Although they knew I was gay... My classmates thought I was onto something with Taiga; that is to say, I liked Taiga or that I liked her. What do you do, because I didn't doubt my Sexuality, but then I got used to me "match" with Taiga. No One bothered even to taiga...But who was that all it was uncomfortable to Takasu (The boyfriend of taiga). Despite being perfect, it also had its Defects and the biggest one was: Jealousy.
Taiga told me that he had spoken to me always emphasize Takasu, but we were just friends, and that I was gay. Mr. Takasu (originally didn't Care.But when he learned that I was very close to Taiga and sometimes looked out of my room in the morning, it made him Angry. Not like the fact that Taiga will sleep in my room. I had to be careful because although Takasu was not working in the same company as we... I had friends within the pharmaceutical obviously told him everything.Sometimes Takasu Taiga was my fault; i.e., Takasu Taiga demanded that why she was always with me and I was saying that I was going through a difficult time and he needed a friend. However, to me... Takasu seemed a strange person.

I remember that time that Taiga and I went out to dinner and a movie Saturday in Friends plan,Because I wanted to Clear My Head a little bit and distract me; In addition each Fortnight and the end of the month that the company PAID US... We went to an expensive place to eat, or do several things but in the street. This time we went to the cinema to see a horror, I Don't remember the name but we're hungry after eating Mexican Food back to the Homes from down the food with the walk;But Taiga was so exhausted that I had to carry back in my back. Yet it was Night, but if you see the Sunset. Her boyfriend had spotted US and approached us on the defensive. I started screaming and cursing: "Who is this, you idiot... Your Lover? He's your gay Friend of yours? Why are you always with him... Do you like homosexuals? Hey, you FAG... AlÉjate taiga... She's my girlfriend... That you stay well Clear! If I ever find you very familiar with taiga... I Swear, you fucking FAG your face! " .

and Taiga Takasu went with him because he took it. That day... I saw the eyes full of Anger, The boyfriend of Taiga and knew that I was not feeling good. That man was not to be trusted. Obviously I didn't respond,Well, I didn't want to start a fight and less trouble to Taiga. She returned to the owners during the weekend and on Monday we went to work, she was late, I was different, and rather quiet and Crestfallen... And I saw something that frightened me. I had the arm just above the elbow. A moretÓn. At that moment, I thought "Takasu hit... My fault. "I complained to Taiga that blow and I denied everything. He told me that he had been the work of Takasu, but not the way I imagined, only when they were arguing and he grabbed her very strong and not realized and hurt, but he had apologized.
since I saw that hit in the arm. He had understood that that relationship doesn't go well,If Taiga is Hurt by her boyfriend now. What will be more later. Since then... I knew that this man... He was not worthy of Taiga or any Woman. After this time

... Taiga and I went together to the outside very often to see the bad character of Takasu; however, within the Pharmaceutical, we Pull Together as good friends.

The flashback now...So many things had happened... Forget the fact to sempai, the activities of the pharmaceutical and the problem with the boyfriend of Taiga. All that kept me busy, I could spend time alone and not affected me a lot, just when I was beginning to think I was sad, and my life in sempai in Nagoya; however,Today was a happy day because we had won the annual Contest between the branches of the pharmaceutical s and that made me sleep for the first time with a smile on the face. Two weeks later, we were all with christmas preparations. The Drug was well decorated for Christmas Eve and all were what were going to do for Christmas. Christmas,The Happiest time of the year for all... Less for me. About the date... I think I'll be alone. I was at the office working when it occurred to him to ask to taiga...

- is not pretty decorations? - Yes -

... I like very much... You can feel the Christmas Eve only to be surrounded by all these Ornaments -

- Yes... I love Christmas! The decoration, The Tree, the food,The gifts, The Rockets... I like everything... And especially because I see my family -

- I was disheartened a bit must be nice to spend with the family -

- I say something wrong? Why So Glum? -
- well... I Don't celebrate Christmas -

- What? Are You Crazy?

- before - spent it with my family, but I went to study at the University of Nagoya I haven't been able to. Besides...I told you the story of my people and what happened there...

Oh yes... With the theme of suicide Masaki -

- almost Suicide - - You are right... He's Still Alive... Weed Never Dies -

- Why do you say that? Masaki is not bad - - not

... You used to be close to your brother and then dumped you... And he's the victim -

that is... - I won, but I apologized -

- Yes... Well... If you say so... "Sighed, in order... Then... Go to Fukuoka? -

but Mori... I'm sure your parents would be very happy to see you... Hahahaha

Don't Think - - Why? - I Hate -

- hit. - Nah! You're overreacting... All parents want their children - Yes...

... And the best example is the increase of orphanages - I said sarcastically.
but...- taiga... I Don't want to talk about my parents, please

- for the first time... I showed him the seriousness of Taiga, the thing that surprised me, but it stopped asking me about my family. Two days later, on December 24, taiga was to return his people was 4 hours Hamatsu to spend Christmas there; he was still Tomorrow so I had time to travel.All workers who lived in the condos are also Gone. I was the one who would be the pharmaceutical on Christmas Eve...

- you sure you don't wanna come? - He stood at the door of my room with his Suitcase. - are you kidding? I told you a thousand times, I Don't want to bother you, "I said with a Melancholy smile. - I Never said you were a nuisance, Mori...I'm sure my family will be pleased to have you at Christmas -

-, taiga. The family is to spend with the family. I'll just be an intruder in the Family Asuka, and hehe if I Takasu finds... There would be the Big Fight -

- well... If you don't Know Nothing -

- Don't worry, taiga, I'll be fine here. I'll buy some things for dinner and go to bed early -

- well... At least I had the intention, he dropped his bag and hugged me very strong, have a good time, Mori... I Love You, Best Friend - you and I -

, Best Friend, and left. At Nightfall, the entire company was dark; obviously the workers not to allow us to enter the movie
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