- Don't Fight... Please - I speak but was again ignored.
oh yeah! You Don't Trust Me. You only left me to hear your story, because you have another, I'm not going to move this table -
- You Brute!
- - and you a Moron! -
! - i screamed and fell Silent immediately "do always have to fight? - I came down from that Stop shouting.They can't even Keep a conversation without reaching the insults -
- mori. That is why I must decline your offer. Thank you for inviting me to dinner, but I must go - taiga answered with Pride. - but... Where are you going?
- - I Don't know. I Don't have a job and I spent almost all my savings on this topic to investigate Takasu, so with the little money we have... I Don't know...Rent a small room... Or... I see what I do - smiled melancholically before I go... Can I Borrow your bathroom, please?
- - I said down the hall to the right –entrando
Taiga stood up and ran to the bathroom. To tell the Truth... I couldn't Let Go Taiga in the State you're in. I was beaten, depressed, Lonely, almost no money and...The Crazy Killer of her ex boyfriend would be looking to Kill. Not... I can't do that... I can't get her out of my house. If I do that... I'm putting in Danger, but... Ahhh... I can't Keep contradicting sempai. He doesn't want Taiga stay, but... I can't Rest Easy knowing that Taiga is alone... In The Street... Looking for where to go... On a Sunday night.I'm not that Heartless to not support it, if she so kindly helped me when I needed it. I definitely need to convince sempai Let Taiga to stay here with us... At least a short time or until she finds a job and cannot pay even Rent a mini apartment.
when I looked, I saw that sempai, Lighting a Cigarette and began to smoke.
- sempai...
I –sempai, listen - - No, Morinaga. I was right - - I know
, but... - i'm not sleeping under the same roof that Crazy -
- No place to go! -
I achieve Something - - but... At this Hour of the night?
- - that's not our problem -
- sempai!
- - No, Morinaga. I'm Sorry -
- Takasu should be looking to kill -
ha!Worse still, if we had your "Friend" Hide here, we'd be helping; and that also will bring us problems with your Crazy ex boyfriend -
- be careful and discreet with that item. But please... Let
- i'm not going to put our lives in danger just for a Whim -
- Nobody's gonna do anything -
- you yourself say that Takasu is not dangerous? -
-But... Dangerous for her. I'm not afraid of you. Even I Hate It - but he you
- huh? -
- Baka. Don't you remember? - she scolded me when you were in the hospital, Recovering from what made you the otaku,... Takasu and Taiga came to see - -
... I remember -
- Did you notice the way the Takasu you looked and talked to you? It is obvious that Hates you
- well... So Hate Me or not,It is impossible to hurt me. I haven't done anything wrong -
- Don't give him one, then! She screamed, happened between Takasu and Taiga is their problem. From the beginning I told you not to meddle in matters that don't concern you. And if you're hiding taiga... You're already involved and above... Against Takasu -
- sempai... Don't overdo it - is it calmed Down. - Don't defend me
- you didn't Hear? - You scoffed –takasu has money and Power. If you can outwit the Law, obviously going to hurt you so be a Black belt in karate sighed -... I Don't want anything to happen to you. I'm scared that... - got nervous and scared that Takasu is even worse than the otaku. I Don't want to relive those Moments -
- Oh... - I took a deep breath –sempai...I understand your Concern - I looked into his eyes and tried to understand, but... I can't abandon Taiga in a Moment Like This - i - Please... Let Taiga is... At least... At least until you find a job and can afford a place to live -
- Sorry, Morinaga. But no -
Please, sempai. Don't be so Heartless. Taiga may appear tough,But inside he's scared and desperate. I know, and... - melancholy Smile like you. - huh? - He is. - Yeah. You're so... Hard on the outside... But inside can be very sensitive and loving me so much -
- leave the kitsch, Baka. And don't compare me with that - He said indignantly.
- the point is... - I got a Little sentimental in Truth... We need. If not...Hadn't come to Our House -
- just because you don't know anyone in Nagoya -
- Imagine if Kanako Chan will go through a similar situation. Who is desperate for help, a place to stay for a while and... A person just like you. Close the Doors of his house and left alone to his fate -
Mori...Naga - - - how would you feel? -
Oh! Don't Make Me Feel Bad!- Anger exploded in a week? A Week.
- but is everything - sempai... There is very little time to find a Job. At least give him
2 months. - two months? Are You Mad? - Please -
- sempai, I said a week –tómalo seriously clarified or Leave It - - - gave me
... - All right... I -
had convinced sempai.Taiga was staying with us... At least a week. I was so happy, not only because of her, but also because it would be my best friend. I just was worried about the fact that sempai and Taiga are good. They Don't have a discussion without reaching the Shouts and insults and fights. Sometimes He seemed to hate.But the point is, I was happy. Maybe Takasu helped Taiga and discover that I Hate most of the Grip that has got me, but... I Don't Care. I decided I'm not afraid. It's more... I'd love to him in the street to punch him in the face. What he did to Taiga is Unforgivable... Beginning because it always was a married man with a Child.That asshole Hurt both Taiga as his wife and son. Although sempai has said a week, I was sure that in the end, sempai is sympathize and let you stay longer. All I cared about was that Taiga should get a Job soon.
I picked up the table and was washing the dishes while sempai was sitting comfortably on the couch,With a cigarette in Hand, reading a Book and drinking some coffee. Taiga soon... Came out of the bathroom quite discouraged...
- mori... Thank you for dinner and...
- Wait, Taiga! - I finished washing the dishes and approaching Taiga, while sempai remained concentrated in his book –sempai said you can stay -
smile. - What? Souichi really accept?
- - Yes!
- Wow, you really know how to handle this Tyrant Haha - Said jokingly.
- Brat... If you're going to make fun, you can get out of here - sempai spoke without even looking.
- Tyrant... If it was me... I would, but I Don't have anywhere to go, so I stay with you
- Please... - I Don't Fight –taiga down... If you're gonna stay, Try being nicer to sempai,
Please - - i'll be kind to him, if he behaves well with me
ha! I Don't have to. This is my house and I do and say what I want to do - was very proud, and if you don't like it... Look, there's the door was still sitting comfortably on the couch. - Excuse me? How Dare You say that to me? - taiga was very offended. - Uh...Taiga... Please... Really... Don't Fight sempai put me in the middle of the two if... Do it for me -
- i'll do it just for you - sighed, so... Tell Me, Mori... I guess I'll sleep on the couch right... -
- Etto... - But you're Smart, You Little Brat! Haha - sempai stood and laughed for a very fast - Baka you
- mori... I know I said I wouldn't fight with Souichi,But... MÍralo... - - He is insulting me
... Oh god... - Said worried, because I do not want to Scold sempai.
I already... Don't be whining. The point is that yes... Sleep in the room, because this apartment has two rooms, the Morinaga and Mine -
- sempai... Why don't you let me sleep in your room - taiga
I mean, you sleep with me in my room and almost never sleep in Yours -
- Baka! I said Don't Go telling our stuff - Sorry -
- sempai, sleep in the room of Souichi, huh? Interesting -
hahaha laughing. - No! I dream in my room - did not you -
Oh... Wouldn't Mind sleeping in the room of Mori? - worse yet - -
- What's wrong? He asked sarcastically. It would be the first time that Mori and I slept in the same room -
- taiga! -
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