Morinaga se encontraba cruzando la puerta del departamento que compart dịch - Morinaga se encontraba cruzando la puerta del departamento que compart Anh làm thế nào để nói

Morinaga se encontraba cruzando la

Morinaga se encontraba cruzando la puerta del departamento que compartía con su sempai mientras dejaba su bolso de trabajo y daba un breve bostezo. La jornada de hoy había sido dura en la sucursal farmacéutica de Nagoya donde Morinaga al fin había sido transferido después de su entrenamiento en Hamamatsu donde extrañó más que nunca poder decir...

- Estoy en casa!

En respuesta a su animado saludo solo el silencio respondió.

- eh? habrá salido? , pero es tan tarde. - Se rascó la cabeza y se dirigió a la habitación de sempai mientras pensaba "quizás está durmiendo". Sus pasos se volvieron silenciosos y lentos para no despertarlo. Quería ver aunque sea su rostro relajado y recostado, ese rostro que nunca le mostraba a él, siempre estaba a la defensiva o avergonzado, contadas las veces lo vio sonreír y menos veces lo vio llorar. Aunque bastante cansado Morinaga llegaba de sus horas extras sabiendo que era otro día perdido sin él, su rostro lleno de paz envuelto en el sueño le daba un poco de fuerzas para otro día más en esta dura rutina.

-Quizás algún día me mire así, sin miedo, sin vergüenza... je!, aunque me gusta su cara sonrojada...Sempai.

Sin embargo al abrir la puerta silenciosamente, solo encontró una cama completamente vacía. Morinaga se aterró,- ¿a dónde habrá ido a esta hora?- pensó.

Segundos después de su confusión escuchó una risa que no reconoció proveniente de su habitación, muy sutil pero el silencio prolongado permitía que viajara por la casa amplificándose.

Morinaga avanzo lentamente con temor de encontrarse con un ladrón o peor... con sempai acompañado y en su cuarto!

- No no no no! imposible. Jajaja, baka!- se rio de la locura que pasaba por su mente

La puerta se encontraba entreabierta y entonces su cuerpo se congeló al presenciar la escena.

Sempai se encontraba sentado en su cama, a su lado había una caja de zapatos vieja abierta con su interior repleta de recuerdos. Morinaga sabía muy bien que esa caja contenía cartas, fotos, botones de la secundaria, incluso viejos regalos, cosas preciadas llenas de melancolía.

-¿Sempai de repente irrumpió aquí? ¿por qué? - La pregunta hizo eco en su cabeza mientras miraba con la boca abierta cómo sempai reía de una de las fotos que sostenía con su mano izquierda, sonreía y acariciaba la foto con su mano libre.

- ¿Estoy soñando cierto? seguro que sí - pensó y entró a la habitación convencido que el cansancio le estaba jugando una mala pasada pero esa mala pasada lo miró de vuelta con un horror en sus rostro tan evidente que Morinaga pensó que su aspecto era aterrador.

-Mori...naga?- Sempai soltó la foto que estaba admirando. Morinaga pudo ver que era una vieja foto de él cuando estaba en la escuela elemental, con su uniforme típico y sonriendo a la cámara, se la había sacado Kunihiro el primer día de clases, lo recordaba bien.

De repente Morinaga entendió lo que sucedía, tan claro como siempre leyó aquel acto desde su sempai. "Él quiere saber más de mí, nunca hablamos sobre nuestras vidas antes de conocernos, no en profundidad, él es consciente de mí, quiere saber todo de mí".

Su rostro se iluminó, sus ojos verde esmeralda brillaron y una sonrisa se abrió paso sin prisa por su rostro. Sempai temió lo peor y así fue.

Morinaga se lanzó de forma inesperada a los brazos de su sempai logrando que éste se estirara completamente en la cama de su ayudante, Morinaga puso cada mano en las muñecas de sempai y las llevo encima de la cabeza de su tirano.

- Morinaga! salte de encima, bastardo! no es lo que piensas , estaba buscando una camisa que perdí en tu closet y entonces...mmmm - Interrumpido por un beso salvaje del menor, sempai luchó por recuperar el aire pero sus brazos y piernas no les respondían, como siempre. "Maldición, porque mi cuerpo no me obedece si se trata de él".

- Sempai... sempai te lo contaré todo, lo que quieras pregúntame, mí, sempai - le susurraba con su mirada enamorada y excitada a la vez.

Souichi vio el peligro y gritó todo lo que pudo - Qué lo estás interpretando mal, baka! nunca escuchas cuando te hablo, suéltame de una vez! - empujó con todas sus fuerzas y Morinaga cansado por la jornada cedió y retrocedió.

-Sempai eres muy cruel, te veo tan feliz mirando mis fotos en mi cuarto, sabías que podria encontrarte, me permites verte así y luego me lo niegas - su rostro muestra un puchero y luego cambia a una sonrisa- estoy feliz sabes, no importa lo que digas, estás consciente de mi, sempai; ¿me quieres, ne?.

Sempai se horroriza, es cierto que en el último tiempo su cuerpo y su mente (lentamente) aceptaban lo que causaba Morinaga en él, "yo le permití...", no podía negarlo, pero el shock de verse atrapado en esa situación vergonzosa tan impropia de él lo había aterrado, no era una parte que Morinaga debía ver, no debía mostrarle ese sempai que se sentaba en silencio a pensar en él o que sentía celos, no, él se aprovecharía. "Siempre en celo! baka baka! ¿cómo puedo relajarme así...? ¿cómo decirte lo que pienso y siento?...baka!".

Mientras estos pensamientos cruzaban la mente de sempai Morinaga aprovechó de acercarse lentamente al notar lo distraído que se encontraba y entonces cuando estaba cerca de sus labios sempai reacciona, "paff" una cachetada, una reacción de la que se arrepintió al momento, reflejo de su nerviosismo extremo por la situación y todo lo que en su mente se armaba.

- Morinaga! Perdóname, no quise...

- Cállate! siempre lo mismo! sempai tantas veces te has entregado a mí y por voluntad propia, no lo niegues. Tantas veces me buscaste, impediste que me fuera, me retuviste a tu lado, ¿por qué sigues pensando que esto está mal? besarnos, tocarnos es una parte natural de esta relación, sea lo que sea.- Morinaga temblaba y su voz también, cansado por el trabajo y por los repentinos cambios de humor de sempai, estaba exhausto.

Sempai sabía que estaba mal reaccionar así después de todos esos meses viviendo juntos y todo el camino recorrido, pero su vergüenza y orgullo podían más. "Él no entiende! no entiende! yo no he sido así por nadie... por nadie me he sentido así... no entiende!"

Quería hacer el esfuerzo de explicarle, Morinaga estaba haciendo ese rostro que sempai odiaba y ansiaba quitarlo lo antes posible. Pero su cabeza y lengua no se pusieron de acuerdo y como dagas las palabras simplemente escaparon.

- Es tu culpa! todo esto es tu culpa! si no fueras un maldito homo yo no estaría así! todos estaríamos mejor sin tu personalidad torcida, baka! Búscate una mujer y vive como un hombre decente, seguro tus padres te amarían y tu hermano querría verte y no tendrías esa ca...- sempai se tapo la boca con ambas manos, había cruzado una línea sensible, lo sabía.

"Dios mío que he dicho, ¿por qué dije algo así?, ¿por qué no pude ser honesto?, debo arreglarlo, debo arreglarlo!" pensaba con sus manos aún en su boca y sus ojos fuertemente apretados. Con miedo abrió los ojos y entonces vio a un Morinaga distinto, sus ojos perdieron el brillo, su boca no mostraba expresión y había un aura distinta alrededor de él. Sempai incluso años después recordaría claramente la cara que Morinaga puso al pronunciar las siguientes palabras.

- Esta bien sempai, lo hare, haré lo que quieres, ¿estás contento?.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Morinaga was across the door of the apartment he shared with his sempai while leaving your bag of work and gave a short yawn. The day of today had been hard in the pharmaceutical branch of Nagoya where Morinaga finally had been transferred after his training in Hamamatsu where missed more than ever be able to say...-I'm home!In response to his animated greeting only silence answered.-eh? will it come out? , but it is so late. -He scratched his head and approached the sempai room while thinking 'maybe it is sleeping'. His steps became silent and slow to not wake him. I wanted to see if his face relaxed and lying, that face that never showed it to him, was always on the defensive or embarrassed, counted the times saw him smile and fewer times saw him cry. Although quite tired Morinaga reached their overtime knowing that it was another day without it, her peaceful face wrapped in the dream gave him a bit of forces for another day in this hard routine.-Maybe someday I look as well, without fear, without shame... je!, although I like his face blushes... Sempai.However when you open the door silently, only found an empty bed. Morinaga is terrified, - where there will be gone this time? - thought.Seconds after the confusion heard a laugh that did not recognize from your room, very subtle but prolonged silence allowed to travel through the House by amplifying it.Morinaga progress slowly with fear of being with a thief or worse... with accompanied sempai and in her room!-No no no! impossible. Hahaha, baka!-is River of the madness that went through your mindThe door was slightly ajar and then his body was frozen to witness the scene.Sempai he sat on his bed, beside her was an old shoe box with full of memories inside. Morinaga knew very well that this box contained letters, photos and buttons from high school, even old gifts, filled with melancholy precious things.-Sempai suddenly burst here? Why? -The question echoed in his head as I watched open-mouthed as sempai laughed one of the photos was holding with his left hand, smiled and caressed the photo with your free hand.-Am I dreaming right? sure that Yes - thought and entered the room convinced that tiredness was playing you a trick but that trick looked at him back with a horror on his face so evident that Morinaga thought that its appearance was frightening.-Mori... naga?-Sempai released photo which was admiring. Morinaga could see that it was an old photo of it when I was in elementary school, in his typical uniform and smiling at the camera, Kunihiro had taken it is the first day of classes, he remembered it well.Morinaga suddenly understood what was happening, as clearly as you always read that Act since his sempai. "He wants to know more about me, we never talked about our lives before meeting us, not in depth, it is aware of me, want to know everything about me".His face brightened, his emerald green eyes shone and a smile his way slowly down her face. Sempai feared the worst and so it was.Morinaga was launched unexpectedly into the arms of his sempai achieving this were stretched fully into the bed of his assistant, Morinaga put each hand on the wrists of sempai and took them above the head of their tyrant.-Morinaga! jump up, bastard! It's not what you think, I was looking for a shirt that I lost in your closet and then... mmmm - interrupted by a wild kiss of the minor, sempai fought to regain air but his arms and legs not answered them, as always. "Curse, because my body does not obey me if it's him".-Sempai... sempai I it will tell you everything, what you want to ask me, everything... from me, sempai - you whispered with her look in love and excited at the same time.Souichi saw the danger and cried all that could - what are interpreting it wrong, baka! never listen when I'm talking about, let me go once! -he pushed with all his might and Morinaga tired by the journey gave way and retreated.-Sempai are very cruel, see you so happy looking at my pictures in my room, you know that could find you, let me see you as well and then you deny it me - his face shows a pot and then changed to a smile - I am happy to know, no matter what you say, you're aware of me, sempai; do I want to, ne?Sempai is horrified, it is true that in the last time your body and your mind (slowly) accepted causing Morinaga, "I allowed you...", I could not deny it, but the shock of being trapped in this shameful situation so unbecoming of him had terrified him, wasn't a part that Morinaga was to see, should not show that sempai who used to sit in silence to think he or she felt jealousy no, he would take advantage. "Always in heat! Baka baka! how I relax as well...? How can tell you what I think and feel?... baka! "."While these thoughts crossed the mind of sempai Morinaga advantage of approaching slowly to notice how distracted he was and then when he was near his lips sempai reacts, "paff" a slap, a reaction that repented at the moment, reflection of its extreme situation nervousness and everything what in his mind was armed.-Morinaga! Forgive me, I didn't...-Shut up! always the same! sempai so many times you have delivered to me and by his own will, not to deny it. So many times I looked, you impediste me to go, I retuviste by your side, why still think that this is wrong? kissing us, touch us is a natural part of this relationship, whatever it is-Morinaga was trembling and his voice too, tired by the work and by the sudden mood swings of sempai, was exhausted.Sempai knew that it was wrong to react like that after all those months living together and all the road traveled, but his shame and pride could be more. "He doesn't understand! do not understand! "I have not been as well by anyone... anyone I felt so... don't understand!"I wanted to make the effort to explain, Morinaga was making that face sempai hated and wanted to remove it as soon as possible. But his head and language do not have agreed and as daggers words simply escaped.-It's your fault! all of this is your fault! If you weren't a damn homo I would not be so! everyone would be better off without your twisted personality, baka! Get a woman and lives as a decent man, sure your parents love you and your brother would like to see you, and you would not have that ca...-sempai will cover the mouth with both hands, had crossed a sensitive line, you knew it."My God that I have said, why say something?, why not I could be honest?, I should fix it, I fix it!" thought with his hands still in his mouth and his eyes strongly tightened. With fear, he opened his eyes and then saw a different Morinaga, his eyes lost their shine, his mouth showed no expression and had a different aura around it. Sempai even years later would clearly remember the face that Morinaga was to pronounce the following words.-Okay sempai, the hare, I will do what you want, are you happy?.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Morinaga was crossing the door of the apartment she shared with her ​​sempai as he left his bag work and gave a brief yawn. This day had been hard in the pharmaceutical branch of Nagoya where Morinaga had finally been transferred after his training in Hamamatsu where he missed more than ever able to say ... - I'm home in response to his greeting animated only silence he replied. - eh? it come from? But it is so late. - He scratched his head and went to the room of sempai while thinking "maybe is sleeping." His steps became silent and slow to not wake him. I wanted to see though is its relaxed and laid face, that face that never showed it, was always on the defensive or embarrassed, told often saw him smile and less often saw him mourn. Although quite tired Morinaga reached their overtime knowing that another day was lost without him, his face wrapped in peaceful sleep gave him some strength for another day in this tough routine. Maybe someday I look well, without fear, without shame ... heh !, although I like her flushed face ... Sempai. But when you open the door quietly, just found a completely empty bed. Morinaga panicked, - where have gone at this hour -. He thought Seconds after his confusion heard a laugh that did not recognize from your room, very subtle but prolonged silence allowed to travel by amplifying home. Morinaga crawled fear of encountering a thief or worse ... with sempai and accompanied in his room! - No no no no! impossible. Hahaha, Baka - laughed at the madness that went through his mind the door ajar was and then his body froze to witness the scene. Sempai was sitting on his bed, his side was an old shoe box open with Inside filled with memories. Morinaga knew that the box contained letters, pictures, buttons high, even old gifts, full of melancholy precious things. -¿Sempai suddenly burst here? why? - The question echoed in his head as he stared open-mouthed how senpai laughed at one of the pictures he held in his left hand, smiled and stroked the photo with his free hand. - Am I dreaming it? sure did. - thought and he entered the room convinced that fatigue was playing tricks on him but that trick looked back with horror on their face so obvious that Morinaga thought his appearance was frightening -Mori ... naga - Sempai released the photo was admiring. Morinaga could see it was an old picture of him when he was in elementary school, with his typical uniform and smiling at the camera, had taken Kunihiro the first day of school, he remembered well. Suddenly Morinaga understood what was happening, as clear as always read the act since its sempai. "He wants to know more about me, we never talk about our lives before we met, not in depth, he is aware of me, want to know everything about me." His face lit up, her emerald green eyes sparkled and a smile broke slowly down her face. Sempai feared the worst and it was. Morinaga unexpectedly rushed into the arms of his sempai making it fully stretched on the bed of his assistant, put each hand Morinaga dolls sempai and took over the head their tyrant. - Morinaga! I jump off, you bastard! it's not what you think, I was looking for a shirt I lost in your closet and then ... mmmm - interrupted by a wild kiss the child, sempai fought for air but her arms and legs did not respond to them, as usual. "Damn it, because my body does not obey me if it comes to him." - Sempai ... Sempai'll tell you everything, you ask me whatever you want, all ... to me, sempai - whispering with his girlfriend and excited glance . while Souichi saw the danger and shouted everything he could - that you're misinterpreting, baka! You never listen when I talk to you, let me go at once! - He pushed with all his might and Morinaga tired from the day he relented and stepped back. -Sempai are very cruel, I see you so happy looking at my pictures in my room, you know I could find, I may see you like and then I deny it - his face shows a pot and then changes to a smile'm happy you know, no matter what you say, you are aware of me, sempai; Do you love me, ne ?. Sempai is horrified, it is true that in recent times their body and mind (slowly) Morinaga accept what caused it, "I let him ..." I could not deny it, but the shock of being caught in the embarrassing situation so unlike him had terrified, was not a party Morinaga should see, should not show that upperclassman who sat silently thinking of him or jealous, no, he would take advantage. "Always in heat! Baka baka! How can I relax and ... how to tell you what I think and feel? ... Baka!". As these thoughts crossed the mind of sempai Morinaga took advantage of slowly closer to notice how distracted it was then when he was near her lips sempai reacts, "Paff" slap a reaction when he repented, reflecting its extreme nervousness about the situation and everything was assembled in his mind. - Morinaga ! Forgive me, I did not ... - Shut up! always the same! sempai many times you have given to me and willingly, do not deny it. So often you sought me, impediste I left, I held back by your side, why do you still think that this is wrong? kissing, touching is a natural part of this relationship, whatever it sea.- Morinaga and his voice trembled too tired from work and the mood swings of upperclassman, was exhausted. Sempai knew it was wrong and react after all these months they are living together and all the way round, but their shame and pride could more. "He does not understand! Do not understand! I have not been for anyone ... by anyone I've felt this way ... do not understand!" I wanted to make the effort to explain, Morinaga was making that face sempai hated and longed to remove it soon as possible. But his head and tongue not agreed daggers and the words just escaped. - It's your fault! this is all your fault! if you were not a fucking homo I would not be so! we would all be better off without your twisted personality, baka! Find yourself a woman and live as a decent man, surely would love your parents and your brother and you would not want to see that ca ...- sempai mouth with both hands I will cover my, had crossed a sensitive line, I knew. "My God I said, why did I say something ?, why not ?, I could be honest I fix it, I fix it! " He is thinking with their hands in their mouths and their eyes tightly clenched. Afraid he opened his eyes and then saw a different Morinaga, his eyes lost their sparkle, her mouth expressionless and there was a distinct aura around him. Sempai clearly remember even years after the face Morinaga began to pronounce the words. - Okay sempai, I'll do, I'll do what you want, are you happy ?.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
Morinaga was across the door of the apartment she shared with her sempai while leaving her purse and gave a brief Yawn. The day had been hard in Nagoya where Morinaga Pharmaceutical Branch had finally been transferred after his Training in Hamamatsu, where missed more than ever to say...

I'm home!

In response to his Animated greeting only Silence answered. - huh? Has he gone out? But it's so late. - scratched his head and went to the room of sempai while thinking, "Maybe he's sleeping." His steps became quiet and slow for not Waking him. I wanted to see even his face relaxed and lying, that face never showed him,
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