¿y tú amorcito?−Isogai se rió por lo bajo al contemplar la cara pensat dịch - ¿y tú amorcito?−Isogai se rió por lo bajo al contemplar la cara pensat Anh làm thế nào để nói

¿y tú amorcito?−Isogai se rió por l

¿y tú amorcito?−Isogai se rió por lo bajo al contemplar la cara pensativa de Souichi, al parecer las cosas iban en serio−muy bien, me llamaste para hablar, dime que sucede.

Souichi se indignó.

− ¡Yo no te llame!−puso los ojos en blanco.

−de acuerdo, yo vine por mi cuenta−puso las manos sobre la mesa y se llevó un trago de whisky a la boca, se lo paso de un tirón y continuo−lo que entendí es que se cansó de ti y se está haciendo del rogar.

−Aja−cerro los puños, si el inútil de Isogai seguía con ese tipo de explicaciones terminaría largándose de ahí−y prácticamente me ignora el muy imbécil.

− ¿no te dijo la razón?−desvió la vista al techo para pensar, de un momento a otro se le vino la respuesta a la cabeza lo que hiso que Souichi se sintiera como una mierda− ¡apuesto a que te descubrió tu infidelidad!

Souichi abrió los ojos en par, lo que hizo que Isogai se riera a carcajadas en su cara. En ese momento el rubio se puso de pie de un tirón dispuesto a largarse del hotel.

−Hey vamos Souichi, estoy bromeando.

−a mí no me causa ninguna estúpida gracia.

Como si no pudiera evitarlo volvió a sonreír, pero aun así logro que Souichi volviera a tomar asiento.

−lo lamento, ese comentario estuvo fuera de lugar, aunque fuera la verdad−lo encaro−no lo niegues−guardo silencio y después continuo al no escuchar ningún reproche− ¿y qué piensas hacer?


− ¡Como que nada!−soltó Isogai sorprendido−Souichi, sé que Morinaga te ama, pero vas a perderlo.

No hubo respuesta. Souichi se quedó en silencio y con la cabeza gacha. Giro la vista hacia su celular sin llamadas ni mensajes, se mordió el labio resignado. Como si le pesara el pronunciar las palabras que salían por sus labios.

−devuélveme la maldita caja.

Isogai abrió los ojos en par, se quedó en silencio unos instantes antes de soltar una carcajada que no pudo contener por mucho tiempo antes de empezar a golpear la mesa con la palma, el dolor en el estómago le exigía que se parara a respirar y en el momento en que quiso guardar la calma observo las miradas a su alrededor y principalmente la de Souichi que lo observaba perplejo y rojo como tomate, eso solo lo hiso cerrar los ojos y reírse otra vez.

-¿Hablas en serio?—intento decir después de un rato, le costaba hablar, sentía como si a cada frase se le deshiciera la lengua y empezara a reírse a un mas, de hecho ya no era gracioso y se sentía estúpido riéndose, pero la cara de Souichi era todo un poema y en raras ocasiones podía burlarse plenamente de el—déjame adivinar—se tapó la boca con la palma, tenía que decirlo— ¡intentaras revivir la pasión!

Soltó sonando de cualquier manera menos una pregunta.

—carajo—Souichi bajo la vista, tenía los anteojos empañados, la mesa se movía del escándalo que estaba montando Isogai, ese tipo siempre lograba que se sintiera un completo estúpido— ¡sabes que maldito cretino, me largo!

—Oh vamos Souichi—lo tomo del dobladillo de la camisa, intentando poner una expresión seria, que no logro precisamente—estoy aquí para aconsejarte, no puedes irte

Souichi endureció el gesto, frunciendo los labios y lanzándole una mirada llena de desprecio. Isogai seguía riéndose de el en sus adentros…claro que lo estaba, pero ¿tenía otra opción que no fuera pedirle consejos a ese cretino?

No, no tenía. Y en todo caso ya había caído demasiado bajo al llamarlo.

De mala gana giro la mirada hacia el chico que intentaba aguantarse la risa a su espalda. Chasqueo los dientes y le dio un manotazo seco, para después suspirar a sus adentros y tragarse todo su orgullo. Ahí estaba el, ante un idiota descerebrado hablando sobre un chico que pretende hacerlo actuar como lo que más odia, un homosexual, ¿y que hacia él? Seguirle el juego.

— ¿Entonces mi cajita tendrá un uso prometedor?—sonrió ampliamente, colocando los puños debajo del mentón, bajo la voz y fingió estar a punto de decir algo importante—tendré que pedir que los desinfecten—la cara de asco de Souichi se amplió, arrugo la nariz y se replanteo el hecho de no tener más opciones—ya sabes por el uso.

—al diablo contigo, me largo.

—Souichi—dijo entre risillas—es broma, ríete por una vez, desde que te siéntate traes una cara de pocos amigos…

— ¡y cómo quieres que este!

Sus ojos se tornaron diferentes lo que dejo perplejo a Isogai quien realmente trataba hacerlo reír, aunque quizá de la manera equivocada. Estaba claro que Souichi estaba desesperado, algo trastornado por la situación, pero no había mucho que hacer si la respuesta estaba en él, en una simple palabra. Tan simple como aceptar algo que el mismo quería y le costaba admitir.

—estoy harto de esperar a que me hable todos los días—volteo a la pantalla del celular como reflejo involuntario y prosiguió un poco avergonzado—¡Quiere que le demuestre algo que no tengo de idea de que se trata, como si pudiera leerle la mente y actuar como a él mejor le parezca!

Se puso la mano en el pecho y arrugo el puente de la nariz, dejo salir un gran suspiro. Isogai se acomodó en su asiento y se puso recto con la mirada fija en él, Souichi hablaba en serio, pero ¿qué tan serio era Morinaga respecto a todo ese rollo?

— ¿en verdad te está ignorando—dijo algo incrédulo—sin más remedio te trata como si no estuvieras allí?

Souchi puso los ojos en blanco, resultaba más doloroso escucharlo de alguien más.

—Si bueno…—cerro los parpados para abrirlos con pesadez dirigiendo la vista a otro punto del hotel, visualizo el bar a lo lejos y descarto la idea de inmediato—me deja el desayuno en el refrigerador o en veces en el microondas, pero casualmente no nos encontramos en la mañana y para cuando llega es algo noche.

—te evita.

Giro la vista hasta encontrarse con los ojos de Isogai, frunció la nariz al igual que los labios.

—Si—«el muy imbécil».


El departamento completo estaba vuelto loco, al parecer su jefe rechazaba la mayoría de los proyectos por terminar, y el suyo no fue la excepción. Había trabajado en él una semana completa, dejando de lado las horas de comer contando las horas que pasaba con Souichi en las noches, que a decir verdad le habían venido como anillo al dedo.

Suspiro un par de veces al verse envuelto en tanto trabajo, la farmacéutica de Nagoya parecía tener menos trabajo pero como contaban con poca experiencia trataban de tener todo perfecto, Vivian en competencia con otras sucursales y Morinaga era uno de los empleados con experiencia, que aún no ascendían, y para ese grado le vendría bien un aumento o un ascenso pero ahí estaba trabajando a altas horas de la noche con tal de poder dimitir del puesto que le habían ofrecido, no podía aceptarlo y dejar solo a Souichi, este no lo soportaría ni el mismo creí poder vivir sin él, así que no había otra opción que rechazar a su jefe.

Vio el reloj de su oficina, marcaba las once en punto. Tenía grandes ojeras debajo de los ojos y una taza de café vacía en su escritorio.

Su celular sonó haciendo eco en su mente.

Un, dos, tres. Colgaron.

Se apretó el puente de la nariz y dejo caer su bolígrafo al suelo. Sintió la cara ardiendo, y un par de lágrimas en sus ojos, sabía que un día iban a llamar, pero no quería que fuera en ese lapso de su vida. Se sobo los ojos con los puños, en ningún lapso de su vida, no quería saber nada de ellos.

—«maldición, no se pueden rendir de una vez…»—puso la mano sobre su celular, cubriendo la luz de la pantalla, la quito al cabo de un rato, era un número que no tenía registrado pero que tenía la lada de Fukouka—«no tengo tiempo para esto»—bloqueo el número y apago el celular.
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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You sweetie? −Isogai laughed low to contemplate the pensive face of Souichi apparently things were going in serio−muy well, you called me to talk, tell me what happens.Souichi was outraged.− I do not call you! −puso eyes white.You are compact, I came by my cuenta−puso your hands on the table and took a drink of whisky to the mouth, happened a flip and continuo−lo which I understand is that he got tired of it and is doing the begging.−AJA−Cerro cuffs, if el inútil de Isogai was still with that kind of explanation would end up releasing of ahi−y practically ignored me the very stupid.− do not told you the reason? −desvio the view of the roof to think a moment to another came her response to head what hiso Souichi feel like a mierda− I bet discovered you your infidelity!Souichi opened his eyes wide, what did that Isogai laughed uproariously at his face. At that time the blond stood up of flip ready to get the hell of the hotel.−Hey vamos Souichi, I'm joking.− me does not cause me any stupid grace.As if he could not avoid it returned to smile, but still managed to Souichi back to take a seat.Fact I am sorry, that comment was out of place, even if it was the verdad−lo encaro−no the niegues−guardo silence and then continued not to hear any reproche− and what plan to do?−Nada.− As anything! −solto Isogai sorprendido−Souichi, I know that Morinaga loves you, but you are going to lose it.There was no response. Souichi stood silently, with his head down. Turn facing to your cell phone without calls or messages, is bit lip resigned. As if it weighed him to pronounce the words that left his lips.−devuelveme the damn box.Isogai opened his eyes wide, fell silent a few seconds before releasing a peal of laughter that couldn't hold for a long time before hitting the table with the Palm, pain in the stomach was required to be stop to breathe and at the time that it wanted to keep calm I see looks to her around and mainly of Souichi who watched him perplexed and red as a tomato , that only the hiso close my eyes and laugh again.-Are you serious?-try to say after a while, it cost him to talk, it felt as if every sentence to escape the language and started laughing to a more, in fact it was not funny and he felt stupid laughing, but Souichi face was all a poem and rarely could mock fully-let me guess - you plugged the mouth with the Palm , I had to say it - trying to relive the passion!He gave a question to sound in any way less.-carajo-Souichi under view, had the breaded glasses, table moved from the scandal that was riding Isogai, such always achieved a full fool feel - you know that damn idiot, I long!-Oh vamos Souichi - took it the hem of the shirt, trying to put a serious expression, which I can not precisely - I'm here to advise you, you can not goSouichi hardened gesture, pursing the lips and throwing a look of contempt. Isogai was still laughing from the herself... clear that it was, but it was another option that wasn't to seek advice to this cretin?No, I didn't. And in any case had already fallen too low to call it.Reluctantly I turn gaze on the boy who was trying to hold back laughter. Click the teeth and gave him dry his hand, then sigh to himself and swallowed all his pride. There was, before a brainless idiot talking about a guy who tries to do so to act as what most hated, a homosexual, and that to him? Follow the game.-Then my box will have a promising use? - he smiled widely, putting his fists under the Chin, under the voice and pretended to be on the verge of saying something important - I'll have to ask disinfected them - the face of disgust of Souichi expanded, I crumple the nose and is layout not having more options - as you know by the use.-to hell with you, I long.-Souichi-said between giggles-is joke, laugh for once, since it will sit you bring a few friends face...-and how you want it!His eyes became different what I leave perplexed Isogai who really tried to make him laugh, although perhaps in the wrong way. It was clear that Souichi was desperate, somewhat upset by the situation, but there is much to be done if the answer was in it, in a simple word. As simple as accepting something that the same I wanted and cost him support.-I'm tired of waiting for me talk all day-dump to screen cell phone as involuntary reflex and continued a little ashamed - wants to show you something that I have no idea that it is, as if he could read her mind and act like it better like it!The hand was put in the chest and I crumple the bridge of the nose, I let out a big sigh. Isogai settled into his seat and stood straight with staring at him, Souichi was serious, but serious what Morinaga about all that stuff?-really you is ignoring - he said something incredulous - without further remedy treats you as if you were not there?Souchi put eyes blank, was more painful to hear it from someone else.-If good...-cerro eyelids to open them with heavy engineering view to another point of the hotel, displaying the bar far away and discard the idea of immediate - let me breakfast in the refrigerator or at times in the microwave, but we are not casually in the morning and for when it arrives is night.-you avoid.Turn the view to meet the eyes of Isogai, crinkled nose and lips.-Yes-"very stupid"..The entire Department was become crazy, apparently his boss rejected most of the projects to finish, and his was no exception. He had worked on it a week, leaving aside the hours eating counting the hours passing with Souichi on evenings, which indeed had come her as ring finger.Sigh a few times to be wrapped as I work, the Nagoya pharmaceutical seemed to have less work, but as they had little experience trying to get everything perfect, Vivian in competition with other branches and Morinaga was one of the employees with experience, yet not ascending, and to that extent could use you an increase or a climb, but there he was working late at night in order to be able to resign from the job he le had offered, he could not accept it and letting Souichi, this could not bear nor the same I thought to be able to live without it, so there was no choice but to reject his boss.He saw the clock of his office, it was eleven o'clock. It had large dark circles under the eyes and empty a cup of coffee on your desk.His cell phone rang echoing in his mind.One, two, three. They hung.The bridge of the nose and let tightened dropping your pen. He felt face burning, and a couple of tears in his eyes, knew that one day they were going to call, but did not want to be in that period of his life. She is sobo eyes with his fists, in any period of your life, didn't know anything about them.-«curse, not can pay once... "- he put his hand on his cell phone, covering the display light, remove it after a while, it was a number that was not registered but had the Fukouka lada-"I don't have time for this"- the number lock and turn off the cell phone.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
And you sweetie is -Isogai chuckled when contemplating Souichi thoughtful face, apparently things were serious-well, you called me to talk, tell me what happens?. Souichi was angry. - I did not call you ! He rolled his eyes. Okay, I came on my own-he put his hands on the table and a shot of whiskey to his mouth, it happened at a stretch and continuous-what I understood is that . tired of you and is playing hard Aha-closed fists, if Isogai was useless with such explanations largándose end there-and practically ignores me the idiot. - did not tell you why? - He looked at the ceiling to think, at any moment you answer came to mind what Souichi hiso to feel like a shit bet you discovered your infidelity! Souichi opened her eyes open, so Isogai made ​​laugh out loud in your face. At that time the blond stood ready to flip scoot away. Hey we Souichi, I'm joking. 'I did not cause any stupid grace. As if he could not help smiled again, but still managed to Souichi returned to take a seat. I'm sorry, that comment was uncalled for, even if the truth-what-I approach do not deny it-was silent and then continued to not hear any reproach so what will you do? Nothing. - As nothing! snapped Isogai surprised-Souichi, Morinaga know loves you, but you'll lose. No answer. Souichi was silent and his head bowed. Turning his gaze to his cell without calls or messages, he resigned lip. As if he weighed pronouncing the words that came from his lips. Give me back the damn box. Isogai opened his eyes wide, a moment he was silent before letting out a laugh that could not hold for long before you start hitting the table with the palm, stomach pain required him to stop breathing and in the moment that he would keep calm I see looks around and mainly of Souichi who watched bemused and red as a tomato, it just hiso close your eyes and laugh again. Are you serious? I'm trying to say after a while, it was hard to talk, I felt as if every sentence will rid the language and started to laugh more, in fact already it was not funny and felt stupid laughing, but Souichi face was a poem and rarely could fully tease me guess-the-mouth was covered with palm, had to say that you tried to revive the passion! He released ringing anyway least one question. Shit-Souichi looked down, her glasses fogged, the table moved the scandal was riding Isogai, always managed such that a full feel stupid fucking idiot know, I long! Oh we take it Souichi-hem of his shirt, trying to put a serious expression, that I can not just-I'm here to advise you, can not leave Souichi hardened gesture, pursing his lips and giving him a look of contempt. Isogai was laughing at him in himself ... of course it was, but I had no choice but to seek advice outside the bastard? No, I did not. And in any case he had already fallen too low to call it. Reluctantly turning her gaze to the kid who was trying not to laugh at his back. Snapped his teeth and gave a dry slap, then silently sigh and swallow her pride. There was the, to a mindless idiot talking about a guy who aims to make it act like you hate most, a homosexual, what to him? Follow the game. - So my box will have a promising use smiled broadly, putting his fists under his chin, lowered his voice and pretended to be about to say something important-I have to ask the disinfection-the disgust of Souichi expanded, wrinkled his nose and not having more options-you know by the use stakeout. 'To hell with you, I'm out. -Souichi said between giggles-it is a joke, laugh for once, since you sit you bring a face of few friends ... - and how you want this! His eyes became so perplexed different Isogai who really tried to make him laugh, but perhaps the wrong way. It was clear that Souichi was desperate, somewhat upset by the situation, but there was plenty to do if the answer was in it, in a single word. Simply accept something that it wanted and it was hard to admit. I'm tired of waiting for me every-day talk turned to the phone screen as an involuntary reflex, and went a little embarrassed-¡Quiere to show you something that no I mind is that, as if he could read her mind and act as he sees fit! She got her hand on his chest and wrinkled the bridge of the nose, let out a big sigh. Isogai settled into his seat and stood staring straight at him, Souichi was serious, but how serious was Morinaga about all that stuff? - really is ignoring you said something disbelief-no choice treats you as if you were not there? Souchi rolled his eyes, it was more painful to hear it from someone else. If well ... He closed his eyelids to open them heavily directing point of view to another hotel, I visualize the bar in the distance and I immediately dismissed the idea-let me breakfast in the refrigerator or in the microwave times, but casually we are not in the morning and evening when something comes. -te avoided. Giro view to meet the eyes of Isogai, wrinkled her nose as the lips. -Si- "the idiot". . The entire department was mad, apparently his boss rejected most projects end, and yours is no exception. He had worked on it a whole week, apart from mealtimes counting the hours he spent with Souichi at night, which in truth he had come in handy. He sighed a few times to be involved in so much work, pharmaceutical Nagoya seemed to have less work but as had little experience trying to get everything perfect, Vivian in competition with other branches and Morinaga was one of the experienced employees, not yet ascended, and to that extent could use an increase or a promotion but there was working late at night so he could resign the post that had been offered, I could not accept it and leave only Souichi, this would not stand or the same thought I could live without it, so do not there was no choice but to reject his boss. He saw the clock on his office, marked eleven o'clock. She had big dark circles under the eyes and empty coffee cup on his desk. His cell phone rang echoing in his mind. One, two, three. They hung. the bridge of his nose pressed and dropped his pen down. He felt his face burning, and a few tears in his eyes, I knew that one day they would call, but did not want to go in that period of his life. . Eyes with his fists, at any period of his life, would have none of them rubbed - 'damn, you can not pay all at once ... "He put his hand on her cell, covering the display light, take it off after a while, it was a number that was not registered but who had the casting of Fukouka- "I do not have time for this" -Lock the number and turn off the phone.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
And you, sweetheart? −isogai chuckled at the thoughtful Face Souichi, Apparently in serio−muy things went well, you called me to talk, tell me what happens.

Souichi was Outraged. - I didn't call you! −puso Blank Eyes.

from Agreement, I came for my cuenta−puso hands on the table and took a drink of whiskey at the mouth,It went down and I understood that continuo−lo is tired of you and it's making me beg.

−aja−cerro fists, if the useless Isogai continued with such explanations would be Pulling Out of ahí−y virtually ignored me The Idiot. - you said right? The Roof −desvió view to think,One moment it came in response to head what did that feel like a mierda− Souichi Bet You discovered your unfaithfulness!

Souichi opened her eyes wide, which made Isogai laugh to laugh in his face. At that time the Blond stood down ready to leave the hotel. −hey Souichi Go

, I'm kidding.−a I Don't cause any Stupid Stunt.

as if I couldn't help it He smiled, but still managed to take a Seat back that Souichi.

−lo Regret, that comment was out of Place, although it was verdad−lo encaro−no niegues−guardo continued Silence and then not hear any reproche− and what do you think? −nada


- like nothing!−soltó Isogai sorprendido−souichi Morinaga, I know he loves you, but you're going to lose him. There was no answer. Souichi stood by in silence and with his head down. Turn the sight to his cell with no phone calls or messages, bit his lip resigned. As if I weighed the Utter the words from her lips. −devuélveme goddamn Box

Isogai opened her eyes wide,He was Silent for a few moments before releasing a laugh that could not hold for long before you start to hit the table with the Palm, pain in the stomach was required to stop to breathe, and at the time that he wanted to Keep Calm observed looks around her and especially the Souichi you looked puzzled and Red as a Tomato.Did that just close my eyes and laugh again. - are you serious? - i'm trying to say, after a while, he was talking, I felt as if every word you rid the language and begin to laugh a, in fact already was not felt funny and Stupid?But the face of Souichi was a poem, and on rare occasions could fully - Let me guess the mock - up the mouth with the Palm, had to say, tried to revive The Passion!

he ringing any less a question. - fucking - Souichi under vista, had Tainted glasses, the Bureau moved the scandal was Riding Isogai,That Guy always managed to feel a complete Fool - You fucking asshole, I'm leaving!

Oh Come on Souichi. - i'll take the hem of his shirt, trying to put on a serious expression, I cannot precisely - i'm here to help you, you can't Go

Souichi tightened the gesture, pursing the lips and throwing a look full of Contempt.Isogai still Laughing on the inside. Of course I was, but had no option but to ask that bastard?

not had. And in any case had fallen too low to call it.

reluctantly turned his gaze towards the boy who was trying to restrain his laughter at his back. Cracked teeth and gave him a SLAP, DryTo Sigh after himself and swallowed his Pride. There was a brainless idiot, before talking about a boy who intend to act as what he Hates the most, a homosexual, and that to him? Follow The Game.

- then my Box will have a promising use? I smiled broadly, placing cuffs Beneath the Chin,Under The Voice and pretended to be about to say something important I have to ask the disinfected - The Face of disgust Souichi Expanded, wrinkled her nose and Rethinking the fact of not having more options - you know to use it. - to hell with you

, I - - Souichi. He said between sniggers - This is a joke, laugh at once, since I have a few Friends SIT Face

...- and how do you want this! His eyes became different

what puzzled Isogai who really tried to make you laugh, but perhaps the wrong way. It was clear that something Souichi was desperate, upset by the situation, but there was not much to do if the answer was in him, in a simple Word.Something as simple as accepting that it wanted, and I admit it. I'm going to talk to me every day to dump the phone screen as involuntary Reflex and continued a Little Ashamed to show you something which I have no idea what it is, as if he could read Mind and act as you like him!

Put The Hand on the chest and wrinkled Nose Bridge, let out a Big Sigh. Isogai settled into his seat and stood Upright with the eyes fixed on him, Souichi was serious, but how serious he was Morinaga about all that stuff?

- IT's ignoring You - He Said - without somewhat incredulous but treats you as if you weren't there?

souchi put White EyesIt was more painful to hear from someone else. - well... - Closed eyelids Open with heaviness directing sight to another Point of the hotel, I see the bar Far away and discarded the idea immediately Let me breakfast in the refrigerator or in the microwave, but we are not in a casually the morning and night gets is when Something Prevents you.

.Turn The view to meet the eyes of Isogai, pursed her lips and nose.

- 'the very Git.

the whole department was crazy, apparently his boss rejected most of the projects completed, and theirs was no exception. He worked in a week,Leaving aside the eating hours Counting the hours spent with Souichi at night, to tell the truth I had Finger.

Sigh a few times to be involved in both the Nagoya Pharmaceutical work, seemed to have less work but had little experience to perfect,Lived in competition with other branches and Morinaga was one of the employees with experience, still amounted to such a degree, and could use a raise or a Promotion but there was working all hours of the night to resign from the post he had been offered, I couldn't accept it and leave only Souichi, this doesn't bear The same thought I could not live without him.So there was no other option than to reject his boss.

saw the clock of his office, at Eleven o'clock. Big Bags under the eyes and an empty Cup of coffee on his desk. His cellphone Rang Echoing in his mind.

a, two, Three. Hung.

pulled the nose Bridge and dropped his pen on the floor. Felt my face Burning, and a pair of Tears in his eyes,I knew that one day they would call, but I didn't want to be in this period of his life. Sobo is Eyes with fists, at any period of your life, do not want to know nothing of them.

- 'shit, you can't give a time. - Put your hand on your cell, covering the screen Light, off after a while,It is a number that was not recorded but that he fukouka Lada - "I Don't have time for this" blocking the number and turn off the cell phone.
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