Al día siguiente, los rayos del sol entraban por mi ventana, cosa que  dịch - Al día siguiente, los rayos del sol entraban por mi ventana, cosa que  Anh làm thế nào để nói

Al día siguiente, los rayos del sol

Al día siguiente, los rayos del sol entraban por mi ventana, cosa que me fastidiaba los ojos. Sentí que había dormido siglos, mi despertador ni siquiera sonó. Qué raro... siempre lo pongo a las 8am para tener tiempo de bañarme, cambiarme, tomar desayuno e ir a la oficina; bueno... la verdad es que de los condominios a las oficinas de la Farmacéutica están a 6 minutos de caminata.

Me parecía extraño que no haya sonado o sino... Taiga siempre me despertaba en caso que yo no. Pero... un momento... ayer... ayer terminé de hablar con mi Nii-san y... ME QUEDÉ DORMIDO... ni siquiera puse la alarma ni nada; es más... la televisión aún seguía prendida. Me puse de pie inmediatamente y miré mi reloj... "9:30am". NO PUEDE SER... ESTOY MEDIA HORA TARDE... Y TENGO QUE ALISTARME.

Me bañe y cambié lo más rápido que pude y en el camino, mientras corría a las oficina me tomé un yogurt. Realmente estaba tarde, ya me daba vergüenza entrar. Llegué y pude ver a todos en sus computadoras empezando su jornada laboral. Ya eran 9:54am. Respiré hondo e ingresé, pero para mi mala suerte... mi superior se dio cuenta...

-BUENAS NOCHES, MORINAGA- dijo sarcásticamente para hacerme notar que estaba muy tarde.

-Ah... disculpe... no volverá a pasar- respondí con mucha timidez y vergüenza.

-Eso espero... no nos gusta las personas que llegan tarde a trabajar... y tú llegaste... casi 1 HORA TARDE-

-Lo lamento mucho-

-Bueno... por hoy te la voy a pasar y no te pondré un memo solamente porque acabamos de comenzar un nuevo año; pero si vuelve a mostrar una conducta tan irresponsable, le pondré un memo... y a los 3 memos en el año... ya sabe lo que significa- mostró seriedad.

Pasé la vergüenza de mi vida. A mi superior le gusta llamar la atención en público y hoy no era un buen día para que lo haga. Pude ver a varios que se ocultaban para que no les gritaran, otros que se reían por lo bajo, como también a otros que ignoraban la situación... sobretodo Taiga, quien a pesar de sentarse a mi costado... no se molestó en dirigirme la palabra y menos la mirada.

"¿Aún estará enojada?", pensé y quise comprobarlo por mí mismo, pero no quería ir directamente a esa pregunta; así que quise entablar una conversación normal y amical...

-¡Gracias por despertarme eh! Jajaja- le susurré en son de broma –Pasé la vergüenza de mi vida... nuestro superior no tiene tacto con estas cosas ¿no?-

A pesar que le hablé... Taiga no me hacía caso. Ella tan solo miraba la pantalla de su computadora y redactaba unos informes, no dejaba de hacerlo, no paraba de teclear, era como si yo no existiera; lo que me dolió, fue cuando nuevamente comencé a hablarle y se puso sus audífonos en los oídos para oír música.

La oficina andaba muy callada, y esperé a que la gente empezara a hacer bulla; normalmente siempre era así... la oficina totalmente silenciosa en las mañanas y a partir de las 11am... todos empiezan a hablar... o a reír... o a hacer llamadas, etc.

No hablé con Taiga hasta que la gran mayoría empezaron a hablar de sus cosas y aproveché la oportunidad para dialogar...

-Taiga... Taiga... oye... Taiga...- le pasé la voz tocando su hombro con mi dedo, sin embargo, no me respondió –Taiga... háblame... por favor...- nada aún –Taiga... dije que me hablaras- y le jalé el audífono derecha, cosa que me puso escuchar.

-QUÉ QUIERES- respondió bastante fastidiada.

-Eh... Hola-

-¡Ay!.. No molestes con tonterías-

-Taiga... no me digas que aún sigues enojada por lo que pasó en la iglesia y...-

-MORINAGA- me calló –Creo que las cosas quedaron claras cuando te dije que ya no deberíamos ser amigos... y menos hablarnos-

-¿Pero por qué dices eso, Taiga? Ya sé que cometí un error al besarte... ya sé que fui un idiota... pero... ya me disculpé... Taiga, eres mi mejor amiga... te necesito... no puedes simplemente ignorarme y hacer como si no nos conociéramos-

-Sí puedo... OBSÉRVAME- y nuevamente se volteó, se puso su audífono y comenzó a teclear.

Era un hecho… Taiga seguía enojada. Me sentí mal por la forma en que me trató; así que no quise insistirle más y yo también me concentré en mi trabajo. No nos hablamos durante el resto de la jornada laboral. Pensé que en la hora de almuerzo tal vez podamos platicar mejor y disculparme correctamente; pues Taiga y yo siempre almorzamos juntos; sin embargo, cuando dieron la 1pm tuve que terminar de redactar unos resultados y demoré 10 minutos. Cuando subí al comedor, me doy con la sorpresa que Taiga estaba sentada en una mesa con las demás chicas del trabajo y que no me había guardado lugar. Era la primera vez que Taiga me hacía algo así, me sentí totalmente decepcionado, pero sobretodo excluido de su vida. Taiga y yo siempre hemos almorzado juntos desde mi primer día en la Farmacéutica; de hecho el primer día yo no sabía con quién almorzar y recuerdo que Taiga me dijo: "Oyee… chico nuevo…. Por aquí"… desde ese entonces… siempre nos hemos sentado juntos. Pero hoy… era diferente…

Recogí mi charola con comida y me senté en una mesa arrinconada de las demás. Me sentía realmente solo, deprimido, indefenso y débil; sobretodo porque ayer me acordé de Sempai. Taiga, en verdad, estaba siendo muy dura conmigo. Me quedé mirándola un rato y vi cómo se divertía con los demás; sentí que ellos eran mejor que yo y que Taiga tal vez estaría mejor con otros amigos que conmigo. Eso me hizo sentir aún peor. Casi ni toqué la comida.

Regresando del almuerzo fue igual, Taiga no me habló ni siquiera me miró. Esta vez yo decidí guardar silencio y no decirle nada; y el resto de la jornada laboral me la pasé así. Llegué a mi habitación, derrotado, deprimido, aguantándome las lágrimas. Quise empezar a llorar como antes… desahogarme para sacar todo el dolor que tenía en mi pecho, en mi corazón, en mi mente; pero no quería que nadie me oyera; así que me encerré en mi armario y exploté en llanto.

"Estoy solo, siempre estuve solo, siempre estaré solo", pensé. Mi cuerpo temblaba, ya no lo soportaba más, quería simplemente salir y gritar cómo me sentía. La respiración se me cortaba y por poco sentía que me ahogaba. Definitivamente, me sentí en la agonía emocional.


Ese baka, qué rayos se cree… ¿Que voy a hacer como si nada pasó? Definitivamente, Morinaga se pasó esta vez, pero lo que hasta ahora no comprendo es ¿Por qué me besó? Sé que mencionó algo de curiosidad, pero… exactamente por qué… curiosidad de qué… no lo comprendo y a la vez me sorprende porque Morinaga es gay y él me juró aseguró que jamás intentaría algo con una chica porque no les atraía.

Estaba molesta, decepcionada; es decir, es mi mejor amigo y yo estaba pasando por un momento difícil. Mi ex novio "Takasu Takahashi", rompió conmigo una relación de más de 5 años; estaba dolida… MUY DOLIDA y encima Morinaga se burla de mí, dándome un beso desprevenido; y luego me habla como si nada hubiera pasado ¡ESTÁ LOCO! Yo no soy ninguna cualquiera para andar besuqueándome con otro hombre cuando recién acabo de salir de una larga relación; yo no soy de esas que dicen: "un clavo saca otro clavo"… y MENOS CON MORINAGA TETSUHIRO.

Ya habían pasado dos semanas, dos aburridas y largas semanas en donde sentí que la vida era una rutina asquerosa sin fin que solo me llevaría a la muerte algún día. Lo que me parecía extraño era que en ese par de semanas… MORINAGA NO SE APARECIÓ POR LA OFICINA; es decir, que no vino a trabajar. Eso me preocupaba mucho; es decir, Mori jamás había hecho tal cosa, él nunca ha faltado y si lo hace pues creo que por lo menos le avisaría a alguien, pero nadie sabía absolutamente nada.

Era una conducta muy inmadura de su parte si es que la razón fue el hecho que estamos peleados; ya que no creo que se haya enfermado, él nunca se enferma… o tal vez sí se enfermó. Quería llamarlo, pero… mi orgullo me impedía hacerlo... además, por qué tengo que averiguar YO por ÉL… por qué no lo hace otra persona… Mori ahora solo es un compañero más en la Farmacéutica y…

A QUIÉN ENGAÑO… Mori es mi mejor amigo… y creo… creo que exageré con mis palabras. El hecho de decirle "Ya no deberíamos ser amigos", fue bastante duro y exagerado. No puedo romper una amistad de la noche a la mañana; es decir… ok… Mori me besó, se aprovechó de la situación y cometió un error, pero… creo que no era para tanto… bueno… es decir… un beso… qué hay de malo en un beso… además solo fue un pico… ni siquiera abrimos nuestros labios o usamos las lenguas… NADA… solo fue una unión de labios… un beso dulce, inocente y delicado.

Maldita sea… creo que de verdad herí los sentimientos de Mori… debo… debo hacer algo… porque enserio… Ya van 2 semanas que no se aparece... qué rayos cree que está haciendo... a este paso van a hacer que presente su carta de renuncia o peor aún... su despido de la Farmacéutica.

Estaba tan concentrada en mis pensamientos que no me di cuenta cuando el superior vino a hablarme…

-Señorita Asuka- acá todos nos dirigíamos por nuestros apellidos.

-¿Sí, dígame?-

-He notado que Morinaga no ha asistido a trabajar en 2 semanas ¿usted sabe algo?-

-Eh… la verdad… no mucho, pero podría averiguar- respondí nerviosa.
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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The next day, the rays of the Sun came through my window, something that upset me eyes. I felt that I had slept for centuries, my alarm clock rang even. What rare... always put it at 8 am to have time to bathe me, change me, have breakfast and go to the office; well... the truth is the condo to the offices of the pharmaceutical are a 6-minute walk.It seemed strange that no sounds or sinus... Taiga I always woke in case I do not. But... a moment... yesterday... yesterday I ended up talking with my Nii-san and... ME is ASLEEP... not even put the alarm or anything; It is more... the television still remained turned on. I was standing immediately and looked at my watch... "9:30 am". IT MAY NOT BE... I'M HALF AN HOUR LATE. AND I HAVE TO GET READY.I bathe and changed as fast as I could and in the way, while I ran to the office took a yogurt. It was really late, already I was shame enter. I arrived and saw everyone in their computers starting their workday. They were already 9:54 am. I took a deep breath and I entered, but for my bad luck... my higher realized...-GOOD evening, MORINAGA - quipped to noting me that it was too late.-Ah... excuse me... will not happen - I replied with much self-consciousness and embarrassment.-I hope... we don't like people who arrive late to work... and you came... almost 1 hour late --Sorry--Good... by today I you will pass and you will not put a memo just because we have just begun a new year; But if redisplays as irresponsible behaviour, I will put a memo to you... and the memos 3 in the year... already knows what it means - it showed seriousness.I spent the shame of my life. Like my top draw attention in public and today was not a good day to make it. I could see several hiding so they don't shout them, others that they laughed low, as also to others who ignored the situation... especially Taiga, who despite sitting on my side... did not bother to write the word and less look."Yet it will be angry?", I thought and I wanted to see for myself, but I didn't want to go directly to that question; so I wanted to strike up a normal and friendly conversation...-Thank you for waking me eh! Lol - you I susurré in son's joke - had the shame of my life... our superior has no touch with these things not? -Despite the fact that I spoke to him... Taiga didn't make me case. She just looked at his computer screen and wrote reports, he wouldn't do it, not stop typing, it was as if I didn't exist; what hurt me, was when I again started to speak to him and put your headphones on your ears to hear music.The office was very quiet, and waited for people to begin to make noise; normally it was always so... completely quiet office in the morning and beginning at 11 am... all begin to talk... laugh... or to make calls, etc.I didn't speak with Taiga until the vast majority began to talk about their things and took the opportunity to talk...-Taiga... Taiga... Hey... Taiga...-spent you voice touching her shoulder with my finger, however, did not answer me - Taiga... talk to me... by please...-nothing yet - Taiga... I said that I speak - and pulled him the hearing aid right, which put me to listen.-WANT - answered quite bored.-Eh... Hi--Oh!... Don't bother with nonsense--Taiga... do not tell me that you still even angry by what happened in the Church and...--MORINAGA - silent me - I think that things were clear when you said that no longer we should be friends... and less talking --But why say that, Taiga? Because I know that I made a mistake to kiss you... I know that I was an idiot... but I already apologized... Taiga, you're my best friend... I need you... you can not simply ignore me and do as if we did not know us --Yes I can... Watch me - he turned again, put your hearing aid and began typing.It was a fact... Taiga was still angry. I felt bad for the way they treated me; so I didn't want to stress him more and I also concentrated on my work. We do not talk during the rest of the workday. I thought that lunch perhaps we can talk better and apologize properly; as Taiga and I always have lunch together; However, when they gave 1 pm had to complete draft results and it took 10 minutes. When I went to the dining room, I realize with surprise that Taiga was sitting at a table with the other girls in the work and that had not kept me place. It was the first time that Taiga made me something as well, I was completely disappointed, but excluded above all of his life. Taiga and I have always eaten together since my first day in the pharmaceutical; in fact the first day I didn't know with whom lunch and souvenir Taiga said to me: "Oyee... boy new... Here"... Since then... we have laid together. But today was... different...I picked up my tray with food and sat down in a cornered table from the others. I felt really alone, depressed, helpless and weak; above all because yesterday I was reminded of Sempai. Taiga, in truth, was being very harsh with me. I stared at it a while and saw how amused with others; I felt that they were better than me and that Taiga would perhaps be better with other friends than with me. That made me feel even worse. I played almost no food.Returning from lunch it was equal, Taiga not spoke to me or even looked at me. This time I decided to keep silent and not say anything; and the rest of the workday I spent it as well. I arrived in my room, defeated, depressed, holding my tears. I wanted to start crying as before... Let me to take all the pain I had in my chest, in my heart, in my mind; but I didn't want that nobody heard me; so I locked me in my locker and exploded in tears."I'm alone, I was always only, I will always be only", I thought. My body trembled, now couldn't it more, I wanted to just get out and screaming how I felt. Breathing was cut to me and almost felt that I was suffocating. I definitely felt in the emotional agony.POV TAIGAThat baka, which rays believed... that will I make as if nothing happened? Definitely, Morinaga was passed this time, but that so far do not understand is why he kissed me? I know that mentioned something curious, but... exactly why... curious of what... do not understand it and at the same time I am surprised because Morinaga is gay and he swore me assured that he would never try something with a girl because it not attracted them.She was upset, disappointed; i.e., it is my best friend and I was going through a difficult time. My ex boyfriend "Takasu Takahashi", broke up with me a ratio of more than 5 years; I was hurt... VERY hurt and over Morinaga mocks me, giving me a kiss off guard; and then speaks to me as if nothing had happened is crazy! I'm not no any to go besuqueando me with another man when recently I have just come out of a long relationship; I am not of those who say: "a nail removed another nail"... and less with TETSUHIRO MORINAGA.They had already spent two weeks, two long and boring weeks where I felt that life was a disgusting routine without end that just take me to death one day. What seemed strange to me was that in the couple of weeks... MORINAGA NOT BE APPEARED BY THE OFFICE; that is, that did not come to work. That concerned me much; i.e., Mori had never done such a thing, he has never missed and if it does then I think that you at least warn him to somebody, but nobody knew absolutely nothing.It was a very immature behavior on your part if the reason was the fact that we are estranged; Since I do not believe that he has fallen ill, he is never sick... or maybe if they became ill. I wanted to call it, but... my pride prevented me to do it... also, why I have to find out I for him... Why does anyone... Now only Mori is a partner in the pharmaceutical and...WHO DECEPTION... Mori is my best friend... and I think... I think I exaggerated my words. Tell him "No longer should we be friends", was quite hard and exaggerated. I can not break a friendship of the overnight; that is to say... ok... Mori kissed me, took advantage of the situation and made a mistake, but I think... that it wasn't so... well... ie... a kiss... What's wrong in a kiss... only was also a peak... We even opened our lips or use languages... NOTHING... just was a union of lips... a sweet, innocent and delicate kiss.Damn... I think that really I hurt the feelings of Mori... should... should I do something... because seriously... Come in 2 weeks which does not appear... what Ray believes he is doing... This step will be to submit his letter of resignation or worse yet... its dismissal of the pharmaceutical.I was so concentrated on my thoughts that I don't count when the top came to talk to me...-Miss Asuka - here we were all bound by our last names.-Yes, tell me?--I have noticed that Morinaga has not attended work in 2 weeks do you know something?--Eh... the truth... not much, but could find out - nervous replied.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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The next day, the sun coming through my window, which bothered my eyes. I felt I had slept centuries, even my alarm rang. How strange ... always put at 8am to have time to bathe, change, eat breakfast and go to the office; Well ... the truth is that the condos to the offices of the Pharmaceutical is a 6-minute walk. It seemed strange that did not sound or ... Taiga but always woke me if I do not. But ... wait ... yesterday ... yesterday I finished talking with my Nii-san and ... I fell asleep ... not even put the alarm or anything; It is more ... TV was still pinned. I immediately stood up and looked at my watch ... "9:30 a.m.". CAN NOT BE ... I am half an hour late ... and I have to get ready. I showered and changed as fast as I could and on the road, running to the office I took a yogurt. I was really late, and I was ashamed to go. I arrived and all I could see on their computers starting their workday. It was already 9:54 a.m.. I took a deep breath and entered, but for my bad luck ... My higher realized ... Good night, MORINAGA- quipped to me to note that I was too late. Oh ... sorry ... it will not happen again - I said, very shyly and shame. I hope so ... we do not like people who are late to work ... and you came ... almost 1 HOUR afternoon much- I'm sorry Well ... for today you I'm going to spend and do not put a memo only because we just started a new year; but returns to such irresponsible behavior, I put a memo ... and at 3 memos in the year ... you know what showed significant seriousness. I spent the shame of my life. My superior would like to draw attention in public and today was not a good day to do it. I saw several who were hiding them not to shout, others laughed softly, as well as others who ignored the situation ... especially Taiga, who despite sitting next to me did not bother ... and less speak to her eyes. "Do you still be angry?" I thought and wanted to see for myself, but did not want to go directly to that question; so I wanted to engage in a normal conversation amical ... Thank you for waking eh! Hahaha I whispered jokingly shame Come in my life ... not our superior touch with these things right? - Although I talked to ... Taiga ignored me. She just stared at the screen of his computer and wrote some reports, he did not stop, he kept typing, it was as if I did not exist; what hurt me was when I started talking again and put on his headphones in the ears for music. The office was terribly quiet, and waited for people to start making noise; normally it was always so completely silent ... the office in the morning and from 11am ... all start talking ... or laughing ... or make calls, etc. I did not speak with Taiga until the vast majority began you talk to her things and took the opportunity to talk ... -Taiga ... Taiga Taiga ...- ... hey ... I passed the voice playing his shoulder with my finger, but did not answer - Taiga ... ... please tell me ...- -Taiga anything yet ... I said hablaras- me and pulled the right hearing aid, which made ​​me listen. -WHAT want- responded quite annoyed. Hey. Hello- .. Oh! .. Do not bother with tonterías- -Taiga ... do not tell me you're still upset about what happened in the church and ...- -MORINAGA- stopped me think that things were clear when I said that we should not be friends ... and less hablarnos- But why do you say that, Taiga? I know it was a mistake to kiss you ... I know I was an idiot ... but ... and I apologized ... Taiga, you're my best friend ... I need you ... you can not just ignore me and do conociéramos- us or not ... Yes I can OBSÉRVAME- and again turned, put his headset and started typing. It was a fact ... Taiga was still angry. I felt bad for the way he treated me; so I did not insist and I also concentrated more in my work. We do not speak for the rest of the workday. I thought at lunchtime maybe we can talk better and apologize properly; Taiga and then I always have lunch together; however, when they gave 1pm had to complete the drafting of outcomes and took me 10 minutes. When I went to the dining room, I with surprise that Taiga was sitting at a table with other girls from work and I had not saved place. It was the first time I did something Taiga, I was totally disappointed, but mostly excluded from her life. Taiga and I have always had lunch together since my first day in the Pharmaceutical; in fact the first day I did not know who remember Taiga lunch and said, "oyee new guy ... ... around here." ... since then ... we have always sat together. ... But today was different ... I picked up my tray of food and sat at a table cornered the other. I felt really lonely, depressed, helpless and weak; especially because yesterday I remembered Sempai. Taiga, indeed, was being very hard on me. I stared for a while and watched amused with others; I felt that they were better than me and Taiga might be better off with other friends with me. That made ​​me feel even worse. I barely touched the food. Returning lunch was like, Taiga told me not even looked at me. This time I decided to keep quiet and not say anything; and the rest of the workday so I passed it. I got to my room, defeated, depressed, biting back tears. I wanted to start to mourn as before ... vent to remove all the pain I had in my chest, in my heart, in my mind; but I did not want anyone to hear me; so I locked myself in my closet and I exploded into tears. "I'm alone, I was always alone, always be alone," I thought. My body was shaking, and not take it anymore, I just wanted to get out and scream how I felt. My breath was cut and almost drowning me. Definitely, I was in emotional agony. POV TAIGA That Baka, what the hell is believed ... What I do as if nothing happened? Definitely Morinaga spent this time, but so far I do not understand is why I kissed? I know you mentioned some curiosity, but ... exactly why ... curiosity ... I do not understand yet surprise me because Morinaga is gay and he swore he assured me that would never try something with a girl that did not appeal to them. I was upset, disappointed ; that is, it is my best friend and I was going through a difficult time. My ex boyfriend "Takasu Takahashi," broke up with me a relationship of more than five years; I was very hurt and hurt ... Morinaga above teases me, giving me a kiss off guard; and then she talks to me as if nothing had happened IS CRAZY! I am no anyone to walk when making out with another man recently just got out of a long relationship; I am not one of those who say,. "one nail drives out another nail" ... and less Tetsuhiro Morinaga already had been two weeks, two weeks long and boring where I felt that life was a disgusting endless routine just take me death someday. What seemed strange was that in those two weeks ... Morinaga did not show up by the Office; ie, who came not to work. That bothered me much; ie Mori had never done such a thing, he has never missed and if it does then I think at least you warn someone, but absolutely nobody knew anything. It was a very immature behavior on your part if the reason was the fact that we fought; because I do not think you have become ill, he never gets sick ... or maybe they got sick. I wanted to call, but ... my pride prevented me from doing so ... well, why I have to find him ... why do not someone else ... Mori is now just one more partner in the pharmaceutical and ... A ... Who Framed Mori is my best friend ... and I think ... I think I overdid my words. Just say "No longer should be friends," was pretty tough and overdone. I can not break a friendship overnight; I mean ... ok ... Mori kissed me, took advantage of the situation and made ​​a mistake, but ... I think it was not so ... well ... I mean ... a kiss ... what's wrong with a kiss ... well it was just a peak ... not even open our lips or use languages ​​... nothing ... it was just a union of lips ... a sweet, innocent and delicate kiss. Damn ... I think really hurt the feelings of Mori ... I must ... I must do something ... because seriously ... Ya two weeks will not appear ... what the hell ... think you're doing this step will make this his resignation or dismissal worse ... Pharmaceutical. I was so focused on my thoughts I did not realize when the top came to me ... Miss Asuka drove us here all our names. 'Yes, tell me - I've noticed that Morinaga has not attended work in two weeks you know something? - - Uh ... the truth ... not much, but could averiguar- I said nervously.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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The following day, The Rays of the Sun coming through my window, I got eyes. I felt asleep centuries, my alarm clock didn't go off. Strange... I always start at 8am to have time to shower, Change, have breakfast and go to the Office; well... The truth is that the Condominiums to the offices of the pharmaceutical are 6 minutes walk.It seemed strange that no Sound or else... Taiga always woke me up if I didn't, but... A moment... Yesterday... Yesterday I finished my talk with NII San and... I stayed asleep... I didn't even put the alarm or anything; it is more... The TV was still on. I stood up immediately and I looked at my watch. " 9:30am. " It can't be... I'm half an hour late. And I have to get ready.Wash Me, and I changed as fast as I could, and in the way, while I was running to the Office, I took a yogurt. I was late, because I was too embarrassed to go. And I could see all their computers Starting Your Work Day. There were 9: 54am. I took a deep breath and entered, but my Luck... My superior realized...

- Good night,Morinaga Said sarcastically to point out to me that I was late. - Ah... Excuse me... It won't Happen Again - I replied with much timidity and embarrassment.

I hope... We don't like people who are late to work. And you're... Almost 1 hour late -

I'm Sorry? - well... Today I'm going to spend and don't put a Memo only because we begin a New Year;But if you show a behavior as irresponsible, I'll put a memo... And the 3 memos in the Year... You know what that means - showed seriousness.

I was ashamed of my life. My superior likes the attention in public and today was not a good day to do so. I could see several who HID not to shout, others laughed Down,As other that ignored the situation... Especially Taiga, who despite sit at my side... He did not write the word and look less.
"will still be Angry?" I thought, and I wanted to see for myself, but I didn't want to go directly to that question, so I wanted to have a normal conversation and amical

thank you for waking me up... - Hey!LOL - whispered jokingly –pasé the shame of my life... Our superior no touch with these things right?

- although I talked... Taiga wouldn't listen. She just stared at the screen of your computer and writing Reports, I do not stop typing, it was as if I didn't exist; what Hurt,It was when I started to talk again, and put on his Headphones on ears to hear music.
The Office was very quiet, and waited for the people start making noise; usually it was always like that... The Office completely Silent in the mornings and from 11am. Everyone started talking... Or laugh... Or to make calls,

.Not until I talked with Taiga most began to talk about things, and I took the opportunity to talk...

- taiga... Taiga... Hey... Taiga... - I gave the voice touching his shoulder with my finger, I do not, however, responded –taiga... Talk to me... Please... - Nothing Yet –taiga... You talk to me and I pulled the right earpiece, what made me listen.- What You said Pretty screwed. - Uh... Hello

Oh! .. Don't bother with you

- taiga... Don't Tell Me You're still upset about what happened at the Church and...

- - - I think Morinaga was that things were clear when I said that we shouldn't be friends...

- and less Talk - but why, Taiga? I know I made a mistake to kiss...I know that I was an idiot. But... I already apologized... Taiga, you're my best friend... I need you... You can't just ignore me and do as if we never knew each other -

- I can... ObsÉrvame - and again turned around, put on your headset and began typing.

it was a fact, taiga was still Angry. I felt bad about the way you treated me.So I didn't insist more and I concentrated on my work. We don't speak for the rest of the day. I thought that maybe at lunch and we can talk better apologize correctly; as Taiga and I always have lunch Together; however, when they had finished writing about 1pm results and took 10 minutes. When I got to the room,Give me the surprise Taiga was seated at a table with the other Girls for the job and that I had saved. It was the first time that Taiga made me something, I felt very disappointed, but excluded from his life. Taiga and I always have lunch together since my first day in Pharmaceuticals;In fact, the first day I knew who I remember Taiga lunch and told me: "Hear... New Guy. Here "... Since then... We've always SAT together. But today was different...

I picked up my tray with Food and sat in a corner of the table. I really felt Lonely, depressed, Helpless and weak; especially because Yesterday I remembered sempai. But, in Truth,I was being too hard on me. I stared at her for a while and I saw how fun with others; I felt that they were better than me and Taiga might be better with friends other than me. That made me feel even worse. Barely touched the food.

after lunch was not as Taiga, told me he never even looked at me. This Time I decided to keep quiet and not saying anything;And the rest of the day I spent. I got to my room, defeated, depressed, Fighting Back Tears. I start to cry out as before, to get all the pain I had in my chest, in my heart, in my mind, but I didn't want anyone to hear me; so I locked myself in my wardrobe and I exploded in tears.

"I'm alone, I was always alone, always alone, I thought.My body was shaking, I couldn't take it anymore, I just wanted to shout out and How I felt. I was breathing and almost felt like I was Drowning. I definitely felt the emotional Agony.

that Baka POV Taiga, what the hell are you... I'm gonna do as if nothing had happened? Definitely, Morinaga's time until now, but I Don't understand why you kissed her?I know you mentioned something Curious, but exactly why Curiosity... What... I Don't understand while I'm surprised because Morinaga is Gay and He assured me that he swore never to try something with a girl because they don't know...

I was upset, disappointed, that is to say, it is my best friend And I was going through a difficult time. My ex boyfriend "Takasu Takahashi,"Broke up with me for more than 5 years; I was hurt very hurt and on Morinaga mocks me, giving me a Kiss off guard; and then I talk as if nothing had happened is crazy! I'm no anyone to be making out with another man when I just got out of a Long relationship; I am not of those who say:"It takes one to catch" and less with Tetsuhiro Morinaga.
had already spent two weeks, two weeks long and boring where I felt that life was just an endless routine you would take me to death One Day. It seemed Strange was that in this couple of weeks...... not Morinaga it appeared by the Office; that is, they do not come to work. That bothered me a lot; i.e.Mori had never done such a thing, he has never been lacking and if it does Well, I think at least you call someone, but no one knew absolutely nothing. It was a very immature behaviour on his part if the reason was the fact that we're Fighting because I Don't think he was sick, never be Sick... Or maybe they got sick. I wanted to call you, but... My Pride prevented me from doing so.In addition, why I have to find out for him... Why don't you make another person... Mori now only is a partner in the pharmaceutical and...

who Deceived... Mori is my best friend... And I think... I think I overreacted to my words. The fact of saying "We shouldn't Be Friends", was pretty hard and exaggerated. I can't break a Friendship overnight; i.e. Mori kissed me... Ok...He took advantage of the situation and made a mistake, but I think it was not so well... That is... A kiss... What is wrong with a kiss... It was just a Peak even open our Lips or Use languages... Nothing... Just a Union of Lips... A Sweet Kiss, innocent and Delicate.Damn, I think I really hurt the feelings of Mori, I must do something serious... Because... They're not appears 2 weeks... What the hell do you think you're doing... This step will make this your letter of resignation or worse... His dismissal of pharmaceutics.

I was so busy in my thoughts that I didn't realize when the superior came to me

...- Miss Asuka - Here We all headed by our Surnames.

- Yes, Hello?
I noticed that Morinaga has not been to work in two weeks. You know something? -
- Eh... The Truth... It's not much, but I could find I answered nervous.
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