POV SEMPAIMi cuerpo... lo siento pesado... no... no me puedo mover...  dịch - POV SEMPAIMi cuerpo... lo siento pesado... no... no me puedo mover...  Anh làm thế nào để nói

POV SEMPAIMi cuerpo... lo siento pe


Mi cuerpo... lo siento pesado... no... no me puedo mover... y... siento un sabor a sangre... ¿por qué... veo borroso?... todo está oscuro... tengo frío... tengo sed... tengo... miedo... quiero que esos gritos paren... por favor... que alguien haga algo... yo no puedo... no puedo hacer nada... no me puedo mover... por favor... no... NO... YA BASTA!

Y luego... aparezco en otro lugar. "Dónde estoy", me pregunté y me doy cuenta que es un dormitorio diferente al mío. ¿Me quedé dormido? ¿Dónde está, Morinaga? Qué pasó... no puedo recordar bien... la luz del sol me impide ver con claridad. Un momento... ya recordé... Hamatsu... la Farmacéutica... MORINAGA. Estoy... en el cuarto de Morinaga.

Había tenido una horrible pesadilla que no recordaba bien, por eso me desperté desorientado. Es raro... desde hace meses de vez en cuando sueño la misma pesadilla... es como si me advirtieran sobre algo... sobre algo malo que podría pasarme... o pasarle a alguien que quiero. Aunque yo no soy muy creyente de los sueños.

Luego me doy cuenta que es completamente de día, revisé el reloj y decían 10am. Un momento... ¿Y MORINAGA? Se supone que hablaría con él ayer en la noche. Salí de la habitación gritando "Morinaga... Morinaga" estaba preocupado, ¿acaso ayer no llegó a dormir? No podía salir de ahí... era peligroso... con lo que me gustó burlar a la seguridad ayer... si me descubren me botan. Fui al baño y en la puerto veo una notita pegada.


Ayer te encontré dormido y no quise despertarte, pensé que era lo mejor; así que dormí en la habitación de Taiga. Esta mañana entré a mi habitación para sacar algo de ropa y de paso dejarte esta nota. No regresaré hasta la noche. Si de verdad quieres hablar conmigo...espérame;... sino... vete.


PDTA: Hay comida instantánea en la cocina, sírvete... pero no te la acabes.

Bueno... por lo menos se comunicó conmigo a través de esta nota que por cierto... NO ME GUSTÓ PARA NADA. Es decir... "Dormí en la habitación de Taiga"... ¿ES ENSERIO? Esa mocosa... cómo la odio... siempre entrometiéndose entre Morinaga y yo... seguro ella lo convenció apropósito y es ella la que seguro le envenena la mente contra mí.

No tuve otra opción más que hacer lo que decía la nota... "esperar" y "comer comida instantánea". Fui a su cocinita y encontré muchas sopas instantáneas, en la nevera había frutas, verduras y carnes... bueno... al menos no solo se llena de comida envasada... podría hacerle daño. Sin embargo... me tomé un par de sopas envasadas porque moría de hambre, además no podía salir de la habitación así que tenía que comer aquí y entretenerme con algo; así que regresé a la pieza de Morinaga a ver la televisión.

Por ratos me concentraba en el programa de televisión que estaba viendo, pero a veces me ponía a pensar en Morinaga y en cómo podría explicarle lo que he venido a hacer a Hamatsu... ¿qué tal si no me quiere escuchar? ¿qué tal si lo que le digo le parece malo y me bota? ¿qué tal si me dice que quiere alejarse de mí? Yo... yo no podría alejarme de Morinaga; es decir... no he viajado aquí en vano y por lo menos pienso irme de aquí con una respuesta positiva.

Pasaron tres horas... para ser exactos eran casi la 1pm, eso significa que Morinaga estará en su hora de almuerzo y probablemente venga un rato al condominio... no espera... eso no puede ser... claramente en la nota dijo que regresaría en la noche.

Fui a la cocinita por un poco de agua, la tomé ahí mismo y luego regresé a la habitación. Pensé en descansar un poco, pero mientras caminaba por el pasillo sentí un fuerte golpe en mi espalda que me derribó al suelo. Grité de dolor y al voltearme para saber qué me pasó, veo que un objeto largo de aproxima hacia mí para golpearme nuevamente. Fui rápido y rodé en el piso para esquivarlo. Me puse de pie y me di media vuelta. Nuevamente un golpe en el brazo. No alcancé a ver mucho, tan solo me percaté que era una persona de baja estatura con un palo largo de madera... parecía una katana de madera inofensiva; sin embargo, aún así me dolieron los 2 golpes que me cayeron. Quise quitarle el arma, pero aquella persona fue más rápida y empezó a lanzarme palazos, cosa que me hizo retroceder hasta quedar acorralado entre la katana y la puerta de entrada. Me amenazo poniendo la katana cerca de mi cuello...

-QUÉ RAYOS TE PASA... QUIÉN ERES... POR QUÉ ME HACES ESTO- le grité pero no me respondió.

Logré ver que era una persona vestido de negro y una máscara negra (esas de secuestradores) que le cubría el rostro para no ver su identidad, pero sinceramente, por la ropa que traía podía deducir que era una chica.

¿Acaso era una ladrona? No lo dudo... hay mucha seguridad en esta empresa... entonces la única persona que me podía hacer daño era...

Antes de aclarar mi respuesta, fui rápido y sostuve la katana por el otro lado. Forcejeamos en un intento de quitársela y como yo soy más alto y tengo piernas largas, hice un movimiento de defensa la cual ella terminó derribada en el suelo. Tiré lejos la katana de madera que llegó hasta el fondo del pasillo y me coloqué encima de la chica para acorralarla.

La chica empezaba a forcejear en el suelo, se movía como una lombriz, pero yo la tenía agarrada de las manos. Sujeté sus dos manos con una mano mía y con la otra le saqué la máscara...



-Ah no. No te irás a ningún lado, mocosa-


-¿Por qué me atacas de esa manera? ¡eh!-




-No te voy a soltar hasta que me respondas... ¡¿POR QUÉ ME ATACAS ASÍ?!-

-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- usó ese gritito agudo que caracteriza a las mujeres.

-YA CÁLLATE- me dolían los oídos.


-DIJE QUE TE CALLARAS- le tapé la boca con mi mano.

-Mnmnmnmnmnmnmn- intentó hablar.

-Escúchame, mocosa- la miré a los ojos –Voy a soltarte... pero prométeme que no vas a chillar ¿entendido?-

Hubo una batalla de miradas, pero ella terminó cediendo y con un movimiento de cabeza dijo que "sí". Respiré hondo y lentamente le destapé la boca, pero apenas mi mano se separó un centímetro de sus labios, esa mocosa ME MORDIÓ LA MANO.

Automáticamente la solté y me sobé la mano, vaya que me había dejado marca y cuando menos me lo esperé, ella levantó su rodilla y me dio en donde más me duele... mi entrepierna. Sentí un dolor punzante ahí, pues es la debilidad de un hombre. Caí sentado para atrás y por el dolor me retorcí tirándome al piso y estando en posición fetal. Eso le dio a Taiga la ventaja de ponerse de pie y correr hasta el final del pasillo para recoger su katana de madera.

Esa mocosa, qué le pasa... es una SALVAJE... qué pretende hacer... acaso... acaso... ¿VA A MATARME? Vi como tomaba su katana y la sujetaba con las dos manos como si estuviera lista para atacarme. "Creo que esta vez sí me va a doler", pensé. Yo me senté en el suelo, pues ya podía levantarme un poco por el dolor, aún estaba debilitado, no podía pararme y tan solo observé cómo Taiga se acercaba lentamente con la katana elevada para darme una infinidad de golpes.

Esa mocosa... ¡ESA MOCOSA ESTÁ LOCA! Lo único que me quedó fue retroceder aún sentado en el suelo hasta que ella me alcanzó y elevó la katana para golpearme. Con una mano me tapé la entrepierna y la otra la cara y cerré fuertemente mis ojos para aguantar los golpes que me esperaban. Sentí claramente el viento que provocó el movimiento de la katana pasar por encima de mi cabeza y el fuerte sonido que se escuchó al chocar contra la pared. ¿Qué? ¿Acaso... Taiga falló?, fue lo primero que pensé. Abrí los ojos y me doy cuenta que definitivamente sí había fallado.

-JAJAJAJAJAJAJA hubieras visto tu cara de angustia... JAJAJAJAJA- se burló bajando su katana.

-¿Qué?- me quedé atónito pero luego reaccioné –PERO QUÉ RAYOS TE PASA, BAKA... CASI ME MATAS-

-JAJAJAJAJA...- terminó de reír y se puso seria –Pues ganas no me faltan-

-¿Por qué haces esto? Yo no tengo nada que ver contigo... YO NO TE HECHO NADA-

-A mí no, pero a Mori sí-

-Lo que sucede entre Morinaga y yo... no te compete en nada-

-Morinaga es mi mejor amigo, y por lo tanto... no voy a permitir que basuras como tú vengan a molestarlo-

-Yo no lo estoy molestando, solo quiero hablar con él-

-¡NO!- gritó –No tienes derecho a hablar con él después de lo que le hiciste. Tú no tienes derecho a nada... ni siquiera a verlo y menos a saber de él-

-Morinaga es mi amigo y tú eres una metiche-

-¡NO SOY UNA METICHE!- me apuntó con la katana –Soy la persona que AYUDÓ y APOYÓ a Morinaga a salir de la depresión que TÚ cruelmente le causaste-

-¡Ya lo sé! Por eso quiero arreglar las cosas con él-

-¿PARA QUÉ? ¿Para volverle a dar estúpidas ilusiones?-

-...- me dejó mudo, pues fue lo mismo que me dijo Morinaga.


-¿ASÍ? ¿Y QUIÉN ME VA OBLIGAR? ¿TÚ? JAJAJAJA- hizo un movimiento con la katana que nuevamente golpeó la pared para asustarme.

-Estoy hablando enserio... SOUICHI TATSUMI-

-¿Cómo sabes mi nombre?- me sorprendió, pero tenía una ligera sospecha que ha de ser por Morinaga.

-Yo sé TODO sobre ti- aseguró –Morinaga me contó absolutamente TODO... ¿entiendes? TODO-


-Así es. Desde la primera vez que te vio en la Universidad M, hasta la vez en que te casaste con esa estúpida de Yuki-

-No insultes a gente que no conoces-

-Yo insulto a quién se me da la gana ¿oíste?- suspiró –No tienes idea cómo te odié cuando supe lo que le hiciste a Morinaga. CÓMO PUDISTE HACERLE ESO A LA ÚNICA PERSONA QUE TE AMA EN ESTE MUNDO ¡AH! Morinaga TE AMÓ desde el PRIMER MOMENTO en que te vio y déjame decirte que lo sigue haciendo hasta hoy en día. Lo que él siente por ti es AMOR PURO y tú lo único que haces es utilizarlo y despreciarlo cuando no lo necesitas-

-YO NO LO UTILIZO- me sentí ofendido.

-¿Entonces por qué no le has correspondido hasta ahora?-

-... pues... porque... porque NO SOY GAY-
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV SEMPAIMy body... sorry heavy... not... I can't move... and... I feel a taste of blood... why... see fuzzy?... everything is dark... I have cold... I have thirst... afraid...... I want that those cries stop... Please... someone to do something... I can not... can not do anything... I can't move... Please... not... NO... ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!And then... show up elsewhere. "Where I am", I asked myself and I realize that it is different from my own bedroom. I fell asleep? Where he is, Morinaga? What happened... I can't remember well... the sunlight prevents me see clearly. ... Already a moment I remembered... Hamatsu... the pharmaceutical... MORINAGA. I'm... in the room of Morinaga.I had a horrible nightmare that didn't remember well, that I woke up disoriented. It is rare... in recent months occasionally sleep the same nightmare... is as if I warned about something... about something bad that could pass... or pass to someone who I want to. Although I am not a believer of dreams.Then I realize it has that it is completely of day, I checked the clock and said 10 am. A moment... and MORINAGA? It is assumed that he would speak with him yesterday at night. I went out of the room screaming "Morinaga..." Morinaga"was concerned, would perhaps yesterday did not sleep? It could not leave there... was dangerous... which I liked to outwit security yesterday... If I discover I botan. I went to the bathroom and see a note stuck in the port.Sempai,I found yesterday asleep and I didn't wake up, I thought it was the best; so I slept in the room of Taiga. This morning I went to my room to get some clothes and step drop you this note. I will not come back until the evening. If you really want to talk to me... wait for me;... but... go.Morinaga.PDTA: There are instant food in the kitchen, to serve you... but do not finish it for you.Well... at least communicated with me through this note that by the way... NOT MY TASTE AT ALL. That is to say... "I slept in the room of Taiga"... is seriously? This runny... how the hatred... always meddling Morinaga and me... sure she convinced it intentional and is it that insurance poisoning her mind against me.I didn't have another option to do what was in the note... "wait" and "eat meal". I went to her kitchen and found many instant soup, in the fridge there were fruits, vegetables and meats... well... at least not only filling packed... food could harm him. However... I took a couple of packaged soups because dying of hunger, also it could not leave the room so I had to eat here and entertain me with something; so I went back to the part of Morinaga to watch TV.By time I concentrated on the television program who was watching, but sometimes I would start to think about Morinaga and how could explain to him what I have come to ask Hamatsu... What if you don't want to listen? What if what you say look you bad and I boot? What if he tells me he wants to get away from me? I... I not could get away from Morinaga; i.e. have not travelled here in vain and at least think going here with a positive response.They spent three hours... to be exact were almost 1 pm, this means that Morinaga will be on your lunch hour and probably come a time and the condo... no wait... that cannot be... clearly note said that he would return in the evening.I went to the kitchen for a little water, took her there himself and then went back to the room. I thought a little rest, but as he walked down the Hall I felt a loud bang in my back that I knocked to the ground. I screamed in pain and to flip me to know what happened to me, I see a long object of approaches towards me to hit me again. I was fast and rolled on the floor to Dodge it. I was standing and I a half turned. Again a punch on the arm. Could not see much, I just realized it was a person of short stature with a long stick of wood... seemed a harmless wooden katana; However, I still hurt 2 punches that I fell. I wanted to remove the gun, but that person was more rapid and began to plunge sticks, something that made me back until cornered between the katana and the gateway. I threatened to put the katana close to my neck...-THAT RAYS TEA GOES... Who are you... WHY I do this - I yelled but did not answer me.I was able to see that it was a person black dress and a black mask (those kidnappers) covering her face not to see their identity, but sincerely, for clothes that brought could infer that it was a girl.Was he a thief? No doubt it... the only person that I could do there is lot of security in this company... then damage was...Prior to clarify my answer, I was fast and argued the katana by the other side. We struggled in an attempt to remove it, and as I'm high and I have long legs, I made a movement to defend which she ended knocked-down on the ground. I threw away the katana of wood that came down the Hall and put me on top of the girl to corral it.The girl began to wrestle on the floor, he moved like a worm, but I had it seized from the hands. I attached two hands with my hand and with the other took the mask...-YOU KNOW! WERE YOU... TAIGA--LET ME GO... RELEASE ME--Oh no. You do not go anywhere, runny--SUELTAMEEEE! I SAID THAT I RELEASED, DAMN BASTARD --Why would I attack that way? Hey!--RELEASE ME--ANSWER ME, DAMN --ME ARE HURTING, GROSS!--Not going to release until I answer... would attack ME so? --AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH - used that sharp gritito that characterizes women.AS - shut up - I hurt the ears.-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH--DIJE QUE TE CALLARAS - keep capped you his mouth with my hand.-Mnmnmnmnmnmnmn - tried to talk.-Listen to me, runny - looked at her in the eyes - I'm going to let go... but promise me that you will not to chillar would understand? -There was a battle of looks, but she ended up relenting and with a nod said "Yes". I took a deep breath and slowly I destapé mouth, but just my hand spread one centimeter in her lips, that runny I bit the hand.I let it automatically and I sobé me the hand, that I had left my mark and when I least expected it, I she lifted his knee and gave me in where I hurts most... my crotch. I felt a sharp pain there, because it is the weakness of a man. CAI sat back and for the pain I squirmed to pull me to the floor and in the fetal position. That gave Taiga the advantage of standing and running until the end of the Hall to collect their wooden katana.This runny, what happens... is a wild... What do... perhaps... maybe... is going to kill me? I saw how he took his katana and held it with both hands as if it were ready to attack me. "I think that this time was Yes going to hurt," I thought. I sat on the floor, because I could already get a little pain, was still weakened, I could not stand and just watched how Taiga was approaching slowly with high katana to give me plenty of hits.This runny... ESA RUNNY is crazy! The only thing was I was back still sitting on the floor until she reached me and raised the katana to hit me. With one hand I keep capped the crotch and the other face and closed my eyes strongly to endure the shock that awaited me. I felt clearly wind causing movement of the katana pass over my head and strong sound that was heard to crash into the wall. What? Anything... Do taiga failed?, it was the first thing I thought. I opened my eyes and I am aware that definitely yes had failed.-JAJAJAJAJAJAJA should have seen your face of anguish... HAHAHAHAHA - snickered down his katana.-What? - I was stunned but then I responded - but Ray TE PASA, BAKA... NEARLY ME MATAS --JAJAJAJAJA...-finished laughing and got serious - because I don't lack desire--Why do you do this? I have nothing to do with you... YO NO TE DONE ANYTHING --To me not, but Mori si --What is happening between me and Morinaga... you not compete in anything--Morinaga is my best friend, and therefore... I will not allow that garbage like you come to bother you--I not I am bothering you, just want to talk to him --NO! - he cried - you have No right to talk to him after what you did to him. You have no right to anything... not even to see him and less to know him--Morinaga is my friend and you are a metiche--NO SOY UNA METICHE! - I said with the katana - I am the person that helped and Morinaga to out of the depression that you cruelly support did you --I know it! So I want to fix things with him--WHAT FOR? To get back to you to give stupid illusions?--...-Let me dumb, because it was the same thing that said me Morinaga.-STAY AWAY FROM MORINAGA!--SO? AND WHO I WILL FORCE? YOU? HAHAHA - made a move with the katana which again hit the wall to scare me.-I'm talking about seriously... SOUICHI TATSUMI--Do you know my name? - I was surprised, but I have a slight suspicion that has to be by Morinaga.-I know all about you - said - Morinaga told me absolutely everything... do you understand? ALL--Do all? --So. From the first time you saw in the University M, until the time that you married that stupid of Yuki--Do not insult people you do not know--I insult who realizes it earns have heard? - he sighed - you have No idea how you hated when I heard what you did you to Morinaga. HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO THE ONLY PERSON WHAT YOU LOVE IN THIS WORLD AH! Morinaga I love you from the first moment that you saw and let me tell you that it continues to do so to this day. What he feels for you is pure love and you all you do is use it and despise it when you don't need it --YO NO LO use - I felt offended.-Do then why not you reciprocated you so far?--... because... because... because not I am GAY -
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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POV SEMPAI My body ... sorry heavy ... no ... I can not move me ... and ... I feel a taste of blood ... why ... I see blurry? ... everything is cold dark ... I have ... I have ... I have thirst ... afraid ... I want those screams stop ... please ... someone to do something ... I can not ... I can not do anything ... I can not move me ... please ... no ... no ... ENOUGH! And then ... I appear elsewhere. "Where am I", I asked and I realize it is a different from my bedroom. I fell asleep? Where, Morinaga? What happened ... I can not remember well ... sunlight prevents me from seeing clearly. A moment ... I remembered ... ... Pharmaceutical Hamatsu ... Morinaga. I am ... in the fourth Morinaga. He had had a horrible nightmare that he remembered well, so I woke up disoriented. It is rare for months ... occasionally dream the same nightmare ... it's like I warned about something ... about something bad that could happen ... and happen to someone I love. Although I am not a believer of dreams. Then I realize that it is full daylight, I checked his watch and said 10am. One moment ... And Morinaga? It supposed to talk to him last night. I left the room shouting "Morinaga Morinaga ..." was concerned, did yesterday did not sleep? I could not get out of there ... it was dangerous ... so I liked outwit security today ... if I find me bounce. I went to the bathroom and the port see a little note attached. Sempai, yesterday I found you asleep and I did not wake up, I thought it best; so I slept in the room of Taiga. This morning I went to my room to get some clothes and let pass this note. I will not return until evening. If you really want to talk to me ... wait for me; ... but ... go. Morinaga. PDTA: There are instant food in the kitchen, help yourself ... but do not finish it. Well ... at least it was reported me through this note that by the way ... I did not like at all. I mean ... "I slept in the room of Taiga" ... Is it serious? That brat ... how ... always hate meddling from Morinaga and I ... sure she convinced him on purpose and it is she who poisons her mind insurance against me. I had no choice but to do what the note said ... "wait" and "eat instant food." I went to the kitchenette and found many instant soups in the refrigerator had fruits, vegetables and meats ... well ... at least it is not just full of packaged food ... it could harm. However ... I took a couple of soups packaged for starving also could not leave the room so I had to eat here and entertain with something; so I went back to the piece of Morinaga to watch television. For moments there I concentrated on the television I was seeing, but sometimes I started to think about Morinaga and how I could explain what I came to do Hamatsu .. . What if I do not want to hear? What if what I say seems wrong and I boot? What if he tells me he wants to get away from me? I ... I could not get away from Morinaga; I mean ... I have not traveled here in vain and at least I think leave here with a positive response. They spent three hours ... to be exact it was almost 1pm, that means Morinaga be on your lunch break and probably the condo comes a time ... no wait ... that can not be ... clearly in the note said he would return at night. I went to the kitchenette for some water, took it there and then returned to the room. I thought some rest, but as I walked down the hall felt a blow on my back that knocked me down. I screamed in pain and turn around to see what happened to me, I see a long object to hit close to me again. I was quick and I rolled on the floor to avoid it. I stood up and I turned around. Again a hit in the arm. I could see not much, I just realized it was a short person with a long wooden stick ... seemed a harmless wooden katana; however, I still ached me 2 strokes that fell. I wanted to take the gun, but that person was faster and started to throw shovels, which took me back to be trapped between the katana and the gateway. I threatened putting katana near my neck ... -WHAT LIGHTNING ... WHO ARE YOU GO ... WHY DO ME this- I yelled but did not answer me. I managed to see that it was a person dressed in black and a mask Black (those of kidnappers) covering his face not to see their identity, but honestly, by the clothes they brought could tell it was a girl. Was he a thief? I have no doubt ... there are a lot of security in the company ... then the only person who could hurt me was ... Before clarify my answer, I was fast and held the katana on the other side. We struggled in an attempt to remove it and since I'm taller and I have long legs, I made ​​a defense motion which she ended demolished in the ground. I threw away the wooden katana reached the end of the hall and put me over the girl to corner her. The girl began to struggle on the ground, he moved like a worm, but I was holding hands. I held his hands with my hand and with the other he pulled the mask ... -¡LO I KNOW! TAIGA- was you ... Let me go ... SUÉLTAME- Oh no. You will not be going anywhere, mocosa- -¡SUÉLTAMEEEE! I said I will loose cursed bastard Why attack me like that? Uh - Let me go - Answer me, MALDITA- -¡ME're hurting, GROSS - No let you go until you answer me ... WHY SO attack me -! -AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- he used that sharp yelp that characterizes women. -YA CÁLLATE- hurt my ears. -AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- YOU CALLARAS- said he covered my mouth with my hand. -Mnmnmnmnmnmnmn- tried to speak. Listen, I looked mocosa- the eyes ... I'm going to release you but promise me you will not scream got it - it was a battle of looks, but she ended up yielding and with a nod said "yes". I breathed deeply and slowly uncover the mouth, but just my hand one centimeter from his lips parted, that brat ME bit his hand. Automatically I let go and I rubbed my hand, go that I had left my mark and when I least expected, she raised her knee and gave me where it hurts me ... my crotch. I felt a sharp pain there, it is the weakness of a man. I fell back and sat by the pain I twisted and still pulling the floor in a fetal position. Taiga That gave the advantage to stand up and run to the end of the hall to collect his wooden katana. That brat, what happens ... It's a wild ... what he intends to do ... just in case ... case ... Will you kill me? I watched as he took his katana and held it with both hands as if ready to attack. "I think this time it will hurt me," I thought. I sat on the floor, it could now get up a little pain, I was still weak, could not stop and just watched Taiga slowly approached the high katana to me countless blows. That brat ... That brat is crazy! All that remained was me back even sitting on the floor until she reached me and raised his katana to hit. With one hand I covered my crotch and the other face and closed my eyes tightly to withstand the shock that awaited me. I clearly felt the wind that caused the movement of the katana go over my head and that was heard loud crashing against the wall. Than? Did ... Taiga failed ?, was the first thing I thought. . I opened my eyes and I realize that he had failed definitely yes -JAJAJAJAJAJAJA you had seen your face in anguish ... JAJAJAJAJA- scoffed down his katana. What? - I was stunned but then I reacted But what the hell's the matter, BAKA ... I almost Matas -JAJAJAJAJA ...- stopped laughing and became serious Well faltan- not want me 'Why are you doing this? I have nothing to do with you ... I DO NOT DONE NOTHING -A me no, but Mori Yes 'What happens between Morinaga and I ... do not compete in nothing- -Morinaga is my best friend, and therefore ... I will not allow rubbish like you come to molestarlo- 'I'm not bothering you, just want to talk to him -¡NO - shouted 'You have the right to talk to him after what you did. You have no right to anything ... not even to him and to know him less -Morinaga is my friend and you're a metiche- -¡NO I AM A nosy - I pointed the katana I am the person who helped Morinaga and supported out of depression YOU causaste- him cruelly -¡Ya know! So I want to make things right with him 'What? To give back to stupid illusions - -...- left me speechless, because it was the same as Morinaga told me. Get away from Morinaga - 'So? And who's going FORCE? YOU? JAJAJAJA- made ​​a move to the katana again hit the wall to scare me. I'm talking seriously ... Souichi TATSUMI- How do you know my name - I was surprised, but I had a sneaking suspicion that must be by Morinaga. - I know all about you -Morinaga said TI told me absolutely everything ... you know? THE ALL Everything all - So is. From the first time I saw you at the University M, until the time you married that stupid of Yuki Do not insult people who do not conoces- 'I insult to whom I please do you hear? - he sighed - You have no idea how I hated when I heard what you did to Morinaga. How could you do that to the one person who LOVES YOU IN THIS WORLD AH! Morinaga I love you from the first moment that I saw and let me tell you what continues to this day. What he feels for you is pure love and you all you do is use it and despise it when not need- 'I would not UTILIZO- felt insulted me. Then why have not returned to him until now -? - .. . because ... because ... because I AM NOT Gay-

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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POV sempai

My Body... I feel heavy. Not... I can't move... And... Feel The Taste of Blood. Why... Blurry? ... Everything is dark. I'm Cold. I'm Thirsty. I have... Fear... I want those screams stop... Please... Somebody to do something... I can not... I can't do anything... I can't move... Please... Not... Not... Enough!

and then... Appear in another place."Where am I", I asked You and I realize a bedroom that is different to mine. I fell asleep? Where is he, Morinaga? What happened... I can't Recall... Sunlight prevents me from seeing clearly. A moment... I remembered... Hamatsu... The pharmaceutical... Morinaga. I am... In the room of Morinaga.
had a horrible Nightmare could not remember,That's why I woke up disoriented. It's Weird... For months now I Dream the same Dream... It is as if I saw something... Something Bad could happen. Or happen to someone I Love. Although I'm not a Big believer of Dreams. Then I realize it's all day, I checked the clock and say 10am. A moment... And Morinaga.Supposed to talk with him last night. Out of the room Screaming "Morinaga. Morinaga "was concerned, perhaps yesterday did not sleep? I couldn't get out of there... It was dangerous... I liked to fool Security Yesterday... If I get fired. I went to the bathroom and saw a note stuck in Port.

sempai, Yesterday I found you asleep and didn't Wake Up,I thought it was the best, so I slept in the bedroom of Taiga. This morning I went to my room to get some clothes and step to leave you this note. I won't be back until tonight. If you really want to talk to me, wait for me... But... Go Morinaga.


pdta: Instant meal in the kitchen, please. But don't finish it.

Good...At least she contacted me through this note, by the way... I Don't like anything. I mean... " I slept in the bedroom of Taiga "... Are you serious? That Brat... How I Hate... Morinaga always getting between me and... Sure she did it on purpose and he Poisons the Mind against me. I had no other choice but to do what the note Said..."Wait" and "Instant food." I went to the kitchen and found a lot in the fridge had instant Soups, fruits, vegetables and meats. Well... At least not only full of Packaged Food. I could Hurt. However... I took a couple of packaged Soups because he was very hungry and could not leave the room so we had to eat here and do something.So I returned to the piece of Morinaga to watch Television for hours.

I concentrated on the Television program that he was watching, but sometimes I think Morinaga and How I could explain what I came to do in Hamatsu... What if he won't listen to me? What If I say you look Bad And I Boot? What If I said that you want to get away from me? I...I couldn't get away from Morinaga, i.e.... I haven't come here in Vain, and at least I will leave here with a positive response.

spent three hours... To be Exact, were almost 1pm Morinaga, that means you will be in your lunch hour and probably come out the condo? Don't wait... That can't be... Clearly in the note said he'd be back in the evening.I went to the kitchen for some water, I took it right there and then I returned to the room. I thought a Little Rest, but as I walked down the hallway, I felt a blow on my back that I knocked to the ground. I screamed in pain and turn around to know what happened to me, I see an object over Coming towards me, hit me again. I was fast and rolled on the floor to avoid him.
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