Joder... las 5:58 de la tarde y ese imbécil aún no llama. Maldición... dịch - Joder... las 5:58 de la tarde y ese imbécil aún no llama. Maldición... Anh làm thế nào để nói

Joder... las 5:58 de la tarde y ese

Joder... las 5:58 de la tarde y ese imbécil aún no llama. Maldición... de seguro que no irá a la cena. No puedo creer que me haya fallado. Ay dios... no puedo pensar así. Morinaga no tiene la culpa, él me avisó que había una posibilidad que no lo dejen salir de su trabajo. Entonces... si Morinaga no asiste a la cena... ese baka va a querer darme una pequeña sorpresa y es capaz de mandarme algo a casa de mi Tía Matsuda. De seguro será algo muy cursi. No... no... no. Morinaga sabe que dos de mis familiares estarán presentes y no creo que sea capaz de avergonzarme con ellas. No me imagino qué sería si mi familia se enterara... qué diría Kanako, Tomoe, el pedófilo de Kurokawa, Isogai, y sobretodo... mi padre. Es decir... yo siempre he sido un gran ejemplo y la cabeza en la familia cuando papá no estaba; y si se llegaran a enterar que soy... pareja de un gay... MI REPUTACIÓN SE CAE. Ya no podré refutarle nada a Tomoe sobre su vida; Kurokawa se reirá de mí por haberlo molestado todos estos años; Kanako y Tía Matsuda empezarán con sus alucinaciones y suposiciones tontas; perderé el respeto de mi padre; e... Isogai... ESE BASTARDO TENDRÁ MÁS MATERIAL PARA CHANTAJEARME. MIERDA... aún no estoy listo para contárselo a mi familia. Morinaga debe dejar de insistirme con eso, pues... definitivamente yo NO REVELARÉ MI RELACIÓN CON MORINAGA... JAMÁS. Si no le gusta mi idea, pues que se aguante... sino... ES LIBRE DE DEJARME... GRRRRR.

Hablando de Isogai... la última que lo vi, ese baka me dijo que cada día me estaba haciendo más viejo. Bueno... hoy cumplo 27 años, significa que estoy cerca de los 30 años... de la TERCERA BASE, pero... eso... no es ser "viejo" ¿o sí? Aún no tengo canas en el cabello ni me duele alguna parte de mi cuerpo. Estoy completamente sano... y con muchas fuerzas. Morinaga es testigo que aún doy unos buenos puñetazos.


-Recuerda que entre Morinaga y tú hay una pequeña diferencia de edad... pequeña... pero la hay. Mientras más Morinaga crece... más viejo te haces tú-

-Claro. La diferencia es que Morinaga recién cumple sus 25 años; es decir, está a la mitad de la segunda base y está en edad para tener aventuras-

-Taiga-chan tiene razón. Qué pasaría si Morinaga se fijara en alguien más joven, no sé... alguien que tenga 20 o 22 años-

-Tiene razón Isogai-san. Es mejor fijarse en la gente joven que en la gente vieja-


Qué Isogai se trague sus palabras... YO NO ESTOY VIEJO ni tampoco Morinaga sería capaz de dejarme por alguien más joven, porque si es así... LE CORTO LAS PELOTAS. Y esa baka de Taiga también está equivocada, porque ella más que nadie sabe MUY BIEN que Morinaga me ama a mí... y SOLO A MÍ. ¿Taiga? Es cierto... ahora que lo pienso bien... hace tiempo que no escucho a Morinaga hablar con su amiguita. Recuerdo que Morinaga me comentó algo del ex novio de esa mocosa, pero no recuerdo qué exactamente. ¡JA! NO ME INTERESA. ESPERO QUE SE LA HAYA TRAGADO LA TIERRA.

~Ring Ring~

Mi celular empezó a sonar, cosa que me sacó de mis más profundos pensamientos. Saqué el celular de mi bolsillo y contesté de inmediato...



-Hasta que al fin llamas, idiota. Supongo que serán buenas noticias-

-Etto... lo... lo siento, Sempai- suspiró –No podré ir a la cena-


-Hay mucho trabajo y... mi supervisor no me deja salir-

-Morinaga... no sé si te has dado cuenta... pero ES MI CUMPLEAÑOS, BAKA- fui sarcástico.

-Ya lo sé, Sempai. Por favor, entiéndeme. No me hagas sentir peor de lo que ya me siento- se le escuchaba nervioso –Te... te prometo que te compensaré por esto, pero enserio... perdóname, por favor-

-Ya... ya... tranquilo- lo comprendí, pues no quería que Morinaga estuviese inquieto en su trabajo –No hay nada que perdonar. Debes cumplir con tu trabajo, es tu deber-

-Gracias por comprender- lo noté desanimado.

-Sí... como sea. Da igual-

-Bu... bueno, Sempai. Entonces voy a seguir trabajando- suspiró –Ya estás saliendo para la casa de tu Tía Matsuda ¿verdad?-

-Ahora que lo dices... son más de las 6:00 de la tarde- dije mirando el reloj del laboratorio –Aún estoy en la universidad, pero ya me voy. Iré a casa a darme un baño y luego voy a la cena. La invitación es a las 8:00 de la noche-

-Está bien, Sempai- se le oía más tranquilo –Qué pases una linda noche. Salúdame a Kanako-chan y Matsuda-san de mi parte-


-Te amo mucho, mi Sempai-

-Sí. Adiós-

Colgué sin ni siquiera responderle ese "Te amo mucho" que me dijo. ¿Qué creía ese imbécil?, que después de decirme que no irá a mi cumpleaños... ¿quiere que también le diga "Te amo"? ¡JA! ESTÁ LOCO.


Rayos... sí que Sempai está enojado; y lo peor de todo es que... NO TENGO LA CULPA. Si tan solo supiera que es mentira lo que le dije y que estoy justamente ahora en casa de Kanako-chan con TODA LA FAMILIA de Sempai...preparándole una gran sorpresa.

Había terminado de hablar por teléfono con Sempai y noté que era casi las 6:30 de la noche. Estaba haciendo la cena junto con Kanako-chan y Matsuda-san; mientras que los demás (Tomoe-kun, Kurokawa-san, Souji-san, y el baka de Isogai) estaban arreglando y decorando la sala y la mesa donde nos reuniríamos para cenar...

-¿Con quién estabas al teléfono, Morinaga-san?- una pequeña vocecita de niña me sacó de mis pensamientos.

-Estaba hablando con Sempai-

-No le habrás dicho sobre la sorpresa que le estamos haciendo ¿verdad?-

-Claro que no, Kanako-chan- le sonreí –El plan está saliendo al pie de la letra. Sempai no sabe nada. De hecho... le mentí y le confirmé que no podía asistir a la cena, tal como me dijiste que lo hiciera- le guiñé el ojo como complicidad.

-¡Yeee! Entonces sí será una GRAN sorpresa para Souichi Nii-san-

-Claro que sí. Sempai se emocionará mucho y más aún cuando vea que reuniste a todos... incluso a Souji-san-

-Así es. Souichi Nii-san se pondrá feliz de ver a papá con nosotros-

-Lo sé- sonreí melancólicamente –Lo que Sempai más ama en el mundo es... su familia-

-Y también a ti, Morinaga-san-

-¿Cómo dices?- me sorprendió.

-Digo que Souichi Nii-san te quiere muchísimo. Eres la persona más importante para él-

-¿Por qué lo dices?-

-¿Acaso no recuerdas cómo se puso cuando se separaron?-

-¿Cuándo nos... "separamos?- no comprendía.

-Sí. Aquella vez que se pelearon y Souichi Nii-san vino a quedarse unos días aquí conmigo y Tía Matsuda- me reveló (véase volumen 8).

-Es cierto. Recuerdo que se desmayó en el laboratorio-

-Así es. Souichi Nii-san estaba bastante desanimado... tanto que no comía nada. Él estaba muy triste sin ti- afirmó.

-¡Oh! ¿Enserio? No lo sabía jeje- me rasqué la cabeza y fingí que no lo sabía para no levantar sospechas sobre mi relación con Sempai.

-Yo creo que Souichi Nii-san y tú... harían bonita pareja- sonrió.

-¡Kanacho-chan, qué cosas dices!- fingí una pequeña indignación –Sempai y yo solo somos muy buenos amigos- me sonrojé al máximo.

-Esa es mi opinión jiji- rió –Bueno... iré con Tía Matsuda para ver cómo está el pastel-

Menos mal que Kanako-chan no siguió con sus suposiciones ni preguntas incómodas. Realmente hasta a mí me ponía nervioso ese tipo de interrogaciones, pues tenía que negarme rotundamente para que nadie de su familia sospeche lo que hay entre Sempai y yo. Sino... Sempai ME MATARÍA. Aunque sinceramente me aguanté las ganas de decir "Sempai y yo ya somos pareja y nos amamos mucho", pero... decidí callar y fingir que nada sabía. Sin embargo, tenía la ligera sospecha que no solo Kanako-chan, sino que también varios de su familia ya sabían que Sempai y yo éramos más que amigos.

Kanako-chan me dejó solo terminando de preparar el sushi y se fue al otro lado de la cocina a decorar el pastel de Sempai con Matsuda-san.

-Kanako-chan tiene razón. Souichi-kun y tú harían BONITA PAREJA- oí una voz tras de mí.

-¿¡QUÉ HACES TÚ AQUÍ!?- cuestioné alterado.

-Pues nada. Me cansé de decorar la casa y quise ayudarte con el sushi- era Isogai quien estaba haciendo de chismoso.

-No es cierto. Tú solo querías escuchar mi conversación con Kanako-chan-

-Tan solo entré a la cocina y los oí por casualidad-

-Es de mal educación espiar conversaciones ajenas ¿sabes?-

-Sí... lo siento. No pude evitarlo jaja- se burló acercándose a mí.

-...- lo ignoré y seguí encargándome del sushi.

-Y...- se puso a mi costado bastante curioso -¿Cómo te va con Souichi-kun? Jaja-

-¿Disculpa?- me ofendí.

-Ahhh... con que te quieres hacer el loco jaja- empezó a molestar –Tratas de ocultarlo pero... a mí no me engañas. Sé que tú y Souichi-kun son amantes-

-...- mierda ese tipo es un entrometido... me tengo que negar –No sé de qué me estás hablando- fingí nervioso.

-¡Vamos! Dime la verdad. Ya son más que amigos ¿no? ¿Cuánto tiempo tienen como pareja?- intentó sacarme información.

-Sempai y yo solo somos amigos. No molestes-

-¿Entonces por qué te pones nervioso?-

-Yo no me pongo nervioso. Sino que tu presencia me incomoda. No me agradas-

-¿No te agrado? Oh... es una pena- fue sarcástico -¿Y por qué no te agrado? ¿Será porque me gusta estar cerca de Souichi-kun?-

-Eh... NO- continué cortando el sushi sin ni siquiera mirarlo.


-Solo que no me gusta que lo molestes. Y... porque... eres un chantajista-
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Fuck... 5:58 p.m. and that idiot still not called. Curse... sure that won't go to dinner. I can't believe that I failed. Oh God... I can't think so. Morinaga is not guilty, he told me that there was a possibility that does not let it out of his work. Then... If Morinaga do not attend dinner... that baka will want to give me a little surprise and is able to send me something home from my aunt Matsuda. Insurance will be something very corny. No... not... not. Morinaga knows that two of my family members will be present, and I do not think that you be able to embarrass me with them. I can't imagine what it would be if my family know is... what would you say Kanako, Tomoe, the pedophile's Kurokawa, Isogai, and above all... my father. IE... I have always been a great example and head in the family when dad wasn't; and if they came to know that I'm... a gay couple... MY REPUTATION IS FALLING. Already not I refute you nothing to Tomoe on her life; Kurokawa laugh of me for being annoyed all these years; Kanako and aunt Matsuda will begin with his hallucinations and silly assumptions; will I lose the respect of my father; e... Isogai... THAT BASTARD WILL HAVE MORE MATERIAL TO BLACKMAIL ME. SHIT... still am not ready to tell my family. Morinaga must insist me with that, well... definitely I do not reveal my relationship with MORINAGA... EVER. If you don't like my idea, because that will endure... but... IT IS FREE TO LET ME... GRRR.Speaking of Isogai... the last I saw him, that baka told me that every day was getting older. Well... today I am 27 years old, it means that I am nearly 30 years... third base, but... that... is not to be "old" or other? Even I don't have gray hair or any part of my body hurts. I'm completely healthy... and with many forces. Morinaga is witness that I still give a few good punches.FLASHBACK of the birthday of MORINAGA (see Chapter 1)-Remember that Morinaga and you there is a small... small age difference... but there it is. While more Morinaga... grows older you get you--Clear. The difference is that Morinaga newly meets 25 years; i.e., it is halfway through the second base and is aged to have adventures--Taiga-Chan is right. What would happen if Morinaga is set in someone younger, I don't know... someone who has 20 or 22-year - old-You are right Isogai-san. It is better to look at young people who in old people-END OF FLASHBACKWhat Isogai to swallow his words... I'm not old nor Morinaga would be able to leave me for someone younger, because if it is so... SHORT YOU BALLS. And that baka of Taiga is also wrong, because she more than anyone else knows very well that Morinaga loves me... and just to me. Taiga? It is true... now that I think about it well... long ago that I do not listen to Morinaga talking to her friend. I remember that Morinaga told me something of the ex-boyfriend of the runny, but I don't remember what exactly. IT HA! NOT ME INTERESTED. I HOPE THAT THE EARTH HAS SWALLOWED IT.~ Ring Ring ~My phone began ringing, which took me from my deepest thoughts. I got the phone from my pocket and answered immediately...-Alo?--Sempai!--Until finally llamas, idiot. I guess that they will be good news--Etto... thing... sorry, Sempai - he sighed - I can not go to dinner --What?--There is much work and... my supervisor will not let me out--Morinaga... don't know if you noticed... but it's my birthday, BAKA - I was sarcastic.-I know, Sempai. Please understand me. I don't feel worse than I already feel - listened you nervous - tea... promise you that you compensaré this, but seriously... forgive me, please --Ya... ya... quiet - I realized, because he did not want that Morinaga was restless in his work - there is nothing to forgive. You must comply with your work, it is your duty to--Thank you for understand - noticed it discouraged.-Yes... either way. It gives equal--Bu... well, Sempai. Then I'm going to continue working - he sighed - as you are leaving for the House of your aunt Matsuda right?--Now that you mention it... are more than 6:00 o'clock - I said looking at the watch of the laboratory - still I'm in University, but I'm already going. I will go home to give me a bath and then go to dinner. The invitation is at 8:00 in the evening--Okay, Sempai - heard him calmer - what to spend a nice evening. Hello to Kanako-chan and Matsuda-san from me--Ok--I love you much, my Sempai--Yes. Goodbye-I hung up without even answer that "I love you much" who told me. What did believe that idiot?, which after tell me that does not go to my birthday... would like to also say "I love you"? IT HA! IT IS CRAZY.POV MORINAGARays... that Sempai is angry; and the worst thing is that... I HAVE NO GUILT. If only I knew that what I told him is lying and that I'm just now at home of Kanako-chan with all the family of Sempai... preparing a big surprise.He had finished talking by phone with Sempai and noticed that it was almost 6:30 o'clock. I was doing the dinner along with Kanako-chan and Matsuda-san; while others (Tomoe-kun, Kurokawa-san, Souji-san, and the baka of Isogai) were arranging and decorating the room and the table where we would meet for dinner...-With who were on the phone, Morinaga-san? - a small little voice of nina took me from my thoughts.-I was talking with Sempai--Not you've told about the surprise that we are doing it right?--Clear that no, Kanako-chan - smiled le - the plan is coming out to the letter. Sempai knows nothing. In fact... I lied you and confirmed you could not attend to the dinner, as you told me to do it - guiñé you the eye as complicity.-Yeee! Then yes it will be a great surprise for Souichi Nii-san--Yes to. Sempai excite much and more still when you see that you gathered all... even Souji-san--So. Souichi Nii-san will be happy to see Pope with us--I know it - smiled wistfully - Sempai loves most in the world what... your family -- And to you, Morinaga-san--How you say? - I was surprised.-I say that Souichi Nii-san loves you a lot. You're the most important person to him--Why what you say?--Not remember how it was when separated?--When we...? "do we separate? - he did not understand.-Yes. This time they fought and Souichi Nii-san came to stay a few days here with me and aunt Matsuda - revealed to me (see Volume 8).-It is true. I remember that he fainted in the laboratory--So. Souichi Nii-san was pretty disappointed... so much that he ate nothing. It was very sad without you - he said.-Oh! I seriously? Lol - did not I scratched my head and pretended that I did not know it to not raise suspicion about my relationship with Sempai.-I think that Souichi Nii-san, and you would be... nice couple - smiled.-Kanacho-chan, what things you say! - pretended a small outrage - Sempai and I alone are good friends - I sonrojé the most.-That is my opinion jiji - he laughed - well... go with aunt Matsuda to see how is the cake -Thank goodness that Kanako-chan did not follow with your assumptions or uncomfortable questions. Really up to me I put nervous that kind of questions, because I had to refuse flatly that no one from his family suspected that there are between me and Sempai. But... Sempai I would kill. Although I sincerely held me the desire to tell "Sempai and I already are a couple and we love very much," but... decided to keep quiet and pretend that you nothing knew. However, he had the slight suspicion that not only Kanako-chan, but that several of his family already knew that Sempai and I were more than friends.Kanako-chan let me just finishing of preparing sushi and went to the other side of the kitchen to decorate the cake of Sempai Matsuda-San.-Kanako-chan is right. Souichi-kun and you would do nice couple - I heard a voice behind me.-THAT YOU DO HERE! -I questioned altered.-For nothing. I got tired of decorating the House and wanted to help with the sushi - was Isogai who was doing gossip.-It is not true. You just wanted to listen to my conversation with Kanako-chan--Just I went into the kitchen and heard them by chance--Bad education is spying outside conversations do know? --Yes... sorry. I could not help it haha - mocked approaching me.-...-I ignored it and kept charging me with sushi.-And...-was my curious side - how will you with Souichi-kun? Haha--Apology? - offended me.-Ahhh... with that you want to do the crazy haha - began to bother - you try to hide it but... to me not me fool. I know that you and Souichi-kun are lovers --...-shit that guy is a nosy... I have to deny - do not know what I're talking - pretended nervous.-Come on! Tell me the truth. Already are more than friends? How long are as a couple?-tried to get me information.-Sempai and I only are friends. Do not disturb--Do then why you get nervous?--I do not I get nervous. But your presence bothers me. You do not please me--Do you not like? Oh... is a shame - was sarcastic - and why you do not like? Is it because I like to be close to Souichi-kun?--Eh... NOT - I continued cutting sushi without even looking at it.Then?-Only that I don't like to bother him. And... because... you're a blackmailer-
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Fuck ... 5:58 pm and not that idiot called. Damn ... insurance will not go to dinner. I can not believe I failed. Oh god ... I can not think like that. Morinaga is not to blame, he told me there was a chance that does not let out of their work. So ... if Morinaga not attend the dinner ... that baka will want to give me a little surprise and is able to send something to my aunt Matsuda. For sure it will be something very corny. No no no. Morinaga know that two of my family will be present and do not think to be able to embarrass them. I can not imagine what it would be if my family found out ... what would Kanako, Tomoe, the pedophile Kurokawa, Isogai, and above all ... my father. I mean ... I've always been a great example and head into the family when dad was not; and if they were to find out that I am a gay couple ... ... my reputation goes down. I can not refute anything Tomoe about his life; Kurokawa will laugh at me for having bothered all these years; Matsuda and Kanako Aunt begin with hallucinations and foolish assumptions; I will lose the respect of my father; and Isogai ... bastard ... MORE MATERIAL FOR YOUR blackmail. SHIT ... I'm not ready to tell my family. Morinaga pester should stop with that, well ... definitely I will not reveal my relationship with Morinaga ... EVER. If you do not like my idea, let her sweat it ... but ... FREE TO LET ME ... GRRRRR. Isogai Speaking of ... the last I saw him, that Baka said that every day was making me more old. Well ... today I am 27 years old, it means I'm about 30 years ... third base, but ... that ... is not being "old" is it? I still have no gray in his hair or me any part of my body hurts. I am completely healthy ... and with many forces. Morinaga witnesses still give a good punch. FLASHBACK Morinaga BIRTHDAY (see Chap. 1) Remember that from Morinaga and you there is a small difference in age ... small ... but there is. ... The more Morinaga grows older you get you- Sure. The difference is that just meets Morinaga 25 years; ie is in the middle of the second and age is to have aventuras- -Taiga-chan's right. What if Morinaga to notice someone younger, I do not know ... someone who is 20 or 22 years 're right Isogai-san. It is better to look at the young people in the old woman people END OF FLASHBACK What Isogai swallow their words ... I'm not OLD nor Morinaga be able to leave me for someone younger, because if so ... YOU SHORT BALLS. And that baka Taiga is also wrong, because she more than anyone knows that Morinaga loves me ... and only me. ¿Taiga? It's true ... now that I think about it ... while I do not listen to Morinaga talk to your girlfriend. I remember something I said Morinaga former boyfriend that brat, but can not remember what exactly. JA! I'M NOT INTERESTED. HOPE IS THE HAGUE swallowed by the earth. ~ Ring Ring ~ My cell phone rang, which took me from my deepest thoughts. I pulled the phone out of my pocket and answered immediately ... -¿Aló - -¡Sempai - Until the end flames, idiot. I guess that will be good news- -Etto ... so ... sorry, sighed No Sempai- able to go to dinner- - What? There's a lot of work and my supervisor ... leaves me salir- - Morinaga ... I do not know if you noticed ... but it's my birthday, BAKA- was sarcastic. 'I know, Sempai. Please, understand me. Do not make me feel worse than I already'm sorry I was nervous I'll listen ... I promise I'll repay you for this, but seriously ... forgive me, please- calmly -Ya ... and ... I understood, not wanting Morinaga were restless in his work 'There's nothing to forgive. You should meet with your work, it's your duty- Thanks for understand- I noticed discouraged. Yeah ... whatever. Da equally Bu ... well, Sempai. Then I'll follow you out-and sighed working- for your aunt Matsuda right? - Now that you mention it ... it's after 6:00 afternoon watching the clock said 'Even I'm laboratory in college, but I'm going. I'll go home and take a bath and then go to dinner. The invitation is at 8:00 in the night All right, Sempai- was heard quieter -What you spend a nice night. Say hello to Matsuda and Kanako-chan-san on my part -Ok- 'I love you so much, my Sempai- Yes. Adiós- hung up without even answer that "I love you a lot," he told me. What idiot thought that after telling me ?, that will not go to my birthday ... also wants to say "I love you"? JA! It's crazy. Morinaga POV -Ray ... yes Sempai is angry; and worst of all is that ... NOT my fault. If only I knew that is what I told a lie and I'm just now Kanako-chan home with your family Sempai ... preparing him a big surprise. He had finished speaking by phone with Sempai and noticed it was almost 6:30 pm. I was making dinner with Matsuda and Kanako-chan-san; while others (Tomoe-kun, Kurokawa-san, Souji-san, and the Baka of Isogai) were arranging and decorating the room and the table where we would meet for dinner ... 'Who were on the phone, Morinaga- san - a small little girl's voice roused me from my thoughts. I was talking to Sempai- No you've said about the surprise that we are doing right? - Of course not, Kanako-chan smiled -The plan He is coming to the letter. Sempai knows nothing. Actually ... I lied and I confirmed that I could not attend the dinner, as you told me to do so-he winked as complicity. -¡Yeee! Then yes it will be a big surprise for Nii-san Souichi course I do. Sempai much thrill and even more when I see you gathered them all ... even Souji-san 'So it is. Souichi Nii-san will be happy to see us-Dad , I know, I smiled wistfully -What Sempai loves most in the world is his family ... And you too, Morinaga-san beg your pardon ? - I was surprised. I say that Souichi Nii-san loves you very much. You're the most important person to him 'Why do you say - -do not remember how he got when they separated - When did we ... "split -. not understand . Yes That time is Souichi fought and Nii-san came to stay a few days here with me and Aunt Matsuda- he revealed (see Volume 8). It's true. I remember fainted in the laboratory- So is. Souichi Nii-san was pretty discouraged .. . While not eat anything. He was very sad without you said. 'Oh! Really? I did not know jeje- scratched my head and pretended I did not know to avoid suspicion about my relationship with Sempai. 'I I think Souichi Nii-san ... and you would pretty couple- smiled. -¡Kanacho-chan, what are you saying - I faked a small outrage -Sempai and I are just good friends-I blushed to the fullest. That's I laughed my opinion jiji- Well ... I'll go with Aunt Matsuda to see how the cake- Luckily Kanako-chan did not pursue their assumptions or uncomfortable questions. Really to me made ​​me nervous such interrogations, as was to deny flatly that none of his family suspected that stands between Sempai and me. But ... Sempai kill me. Although I sincerely endured the urge to say "Sempai and I are already partner and we love you very much," but ... I decided to keep quiet and pretend nothing knew. However, I had a sneaking suspicion that not only Kanako-chan, but also several of his family and knew that Sempai and I were more than friends. Kanako-chan let me just finalized the sushi and went across the kitchen to decorate the cake with Matsuda-san Sempai. -Kanako-chan's right. Souichi-kun and you would PRETTY couple- heard a voice behind me. -What are you doing here -? I questioned upset. Well, nothing. I got tired of decorating the house and wanted help with was Isogai sushi- who was making gossip. That's not true. You just want to hear my conversation with Kanako-chan 'Only I walked into the kitchen and heard by chance It's bad education spy other people's conversations do you know? - Yes ... sorry. Haha could not help approaching mocked me. I ignored it and went -...- been responsible for the sushi. And he started ...- my side rather curious How you doing with Souichi-kun? Haha Excuse me -. I offended Ahhh ... that you want to do crazy haha -Tratas began to bother to hide it but ... you do not fool me. I know you and Souichi-kun are lovers- -...- shit that guy is a nosy ... I have to deny I do not know what you're talking about pretended me nervous. Come on! Tell me the truth. Already more than friends right? How long have as a couple - he tried to get me information. -Sempai and I are just friends. No bother- Then why you get nervous - I do not get nervous. But your presence bothers me. I do not agradas- 'Do not you like? Oh ... it's a it- was sarcastic 'Why you do not like me? Is it because I like to be near Souichi-kun - Uh ... no continued cutting the sushi without even looking at him. Then - Only that I do not like to bother him. And ... because ... you're a chantajista-

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Fuck... 5: 58 in the afternoon and you haven't called. Damn... Sure not going to dinner. I can't believe I failed. Oh god... I Don't think so. Morinaga has no fault, he warned me that there was a possibility that don't let him out of his job. Then... If Morinaga does not attend the dinner...The Baka will want to give me a little surprise and is able to send something to my aunt's House Matsuda. Sure is something very Corny. Not... Not... No. Morinaga knows that two of my family members will be present, and I do not believe I can Embarrass me with them. I can't imagine what it would be if my family knew it. What would you say Kanako, Tomoe, the pedophile, Kurokawa Isogai, and above all... My Father.I mean... I've always been a great example and the head in the Family when dad was not; and if they were to find out that I am... Partner of a gay... My reputation Falls. I can't refutarle nothing to Tomoe on his life; Kurokawa laugh at me for bothering him all these years; Kanako Aunt Matsuda and start with their hallucinations and Silly assumptions; lose the respect of my father;And... Isogai. That bastard will have more material to Blackmail me. Shit... I am not yet ready to tell my family. Morinaga must stop pushing me with that, well... I definitely Don't revelarÉ my connection with Morinaga. Ever. If you don't like my idea, so that it... But... Is free to leave me... Grrrrr.

about Isogai. The last I saw him,The Baka told me that every day I was Getting Older. Well... Today I am 27 years old, means that I am near 30 years... The Third base, but... That... Is not being "Man"? Yet I have grey hair or any part of My Body hurts. I'm completely healthy. And with many forces. Morinaga is witness that I still give good Punches.

Flashback to The Birthday of Morinaga (see chap.

- 1) recalled that Morinaga and you there is a small difference in age... Small... But there is. While most Morinaga grows... The older you are you doing -
. The difference is that Morinaga just meets its 25 years; that is to say, is in the middle of the second base and is in age to have Adventures -

- taiga Chan is right.What would happen if Morinaga notice someone Younger, I Don't know... Someone have 20 or 22 years -

- is right Isogai San. It is better to know the young people in the old people -

what Isogai's Flashback to swallow his words. I'm not Old nor Morinaga would leave me for someone Younger, because if it is... You Cut Your Balls off.The Baka and Taiga is also wrong, because she, more than anyone, knows very well that Morinaga loves me... And only me. Taiga? It is true... Now that I think about it... Long Time no hear Morinaga talk with his girlfriend. I remember I said something Morinaga's ex boyfriend that Brat, but I Don't remember exactly. Ha! I'm not interested. I hope that was swallowed by the Earth.Ring Ring ~ ~

my cell phone started ringing, thing that pulled me out of my deepest thoughts. I took the phone from My Pocket and I answered immediately...

- Hello?

- sempai!

- - until the End Fire, idiot. I guess it will be good news -

- Etto... What... I'm Sorry, sempai sighed. I couldn't go to dinner -

what? -
- there is much work and... Don't Let me leave my supervisor -

- Morinaga.I Don't know if you've noticed... But it's My Birthday, Baka was sarcastic.

I know, sempai. Please, understand. Don't make me feel Worse than I already do - - I was nervous... I Promise I'll make this up to you, but really... Please Forgive Me - i -

... Already... - understood,Because I do not want Morinaga was Restless in his work - there is nothing to forgive. You have your work, Your Duty -

thanks for understand - I felt discouraged. - Yeah... Whatever. Anyway -

- bu... Well, sempai. Then I'll continue to work - - You're Dating sighed for Aunt do? -
- Now that you mention it... There are more than 6:In the afternoon, looking at the Clock - I said I'm –aún laboratory in University, but I'm going. I'm gonna go home and take a Bath, and then go to dinner. The invitation is to 8:00 PM -

- sempai is heard more quiet - have a nice evening. Say Hello to Kanako Chan and Matsuda San i -


I Love You So Much, my sempai

-. Goodbye -

Hung Up the phone without even say that "I Love You So Much," I said. What did that jerk? That's not going to tell me that after my birthday... You Wanna Say "I Love You"? Ha! POV Morinaga Is Crazy.

... Yes, sempai is Angry; and Worst of all... Not my fault.If Only I knew that what I said is a lie, and now I'm just Kanako Chan home with all the family of a Surprise...Preparándole sempai.
had finished speaking by phone with sempai and noticed it was almost 6:30 in the evening. I was making dinner together with Kanako Chan and Matsuda San; while others (Tomoe kun, Kurokawa San, souji San,And the Baka of Isogai) were Arranging and Decorating The room and the table where we meet him for dinner...

- who were you on the phone, Morinaga San? - a Little Girl's Voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

sempai was talking about - - you didn't tell him about the surprise that we are doing right? -
- of course not, Kanako Chan - I smiled at him, the plan is going out to the letter.Sempai knows nothing. In fact... I lied and I confirmed that he could not attend the dinner, as you told me to do - I just winked as complicity. Yeee
! Then it will be a great surprise to Souichi NII San

- clear that yes. Sempai is very excited and even more when you see that you got all... Even souji San

- so it is.Souichi NII San will be happy to see dad with us -

- smiled melancholically, sempai loves most in the world is...

- family - and also to you, Morinaga San

? - i'm surprised.

I say Souichi NII San loves you very much. You're the most important person to him -

- Why do you say that?

- - Don't you remember how it was when you separated? -
- when we..."Separated? - I understand. - Yeah. That time they fought and Souichi NII San came to stay a few days with Me And Aunt Matsuda - revealed to me (see Volume 8).

- is true. I fainted in the Laboratory -

- so it is. Souichi NII San was pretty discouraged... So you didn't eat anything. He was very sad Without You - He said.

Oh! Really?I didn't know hehe i scratched my head and I pretended that I didn't know not to raise suspicion about my relationship with sempai.

I think Souichi NII San and you... - would be nice couple smiled.
- kanacho Chan, what things you say! - a small –sempai pretended indignation and I are just very good friends - i blushed at maximum.

that's my opinion - - I laughed...Go with Auntie Matsuda to see how is the cake -

at least Kanako Chan not continued with their assumptions and uncomfortable questions. Actually, even I was nervous about such questions, since he had to refuse flatly to no one in his family suspected what's between me and sempai. But... I MATARÍA sempai.Although I had the desire to say "sempai and I are a couple and we love you very much, but... Shut Up And pretend that I knew nothing about. However, I had a sneaking suspicion that not only Kanako Chan, but also several of his family knew that sempai and I were more than friends.

Kanako Chan left me just Finalized the Sushi and went to the other side of the kitchen to decorate the cake with Matsuda San sempai.

- Kanako Chan's right. Souichi Kun and you would make a Beautiful Couple I heard a Voice behind me. - What are you doing here!

I upset?. - Nothing. I'm tired of Decorating The House and I wanted to help you with the Sushi was Isogai who was doing Gossip.

- that's not true. You just wanted to listen to my conversation with Kanako Chan -

- just walked into the kitchen and I heard by chance -

- is Bad Education outside eavesdrop on Conversations, you know? - Yes -

... I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. - is he coming up to me. - I kept running and Sushi. - and... - My Side was pretty funny. - how are you doing with Souichi kun? Haha

- - Excuse me?- I did. - Ahhh... You Wanna Do The Crazy Haha - began to disturb –tratas Hide but... You're not fooling me. I know you are lovers and Souichi Kun -

- - Shit... That guy's a Meddler. I have to say I Don't know what you're talking about I nervous.

! Tell me the truth. We are more than friends? How long are you as a couple? - tried to get information out of me.Sempai and I Are friends. Don't Bother -

- Then Why are you nervous? -

I'm not nervous. But your presence makes me uncomfortable. I Don't Like You -

- You Don't like me? Oh... It's a shame - it was sarcastic and Why don't you like me? Because I like to be near Souichi kun? -
- Uh... No - kept Cutting sushi without even looking at him. - so?
- just don't like to disturb him. And... Because... - You're a blackmailer
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