¿Cómo?.-De alguna u otra forma no lo creía,

¿Cómo?.-De alguna u otra forma no l

¿Cómo?.-De alguna u otra forma no lo creía, "Quizás es el alcohol..."

-Un compañero de mi clase me dijo que la vio besándose con otro...no lo podía creer Senpai, así que la seguí el viernes que te dije que tenía un asunto pendiente... ¡Y LA VI! la vi besándose con un chico de ultimo grado en el centro comercial, iban a ir al cine pero yo me asuste y me precipite en mis actos, La tome de la muñeca y le detuve ella me vio con sorpresa y me dijo con su estúpida voz linda "Tetsuhiro ¿Qué haces aquí?", yo podía sentir el miedo en su voz también, trate de hablar con ella, pero ella...-Calló súbitamente su conversación, tal vez necesitaba aire, sus lagrimas no habían parado, quizás se las había tragado y necesitaba un respiro. Souichi no quiso interrumpir, interrumpir hubiese sido inapropiado.- Ella me dijo que su amor hacia a mi había acabado antes de estos últimos años...-El tono que empleo Morinaga era distinto al que unos segundos atrás había sonado, esta voz, creyó Souichi, se trataba de una mucho más calmada, o tal vez, el dolor de la herida que aún no curaba se le volvía abrir desangrando al pobre pelo negro.-Nanami-san, me dijo que ya no quería estar conmigo, que era muy blando, que era muy simple, que mi amor hacía ella era muy ciego, que eso no le gustaba, que no simplemente quería ver mi rostro de alegría, ni mis platicas eternas de mi día, ni mis palabras de amor, que ella quería sentir confianza en mi, pero ella dice que nunca vio un cambio en mi, que era como si fuésemos amigos lejanos... Me dijo que ya estaba aburrida de mi.

Souichi se maldijo a si mismo "Maldita perra, ¿Cómo le puede hacer eso a Morinaga?, el es tan buena persona y sin en cambio ella no, dios, ¿Cómo es posible que existan esa clase de personas?" pensó mientras fumaba lo que restaba del cigarrillo.

-Lo siento Morinaga.-Dijo ignorando su ultimo pensamiento.-no se que decir, no se en realidad que se deba decir.

-No te preocupes Senpai... llorar me hizo bien.-Dijo el pelo negro poniéndose derecho una vez más, se veía más tranquilo, y sus ojos aunque hinchados, parecían ya recobrar su fino brillo.- Me gustaría, desquitarme de todo...

Souichi se acerco a Morinaga y le quito la cerveza de la mano, y en contestación el moreno lo miro con el ceño fruncido.

-Tus problemas no se resolverán con la bebida Morinaga.

El pelo largo se levanto y tomo la bolsa con la que había traído las bebidas tirando las latas ya vacías, no se percato de el ceño fruncido de Morinaga aún lo miraba peligrosamente, le amenazaba, pero en realidad nunca lo notó, justo cuando había acabado de recoger y había tomado las ultimas six sintió que algo apretaba la muñeca peligrosamente.

-¿Morina.-Souichi comenzó a temblar, la fuerza que Morinaga ejercía en aquel agarre le aterro de una manera muy extraña, las bolsas se le cayeron y golpearon su pie, sintió que se tambaleo pero el agarre que Morinaga le impidió caer. Lo voltio a ver y tembló, estaba muy cerca, de nuevo muy cerca.

Morinaga encontró la forma de tomar la otra muñeca. Como si tratara de evitar que Souichi forcejeará con él, algo que por supuesto ni el mismo pelo largo había considerado.

-¿Y usted que sabe Senpai?, ¿Sabe que se siente que te hagan eso? usted no lo sabe.

-Mori.. traquilizate, me estas lastimando.

Morinaga meneo la cabeza un poco y después alejo sus manos de las muñecas de Souichi.

-Lo siento...-Dijo un poco aturdido.- Senpai, no se que me pasa.

-Tranquilo.-Dijo Souichi un poco asustado, mientras se sobaba las muñecas y trataba de relajar su respiración y su corazón.-Fue.-Trago un poco, tenía un nudo en la garganta.-Fue una larga relación...es obvio comportarse así...Tranquilo.

Se acerco un poco y se sentó donde Moringa se había sentado, trato de estar un poco alejado de él, pero sintió que su amigo tal vez necesitaría un hombro en que tratar de llorar.

-Si, lo fue.-Admitió Morinaga.-Lo siento Senpai.

Morinaga comenzó a llorar en silencio, se trataba de limpiar las lagrimas con disimulo pero no pudo retenerse por mucho tiempo, su cuerpo; aquel cuerpo semental del cual Souichi se sentía atraído desde hacía mucho, y del que nunca imagino verlo en aquel estado comenzó a temblar, no era frió lo que sentía, aquel hombre que amaba con todo su corazón estaba machacado en un horrible rompimiento, él no sabía como con llevar aquello, la última relación que tuvo (en realidad eso había sido hacía mucho) no le había pasado aquello, tal vez por que no lo había amado como a Morinaga, nunca había tenido sensación parecida. Y verlo así de alguna u otra forma también le afectaba.

Sostuvo su hombro y trato de que en el acto le regalara su apoyo.

Y entonces, en aquel momento, sintió que todos sus sistemas nerviosos se activaban, se removían de su sitio y que un Click se había hecho después de todo. Se sintió nervioso cuando la mirada del Morinaga se clavó en la suya, aquellos ojos claros le penetraban el alma de una manera que le atemorizaba, pero también lo llenaba de éxtasis, se sintió emocionado, algo dentro de él, muy en el fondo comenzó a creer que algo bueno, o quizás algo muy malo le sucedería en aquel momento, titubeó un poco y alejo su mano del hombro de Morinaga. Su sistema nerviosos estaba mandando la señal para que la adrenalina fluyera por su cuerpo, intensificando sus sentidos, algo le decía que estaba en peligro y que era mejor huir. Después, comprendió que su rostro estaba muy cerca del de Morinaga, y que el moreno rodara su vista por muchos lugares de ella hizo que sus mejillas volvieran a teñirse de rojo. Eso no estaba bien.

Morinaga había acabado de llorar, y con una mano tomo de la mejilla caliente de su Senpai, inhalando hondo, y exhalando con desesperación. El corazón de Souichi se desbordo; latía tan rápido y tan sonoro que sintió que moriría en el instante, y mucho peor fue cuando sintió aquella mano que se imagino sería inmensa posarse con suavidad en su mejilla, mandando mucho más calor a aquella parte, su respiración para entonces ya solo era una función in existencial. Ya no respiraba. Sintió sus manos volverse sudorosas y comenzó a temerle a la distancia acortada que hacía el Morinaga. Intento apartar el cuerpo del moreno, pero su fuerza se había debilitado, estaba en una situación critica.

Morinaga acerco sus labios a los de Senpai, más no los beso como en un principio creyó Souichi, y de alguna u otra forma eso lo desilusiono, pero de igual manera exhalo el aire con alivio.

-Senpai...-La voz de su compañero lo distrajo, volvió a posar su mirada a la del moreno, esta vez sin el miedo que antes le invadía.-¿Será por el alcohol lo que te quiero hacer?.

Souichi se quedo helado "¿Qué acaba de decir?", su corazón de nuevo latió desenfrenado. Ahora los nervios que se le habían calmado regresaban a su auge.

-¿Qué mierdamm.

Souichi se sintió aturdido cuando los labios rosados del moreno se posaron sobre los suyos, agresivos y con un frenesí demandante. No sabía que hacer, era difícil alejarse del agarré, las manos de Morinaga lo sujetaron del rostro y la otra de la cintura, su cuerpo comenzó a temblar, se sintió des equilibrado muy a pesar de que se encontraba sentado, no negaba que la situación también le emociono, pero el moreno estaba borracho, eso podrían ser solo efectos del alcohol.

Pero pronto, se vio cegado de sus propios impulsos.
Từ: -
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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How?. -In a way didn't it, "Perhaps it's the alcohol..."-A my classmate told me that he saw her kissing another... Senpai, couldn't believe it so I kept it on Friday I told you I had a pending case... and the VI! saw her kissing with a guy of last degree at the Mall, they would go to the cinema but I scared me and my precipitate in my acts, take the doll and stopped him she saw me with surprise and said to me with his stupid cute voice "Tetsuhiro what are you doing here?", I could feel the fear in his voice also , try to talk to her, but she...-suddenly paused their conversation, maybe needed air, her tears had not stopped, perhaps he had swallowed and I needed a break. Souichi did not want to interrupt, stop would have been inappropriate-she told me that his love toward my had finished before these past few years...-tone that use Morinaga was other than that a few seconds ago had sounded, this voice, Souichi believed, was a much calmer, or perhaps, the pain of the wound still not healing went you open to bleed the poor hair black-Nanami-san He told me that I already didn't want to be with me, which was very tender, it was very simple, that my love was she was very blind, that it didn't, he wanted not just to see my face from joy, nor my talks eternal my day, nor my words of love, that she wanted to feel confident in me, but she says that he never saw a change in my , it was as if we were friends far away... Told me that she was already bored of my.Souichi cursed if same "damn bitch, how can do you that to Morinaga?, is such a good person and without in change it no, God, how is it possible that there are that kind of people?" thought as what remained of the cigarette smoke.-Sorry Morinaga-said ignoring his last thought-not is to say, not really that is should say.-Don't worry Senpai... cry made me well-said black hair being right once more, looked calmer, and his eyes though bloated, seemed to already regain its fine shine.-I'd like, take it out of all...Souichi approached Morinaga and remove her hand beer in response moreno look with furrowed brow.-Your problems will not be solved with the drink, Morinaga.Long hair got up and took the bag which had brought beverages by pulling the already empty cans, not I realized the furrowed brow of Morinaga still looked at him dangerously, threatened him, but in reality never noted it, just as he had finished collecting and had taken the last six felt something pushed doll dangerously.-Morina-Souichi began to tremble, the force that Morinaga exercised in that grip him aterro in a very strange way, bags fell you and hit his foot, he felt I was staggering but the grip that Morinaga prevented fall.? The Volt to see and it shook, it was very close, very close.Morinaga found a way to take another doll. As if it were avoiding that Souichi forcejeará with him, something that of course not the same long hair had been considered.- And you who know Senpai?, do you know that he feels that they do that? you don't know it.-Mori... traquilizate, me are hurting.Morinaga wag his head a little and then alejo Souichi dolls hands.-It feel...-said a bit dazed-Senpai, not is that happens to me.-Quiet-said Souichi a little startled, while it sobaba is the wrists and tried to relax his breathing and his heart-was-drink a bit, had a knot in the throat-was a long relationship... obviously behaving this way... Take it easy.I approached a little and sat down where Moringa was sitting, I try to be a little away from him, but he felt that his friend would perhaps need a shoulder that try to cry.-Yes, it was.-admitted Morinaga-sorry Senpai.Morinaga began to cry silently, it was clean tears With dissimulation but could not be withheld as much time, his body; that Stallion body which Souichi felt attracted since long, and he never imagine to see it in that State began to shake, was not cold what felt, the man he loved with all his heart was crushed in a horrible breakup, he did not know as with take that, the last relationship that had (in fact that had been long) had not happened that perhaps had not loved him as to Morinaga, never had similar feeling. And see it as well in some way also affected him.He said his shoulder and that treatment in the Act gave him their support.And then, at that time, he felt that all their nervous systems were triggered, is removed from its site and Click it it had made after all. He was nervous when the look of the Morinaga nailed in his, those light eyes penetrating you the soul in a way that frightened him, but also filled him with ecstasy, felt excited, something inside him, very much in the background began to believe that something good, or perhaps something very bad will happen at that time, hesitated slightly and his hand from the shoulder of Morinaga alejo. Your nervous system was sending the signal that the adrenaline flowed through his body, intensifying your senses, something told him that he was in danger and that it was better to flee. Later, he realised that his face was very close to the Morinaga, and moreno to roll his view by many places of it made her cheeks to return to be stained red. That was not right.Morinaga had finished crying and with a volume of cheek hand warm of Senpai, inhaling deeply and exhaling with despair. The heart of Souichi overflows; it beat so fast and so sound that he felt that he would die at the moment, and much worse was when he felt one hand which I imagine would be immense to settle gently on her cheek, sending much more heat to that part, his breathing by then was only an existential in function. Already he was not breathing. She felt his hands become sweaty and began to fear the shortened distance making the Morinaga. I try to remove the body of moreno, but its force had weakened, was in a situation critical.Morinaga approached her lips to the Senpai, most not Kiss them as initially believed Souichi, and in some way that you love, but equally exhalo the air with relief.-Senpai...-the voice of fellow distracted him, he returned to pose his look at the of the moreno, this time without the fear that before invading you.-could be the alcohol you want to do?.Souichi stayed ice cream "What has just been said?", his heart stopped again rampant. Now the nerves that it had calmed him returning his boom.-What mierdamm.Souichi felt stunned when the pink lips of moreno rested on his own, aggressive and with a claimant frenzy. Didn't know to do, it was difficult to get away of the I grabbed, Morinaga hands held him fast the face and the other from the waist, her body began to shake, he felt des balanced very while he was seated, he did not deny that the situation also get excited you, but moreno was drunk, only effects of alcohol that could be.But soon, he was blinded in his own impulses.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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How? .- In one way or another did not think, "Maybe it's alcohol ... ' 'A fellow in my class told me he saw her kissing another ... Senpai could not believe it, so I followed Friday I told you I had some unfinished business ... and I saw! I saw her kissing a boy senior at the mall, they would go to the movies but I got scared and rushed in my actions, I took her by the wrist and stopped him she saw me in surprise and said in his stupid voice linda "Tetsuhiro What are you doing here?" I could feel the fear in his voice, too, try to talk to her, but she suddenly ...- paused their conversation, perhaps needed air, her tears had not stopped, perhaps she had swallowed and needed a break. Souichi did not want to disrupt, interrupt had been inapropiado.- She told me that her love for me was over before ...- recent years employment Morinaga The tone was different a few seconds ago had sounded, the voice believed Souichi, was a much calmer, or perhaps the pain of the wound is not yet healed back hair open bleeding the poor negro.-Nanami-san, he said he did not want to be with me, which was very soft, it was very simple, that my love for her was so blind, that did not like, do not just want to see my face of happiness, nor my endless talks of my day, and my words of love, she wanted to feel trust in me, but she says she never saw a change in me, it was as if we were distant friends ... He said he was already bored with me. Souichi cursed himself "Damn bitch, how you can do that Morinaga ?, he is such a good person without however she did not, God, how is it possible that there are such people? " he thought as he smoked the remainder of the cigarette. Morinaga.'m sorry Said ignoring his last pensamiento.-not to say, do not really need to say that. Do not worry Senpai ... made ​​me mourn bien.- black hair said getting right again, he looked calmer, and her eyes swollen though, seemed to regain his brillo.- fine and I would like, get back at all ... Souichi Morinaga approached and took the beer hand, and in response I look brown with a frown. 'Your problems will not be solved with Morinaga drink. Long hair stood up and took the bag he had brought with throwing drinks and empty cans, I did not notice frown of Morinaga still looked dangerously threatened him, but never really noticed it, just as he had just collected and had taken the last six felt something pressed dangerously wrist. -¿Morina.-Souichi began to tremble , the force exerted at the gripping Morinaga terrified him in a very strange way, the bags fell off and hit his foot, he felt staggered but Morinaga grip prevented him from falling. What to see and trembled volt, was very close, very close again. Morinaga found a way to take the other wrist. As if trying to prevent Souichi will struggle with him, which of course not the same long hair was considered. 'And you Senpai knows ?, You know it feels like you do that? you do not know. -Mori .. traquilizate, these hurting me. Morinaga shook his head slightly and then pulled his hands Souichi dolls. I'm sorry ...- said a little aturdido.- Senpai not know it happens. Souichi a little scared -Tranquilo.-said as he rubbed his wrists and tried to relax his breathing and his heart.-Fue.-swallow a little, I had a lump in throat.-It was a long relationship .. .com obvious behave like ... Quiet. I moved closer and sat where Moringa was sitting, try to be a little away from him, but he felt that his friend might need a shoulder to try to mourn. If , what fue.-admitted Morinaga.-Senpai Sorry. Morinaga began to mourn in silence, it was surreptitiously wipe the tears but could not be retained for a long time, your body; that stallion body which Souichi was drawn from long ago, and you never imagine him in that state began to tremble, it was not cold that felt, the man she loved with all his heart was crushed in a horrible breakup, he did not He knows how to take that, the last relationship was (actually it was long) that had not happened, perhaps because I had not loved as Morinaga, never had similar feeling. And I see it as well in some other way also affected him. He held his shoulder and tried in the act had given him their support. And then, at that time, felt that all their nervous systems were activated, they were removing their site and a click had been made ​​after all. He was nervous when the gaze of Morinaga stuck in his, those blue eyes you penetrated the soul in a way that frightened him, but also filled him with ecstasy, he was excited, something inside him, deep down he started believe something good, or something bad might happen to him in that moment, he hesitated a little and pulled his hand Morinaga shoulder. His nervous system was sending the signal to the adrenaline flow through your body, enhancing your senses, something told him he was in danger and that it was better to flee. Then he realized that his face was very close Morinaga, and rolled his brown seen by many places she did return to her cheeks stained red. That was not right. Morinaga had just mourn, and a hot hand took his Senpai cheek, inhaling deeply and exhaling despair. Souichi's heart overflowed; beating so fast and so loud that he felt he would die on the spot, and worse was when he felt the hand that he imagined would be immense land gently on his cheek, sending more heat to the part, and then his breathing was just a in existential function. He not is breathing. He felt his hands become sweaty and began to fear the shortened distance that made ​​the Morinaga. Attempt away the tan body, but its strength was weakened, was in a critical situation. Morinaga approached his lips to Senpai, but not the kiss as initially believed Souichi, and somehow or another that disappointed him, but equally exhaled with relief. -Senpai ...- teammate's voice distracted him, returned to lay his eyes to the dark, this time without the fear that used to invadía.-Can It alcohol what you want to do ?. Souichi stayed frozen "What did you just say?" his heart beat again rampant. Now the nerves had calmed him returned to its peak. What mierdamm. Souichi felt stunned when dark pink lips rested on hers, aggressive and with a plaintiff frenzy. Do not know what to do, it was hard to get away from I grabbed the hands of Morinaga held him face and the other from the waist, her body began to shake, balanced des was very even though he was sitting, did not deny that the situation also I excited him, but brown was drunk, that could be just intoxicated. But soon, was blinded by his own impulses.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
How? - one way or another, I thought, "Maybe it's the Booze..."

- fellow in My Class told me that he saw you Two Kissing with another... I couldn't believe senpai, so on Friday that I had some unfinished business... And I saw her! I saw her making out with a guy at the Mall last degree, were to go to the Movies but I got scared and I Ran in my acts,Take The Doll and she stopped She saw me with Surprise and told me with his Stupid Voice "Tetsuhiro, what are you doing here?" I could sense the fear in his Voice, too, try to talk to her, but she suddenly stopped... - your conversation, maybe I needed air, had not stopped his Tears, perhaps he had swallowed and needed a break. Souichi refused to interrupt,Interrupt had been inapropiado. - she told me that her love for me had over these last few years... - The Tone you use Morinaga was different to a few seconds ago there was this voice sounded, Souichi, thought it was a much more calm, or perhaps, The Pain of the wound Not Yet Once you open the poor Black Hair turned out - Nanami - san,He told me that he didn't want to be with me, it was very soft, which was very simple, My Love for her was very Blind, it Liked it, not just wanted to see my face and My Joy, my Eternal Day of talks, or my words of Love, she wanted to feel confidence in My, but she says he never saw a change in me, it was as if we were friends...He told me that I was boring me.

Souichi is Cursed to himself "Bitch, how you can do that to Morinaga? He is such a good person, and instead she, God, How is it possible that there are such people? " The remainder of the thought while smoking a cigarette. - i'm Sorry morinaga. Said ignoring his last pensamiento. - not to say, really do not know that to say.
- Don't worry, Champ... Cry made me - Said The Black Hair getting right once more, he looked down and his eyes swollen as though, seemed to regain his fine in Gloss. - I would take it all...

Souichi approached Morinaga and stole the beer in Hand, and in reply, He stared at him with frown.

Your problems will not be solved with the drink Morinaga.
Long Hair Rose and took the Bag with the pulling that brought drinks Cans and empty, not noticed the frown of Morinaga still looked dangerously threatening him, but never really noticed.Just When I finished Collecting and had taken the last six felt something dangerously around his wrist.
- morina. - Souichi began to Tremble, The Force exerted at the aterro Morinaga Grip is a very strange way, the bags fell off and hit his foot, but felt that staggered Grip Morinaga prevented him from falling. The Volt to see and trembled, I was very close,Again very close.
Morinaga found a way to take the other wrist. As if trying to avoid forcejeará Souichi with him, something that is of course not the same long hair was considered.

- and you know Senpai. You feel that, do you? You Don't know.

- mori. Ms. Toki, Calm down, you're Hurting me.Morinaga Shook her head a little and then leave your hands wrists Souichi.

I said a Little aturdido. senpai, I mean. Souichi Said

- - a little scared, as he rubbed the wrists and trying to relax your breathing and your heart was - - drink a Little, I had a Lump In My Throat. - it was a Long relationship is obvious Behave So calm.

Moved a little and SAT where Moringa had been sitting, try to be a Little away from him, but felt that his friend might need a Shoulder To Cry On.

- i - - i'm Sorry morinaga. admitted Senpai.

Morinaga began to cry in Silence, it was Wipe Tears quietly but could not be retained for a long time, your body;That Body Souichi Stud which was drawn from a Long, I can imagine him in the State began to shake, not what I felt was cold, The Man Who loved her with all his heart was Crushed in a horrible Breakup, he didn't know how to Wear It, The Last relationship was (in reality it was not that much had happened,Maybe because I had not loved as Morinaga, never had a similar feeling. And that in one way or another, he also affected.
held her shoulder and tried to get in the Act gave him their support.

and then, at that moment, he felt that all their nervous systems were activated, removed from your site and click was done after all.He felt nervous when the gaze of the Morinaga stuck in his eyes, The Light penetrating the Soul in a way that frightened him, but also filled with ecstasy, he felt excited, something inside him, the Fund began to believe that maybe something good or something very bad will happen in the time, She hesitated a little and left his shoulder Hand Morinaga.Her nervous system was sending the signal to the Adrenaline flowing through your body, through your Senses, something told him that he was in danger and that it was better to run away. Later, saw that his face was very close to that of Morinaga, and Moreno was seen by many of the places she made her cheeks were red dye. That wasn't right.Morinaga had finished Crying, and with a hand took the cheek of his hot senpai, inhaling deeply and exhaling with the heart of Despair. Souichi OVERFLOWED; beating so fast and so sound felt that die in the moment, and it was felt that much worse when he imagined would be immense Hand gently. On his Cheek, sending much more HEAT to the part.His Breathing was a function only then in existence. I wasn't Breathing. He felt his hands get Sweaty and began to fear the distance was shortened to Morinaga. Trying to remove the body of Moreno, but their strength had been weakened, was in a critical situation.
Morinaga came his lips to kiss of senpai, not as initially believed Souichi,And somehow or other I disappointed him, but just like the Air exhaled with Relief.
senpai... - The Voice of your partner distracted him, again put its eyes to the Dark, this time without the fear that you will be invadía. - by the alcohol that you want to do?

Souichi froze. "What did you just say?" His heart beat out again.Now calm nerves which had been returned to its peak.

what mierdamm. Souichi felt stunned when the Dark Pink Lips rested on his aggressive and with a Frenzy applicant. I didn't know what to do, it was hard to get away from the hands of Morinaga seized of the face and the other of the Waist, her body began to Tremble,Des was Balanced Despite that he was sitting, no denying that the situation is also excited, but he was drunk, that could only be effects of alcohol.

but soon, was blinded by their own impulses.
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