- ¿Así que esperarlo? Medité. - No es como si fuéramos pareja o algo a dịch - - ¿Así que esperarlo? Medité. - No es como si fuéramos pareja o algo a Anh làm thế nào để nói

- ¿Así que esperarlo? Medité. - No

- ¿Así que esperarlo? Medité. - No es como si fuéramos pareja o algo así pero decir que no somos nada… yo no diría cosa como esa. Es verdad que una fuerza extraña e inexplicable es la que nos une; no somos amigos, no somos pareja o amantes y definitivamente no somos amigos con derechos. Ya le había dicho que no huiría y que podía quedarse a mi lado ¿Eso no era suficiente?

Pese a que estaba sollozando me mostró una gran sonrisa, realmente se esforzaba porque fuera una alegre, sólo un idiota como él haría algo tan tonto. Sus intentos por demostrarme que estaría bien eran patéticos, no funcionaban en mí; una herida se abría lentamente.

- ¿Se despide? ¿Ese es el gesto del adiós?

- Perdóname, no quería hacerte daño. Me gustaría que recuerdes el tiempo que pasamos juntos, que fue real, que te amo sin importar nada o en donde esté, no dudes de eso jamás. Has sido la persona más importante en mi vida y la más maravillosa que pude llegar a conocer. Te amo, siempre lo haré Senpai.

- ¡Maldito Morinaga! Incluso al final me dices cosas tan vergonzosas. No lo permitiré ¡No te dejaré! No vas a irte si puedo impedirlo. Siempre haces lo mismo, lo has intentado infinidad de veces; tantas que he perdido la cuenta. Nunca me has vencido y ésta no será la excepción.

Inesperadamente se levantó del sofá. Mi cuerpo estaba rígido, enfurecí por sus acciones y me dolía el pecho, me sentía frustrado. Él se acercó, instantáneamente me desequilibro tenerlo tan cerca y luego me beso. No pude alejarlo pues me tomó por sorpresa. Fui relajándome, ya no sentía ese calor en mi interior que me quemaba sino una calidez que me dominaba. Podía sentir sus lágrimas rodar por su piel y viajar hasta la mía; a nuestros labios. Era un beso amargo, lleno de tristeza y también posesivo. Presentí que sería el último, me aferré a él, sin embargo mis fuerzas iban agotándose. Después de unos segundos se separó, lo percibía distante y de un momento a otro corrió a la salida.

- ¿Era un beso de despedida? ¿Piensa irse en este momento? ¿A este grado llega su deseo por alejarse de mí?

Mi alma se marchito súbitamente.

El sonido del portazo me recobró y lo seguí tan rápido como pude.

- ¿¡Por qué demonios tiene que ser tan impulsivo!?

Morinaga era más rápido que yo y eso no ayudaba en nada, iba a toda velocidad pero me llevaba ventaja. Apenas salimos comenzó a llover. En las noticias no se pronosticaron lluvias y tuve ganas de asesinar a quien había cometido tremendo error. No caminamos gran techo y la intensidad de la tormenta fue aumentando a pasos agigantados. No podía rendirme al estar tan cerca de alcanzarlo pero era trabajoso ver correctamente con toda esa agua y el frío que empañaba mis lentes. Conocía a la perfección el camino que estaba tomando, se dirigía a la estación del tren pero era muy tarde y el último había salido hace rato ¿Acaso planeaba pasar la noche ahí para irse a primera hora?

Al estar más cerca le grité para que se detuviera pero me ignoró. Estábamos por llegar, faltaban unas cuantas cuadras y me sentí aliviado al pensar que ya no tendría a donde correr. Lo que sucedió después me horrorizo, fue devastador. Mis ojos no concebían lo que acababa de presenciar, en un pestañeo todo cambió; todo se arruinó. Quería pellizcarme y comprobar que era una pesadilla pues algo tan cruel era irreal. Se sentí tan pequeño, impotente e inservible ante aquella situación.


Grité tan fuerte que mi garganta dolió y me quedé sin aliento. Fue lo único que pude hacer.


- ¿Qué si estoy jugando contigo, Senpai? Creo que eso fue cruel; un golpe bajo ¿Acaso no te he demostrado cuanto te amo? Bueno, creo que reaccionaría igual si estuviera en el lugar de Senpai, no, creo que sería mucho peor. Desaparecer de un momento a otro, es cruel… ¿Lo sabía? Por supuesto, sabía que mis palabras eran como veneno pero no tenía otra alternativa ¿La tenía?

Luego de la llamada de mi hermano quedé consternado, no sabía qué hacer, antes no me sentía del todo bien y la noticia vino a empeorar mi estado emocional. No podía culparlo por mantenerme al tato pero esa solicitud era algo complicada de cumplir, había que dejar mucho atrás. Esa persona me necesitaba y también era importante para mí. Colgué mi celular cuando terminé la llamada, me quedé afuera varios minutos más para recuperarme del impacto y entrar sin levantar sospechas pero no fue suficiente.

- ¡Oye Morinaga! ¿Estás bien?

- ¿Que debería hacer? Debo regresar de inmediato…

Me forcé a sonreír pero Senpai miró fácilmente a través de mí y se dio cuenta de que no me encontraba bien ¿A quién quería engañar? Quizá a mí mismo. No importaba cuantas veces lo intentara eso ya no era suficiente para mentirle ya que ahora prestaba más atención a mis expresiones y a los pequeños detalles. Pasamos por tantos problemas y ahora identificaba con maestría cuando ocultaba algo, descubrir esa habilidad en él me hizo inmensamente feliz, podía sentir que le importaba. Sin embargo, ahora no era lo mejor si llegaba a enterarse; me regañaría por no pensar en mi persona, en mis intereses, mi futuro o en lo que realmente deseaba hacer. Cuando pasa algo tan delicado no tienes elección, tenía que regresar a como diera lugar.

Camino al departamento estuve pensando la forma de decirle a Senpai que tenía que irme. Principalmente buscaba no dañarlo. Aunque fuera a dejarlo no quería ser un insensible.

- ¿Cómo podría abordar el tema? ¿Pero cuando estaría de regreso? ¿Un año, cinco años? También está la posibilidad de no volver. He luchado tanto por este amor, incluso lo seguí a Canadá, ¿Acaso soy un tonto sin remedio? No quiero ser egoísta y dejarle la carga a mi hermano, mucho menos ahora que él y Masaki-san… Suspiré. - No tengo idea de cómo manejar esto. No creo que vaya a perdonármelo.

Al llegar decidí se directo con mi decisión pero le oculté mis razones para abandonarlo. Podía escucharlo gritándome que este problema no era de mi responsabilidad, nunca dudé en que si compartía esto con él me apoyaría pero no quería arrastrarlo a mis problemas. Tenía que resolverlos y no quería involucrarlo en mi pasado. Deseaba mostrarme fuerte en la despedida y pasar mis últimos momentos con Senpai, sonriendo; un agradable recuerdo. Pero no pude evitar mi llanto. Separarme de su lado era doloroso pero lastimarlo en el proceso era casi imperdonable. Estaba odiándome por determinación.

- Si me hubiera ido la ocasión en que me confesé, o esa otra vez en la que lo hicimos por primera vez, creo que hubiera sido menos duro para él; y para mí. Irme ahora que formo parte de su mundo, incluso si no me ama y únicamente me ve como alguien especial creo que lo lastimaría.

Siempre buscaba irme sin armar alboroto, desaparecer junto a la corriente de aire, simplemente no era mi estilo. Al menos en está ocasión no podía hacerlo de esa manera. Normalmente escapaba para protegerme, para no arrepentirme a último momento y por miedo a que me odiara aún más pero hoy no quería verlo así.

Hoy era diferente, quería despedirme de él de la manera más sincera y reafirmando el amor que sentía por Senpai. Un amor eterno que nada podría destruir.

- ¡Perdóname, perdóname Senpai!

La disculpa se repetía en mi cabeza sin cesar mientras corría. Estaba cometiendo un terrible pecado, abandonar a quien más amo, lo pagaría caro. Aquel tierno beso era un recuerdo que me gustaría que conservara; no era símbolo de esperanza pues no deseaba que me esperara, era un símbolo de amor puro, deseo y una prueba de que lo vivido fue real ¿Habrá sido igual para él?

No estaba preparado para lo que estaba por venir, me sentía inseguro y aterrado. A pesar de todo tenía la esperanza de que nuestros caminos volvieran a cruzarse, presentía que éste no sería un completo final sino un lejano "hasta luego, sé feliz". Sus labios fueron cálidos y reconfortantes. Deseaba tener el poder para detener el tiempo y quedarme por siempre a su lado, igual que hasta ahora, pero en ese momento me necesitaban en otro lugar. Al separarme, verlo sonrojado y embelesado me provocó nostalgia; ya lo extrañaba. Ese fue el momento justo para alejarme de Senpai sin mirar atrás.

- Senpai te suplico que no me sigas, detente.

Noté como me perseguía, como gritaba para detenerme y el diluvio que combinaba tan perfectamente con el momento. El clima era impredecible y cruel. En el fondo me alegraba que esto pasara, significaba que era importante para él, aunque también me lamentaba pensando en lo difícil que sería acostumbrarse a mi ausencia. Lo había contemplado, lo conocía lo suficiente para saber lo terco que era, pensé perderlo apenas llegara a la estación. Mi pecho dolía. Saber que estaba causándole tanto daño innecesario sólo por mi capricho de querer despedirme, era de lo peor. Mi vista se nubló al ver una brillante luz y no sabía de dónde provenía por estar llorando.


Su llamado sonaba distinto a los demás, lleno de desesperación así que volteé hacia atrás.

- Ese último grito de Senpai, suena como si…

Era demasiado tarde.

- Incluso ahora actúo como un imbécil.

Sentí un fuerte dolor que recorrió todo mi cuerpo pero no se comparaba con lo mucho que dolía mi corazón. Pasó tan rápido que no pude reaccionar, vi todo de cabeza, mis pies se separaron del pavimento y una fuerza me tumbó lejos. Había sido atropellado.

No pude moverme. Unos instantes después vi a Senpai acercarse. Él no paraba de llorar y me observaba con una fuerte impresión al analizar toda la extensión de mi cuerpo. Trató de suavizar su expresión y sujetó con fuerza mi mano. Traté de hablarle pero sólo balbuceé algunas palabras, tampoco podía escuchar lo que me decía pero si sentía el temblor creciente en su mano y mirada de temor genuino. Sentía que el dolor me ahogaba, la lluvia caía en mi cara y mi cuerpo pronto se pondría muy frío. Senpai se acercó a mí, se agachó y con delicadeza me abrazó; supongo que para tratar de mantenerme en calor.

Con trabajo pude permanecer consciente para ver las luces rojas e intermitentes que
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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-So why wait for it? I meditated. -It is not as if we were couple or something so but say that we are not anything... I wouldn't say something like that. It is true that a force strange and unexplained is what unites us; We are not friends, we are not a couple or lovers and are definitely not friends with rights. He had already said that he would not flee and that he could sit beside me that was not enough?Despite the fact that I was sobbing showed me a big smile, really he tried because he was a cheerful, only an idiot like him would do something so stupid. Their attempts to prove that he would be well were pathetic, didn't work on me; a wound opened slowly.-It dismisses? Is that the gesture of farewell?-Forgive me, didn't want to hurt you. I would like you to remember the time we spent together, it was real, I love you regardless of anything or in where you are, not doubt that ever. You have been the most important person in my life and the most wonderful thing that I could get to know. I love you, will always make him Senpai.-Damn Morinaga! Even at the end say such shameful things. I will not suffer it will not leave you! You will not go if I can prevent it. You always do the same thing, has tried it countless times; so many that I've lost count. I have never overcome and this will be no exception.Unexpectedly rose from the sofa. My body was rigid, enfurecí by his actions and chest ached, I felt frustrated. He approached, I instantly unbalance me having it so close and then kiss me. I could not move away it because it took me by surprise. I was relaxing, I felt not that heat in my interior that I burned but a warmth that I dominated. I could feel her tears roll down your skin and travel to the mine; to our lips. It was a bitter, full of sadness and also possessive kiss. I felt that it would be the last, I held her to him, however my forces were running out. After a few seconds separated, it was distant and from one moment to another ran out.-Was it a kiss of farewell? Do you intend to go at this point? To this extent becomes his desire to get away from me?My soul is suddenly wither.The sound of the door I recovered and I followed him as fast as I could.-Why demons have to be so impulsive!Morinaga was faster than me and that does not help at all, was going at full speed, but I took advantage. Just leave it began to rain. In the news is not forecast rain and I had desire to murder who had committed a terrible mistake. We walk not large roof and the intensity of the storm was increasing at a rapid pace. He could not give up to be as close to achieve it but it was hard to see properly with all that water and cold I mingled my lenses. I knew perfectly the way that was taking, was on his way to the train station but it was very late and the last had gone out long ago perhaps planned to spend the night there to leave early?To be closer I yelled so stop but I ignored. We were coming, they were missing a few blocks away and I felt relieved to think that you wouldn't know already where to run. What happened next shocked me, was devastating. My eyes do not conceive what they had just witnessed, in a wink, everything changed; everything is ruined. I wanted to pinch myself and check that a nightmare was as something so cruel was unreal. I felt so small, helpless and useless in this situation.-MORINAGA!I screamed so loud my throat hurt and I was out of breath. It was the only thing I could do.POV MORINAGA-If I'm playing with you, Senpai? I think that was cruel; a low blow would not I have shown how much I love you? Well, I think that it would react as if you were in the place of Senpai, no, I think that it would be far worse. Disappear from one moment to another, is cruel... did it? Of course, I knew that my words were as poison but had another alternative had it?After the call from my brother, I was dismayed, didn't know what to do, before didn't feel quite right and the news came to worsen my emotional state. I could not blame him for keeping me the tato but that request was rather complicated to meet, had to leave much behind. The person I needed and was also important for me. I hung my cell when I finished the call, I stayed outside several minutes more to recover from the impact and without arousing suspicion, but it wasn't enough.-Hey Morinaga! Are you okay?-What should you do? I must return immediately...I forced me to smile but Senpai easily looked through me and realized that I was not well wanted who cheat? Maybe to myself. No matter how many times that tried it already wasn't enough for lying to him since now paying more attention to my expressions and small details. We went through so many problems and now identified with mastery when hiding something, discover that ability in it made me immensely happy, I could sense that he cared. However, now it was not the best if he came to find out; me regañaría by not thinking about myself, my interests, my future or what he really wanted to do. When you pass something so delicate you have no choice, I had to return to as it would result.Road Department I was thinking the way tell Senpai had to go. He mainly sought not to damage it. Even if it were to let him he didn't have to be an insensitive.-How could the issue addressed? But when it would be back? One year, five years? There is also the possibility of not returning. I have fought both by this love, even followed him to Canada, perhaps am a fool without remedy? I don't want to be selfish and leave the burden to my brother, much less now that he and Masaki-san... I sighed. -I have no idea of how handle this. I don't think it will forgive me for it.Arriving, I decided to be direct with my decision but hid him my reasons for abandoning it. I could hear him screaming me that this problem was not my responsibility, never hesitate if you shared this with him I would support, but didn't want to drag it to my problems. I had to solve them and did not want to involve him in my past. I wanted to show me in the farewell and spend my last moments with Senpai, smiling; a pleasant memory. But I could not help my tears. Separate me from his side was painful but hurt him in the process was almost unforgivable. I was hating me for determination.-If I had been the occasion in which I confessed, or that again which we did for the first time, I think that it would have been less hard for him; and for me. Go now that I am part of their world, even if you don't love me and only sees me as someone special I think it would hurt it.Always wanted to leave without arm riot, disappear along with the current of air, just wasn't my style. At least in is occasion could not do it that way. It normally escaped to protect me, to not regret me at the last moment and by fear that he hated me even more but today I didn't want to see it as well.Today was different, I wanted to say goodbye to me in the most sincere way and reaffirming the love that felt by Senpai. An eternal love that nothing could destroy.-Forgive me, forgive me Senpai!The apology was repeated in my head constantly as he ran. It was committing a terrible sin, leave more master who would pay so expensive. That tender Kiss was a reminder that I should it to maintain; It was not a symbol of hope because did not want me to wait, was a symbol of pure love, I wish and a proof that the experience was real do was equal for him?I wasn't prepared for what was to come, I felt insecure and frightened. Despite everything I had hoped for our paths to cross back, it felt that this would not be a full finish but a far "until then, be happy". His lips were warm and comforting. I wanted to have the power to stop time and stay forever at his side, like that so far, but at that time I needed somewhere else. To separate me, see it flushed and Spellbound provoked me nostalgia; I already missed it. That was the moment just to get away from Senpai without looking back.-Senpai, I pray that I don't follow, you stop.I noticed as I was chasing, as she screamed to stop me and the flood which combined so perfectly with the moment. The weather was unpredictable and cruel. In the background looked forward me that this happened, it meant that it was important for him, although I also regretted thinking about how difficult that would be to get used to my absence. He referred to it, enough know him to know the stubborn thing that was thought to lose it just reached the station. My chest hurt. Know that it was causing him so much unnecessary damage on my whim wanting to dismiss me, was just the worst. My eyes clouded when he saw a bright light and did not know where it came by to be crying.-MORINAGA!His call sounded different from the others, full of despair so turn back.-That last cry of Senpai, sounds as if...It was too late.-Even now act like an idiot.I felt a strong pain that it toured all over my body but not compared to how much that hurt my heart. It happened so fast that I could not react, I saw it all from head, my feet broke away from the pavement and a force knocked me away. He had been hit.I could not move. A few moments later I saw Senpai approaching. He did not stop crying and watched me with a strong impression to analyze the entire length of my body. He tried to soften his expression and fastened with force my hand. I tried to talk to him but I just muttered some words, could not hear what I said but if felt increased tremor in his hand and look of genuine fear. I felt that pain I was suffocating, rain fell on my face and my body would soon be very cold. Senpai approached me, reached down and gently hugged me; I guess that you to try to keep me warm.With work I could remain conscious to see red lights and turn signals to
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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- So I wait? I meditated. - Not like we were dating or something but to say that we are nothing ... I would not say anything like that. It is true that a strange and inexplicable force is what binds us; we're not friends, we are not partners or lovers and friends are definitely not right. He had already told him that he would not flee and that he could stay with me Was that not enough? Although I was sobbing showed me a big smile, really struggled because he was a cheerful, only an idiot like he would do something so stupid. His attempts to prove it would be fine were pathetic, did not work on me; a wound opened slowly. - Is goodbye? Is that the gesture of goodbye? - Excuse me, did not want to hurt you. I would like to remember the time we spent together, it was real, I love you no matter what or where you are, no doubt about it ever. You have been the most important in my life and the most wonderful person I could get to know. I love you, I always will Senpai. - Morinaga Damn! Even at the end you tell me things as shameful. I do not I will allow not let you! You will not go if I can prevent it. You always do the same, you've tried countless times; so many that I lost count. You've never beaten me and this is no exception. Unexpectedly rose from the couch. My body was stiff, enraged by his actions and my chest hurt, I was frustrated. He came, instantly imbalance I have it so close and then I kiss. I could not push him away because it took me by surprise. I was chilling out, no longer I felt the heat inside me burning me but a warmth that dominated me. I could feel her tears roll down her skin and travel to the mine; our lips. It was a bitter, full of sadness and possessive kiss. I sensed that would be the last, I clung to him, though my strength was depleted. After a few seconds he separated, he perceived a distant time to time ran out. - Was it a goodbye kiss? Do you plan to leave at this time? To this degree reaches his desire to get away from me? My soul suddenly withered. The sound of slamming recovered and followed me as fast as I could. - Why the hell have to be so impulsive !? Morinaga was faster than I and that did not help, he was speeding but I had the advantage. Hardly left began to rain. In the news no rain is predicted and I wanted to kill whoever had committed terrible mistake. No big roof walk and intensity of the storm was increasing rapidly. I could not give to be so close to reach it but it was laborious see properly with all that water and cold that fogged my glasses. He knew well the path he was taking, was heading to the train station but it was too late and the last had left a while Did planned to spend the night there to leave early? Being closer shouted to be He stops but he ignored me. We were to arrive, missing a few blocks and I was relieved to think that would not have nowhere to run. What happened next I cringe, it was devastating. My eyes could not conceive what had just witnessed, in a blink everything changed; everything was ruined. I wanted to pinch myself and see that it was a nightmare for something so cruel was unreal. She felt so small, helpless and useless to the situation. - MORINAGA! I screamed so loud my throat hurt and I gasped. It was all I could do. POV MORINAGA - What if I'm playing with you, Senpai? I think that was cruel; a low blow Did not I demonstrated how I love you? Well, I think you would react if you were in the same place Senpai, no, I think it would be much worse. Disappear from one moment to another, it is cruel ... Did you know? Of course, I knew that my words were like poison but had no choice Does he? After the call from my brother was shocked, not knowing what to do, before I did not feel quite right and the news came to worsen my emotional state . I could not blame him for keeping the ethyl but that request was somewhat difficult to meet, you had to leave a lot behind. That person needed me and it was also important to me. I hung up my phone when I ended the call, I was out several minutes to recover from the impact and go without arousing suspicion but not enough. - Hey Morinaga! Are you okay? - What should I do? I must return immediately ... I forced myself to smile but Senpai easily looked through me and realized that I was not well Who was he kidding? Perhaps myself. No matter how many times I tried that was not enough to lie because now paying more attention to my expressions and small details. We went through so much trouble and now identified with expertise when hiding something, find that skill in it made ​​me extremely happy, I could feel that he cared. But now it was not the best if ever learned; I scold me for not thinking of myself, my interests, my future or what they really wanted to do. When something so delicate you have no choice, he had to return at any cost. Way to the department was thinking how to tell Senpai I had to leave. Mainly he sought no damage. Although it was to let him not want to be insensitive. - How could you address the issue? But when he'd be back? A year, five years? There is also the possibility of not returning. I fought so hard for this love, even I followed him to Canada, am I a fool no remedy? I do not want to be selfish and leave the burden to my brother, much less now that he and Masaki-san ... I sighed. - I have no idea how to handle this. Do not think I will forgive myself. On arrival was decided to direct my decision but I hid my reasons for leaving it. I could hear him yelling that this problem was not my responsibility, I never doubted that if I shared this with him but did not want to drag and drop support to my problems. He had to solve and did not want to involve him in my past. He wanted to show strong bounce and spend my last moments with Senpai, smiling; a pleasant memory. But I could not help my tears. Parting from him was painful but hurt in the process was almost unforgivable. I was hating myself for determination. - If I had been the occasion when I confessed, or such other time that we did for the first time, I think it would have been less hard for him; and for me. Go now I'm part of his world, even if only loves me and see me as someone special think it hurt him. He was always looking to go without making a fuss, disappear along with the air stream, it just was not my style. At least this time I could not do it that way. Normally I escaped to protect, not to repent at the last moment for fear that hate me even more today but did not want to see it. Today was different, I wanted to say goodbye to him in the most sincere way and reaffirming her love for Senpai. An eternal love that nothing could destroy. - Forgive me, forgive Senpai The apology was repeated endlessly in my head as I ran. He was making a terrible sin, leaving those who most love, would pay dearly. One tender kiss was a memory I'd like to retain; was not a symbol of hope not wanting to wait for me, it was a symbol of pure love, desire and proof that it lived was real Could it have been like for him? I was not prepared for what was coming, I was insecure and terrified. Nevertheless he hoped our paths crossed again, sensed that this would not be an end but a distant complete "until then, be happy". His lips were warm and comforting. He wanted to have the power to stop time and stay forever at his side, as hitherto, but now I needed elsewhere. When I left, I see him flushed and caused rapturous longing; and I missed him. That was just to get away from Senpai not look back now. - Senpai beseech you do not follow me, stop. I noticed as I pursued, as shouting to stop and the flood that combined so perfectly with the moment. The weather was unpredictable and cruel. At heart I was glad this happened, meant it was important to him, though I regretted also thinking about how difficult it would get used to my absence. He had seen, he knew enough to know how stubborn he was, I thought losing just arrived at the station. My chest hurt. Knowing that it was causing unnecessary damage both my whim just want to say goodbye, it was the worst. My vision blurred seeing a bright light and did not know where it came to be crying. - MORINAGA! His call sounded unlike any other, full of despair so turned back. - That last cry of Senpai, it sounds like ... It was too late. - Even now I act like a jerk. I felt a sharp pain ran through my body but did not compare to how much it hurt my heart. It happened so fast I could not react, I saw everything upside down, my feet were separated from the pavement and a force knocked me away. He had been run over. I could not move. Moments later I saw Senpai come. He did not stop to mourn and watched me with a strong impression when analyzing the full extent of my body. He tried to soften his hard expression and held my hand. I tried to speak but only mumbled a few words, I could not hear what he said but felt the growing tremor in his hand and look genuine fear. I felt the pain choked me, the rain fell on my face and my body would soon be very cold. Senpai approached me, leaned over and gently kissed me I guess to try to keep warm. With work I could stay conscious to see the red and flashing lights

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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- so Wait? I meditated. - IT's not like we're a couple or something but mean nothing... I wouldn't say anything like that. It is true that a strange and inexplicable is the force that binds US; we are not Friends, we are not a couple or Lovers, and definitely not Friends with rights. I told you not to run and could stay by my side that wasn't enough?

Although she was sobbing showed me a Big Smile, really was because it was a Joyful, only an idiot like him do something stupid. Their attempts to prove to be good were pathetic, Don't work in me; a wound opened slowly.

- Farewell? This is the gesture of Goodbye?

I didn't mean to hurt you.I'd like you to remember the time that we spent together, that was real, that I Love You no matter what or where you are, Don't doubt it again. You have been the most important person in my life and the most wonderful that I could get to know. I will always love you, Champ. - fucking Morinaga

! Even in the end you say things so shameful. I won't let you leave!You're not leaving, if I can prevent it. Always doing the same thing, I have tried many times, so many that I Lost Count. I have never beaten, and this will be no exception.

unexpectedly Rose from the couch. My body was Stiff, Snapped by their actions and I had chest pains, I felt frustrated. He approached, I instantly turned him so close and then you kiss me.I couldn't because I took him by surprise. I felt that I was just Chilling, Heat inside me but I Burned a warmth that dominated. I could feel his Tears roll down his skin and travel to the mine; our Lips. Kiss was a Bitter, full of Sadness and possessive. I knew it would be the last, I clung to him, however my forces were depleted.After a few seconds left, I felt Distant and suddenly ran out.

it was a Goodbye Kiss? Leaving at this time? This degree is your desire to get away from me?

My Soul suddenly faded.

I regained The Sound of the door and I Ran as fast as I could. - Why the hell does it have to be so impulsive!

?Morinaga was faster than me and it doesn't help, but I was going at full speed ahead. We barely got out it began to Rain. The News was not predicted rain and I had to kill those who had committed a Blunder. Don't Walk The Big Roof and the intensity of the storm was growing by Leaps and Bounds.I couldn't give up being so close but it was difficult to see properly with all that Water and cold fogging up my Glasses. Knew perfectly the way I was taking, and headed for the train station, but it was too late and the last was out a while ago and planned to spend the night there to go?

The Closer I yelled at him to stop, but he just ignored me. We were missing a few blocks from here, and I felt relieved at the thought that he had Nowhere to run. What happened after I was horrified, devastating. My Eyes saw what I had just witnessed, in a Blink, everything changed, everything is ruined.I Pinch myself and that was a nightmare because something so cruel was Unreal. It felt so small, Powerless and useless in that situation - Morinaga.


I screamed so loud that my throat hurt and I'm Breathless. It was all I could do.

POV Morinaga - What If I am playing with you, Champ? I think that was a cruel Blow; have I not shown you how I Love You?Well, I think you would look like if he were in your place Champ, I Don't think that would be much worse. Disappear from one moment to another, is cruel, you know? Of course, I knew that my words were like Poison but had no other alternative?

after the call from my brother was shocked, do not know what to do,Before I was not feeling very well and the news came to worsen my Emotional State. I couldn't blame him for keeping the case but that request was something complicated to meet, had to leave much behind. That person needed me and it was also important to me. I Hung Up My Phone when I call.I stayed outside several minutes to recover from the impact and enter without suspicion but it wasn't enough. - Hey Morinaga

! Are you okay?

- What should I do? I must return immediately...

I forced myself to smile but easily senpai looked through me and realized that I was not well who is he kidding? Maybe myself.No matter how many times I tried that already was not sufficient for lying, because now my expressions and more attention to small details. We have so many problems and now identified with master when he was hiding something, discover that ability in him made me very happy, I could feel that he cared. However, now it was best if I know;Scold me for not thinking of my person, my interests, my future and what I really wanted to do. When something is so Sensitive, you have no choice, I had to go back and give way to the Department.

I thought about how to tell Birds that I had to leave. Mainly sought not to damage it. Although it didn't want to be insensitive.

- how could address the issue? But when she'd be back? A year, five years? There is also the possibility of not returning. I fought for this love, even followed him to Canada, am I a fool without Remedy? I Don't want to be Selfish and leave the burden to my brother, much less now that he and Masaki - san, I sighed. - I have no idea how to handle this. I Don't think I'll Never Forgive myself.I decided to get it straight with my decision but I HID my reasons for leaving. I could hear him screaming that this problem was not my responsibility, I never doubted that I would support him if he shared this with but I didn't want to drag my problems. I had them and I didn't want to go in my past.I wanted to be strong in the Farewell and spend my last Moments with senpai, smiling; a Pleasant Memory. But I couldn't help my tears. Out of his hand was hurt in the process was painful but almost Unforgivable. I was hating me

- determination. If I'd Gone when I confessed, or that time in which it did for the first time,I think it would have been hard for him and for me. Go Now that part of your world, even if you don't Love Me and only sees me as Someone Special I think I Hurt him.

I always leave without Fuss, disappear together with the Air Flow, it was just not my style. At least on this occasion couldn't do it that way. Normally had to Protect me,At the last moment not to Regret and fear to Hate Me even more today but I didn't want to see him so.

today was different, she wanted to see him in the most sincere and reaffirming his love for Senpai. An eternal love that nothing could Destroy.

- Forgive Me senpai!

The Apology was repeated endlessly in my head I was making a terrible sin.Leave One More Love You, you would pay Dearly. That tender kiss was a Memory that I would keep; there was a symbol of Hope for he did not wish to wait for me, was a symbol of Pure Love, Desire and a proof that it was real must have been like for him?

I was not prepared for what was to come, I felt insecure and scared.Despite everything I had hoped that our paths would Cross again, I sensed that this would not be a complete end but a distant "until then, Be Happy." His lips were warm and COMFORTING. I wanted to have the power to stop time and always stay by your side, as hitherto, but at that time I was in another place. To let go,See Me Blushing and Spellbound caused nostalgia; I missed. That was the right time to leave without looking back senpai Senpai.

I beg you not to follow me, stop it.

I noticed as I had to stop and shouted, as the Flood that combined so perfectly with the time. The Weather was unpredictable and cruel. In the background I Was glad that this happened,It was important to him, but also I was thinking how hard it would be to get used to My Absence. I had seen, I knew enough to know that I was Stubborn, losing only to reach the station. My Chest ACHED. Knowing that he was causing so much unnecessary damage only by my Whim want to Say Goodbye, was the worst.My Sight is Blurred to see a Bright Light and not know where Came From crying - Morinaga.


its call sounded different from the others, filled with despair and turned back.

- that last Cry of senpai, sounds as if it was too late...


- even now acting like a jerk.I felt a sharp pain through my body but not compared to how much it Hurt My Heart. It happened so fast that I couldn't REACT, I saw my whole Head, feet separated Pavement strength and knocked me out. Had been run over.

I couldn't Move. A few moments later Saw senpai approach.He kept Crying and watched me with a strong impression to analyse all the extension of my body. He tried to soften his expression and grabbed my hand with force. I tried calling him, but only some words I stammered, I couldn't hear what he said but felt the tremor in his hand and a look of growing Genuine Fear. I felt the pain I was suffocating.The rain fell on my face and My Body would soon be very cold. Senpai approached me, he squatted down and Gently hugged me; I try to keep myself warm.

could remain Conscious work to see the Red Lights and flashing
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