Morinaga-kun me miro y me sonrió, le pedí disculpas por haber presenciado aquello, pero ellos estaban en la puerta de mi oficina y pues yo tenía que entrar je je je; le realice un comentario acerca de las relaciones y que formaban parte de la vida, ya me había dado cuenta lo popular que ese chico era, y le pregunté por que siempre rechazaba a esa jóvenes- explicó el profesor a Souichi.
-Y ¿Que le dijo él?- Souichi pregunto con curiosidad.
-¡Ah! él me dijo que eran muy lindas y de buenos sentimientos, pero que él no estaba interesado en ellas, me confeso que era gay muy tímidamente y me dijo que estaba enamorado de un joven en esos momentos, me miró con los ojos temerosos, pues una de sus cualidades es que es muy sincero, me sorprendí no lo niego, pero yo soy un viejo de mente abierta je je je y le dije que no se preocupara, que todo estaba bien, solo que por favor se cuidará mucho- termino de narrar con una sonrisa.
Souichi sintió que su corazón palpitaba pues él era el joven de quien Morinaga se había enamorado en aquellos días, cuando él aún no lo acepta y lo trataba cruelmente y él ahora después de 6 años de tratarlo correspondía sus sentimientos fuertemente, sintió tranquilidad de escuchar que el profesor lo había tratado con amabilidad, pues él sabia el duro pasado de Morinaga, lo cruel que habían sido sus padres y su hermano mayor al descubrir sus preferencias.
-Ya veo… así que usted lo sabe- susurró para el maestro.
-Si Tatsumi-kun lo sé, es por eso que quería saber si el había conseguido formalizar su relación con ese chico y si vive en estos momentos con él- exclamó tranquilamente.
-¡Ah! bueno uh yo…- no sabía que contestar, se encontraba muy nervioso.
-Si en verdad vive con alguien en estos momentos, espero que esto no lo afecte al tomar la decisión que se le presenta de ir a Canadá a trabajar, el amor hijo es un sentimiento muy poderoso que hace tomar decisiones apresuradas- expresó suspirando el profesor a Souichi.
-Ya veo- agacho su mirada.
-No te preocupes Tatsumi-kun sin embargo…- intento continuar, sin embargo Souichi se le adelanto.
-Lamento no poder contestarle pero, eso debe de preguntárselo a Morinaga directamente, yo no puedo hablar de su vida privada con nadie, ni siquiera con usted, discúlpeme por favor- hizo una reverencia a su profesor.
-Discúlpame Tatsumi-kun es que eres el mas cercano a él y quería conocer la situación de Morinaga-kun para poder plantearle la noticia con más tacto, siento mucho haberte metido en esta situación- se disculpo cerrando los ojos, el profesor.
-Bueno me reuniré a finales de semana con él para plantearle el asunto, solo espero que él piense las cosas detenidamente, gracias Tatsumi-kun por tu tiempo, tengo que terminar unos pendientes y parce que tú también estabas ocupado…con permiso- se despidió el profesor tranquilamente.
De regreso en el laboratorio…
-Jamás pensé que el profesor Fukushima me diría y preguntaría eso- de decía Souichi jugando una pluma con una de sus manos, mirándola girar rápidamente mientras con la otra sostenía su rostro recargado en su mesa de trabajo -Así que Morinaga, es tan bueno que le ofrecen un contrato en Canadá- río sutilmente, al parecer todos se han dado cuenta de las habilidades que posee, no por nada había trabajado tanto tiempo con él, siempre esforzándose al máximo, aunque a veces el se sobrepasaba en sus métodos de trabajo, ese chico mostraba todo su potencial alegremente, sabía que era buen estudiante por los comentarios de los profesores, era reconocido con un buen trabajador por la farmacéutica, su personalidad era siempre amable y dulce por esa razón tenía muchos amigos que se preocupaban por él y con su persona Morinaga mostraba un lado que los demás nunca verían, su devoción por amarlo y cuidarlo eran tan extremas que de solo recordarlo lo hacia temblar.
-Nunca imaginé que Morinaga se tuviera que ir tan lejos- Souichi susurraba lentamente, el estaba mentalizado a dejar de ver a Morinaga en la universidad, pero aún así cuando el se fuera, vivía con él lo vería regresar de sus viajes a Hamamatsu con una sonrisa, contándole los por menores de sus actividades, sus días libres y vacaciones estarían juntos y se sentiría feliz de estar con él de esa manera.
"Morinaga tendrá un contrato indefinido en Canadá…"
Pero ahora todo había dado un giro inesperado, esa simple noticia había cambiado absolutamente todo, provocando un mar de emociones en su mente, cuerpo y corazón.
-El no va a vivir más conmigo si se va a Canadá… no lo veré tan seguido como ahora lo hago… él no estará en sus días libres ni en las vacaciones conmigo…- esos crueles pensamientos invadieron su mente, haciéndole sentir profundamente triste -Estaré solo… - concluyó con poca voz.
Estaba sintiéndose tan mal, que un nudo en la garganta se formo y sus ojos se empezaron a cristalizar de manera inmediata, agacho su rostro y en ese momento sintió la calidez de una lagrima descender por su mejilla, alzo su rostro y toco esta con su mano, se sorprendió por lo que ocurría con él -Que demonios me pasa, por que estoy llorando maldición…- se dijo con una molesta voz, mientras que secaba sus ojos con la manga de la bata -Me voy a casa- se levanto y recogió sus cosas y se marcho de ahí, no quería estar solo.
Mientras viajaba en el vagón del tren, se sintió más tranquilo ya que había mucha gente a su alrededor, de esta manera el podía tranquilizar sus sentimientos, ya que no le gustaba expresar emociones ante los demás, de esa manera se hizo el fuerte -"Ya tranquilízate, maldición, aún falta tiempo para que eso suceda"- se decía así mismo, aunque sabia que era un doloroso sentimiento el decidió ocultarlo con todas sus fuerzas.
Camino lentamente en dirección al departamento, respirando profundamente, tenía que aparentar ser el mismo de siempre, pues en cuanto cruzará esa puerta y Morinaga lo viera, lo observaría y leería a la perfección sus expresiones -De seguro el idiota preguntará "¿Que te ocurre Souichi?"- se decía así mismo -No quiero hablar de esto, además el aún no lo sabe… y no soy yo quien deba decírselo- se repetía llegando a la puerta.
Con un rostro de seriedad tranquilizo su corazón, saco sus llaves y abrió esa puerta expresando como siempre su habitual saludo -¡Estoy en casa!-.
Sus ojos se iluminaron al ver enfrente a la persona mas especial para el recibirlo con esa cálida sonrisa -¡Bienvenido a casa!- lo miro como siempre, se quito sus zapatos, dejo su mochila en el recibidor y paso de largo caminando en dirección a la sala.
-Souichi ¿Cómo te fue hoy?... a mi me fue muy bien… sabes entregamos a tiempo el proyecto, y pues ahora solo falta presentar mis exámenes finales y por supuesto empezar con el trabajo que me enviaron de Hamamatsu….- Morinaga conversaba muy alegre y el lo veía con atención sentándose en el sillón, en ese momento empezó a sentir la necesidad de grabar cada de sus expresiones y ademanes que hacia al hablar.
Morinaga emocionado como siempre siguió relatando sus actividades del día, pero algo llamo su atención de repente, Souichi por lo regular lo callaba a gritos cuando el hablaba demasiado sabía que Souichi se exasperaba con las conversaciones habituales y más cuando venía cansado, pero esta vez era diferente, él le había prestado demasiada atención, miro esas orbes doradas tranquilas que tenían un brillo singular y al no escuchar reclamos, esa pregunta se hizo presente en su mente -"Que te ocurre Souichi"-
Se silencio y se sentó junto con el, lo miro con una expresión preocupada, la cual Souichi conocía muy bien y tomando su mejilla con su cálida mano le expresó -Souichi…-
Souichi reaccionó estaba actuando raro, se dio cuenta de eso y Morinaga lo notó también -"Maldición"- se regaño mentalmente -"rayos, él ya se dio cuenta"- lo pensó mirando a Morinaga tan cerca de él, a punto de preguntar algo.
-¿Qué te ocurre Soui…mm- Morinaga no pudo terminar de preguntar pues Souichi sujeto su rostro con sus manos frías por los nervios y lo beso, silencio su pregunta con un sutil beso, que Morinaga respondió tranquilamente, que después se volvió profundo -mmm Mori- suspiro Souichi, cómo era posible que Morinaga le conociera tan bien, sin embargo trato de hacer ese beso mas largo para evitar contestar esa pregunta. -Souichi mm- suspiraba Morinaga igualmente.
Su corazón latía fuertemente mientras sus labios acariciaban y se movían sobre los de Morinaga -"son suaves, muy suaves"- pensó al sentir esa suavidad y tibieza en ese beso por primera vez -"nunca… antes preste atención a esto"- reflexionaba, mientras sus manos se colocaban en los hombros de Morinaga y sintió como él lo abrazó con fuerza atrayéndolo mas cerca, acariciando su espalda con suavidad, sintió un escalofrió cuando Morinaga aumento la intensidad en ese beso, -" ¡Ah! su lengua esta…su lengua ¡ah!"- tembló y apretó fuertemente los ojos al sentir como Morinaga acariciaba su labio inferior con su lengua y después la adentraba dentro de su boca, ocasionándole suaves suspiros -"siento un cosquilleo en mi estomago"- se aferro a su cuello con fuerza uniendo mas sus torsos sentados en el sofá -"esto se siente tan bien ¡ah! Mori…"- entre suspiros, sentía su lengua moverse al compas de la de Morinaga, acariciándola lentamente, sin prisas, había aprendido a besar gracias a él, así que él ahora era más efusivo con los besos.
Morinaga-kun I look and smiled at me, asked for apologies for having witnessed that, but they were in my office door and because I had to get je je je; make you a comment about relationships and that they were part of life, how popular this guy was, had already given me account and asked him for always rejecting that young people - said the Professor Souichi.- And what do you told it? - Souichi asked with curiosity.-Ah! He told me that they were very cute and good feelings, but that he was not interested in them, I confessed that it was gay very shyly and he told me that he was in love with a young man in those moments, looked at me with fearful eyes, as one of its qualities is that he is very sincere, I surprised myself, not deny it, but I'm an open-minded old je je je and told him that not to worry , that all was well, just to please is it will care much - end storytelling with a smile.Souichi felt that his heart was throbbing as it was the young who Morinaga had fallen in love in those days, when it still does not accept him and treated him cruelly and it now after 6 years of trying it was feelings strongly, felt quiet listening to the Professor had treated him with kindness, since he knew the hard last Morinaga , the cruel that his parents and his older brother had been to discover your preferences.-I see... so you know - she whispered to the master.-If Tatsumi-kun I know, that is why I wanted to know if the had gotten to formalize its relationship with this guy and if you live in the moment with him - cried quietly.-Ah! uh good yo...-didn't know that answer, was very nervous.-If you really live with someone right now, I hope that this does not affect it the decision that is going to Canada to work, child love is a very powerful feeling making hasty decisions - he said sighing the Professor Souichi.-As I see - duck his gaze.-Don't worry Tatsumi-kun no embargo...-try to continue, however Souichi is him advancement.-I am sorry can not reply to you but, that should ask Morinaga directly, I not can speak of her private life with anyone, not even with you, excuse me please - bowed to his teacher.-Excuse me Tatsumi-kun is that you're the most close to him and she wanted to know the situation of Morinaga-kun to be able to ask the news with more tact, I'm very sorry you've gotten into this situation - apologized to close our eyes, the professor.-Well I meet later week it to raise the issue, can only hope that he thinks things carefully, Tatsumi-kun thank you for your time, I have to finish some earrings and parce that you too were busy... with permission - Professor took leave quietly.Back in the laboratory...-Never thought that Professor Fukushima I would say and ask that - of Souichi playing a pen with one of his hands he said, watching her turn quickly while the other held her face leaning on his desk - so Morinaga, is so good that they offered a contract in Canada - River subtly, apparently all have realized the skills you possess not for nothing had worked so long with him, always striving to the utmost, although sometimes the it surpassed in its methods of work, that guy showed all their potential happily, knew I was a good student by the comments of teachers, it was recognized with a good worker for the pharmaceutical, his personality was always friendly and sweet for that reason had many friends who cared about him and with his person Morinaga showed one side than the other they would never see, his devotion to love him and care for him were so extreme that only to remind it to tremble.-Never imagined that Morinaga had to go that far - Souichi whispered slowly, the was psyched to see Morinaga in the University, but even so when the, lived with him would see it return from their trips to Hamamatsu with a smile, telling the minors of their activities, their days off and holidays would be together and feel happy to be with him that way."Morinaga will have a permanent contract in Canada..."But now everything had taken an unexpected turn, the simple news had changed absolutely everything, causing a sea of emotions in your mind, body and heart.-Not going to more live with me if you are going to Canada... I will not see him as often as I do now... He will not be on their days off or on vacation with me...-those cruel thoughts invaded her mind, making you feel deeply sad - I'll be alone... - ended with little voice.I was feeling so bad, that formed a lump in the throat and his eyes began to crystallize immediately, duck his face and at that moment she felt the warmth of a tear down his cheek, alzo his face and played it with his hand, was surprised by what happened with it - that demons happens to me, that I'm crying curse...-it is said with an annoying voice , while he dried his eyes with the sleeve of the coat - I'm going home - got up and collected their things and I moved there, I didn't want to be alone.While riding in the car of the train, felt quieter since there were many people to your around, so the could reassure her feelings, since he did not like to express emotions to others, that way became the Fort-"already calm down, curse, still needed time to make that happen"-said, though I knew that it was a painful feeling the decided to hide it with all his strength.Walk slowly in the direction Department, breathing deeply, had to appear to be the same, because as soon as you cross that door and Morinaga saw him, you would observe it and read their expressions - perfectly insurance the idiot will ask "what's wrong Souichi?" -I said same - don't want to talk about this, besides the still doesn't know... and I'm not who should tell him - repeated reaching to the door.With a face of seriousness I calmed his heart, bag your keys and opened the door as always expressing his usual greeting--I'm at home!His eyes lit up to the front to see the person more special to receive it with that warm smile - welcome to casa - watch it as always, you remove your shoes, leave your backpack in the hallway and passage of long walk to the room.-Souichi how you did today?... to my I did very well... you know we deliver the project on time, and now just need to present my final exams and of course start with the work sent to me from Hamamatsu...-Morinaga conversed very cheerful and saw him carefully sitting on the couch, then began to feel the need to record each of their expressions and gestures that towards speaking.Morinaga excited as always continued recounting their day activities, but something caught his attention suddenly Souichi usually was silent it screaming when the spoke too knew that Souichi is exasperated with the usual talks and more when he was tired, but this time was different, he had paid too much attention, look these orbs quiet Golden who had a singular and not bright listen claims that question was present in his mind-"who you think Souichi"-Is silence and sat together with, look at him with a concerned expression, which Souichi knew very well and taking his cheek with his warm hand expressed - Souichi...-Souichi reacted he was acting weird, he realized that and Morinaga noticed it also-"curse" - chastised mentally-"rays, he now realized"-thought it looking to Morinaga so close to him, to ask something.-Do you what Soui... mm-Morinaga failed to finish asking because Souichi subject his face with cold hands by nerves and kiss it, silence your question with a subtle kiss that Morinaga responded calmly, that later became deep - mmm Mori - Souichi sigh, how it was possible that Morinaga knew him as well, however I try to get that Kiss longer to avoid answering that question.? -Souichi mm - sighed Morinaga equally.His heart was beating strongly while his lips caressed and moved about the Morinaga-"they are soft, very soft" - thought to feel the softness and warmth in that kiss for the first time-"never... before pay attention to this" - reflected, while their hands are placed on the shoulders of Morinaga and felt as he hugged him with force drawing him closer, caressing her back gently , she felt a shiver when Morinaga increase the intensity in that Kiss,-"Ah!" "their language is... her tongue ah!" -It trembled and clenched eyes to feel strongly as Morinaga caressed her lower lip with her tongue and then penetrated into his mouth, causing soft sighs-"feel a tickling sensation in my stomach"-cling to your neck with force uniting more their torsos sitting on the sofa-"this feels so good ah! Mori... "-between sighs, she felt his tongue move to the beat of the Morinaga, stroking it slowly, without haste, he had learned to kiss thanks to him, so he was now more effusive with kisses."
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Morinaga-kun looked at me and smiled, I apologized for having witnessed this, but they were at the door of my office and then I had to go heh heh heh; you make a comment about relationships and formed part of life, and I had noticed how popular this guy was, and asked him who always refused to young people explained that Souichi teacher. 'And what will he said - Souichi asked curiously. Ah! he told me they were very nice and good feelings, but he was not interested in them, I confessed he was gay too timidly and said I was in love with a young man at that time, looked at me with frightened eyes, because a of its qualities is that it is very honest, I was surprised not deny it, but I'm an old open-minded and he he he told him not to worry, that everything was fine, just please tell much-term will take care of with a smile. Souichi felt his heart pounding as he was the youngest of whom Morinaga had fallen in those days, when he still does not accept it and treated him cruelly and he now after six years of treating matched his feelings strongly felt quiet to hear the teacher had treated him with kindness, because he knew last Morinaga hard, how cruel had been his parents and older brother to discover their preferences. I see ... so you knows-she whispered to the master. If Tatsumi-kun I know, that's why I wanted to know if he had managed to formalize their relationship with that boy and live in the moment with him cried quietly. Ah! well uh, I ... -. not know that answer, he was very nervous If indeed live with someone right now, I hope this does not affect making the decision that he has to go to Canada to work, love child is a very powerful feeling that makes decisions taken apresuradas- said the teacher Souichi sighing. -yâ see- lowered his gaze. Do not worry Tatsumi-kun though ... -. I intend to continue, however Souichi will advance I regret not to answer but it should ask directly Morinaga, I can not talk about her private life with anyone, not even you, excuse me please- bowed to his teacher. Excuse me Tatsumi-kun is that you are the closest to him and wanted to know the status of Morinaga-kun order to put to the news with more tact, I'm sorry I got you into this situation-closing his eyes apologized, Professor. Well I will meet later this week with him to pose the issue, just hope he thinks things through, Tatsumi-kun thanks for your time, I have to finish some outstanding and parce que ... You were busy with permission-bye Professor quietly. Back in the lab ... 'I Never thought Fukushima the teacher would ask me and said that- Souichi of playing a pen with one hand, staring turn quickly while the other held her face leaning on his desk 'So Morinaga, is so good that you offer River contract in Canada, subtly, it seems everyone has realized the skills you possess, not for nothing had worked so long with him, always doing his best, but sometimes was exceeded in its working methods, the boy showed their potential cheerfully, knew it was a good student by comments from teachers, was recognized with a good worker for the pharmaceutical, his personality was always kind and sweet for that reason had many friends who cared about him and his person Morinaga showed that the other side would never see his devotion to love and care were so extreme that I just remember to shake. I never imagined that Morinaga will have to go that far Souichi whispered slowly, he was psyched to stop seeing Morinaga in college, but still when he left, he lived with would return from their trips to Hamamatsu with a smile, telling the underage of their activities, their days off and vacations together and would be happy to be with him that way. "Morinaga will have a permanent contract in Canada ..." But now everything had taken an unexpected turn, that simple news had changed absolutely everything, causing a sea of emotions in your mind, body and heart. He does not will will live with me if you go to Canada ... I do not see as often as I do now ... it will not be on their days off or vacations with me ... - these cruel thoughts invaded his mind, making him feel deeply sad'll be alone ... - concluded low voice. I was feeling so bad that a lump in my throat was formed and her eyes began to crystallize immediately, he lowered his face and then felt the warmth of a tear down her cheek, raised her face and this play with his hand, was shocked by what happened to him What the hell's wrong with me, why I'm crying curse ... - he was said with an annoyed voice, while wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his robe 'I'm going home - I stood up and gathered his things and left there, did not want to be alone. While traveling in the train car, he was quieter as there were many people around, so he could soothe his feelings, because disliked expressing emotions to others, thus became strong - "I calm down, curse, there is still time for that to happen" - it was said also, although I knew it was a painful feeling he decided to hide all its forces. I walk slowly toward the department, breathing deeply, he had to pretend to be the same as always, for as soon Morinaga cross that door and saw him, observe him and read their expressions perfectly safe -of the idiot ask "What Souichi you think? "-. same and said 'Do not wanna talk about this, besides the still does not know ... and I'm not the one who should be repeated decírselo- coming to the door with a face of seriousness reassure his heart, his sack keys and opened the door as always expressing his usual greeting I'm home -. His eyes lit up at the sight in front of the most special person to greet him with that warm smile Welcome home - I look at it as always, took off his shoes, he left his backpack in the hall and passed walking towards the room. -Souichi How was your day? ... to me it was very good ... I know deliver the project on time, and for now just need to submit my final exams and of course start with the work that sent me ... .- Morinaga Hamamatsu talking very cheerful and carefully saw sitting in the chair, then he began to feel the need to record each of its expressions and gestures that by speaking. Morinaga excited as always continued recounting his activities of the day, but something caught his attention suddenly Souichi usually it shut loudly when he spoke too knew that Souichi was exasperated with the usual conversations and when came tired, but this time was different, he had paid much attention, watch those quiet golden orbs that had a singular brightness and not hear complaints, that question was present in his mind - "What's wrong Souichi" - I kept quiet and he sat next to him, I watch with a concerned expression, which Souichi knew well and taking his cheek with her warm hand expressed -Souichi ... - Souichi reacted was acting weird, she realized that and Morinaga noticed it too - "Curse" - I mentally scolded - "rays, he already realized." - Morinaga thought looking so close to him, about to ask a question ... What is it you Soui mm- Morinaga could not finish asking Souichi subject because his face with cold hands and kissed nerves, silence your question with a subtle kiss that Morinaga replied calmly, which later became -mmm Mori- deep sigh Souichi, how could you know so well Morinaga However I try to make that longer kiss to avoid answering that question. Morinaga also -Souichi mm- sighed. His heart pounded as his lips caressed and moved on Morinaga - "are soft, very soft," - he thought he felt the softness and warmth of that kiss for the first time - "... never before pay attention to this "- reflected, as her hands placed on the shoulders of Morinaga and felt as he hugged drawing him closer, stroking his back gently, she felt a chill when Morinaga increase the intensity of that kiss, -" Ah his tongue is ... his tongue ah! "- shook and squeezed his eyes as he felt Morinaga stroked his lower lip with his tongue and then jutted into his mouth, causing soft sighs -" I feel a tingling in my stomach "- I clung to his neck tightly joining but their torsos sitting on the couch -" this feels so good ah Mori ... "- sighs, he felt his tongue move to the beat of Morinaga, stroking slowly, haste, he had learned to kiss thanks to him, so he was now more effusive with kisses.
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