Por primera vez en toda mi vida me había tragado mi orgullo, todo por  dịch - Por primera vez en toda mi vida me había tragado mi orgullo, todo por  Anh làm thế nào để nói

Por primera vez en toda mi vida me

Por primera vez en toda mi vida me había tragado mi orgullo, todo por él. Escuchaba sus palabras tan distantes, sin creer las cosas que decía, ahora le molestaba que lo llamara sin honorífico, como era posible, una persona tan amigable que nunca se molestó por cosas así.

Tal como me dijo, fácilmente encontré un lugar para vivir al costado de la universidad, se ajustaba a mi presupuesto, lo malo de todo esto, eran las cosas domésticas como cocinar, que no tengo idea como se hacen.

Una vez que deje mis maletas en el apartamento, nos fuimos a la universidad, pues seguro ya nos esperaba Kotaro-sensei, sin embargo para mi asombro, una joven de cabello corto y negro, menudita, con un vestido rosa abrazó a Morinaga por la espalda.

-Tetsu mi amor ¿Cómo estás?-

-Excelente Chizu-chan, te presento a mi colega Tatsumi Souichi, viene desde Nagoya para ver nuestro trabajo y colaborar en la investigación-

-Mucho gusto, Kaneki Chizuru-

-Tetsu te quería avisar que no podré venir a buscarte el viernes, porque saldré con unos compañeros el fin de semana a Tokyo, para ir a varias entrevistas de trabajo-

-Pero Chizu-chan, no dijiste que solo era una posibilidad, que voy a hacer con mi carrera aquí, ya me habían ofrecido la maestría-

-Vamos cariño, esto solo adelanta los planes, además también puedes estudiar allá-

-Pero Chizu…-

-Ningún pero, hablamos cuando regrese, nos vemos Tetsu, te quiero-

Vimos salir casi corriendo a Chizuru, antes de que Morinaga le pudiera reclamar nada. Sentí un dolor extraño en mi pecho, esa mujer era su prometida, lo trataba como su mascota, e incluso se lo quiere llevar a Tokyo, esa mujer es más tirana que yo.

-Ella es mi linda prometida de la que te hable-

-Ya lo note…-

-No siempre es así, la mayoría de las veces es muy cariñosa-

-¿Desde cuándo la conoces?-

-Desde que estaba en la escuela elemental, sus padres se mudaron al pueblo a unas casas de donde vivo, mis padres y sus padres se volvieron grandes amigos, los fines de semana hacían fiestas y nosotros acabábamos jugando en el bosque mientras ellos platicaban cosas aburridas de adultos, ella se hizo mi única amiga, luego al crecer dejamos de frecuentarnos, exceptuando en las fiestas. Un día nuestros padres nos preguntaron que si nos gustábamos debíamos hacernos novios, así que tuvimos citas un par de veces y finalmente le pedí que fuera mi novia. Salimos por varios años hasta que nuestros padres nos sugirieron comprometernos, pues ella ya tenía casi terminada su carrera en derecho penal, y yo ya estoy a medio año de terminar también, así que nos pareció correcto avanzar al siguiente paso. Ella es una linda persona muy cariñosa, siempre me ha escuchado, me gusta su compañía y tenemos los mismos gustos en música películas, teatro. Es bastante divertido salir con ella-

Morinaga ya era feliz, yo solo había venido a importunar, cómo era posible mi egoísmo, no debía separar a tan buena pareja, sentí muchas ganas de regresar corriendo a Nagoya, pero necesitaba quitarme a Morinaga de la cabeza, así que debía saber más de él y su novia para terminar de romper la fantasía que mi estúpida mente había creado sobre nosotros en un mundo alterno. Otra cosa que comenzó a preocuparme era la comida, no tenía ni idea de cómo preparar algún platillo de lo que fuera, ¿Qué demonios iba yo a hacer?

-Morinaga...kun, podrías enseñarme a cocinar es que nunca lo he hecho, por lo que vi hoy, tú lo haces bastante bien, ¿podrías ayudarme?-

-Claro Tatsumi-san en cuanto salgamos te acompaño por víveres y te enseñare las cosas más básicas-

Esa misma noche cuando Morinaga se retiró después de mi primera lección de cocina, la fastidiosa de Hikari me llamó a mi celular.

-¿Cómo van las cosas Sou-kun?-

-Todo está bien-

-¿Ahora qué paso? Ya dime…mmm déjame adivinar ¿es algo respecto a su novia?-

-¿Cómo demonios lo sabes?-

-Simple, es el único impedimento real que encuentro sobre ustedes. Bueno dime que paso-

-Nada en especial, ella estudia derecho y se llevará a Morinaga a Tokio, además él si la ama, no sé porque soy tan idiota de seguir aquí todavía, debería regresar contigo a Nagoya-

-Haber dime desde el principio, ¿Él dijo que la ama?-

-Algo así-

-Explícate, ahhh (suspiro), siempre es igual contigo, cuéntame porque dices eso, pero desde el principio-

-Son viejos amigos de la infancia gracias a sus padres, que se reunían frecuentemente, un día les sugirieron salir, lo hicieron y descubrieron sus gustos iguales en muchos aspectos, por eso son felices juntos-

-¿Gustos iguales? Mmmm ¿cómo en qué?-

-A mí qué demonios me importa eso, no me acuerdo-

-Bueno Sou-kun, gustos iguales entre mujeres y hombres no significan amor, sobre todo si Morinaga es gay, seguro serán gustos musicales, en espectáculos y cosas femeninas o sobre moda, colores, decoración, ¿algo así era?-

-Creo que sí…-

-Por lo que dices seguro ellos nunca se han acostado, o muy pocas veces, un hombre gay le debe ser bastante difícil hacerlo con una chica, deberías indagar sobre eso, tu que tanto dices ser heterosexual debes tener experiencia en eso, ¿o no? Nunca me has contado eso…-

-Esas son cosas privadas Hikari no te metas donde no te llaman-

Me tranquilizaba sobremanera eso que me había dicho Hikari, ahora más que nunca quería investigar la vida de Morinaga, para saber si realmente estaba enamorado de esa mujer o no.

Los días pasaban y todo parecía tan normal, llegar al laboratorio encontrarme con él, trabajar en experimentos, regresar juntos a mis lecciones privadas de cocina, que fueron bastante difíciles. Morinaga fue realmente paciente para enseñarme, desde picar las verduras hasta el punto de cocción de todos los alimentos.

El viernes por la noche tuve el valor de invitarlo a beber, con el pretexto de que su novia había salido a Tokio y fuimos a un bar lejos de la ciudad, pues no deseaba que sus padres se enteraran que estaba bebiendo, siempre le pareció algo malo que lo vieran llegar borracho a su casa, porque sus padres persistentemente le dijeron que eso era de muy mal gusto, según casi no lo hacía, las pocas veces que lo llegó a hacer, se quedaba en casa de un amigo para no llegar con aliento alcohólico a casa de sus padres. Además de que su novia tampoco le gustaba eso de que saliera a beber, puesto que le podría pasar algo. Me parecía la cosa más ridícula, el Morinaga que conozco bebía cada que le placía hacerlo, sin remordimientos, ni payasadas por el estilo, pero en fin…

Con algunas copas encima sentía muchas ganas de tocarlo, besarlo y llegar a mi habitación con él para… ¿Qué rayos estoy pensando? Veo sus hermosos ojos verdes y me pierdo en ellos, pero que estupideces homo salen de mi cabeza con el alcohol. Estábamos bebiendo cada vez más, hasta que de mi boca salió una pregunta.

-¿Tú amas a Chizuru?-

-Yo… creo que sí, no sabría explicar si esto es amor, pero esa una buena amiga, me comprende nos llevamos bien-

-¿Te gusta?-

-Sí, ella es linda-

-¿Qué te gusta de ella?

-Pues es lista, buena en los negocios, práctica… entre otras cualidades-

La manera tan fría de describir a su novia me demostró que no la amaba, hasta yo podía darme cuenta que no era amor lo que él sentía, después de beber más copas nos fuimos juntos en un taxi a mi apartamento. Así que al llegar bajamos con gran esfuerzo e ingresamos. Al entrar no pudimos evitar mirarnos a los ojos desatando la pasión que conteníamos en nuestros cuerpos, los besos sonaban por todo el departamento -mmmmmnnn- Sentía su cuerpo empujando al mío sobre la pared, sus manos temblorosas tocaban mi pecho, las mías sujetaban su espalda. Nos separamos un poco, me quitó la camisa, luego con un sonrojo en su rostro toco mi miembro sobre mi pantalón, estaba tan duro que di un pequeño gemido –ahhhh- Eso lo prendió aún más y comenzó a devorar mi boca, entre besos logramos llegar a mi cama, desafortunadamente una vez ahí, Morinaga se desmayó por lo alcoholizado que estaba, yo me quede tan excitado que fui al baño a masturbarme, pues seguramente no lograría dormir con tremenda erección. Luego regrese a la cama y me dormí junto a él, por primera vez, sentí tantas ganas de despertar con él por la mañana abrazados, como ocurría al tener sexo. No sabía que lo necesitaba tanto hasta que me hizo esas caricias a medias, sin decirme que me amaba. Extrañaba tanto a mi Morinaga…

A la tarde siguiente, al despertar ya no estaba Morinaga en mi departamento, así que fui a buscarlo a su casa, con el pretexto de la escuela, pero realmente deseaba saber que pasaba por su cabeza.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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For the first time in all my life had swallowed me my pride, all for him. I listened to his words so far, without believing the things he said, now it bothered her to call him without honorific, as was possible, a person so friendly that it never bothered by things as well.As I said, I easily found a place to live on the side of the University, it fit my budget, the downside of all this, they were household like cooking things, I have no idea how they are made.Once you leave my luggage in the apartment, we went to College, so safe already expected us Kotaro-sensei, however to my surprise, a young woman of black and short hair, Petite, with a pink dress he embraced Morinaga in the back.-Tetsu my love how are you?--Excellent Chizu-chan, I present my colleague Tatsumi Souichi, comes from Nagoya to see our work and collaborate on research --Happy, Kaneki Chizuru--Tetsu wanted to warn whenever there are that I can not come to get you on Friday, because I will go out with some friends the weekend to Tokyo, to several interviews of work-- But Chizu-chan, didn't you say that it was only a possibility, I'm going to make my career here, had already offered me the master--Will love, this only advances the plans, in addition also can study there--- But Chizu...--No, but when he returns, we see Tetsu, I love you -We saw almost rush and Chizuru, until Morinaga could claim anything. I felt a pain in my chest, that woman was his fiancée, treated him as its mascot, and even you want it is to Tokyo, that woman is more tirana I.-She is my promised linda of which you speak--Already note it...--It is not always the case, most of the time is very affectionate--From when you know it?--Since I was in elementary school, his parents moved to the town houses where I live, my parents and their parents became great friends, weekends were holidays and us just playing in the forest while they talked of adult boring things, she became my only friend, then growing up we cease to haunt us, with the exception of parties. One day our parents asked us if we liked should make us boyfriends, so we had appointments a couple of times and I finally asked him to be my girlfriend. We left for several years until our parents suggested us to commit ourselves, as she already had nearly finished his career in criminal law, and I'm already half a year's end also, so it seemed right to advance to the next step. She is a nice person, very affectionate, has always listened to me, I like your company and we have the same taste in music, movies, theater. It's pretty fun to go out with her-Morinaga was already happy, I had only come to bother, how could my selfishness, not should be separating so good couple, I felt eager to return to Nagoya, but I needed to take me to Morinaga's head, so he should know more than he and his girlfriend finally break the fantasy that my stupid mind had created about us in an alternate world. Another thing that began to worry me was the food, had no idea of how to prepare a dish of what was, what the hell was I to do?-Morinaga... kun, could you teach me to cook it is that I've never done it, by what I saw today, you do it very well, could you help me?--Clear Tatsumi-san as let's you accompanied by food, and teach you the most basic things-That same night when Morinaga withdrew after my first cooking lesson, the fastidious Hikari called me at my cell phone.-How are things Sou-kun?--All is well--Now what happened? I say... mmm let me guess is something about his girlfriend?--How do demons know you?--Simple, is the only real impediment that I find on you. Well tell me what happened--Nothing in particular, she studies law and will take Morinaga to Tokyo, in addition it if you love it, don't know why I am so idiot on here yet, should return with you to Nagoya --Have tell me from the start, he said that he loves it?--Something like--Explain, (sigh) ahhh, is always the same with you, tell me because you say that, but from the beginning --Are old friends from childhood thanks to his parents, who met frequently, one day suggested they leave, did and discovered the same tastes in many respects, why are happy together --Do the same tastes? Mmmm how in what?--To me what the hell I care, I do not remember --Good Sou-kun, same tastes between men and women does not mean love, above all if Morinaga is gay, safe will be likes musicals, shows and things feminine or about fashion, colors, decoration, something was?--I think Yes...--By what you say sure they never will have lying, or rarely, a man gay must be quite hard to do with a girl, you should inquire about that, your you both say to be heterosexual must have experience in that, or not? I've never told that...--These are private things Hikari don't mess where you do not call -You were understandably reassured me greatly that had told me Hikari, now more than ever I wanted to investigate the life of Morinaga, to know if he was really in love with this woman or not.The days passed and everything seemed so normal, reach the laboratory found me with it, work on experiments, back together to my private cooking lessons that were quite difficult. Morinaga was really patient to teach me from chopping vegetables to the point of cooking all the food.The Friday night had the value of invite you to drink, on the pretext that his girlfriend had gone out to Tokyo and we went to a bar away from the city, because he did not want his parents to know is that he was drinking, he always felt something bad that they saw him get drunk to his house because his parents persistently told him that it was very bad taste as almost didn't, the few times he did it, he stayed at a friend's House to not come up with breath alcohol to her parent's House. In addition to his girlfriend also liked that that go out to drink, since it could happen something. I thought it was the most ridiculous thing, each of which drank the Morinaga I know wanted you to do it, without remorse, or antics like that, but anyway...With some Cup over I felt eager to touch him, kiss him and reach my room with him... for Ray what am I thinking? I see her beautiful green eyes and I lose myself in them, but that stupid homo out of my head with alcohol. We were drinking more and more, until my mouth went out a question.-Do you love Chizuru?--I... believe that Yes, I could not explain if this is love, but that one good friend, I understand we get along well --Do you like?--Yes, she is cute--Do you like it?-As it is it list, good business, practical... among other qualities-La manera tan fría de describir a su novia me demostró que no la amaba, hasta yo podía darme cuenta que no era amor lo que él sentía, después de beber más copas nos fuimos juntos en un taxi a mi apartamento. Así que al llegar bajamos con gran esfuerzo e ingresamos. Al entrar no pudimos evitar mirarnos a los ojos desatando la pasión que conteníamos en nuestros cuerpos, los besos sonaban por todo el departamento -mmmmmnnn- Sentía su cuerpo empujando al mío sobre la pared, sus manos temblorosas tocaban mi pecho, las mías sujetaban su espalda. Nos separamos un poco, me quitó la camisa, luego con un sonrojo en su rostro toco mi miembro sobre mi pantalón, estaba tan duro que di un pequeño gemido –ahhhh- Eso lo prendió aún más y comenzó a devorar mi boca, entre besos logramos llegar a mi cama, desafortunadamente una vez ahí, Morinaga se desmayó por lo alcoholizado que estaba, yo me quede tan excitado que fui al baño a masturbarme, pues seguramente no lograría dormir con tremenda erección. Luego regrese a la cama y me dormí junto a él, por primera vez, sentí tantas ganas de despertar con él por la mañana abrazados, como ocurría al tener sexo. No sabía que lo necesitaba tanto hasta que me hizo esas caricias a medias, sin decirme que me amaba. Extrañaba tanto a mi Morinaga…A la tarde siguiente, al despertar ya no estaba Morinaga en mi departamento, así que fui a buscarlo a su casa, con el pretexto de la escuela, pero realmente deseaba saber que pasaba por su cabeza.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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For the first time in my life I had swallowed my pride, all for him. Listening to his words so far, not believing the things spoken, now bothered to call him without honorific as possible, such a friendly person that stuff never bothered. As I said, easily found a place to live at It cost the university, fit my budget, the bad of it all, were domestic things like cooking, I have no idea how they are made. Once you leave my bags in the apartment, we went to college, for sure and we expect Kotaro-sensei, but to my amazement, a young woman with short black hair, petite, wearing a pink dress Morinaga hugged from behind. -Tetsu my love, how are you - Excellent Chizu-chan, you This is my colleague Souichi Tatsumi, comes from Nagoya to see our work and collaborate on research- Much like, Kaneki Chizuru- -Tetsu wanted to warn you that I can not come for Friday, go out with some friends for the weekend Tokyo, to go to several interviews work- But Chizu-chan, did not you say that was only a possibility, which I do with my career here, and I was offered the maestría- Come on honey, this one plans ahead besides you can also study there- But ... Chizu - -No but talk when I get back, I'll see Tetsu, you want- saw Chizuru almost running out before he could claim nothing Morinaga. I felt a strange pain in my chest, that woman was his fiancee, treated him as a pet, and even what Tokyo wants to bring that woman is more tyrannical than me. She is my beautiful fiancee that you hable- - and noticing ... - 'It's not always the case, most of the time is very affectionately Since when do you know her? - Since I was in elementary school, her parents moved to town a few houses from where I live, my parents and their parents became great friends, weekends and holidays we had just made ​​playing in the woods while they talked boring adult things, she was my only friend, then we stop growing haunt, except at parties. One day our parents asked us if we liked each other we had boyfriends us, so we were dating a few times and finally asked her to be my girlfriend. We dated for several years until our parents suggested we engage, as she already had almost finished his career in criminal law, and I am already half a year to finish well, so we felt right to advance to the next step. She is a cute very loving person, has always listened to me, I like your company and have the same tastes in music films, theater. It is quite fun to go out with her ​​Morinaga and I was happy, I had just come to importune, how could my selfishness, was not to separate such a good match, I felt really wanted to run back to Nagoya, but needed to get to Morinaga head so we should know more about him and his girlfriend to finish breaking the fantasy that my stupid mind had created about us in an alternate world. Another thing that began to worry me was the food, I had no idea how to prepare a dish of what was, what the hell would I do? -Morinaga ... kun, could teach me to cook is that I have never done, from what I saw today, you do pretty well, can you help me? - Of course Tatsumi-san as soon as I get out I'll walk for food and teach you more things básicas- That night when Morinaga quit after my first lesson kitchen, fastidious Hikari called me on my cell phone. How are things Sou-kun - Everything's welfare Now what happened? Now tell me ... mmm let me guess is it something about his girlfriend - How the hell do you know -? -Simple, is the only real impediment to meeting you. Well tell me Paso Nothing special, she studied law and will be Morinaga Tokyo also loves it when I do not know because I'm such an idiot to go here yet, you should return to Nagoya- Haber tell me from the beginning , Did he say he loves - Something ASI- Explain yourself, ahhh (sigh), is always the same with you, tell me that you say that, but from the start They're old friends from childhood by their parents, who are They met frequently suggested one day they leave, they did and found their tastes in many ways the same, so they are happy together- -¿Gustos same? Mmmm how how - -A me what the hell I care about that, I do not agree- Sou-kun Well, the same tastes between women and men do not mean love, especially if Morinaga is gay, be sure musical tastes, Entertainment and feminine things or fashion, colors, decoration, it was something like that - I think so ... - 'From what you say sure they never have slept, or rarely, a gay man should I be pretty hard to do with a girl, you should inquire about it, you who both claim to be heterosexual must have experience in that, right? You never told me that ... - Hikari Those are private things where you do not get called-not that I am greatly reassured that Hikari had told me, now more than ever wanted to research the life of Morinaga, to know if he was really in love with that woman or not. The days passed and everything seemed so normal reach the laboratory meet him, work on experiments, back together to my private cooking lessons, which were quite difficult. Morinaga was really patient to teach me, from chopping vegetables to the doneness of all foods. On Friday night I had the courage to invite him to drink, claiming that his girlfriend had left Tokyo and went to a bar away from the city, not wanting her parents found out I was drinking, I always thought something bad to see him get drunk at home because their parents consistently told that it was in bad taste, as most did not , the few times I got him to do, he stayed at a friend's house rather than arrive with alcoholic breath to her parents' house. Besides his girlfriend also he liked that it went to drink, because something could happen. It seemed the most ridiculous thing, the Morinaga I know drank each he pleased to do it, no regrets, no antics like that, but anyway ... With some glasses above was eager to touch him, kiss him and get to my room with him ... What the hell am I thinking? I see his beautiful green eyes and lose myself in them, but homo crap out of my head with alcohol. We were drinking more and more, until my mouth has a question. Does your love Chizuru - I ... I think so, I can not explain if this is love, but that a good friend, I understand we get welfare You like - Yes, it is Linda ? What do you like about it is ready Well, good in business, among other qualities-practice ... The so cold way to describe his girlfriend showed me not He loved her, even I could tell it was not love what he felt, after drinking more drinks we went together in a taxi to my apartment. So when you get down with great effort and enter. Entering could not help but look at each other unleashing the passion that we held in our bodies, kisses sounded throughout the department -mmmmmnnn- felt his body pushing me against the wall, his trembling hands touched my breast, mine were holding her back . We parted a bit, I took off his shirt, then with a blush on his face I touch my cock over my pants, I was so hard it gave a little groan -ahhhh- That ignited further and began to devour my mouth between kisses we come to my bed, unfortunately once there, Morinaga fainted so I was drunk, I was so excited I went to the bathroom to masturbate, because surely not achieve sleep with tremendous erection. Then go back to bed and slept with him for the first time, I felt so eager to wake up in the morning he embraced, as occurred when having sex. I did not know I needed until I did both those caresses half, without telling me he loved me. I missed both my Morinaga ... The next afternoon, waking Morinaga was no longer in my apartment, so I went to look at his house on the pretext of school, but I really wanted to know was going through his head.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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For the first time in my whole life, I swallowed My Pride, everything for him. He listened to his words so far, but believe the things He said, now I bother you to Call without honorific, as was possible, a person so friendly that never bothered by things like that. As I said, easily found A place to live on the side of the University, with my budgetWith all this, things were at home cooking, I have no idea how to do. Once you leave my luggage in the apartment, we went to University, as was already sure Kotaro Sensei, however, to my astonishment, a Young Black and Short Hair, petite, with a Pink Dress hugged by Morinaga back

Tetsu My Love. - how are you? -
- excellent Chizu Chan,I'd like you to meet my colleague Souichi Tatsumi, comes from Nagoya to see our work and collaborate in Research - - Happy


- Chizuru, kaneki Tetsu wanted to tell you that you can't come on Friday because I'm going out with some friends on the weekend to go to Tokyo, several Interviews Work -

but Chizu Chan, said that not only was a possibility,What am I going to do with my Career here, I had been offered the Master -

- Come Honey, this only makes the plans, moreover also can Study There -

but Chizu... - No, but when we returned, we

Tetsu, I saw almost running out Morinaga to Chizuru, before they could claim nothing. I felt a Strange pain in my chest, that woman was his fiancee,Treated him as her PET, and even wants to take him to Tokyo, that woman is more Tirana I.

- she is my beautiful promised to tell you - - I note


- is not always the case, most times it's very affectionate -

- Since when do you know Her?

- - since I was in Elementary School, his parents moved to a house where people live
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