-Que yo no quiero que estés aquí- hablé un poquito más fuerte –QUE YO  dịch - -Que yo no quiero que estés aquí- hablé un poquito más fuerte –QUE YO  Anh làm thế nào để nói

-Que yo no quiero que estés aquí- h

-Que yo no quiero que estés aquí- hablé un poquito más fuerte –QUE YO NO QUIERO QUE ESTÉS AQUÍ... VETE... LÁRGATE... QUE TE LARGUES- me frustré.

Jamás pensé que podría reaccionar así, tan solo lo hice, es como si expulsara en gritos y palabras toda la mierda y el dolor que sentía por dentro; aquel dolor que sentía hace 1 año... había regresado. Recordé muchas cosas... se me vinieron a la mente varias imágenes... ver a Sempai besuqueándose con Yuki cuando había llegado de Hamatsu... las palabras de Sempai al confesarme que Yuki era su prometida... ver a Yuki como besaba a Sempai cuando le daba la gana... y sobretodo... ver y escuchar a Sempai decir: "SÍ ACEPTO" en el altar...


También me molestaba las mentiras de Sempai... "¿Hiroto se inventó lo de la Luna de Miel?"; "¿Taiga impidió que me viera con Sempai hace un año en la Farmacéutica?"... ¡PERO QUE EXCUSAS TAN ESTÚPIDAS! MIS AMIGOS NUNCA ME HARÍAN ESO... SEMPAI ES UN MENTIROSO; pero de algún modo... empezaba a dudar y a preguntarme: Cómo sería posible que él se invente algo así... Sempai no es así... pero... si fue capaz de casarse con Yuki... ES CAPAZ DE TODO.

Mientras le gritaba a Sempai que se largara de mi casa... me tapé fuertemente los oídos, cerré los ojos y mis lágrimas comenzaron a caer. Mi cuerpo se puso débil y perdí el equilibrio...

-CUIDADO, MORINAGA- Sempai me sostuvo.

-NO ME TOQUES- me solté bruscamente dando dos pasos atrás.

Sempai se había quedado sorprendido... totalmente sin saber qué hacer ni qué decirme por mi reacción; pero era más que obvio que él NO SE IRÍA. Estaba seguro que algo importante tendrá que decirme... por algo llegó tan lejos como para viajar hasta aquí.

Hubo un momento de silencio en donde solo se escucharon nuestras respiraciones; sobretodo la mía que estaba muy profunda; pero Sempai decidió acabar con ese silencio...

-Sé que me odias en este momento, pero tan solo quiero que... me escuches, por favor-

-Jamás podría odiarte, Sempai- me calmé y me limpié las lágrimas -¿A qué... viniste?-

-Bueno pues... no sé por dónde empezar... jeje- se notó bastante tímido.

-Que... ¿viniste a contarme tus PROBLEMAS con Yuki?-

-Por favor, Morinaga... no estés a la defensiva... es que... es complicado para mí hablarte de esto...-


-Pues... que yo... que... yo...- se ponía cada vez más nervioso –Que... yo... estuve pensando cosas... en todo el año pasado... y... pues...- su sonrojo llenaba sus mejillas –Yo... me... me arrepentí de haberme casado con Yuki-


-¡No, baka! Eso ya lo sabía- su respiración comenzó a acelerarse –Yo me arrepentí por otra razón... mira, Morinaga, yo... te extrañé mucho todo este año que acaba de pasar...-


-Lo que quiero decir es que... me di cuenta de que... tengo... tengo... tengo otro sentimiento respecto a ti... tal vez... tal vez... yo siento algo más que amistad por... ti... Morinaga- le costó mucho decirlo.

-Puede ser que estés confundido- me puse serio –Lo que tú sientes es pena por mí y eso ya me lo dejaste en claro en Nagoya-


-¿Sino qué?- insistí y Sempai se quedó mudo –¿Qué cosa es lo que dices sentir por mí?-

-Yo... yo...-


-NO LO SÉ- se sintió presionado –Exactamente no sé... solo sé que es algo que... quiero... quiero saberlo... quiero descubrir que es esto que siento respecto a ti...- se golpeó el pecho.

-¿Descubrir? ¿O sea que piensas experimentar conmigo? ¿Y si no resulta como creíste... nuevamente me botarás de tu vida? ¿Ese es tu horrible plan?-



-No voy a hacerte daño, tan solo quiero... descubrir esto que siento-

-Mira... si no estás seguro de tus sentimientos... por favor... sal de aquí y no vuelvas-


-No, Sempai...- lo paré –Tú y yo nunca fuimos amigos. Con todo lo que hemos hecho en el pasado... a nuestra relación no se le puede llamar solo "amistad" y menos aún cuando sabes perfectamente lo que siento por ti-

-"¿Siento?"- cuestionó Sempai –Lo dijiste en presente... es decir que tú aún... me...-

-SÍ, SEMPAI... AÚN TE AMO... ¿sí? ¿Eso querías oír?-

-Pero... ha pasado tanto tiempo y por un momento creí que...-

-Aprendí a no pensar en ti... pero no aprendí a olvidarte- le revelé con mucha seguridad, cosa que Sempai se quedó mudo de la impresión –Y si no me vas a corresponder... por favor... vete antes de que me haga ilusiones estúpidas-

La discusión ya se estaba tornando algo humillante para mí. Siempre era lo mismo... yo me tenía que humillar diciéndole a Sempai que lo amo... y él recordándome que nunca me va a corresponder... bueno aunque no me lo diga literalmente... sus indirectas son suficientemente hirientes. No nos dimos cuenta de los gritos que pegamos hasta que hubo entre los dos otro silencio; el cual a los 10 segundos fue interrumpido por alguien que estaba en la puerta de mi hogar...

-Bravo... bravo... qué linda conversación...- Taiga aplaudía lentamente y se burlaba –Enserio... muy interesante... escuché TODO desde mi habitación. Aquí las paredes son delgadas-

-¿Qué haces, Taiga? Te dije que quería hablar con Sempai-

-Sí, mocosa... tú solamente causas problemas- Sempai se metió para molestarla.

-Lo siento, Mori... pero no quiero que te sigas humillando ante... ESTE TIPO- dijo con asco –Y para que lo sepas, SOUICHI- se burló del nombre de Sempai –Yo no causo problemas... TÚ ERES EL QUE CAUSA PROBLEMAS VINIENDO A HAMATSU COMO SI NADA A IRRUMPIR LA PAZ DE MORINAGA-

-Tú vienes a interrumpir nuestra conversación- defendió Sempai.

-¡Ja! Lo siento, galán, el deber llama- se cruzó de brazos –Así que tendré que llevarme a Mori un momento- sonrió victoriosa.

-¿Qué pasó?- pregunté pues no entendía lo que Taiga decía.

-¿No recuerdas, baka? Tenemos que revisar esa presentación que tenemos con nuestro superior-

-Cierto... no ha venido-

-Me llamó al celular y me dijo que nos quiere ver en su habitación- nuestro superior también vivía en los condominios –En este momento-

-¿Ahora?- miré mi reloj –Ay por dios... ya casi son las 10pm... es tardísimo-

-¿Nos vamos ya?-

-Eh... por favor... anda yendo... yo te alcanzo- hable con timidez.

Al menos Taiga comprendió que quería decirle algo más a Sempai en privado, por eso ella se adelantó dejando la puerta de la entrada abierta. Sempai y yo nos quedamos mirándonos a los ojos...

-Lo siento, Sempai... es mejor que te vayas- lo sostuve de los hombros para empujarlo lentamente hacia la puerta.

-¡No, baka! Aún... aún... no te he dicho cosas que son importantes para mí- se aferró a mis hombros y hundió la cabeza en mi pecho.

-...- suspiré –La verdad no sé a qué hora regresaré... tal vez mi superior me haga quedarme un par de horas con él... así que no lo sé-

-No me importa... yo puedo esperar- se veía decidido.

-De acuerdo... si quieres esperar... es tu problema. Yo de todas maneras voy a demorar-

-Gracias, Morinaga- Sempai estuvo algo sumiso.
Từ: -
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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-Which I do not want you to be here - I talked a little bit stronger - that I do not want that ESTÉS here... Go away... GET OUT... QUE TE LARGUES - I hijacked.I never thought that it could react, I did just that, it is as if to expel in shouts and words all the shit and the pain that was inside; 1 year ago... that pain that felt had returned. I remembered many things... various images came me to mind... see Sempai besuqueando with Yuki when had come from Hamatsu... the words of Sempai to confess that Yuki was his fiancee... see Yuki as kissed Sempai when it gave him the win... and above all... see and hear Sempai saying: 'If I accept' at the altar...Pain... pain... pain... THAT IS WHAT I FEEL... PAIN... DAMN WHY IS... IS ASSUMED THAT HAD ALREADY PASSED... AND NOW... I HURTS... THIS HURTS... WHY... SEMPAI TAPEWORM TO COME... YET AS I UNDERSTAND...Also the Sempai lies bother me... "Hiroto was invented about the honeymoon?"; "Do taiga prevented that I saw with Sempai a year ago in the pharmaceutical?" ... BUT THAT SO STUPID EXCUSES! MY FRIENDS WOULD NEVER MAKE ME ON THAT... SEMPAI IS A LIAR; but somehow... started to doubt and to wonder: how would be possible that he invents is something as well... Sempai isn't... but... If he was able to marry Yuki... IT IS CAPABLE OF EVERYTHING.While she screamed to Sempai I leave my house... I keep strongly capped by the ears, closed my eyes and my tears began to fall. My body was weak and I lost my balance...-CARE, MORINAGA - Sempai held me.-NO ME TOQUES - me let go abruptly taking two steps back.Sempai was left surprised... totally not knowing what to do or what to tell me why my reaction; but it was more than obvious that it is not IRIA. I was sure that something important will have that... tell me why something came so far to travel here.There was a moment of silence where only heard our breaths; above all mine that was very deep; but Sempai decided to break the silence...-I know that you hate me now, but I just want to that... I hear, please--Never could hate you, Sempai - I calmed down and wiped my tears - to what... come? --Well then... I don't know where start... lol - did you notice quite shy.-That... did come to tell me your problems with Yuki? --Please, Morinaga... do not be defensive... is that... is difficult for me to talk to you about this...--OF WHAT, SEMPAI, OF WHICH--Well... that I...... I...-are putting increasingly nervous - that... I... I was thinking of things... all last year... and... well...-your flushing filled her cheeks - I... I... I regretted having married to Yuki --CLEAR! ALREADY tea gave account that YUKI is a interested and agreed that only is case with you to get your inheritance - I burlé.-No, baka! That already knew - her breathing began to speed up - I I repented for another reason... look, Morinaga, I... you missed much this year that just passed...--Surprise me?--What I mean is that I di... account... I have... I have... I have another feeling respect you... maybe... maybe... I feel more than friendship... for you... Morinaga - cost him much say so.-May be you're confused - I was serious - what you feel is sorrow for me and that because you left it clear in Nagoya --NO... MORINAGA... NO... I... AT THAT TIME... I SAID EVIL THINGS... I DO NOT FEEL SORRY FOR TI... BUT...-stopped himself.- But what? - I insisted and Sempai stayed mute - what is what you say feel for me? --I... I...--TELL ME, SEMPAI --NOT the know - he was pressed - exactly I don't know... just know that this is something... I want... I want to know what... I want to discover that this is what I feel about you...-chest hit.-Do discover? Or is what you think experience with me? And if it's not as you believe... once again I botarás of your life? That is your horrible plan?--Morinaga...--No... definitely not go to leave which I do damage another time --Not gonna hurt you, just want to... discover what I feel --Look... If you're not sure of your feelings... Please... get out of here and don't come back --MORINAGA! WHAT IS TEA? WE ARE FRIENDS--No, Sempai...-stopped it - you and I were never friends. With everything that we have done in the past... our relationship cannot be you called just "friendship" and less even when you know perfectly what I feel for you --"Do I feel?" -He questioned Sempai - you said it at present... is you still... me...--YES, SEMPAI... STILL TE AMO... Yes? That ye hear?-- But... has spent so much time and for a moment thought that...--I learned to not think of you... but I learned not to forget - I disclosed it confidently, Sempai been mute print - and if you won't to correspond... Please... go until it makes me stupid illusions -The discussion already is was becoming something humiliating to me. It was always the same... I had me humiliate telling Sempai I love him... and him reminding me that I will never match... well even if not tell me literally... your hints are enough hurtful. We not realized the cries that we stick until there was between the two other silence; which after 10 seconds was interrupted by someone who was at the door of my home...-Bravo... bravo... how beautiful conversation...-Taiga slowly applauded and mocked - seriously... very interesting... I heard everything from my room. Here the walls are thin--What are you doing, Taiga? I said that I wanted to speak with Sempai--Yes, runny... you only causes problems - Sempai got to bother her.-Lo siento, Mori... pero no quiero que te sigas humillando ante... ESTE TIPO- dijo con asco –Y para que lo sepas, SOUICHI- se burló del nombre de Sempai –Yo no causo problemas... TÚ ERES EL QUE CAUSA PROBLEMAS VINIENDO A HAMATSU COMO SI NADA A IRRUMPIR LA PAZ DE MORINAGA--Tú vienes a interrumpir nuestra conversación- defendió Sempai.-¡Ja! Lo siento, galán, el deber llama- se cruzó de brazos –Así que tendré que llevarme a Mori un momento- sonrió victoriosa.-¿Qué pasó?- pregunté pues no entendía lo que Taiga decía.-¿No recuerdas, baka? Tenemos que revisar esa presentación que tenemos con nuestro superior--Cierto... no ha venido--Me llamó al celular y me dijo que nos quiere ver en su habitación- nuestro superior también vivía en los condominios –En este momento--¿Ahora?- miré mi reloj –Ay por dios... ya casi son las 10pm... es tardísimo--¿Nos vamos ya?--Eh... por favor... anda yendo... yo te alcanzo- hable con timidez.Al menos Taiga comprendió que quería decirle algo más a Sempai en privado, por eso ella se adelantó dejando la puerta de la entrada abierta. Sempai y yo nos quedamos mirándonos a los ojos...-Lo siento, Sempai... es mejor que te vayas- lo sostuve de los hombros para empujarlo lentamente hacia la puerta.-¡No, baka! Aún... aún... no te he dicho cosas que son importantes para mí- se aferró a mis hombros y hundió la cabeza en mi pecho.-...-sighed - the truth I do not know at what time will be back... maybe my top do I stay a couple of hours with him... so I don't know --I don't... I can wait - was decided.-Agreement... If you want to wait... it is your problem. I all ways will it take--Thanks, Morinaga - Sempai was rather submissive.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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That I do not want you here, talked a little stronger That I do not want you ... GO ... STEP DOWN HERE ... YOU LARGUES- I became frustrated. I never thought I would react like that, just what I, as if expelled to shouts and words all the shit and the pain she felt inside; that ache 1 year ... had returned. I remembered many things ... I came to mind various images ... see Sempai canoodling with Yuki when he had come to Hamatsu ... Sempai words to confess that Yuki was his fiancee ... see Yuki as kissing to Sempai when he felt like it ... and above all ... see and hear Sempai say "YES I AGREE" at the altar ... pain ... pain ... pain ... that's what I feel. .. PAIN ... DAMN WHY ... IS SUPPOSED TO ALREADY HAD PASSED ... AND NOW ... it hurts ... it hurts all this ... WHY ... WHY WAS THAT SEMPAI COME ... still do not understand ... It also bothered me lies Sempai ... "Hiroto was invented about the honeymoon?"; "Taiga prevented me Sempai saw a year ago in the Pharmaceutical?" ... BUT SO STUPID EXCUSES! MY FRIENDS THAT WOULD NEVER ME ... SEMPAI is a liar; but somehow ... I began to doubt and ask: How would it be possible to invent something ... Sempai not ... but ... if he was able to marry Yuki is capable of anything ... . While Sempai shouted at him to go away from my house ... I strongly covered my ears, I closed my eyes and my tears began to fall. My body became weak and lost my balance ... Careful, Sempai MORINAGA- held me. 'I TOQUES- I let go abruptly taking two steps back. Sempai had been surprised ... totally not knowing what to do or say my reaction; but it was obvious that he would not leave. I was sure that something important will have to tell me ... something went so far as to travel here. There was a moment of silence where only our breaths were heard; especially mine which was very deep; Sempai but decided to end that silence ... I know you hate me right now, but just ... I want you to listen, please- I could never hate you, Sempai- calmed down and wiped my tears -¿A Why ... did you come - Well then ... I do not know where to start ... jeje- noticed quite shy. That ... did you come to tell me your problems with Yuki - -Please Morinaga .. . do not be defensive ... is that ... it's difficult for me to talk about this ...- -that, SEMPAI, that- Well ... I ... I .... ..- he got increasingly nervous That ... I ... I was thinking things ... all of last year ... and ... well ...- her blush filled her cheeks' I .. . I ... I regretted marrying Yuki Sure! Already noticed Yuki is a stakeholder AND AGREED THAT JUST MARRIED YOU FOR YOUR heredity teased me. No, baka! We already knew, his breathing began to accelerate 'I regretted it for another reason ... look, Morinaga, I ... I really missed this whole year has just happened ...- -¿Extrañarme - 'What I mean is that ... I realized that ... I ... I have ... I have another feeling about you ... maybe ... maybe ... I feel something more than friendship. .. ... Morinaga- cost you much to say. Could be you're confused I got serious' What you feel is sorry for me and that since you left me clear in Nagoya- No ... Morinaga. .. I ... I ... at that time ... WRONG THINGS SAID ... I do not feel sorry for you ... BUT ...- he stopped. -¿Sino what - and insisted Sempai was speechless What thing is what you say feel for me - I ... I ...- Tell me, SEMPAI- -NO I know, felt pressured Exactly I do not know ... I only know that it's something ... I want ... I want to know ... I want to find this is that I feel about you ...- beat his chest. -¿Descubrir? You mean you think experience with me? What if you thought ... not like me again you botarás of your life? Is that your plan awful - -Morinaga ...- No ... definitely NOT GOING TO LET ME hurt again- I'm not going to hurt you ... I just want this to discover'm sorry - Look ... if you're not sure of your feelings ... please ... get out of here and not vuelvas- -¡MORINAGA! WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU? US friends- No, I stopped ...- Sempai You and I were never friends. With everything we've done in the past ... our relationship it can not be called just "friendship" and even less when you know perfectly how I feel about TI - "Do I feel?" - questioned Sempai'm told in this ... ie you still ... I ...- Yes, SEMPAI ... STILL I LOVE YOU ... right? That wanted to hear - But ... it's been so long and for a moment thought ...- I learned not to think about you ... but I learned to olvidarte- revealed with security, which Sempai He was speechless print And if you're not correspond me ... please ... leave before it makes me illusions estúpidas- Discussion and was becoming something humiliating for me. It was always the same ... I had to humble Sempai telling me that I love him ... and he reminded me that I will never match ... good but not me ... literally tell their hints are sufficiently hurtful. We did not realize the screams stick until there was another silence between the two; which at 10 seconds he was interrupted by someone who was at the door of my home ... -Bravo ... bravo ... what a lovely conversation ...- Taiga slowly clapped and mocked -Enserio ... very interesting ... I heard all from my room. Here the walls are delgadas- What are you doing, Taiga? I told you I wanted to talk to Sempai- Yes, brat ... you only causes problems-Sempai got to bother. 'Sorry, Mori ... but do not want you to follow humiliating ... THIS said Type- disgust And so you know, SOUICHI- mocked the name Sempai I do not cause trouble ... YOU ARE THE CAUSES PROBLEMS COMING TO Hamatsu like nothing to break PEACE MORINAGA- You come to interrupt our conversation - he defended Sempai. Ha! Sorry, gallant, duty llama- crossed arms So I'll have to take a moment to Mori smiled victorious. What happened? - I asked knew not what Taiga said. Do not you remember, baka? We must review this presentation we have with our top- ... True has not venido- 'I called the phone and told me he wants to see in his room our superior also lived in the condo, at present, -¿ Now - I looked at my watch Oh god ... and it's almost 10pm ... is tardísimo- -¿Nos we already - Er ... please ... going ... I walk alcanzo- talk shyly. At least Taiga realized I wanted to say something more Sempai privately, so she went ahead leaving the door open entry. Sempai and I were staring into my eyes ... I'm sorry, Sempai ... it's better that you go- I held her shoulders to push slowly toward the door. No, baka! Yet ... yet ... I have not said things that are important to me, she gripped my shoulders and buried her head on my chest. I sighed -The -...- really do not know at what hour I will come back ... maybe my top make me stay a couple of hours with him ... so I do not know- I do not care ... I can expect- looked determined. Okay ... if you want to wait ... it's your problem. Anyway I'll demorar- Thanks, Morinaga- Sempai was somewhat subdued.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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- I Don't want you here - I spoke a Little Louder, I Don't want ESTÉS here... Go... Get out... - you get me frustrated.

I never thought I could REACT like that, I just did it, as if shouting words and expel all the shit and the pain I felt Inside; The Pain 1 year ago... Had returned. I remembered many things...I came to mind several images... See sempai canoodling with Yuki when she arrived in Hamatsu... The Words of sempai to confess that Yuki was his fiancee... See Yuki as sempai when he gave him the win. And above all... See and hear sempai say: "Yes I do" at the altar...

pain... Pain... Pain... That's How I feel... Pain... Damn it...It is supposed that I had passed. And now... It hurts... It Hurts all of this... Why... Why sempai had to come... Even I Don't understand...

I also resented the lies of sempai. " Hiroto was invented about the honeymoon? " "I See sempai Taiga prevented a year ago in the Pharmaceutical?" ... But as ESTÚPIDAS Excuses! My Friends Never harÍan that...Sempai is a liar; but somehow... I began to doubt and ask: How Could it be possible that he will Invent something... Sempai isn't so... But... If she was able to marry Yuki... It is capable of everything.

while yelling at sempai it you get out of My House... I covered my ears heavily, I closed My Eyes and My Tears began to fall. My Body became weak and lost the balance...

- Careful, Morinaga sempai Held me. - Don't Touch Me! - I dropped sharply by two steps back.
sempai was surprised... Without knowing what to do or what to say for my Reaction, but it was obvious that he was not IRÍA. I was sure that something important will tell me... Something went so far as to travel here

.There was a moment of Silence where only heard our breaths; especially the mine was very deep; but sempai decided to end that silence...

I know you hate me right now, but I just want... Listen To Me, please -

- I could never hate you, sempai I calmed down and Wipe My Tears -... Did you come here? -
- well... I Don't know where to start...
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