Ya veo, me parece adecuada la vida laboral que seguirás, tendrás los s dịch - Ya veo, me parece adecuada la vida laboral que seguirás, tendrás los s Anh làm thế nào để nói

Ya veo, me parece adecuada la vida

Ya veo, me parece adecuada la vida laboral que seguirás, tendrás los suficientes ingresos como recompensa, después de invertir mucho en tu educación y con lo que se refiere a tu vida personal espero que tus relaciones sean NORMALES y puedas presentarnos una futura prometida- ¿Qué fue lo que dijo… prometida? -Como sabes Kunihiro se casó y fracaso en su matrimonio, los rumores sobre él no se hicieron esperar, ahora tiene el sobrenombre de "divorciado", es una vergüenza que no se haya esmerado en mantener esa relación tan conveniente- mi madre se tocó la frente y realizo un ademan con las manos -No tengo idea de que es lo que piensa Kunihiro ahora, tengo que hablar seriamente con él lo antes posible, su vida está tomando un rumbo extraño- moví mi cabeza, en verdad ella no había cambiado, seguía preocupándose por lo que la gente diga de esta familia, sin importar los reales sentimientos de sus hijos -Ciertamente Kunihiro tuvo problemas, pero si no había amor o comprensión en esa relación lo mejor fue separarse- mi madre me miro furiosa -No digas tonterías, ellos estaban comprometidos y en ese tiempo era de esperarse que se enamoraran y comprendieran, si no estaban seguros tenían que internarlo, ya estaban casados, no supieron resolver los problemas y buscaron la salida más fácil, sin importar como los mirara la sociedad- No tenía caso discutir por mi hermano, lo más importante es saber qué es lo que quiere mi padre

-Madre ¿De qué se trata la propuesta de mi padre?- se tranquilizó, me miro unos instantes guardando silencio, mientras el camarero llegaba con la comida y la colocaba enfrente de nosotros, no le gustaba que la gente se enterara de nuestras conversaciones, una vez terminado se retiró cortésmente -Antes de eso… Tetsuhiro, quiero saber algo- me comento seriamente -Dígame- comenzando a tomar los cubiertos para empezar a comer, me pregunto -¿Tienes novia en estos momentos?- me quede completamente quieto y la mire extrañado -No, yo no tengo novia… madre yo…- me interrumpió rápidamente -Muy bien, en ese caso podrás aceptar la proposición de tu padre, él desea que vayas a Fukuoka y aceptes la herencia que te corresponde, con una sola condición- mi padre quiere que regrese, esto es imposible, no lo podía creer -¡En verdad! ¿Mi herencia? ¿Quiere él, que regrese a casa?- me sorprendí muchísimo, jamás pensé que llegaría a escuchar esas palabras, me tranquilice y le pregunte -¿Que condición madre?- ella me contesto -Muy fácil, tendrás que comprometerte en un futuro con una linda joven, ella es hija de unos amigos muy importantes e influyentes de nuestra familia, ellos saben que mi hijo menor, estudia fuera, es muy apuesto y soltero; tu padre y yo pensamos que regresar como un buen partido, además de ser un profesional, con un trabajo estable y además interesado en su única hija , te daría una muy buena reputación y todos los rumores del pasado quedarían enterrados para siempre, creo que es una buena oportunidad para aprovechar ¿Qué te parece?- escuche cada palabra que mi madre dijo con mucho detenimiento, la tarde comenzaba a refrescar bastante, y pude ver por la ventana como la lluvia comenzaba a caer tranquilamente, el dolor de mi cabeza aumento de repente y mi corazón se sentía comprimido, la condición para regresar como el hijo menor de la familia Morinaga era emparentar con la hija de unos amigos de la familia, esta demás decir que tenía gran influencia en Fukuoka, mi mente recordó en ese momento la familia a la que mi madre se refería y si esa chica era la persona que yo recordaba, sería totalmente imposible aceptar la condición, reí internamente hasta donde pueden llegar mis padres por el apellido Morinaga, ya lo sabía, yo jamás regresaré a esta familia.

-Madre yo… necesito que me escuches también… lo que diré no te va a gustar, mucho menos a mi padre, sin embargo tengo que ser sincero una vez más contigo- mi madre dejo comer y me presto total atención, yo en cambio nunca toque la comida, lo que diría a continuación acabaría con la conversación y presiento que no habrá una segunda reunión con mi madre y mucho menos con la familia -Yo actualmente no tengo ninguna novia y nuca tendré una… hace tiempo cuando salí de casa les confesé mis preferencias sexuales, lo que causo que me desterraran de la familia, lo que paso con Masaki-san fue… - me miro como si quisiera matarme -No menciones a ese chico ahorita- me refuto completamente molesta, sin embargo continúe hablando - muy importante, y a pesar del tiempo que ha pasado, yo arregle las cosas con él como personas civilizadas- se sorprendió, abriendo sus ojos enormemente -Dime que no vives con ese chico ahora… tu eres- la interrumpí -claro que no, él ahora tiene una nueva viva… pero ahora yo vivo con alguien más… y esta persona es muy importante para mí, por seis años él es la persona que he amado y amaré por siempre- si describiera la mirada que mi madre me daba, era de total odio y repulsión, sus ojos me mostraban el mismo desprecio que hace años y me sentí muy mal.

-Tu… como puedes decir eso tan a la ligera, es repulsivo, estas dejando la oportunidad de rehabilitarte, tener una abundante herencia y regresar a la familia como un hombre decente por un idiota, al que dices que amas- mi madre insulto a Souichi y eso no lo iba a permitir -No hables así de él si no lo conoces, madre entiéndeme por favor, esta es la vida que elegí y no me arrepiento, además si lo conocieras… él es un hombre muy inteligente y con cualidades incre….- me callo, gritándome fuertemente -¡CALLATE! NO ME INTERESA ESCHUCHAR NADA DE ESE TEMA- la gente del restaurant nos miró, en verdad mi madre perdió la compostura -Pensé que en este tiempo habías recapacitado y que me encontraría con mi antiguo hijo ese de quien me sentía orgullosa, el que no tenía esos pensamientos tan repulsivos, pero me equivoque sigues siendo el mismo, tu padre estará muy decepcionado cuando le diga que su hijo rechazo su propuesta y yo… me arrepiento de haber venido a Nagoya para verte - ella no me escucha esta tan segada por sus principios que no me escucha -No digas eso por favor, al contrario yo estoy tan feliz de volver a verla y en verdad quiero ir a casa, porque no me entiendes si tan solo me diera la oportunidad para hablarte de esto, yo todo este tiempo he deseado el apoyo de mi familia, no es mi intensión causarles problemas… madre yo…- se levantó súbitamente de la mesa, me miro a los ojos y antes de marcharse me hirió muy profundo con estas palabras -Escúchalo muy bien Tetsuhiro, JAMAS ni tu padre, ni mucho menos yo, te aceptaremos en casa con el estilo tan degradante de vida que tienes… además ya que tendrás un buen trabajo no necesitaras más el apoyo económico de la familia, así que olvídate de el- Salió del restaurante solicito un taxi, y se marchó.

El camarero regresó a ofrecerme sus servicios, pague la cuenta y comencé a salir de ese lugar no soy de los que me importe lo que la gente murmure, pero no quería quedarme, el camarero se ofreció a conseguirme un taxi pues la lluvia caí fuertemente, le agradecí y comencé a caminar rápidamente, fuera del restaurante, No tenía idea hacia donde caminaba, simplemente mis pies no dejaban de andar, mucha gente corría a refugiarse, mientras yo deje que mi ropa se empapara, me sentía completamente mal y mis lágrimas salieron libremente; sí, estaba llorando, la cita con mi madre no era como yo lo imaginaba, fue mucho peor, llegue a una parada solitaria de autobús y me senté con mi cabeza gacha y mi corazón destrozado me quede ahí unos minutos.

Comencé a sentir frio y la cabeza me estallaba de dolor, me mire un segundo el saco estaba mojado pero era grueso y mi camisa seguía seca pero mis pantalones y zapatos también estaban empapados, había llorado muchísimo la lluvia paro, ubique en donde estaba y me moví en dirección al departamento -Mi único hogar, en donde una persona me espera- susurré y me dirigí hacia él, quería verlo, en verdad deseaba verlo, de seguro al llegar me preguntará muchas cosas y yo le responderé todo, pero ahora solo quería arrojarme a sus brazos y sentir su calor, quería que me consolará y me dijera que toda estaría bien, sin embargo no creo que eso pase, -Morinaga deja de soñar, nunca salen las cosas como lo deseas"- me dije a mi mismo, tome dos autobuses y varios minutos después llegue a mi destino, suspiré y mire hacia arriba, aquel departamento con las luces encendidas era mi único hogar.

Subí las escaleras muy despacio, mi cuerpo dolía y tenía mucho frio, la ropa ya no escurría pero estaba muy mojada, comencé a estornudar muchísimo enfrente de la puerta, y para el colmo no encontraba las llaves en mi bolsillo, de repente la puerta se abrió y lo vi, mi amado Souichi estaba ahí de pie en el recibidor -¡Estoy en casa!- salude cubriéndome la cara secándome la cara con la manga del saco, estaba húmedo pero no quería que viera mis ojos -¡Bienvenido a casa!- escuche su saludo, dándose vuelta corriendo hacia dentro. Entre y me quite el saco lo deje en el perchero, me quite los zapatos y calcetines -Toma sécate rápido, vienes empapado- me dio una toalla y sonreí -Gracias- me seque el cabello, los pies y la ropa, comencé a estornudar de nuevo -acabo de tomar una ducha, ve a tomar una rápido tu también- me jalo del brazo arrastrándome al baño y me metió dentro cerrando la puerta -¡Soucihi!- sonreí dulcemente y me tome el baño, el agua caliente tocaba mi piel era una sensación muy agradable, tenía escalofríos y seguía estornudando, me tarde varios minutos y Souichi llamo a la puerta -Oí Morinaga ¿Estas bien?- me sorprendí y respondí de inmediato -Si, si estoy bien, ya salgo- termine de secarme, salí del baño y entre a mi habitación me vestí con mi pijama y después de secarme el cabello, escuche que Sempai aún estaba en la sala era temprano -Este clima amerita un café calientito- me dije y salí hacia la cocina y pude ver a Sempai en la sala viendo en la televisión un programa de ciencias.

Mientras preparaba el café, sentía la mirada
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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I see, I think adequate working life you will go, you'll have enough income as a reward, after investing much in your education and with regards to your personal life, I hope that your relationships are normal and you can introduce ourselves a future bride - what was said... promised that? - As you know Delgado was married and failure in his marriage, rumors about it were swift, now has the nickname of "divorced", it is a shame that not has been meticulous in maintaining that relationship so convenient - my mother touched his forehead and I make a gesture with his hands - have No idea that is what thinks Delgado now I have to seriously talk to him as soon as possible, his life is taking a strange turn - I moved my head, indeed she had not changed, still worrying about what people say of this family, no matter the actual feelings of their children - certainly Kunihiro struggled, but if there was no love or understanding in that relationship better was spreading - my mother I look angry - don't tell nonsense they were committed, and in that time it was expected that fall in love and to understand, if they were not insurance had to admit you, whether they were married, failed to solve the problems and looked for the easiest way out, no matter how society look at them - I didn't discuss by my brother case, the most important is to know what my father wants to-Mother of what my father's proposal is? - it reassured me miro a moment keeping silence, while the waiter arrived with the food and placed it in front of us, he didn't like it that people know of our conversations, once withdrew politely - before that... Tetsuhiro, want to know something - told me seriously - tell me - starting to take silverware to start eating, I wonder - do you have girlfriend now?--stayed perfectly still and look surprised--No, I have no girlfriend... mother I...-I interrupted quickly - very well, in that case you will be able to accept the proposition of your father, he wants you to go to Fukuoka and accept inheritance which you belong with one condition - my father wants to return, this is impossible, I couldn't believe it - really! My inheritance? Want it, that back home? - I was shocked, I never thought that he would hear those words, I reassure and ask - what condition mother? - she answered me - very easy, you will have to compromise on a future with a young linda, she is the daughter of some very important and influential friends of our family, they know that my younger son, studying out is very handsome and unmarried; your father and I think that return as a good match, as well as being a professional, with a stable and also interested in his only daughter work, would give you a very good reputation and all the rumors of the past would remain buried forever, I think it is a good opportunity to take advantage of what do you think?-hear each word that my mother said very carefully the afternoon began to cool enough, I could see out the window as the rain began to fall quietly, my headache increased suddenly and my heart felt compressed, and condition to return as the youngest son of the family Morinaga was package with the daughter of some friends of the family, others say that he had great influence in Fukuoka my mind recalled that currently the family to which my mother referred and when that girl was the one that I remember, it would be completely impossible to accept the condition, I internally laughed until where can my parents by the surname Morinaga, I knew it, I will never return to this family.-Mother I... I need that I listen too... what I will say not going to like it, much less to my father, but I have to be honest once more with you - my mother leave to eat and I pay total attention to me, I never touch food, on the other hand which would then end up with the conversation and have a feeling that there will be a second meeting with my mother and much less family - I currently don't have any girlfriend and nape I have one... long ago when I left home confessed les my sexual preferences, what caused that I banished the family, that happened with Masaki-san was... - I look as if I would like to kill me - No mentions this guy right now - I refuted completely annoying, however continue to talk - very important, and despite the time that has passed, I arrange things with it like civilized people - was surprised , opening their eyes greatly - tell me that you do not live with this guy now... you're - interrupted it - of course not, he now has a new live... but now I live with someone more... and this person is very important to me, for six years he is the person I've loved and love forever - if you describe the look that my mother gave me was total hatred and repulsion, his eyes showed me the same contempt that years ago, and I felt very bad.-Tu… como puedes decir eso tan a la ligera, es repulsivo, estas dejando la oportunidad de rehabilitarte, tener una abundante herencia y regresar a la familia como un hombre decente por un idiota, al que dices que amas- mi madre insulto a Souichi y eso no lo iba a permitir -No hables así de él si no lo conoces, madre entiéndeme por favor, esta es la vida que elegí y no me arrepiento, además si lo conocieras… él es un hombre muy inteligente y con cualidades incre….- me callo, gritándome fuertemente -¡CALLATE! NO ME INTERESA ESCHUCHAR NADA DE ESE TEMA- la gente del restaurant nos miró, en verdad mi madre perdió la compostura -Pensé que en este tiempo habías recapacitado y que me encontraría con mi antiguo hijo ese de quien me sentía orgullosa, el que no tenía esos pensamientos tan repulsivos, pero me equivoque sigues siendo el mismo, tu padre estará muy decepcionado cuando le diga que su hijo rechazo su propuesta y yo… me arrepiento de haber venido a Nagoya para verte - ella no me escucha esta tan segada por sus principios que no me escucha -No digas eso por favor, al contrario yo estoy tan feliz de volver a verla y en verdad quiero ir a casa, porque no me entiendes si tan solo me diera la oportunidad para hablarte de esto, yo todo este tiempo he deseado el apoyo de mi familia, no es mi intensión causarles problemas… madre yo…- se levantó súbitamente de la mesa, me miro a los ojos y antes de marcharse me hirió muy profundo con estas palabras -Escúchalo muy bien Tetsuhiro, JAMAS ni tu padre, ni mucho menos yo, te aceptaremos en casa con el estilo tan degradante de vida que tienes… además ya que tendrás un buen trabajo no necesitaras más el apoyo económico de la familia, así que olvídate de el- Salió del restaurante solicito un taxi, y se marchó.The waiter came back to offer me their services, pay the Bill and began to get out of that place I am not of those who care what people murmure, but didn't want to stay, waiter offered to get me a taxi because cai rain strongly, I thanked him and I started walking quickly, outside the restaurant, I had No idea where walked just my feet did not let go, many people ran to take shelter, while I leave my clothes were drenched, I felt completely wrong and my tears came freely; Yes, I was crying, the appointment with my mother was not as I imagined it, was much worse, arrive at a lonely bus stop and I sat with my head down and my shattered heart left me there a few minutes.I began to feel cold and head exploding I pain, I see a second bag was wet but it was thick and my shirt was dry but my pants and shoes were also soaked, had cried a lot rain stoppage, locate where it was and I moved in direction to the Department - my only home, where a person waiting for me - susurré and I went to him I wanted to see it, I really wanted to see it, insurance upon arrival ask me many things and I will answer you all, but now I just wanted to throw me into his arms and feel its warmth, wanted you to comfort me and told me that all would be well, however I do not think that to happen-Morinaga stop dreaming, never leave things as you wish "-I said to myself" take two buses and several minutes later arrive at my destination, I sighed and look up that Department with the lights on was my only home.I climbed the stairs slowly, my body ached and had very cold, clothes not already squeezed but was very wet, I started sneezing a lot opposite the door, and for high couldn't find the keys in my pocket, suddenly the door opened and I saw him, my beloved Souichi was there standing in the hallway - I'm Home! - greet covering my face dry my face with the sleeve of the SAC It was wet, but I didn't want to see my eyes - welcome home - hear your greeting, taking running back inward. Between and remove the SAC leave him on the rack, remove your shoes and socks - outlet dry fast, come soaked - it gave me a towel and I smiled - thanks - dry me the hair, feet, and clothing, began to sneeze again - I just take a shower, go to take a quick your also - I pull arm dragging me to the bathroom and got me inside closing the door - Soucihi! - smiled sweetly and take me bath , hot water touched my skin was a very pleasant feeling, had chills and was sneezing, I take several minutes and Souichi knock at the door - I heard Morinaga do these well? - I was surprised and replied immediately - if, if I am well, I am already out - complete drying, walked out of the bathroom and enter my room I got dressed after drying my hair and my pajamas , hear that Sempai was still in the room was early - this climate deserves a warm coffee - I said to myself and went into the kitchen and I could see Sempai in the room watching on television a science program.While preparing the coffee, I felt the gaze
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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I see, it seems appropriate working life you will follow, you will have enough income as a reward, after investing a lot in your education and with regard to your personal life hope that your relationships are normal and can introduce a future fiancée ¿ What did he say ... promised? As you know Kunihiro married and failure in their marriage, the rumors about him did not wait, now has the nickname "divorced", it is a shame that no pains to maintain that relationship so conveniently touched my mother front and I performed a gesture with hands No I have no idea what they think Kunihiro now, I have to talk seriously with him as soon as possible, his life is taking a course stranger shook my head, she really had not changed, still worrying about what people say about this family, regardless of the real feelings of their children Certainly Kunihiro had problems, but if there was no love or understanding in the relationship was separate themselves- maybe my mother glared at me No Nonsense they were committed and at the time was expected to fall in love and understand, if they were not sure they had to hospitalize, they were married, failed to solve the problems and sought the easy way out, regardless of how the look the society No had in arguing for my brother, the most important thing is knowing what you want my father Mother What the proposal of my father is - he calmed down, I look briefly silent while the waiter arrived with the food and he placed it in front of us, did not like that people learned of our conversations, once completed politely withdrew Tetsuhiro Before that ... I want to know something-told me starting to take seriously -Dígame- covered to start eat, I wonder -¿Tienes girlfriend right now - I stay perfectly still and look puzzled No, I have no mother bride ... I ... - I interrupted quickly Very well, then you can accept the proposal of your father He wants you to go to Fukuoka and accept your rightful inheritance, with one condition- my father wants me back, this is impossible, I could not believe -¡En truth! My heritage? Does he want, you go home - surprised me a lot, I never thought I would hear those words, and asked me reassure condition -What mother - she answered me Very easy, you have to commit in the future with a Cute young, she is the daughter of a very important and influential friends of our family, they know that my youngest son was studying, he is very handsome and single; Your father and I thought back like a good party, besides being a professional, stable and also interested in her only daughter work would give a very good reputation and all the rumors of the past would be buried forever, I think it is a good opportunity to leverage what you think - listen to every word my mother said very carefully, the afternoon began to cool enough, and I could see out the window as the rain began to fall quietly, the pain in my head increased Suddenly, my heart compressed felt, the condition to return as the youngest son of the Morinaga family was in affinity with the daughter of family friends, this goes without saying that loomed large in Fukuoka, my mind recalled at that time the family to which my mother was concerned and if that girl was the person I remembered, it would be totally impossible to accept the condition, I laughed internally how far they can reach my parents for the last Morinaga, I knew I would never come back to this family. - Mother ... I need you to listen to me also tell you ... what's not to like, much less my father, but I have to be honest with you- once again my mother let me eat and pay full attention, however I never touch the food, which would then end the conversation and I feel that there will be a second meeting with my mother, much less with the 'I family currently I have no girlfriend and neck will have a ... long ago when I left home I confessed them my sexual preferences, which caused banished me family, what happened to Masaki-san was ... - I look like he wanted to kill me Do not mention that ahorita- guy I refute completely annoying, but keep talking - very important, and despite the time that has passed, I fix things with him as civilizadas- people were surprised, opening his eyes wide Tell me you do not live with that boy now ... you are-I interrupted your course not, he now has a new alive ... but now I live with someone else ... and this person is very important for me, for six years he is the person I loved and love you forever if you describe the look my mother gave me, it was total hate and repulsion , his eyes showed me the same contempt that for years and I felt terrible. Your ... as you say that so lightly, it is repulsive, these leaving the opportunity to rehabilitate, have a rich heritage and return to the family as a decent man by an idiot, which you say amas- Souichi insult to my mother and that I would not let him Do not talk like that if you do not know, mother please understand me, this is the life I chose and have no regrets also if you knew him ... he is a very intelligent man with incredible qualities ... .- I'll shut up, shouting strongly Shut up! I DO NOT WANT THAT NOTHING to Listen thematic people the restaurant looked at us really thought my mother lost her composure at this time had reconsidered and that I would meet my old son that I was proud of who, who did not those thoughts so repulsive, but I was wrong're still the same, your father will be very disappointed when I tell him his son rejected the proposal and I ... I regret coming to Nagoya to see you - she does not listen to me this very reaped by its principles do not listen to me 'Do not say that, please, on the contrary I am so happy to see her again and I really want to go home, because they do not understand me if you just give me the opportunity to speak of this, all this time I requested the support of my family, not my intention cause problems ... mother I ... - he rose suddenly from the table, I look into your eyes and before leaving hurt me too deep with these -Escúchalo words well Tetsuhiro, NEVER or your father, much less, you accept at home with the style so degrading life you have ... well as you'll have a good job will not need more financial support from the family, so forget el- He left the restaurant I request a taxi and he left. The waiter returned to offer his services, pay the bill and started to leave that place I am not of that I care what people murmured, but did not want to stay, the waiter offered to get me a taxi as Rain fell heavily, I thanked him and started walking quickly, outside the restaurant, I had no idea where he walked, just my feet never stopped walking, many people ran for cover, while I let my clothes are soaked, I felt completely bad and my tears came freely; yes, I was crying, my appointment with my mother was not how I imagined it was much worse, come to a lonely bus stop and sat down with my head down and my broken heart I stayed there for a few minutes. I began to feel cold and head broke me pain, I see one second sack was wet but it was thick and my shirt was dry but my pants and shoes were also soaked, had cried so much the rain stopped, locate where it was and moved toward the department My only home, where a person Wait- whispered me and walked toward him, wanted him, really wanted to see him get insurance to ask me many things and I will answer everything, but now I just wanted to throw myself into his arms and feel the heat, I wanted to comfort me and tell me that all would be fine, but I do not think that happens, -Morinaga stop dreaming, never leave things as they want "- I said to myself, take two buses and several minutes later arrived at my destination, I sighed and looked up, that department with the lights was my only home. I went up very slowly stairs, my body ached and I was very cold, the clothes no longer dripping but was very wet, I started sneezing lot in front of the door, and the height could not find the keys in my pocket, suddenly the door opened and I saw my beloved Souichi was standing there in the hall I'm home - covering my face greet wiping his face with his coat sleeve, it was damp but not want him to see my eyes Welcome home - listen to your greeting, turning inward running. Among remove the bag and I leave it on the rack, took off my shoes and socks dry off fast 'Here, come empapado- gave me a towel and smiled -Gracias- dry my hair, feet and clothes, I began to sneeze again I just take a shower, go to your too- take a quick arm pulled me crawling to the bathroom and went inside, closing the door -¡Soucihi - I smiled sweetly and took the bathroom, hot water touched my skin was a nice feeling, still had chills and sneezing, I take several minutes Souichi knock on the door I heard Morinaga Are you okay? - I was surprised and immediately answered Yes, if I'm right, and salgo- finished drying off, I went the bathroom and into my room I put on my pajamas and after drying my hair, I heard Sempai was still in the room it was early -This climate merits calientito- cafe I said and went into the kitchen and I could see Sempai in the living room watching television science program. While preparing the coffee, felt the look

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