Definitivamente y me ha quedado claro que Sempai le tiene mucha cólera dịch - Definitivamente y me ha quedado claro que Sempai le tiene mucha cólera Anh làm thế nào để nói

Definitivamente y me ha quedado cla

Definitivamente y me ha quedado claro que Sempai le tiene mucha cólera a Taiga. Sé que no le agrada, pero... al menos ¿no podría llevar la fiesta en paz? No quiero que mi mejor amiga y mi pareja se anden peleando cada vez que se ven. Bueno... tampoco es que defienda a Taiga. Ella no es ningún angel. De hecho... me he dado cuenta que ella también lo provoca con sarcasmos, indirectas e insultos. "Homosexual frustrado", eso nunca lo había oído. Al menos no de la boca de Taiga dirigido hacia Sempai. Tan solo espero que Sempai se tranquilice un poco y Taiga pueda moderar lo que dice.

Intenté tranquilizarme y no ponerme nervioso con tanta presión. Aunque más estaba preocupado por lo que Taiga tenía que contarme acerca de Takasu y de lo que sucedió para que viniera a mi casa y en ese estado. No podía dejar de imaginarme muchas cosas, como por ejemplo... que Takasu la golpeó. No lo sé... pero tengo un presentimiento de que fue eso, pensé.

Media hora después, la cena estaba lista. Había cocinado algo ligero: oniguiris y sopa miso. Era domingo en la noche y no quería que Sempai y yo tengamos el estómago pesado, pues al día siguiente había que trabajar.

Taiga salió del baño ya vestida. Estaba mejor de lo que había llegado. Se puso un vestido más cómodo y un pequeño bolero que le cubría los brazos. Estaba limpia y se veía con más energías. Sempai y yo ya estábamos sentados alrededor de la mesita de la sala, y luego Taiga se sentó con nosotros en uno de los costados, entre Sempai y yo. Empezamos a cenar silenciosamente. El ambiente era bastante incómodo. Sempai comía tan solo concentrándose en su plato, al igual que Taiga; sin embargo... yo no podía estar tranquilo...todo este misterio me estaba matando...

-Taiga... necesito saber...- inicié la conversación calmadamente.

-...- dejó de comer, pues capté su atención.

-Necesito saber... ¿qué fue lo que te pasó?-

-¿Qué fue lo que me... pasó?-

-Sí, Taiga- hablé con seriedad, tanto así que Sempai también prestó atención –Por favor, empieza a contarme TODA la verdad...-


La verdad... contar la verdad. Aquella verdad que me atormenta cada minuto que pasa, aquella verdad que no me dejará dormir tranquila por el resto de mi vida, aquella verdad que llevaré marcada en mi corazón... y... aquella verdad por la cual estuve a punto de... morir...

-Etto...- dudé un poco.

-Vamos, Taiga, dime la verdad-


-No tengas miedo. Sabes que yo estoy dispuesto a escucharte. Soy tu mejor amigo- me sonrió –Y respecto a Sempai... bueno... él no dirá nada ¿verdad, Sempai?-

-¡Ja! De todas formas no me interesa- se cruzó de brazos siendo indiferente a la situación.

-¿Lo ves? Jaja- rió amistosamente –Al menos tendrás la seguridad que no dirá nada-

-Bu... bueno... está bien...- suspiré –Te contaré exactamente lo que pasó-


Hace días que no sabía nada de Takasu. No me visitaba, no me llamaba ni siquiera se aparecía por la Farmacéutica. Desde que me terminó… no tuve noticias de él. Estaba muy preocupada, pues pensé en dos cosas:

-"Se fue con otra".

-"Le pasó algo malo".

No sabía a quién acudir. Los pocos amigos que teníamos en común me decían que tampoco tenían noticias de Takasu. Lo llamé a su celular infinitas veces, le dejé miles de mensajes, fui a su apartamento en Hamatsu casi a diario, pero... NADA.

Me tranquilicé y dejé que pasaran unos días más, pero no funcionó. Así que tomé la decisión de ir a su pueblo natal y buscarlo así sea hasta debajo de las rocas. Obviamente en ninguno de los mensajes le mencioné a Takasu iría a su pueblo, ya que quería sorprenderlo. Tal vez estaba haciendo algo malo y yo no lo sabía.

Empaqué una pequeña maleta de viaje y me fui a la dirección que alguna vez él me había dado, una en la que supuestamente vivían sus padres. Tomé el primer avión y me encaminé hacia dicho pueblo. Cada hora que pasaba era un martirio para mí, pues tuve un mal presentimiento. Algo me decía que había una verdad que Takasu no me había contado. Además... yo nunca había ido a su pueblo natal y es dejaba mucho que decir.

Después de unas horas llegué. Aún era de día y lo primero que quise hacer fue ir a la dirección que tenia apuntada, la dirección de la casa de Takasu en su pueblo natal. Vi el mapa por internet a través de mi celular y logré localizar la calle. Sin pensarlo dos veces... fui de inmediato.

¿Y si de verdad hay algo que Takasu me oculta? ¿Qué pasa si lo descubro cuando llegue a su casa? ¿Me dolerá mucho? ¿Será algo muy malo? ¿CUÁL ES EL SECRETO DE TAKASU?

La casa era tradicional, mediana, para una familia de economía promedio. Me pareció algo muy raro, pues la familia de Takasu tiene mucho dinero. De seguro compraron una casa cualquiera para no causar alboroto. Con mi maleta de viaje en mano y muy decida a todo, toqué la puerta...

~Ding Dong~

Toqué y no hubo respuesta.

~Ding Dong~ ~Ding Dong~ ~Ding Dong~ ~Ding Dong~

Toqué una y otra vez, pero nadie me contestaba. No pensaba irme de ahí sin ver a Takasu, así que me senté en el pórtico de la casa a esperar. Recuerdo que estuve sentada como 1 hora, tanto que el cielo se oscureció. De pronto vi un par de luces las cuales eran de un auto que estaban estacionándose en la casa donde estaba esperando.

Logré ver a dos personas bajando del auto. Un señor y una señora de tercera edad. ¿Los padres de Takasu?, pensé. Me acerqué tímidamente hacia la señora y...

-Hola pequeñita. ¿Se te ofrece algo?- saludó amablemente la señora, mientras el señor sacaba bolsas del auto.

-¿Pe... pequeñita?- me quedé atónita.

-Sí. Noté que estabas sentada en mi pórtico ¿Buscas a alguien?-

-Ah... etto...- me puse nervioso, pues sabía perfectamente que los padres de Takasu no me querían –Busco a su hijo. Dónde está-

-¿Mi... mi hijo?-

-Sí. Takasu-

-¿Takasu?- cuestionó –No sé de qué me habla-

-Sí. Takasu Takahashi. Su hijo-

-Jajaja... te has confundido, pequeña. Yo no tengo hijos-

-¿Usted... usted no es la señora Takahashi?-

-Claro que no. Soy la Sra. Usakaya-

-Pensé que acá vivía la familia Takahashi- comenté –Oh, ya entiendo. Ustedes deben haberse mudado hace ya un tiempo aquí jaja- me di cuenta de las cosas.

-¿Mudado? No. Te equivocas. Esta casa ha sido de la familia Usakaya desde hace más de 50 años, pequeñita. Jamás había escuchado el apellido Takahashi por estos lugares-

-¿QUÉ?- grité –Pero... pero si a mí me dijeron que la familia Takahashi vive aquí. Está es su casa-

-Pues... creo que te han engañado o tal vez te has confundido- respondió amablemente la señora –¿Deseas pasar a tomar un poco de té?-

-¡NO!- me exalté, pues había sido engañada todo este tiempo –Digo... no... no, gracias- los nervios se apoderaron de mí –Debo... debo irme-

No pude resistir más la presión y desesperación de saber que todo este tiempo he sido engañada, de que todo este tiempo Takasu me dio una dirección falsa. ¿Por qué... por qué lo hizo?, me preguntaba a mí misma. Con mi maleta en mano, me subí a un taxi y me hospedé en el hotel más cercano.

Al llegar al hotel, alquilé un cuarto pequeño y me encerré. Afortunadamente todas las habitaciones tenían una guía telefónica de todo el pueblo. Así que echada bocabajo en la cama, empecé a buscar.

Takahashi... Takahashi... mmmmm... MALDICIÓN... HAY COMO 20 DE APELLIDO "TAKAHASHI" AQUÍ, me exalté.

No me importaba tener que buscar uno por uno, pero yo estaba dispuesta a encontrar a Takasu a como dé lugar. Pensé en descansar por ahora, pero mi mente no podía estar tranquila. Tenía que estar segura que uno de esos Takahashi era MI TAKASU, porque en caso contrario... ¿DONDE ESTARÍA TAKASU? EL MUNDO ES MUY GRANDE COMO PARA ENCONTRARLO.

No resistí y empecé a llamar uno por uno preguntando por Takasu fingiendo una voz que no era la mía...

Takahashi #1

-Familia Takahashi, buenas noches-

-Ah... ho... hola. Por favor, podría comunicarme con Takasu Takahashi-

-Número equivocado-

-Oh... disculpe-

Takahashi #2

-¿Buenas noches?-

-Buenas noches... etto... ¿podría comunicarme con Takasu Takahashi, por favor?-

-No. Aquí no vive ningún Takasu, señorita-

-Oh... disculpe, gracias-

Takahashi #3


-Ho... hola ¿se encontrará Takasu Takahashi?-

-No, señorita. Se ha equivocado de número-

-Perdón, gracias-

Y así sucesivamente iba marcando uno por uno hasta que...

Takahashi #15

-Casa de la Familia Takahashi, buenas noches-

-Buenas noches... por favor con Takasu Takahashi-

-¿Padre o hijo?-

-...- ¿acaso dijo "padre o hijo"? No puede ser... entonces aquí es –Etto... bu... bueno... el Takashi que tiene 26 años-

-Oh... se refiere a mi hijo Takasu. ¿Departe de quién?-

-Etto...- maldición... si digo que soy Taiga... tal vez no me lo pasen –Eh... lo llamo del banco donde tiene registradas sus tarjetas de crédito. Parece que hubo un atraso con uno de los pagos y nos gustaría comunicarnos con él, pues de lo contrario su hijo tendrá que pagar intereses muy altos- la mentira perfecta.
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Definitely and I've been clear that Sempai have much anger to Taiga. I know he's not happy, but... at least do not it could lead the party in peace? I don't want that my best friend and my partner anden fighting whenever they are. Well... nor is it to defend to Taiga. She is no angel. In fact... I have given account also provoked him with insults, sarcasm and indirect. "Frustrated homosexual", that had never heard. At least not from the mouth of directed toward Sempai Taiga. Just hope Sempai soothes a little and Taiga to moderate what he says.I tried to reassure me and not get nervous with so much pressure. Although he was more worried about what Taiga had to tell me about Takasu and what happened so that it came to my house and in that State. I could not imagine myself many things, like for example... that Takasu hit her. I don't know... but I have a feeling that was that, I thought.Half an hour later, dinner was ready. It had cooked something light: oniguiris and soup miso. It was Sunday night and did not want that Sempai and I have heavy stomach, because the next day I had to work.Taiga came out of the bathroom already dressed. It was better than had arrived. It was a more comfortable clothing and a small dress that covered her arms. It was clean and looked more energetic. Sempai and I were already sitting around the table of the room, and then Taiga sat with us on one of the sides, between me and Sempai. We started dinner silently. The atmosphere was quite uncomfortable. Sempai ate only concentrating on his plate, like Taiga; However... I could be quiet... all this mystery was killing me...-Taiga... need to know...-I started the conversation calmly.-...-He stopped eating, because I caught his attention.-I need to know... what happened you?--What you me... happened?--Yes, Taiga - spoke seriously, so much so that Sempai also paid attention - please start to tell me the truth...-POV TAIGAThe truth... tell the truth. That truth that I haunts every minute that passes, that truth which won't allow me to sleep quiet for the rest of my life, that truth which will be marked in my heart... and... that truth which I was about to die......-Etto...-hesitated a little.-Come on, Taiga, tell me the truth --Mori...--Don't be afraid. You know that I am willing to listen to you. I'm your best friend - smiled me - and concerning Sempai... well... He will not say anything right, Sempai? --Ja! Anyway, I do not care - crossed of arms remain indifferent to the situation.-Do you see it? Haha - River amicably - unless you have security that will not say nothing-Bu... well... is well...-I sighed - I will tell you exactly what happened -FLASHBACKDays ago that he knew nothing of Takasu. Not visited me, I was not even called appeared by the pharmaceutical. Since I finished... I had no news of him. I was very worried, because I thought of two things:-"Went with another".-"Went you wrong".Didn't know who go. The few friends we had in common told me had no news of Takasu. Called your cell phone it countless times, I let him thousands of messages, I went to his apartment in Hamatsu almost every day, but... NOTHING.I reassured me and I left it took a few more days, but it didn't work. I made the decision to go to his hometown and find it so happen to below the rocks. Obviously in any of the posts mentioned you Takasu go to his people, since I wanted to surprise you. Perhaps I was doing something wrong and I didn't know it.I packed a small suitcase and went to the address once he had given me, one which supposedly lived in their parents. I took the first plane and I walked to this village. Every hour that passed was a martyrdom for me, because I had a bad feeling. Something told me that there was a truth that Takasu had not told me. Also... I never had gone to his hometown and is left much to say.After a few hours I arrived. It was still a day and the first thing I wanted to do was go to the address he had targeted, the address of the House of Takasu in his hometown. I saw the map by internet through my cell phone and I managed to locate the street. Without thinking twice... I went immediately.And if really there is something Takasu me hiding? What happens if discover you when you arrive at your House? Will it hurt me much? Will it be a very bad thing? WHAT IS THE SECRET OF TAKASU?The House was traditional, medium, to a family of average economy. I thought it was something very rare, as the family of Takasu has lots of money. Insurance they bought one House either to cause uproar. With my suitcase in hand and very decide everything, touch the door...~ Ding Dong ~I played and there was no response.~ Ding Dong ~ ~ Ding Dong ~ ~ Ding Dong ~ ~ Ding Dong ~I played again and again, but nobody answered me. I didn't go there without seeing Takasu, so I sat on the porch of the House to wait. I remember that I was sitting about 1 hour, so much so that the sky was darkened. Suddenly I saw a couple of lights which were in a car that was parked in the House where was waiting.I managed to see two people down from the car. A man and an elderly lady. The parents of Takasu?, I thought. I timidly went to Lady and...-Hello little girl. Do you offer something?-greeted kindly Lady, while the Lord pulled bags from the car.-Pe...? do girl? - I was astounded.-Yes. I noticed that you were sitting on my porch are looking for someone?--Ah... etto...-I was nervous, because I knew perfectly that Takasu parents I didn't want-looking for his son. Where is--My...? My son?--Yes. TAKASU--Do Takasu? - questioned - not I know what speaks to me--Yes. TAKASU Takahashi. His son--Hahaha... you've confused, small. I don't have children--You... you is not the Lady Takahashi?--It is clear that not. I'm Mrs Usakaya--I thought that here lived the Takahashi family - said - Oh, I understand. You must have been moved a while ago here haha - I noticed things.-Do moved? No. You are wrong. This House has been Usakaya family for more than 50 years, little girl. He had never heard the surname Takahashi by these places--What? - screamed - but... but if you told me that the Takahashi family lives here. Is is your home --Well... I think that you have cheated, or perhaps you've confused - responded kindly Lady - want to spend taking some tea?-Me - not! - exalté, because it had been deceived all along - I say... no... no, thanks - the nerves took over me - I... should I go -I could not resist more pressure and despair of knowing that all this time I've been deceived, that all this time it gave me a false address Takasu. Why... Why did it?, asked myself. With my suitcase in hand, I hopped in a cab and stayed at the closest hotel.Arriving at the hotel, I rented a small room and shut me up. Fortunately the rooms had a phonebook of all the people. So lying face down on the bed, I started to look.Takahashi... Takahashi... mmmmm... CURSE... There are like 20 of surname "TAKAHASHI" here I exalté.He didn't have to look one by one, but I was willing to find a Takasu to as result. I thought of rest for now, but my mind could not be quiet. I had to be sure that one of those Takahashi was my TAKASU, because in case contrary... where ESTARIA TAKASU? THE WORLD IS TOO LARGE TO FIND IT.Do not resist and began to call each asking for Takasu pretending to a voice that was not mine...Takahashi #1-Family Takahashi, good night --Ah... ho... Hello. Please, could communicate with Takasu Takahashi--Wrong number--Oh... sorry -Takahashi #2-Good night?--Goodnight... etto... could communicate with Takasu Takahashi, please?--No. Here do not live no Takasu, Miss --Oh... excuse me, thank you -Takahashi #3-Alo?--Ho... Hello would be found Takasu Takahashi?--No, Miss. It was wrong number--Sorry, thank you -And so I was on checking one by one until...Takahashi #15-The Takahashi family house, good night --Goodnight... Please with Takasu Takahashi---Do father or son?-...-he say "parent / child"? Cannot be... then here is - Etto... bu... well... the Takashi having 26 years --Oh... refers to my son Takasu. Would depart from who?--Etto...-curse... If I say that I am Taiga... maybe not me pass it - Eh... call it the bank where you have registered your credit cards. It seems that there was a delay with one of payments and we would like to communicate with it, since otherwise your child will have to pay very high interest - the perfect lie.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Definitely and it's clear that he has a lot of anger Sempai Taiga. I know you do not like, but ... at least Could not take the party in peace? I do not want my best friend and my partner walk fighting every time they meet. Well ... not that defend Taiga. She's no angel. In fact ... I've noticed that it also causes him with sarcasm, hints and insults. "Homosexual frustrated" that never had heard. At least not from the mouth of Taiga facing Sempai. I just hope that Sempai calm down a bit and Taiga can moderate what he says. I tried to calm down and not get nervous with so much pressure. Although I was more worried about what Taiga had to tell me about Takasu and what happened to come to my house and in that state. I could not help but imagine many things, for example ... that Takasu hit. I do not know ... but I have a feeling that was, I thought. Half an hour later, dinner was ready. I had cooked something light: oniguiris and miso soup. It was Sunday night and did not want Sempai and I have a heavy stomach, because the next day had to work. Taiga left the bathroom and dressed. It was better than it had arrived. It got a more comfortable and a little bolero dress that covered her arms. It was clean and looked more energetic. Sempai and I were already sitting around the coffee table, then sat down with us Taiga on one side, and between Sempai. We started dinner quietly. The atmosphere was quite uncomfortable. Sempai ate just concentrating on his plate, like Taiga; however ... I could not be quiet ... all this mystery was killing me ... I need to know ...- -Taiga ... I started the conversation calmly. -...- she stopped eating, because I caught her . care need to know ... what was it that happened to you? - What was it that happened to me ... - Yes, I spoke Taiga- seriously, so much so that 'Of Sempai also paid attention please begins to tell me the whole truth ...- POV TAIGA The truth ... tell the truth. The truth that haunts me every minute, that really did not let me sleep peacefully for the rest of my life, the truth that will bring marked in my heart ... and ... that truth for which I was about to. .. die ... -Etto ...- I hesitated a bit. Come on, Taiga, tell me the truth -Mori ...- Do not be afraid. You know I'm willing to listen. I'm your best friend And I smiled about Sempai ... well ... he did not say anything right, Sempai - Ha! Anyway not interested me folded his arms being indifferent to the situation. 'You see? Haha laughed amicably At least have the security not say nothing- Bu ... well ... okay ...- sighed 'I'll tell you exactly what Paso FLASHBACK days ago that he knew nothing of Takasu. I did not visit, not called me not even appear for the Pharmaceutical. Since the end of me ... I had not heard from him. I was very worried because I thought two things: - "He was with another." - "something happen bad." I did not know where to turn. The few friends we had in common were telling me that they had no news of Takasu. I called him on his cell phone countless times, I left thousands of messages, went to his apartment in Hamatsu almost daily, but ... nothing. I calmed down and let a few days pass, but it worked. So I decided to go to his hometown and look to be well below the rocks. Obviously none of the messages I mentioned to Takasu go to his people, and he wanted to surprise him. Maybe he was doing something wrong and I did not know. I packed a small suitcase and went to the address he had ever given me, one that supposedly lived parents. I took the first plane and headed for this village. Every hour that passed was a torture for me, because I had a bad feeling. Something told me that there was a truth that Takasu had not told me. Besides ... I had never been to his hometown and is left much to say. After a few hours I arrived. It was still day and the first thing I wanted to do was go to the direction he had pointed the direction Takasu house in his hometown. Vi map internet through my phone and managed to locate the street. Without a second thought ... I went away. What if there really is something hidden Takasu me? What if I discover when you get home? Did I hurt you much? Is it something bad? WHAT IS THE SECRET OF TAKASU? The house was traditional, middle, for a family of average economy. I found something very strange, because the family has money Takasu. Surely they bought a house not to cause any disturbance. With my suitcase in hand and very decides everything, I knocked on the door ... Ding Dong ~ ~ touch and there was no answer. ~ ~ ~ Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ding Dong I played again and again but no one answered me. There was not going to leave without seeing Takasu, so I sat on the porch of the house to wait. I remember I was sitting as 1 hour, while the sky darkened. Suddenly I saw a couple of lights were of a car that was parking in the house where I was waiting. I managed to see two people getting off the car. A gentleman and a lady of seniors. Do parents of Takasu ?, I thought. I went timidly towards the lady and ... Hey little girl. Can you offer something - politely greeted the lady, while Mr. pulled bags of the car. -¿Pe ... tiny - I was stunned. Yeah. I noticed you were sitting on my porch Looking for someone - etto ...- Ah ... I was nervous, knowing perfectly Takasu's parents did not want me I'm looking for her son. Where is- 'My ... my son - Yes. Takasu- -¿Takasu - questioned do not know what I speech- Yes. Takasu Takahashi. His son Hahaha ... you've confused small. I have children- 'You ... you're not Mrs. Takahashi - Of course not. Am Ms. Usakaya- thought you lived here I told the family Takahashi- Oh, I see. You must have moved here some time ago haha I realized things. -¿Mudado? No. You're wrong. This home has been the Usakaya family for over 50 years, tiny. I had never heard the name Takahashi these places- What? - screamed But ... but if I was told that the Takahashi family lives here. Be his house Well ... I think you have cheated or maybe you've confused kindly answered the lady wish me to go drink some tea - -¡NO - I exalt, having been deceived I say all this time ... no ... no, thank nerves seized me ... I must irme- I could not resist the pressure and despair of knowing that all this time I've been duped, that Takasu all this time gave me a false address. Why ... why he did ?, I asked myself. With my suitcase in my hand, I got into a taxi and stayed at the nearest hotel. Upon arrival at the hotel, rented a small room and locked myself. Fortunately all the rooms had a phone book of all the people. So lying face down on the bed, I started looking. Takahashi Takahashi ... ... mmmmm ... DAMN ... There's like 20 named "Takahashi" Here, I exalt. I did not mind having to look one by one but I was prepared to find by any means Takasu. I thought of rest for now, but my mind could not be quiet. Had to be sure that one of these Takahashi was MI TAKASU, because otherwise ... where would TAKASU? The world is very big to FIND. There resisted and started calling one by one asking for Takasu faking a voice that was not mine ... Takahashi No. 1 -Family Takahashi, good night ... Oh ho .. . Hello. Please could communicate with Takasu Takahashi- -Number wrong- Oh ... disculpe- Takahashi No. 2 -¿Buenas nights - etto Good night ... ... could communicate with Takasu Takahashi, please? - -Do not. Does not live here any Takasu, señorita- Oh ... excuse me, thank Takahashi # 3 -¿Aló - 'Ho ... hello do you find Takasu Takahashi - No, Miss. It is wrong number- Excuse me, thank you and so on would mark one by one until ... Takahashi # 15 -House of the Takahashi family, good night Good night ... please with Takasu Takahashi- - 'Father and son - perhaps -...- ¿"parent or child," he said? It can not be ... then here is -Etto ... bu ... well ... it is 26 years Takashi Oh ... you mean my son Takasu. ¿On behalf of whom - ...- -Etto curse ... if I say I'm Taiga ... maybe not ... Hey I pass me call the bank where you have registered your credit cards. It seems there was a delay with one of the payments and would like to communicate with him, otherwise your child will have to pay interest very altos- the perfect lie.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Definitely and it has become clear that sempai has much Anger to Taiga. I know you don't like him, but... At least could not lead the party in Peace? I Don't want my best friend and my partner last year every time they come. Well... Nor is it Defend Taiga. She's no Angel. In fact... I've noticed that she causes with sarcasm, Innuendo and insults."Gay frustrated," that I've never heard before. At least not the mouth of Taiga directed towards sempai. I only hope that sempai relax a little and Taiga can moderate it.

I tried to calm down and not get nervous with so much pressure.Although I was worried about what you had to tell me about Takasu Taiga and what happened to come to my house and in that State. I couldn't help but Imagine many things, for example... That hit the Takasu. I Don't know... But I have a feeling that that was, I thought. Half an hour later, the dinner was ready. I had cooked something Light: oniguiris and Miso Soup.It was Sunday night, and I didn't want you and I have the stomach Heavy sempai, therefore had to work the next day.
Taiga came out of the bathroom and dressed. He was better than they had arrived. Put on a dress and a little more comfortable Bolero that covered her arms. It was clean and had more energy. Sempai and I were already sitting around the coffee table.Taiga and then sat down with us in one of the sides, between sempai and me. We started dinner quietly. The atmosphere was quite uncomfortable. Sempai ate only focusing on its Plate, as well as Taiga; however... I could not be quiet all this Mystery was killing me...

- taiga... I need to know... - I started the conversation calmly.

- stopped eating,
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