Ok... no me esperaba eso. Jamás pensé ver a Takasu humillado de esa fo dịch - Ok... no me esperaba eso. Jamás pensé ver a Takasu humillado de esa fo Anh làm thế nào để nói

Ok... no me esperaba eso. Jamás pen

Ok... no me esperaba eso. Jamás pensé ver a Takasu humillado de esa forma y menos pedirle perdón a Taiga. Realmente que por poco y me creo la escena, pero luego recordé lo malnacido que puede ser Takasu y quise hacer reaccionar a Taiga, ya que parecía que ella estaba cayendo en ese sucio truco de su ex novio...

-De acuerdo, infeliz- me paré en frente de él y lo miré desde arriba –Se acabó este estúpido jueguito tuyo- lo agarré del cuello de su camisa y lo levanté a mi altura –Quiero que te LARGUES de aquí-

-Tranquilo, Souichi. No estoy haciéndole daño a nadie- Takasu mantuvo la calma y se soltó de mi agarre para retroceder un par de pasos.

-Sempai... aléjate de Takasu. Puede ser peligroso- me puse delante de Sempai para protegerlo sin quitarle la mirada a Takasu.

-Está bien. Voy a irme por hoy, pero... piensa en lo que te dije, Taiga. Ten en cuenta que te amo y... te lo voy a demostrar- sonrió y se fue tranquilamente.

Esperamos a que Takasu se subiera a su auto y luego... los tres entramos al apartamento. Taiga se había quedado boquiabierta, sin creer que lo había pasado. Por poco y se convence de las palabras de Takasu; sin embargo, entre Morinaga y yo logramos abrirle los ojos y hacerle entender que ese bastardo estaba MINTIENDO... que todo era una trampa para que Taiga crea que aún la ama, se vaya con él y cuando menos se lo espere... la mate.

Por suerte... Taiga nos creyó, puesto que recordó todo el miedo que vivió todo este tiempo mientras se escondía de Takasu y además... aún no se recuperaba de la traición y la mentira que vivió por más de 5 años.


Desde aquella última visita de Takasu, todos los días empezaron a venir regalos amorosos y costosos al apartamento. Todos eran "Para: Taiga Asuka / De: Takasu Takahashi". Obviamente Taiga no se confió y botó a la basura todos los regalos que su ex novio le traía.

Recuerdo que los regalos eran rosas, chocolates, globos de corazones, arreglos florales, peluches gigantes, hasta joyas. Todos esos regalos habían costado una fortuna, pues Takasu dejaba la etiqueta del precio apropósito.

Sin embargo, no solo eran regalos. Era obvio que Takasu esperaba alguna respuesta y esa respuesta la reclamó un sábado por la tarde. Nuevamente volvimos a escuchar el timbre. Por suerte, Sempai estaba dando clases en la universidad, y yo me quedé en casa con Taiga, así que esta vez fui yo quien decidió abrir la puerta...

-¿Otra vez tú?-

-Buenas tardes, Tetsuhiro- saludó Takasu con una gran sonrisa y haciendo una reverencia –¿Se encuentra mi Taiga?-

-¿"Tu Taiga"?- enfaticé -¿Estás bromeando, no?-

-Eh... no jeje. Vine a traerle un presente muy importante-

-Taiga está en la sala... pero no voy a dejarte pasar-

-Vamos, Tetsuhiro. No seas cruel. Tan solo vine a traerle algo-

-Dije que no, Takasu. No insistas y ahórrate los problemas-

-Por favor, Tetsuhiro. Te lo pido de corazón. Amo a Taiga y me he dado cuenta de eso muy tarde. Quiero hacer las paces con ella y hacerme responsable de mi hijo o hija. No me niegues esta posible oportunidad que Taiga me pueda dar, por favor- Takasu soltó unas lágrimas.

¿Está llorando? No... no puede ser. ¿Y qué tal si sus palabras son de verdad?, empecé a sentirme culpable. ¿Acaso voy a negarle el derecho a ser padre? ¿Acaso voy a negarle el derecho a esa pobre bebé de tener una familia unida?, mis pensamientos me atormentaban.

Respiré hondo e hice lo que tenía que hacer, pero con mucho cuidado...

-¡Taiga!- la llamé desde la puerta –Ven un momento- si Takasu iba a hablar con ella, pues tenía que ser a dos metros de distancia y que Takasu esté afuera del apartamento.

-¿Qué pasa, Mori? ¿Por qué me... llamas?- se quedó sorprendida a ver a Takasu nuevamente -¿Por qué estás aquí?-

-Taiga mi amor ¿Cómo estás?- fingió.

-Eh... ¿bien?- contestó dudosa -¿A qué vienes?-

-Vine a hablar contigo, amor. Quiero saber cuál es tu respuesta a todos mis regalos y...-

-¿Todos tus regalos? Jajaja... están en la basura-

-¿No te gustaron?-

-NO si vienen de un bastardo como tú-

-Bien dicho, Taiga- expresé victorioso –Si no quieres hablar con él, yo me encargo que se largue ahora mismo-

-No es necesario, Mori- Taiga se cruzó de brazos y se hizo la fuerte –Quiero escuchar lo que tiene que decirme este payaso- se burló.

-Está bien. Pero yo no me muevo de aquí- afirmé.

-Comienza a hablar, Takahashi- Taiga se apoyó en la pared mirando hacia la puerta donde estábamos Takasu y yo.

-Bueno...- respiró hondo –Como te había dicho la vez pasada. Yo... yo estoy arrepentido con todo lo que te hice. Exageré, se me pasó la mano y me porté como un patán contigo. Pero... ahora... estoy arrepentido. Taiga... he descubierto que te amo y mucho. La verdad es que me casé porque mi esposa iba a tener un hijo mío y yo quería darle una familia. Creí amar a mi esposa, pero no fue así. Si en verdad la hubiera amado... no la hubiera engañado contigo. Taiga... yo sí me enamoré de ti. Si no te hubiera querido... hubiera jugado contigo unos meses, pero... tuvimos una relación por más de 5 años. Yo... yo sé que hace unos meses te dije lo contrario, pero fue porque estaba enojado por tu atrevimiento al ir a contarle la verdad a mi esposa... que ahora... ya pasó a ser mi ex esposa-

-¿Ex esposa?- preguntó sorprendida.

-Así es, Taiga. Me divorcié, mira...- mostró una hoja –Este es el documento notarial donde afirma que estoy legalmente divorciado. Taiga... nosotros podemos criar juntos a nuestro bebé. Me parece hermoso que ambos vayamos a ser padres. Tú y yo nos amamos y vamos a darle mucho amor a nuestro hijo o hija- suspiró –Taiga... yo sé que aún no me has olvidado, sé que todavía me amas. Por favor, no seas tan dura, y perdóname, dame una oportunidad... una última oportunidad...- rebuscó en su bolsillo y me alarmé, pues pensé que iba a sacar un arma –Taiga...- se arrodilló –¿Te casarías conmigo?- le mostró un anillo de compromiso.

No... no puede ser. ¿Acaso Takasu habla enserio? No, Taiga... no caigas en su juego. TAKASU TE ESTÁ MINTIENDO, pensé.

Taiga se había quedado sorprendida y por el brillo de sus ojos... todo indicaba que se había convencido. Poco a poco empezó a acercarse a la puerta... donde estaba Takasu. Ella daría su respuesta. Se detuvo justo delante de él. Takasu estaba más bajito que ella, puesto que estaba de rodillas...

-Taiga mi amor ¿Quieres ser mi esposa?- le sonrió con el anillo en la mano.

-Ta... Takasu...- Taiga lagrimeó –Siempre quise que me dijeras eso, siempre deseé con escuchar esas palabras de tu boca. No sabes lo feliz que me siento- sonrió.

-Entonces... ¿eso es un sí?-

-Eso es un... NO, HIJO DE PUTA- le lanzó un puñetazo en el rostro que lo tumbo al piso –¿CREÍSTE QUE ME IBA CREER ESA MIERDA? PUES ESTÁS MUY EQUIVOCADO, MALNACIDO-

-Pero... Taiga-

-¡No quiero saber NADA de ti, Takasu Takahashi!- se puso histérica –LÁRGATE... LÁRGATEEEEE-

Muy bien hecho, Taiga. Esa es la chica tirana que alguna vez conocí en Hamatsu. Has vuelto a ser la de antes, me emocioné.

Takasu se quedó completamente pasmado por la reacción de Taiga. Al parecer... su jueguito no le había ligado. Guardó el anillo y el documento del divorcio en su bolsillo. Se puso de pie y se fue corriendo sin decirnos nada.

Estaba tan feliz... iba a felicitar a Taiga por su gran actuación, pero cuando volteé a verla. Ella se había ido corriendo llorando a su habitación. Tal parecía que en verdad le afectó las palabras que le dijo Takasu, pues en el fondo... ella hubiera querido que fueran de verdad.

Esa misma noche, Sempai llegó a casa bastante exhausto. Taiga estaba viendo televisión en la sala y yo estaba terminando de preparar la comida.

Durante la cena... le conté a Sempai que Takasu había venido y el gran espectáculo que dio. Al principio le preocupó, pero luego le causó gracia que Taiga lo golpeara con mucha fuerza...

-Me hubiera gustado estar presente para ver cómo le plantabas un puñete a ese bastardo jaja- rió Sempai.

-Si quieres puedo volver a ser la repetición contigo- se burló Taiga.

-Payasa... eso no me hace gracia-

-Pues a mí sí, tirano-

-¿Qué me dijiste, mocosa?-

-Oye, Taiga... ¿has pensado en un nombre para tu hija?- cambié de inmediato el tema antes de que empezara una gran pelea.

-Tienes razón, Mori. Aún no le he puesto un nombre, pero... sí he pensado en uno muy especial-

-Por favor, no me digas que le vas a poner "Taiga". Pobre niña- volvió a interferir Sempai.

-No, pero sería buena idea ponerle "Souichi" y hacerla muy femenina jaja- se burló.

-Mi nombre es para HOMBRES-

-Para hombres que se abren de piernas-

-¿Así? Pues sabes qué...-

-¿Y qué nombre tienes pensado, Taiga? Jeje- nuevamente interferí para minimizar la tensión.

-Ay, Mori- suspiró –Siempre quise que se llame... "Maggie"-

-¿Maggie?- Sempai y yo dijimos a la vez.

-Sí... ¿qué tiene de malo?-

-Ese no es un nombre japonés- se quejó Sempai.

-¿Y? A mí que me importa- se cruzó de brazos –Quiero que se llame "Maggie" y punto-

-Es un lindo nombre, Taiga- sonreí –Pero... qué significa... es decir... ¿por qué quieres que se llame así?-

-No lo sé... creo que porque simplemente me gusta- sonrió Taiga.

-Vaya... eso fue MUY creativo- Sempai expresó sarcástico.

-¡Esperen un momento!- anunció Taiga emocionada, se puso de pie y trajo algo de su habitación.

-¿Qué le pasa a esa loca?- me preguntó Sempai.

-Etto... no lo sé, Sempai-

-¡Es momento de hacer un videoblog!-

-Aj no...- se quejó Sempai.

-Hola, hija. Te tengo una gran noticia. Ya elegí un nombre para ti- se apuntó con la cámara –Te vas a llamar "Maggie"-

-¡QUÉ HORRIBLE!- gritó Sempai.

-Ese fue el tirano de Souichi, quien dice que su nombre es para "hombres"- se burló y apuntó a Sempai con la cámara –Dile algo a Maggie, Souichi-

-No me grabes- renegó –Ya te dije que no me gusta-

-Dile algo-

-Aj... maldición- susurró –Hola... Maggie- saludó renegando.

-Tú también dile algo, Mori- me apuntó con la cámara.

-Hola, Maggie. Espero que nos llevemos muy bien. Ya quiero que nazcas- sonreí.

-Ellos fueron tus
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Not expect OK... me that. I never thought to see humiliated Takasu in that way and less to apologize to Taiga. Actually for a little and I think the scene, but then remembered the malnacido which can be Takasu and wanted to react to Taiga, since it seemed that she was falling in that dirty trick of her ex-boyfriend...Agreed, unhappy I stopped in front of him and looked at him from above - is over this stupid little game of yours - I grabbed the collar of his shirt and lifted it to my height - I want that you LARGUES from here --Quiet, Souichi. I am not doing damage to anyone - Takasu remained calm and slipped from my grip to go back a couple of steps.-Sempai... stay away from Takasu. It can be dangerous - I got in front of Sempai to protect it without removing the look at Takasu.-It's okay. I'm going to go by today, but... think about what you said, Taiga. Keep in mind that I love you and... I'm going to prove--smiled and went quietly.We expect that Takasu climbed into his car and then... the three entered the apartment. Taiga was left speechless, not believing what had happened to him. Narrowly and is convinced of the words of Takasu; However, Morinaga and I we managed to open her eyes and make him understand that this bastard was lying... that it was all a trap that Taiga believe even the ama, will go with him and when less the mate wait it is....Luckily... Taiga we believed, since he recalled all the fear I lived all this time while hiding out of Takasu and also... still not recovered the betrayal and the lie that lived for more than 5 years.POV MORINAGASince the last visit of Takasu, daily began to come love and expensive gifts to the apartment. All were "To: Taiga Asuka / of: Takasu Takahashi". Obviously Taiga was not entrusted and threw away the gifts her ex-boyfriend brought him.I remember that gifts were roses, chocolates, balloons, hearts, flowers, giant stuffed animals, to jewelry. All those gifts had cost a fortune, as Takasu was the intentional price tag.However, not only were gifts. It was obvious that Takasu expected an answer and that answer claimed it a Saturday afternoon. We returned again to hear the ring. Luckily, Sempai was teaching at the University, and I was at home with Taiga, so this time it was I who decided to open the door...-Again you?--Good afternoon, Tetsuhiro - Takasu welcomed with a smile and with a bow - is my Taiga?--Do "your Taiga"? - stressed - are kidding, no?--Eh... not hehe. I came to bring you a very important present--Taiga is in the room... but I won't let you pass--Come on, Tetsuhiro. Don't be cruel. I just came to bring you something--I said that no, Takasu. No you insist and save yourself problems--Please, Tetsuhiro. I ask you of heart. I love Taiga and I've noticed that too late. I want to make peace with it and make me responsible for my son or daughter. I do not deny this potential opportunity that Taiga can give me, please - Takasu dropped a few tears.Is he crying? No... It may not be. And what if your words are truth?, I started to feel guilty. Perhaps I am going to deny him the right to be a father? Perhaps I will deny the right to that poor baby having a close-knit family, my thoughts tormented me.I took a deep breath and did what had to be done, but very carefully...-Taiga! - called it from the door - see a moment - if Takasu went to talk to her, because I had to be two metres away and Takasu is outside the apartment.-What, Mori? Why me... llamas? - was surprised to see Takasu again - why are you here? --Taiga my love how are you?-pretended.-Eh answered... do well? - dubious - to what coming? --I came to talk to you, love. I want to know what is your answer to all my gifts and...--Do all your gifts? Lol... are in the trash--Do not they liked you?--No matter whether they come from a bastard like you--Well said, Taiga - expressed victorious - if you do not want to talk to him, I'll be it snap right now --Not necessary, Mori - Taiga crossed of arms and the strong - made I want to hear what he has to tell me this clown - mocked.-It's okay. But I won't move from here - I stated.-Begins to speak, Takahashi - Taiga leaned on the wall facing the door where we were Takasu and I.-Well...-breathed deep - as you said the last time. I... I'm sorry with everything you did. I exaggerated, I went the hand and I behaved like a jerk with you. But... now... I'm sorry. Taiga... I have discovered that I love much. The truth is that I got married because my wife was going to have my son and I wanted to give him a family. I thought I love my wife, but it did not. If I would have really loved it... I had not cheated with you. Taiga... I yes I fell in love with it. If not you wanted... had played with you a few months, but... we had a relationship for more than 5 years. I... I know that a few months ago I told you otherwise, but it was because he was angry about your dare to tell the truth to my wife... now... because it happened to be my ex-wife --Ex wife? - asked surprised.-So, Taiga. I got divorced, look...-He showed a sheet - this is the notarial document which States that I am legally divorced. Taiga... we can raise together our baby. I find it beautiful that both are going to be parents. You and I we love and to give love to our son or daughter sighed - Taiga... I know that even not I've forgotten, I know that you still love me. Please, don't be so hard, and forgive me, give me a chance... a last chance...-groped in his pocket and me alarmed, because I thought I was going to get a weapon - Taiga...-knelt - would you marry me? - showed him an engagement ring.No... It may not be. Perhaps Takasu spoke seriously? No, Taiga... don't fall into their game. TAKASU tea is lying, I thought.Taiga had surprised and everything... indicated that he had convinced by the brightness of his eyes. Gradually began to approach the door... where was Takasu. She would give her answer. He stopped right in front of him. TAKASU was more quietly than her, since it was on her knees...-Taiga my love would be my wife?-smiled you with ring in hand.-Ta... TAKASU...-Taiga lagrimeó - always I wanted you to tell me that, I always wanted to hear those words from your mouth. Don't know how happy I feel - smiled.-Then... is that a Yes?--That is a... NO, son of a bitch - threw you a punch in the face that lie on the floor - do CREISTE which I would believe that shit? BECAUSE YOU ARE VERY WRONG, MALNACIDO--But... Taiga--Don't want to know anything about you, Takasu Takahashi! - was hysterical - get out... LARGATEEEEE-Very well done, Taiga. That is the tirana girl ever I met in Hamatsu. You have to be before, I was excited.TAKASU was completely stunned by the reaction of Taiga. Apparently... his game had not linked you. It kept the ring and the document of divorce in his pocket. He stood up and was running without telling us anything.I was so happy... was going to congratulate Taiga for their great performance, but when turn to see her. She is had been run crying to her room. It seemed that truly affected him the words that said you Takasu, because in the background... She wanted them to be really.That same night, Sempai arrived home quite exhausted. Taiga was watching TV in the room and I was finishing of preparing food.During the dinner... told you Sempai Takasu had come and the great show that gave. At first he worried, but then was grace that Taiga hit it very hard...-I would have liked to be present to see how plantabas an appliances to that bastard haha - River Sempai.-If you want I can return to be repeat-mocked Taiga.-Clown... that does not make me grace--Because to me Yes, tyrant --What you told me, runny?--Hey, Taiga... have ever thought about a name for your daughter? - I immediately changed the subject before the start of a big fight.-You're right, Mori. Yet not I put a name, but... yes I have thought of one very special--Please don't tell me that you're going to put "Taiga". Poor girl - again interfere Sempai.-No, but it would be good idea put "Souichi" and make it very feminine haha - mocked.-My name is for men--For men who open of legs--So? Because you know what...--And what name you have thought, Taiga? Hehe - interfere again to minimize the stress.-Oh, Mori - sighed - always wanted to be called... "Maggie"--Maggie? - Sempai and I said at the same time.-Yes... What is wrong?--That is not a Japanese name - Sempai complained.- And? To me that I care - crossed of arms - I want to it is called "Maggie" and point --It is a cute name, Taiga - smiled - but... mean... ie... you want is called so?--Do not know... I think that because I simply like - smiled Taiga.-Go... that was very creative - Sempai expressed sarcastic.-Wait a minute - announced excited Taiga, stood up and brought some of your room.-What happens you to that crazy? - asked Sempai.-Etto... I don't know, Sempai--It's time to make a videoblog!--Aj not...-complained Sempai.-Hi, daughter. I have great news. Already picked a name for you - she said with camera - you'll call "Maggie" --THAT HORRIBLE! - shouted Sempai.-That was the tyrant of Souichi, who says his name is "men" - he mocked and he pointed to Sempai with camera - say something Maggie, Souichi --No me grabes - he denied - because I told you that I don't like --Say something--Aj... curse - whispered - Hello... Maggie - bowed to complaining.-You also say something, Mori - I pointed the camera.-Hello, Maggie. I hope we get along very well. I want to you that you are born - smiled.-They were your
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Ok ... I did not expect that. I never thought to see Takasu humiliated that way and less apologize to Taiga. That really little and I think the scene, but then I remembered the bastard who wanted to be Takasu and reacting to Taiga as it seemed she was falling in this dirty trick of her ex-boyfriend ... Okay, infeliz- I stood in front of him and looked at him from above yours-He ended this stupid little game I grabbed the collar of his shirt and lifted it up to me I want you to get out of here Easy, Souichi. I'm not hurting anyone-Takasu remained calm and let go of my grip to go back a couple of steps. -Sempai ... stay away from Takasu. Can be dangerous-I stood before Sempai to protect not take my eyes off Takasu. All right. I'll go for today, but ... think about what I said, Taiga. Note that I love you and ... I'm going to prove-smiled and went smoothly. We hope to Takasu is up to his car and then ... the three of us went to the apartment. Taiga had remained gaping, not believing what had happened. By little and he is convinced Takasu words; however, between Morinaga and I managed to open his eyes and make him understand that bastard was lying ... it was all a trap to make Taiga still loves her, you go with him and when you least expect it ... the matt. Luckily ... Taiga believed us, since it recalled all the fear that lived all this time while hiding from Takasu and also ... is not yet recovered from the betrayal and the lie that lived for more than five years. POV Morinaga Since that last visit Takasu, everyday love started coming to the apartment and expensive gifts. All were "To: Taiga Asuka / From: Takasu Takahashi". Taiga obviously not trusted and threw away all the gifts that her former boyfriend brought her. I remember the gifts were roses, chocolates, balloons, hearts, floral arrangements, giant stuffed animals, to jewelry. All these gifts had cost a fortune, because Takasu left the price tag on purpose. However, not only were gifts. It was obvious that Takasu expecting an answer and that answer called for a Saturday afternoon. Again we returned to hear the bell. Luckily, Sempai was teaching at the university, and I was at home with Taiga, so this time it was I who decided to open the door ... 'Another time you - Good afternoon, Tetsuhiro- greeted with Takasu a big smile and making a reverence -¿Se is my Taiga - -¿ "Your Taiga" - I emphasized Are you kidding, no - Uh ... no lol. I came to bring you a very important present -Taiga is in the room ... but I will not let you just want to have Come, Tetsuhiro. Do not be Cruel. Just I came to bring you something- I said no, Takasu. Do not insist and save yourself the problems- -Please Tetsuhiro. I ask this of heart. Taiga love and I realized that too late. I want to make peace with it and take responsibility for my child. Do not deny me this opportunity possible Taiga can give me, please-let Takasu tears. Are you crying? No ... it can not be. And what if his words are true ?, I began to feel guilty. Am I going to deny him the right to be a father? Am I going to deny the right to that poor baby to have a family together ?, my thoughts tormented me. I took a deep breath and did what I had to do, but carefully ... -¡Taiga - I called from the door Come for a moment if Takasu would talk to her, because it had to be two meters away and Takasu is outside the apartment. What is it, Mori? Why me ... flames - he was surprised to see Takasu Why are here again - -Taiga my love, how are you - faked. Uh ... well - he replied dubious -¿ Why have you come? - I came to talk to you, love. I want to know what is your answer to all my gifts and ...- -¿Todos your gifts? Lol ... are in the trash 'Do not you liked - Not if they come from a bastard like you, Well said, expressed victorious Taiga- If you will not talk to him, I got that same hell out now - No need, Mori Taiga folded his arms and became strong want to hear what you have to say this clown mocked. All right. But I'm not moving from here, I said. -Start talking, Takahashi- Taiga leaned against the wall facing the door where we were Takasu and me. Well ...- deep breath As I said last time. I ... I'm sorry everything I did to you. I exaggerated, I went out and I acted like a jerk you. But ... now ... I'm sorry. Taiga ... I discovered that I love you very much. The truth is that I married because my wife was going to have my son and I wanted to give him a family. I thought I loved my wife, but it was not. If indeed he had loved ... he had not deceived you. Taiga yes ... I fell for you. If I had not wanted ... you had played few months, but ... we had a relationship for over 5 years. I ... I know that a few months ago I told you otherwise, but it was because he was angry about your daring to go tell the truth to my wife ... ... and now became my ex wife -¿ former wife -. He asked surprised Aye, Taiga. I got divorced, look ...- showed a sheet -This is the notarial document that says I'm legally divorced. Taiga ... we can raise our baby together. I find beautiful both going to be parents. You and I love each and will give much love to our son or daughter sighed -Taiga ... I know you have not forgotten me, I know you still love me. Please do not be so hard, and forgive me, give me a chance ... one last chance ...- reached into his pocket and alarmed me, because I thought it was going to pull a gun -Taiga ...- knelt -¿ will you marry me - he showed an engagement ring. No ... it can not be. Does Takasu speaking seriously? No, Taiga ... do not fall into his game. TAKASU is lying, I thought. Taiga and had been surprised by the brightness of his eyes ... everything that had convinced. Gradually he started toward the door ... where was Takasu. She would give his answer. He stopped in front of him. Takasu was shorter than her, since she was kneeling ... -Taiga my love Will you be my wife - she smiled with ring in hand. Ta ... Taiga Takasu tearing ...- I always wanted I'd say that I always wanted to hear those words from your mouth. You do not know how happy I'm sorry I smiled. Then ... that's a yes - 'That's a ... No, son of a bitch he threw a punch in the face that knocked him to the floor -¿CREÍSTE that I would believe that shit? AS you are very wrong, MALNACIDO- Taiga- But ... -I do not want to know anything about you, Takasu Takahashi - became hysterical LÁRGATEEEEE- Go away ... Well done, Taiga. That's the girl tyrant who ever met in Hamatsu. You've come to be before, I was excited. Takasu was completely stunned by the reaction of Taiga. Apparently ... your little game you had not linked. He put the ring and divorce document in his pocket. He stood up and walked away without saying anything. I was so happy ... Taiga was going to congratulate you for your great performance, but when I turned to see her. She had run to her room crying. It seemed that really affected him the words Takasu said, because in the end ... she wished that were true. That same night, Sempai came home quite exhausted. Taiga was watching television in the living room and I was finishing preparing food. At dinner ... I told Takasu Sempai that had come and the show they gave. At first I was worried, but then was amused that Taiga hit him very hard ... I would have liked to be present to see how plantabas a punch that bastard haha laughed Sempai. If you want to get back to be the repetition . you- Taiga mocked -Payasa ... that does not make me grace to me Well yes, tyrant What did you tell me, brat - Hey, Taiga ... Have you thought of a name for your daughter ? - I changed the subject immediately before the start of a great fight. You're right, Mori. I have not yet been given a name, but ... if I thought of a very particular 'Please do not tell me you're gonna get "Taiga". Poor girl-Sempai interfere again. No, but it would be a good idea to put "Souichi" and make it very feminine haha mocked. My name is for men -For men opening of legs 'So? Well you know what ...- thought 'What is your name, Taiga? Jeje- again interfered to minimize stress. Oh, I always wanted sighed Mori- that call ... "Maggie" - -¿Maggie -. Sempai and I said at the time Yes ... what's bad - . That's not a name Sempai complained Japanese- So? What do I want to import folded arms named "Maggie" and point- It's a cute name, smiled Taiga- But ... what it means ... that is ... why do you want me so call it - I do not know ... I think because I simply smiled like- Taiga. -go ... That was very sarcastic Creative Sempai said. -¡Esperen a moment - Taiga announced excited, it became . foot and brought some of his room What's wrong with that crazy -. He asked me Sempai -Etto ... I do not know, Sempai- 'It's time to make a video blog - Ach not ...- Sempai. he complained Hello, daughter. You I have great news. And I chose a name for you- he pointed the camera 'I'll call you "Maggie" - How horrible -. Sempai cried That was the tyrant of Souichi, who says his name is for "men" - is He scoffed and said to Sempai with camera Tell something Maggie, Souichi- 'I grabes- reneged' I told you I do not like- something- Tell whispered curse Ach ... Hello ... Maggie greeted denying. You too say something, I said Mori with the camera. Hey, Maggie. I hope we get along very well. I want nazcas- and smiled. 'They were your

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Ok... I didn't expect that. I never thought to see Takasu humiliated that way and least Apologize to Taiga. And I think that really for the scene, but then I remembered what happened can be Takasu and wanted to do react to Taiga, it seemed that she was falling in this Dirty Trick on her ex boyfriend...

- Okay,Unhappy - i stood in front of him, and looked at it from above, over this stupid little game of Yours - i grabbed the collar of his shirt and i lifted my height I get out of here -

- quiet, Souichi. I'm not Hurting Anybody - Takasu remained calm and loosened My Grip back a couple of steps.

- sempai... Stay away from Takasu.It can be dangerous - i stood before his eyes to protect without sempai to Takasu. - Okay. I'm going to go Today, but... Think about what I said, taiga. Keep in mind that I Love You and... I'm going to show you smiled and left quietly.

hope that Takasu climbed into his car and then... The Three entered the apartment. Taiga had stayed away.Not believe what had happened. By little and convinces The Words of Takasu; however, Morinaga and I managed to open the eyes and make her understand that bastard was lying... It was all a trap for Taiga creates still loves you, go with him and when you least expect it... Luckily the mate.

... Taiga believed US,As recalled all the fear that lived all this time while hiding from Takasu and... Not yet recovered from the Betrayal and lies that lived for more than 5 years.

POV Morinaga since that last visit, Takasu started coming every day, loving and expensive gifts to the apartment. They were all ": Asuka / Taiga: Takasu Takahashi.Obviously not entrusted Taiga and threw away all the gifts that you brought your ex boyfriend.

I remember the gifts were Roses, chocolates, Hearts Balloons, Flowers, Giant Puppets, to Jewelry. All those gifts had cost a Fortune, Takasu left the price tag on purpose. However, not only were gifts.It was obvious that Takasu expected some response and that the response was a Saturday afternoon. Again we heard the Doorbell. Luckily, sempai was giving classes in College, and I stayed home with Taiga, so this time I decided to open the door...

you again? -
- Good afternoon,Tetsuhiro - Takasu welcomed with a smile and bowing, find my Taiga? -
"Taiga"? - hit you're kidding, right? -
- Uh... Not Again. I came to bring you a present very important -

- taiga is in the room. But I will not let you go -

- Tetsuhiro. Don't Be Cruel. So I just came to get something - i -

, Takasu. And don't Spare the trouble -

- Please, Tetsuhiro. I ask Heart to Taiga. Love You, and I realized that too late. I want to make Amends with her and be responsible for my son or daughter. Don't deny me this opportunity that Taiga can give me, please - Takasu dropped a few Tears. Crying? Not... It can't be. And what if your words are true? I started to feel guilty.Go to deny him the right to be a Father? You Gonna deny that poor baby the right to have a family together? My thoughts, Haunted me. I took a deep breath and did what I had to do, but be careful...

- taiga! - I called from the door a Moment - If –ven Takasu was gonna talk to her,Because it had to be two meters away and Takasu is outside the apartment. - What's the matter, Miss Mori? Why Me... Flames? I was surprised to see Takasu Again - Why are you here?

- taiga - My Love, how are you? - you. - Uh... Okay? - answer Doubt - Why come here? -
- I came to talk to you, Love. I want to know what is your answer to all my Gift

...- all your gifts? Hahaha... Are in the Trash -

- Don't you like? - not if they come from -

a Bastard Like You - Well said, Taiga - Victorious, I Don't want to talk to him, I got him out right now -

it's not necessary, Mori - taiga crossed Arms and became Strong I hear it - Tell me this clown me. - Okay.But I'm here

- I believe. - begins to speak, Takahashi Taiga is supported on the Wall facing the door where we were Takasu and I.

- breathed deeply, as I said last time. I... I'm sorry for everything I did. I overreacted, did I hand and I acted like a jerk to you. But... Now... I'm sorry. Taiga...I discovered that I love you very much. The truth is that I Married my wife was having a baby and I wanted to give you a family. I Love My wife, but it was not so. If you really have loved... I wouldn't have Deceived you. Taiga... I Fell In Love With You. If I hadn't WANTED... He played you for a few months, but... We had a relationship for more than 5 years. I...
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