¡Y ahora me compara con una alimaña tan asquerosa como su ex, que a pe dịch - ¡Y ahora me compara con una alimaña tan asquerosa como su ex, que a pe Anh làm thế nào để nói

¡Y ahora me compara con una alimaña

¡Y ahora me compara con una alimaña tan asquerosa como su ex, que a pesar de que no lo conozco me da asco! El solo saber lo que es capaz de hacer por dinero. Hay mucha gente así en este mundo, pero yo no soy una de ellas, y odio… detesto que me pongan en comparación de alguien así y en un nivel tan bajo.

Le lance un puño a la cara a Satou quien aun permanecía en el piso. Este se comenzó a frotar el área afectada y me miraba con desprecio.

-Que sea la primera y última vez que me compares con alguien en esa posición. Lamento lo que te ha sucedido, pero debo aclararte que esta no es la misma situación. Y te exijo que te alejes de Morinaga, él y yo ahora estamos juntos. En la universidad no puedo hacer eso, pero al menos podre vigilarte de cerca… así que no intentes nada gracioso.

-¡Tu no eres nadie para exigirme nada!

¡Este bastardo!

-Y tu no eres nadie en la vida de Morinaga, eres solo su Kouhai y un ex compañero de cuarto. ¡Aprende a respetar la vida privada de los demás y no interfieras en donde nadie te ha llamado!

-Te odio Souichi Tatsumi… ¡te odio!

-Haaaa ¿acaso crees que me puede llegar a importar lo que tú pienses o sientas hacia mí? Créeme… ¡No me importa!

Me di la vuelta y comencé a dirigirme hacia el Bar nuevamente. Al llegar allí y abrir la puerta vi a Morinaga Trabajando, sirviéndole unos tragos a varios clientes, al mirar a la puerta y verme se sonrojo. La verdad me pareció graciosa su expresión. Me dirigí a una mesa y de un momento a otro Hiroto estaba sentado junto a mí. Parecía un perro obediente esperando que su amo lo comande a hacer algo.

-¿Sucede algo? – Le pregunte

-Ehhhh… acaso vas a actuar como si nada hubiera pasado, como si no me hubiera vuelto tu confidente y cómplice. ¿Qué sucedió anoche? – Hiroto se escuchaba desesperado por saber.

-¿Acaso Morinaga no te ha dicho nada?

-Ese es el problema, está actuando como si no hubiera pasado nada, como si no hubieran resuelto nada, Souichi he estado en ascuas aquí, pero al verte tan tranquilo ha traído las esperanzas en mí. ¿Qué sucedió? ¡Por favor cuéntame!

¿Cómo que está actuando como si no hubiera sucedido nada? ¿Acaso está molesto porque quería estar solo y me quede todas esas horas leyendo?

-Ehhh… uhm Gracias por todo Hiroto, Todo se resolvió, y le he confesado mis sentimientos.

Hiroto se habia emocionado al escucharme.

-Imagino que te gozaste la noche ayer ¿no? Morinaga tocándote como lo hace y tu en ese estado… tus gemidos debieron volverlo loco.

-¡Baka! ¿Por qué hablas asi? – Este idiota habla de mi intimidad como si la hubiera estado viendo.

-Lo siento, pero Morinaga me ha contado tanto de ti y de tu estado cuando lo hacen que ya es imposible imaginármelo. Hehehe

-… -no se si sonreir o ir a matar a Morinaga- eh… entiendo… hahahaha

-No tienes que fingir conmigo, de hecho sé que estas molesto.

-Estoy molesto y preocupado al mismo tiempo, ya que el mismo no te lo conto. ¿Por qué? ¿Estará enojado conmigo?

-¿Quieres charlar con él? Ya es tiempo que se tome un descanso.

-¡Si, Por favor! – necesito disculparme si está molesto conmigo.

-Muy bien, entra por esa puerta que es solo para empleados. Hay encontraras los casilleros. Te lo enviare brevemente.

Me dirigí hacia allá y entre, me quede junto a la puerta esperando que Morinaga entre y poder preguntarle que sucede. Pero una anticipación se estaba formando, mis pensamientos de Morinaga tocándome… aquí en los casilleros. Me estaba imaginando a Morinaga seduciéndome y haciéndome decir cosas desvergonzadas, admitiendo que me gusta lo que me hace. Escucharme una y otra vez gemir mientras él me va tocando y luego me penetra contra los casilleros.

En ese mismo instante entra Morinaga, y me mira sorprendido.

-¿Sempai? Al no verte afuera pensé que te habías marchado…

-Mo… Morinaga. – No me pude contener, comencé a besarlo y a acariciar su cabello mientras lo hacía. Me separe de el un instante para buscar aire y luego continúe besándolo. Morinaga quien estaba más que sorprendido comenzó a corresponderme el beso. Me coloco contra los casilleros y al pegarse logre sentir su erección.

-¿Qué sucede sempai? ¿Por qué este ataque tan repentino? ¿Acaso has bebido más droga?

Me sonroje al escuchar sus palabras


-Sabes que este es un bar y el espacio es muy chiquito. Conociéndote, tus gemidos se van a escuchar afuera si te hago el amor aquí…

-Ah… no lo menciones. ¡Ni loco quiero que alguien más me escuche! Idiota… te voy a golpear si lo permites.

Morinaga sonrio y me acaricio el rostro.

-Yo tampoco deseo que escuchen a mi sempai. Sé paciente hasta que lleguemos a casa. Prometo hacerte sentir bien.

¡Ahhhh! Porque lo dice así, maldito me hace sonrojar y avergonzarme. ¿Y desde cuando él es el que tiene control de sí mismo y yo soy el descontrolado?

-Esta bien… pero otra cosa mas…


-¿Sucede algo? – Le pregunte un poco preocupado por lo que me habia dicho Hiroto.

-¿A que te refieres sempai?

-Hiroto me comento que estas actuando como si todo estuviera igual, como si nada hubiera cambiado.

Morinaga se sorprendio, lo pensó por un momento y luego se sonrojo.

-Bueno… sempai me habías comentado "Si era necesario proclamar mi amor a cada rato" decidí que tal vez debería controlarme un poco, y estoy seguro que no sería de tu agrado que llegaras aquí y te enteres que estuve diciéndole a todos que tú y yo ahora somos pareja. Así que decidí mantenerlo en secreto.

Al escuchar su respuesta estuve completamente de acuerdo con lo que dijo, y me alegre que me haya entendido y que no tuve que decírselo.

-¡No puede ser… ¿Acaso estabas preocupado cuando Hiroto te comento ese detalle?

-¡Si, no sabía que estaba ocurriendo y necesitaba preguntarte y saber…!

-¿Podrá ser que sempai quiere que grite a los cuatro vientos que somos pareja?

-¿Haaaa? ¡Quieres morir idiota! – Descarado… cuando dice cosas así. Debo ocultar que hasta esos detalles y cosas me emocionan. Debo ocultarlo a como dé lugar, o voy a parecer muy vulnerable.

-Hahahaha…. Solo era un comentario sempai no te molestes. ¡Bueno debo regresar a trabajar! ¿Esperaras a que termine el turno?

-¡Si! Volvamos a casa juntos. –Sonreí al decirle esto, y en un abrir y cerrar de ojos Morinaga había besado mi mejilla.

-Te Amo, Sempai.

Y así mismo salió y regreso a su trabajo. Coloque mi mano derecha en mi mejilla, donde hace un momento Morinaga me había besado. Y por una extraña razón me hizo sentir tan débil, y pude apreciar ese beso más que todos los que me ha dado en todos estos años. También creo que es tiempo de que fuera de la universidad deje de llamarme sempai, me gustaría escucharlo llamarme Souichi.
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Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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And now I compared a critter as disgusting as her ex, that despite the fact that I don't know what makes me sick! He only know what he is capable of making money. There are so many people in this world, but I'm not one of them, and hate... hate that I put in comparison with someone as well and at a very low level.Throw you a fist to the face to Satou who still remained on the floor. This began to rub the affected area and looked at me with contempt.-To be the first and last time that I compare with someone in that position. I regret what has happened to you, but I must clarify that this is not the same situation. And you demand to stay away from Morinaga, he and I are now together. At the University I can not do that, but at least you can watch you closely... so don't try anything funny.-You do not you are nobody to demand me nothing!This bastard!- And you do not you are nobody in the life of Morinaga, you're only his Kouhai and a former roommate. Learn to respect the privacy of others and not interfieras in where no one has called you!-Souichi Tatsumi I hate you... I hate you!-Haaaa just in case you think that I can get to care what you think or feel to me? Believe me... I don't care!I turned and started towards the Bar again. You get there and opening the door I saw Morinaga working, serving drinks to several clients, to look at the door and see me I Reverend. The truth seemed funny expression. I went to a table and from one moment to another Hiroto was sitting next to me. It looked like a dog that is obedient to waiting for his master to command it to do something.-Something happens? -Ask-Ehhhh... maybe going to act as if nothing had happened, as if I had not become your confidant and accomplice. What happened last night? -Hiroto heard desperate to know.-Morinaga case not have told you nothing?-That is the problem, is acting as if it had happened, as if they had solved nothing, Souichi have been on tenterhooks here, but to see you so calm it has brought hopes in me. What happened? Please tell me!What is acting as if nothing had happened? It is annoying because I wanted to be alone and I left all those hours reading?-Ehhh... uhm thank you all Hiroto, everything was resolved, and I confessed my feelings to him.Hiroto is excited to hear I had.-Imagine that you enjoyed the night yesterday? Morinaga touching you as it does and your state... your moans had again crazy.-Baka! Why do you talk so? -This idiot speaks of my privacy as if he had been watching her.-Sorry, but Morinaga has told me so much about you and your state when they do that it's impossible to imagine it. Hehehe-... - not is whether smiling or go to kill Morinaga - eh... understand... hahahaha-Don't have to pretend with me, in fact I know that these annoying.-I'm angry and worried at the same time, since the same not you the conto. Why? Will you be angry with me?-Do you want to chat with him? It is time that you take a break.-Yes, please! -I need to excuse me if it is upset with me.-Very well, enter that door which is only for employees. There you will find the lockers. It I will send it you briefly.I went to there and between, I left next to the door hoping that Morinaga and be able to ask him what happens. But an anticipation was forming, my thoughts of Morinaga playing me... here in the lockers. I was imagining Morinaga seducing me and making me say shameless things, admitting that I like what I do. Listen to me again and again moaning while he is touching me and then I penetrate against the lockers.At the same moment enter Morinaga, and looks at me surprised.-Do Sempai? Not seeing you outside I thought you had gone...-Mo... Morinaga. -I could not contain me, I started to kiss him and stroking his hair as he did so. I separate from the a moment to search for air and then continue kissing him. Morinaga, who was more than surprised began to correspond me kiss. I put me against the lockers and to sticking can feel his erection.-What sempai? For what this attack so sudden? Perhaps can you have drunk more of the drug?I blush to hear his words-No.-You know that this is a bar and the space is too small. Getting to know you, your moans will listen outside if you do love here...-Ah... no mentions it. Or crazy I want that someone else listen to me! Idiot... I'm going to hit if you let it.Morinaga smiled and caressing my face.-I do not wish to listen to my sempai. Be patient until we get home. I promise to make you feel good.Ahhhh! Because you say so, damn makes me blush and ashamed. And since when is who has control of himself and I am the uncontrolled?-Okay... but nothing more...-Do Hmm?-Something happens? -Ask you a little concerned by what I had said Hiroto.-At what you mean sempai?-Hiroto told me that these acting as if everything is equal, as if nothing had changed.Morinaga is surprised, he thought for a moment and then I Reverend.-Well... sempai ever told me "if it was necessary to proclaim my love all the time" I decided that you should maybe control myself a little, and I am sure that it would not be of your liking that you were here and you find out that I was telling everyone that you and I are now partner. So I decided to keep it secret.To hear his response was completely according to what you said, and I glad that I understand and that I didn't have to tell him.-May not... anything were you worried when Hiroto I mention this detail?!-Yes, it was unaware that it was happening and needed to ask and find out...!-It may be that sempai wants to shout from the rooftops that we are partner?-Do Haaaa? You want to die stupid! -Blatant... when he says things as well. I should hide that even those details and things excite me. I should hide it to as result, or I will be very vulnerable.-Hahahaha... It was only a comment sempai don't bother. Well I must return to work! You have to finish the turn?-Yes! Let's go home together. -I smiled saying this, and in a blink of eyes Morinaga had kissed my cheek.-Te Amo, Sempai.And likewise came out and return to his work. Place my right hand on my cheek, where a moment ago Morinaga I had kissed. And for a strange reason made me feel so weak, and I could see that Kiss than anyone has given me all these years. I also believe that it is time that outside the University let call me sempai, I would like to hear him call me Souichi.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
Now compare me with such filthy vermin like your ex, that although you do not know makes me sick! Just knowing what he is capable of doing for money. There are many people like that in this world, but I am not one of them, and I hate ... I hate to be put in comparison to someone like that and at such a low level. I threw a fist in the face Satou who still remained on the floor . This began to rub the affected area and I looked down area. That is the first and last time that compare me with someone in that position. I regret what has happened, but I must clarify that this is not the same situation. And I demand that you stay away from Morinaga, he and I are now together. In college I can not do that, but at least I will be able to watch you closely ... so do not try anything funny. 'Your're nobody to require me nothing! This bastard! And you're nobody in the life of Morinaga, you are only his Kouhai and a former roommate. Learn to respect the privacy of others and not interfere in where no one has called you! I hate you Souichi Tatsumi ... I hate you! -Haaaa Do you think I can reach matter what you think or feel to me? Believe me ... I do not care! I turned around and started heading toward the bar again. When you get there and open the door I saw Morinaga Working, serving a few drinks to several customers, looking at the door and see me blush. The truth seemed funny expression. I went to a table and at any moment Hiroto sat next to me. Looked like an obedient dog waiting for his master will command to do something. Is something wrong? - I asked -Ehhhh ... perhaps going to act as if nothing had happened, as if I had not become your confidant and accomplice. What happened last night? - Hiroto sounded desperate to know. -do Morinaga has not said anything? That's the problem, is acting as if nothing had happened, as if they had not solved anything, Souichi've been on tenterhooks here, but to see you so calm has brought me hope. What happened? Please tell me! How you're acting as if nothing had happened? Does is upset because he wanted to be alone and left me all those hours reading? Ehhh ... uhm Hiroto Thanks for everything, everything was resolved, and I have confessed my feelings. Hiroto had been thrilled to hear. I imagine rejoiced night not yesterday? Morinaga touching as it does in this state and your ... your moans must drive him crazy. -¡Baka! Why are you talking like that? - This idiot talking about my privacy as if he had been watching. 'Sorry, but Morinaga has told me so much about you and your state when they do it is impossible to imagine. Hehehe - ... I do not know whether to smile or go kill Morinaga- understand ... uh ... hahahaha 'You have to pretend with me, in fact I know you're upset. upset and worried at the same time I am, since it not to be I counted. Why? Is he mad at me? You want to talk to him? It is time to take a break. Yes, Please! - I need to apologize if you are upset with me. All right, go through that door that is only for employees. There you will find the lockers. I'll send it briefly. I went over there and between, I stayed by the door waiting to Morinaga in and ask what happens. But anticipation was building, my thoughts Morinaga touching ... here in lockers. I was imagining Morinaga shameless seducing and making me say things, admitting that I like what I do. Listen again and again while he is moaning touching me and then penetrates me against the lockers. At that moment comes Morinaga, and looks at me surprised. -¿Sempai? By not see outside I thought you were gone ... ... Morinaga-Mo. - I could not contain myself, I began to kiss and caress his hair as he did. I left him a moment to find air and then continue kissing. Morinaga who was more than surprised began to reciprocate the kiss. I stand against the lockers and stick achieves feel his erection. What happens sempai? Why this attack so sudden? Perhaps more drugs have you drunk? I blushed at his words No. You know that this is a bar and space is very small. Knowing you, your cries will be heard outside if I make love here ... Ah ... do not mention it. No way I want someone to listen to me! Idiot ... you will hit if you let it. Morinaga smiled and stroked his face. 'I did not want to listen to my sempai. Be patient until we get home. Promise to make you feel good. Ahhhh! Because I said so, damn it makes me blush and shame. And since when he is the one who has control of himself and I am the wild? -All right ... but nothing more ... Hmm? Is something wrong? - I asked a little worried about what I had said Hiroto. sempai 'What do you mean? -Hiroto me comment that you're acting as if everything was the same, as if nothing had changed. Morinaga was surprised, he thought for a moment and then. blushed Well ... I'd senpai said "If it was necessary to proclaim my love all the time," I decided that maybe I should control myself a little, and I'm sure it would not be to your liking you came here and you find out that I was telling all that you and I are now partners. So I decided to keep it secret. Upon hearing his answer I was in complete agreement with what he said, and I was glad that I have understood that I had to tell him. 'It can not be ... Did you were worried when Hiroto you commented that detail ? Yes, I did not know what was going on and needed to ask and know ...! 'Can you be that sempai want to shout from the rooftops that we partner? -¿Haaaa? You want to die idiot! - Brash ... when you say things like that. I hide that even these details and things excite me. I hide it by any means, or will look very vulnerable. -Hahahaha .... Only comment was an upperclassman not bother. Well I must get back to work! Will you wait for it to finish the shift? Yes! Let's go home together. I smiled to tell you this, and in the blink of an eye Morinaga had kissed my cheek. I love you, Sempai. And so it came out and return to work. Put my right hand on my cheek, where Morinaga time ago had kissed me. And for some strange reason he made ​​me feel so weak, and I could see that kiss more than all it has given me over the years. I also think it is time out of college upperclassman stop calling, I'd like to hear Souichi call.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
And now I'm a disgusting Vermin such as compared with the former, although not know what disgusts me! The only know what it can do for money. There are many people in this world, but I am not one of them, and I Hate, I hate that I Put someone in comparison and in a low level.
throws a fist to the face Satou who still remained on the floor.This began to rub the affected area and looked at me with contempt.

- is the first and last time you compare me with someone in that position. I regret what happened, but I must tell you that this is not the same situation. And I stay away from Morinaga, him and Me Now we're together. In College I can't do that,But at least I can keep an eye on you, so don't try anything funny. - You're not holding anyone for anything!

this bastard!

- and you're nobody in your life, you just kouhai Morinaga, and a former Roommate. Learn to respect the privacy of others and not interfere in Where nobody called you!

- Souichi Tatsumi hate you... I hate you!

Haaaa - you think I can come to matter what you think or feel towards me? Believe Me, I Don't care!

I turned around and I started to go to the bar again. Go and open the door I saw working Morinaga, serving drinks to various customers, look at the door and see me blushed. The Truth struck me Funny expression.I went to a table and one moment Hiroto was sitting next to me. It seemed an obedient Dog Waiting for his master to command it to do something. - something wrong? - ask him

- Whoa... You're going to act as if nothing had happened, as if I hadn't turned your confidant and accomplice. What happened last night? - Hiroto was desperate to know

.- Morinaga hasn't said anything to you?

- that's the problem, acting as if nothing happened, as if they had not solved nothing, I've been on Tenterhooks Souichi to see you so quiet here, but it has brought the Hope in me. What happened? Please tell me!

what is acting as if nothing had happened?
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