sí, trabaja en mi sección y es muy inteligente, ¿no es mejor así Sempa dịch - sí, trabaja en mi sección y es muy inteligente, ¿no es mejor así Sempa Anh làm thế nào để nói

sí, trabaja en mi sección y es muy

sí, trabaja en mi sección y es muy inteligente, ¿no es mejor así Sempai?, poder tener una pareja sin vergüenza y sin ocultarse. Es refrescante.

"Sempai dime algo, esta es mi última carta, mi último aliento, ¡la última oportunidad!"

Sempai no alcanzaba a entender bien lo que Morinaga trataba de decirle. En su mente las palabras marcadas eran "chica", "pareja", "novia". Eso no era posible se decía, "Morinaga es gay"

-Oi! Déjate de bromas idiota, contéstame dónde estabas.

-ya te lo dije Sempai, Salí con una chica, creo que la hare mi novia, como me aconsejaste ¿no?

"seguro está bromeando, muy bien bastardo te seguiré el juego"

-Si es así me alegro por ti, ya era hora que dejaras esas cosas homo

- sí, tenías razón- dijo Morinaga conteniendo el dolor de no obtener la reacción que deseaba.

Morinaga quería que Sempai lo golpeara, le gritara o incluso se indignara, una pizca, solo una pizca de esos celos tan particulares del mayor. Pero ahí estaba, sin ninguna expresión en su rostro. Se estaba deprimiendo hasta que recordó a Hanako.

-"Tienes que ser fuerte Morinaga, seguramente él se va a confundir al principio , incluso no te va a creer y hasta puede que te felicite, pero eso significa que el no cree lo que le estas diciendo pues tu siempre has sido autentico con tu sexualidad. Gomen, te estoy pidiendo que dejes de ser tú, pero creo realmente que esto podría funcionar, más que mal nadie sabe lo que tiene hasta que lo pierde ¿ne?"

-"pero Hanako ¿qué pasa si…el realmente…está contento por mí?, ya sabes, se alegre de que por fin yo no este encima de el todo el tiempo…y si esto ¿lo alivia?

-según lo que me has contado Mori-kun no lo creo, el solo está reprimiendo al máximo sus sentimientos por la situación en que lo pillaste la otra vez, te lo dije, el odio es contra el mismo.

-Ojala tengas razón Hanako, ojala…"

Sempai lo saco de sus pensamientos.

-oi! Vete a la cama, tienes el rostro todo demacrado, ¿Qué clase de chica es que te tuvo hasta esta hora?- lo dijo con cierto enojo

"¿podría ser?" pensó Morinaga y luego tan rápido como el pensamiento llego desecho la idea.

"nah, como siempre todo a mi conveniencia"

-Eso hare Sempai, voy a la cama, que suerte que me toco libre. Ten buen día en la universidad- Sonrió y desapareció.

Un Sempai aturdido y visiblemente irritado se dirigió a la Universidad donde había estudiado y echo su maestría, actualmente estaba trabajando en ella. Le encantaba su vida de investigador, mezclar sustancias, sembrar bacterias, descubrir otros mundos. Hasta hace unos años atrás su familia y su trabajo eran su única pasión. "Hasta que conocí a ese idiota". La vida había dado un giro y su cuerpo también y hoy por hoy había un espacio dentro de el con el nombre de Morinaga. Pero además el cambo venía con una gran aspirina de regalo. "qué manera de irritarme ese baka, ¡nunca tendré paz con el!

Sus ayudantes percibían ya con la experiencia el aura negra que rodeaba a Sempai y se esforzaron en cometer los menos errores posibles y terminar sus responsabilidades rápidamente. Sempai como cada vez que tenía un problema con su kohai no notaba lo que ocurría a su alrededor y estuvo sumido en pensamientos confusos toda la tarde.

"¿a qué se debió ese chiste de la novia?""Tsk! cree que soy un estúpido"- golpeo la mesa sin ser consciente de ello.

"¿quizás es por lo que le dije?...sé que debí ser honesto pero ¿no está llegando muy lejos?"

Sus pensamientos lo siguieron a la hora de comer y como siempre en situaciones así no probó bocado.

"¿acaso es posible esto? ¿dejar de ser gay a tu voluntad?, no lo creo, bueno yo cambie por supuesto pero no fue de un día para otro…incluso hoy es tan difícil"- su cara se sonrojo- "Pero que yo recuerde tampoco ame a ninguna mujer, no tenía interés alguno en payasadas como el amor… ¿acaso yo…?- saco de su mente la idea y paso del sonrojo al miedo.

"quizás deba investigar, debe haber algo escrito o…no lo sé, ¡Maldición! Apenas si me acostumbro a esto y debo lidiar con lo tuyo baka!".

Totalmente cansado llego Sempai al departamento, su estómago le reclamaba de forma ruidosa lo poco que había consumido ese día sin embargo no le importo, solo quería recostarse y dejar de pensar, "si es que eso es posible".

Sintió una risa que venía desde la cocina y avanzo sigilosamente unos pasos. Ahí frente al fogón pudo divisar la espalda de Moringa siendo acariciada por una mujer atractiva y de pelo castaño. Al parecer estaban preparando la cena y se burlaban de alguna broma personal entre ellos.

Sempai había llegado al límite. Sus pensamientos, el poco sueño y la nula comida lo tenían estresado y no necesitaba caras felices en ese momento. Con una irracionalidad que solo la rabia puede darte, saco las llaves de su abrigo y se las lanzo a Morinaga. Este al sentir el golpe se llevó la mano a la cabeza y se giró.


Sempai abrió su boca para gritarle algo pero entonces su irracionalidad desapareció. Consciente de todo empezó a temblar, apretó los puños y los ojos en su ya característica impotencia y corrió a su habitación.

Morinaga estaba a punto de seguirlo cuando Hanako lo agarró del brazo.

-Mori-kun! Él sabe que lo seguirás, recuerda lo que hemos conversado, tu cambio debe ser total o el resultado será el mismo, además…se alteró bastante, deja que respire.


-no lo ahogues Mori, deja que se calme un poco, quizás el ser tan impulsivo es lo que lo agota y lo asusta.

-¡Lo sé, lo sé! Sé que siempre estoy apresurándome, pero es que lo amo…

-Paciencia Mori-kun, esta reacción es buena, ¿ya viste su cara?

-se veía bastante molesto- se tocó el chichón que había dejado el golpe.

Hanako saco hielo del refrigerador y lo coloco en su cabeza, lo sostuvo firme y con la mano libre acaricio el hombro de Morinaga.

-¿Sabes lo que puede venir ahora no?, será tu prueba máxima, pero si tiene resultado serás muy feliz, que el despierte definitivamente y no porque puedes irte es primordial Mori-kun.

-¿Cómo es que sabes tanto? ¿Ya hiciste esto?-pregunto curioso

-Tal vez- contesto una enigmática pelicastaño.

Morinaga la miro curioso y extrañado mientras sentía que palpitaba fuerte la zona del golpe debido al hielo que sostenía Hanako.

-Vamos Mori-kun, es de dominio público que duele más tener a la persona cerca y no poder tenerla a que se vaya. ¿Esos 5 años de amor no correspondido no te ayudaron nada?

-Tienes razón

-Bien, siguiente etapa. Tu puedes Mori-Kun!

Morinaga algo contrariado camino hacia la puerta que hace unos minutos había dado un golpe estridente. Tomo aire, le dio dos suaves toques y prosiguió.

-Sempai…etto, iré a comer afuera con Hanako , creo que necesitas espacio, volveré pronto.

El tirano lo había escuchado fuerte y claro, se encontraba en el mismo lugar donde quedo al cerrar de golpe la puerta, apoyado en ella y luego se deslizo hacia el suelo. Tenía su pecho agarrado por las dos manos y el palpitar de su corazón no daba tregua. Estaba furioso.

"Al parecer es cierto…se veía tan feliz"- pensó con dolor

"quizás deba dar un paso al lado… ¿Por qué reaccione así?, es mi amigo, debo apoyarlo"

Se paró con dificultad y se dirigió a la cama donde se sentó. "Maldición no entiendo nada, necesito despejar la mente"

A lo lejos oyó como la puerta principal se cerraba y golpeo la cama con su puño. Segundos después un celular comenzaba a sonar y no era el de Sempai.

-Oi! Esa niñita te tiene en las nubes, dejaste tu celular- Decía mientras salía de la pieza.

Él sabía perfectamente que Morinaga ya se había ido pero tenía una necesidad imperiosa de gritarle. Cuando llego al objeto ruidoso se irrito aún más al ver el nombre de la pantalla "Isogai"

-Ese maldito chantajista, ¡amigo de ese homobaka de kurokawa!

Era perfecto ahora tendría con quien descargarse. Apretó para contestar y escucho el particular tono de voz.


-¿Qué quieres?

-ahhh! Souichi-kun! Tanto tiempo, ¿cómo va todo con tu amorcito? ¿Ya se contestan los teléfonos? Estoy envidioso.

-Cállate bastardo! No me trates como si fuera un homo como tu amiguito, además, Morinaga ya tiene otra persona.


-¡Y ES UNA MUJER! ¡Ese pervertido de Kurokawa debería seguir su ejemplo y dejar a Tomoe en paz!

Ahí estaba, Sempai lo había botado, necesitaba decirlo, asumirlo.

-eh? Souichi-kun? No es una buena broma, Morinaga está enamorado de ti.

-¡Te digo que está saliendo con una mujer! ¿Qué no me escuchas?-empezó a sollozar- Ese imbécil por fin se ha enderezado y me dejara en paz,¡ estoy feliz Maldita sea!

-Souchi-kun no suenas feliz, algo grave debe haber pasado para que Morinaga esté haciendo todo esto, es extraño.

-¡No le eh echo nada! El simplemente…despertó, se dio cuenta de su…error- se le quebró la voz al final

-Dios mío, ¿porque no salimos a beber? En realidad estoy en Nagoya ahora por eso llamaba a Mori-kun necesitaba hacerle unas consultas técnicas, pero que bueno que me entero de todo esto.

-Que planeas maldito, ¡no volveré a cantar karaoke!

-jajajaj ¿aun recuerdas eso no?, no te preocupes, nada de karaoke, solo dos hombres charlando ¿está bien?

Minutos después Sempai se encontraba buscando las llaves en la cocina, recordando por supuesto el haberlas tirado hacia Morinaga , luego se colocó el abrigo y fue hacia la entrada, "de todos modos no quería quedarme aquí, demasiados recuerdos". Y se fue.

Encontrarse con Isogai no fue tan incómodo como pensó. A pesar que ya había sido hace tiempo en el cumpleaños de Tomoe y a pesar de lo siempre bromista con él, sempai no tenía energías para paliarle nada. Isogai supo que era grave y lo invito a unas copas en un bar bastante conocido y sofisticado. Como siempre y aunque no quisiera aceptarlo, hablar con isogai lo hacía sentirse mucho mejor, el hombre al frente de él tenía una personalidad retorcida pero era honesto y le hacía ver las cosas que el por su poca experiencia no podía ver.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Yes, works in my section and is very smart, is it not better so Sempai?, have a couple without shame and without hiding. It is refreshing."Sempai tell me something, this is my last letter, my last breath, last chance!"Sempai could not understand what Morinaga was trying to tell him. In his mind the marked words were "girl", "partner", "bride". That wasn't possible was said, "Morinaga is gay"-Oi! Forget the idiotic jokes, tell me where were you.-because told it you Sempai, went out with a girl, I think that the hare my girlfriend, as I turned right?"insurance is very well kidding bastard I will follow the game"-If so I'm happy for you, it's about time that you leave those things homo-Yes, were right - said Morinaga containing the pain of not getting the reaction they wanted.Morinaga wanted Sempai hit it, shout it or even indignara, pinch, just a pinch of those special jealousy of the mayor. But there he was, without any expression on your face. It was depressing until recalled to Hanako.-"You have to be strong Morinaga, surely he will be confused at first, even not going to believe it can up to congratulate you, and that means that he does not what he believes you are saying as your have always been authentic with your sexuality." "Gomen, I'm asking to let be you, but I genuinely believe that this might work, rather than bad no one knows what you have until you lose it do ne?"-"but Hanako what if... the... really is happy for me?, you know, not this up be glad that finally I all time... and if this would relieve it?"-According to what I've told Mori-kun do not believe, the single is repressing the most feelings by the situation in which you catch it again, I told you, the hate is against it."-I hope you're right Hanako, hopefully..."Bag Sempai his thoughts.-oi! Go to bed, have the gaunt face, what kind of girl is that you had up to this time?-said with some anger"could it be?" thought Morinaga and then as fast as thought I get scrap the idea."nah, as always everything at my convenience"-That hare Sempai, go to bed, how lucky that I play free. Good ten day at University - smiled and disappeared.A dazed and visibly irritated Sempai approached the University where had studied and echo his master, was currently working on it. You loved your life researcher, mixing substances, plant bacteria, discover other worlds. Until a few years ago, his family and his work were his only passion. "Until I met this idiot". Life had taken a turn and your body also and today there was a space inside the with the name of Morinaga. But the change came with a great gift aspirin. "what manner of irritate me that baka, will never have peace with the!"His aides already perceived with the experience the black aura that surrounded you Sempai and sought to commit less possible errors and terminate its responsibilities quickly. Sempai as whenever I had a problem with his kohai didn't notice what was happening to her around and was in confused thoughts all afternoon."what was that joke of the bride?" " TSK! thinks I'm an idiot "-beating the table without being aware of it.""perhaps is what I told you?... I know that I should be honest but not is coming far away?"His thoughts followed it at mealtime and as always in situations well did not prove snack."is really possible this?" can stop being gay to your will?, I don't think so, well I change course but it wasn't from one day to another... even today is so hard "- his face is Reverend -" but I remember not ame no woman, did not have any interest in antics such as love... would perhaps I...? "" -bag of his mind the idea and passage of the flushing to fear."should perhaps inquire, there must be something written or I don't know, damn it!" Just if I'm used to this and I deal with you baka! "."Totally tired get Sempai Department, your stomach claimed you in a noisy way what little they had consumed that day however I don't mind you, just wanted to sit back and stop thinking, "if it is that that is possible".He felt a laugh coming from the kitchen and go quietly away. There in front of the stove could see the back of Moringa being caressed by an attractive woman with brown hair. They were apparently preparing dinner and made fun of a personal joke between them.Sempai had reached the limit. Their thoughts, too little sleep and no food had stressed and did not need happy faces at that time. With an irrationality that only rage can give you, I take the keys from his coat and threw them to Morinaga. This to feel the hit was hand head and turned.-Sem... SempaiSempai opened his mouth to yell something but then their irrationality disappeared. Aware of all he began to tremble, clenched fists and eyes in its already characteristic impotence and ran to his room.Morinaga was about to follow him when Hanako grabbed him arm.-Mori-kun! He knows that you will keep it, remembers what you have spoken, your changes should be total or the result will be the same, also... quite altered, let it breathe.-but...-does not choke it Mori, leaves that relaxes a little, perhaps be so impulsive is what depletes it and frightens it.-I know, I know it! I know that I am always rushing me, but it is that I love him...-Patience Mori-kun, this reaction is good, did you already see your face?-was quite annoying - the bump that had left the hit was played.Hanako bag ice cooler, put it on his head, he held it firmly and with your free hand caressing the shoulder of Morinaga.-Do you know what can come now not?, it will be your maximum test, but if you have results you'll be very happy, that the wake up finally and not because you can go is primordial Mori-kun.-How is it that you know so much? Already did this?-curious wonder-Maybe-I answered an enigmatic pelicastano.Morinaga miro it curious and surprised as it felt that the area hit due to the ice holding Hanako beat strong.-Go Mori-kun, is in the public domain that hurt more having the person closely and not to have to go. Do those 5 years of unrequited love not helped you nothing?-You're right-Well, next stage. Your can Mori-Kun!Morinaga rather disappointed towards the door that a few minutes ago had given a harsh blow. Air volume, gave two soft touches and continued.-Sempai... etto, I will go to eating out with Hanako, I think that you need space, I'll be back soon.The tyrant had heard him strong and clear, was in the same place where I am at the slamming door, leaning on it and then slip toward the ground. He had his chest seized by two hands and the throbbing of his heart gave no truce. He was furious."Apparently is true... looked so happy"-thought with pain"perhaps should take a step to the side... do so why react?, he is my friend, I should support it"He stood with difficulty, and approached the bed where it sat. "Curse does not understand anything, I need to clear the mind"Far away he heard as the door was closed and hit the bed with his fist. Seconds later a cell phone began to ring and wasn't the Sempai.-Oi! This girl has you in the clouds, you left your cell - said as he left the piece.He knew perfectly that Morinaga had already left but had an imperative need to yell. When I get to the noisy object I further irritated to see the name of the screen "Isogai"-This damned blackmailer, that kurokawa homobaka friend!It was perfect now would have with who downloaded. Pressed to answer and I hear the particular tone of voice.-Do Morinaga-kun?-What would they be?-ahhh! Souichi-kun! So long, how's everything with your sweetie? Already are phones answered? I am envious.-Shut up you bastard! I don't treat as if a homo as your friend, in addition, Morinaga already has someone else.-eh?- AND IS A WOMAN! That pervert of Kurokawa should follow his example and leave to Tomoe in peace!It was there, Sempai had launched it, I needed to say it, take it.-eh? Souichi-kun? It is not a good joke, Morinaga has a crush on you.-I tell you that he is dating a woman! What I cant'n? - began to sob - that asshole finally is has straightened and leave me in peace, I'm happy dammit!-Souchi-kun sound not happy, something serious must have happened so that Morinaga is doing all of this, is strange.-Don't you eh echo nothing! He just... woke up, he realized from his... error - broke you the voice at the end-My God, because not left to drink? Actually I'm in Nagoya now so called Mori-Kun needed to make him a technical consultation, but it is good that I learn from all this.-That you are planning to be cursed, I will not sing karaoke!-jajajaj do still remember that no?, don't you worry, nothing karaoke, only two men chatting is well?Minutes later Sempai was looking for keys in the kitchen, recalling of course have them shot towards Morinaga, then settled the shelter and went toward the entrance, "however did not want to stay here, too many memories". And it was.Meet Isogai was not as uncomfortable as he thought. Despite the fact that was already long on the birthday of Tomoe and despite Joker always with him, sempai had no powers to alleviate him nothing. Isogai knew it was serious and I invite you to a few drinks in a sophisticated and well known bar. As always and although I would accept it, speak with isogai did feel much better, the man in front of him had a twisted personality but was honest and did see things that the little experience he could not see.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Yes, it works in my section and is very clever, is not it better that way ?, Sempai to have a couple without embarrassment and without hiding. It's refreshing. "Sempai tell me something, this is my last letter, my last breath, the last chance!" Sempai reached not understand well what Morinaga was trying to say. In his mind the words were marked "girl", "couple", "bride". That was not possible, he said, "Morinaga is gay" Oi! Let idiotic jokes, you answer me where you were. I told you-and Sempai, I dated a girl, I think that makes my girlfriend, as you advised me no? "is sure kidding, well you'll play bastard" If it's so I'm happy for you, it's about time you left these homo things - yes, you had good reason Morinaga said containing the pain of not getting the reaction he wanted. Morinaga wanted Sempai hit him, yell at him or even indignant, pinch, just a hint of those very individuals the greatest jealousy. But it was there, no expression on his face. It was depressing until reminded Hanako. - "You must be strong Morinaga, surely he will be confused at first, even you will not believe and may even congratulate you, but that means he does not believe what these will saying because you've always been true to your sexuality Gomen, I'm asking you to stop being you, but I really think this could work, but nobody knows what evil have until you lose ne.? " - "but Hanako what if ... he really ... is happy for me ?, you know, he is glad that finally not this over the whole time ... and if it did you relieved? according to what you told me Mori-kun I do not think so, he's just the most repressing their feelings about the situation in which you caught him last time, I told you, hate is against it. I wish you are right Hanako, hopefully ... " Sempai him out of his thoughts. -oi! Go to bed, you have all haggard face, what kind of girl is that I had to this time - he said with some anger "could it be?" Morinaga thought and then as quickly as the thought came scrap the idea. "nah, as always everything to my convenience ' 'That makes Sempai, go to bed, how lucky I touch me free. Ten good day at the university smiled and disappeared. A visibly stunned and angry Sempai went to the University where he had studied and miss his expertise, was currently working on it. He loved his life as a researcher, mixing substances, plant bacteria, discover other worlds. Until a few years ago his family and his work were his only passion. "Until I met that idiot". Life had taken a turn and your body well and today was a space in the name of the Morinaga. But besides the cambo aspirin she came with a great gift. "What a way to irritate the Baka, I will never have peace with him! His aides already perceived the experience the black aura surrounding Sempai and strove to make the fewest mistakes and end its responsibilities quickly. Sempai like every time I had a problem with your kohai not notice what was happening around him and was plunged into confused thoughts all afternoon. "what that joke was due girlfriend?" "Tsk! think I'm stupid "- hit the table without being aware of it. "Maybe that's what I said ... I know I should be honest but it is not going too far"? His thoughts followed when lunch and as always in these situations proved not bite. "Is this possible? Do you stop being gay to your will ?, I think not, well I changed of course but it was not overnight ... even today it is so difficult "- his face blushed" But I remember not love any woman I had no interest in antics like love ... do I ...? -. sack of his mind the idea and embarrassment over fear "may need to investigate, there must be something written or ... I do not know, hardly Curse I get used to this and I have to deal with yours baka! ". Totally tired came Sempai department, his stomach was claimed noisily the little he had eaten that day but did not care, I just wanted to lie down and stop thinking, " if that is possible. " He felt laughter coming from the kitchen and quietly stepped forward. There at the stove could make out the back of Moringa being caressed by an attractive brown-haired woman. Apparently they were preparing dinner and made ​​fun of some private joke between them. Sempai had reached the limit. Your thoughts, little sleep and stressed they had no food and no need happy faces at the time. With an irrationality that rabies can only give, I take the keys from his coat and threw them Morinaga. This feeling the blow took the hand and turned his head. Shem ... Sempai Sempai opened his mouth to shout something but then disappeared irrationality. Realizing everything started shaking, clenched his fists and eyes in their powerlessness and characteristic and ran to her room. Morinaga was about to follow when Hanako grabbed his arm. -Mori-kun! He knows I'll still remember what we have discussed, your change must be total or the result will be the same, as well ... quite altered, let breathe. But ... let us not drown Mori, let it calm down a bit, perhaps being so impulsive is what frightens and exhausts. 'I know, I know! I know I'm always hurrying, but I love him ... Patience Mori-kun, this reaction is good, did you see his face? He looked pretty annoyed the lump that had left the hit touched. Hanako ice cooler bag and I put it on his head, held it firmly and with his free hand stroked Morinaga's shoulder. You know what may come now not ?, will be your ultimate test, but if you'll be very happy result, that definitely wake up and not because they can go is paramount Mori-kun. How do you know so much? Have you made ​​this? I ask curious -maybe- answered an enigmatic pelicastaño. Morinaga looked curious and puzzled as he felt was pounding the hitting area due to ice holding Hanako. Come Mori-kun, it is common knowledge that It hurts to have near the person and not to have it to go. Are these five years of unrequited love not helped you at all? You're right Well, next step. You can Mori-kun! Morinaga somewhat annoyed way out the door a few minutes ago had given a loud blow. Took a deep breath, gave two soft touches and continued. -Sempai ... etto, I'll go out to dinner with Hanako, I think you need space, will return soon. The tyrant had heard loud and clear, he was in the same place where he was to close slammed the door, leaning on her and then slid to the floor. Had him by both hands and the beating of her heart gave no respite to his chest. . He was furious "Apparently it's true ... she looked so happy" - he thought with pain "may need to step aside ... Why react so ?, is my friend, I support it," He stood with difficulty and went to the bed where he sat. "Curse not understand anything, I need to clear the mind" Far heard the front door close and hit the bed with his fist. Seconds later a cell began to ring and was not Sempai. Oi! That little girl you have in the clouds, you left your Celular said as she left the room. He knew that Morinaga was gone but had a pressing need to yell. When I get to noisy object it is further irritated at seeing the name of "Isogai" screen That damned blackmailer, that homobaka friend Kurokawa! It was perfect with whom would now be downloaded. He pressed to answer and hear the particular tone of voice. -¿Morinaga-kun? What do you want? Ahhh! Souichi-kun! So long, how's it going with your sweetheart? Already phones are answered? I'm envious. Shut up, you bastard! Do not treat me like an oven as your friend also Morinaga already has someone else. Hey? 'And is a woman! That pervert Kurokawa should follow suit and leave Tomoe alone! There it was, Sempai had launched, needed to say, take it. Hey? Souichi-kun? It is not a good joke, Morinaga is in love with you. -¡Te say who is dating a woman! What you do not listen? That asshole began to sob finally straightened and leave me alone, I'm happy Damn! -Souchi-kun do not sound happy, something serious must have happened to be doing all this Morinaga It is strange. -¡No you done anything eh! He just ... he woke up, he realized his mistake ... was his voice broke at the end 'My God, why not go out to drink? I'm actually in Nagoya now so called Mori-kun needed to ask some technical questions, but good that I hear all this. That damn plan, will not return to sing karaoke! -jajajaj Do you still remember why not ?, Do not worry, no karaoke, only two men talking okay? Minutes later Sempai was looking for the keys in the kitchen, remembering of course if any pulled Morinaga, then coat stood and walked toward the entrance, "of Anyway I not want to stay here, too many memories. " And he left. Encountering Isogai was not as uncomfortable as he thought. Although it had been a while Tomoe's birthday and despite what always joking with him sempai paliarle had no energy for anything. Isogai knew it was serious and invite him to a drink on a well known and sophisticated bar. As long but did not want to accept it, talk to Isogai made ​​him feel better, man in front of him had a twisted personality but was honest and made ​​him see things that little experience could not see.

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