POV SEMPAI"Aquella chica salió de a


"Aquella chica salió de aquí hace más de 4 horas". Esa frase resonaba como eco en nuestras mentes. Eso significaba que Taiga desapareció o lo que es peor... algo le pasó. Empecé a imaginarme miles de posibilidades.

Morinaga se quedó en shock y de pronto colgó la llamada.

¡Maldición, Taiga! ¿Dónde demonios estás?

Sinceramente estaba muy preocupado, pero intentaba mantener la calma. No quería pensar en lo peor, pero esa sensación de culpa me invadía y también ese presentimiento de que algo muy grave debió haber pasado. Taiga no es estúpida. Ella conoce muy bien el camino a casa, entonces... ¿por qué no ha regresado?

Lo peor de todo era que mientras nosotros nos quedábamos en shock, los minutos seguían pasando y no teníamos noticias de Taiga.

El ambiente estaba tenso, pero a la vez silencioso... hasta que Morinaga entró en pánico. Empezó a dar vueltas por toda la sala y a querer arrancarse el cabello de la angustia; pero lo más extraño de la situación era que... AÚN ESTÁBAMOS DESNUDOS...

-¡No puede ser! ¿Qué pudo haber pasado? ¿Dónde está? ¿Por qué no ha regresado? ¿Por qué tiene que pasar esto? ¿A dónde iría sola?-

-Morinaga...- lo llamé tranquilamente mientras me puse el pantalón y la camisa, pues yo no pretendía solucionar las cosas estando desnudo frente a él.

-¡Ya pasaron más de cuatro horas! ¡Afuera está muy oscuro! ¡Ella no tiene dinero para regresar en taxi!-

-Morinaga...- insistí manteniendo la calma, pues yo no iba a caer en la desesperación.

-¿¡Dónde puedo buscarla!? La calle es muy grande. ¡Jamás la voy a encontrar!-

-¡MORINAGA!- perdí la paciencia y me harté de ser ignorado.

-¡Qué!- me respondió inapropiadamente.

-No me grites, imbécil. Lo primero que debes hacer es tranquilizarte. La gente como tú siempre llega a conclusiones estúpidas porque suele caer en la desesperación y se deja llevar por los peores pensamientos. Mantén la calma, idiota. Solo hay que pensar en dónde puede estar Taiga- me crucé de brazos –Y segundo... ¡PONTE LA MALDITA ROPA!-

-¡Ah!- se sonrojó y buscó su pantalón y camiseta –¡Es cierto... sigo desnudo!-

-...- rolé los ojos.

-Perdón, Sempai. Con todo el asunto de Taiga desaparecida... no me di cuenta que no me había vestido- los nervios se le notaban mucho.

-Ay...- suspiré mientras él terminaba de vestirse –Sabemos que su último paradero fue el hospital, entonces debemos buscar ahí-

-Pero, Sempai... la mujer que nos contestó dijo que Taiga no estaba ahí y que se había ido hace más de cuatro horas-

-¡Ya lo sé!- insistí –Pero de todas formas siempre debemos empezar a buscar por el paradero de la persona. No sé... tal vez hay alguien más que haya hablado con Taiga y nos pueda dar una pista, o quizás la encontremos por los alrededores-

-¿Y qué pasa si no la encontramos, Sempai? ¿Qué vamos a hacer?- nuevamente su angustia.

-¡Deja de ser tan pesimista, idiota!- le grité –Y muévete de una buena vez-

Inmediatamente cogimos nuestros celulares, guardamos nuestras billeteras, nos pusimos los zapatos y salimos rumbo al hospital. No nos importó gastar en un taxi. Tan solo queríamos llegar al paradero de Taiga.

Sinceramente, yo soy de los que mantienen la calma. No es que no me importe dónde pueda estar la mocosa. De hecho me siento muy culpable, pero... caer en la desesperación no me llevará a ningún lado y peor aún... no podré pensar con claridad. Debo mantener la cabeza fría para encontrar una solución. Sin embargo, Morinaga era todo lo contrario, pues estaba invadido por la angustia y no paraba de andar nervioso suponiendo cosas que aún no ha pasado y que podrían no haber pasado.

Minutos después ya estábamos en el hospital. Era casi media noche, pero no le tomé importancia. Morinaga entró como loco al área de maternidad, donde se llevaban las clases de pre-parto, y se acercó a la recepción.

-¿En qué puedo ayudarles?- nos atendió la secretaria.

-Por favor, necesitamos saber dónde se encuentra Taiga Asuka- Morinaga preguntó desesperado.

-¿Taiga Asuka?-

-¡Sí! Es una chica que asistió a unas clases de pre-parto el día hoy y...-

-Creo que hablé con ustedes por teléfono ¿cierto?-

-Sí, así es... ¿Sabe algo?-

-Disculpe, pero como le comenté telefónicamente, aquella señorita salió de aquí hace más de cuatro horas. Podría decir que ya son casi 5 horas que no sabemos nada de ella-

-¡Es que no puede ser! ¡Cómo se pudo ir sola de aquí!-

-Cálmate, idiota- le susurré.

-Lo único que ella me dijo es que estaba esperando a que la vinieran a recoger, pero nadie vino por ella. Así que decidió regresar por su propio pie- explicó la secretaria.

-¿Y por qué la dejaron ir? ¡Cómo pueden ser tan irresponsables de permitir que una chica con casi 9 meses de embarazo regrese SOLA a casa!-

-¡Basta, Morinaga! No voy a permitir que sigas haciendo escenas como esta- lo jalé del brazo para alejarlo de la recepción.

-Déjame, Sempai- se soltó de mi agarre -Es que... TÚ NO LO ENTIENDES. ¡TAIGA ESTÁ PERDIDA!-

-¡Ya lo sé! Pero te dije claramente que cayendo en la desesperación no vamos a llegar a ningún lado-

-Etto... - la señorita de la recepción se acercó a nosotros –A nombre del hospital les ofrezco una disculpa por ser tan descuidados con una de nuestras pacientes. Lamento mucho que algo así haya sucedido. Si pudiéramos ayudar en algo, con mucho gusto lo haremos-

-Descuide. Nosotros nos encargaremos de buscarla, pero si sabe algo de Taiga Asuka... estaremos muy agradecidos de que nos avise inmediatamente- contesté.

Finalicé la conversación con la secretaria brindándole mi número celular para que se comunique conmigo en caso que Taiga apareciera. Salimos del hospital y nuevamente estábamos en la calle. Morinaga estaba asustado y no paraba de arrancarse el cabello de la desesperación. Se quedaba mirando a la nada, temblaba de los nervios y su respiración estaba muy acelerada.

Ese idiota. Siempre dejándose llevar por sus emociones. Cuando entenderá que debemos usar LA CABEZA ante todo. Primero PENSAR antes de ACTUAR. Es un maldito idiota, aunque... estoy seguro que en estos momentos Morinaga me está odiando. Bueno, a decir verdad, tiene todo el derecho de hacerlo, ya que el único culpable... soy yo. Pero... YO NO TENGO LA CULPA, MIERDA. Cómo iba a saber que el bastardo profesor Miyoshi intentaría violarme. Caí inconsciente después de su ataque y cuando desperté ya era muy tarde. Maldición, pero... si a Taiga le pasó algo grave... estoy seguro que el único señalado seré yo.

-¿De qué nos sirvió venir hasta aquí? ¡DE NADA!- Morinaga empezó a gritar en plena calle.

-Al menos lo intentamos. Prefiero esto a quedarme sentado pensando estupideces-

-¡Sempai! ¡Cómo te puedes expresar así en un momento como este! ¿Acaso no comprendes la gravedad del asunto?-

-Claro que comprendo y también estoy preocupado, pero tu forma de lidiar con esto me irrita- me crucé de brazos.

-Es que ponte a pensar... ¿Y si está perdida? ¿Y si se cayó? ¿Y si se lastimó? ¿Y si tuvo un accidente? ¿Y si se le rompió la fuente?-

-Me estoy hartando, Morinaga-

-Le pudieron haber pasado muchas cosas... hasta... hasta podría pensar que alguien la secuestró y...-


-¡Cómo pretendes que me calme! ¿Qué no te das cuenta?-


-¡Ah no, claro! ¿Cómo te vas a dar cuenta si a ti nunca te importó Taiga?- me ofendió.


¿Qué nunca me importó Taiga? ¿Cómo puede decirme algo como eso? ¡CÓMO SE ATREVE! ¿Acaso él no fue el imbécil que estuvo amnésico estas últimas semanas? ¡Es un maldito bastardo! Me molesta tanto que hable así de mí cuando lo único que he hecho es cuidar a Taiga mientras ese idiota iba de aquí para allá desmemoriado y en prostíbulos. Quiero matarlo... enserio QUIERO MATARLO.

La bofetada que le di resonó por toda la calle. No me importó haber usado mucha fuerza, porque prácticamente me sentí insultado. Si de por sí ya me sentía culpable por la desaparición de Taiga... qué razones tenía Morinaga para hacerme sentir aún peor.


¿Qué sucedió? ¿Acaso Sempai me pegó? ¿Qué le pasa? ¿O es que fui yo quien se pasó con las palabras?

Sempai había usado mucha fuerza en aquella bofetada que me lanzó. Dolía mucho, pero no me quejé, tan solo me quedé impactado. Me agarré la mejilla, que por cierto se había tornado roja, y muy sorprendido volví a mirarlo...


-Con qué derecho me vienes a decir algo como eso- su ceño estaba muy fruncido y su mirada clavada en mí –Que no se te olvide que fui YO el que cuidó de Taiga mientras tú estabas amnésico-

-Perdóname, Sempai- me disculpé arrepentido –No debí hablarte de esa manera. Me excedí-

-¿Te excediste?- se burló –Y qué hay de mí ¿eh? Ya sé que soy el maldito culpable de que Taiga no esté con nosotros, pero qué esperabas que hiciera... ¿Dejar que Miyoshi me viole y luego recoger a Taiga como si nada?-

-¡Claro que no! Jamás te desearía una cosa como esa-

-Te juro que quiero matarte-

-Me excedí, Sempai. No debí decirte algo como eso. Tienes razón. Estoy siendo dominado por la desesperación y... hablé sin pensar. Perdóname, por favor... te prometo que...-

-¡No me prometas nada!- quise abrazarlo, pero él me apartó de inmediato –Estoy cansado y quiero irme a casa-

-¿QUÉ? ¿Y QUÉ HAY DE TAIGA?- me sorprendí por su falta de interés.

-Ya buscaremos mañana- dijo como si nada le importara.


-Qué... ¿otra vez vas a hablar sin pensar?-

-No... es que...- suspiré –No podré estar tranquilo si no encuentro a Taiga-

-Es casi media noche-

-No me importa. Soy capaz de buscar hasta que amanezca y...-

-Pues busca tú solo-
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV SEMPAI"That girl left here more than 4 hours ago". That phrase resounded as echo in our minds. That meant that Taiga disappeared or what is worse... something happened. I started to imagine thousands of possibilities.Morinaga was shocked and suddenly hung up the call.Curse, Taiga! Where demons are you?Honestly I was very worried, but I was trying to stay calm. I didn't want to think the worst, but that feeling of guilt came over me and also this feeling that something serious must have happened. Taiga is not stupid. She knows very well the way home, then... why not has returned?Worst of all was that while we we were in shock, the minutes were passing and we had no news of Taiga.The atmosphere was tense, but at the same time silent... until Morinaga went into panic. She began to spin across the room and wanting to pull one hair of the distress; but the strangest thing of the situation was that... WE WERE STILL NAKED...-Can not be! What could have happened? Where is it? Why has he not returned? Why do you have to pass this? Where would one?--I called Morinaga...-quietly while I got the pants and shirt, because I didn't intend to solve things by being naked in front of him.-Already spent more than four hours! It is very dark outside! She does not have money to return in taxi!--Morinaga...-insisted keeping calm, because I wasn't going to fall into despair.-Where I can search it! The street is very large. Never will it find!--MORINAGA! - I lost patience and I tired of being ignored.-What! - I responded inappropriately.-Not me shout, idiot. The first thing you should do is relax. People like you always comes to stupid conclusions because it tends to fall into despair and is carried away by the worst thoughts. Stay calm, idiot. Just think of where it can be Taiga - I crossed of arms - and second... get your damn clothes!--Oh! - blushed and looked for his pants and shirt - is true... still naked!--...-rolé eyes.-Forgiveness, Sempai. With all the subject of Taiga disappeared... I didn't realize that not I had dressed - nerves noticed him much.-Oh...-sighed as he finished dressing - we know that his last whereabouts was the hospital, then we find there -But - Sempai... the woman who answered us said that Taiga was not there and that he had gone more than four hours ago--I know it! - I insisted - but anyway we must always begin to search for the whereabouts of the person. I don't know... maybe there is someone more than you've spoken with Taiga and may give us a clue, or perhaps we find in the surrounding area -- And if not found, Sempai? What are we to do?-again his anguish.-Stop being so pessimistic, idiot! - yelled - and leaving a good time -We immediately took our cell phones, we keep our wallets, we got shoes and left heading to the hospital. He didn't spend on a cab. We just wanted to reach the whereabouts of Taiga.Honestly, I am who kept calm. It is not that it doesn't matter I where it may be the runny. In fact I feel very guilty, but... fall into despair not take me anywhere, and worse still... no I think clearly. I keep a cool head to find a solution. However, Morinaga was the opposite, as it was invaded by the anguish and not stop walking nervous assuming things that still has not passed and that could not have happened.Minutes later we were at the hospital. It was nearly midnight, but I did not take importance. Morinaga entered like crazy to maternity, where were the kinds of labor, and approached the reception.-How can I help them? - we attended the Secretariat.-Please, need to know where Taiga Asuka - Morinaga asked desperate.-Taiga Asuka?--Yes! It's a girl who attended a few classes of labor day today and...--I think I talked to you on the phone right?--Yes, so... do you know something?--Excuse me, but as I told him by telephone that Miss left here more than four hours ago. I could say that they are already almost 5 hours that we know nothing of it--Is that it can not be! How is could go alone here!--Calm down, idiot - I susurré you.-All she told me is that I was waiting for it come it to pick up, but no one came for her. So he decided to return for his own foot - explained the Secretary.- And why you let it go? How can be so irresponsible to let a girl almost 9 months pregnant return single House!--Basta, Morinaga! I will let you keep doing scenes like this - not pulled it from the arm away from the reception.-Let me, slipped my grip - Sempai - is that... YOU DO NOT WHAT YOU UNDERSTAND. TAIGA IS LOST!--I know it! But I clearly said that falling into despair we will not go anywhere--Etto... - Miss reception approached us - on behalf of the hospital to offer an apology for being so careless with one of our patients. I regret that something so much has happened. If we could help in something, gladly we'll do it--Neglect. We we'll look, but if you know anything about Taiga Asuka... will be very grateful for that let us know immediately - I replied.I finished the conversation with the Secretariat providing my cell number so contact me if Taiga appeared. We left the hospital and again were on the street. Morinaga was afraid and did not stop pulling the hair of despair. I was looking at nothing, shook nerves and his breathing was very accelerated.That idiot. Always being carried away by their emotions. When means that we must use the head first and foremost. First think before acting. It is a damn idiot, though... I am sure that in these moments, Morinaga me is hating. Well, to tell the truth, you have every right to do so, since the only guilty... am I. But... I HAVE NO GUILT, SHIT. How would know that bastard Professor Miyoshi would try to rape me. CAI unconscious after their attack and when I woke up I was very late. Curse, but... to Taiga happened something serious... I am sure that the only designated I will be.-What did we help here? OF nothing!-Morinaga began to shout in the street.-At least we try. I prefer this to me sit thinking stupid things--Sempai! How can you express well at a time like this! Perhaps do not understand the gravity of the matter?--Of course I understand and I am also concerned, but your way of dealing with this irritates me - I crossed of arms.-Is what to wear to think... and if it is lost? And if it fell? And if it hurt? And if you had an accident? And if broke you the source?--I'm sick, Morinaga --You could have many things happened... until... might even think that someone kidnapped her and...--SHIT, NOW CALM DOWN!--How you pretend that calm me down! What do not you realize?--Morinaga...--Oh, sure! How are you going to realize if never imported you Taiga?-I offended.~ PLAAAAF ~What ever I imported Taiga? How can you tell me something like that? AS YOU DARE! Perhaps was it not the imbecile who was amnesiac these last few weeks? It's a damn bastard! It bothers me so to speak so of me when all I've done is take care of Taiga as this idiot went from here to there forgetful and in brothels. I want to kill you... seriously I want to kill him.The slap I gave resonated across the street. It didn't matter I have used a lot of force, because I felt almost insulted. If in itself already I felt guilty for the disappearance of Taiga... reasons had Morinaga to make me feel even worse.POV MORINAGAWhat happened? Perhaps Sempai hit me? What you? Or is it that it was I who moved with the words?Sempai had used too much force in that slap in the face that I threw. It hurt much, but I do not complain, only I was shocked. I grabbed the cheek, which by the way had become red, and very surprised I went back to look at it...-Sem... pai...--With what right I come to say something like that - his frown was very gathering and his gaze stuck in me - who do not forget that it was I who took care of Taiga while you were amnesic --Forgive me, Sempai - I apologized repentant - should not talk to you that way. I'm--You excediste - mocked - and what about me huh? I know that I am the damn guilty that Taiga is not with us, but you expect to do... let Miyoshi I violate and then pick up to Taiga as if nothing?--Clear that no! I never wish you a thing like that--I swear I want to kill you--I'm, Sempai. I should not say something like that. You are right. I am being dominated by despair and... spoke without thinking. Forgive me, please... promise you that...--Do not I promise nothing! - I wanted to hug him, but he turned me immediately - I'm tired and want to go home --WHAT? And what there is of TAIGA?-I was surprised by their lack of interest.-Now look for tomorrow - said as if nothing mattered to him.-YOU GONE CRAZY?--What... are again going to speak without thinking?--No... is that...-I sighed - I will not be quiet if I can't find Taiga --It is almost midnight--I don't. I am able to search until dawn and...--As you single - search
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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SEMPAI POV "That girl left here more than 4 hours ago." That phrase resounded like an echo in our minds. That meant Taiga disappeared or worse ... something happened. I began to imagine thousands of possibilities. Morinaga was shocked and suddenly hung up the call. Damn, Taiga! Where the hell are you? I honestly was very worried, but trying to remain calm. I did not want to think the worst, but that feeling of guilt came over me and that feeling that something very serious must have happened. Taiga is not stupid. She knows the way home, so ... why has not returned? The worst thing was that while we stayed behind in shock, the minutes were passing and had no news of Taiga. The atmosphere was tense, but the quiet time ... until Morinaga panicked. He spun around the room and want to pull out hair of trouble; But the strangest thing about the situation was that ... STILL were naked ... 'It can not be! What could have happened? Where is? Why he has not returned? Why does that happen? Where do you go alone - -Morinaga ...- I called quietly as I put on my pants and shirt because I did not intend to work things being naked in front of him. -¡Ya spent more than four hours! Outside is very dark! She has no money to return by taxi - . -Morinaga ...- I insisted keeping calm, because I would not fall into despair can search -¿¡Dónde !? The street is very large. The'll never find - -¡MORINAGA - I lost patience and got tired of being ignored. 'What - I responded inappropriately. 'I scream, you moron. The first thing to do is calm down. People like you always reach conclusions stupid because often fall into despair and gets carried away by thoughts worse. Stay calm, idiot. You just have to think about where he might be Taiga- I crossed my arms And second ... DAMN CLOTHING PONTE - Ah - she blushed and looked for his pants and shirt 'It's true ... I'm naked! - -...- I rolled my eyes. Excuse me, Sempai. Yet the issue of missing Taiga ... I did not realize that I had no nerves gown was noticed much. Oh ...- I sighed as he finished dressing We know that his last whereabouts was the hospital, then we find there- But, Sempai ... the woman who answered told us that Taiga was not there and he was gone for more than four hours- -¡Ya know - I insisted But anyway we should always start search for the whereabouts of the person. I do not know ... perhaps there is someone else who has spoken to Taiga and we can give a clue, or perhaps find by surroundings- 'What if we do not find, Sempai? What are we going to do - again your trouble. 'Stop being so pessimistic, idiot - I yelled And a good time- move immediately took our cell phones, keep our wallets, we put on our shoes and we headed to the hospital . We did not mind spending on a taxi. We just wanted to get to the whereabouts of Taiga. Honestly, I am among those who remain calm. Not that I do not care where it will be runny. In fact I feel very guilty, but ... I fall into despair not get you anywhere and worse ... I can not think clearly. I must keep a cool head to find a solution. However, Morinaga was the opposite, since it was invaded by anxiety and kept walking nervous assuming things that have not happened yet and might not have happened. Minutes later we were in the hospital. It was almost midnight, but it did not take importance. Morinaga went like crazy the maternity area, where classes were taking pre-natal, and approached the desk. 'What can help - we attended the secretary. 'Please, we need to know where you are Taiga Asuka - Morinaga asked desperately. -¿Taiga Asuka - Yes! She is a girl who attended a pre-natal classes the day today and ...- I think I talked to you by phone right? - Yeah, that's ... You know something? - Excuse me, but as I told him by telephone, that young lady left here more than four hours ago. You could say they are almost five hours that we know nothing of her 'It's that can not be! How could one go from here - Calm down, idiot whispered. The only thing she told me is that I was waiting for you to come and collect, but no one came for her. So he decided to return by his own feet explained the secretary. 'Why they let her go? How can they be so irresponsible to allow a girl with almost 9 months pregnant back home alone - Enough, Morinaga! I will not let you keep doing scenes like this- I pulled the arm to keep him from receiving. Let me, Sempai- It's let go of my grip ... You do not understand. This loss TAIGA - -¡Ya know! But I said clearly that falling into despair we will not get anywhere aside -Etto ... - Miss reception approached us -A hospital name I offer an apology for being so careless with one of our patients . I deeply regret that something has happened. If we could help with anything, gladly haremos- -Descuide. We'll get it, but if you hear from Taiga Asuka ... will be very grateful to notify us immediately-I replied. I ended the conversation with Secretary giving my phone number to communicate with me in case Taiga appeared. We left the hospital and were on the road again. Morinaga was scared and kept pulling her hair in despair. It was staring at nothing, shaking with nerves and her breathing was very rapid. That idiot. Always carried away by their emotions. When he understood that we must use your head first. First think before acting. It's a bloody idiot, but ... I'm sure right now Morinaga is hating me. Well, actually, you have every right to do, since the only guilty ... I am. But ... I have no guilt, SHIT. How was I to know that the bastard teacher Miyoshi rape attempt. I fell unconscious after the attack and when I woke up it was too late. Damn, but ... if something serious happened Taiga ... I'm sure the only appointed be me. 'What helped us come here? ANYTHING - Morinaga began shouting in the street. At least we tried. I prefer this to sit around thinking estupideces- -¡Sempai! How can you express so at a time like this! Do you not understand the seriousness of the matter - . Of course I understand and am also worried, but the way you deal with this irritation I crossed my arms It's that put thinking ... what if is lost? What if he fell? What if he got hurt? What if I had an accident? What if he broke the source - 'I'm getting tired, Morinaga- 'I may have been busy ... until ... until someone would think that kidnapped and ...- Shit, YA calm down! - 'How you intend to calm down! What you do not realize - -Morinaga ...- Oh no, of course! How are you going to realize if you never you mind Taiga -. I offended PLAAAAF ~ ~ What I never cared Taiga? How can you say something like that? HOW DO YOU DARE! Perhaps he was not the fool that I was amnesiac recent weeks? He's a bastard! It bothers me so much talk of me when all I've done is take care of Taiga while that idiot was going to and fro forgetful and brothels. I want to kill him ... seriously want to kill him. I gave him the slap echoed through the street. I did not mind having used a lot of strength, because I felt almost insulted. If in itself and I felt guilty for the disappearance of Taiga ... Morinaga what reasons had to make me feel even worse. POV Morinaga What happened? Do Sempai hit me? What happens? Or is it I who ran with words? Sempai had used a lot of strength in that slap that threw me. It hurt a lot but I did not complain, I was just shocked. I grabbed her cheek, which incidentally had turned red, and very surprised ... I went at him ... pai Shem ...- With what right you come to tell me something like that-his brow furrowed and he was very his eyes fixed on me do not forget That I was the one who took care of while you were amnésico- Taiga Forgive me, apologized Sempai- No repentant should talk that way. I excedí- You have exceeded -¿Te - mocked And what about me huh? I know I'm damn guilty that Taiga is not with us, but do you expect me to do ... Let me Miyoshi violates Taiga and then pick up like nothing - Of course not! You never wish something like that- I swear I'll kill you want 'I overdid, Sempai. I should not say something like that. You are right. I'm being dominated by despair and ... spoke without thinking. Please forgive me ... I promise you ...- -¡No promise me anything - I wanted to hug him, but he pushed me away I'm tired and want to go home- What? AND WHAT'S TAIGA - I was surprised by his lack of interest. -yâ he said tomorrow will look like nothing mattered. -¿TE went crazy - again ... -What are you going to speak without thinking? - No ... is that ...- I sighed No I can rest easy if you do not find Taiga- It's almost half night- I do not care. I am able to search until daylight and ...- Well searches you just-

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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POV sempai

"That Girl Out of here for over 4 hours." This sentence sounded like an echo in our minds. That meant that Taiga disappeared or worse... Something Happened to him. I started to imagine thousands of possibilities.

Morinaga was shocked and quickly Hung Up The Phone.

curse, Taiga! Where the hell are you?

I was very worried, but I tried to keep calm.I didn't want to think the worst, but the feeling of guilt i invaded and that feeling that something serious must have happened. Taiga is not stupid. She Knows very well the way home, then... Why has not returned?

what was Worst of all was that while we were in shock, the minutes passed and we had no News of Taiga. The atmosphere was tense,
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