-No me termines, por favor, no me termines. Te lo suplico, Sempai...-- dịch - -No me termines, por favor, no me termines. Te lo suplico, Sempai...-- Anh làm thế nào để nói

-No me termines, por favor, no me t

-No me termines, por favor, no me termines. Te lo suplico, Sempai...-

-Ya basta, Morinaga- intentaba zafarme –Párate... párate...- forcejeaba con él –¡PARATE, IMBECIL! NO TE HUMILLES... NO TE ARRODILLES ANTE MÍ...TEN DIGNIDAD-

Dignidad. Sí... eso es lo que me falta. Pero cuando estoy contigo... nada me importa. Yo soy capaz de hacer lo que fuera por ti y por tu amor. Por favor, Sempai... no me termines otra vez... no creo poder soportarlo.

Me quedé quieto unos segundos abrazado a las piernas de Sempai; sin embargo, poco a poco lo solté y me puse de pie con la cabeza gacha y los ojos acumulados de lágrimas...




-Sempai... de verdad... lo siento-

-¿LO SIENTES?- gritó nuevamente –ACABAS DE ARRUINAR MI VIDA, BASTARDO- sus insultos me destruían -Mira... sabes qué...- se agarraba la cien –En este momento estoy muy enojado contigo, así que no voy a soltar más palabras llenas de ira- respiró hondo y me miró bastante serio –Pero... mañana en LA NOCHE... hablaremos SERIAMENTE-

Dicho y hecho, Sempai agarró su mochila y se encerró en su cuarto de un portazo. No quiso saber nada de mí y menos hablar conmigo.

El álbum... el álbum que tanto me costó hacer... el álbum que me tomó esfuerzo y dedicación... el álbum perfecto para mí... ahora está... roto... en mil pedazos... en el suelo. Por qué... por qué fue tan cruel conmigo... por qué Sempai es así... por qué no puede entender que lo amo demasiado y que este tipo de cosas... me... me duelen. De acuerdo... sé que fui un descuidado dejando caer el álbum en la universidad, pero... pero... creo que la vida ya quiere que la gente se entere de lo que hay entre Sempai y yo... de nuestra relación; sin embargo... Sempai... se avergüenza. Él... se avergüenza de mí. ¿Entonces... por qué está conmigo? Si de verdad me amara... no se avergonzaría de mí. Hasta cuándo... ¡HASTA CUÁNDO VAMOS A MANTENER NUESTRA RELACIÓN EN SECRETO!

Muy devastado... me arrodillé en el suelo y con lágrimas en mis ojos... empecé a recoger cada trozo del álbum. Intentaba recuperar las fotos que no habían sido muy dañadas. Me imagino que de 20 fotos... 6 de ellas quedaban vivas... algo arrugadas... pero servibles. Todas las hojas estaban rotas... pero la portada del álbum estaba bien... pisoteada... pero bien, pues como era dura... Sempai no podía destruirla con facilidad. Lo demás... lo barrí con la escoba.

Vaya regalo. Primero... me desprecia la esclava que le di por nuestro medio aniversario... y ahora... ESTO... destruye el álbum que significaba mucho para nuestra relación. Ese álbum... MOSTRABA TODOS LOS MOMENTOS LINDOS QUE SEMPAI Y YO HABÍAMOS VIVIDO; y él ni siquiera se molestó en mirarlo, ni siquiera apreció las fotos que teníamos. Creo que Sempai... ni siquiera sabe que existen fotos nuestras. Sempai es un desinteresado... creo que a él... NO LE IMPORTA NADA NUESTRA RELACIÓN.

Apagué las luces de la casa. No tenía ganas de hacer nada. Tan solo... estar en mi cuarto y... desahogarme. Con lo que había rescatado del álbum... entré a mi cuarto, prendí la luz y me encerré en mi habitación. Me dirigí a mi armario para guardar las fotos, abrí la puerta y en la parte de arriba... en el cubículo más alto del closet. Ese lugar era mi escondite secreto. Ahí tenía mis cosas con Sempai... claro... él no lo sabía. Para no causar sospechas... siempre había una frazada en ese lugar, pero lo que nadie sabía era que debajo de aquella frazada, había una caja mediana de metal. Ahí tenía fotos... cartitas de amor... dibujos... hasta el un DVD, en el cual estaba todo lo grabado con Sempai. Así es... no solo tomaba fotos... sino que también... grababa nuestra vida con Sempai. Abrí la cajita y guardé los restos del álbum, al igual que la portada de éste. Cerré la caja y la volví a esconder bajo la frazada en el cubículo más alto del armario. Cerré el closet y me recosté en mi cama.

La cama vacía... tan solo yo. Eso quiere decir que Sempai no dormirá conmigo ni hoy... ni mañana... ni... ESPERA... ¿Sempai dijo que me iba a terminar? No... no... otra vez no. No quiero sufrir de nuevo. Sin embargo... Sempai se había controlado y no lo hizo, bueno... según él... no estaba pensando con claridad las cosas... y decidió posponer nuestra conversación hasta mañana en la noche. Me preguntó de qué querrá hablar... porque usó la palabra SERIAMENTE. ¿Acaso... acaso hablará sobre nuestra relación y luego llegará a la conclusión que debemos... TERMINAR? No... Sempai no puede hacerme eso. No puede terminarme solo por un pequeño error. Bueno... poniéndome en los zapatos de Sempai... no fue un pequeño error. Ahora toda la universidad sabrá que él está conmigo y CLARO... lo molestarán de homosexual... pero... Y QUÉ. Qué importa lo que la gente diga... Sempai y yo somos felices juntos ¿verdad?... ¿Felices? ¿Sempai y yo somos REALMENTE felices juntos?... No... claro que no. ¿Yo soy feliz ahora? ¿Me siento feliz? ¿Ya no sufro? Eso no es cierto porque ahora... estoy llorando. Sempai y yo siempre peleamos... discutimos y mantenemos lo nuestro en secreto. Eso... ¿eso es ser feliz? Entonces... ¿fue un error haber aceptado ser pareja de Sempai? Se supone que eso era lo que más quería en el mundo... mi mayor deseo,... entonces... ¿por qué no me siento feliz? ¿Por qué siento que ahora que estamos juntos físicamente... siento que estamos más lejos emocionalmente?

Tal vez... la relación no era como yo siempre soñé. Pensé que Sempai me amaría más... que sería amoroso, amable y atento conmigo; pero no... es TODO LO CONTRARIO. Sempai se esmera por ocultar lo que tenemos... y si algo sale mal o hago mal... ÉL ME AMENAZA CON TERMINARME. Así yo no quería que fueran las cosas. A veces siento que era más feliz estando solo en Hamatsu. En esos momentos... no sufría; es más... me recuperaba del dolor que me había causado Sempai cuando se casó con Yuki... y cada día mi corazón se curaba... me sentía mejor... pero... ahora... siento como que mi corazón volvió a recaer y ahora está lleno de dolor. ¿Sempai... acaso cometí un error al aceptarte en mi vida otra vez? A veces me pregunto... ¿qué hubiera pasado si hace 6 meses, cuando Sempai me fue a buscar a Hamatsu, le hubiera dicho... NO?, ¿Si nunca le hubiera dado una oportunidad... qué sería de mí ahora?... Realmente... son cosas que nunca sabré... porque definitivamente ahora más que nunca... estoy más enamorado de Sempai; a pesar que él me trate mal... yo LO AMO MÁS QUE NUNCA y por eso... mi gran temor... es que él me deje nuevamente.

Sin darme cuenta... estaba enrollado en la sábanas de mi cama... ni siquiera me había puesto la pijama... no tenía fuerzas ni ganas de nada. Mis ojos se estaban hinchando de tanto llorar en silencio... necesitaba un consuelo.

Taiga... ¿dónde estás en estos momentos? Puede que Sempai se enoje si te cuento lo que me pasa ahora... pero... él me dio su consentimiento de poder hablar contigo sobre mis problemas, claro... siempre y cuando no le cuente las intimidades ni haga quedar a Sempai como el malo de la película. Pero... Taiga... ni siquiera estás como para contarte lo que pasó.

-Voy a desaparecer unos días, Mori…-


-Sí. Quiero… tomarme mi tiempo para ir al pueblo de Takasu y que pase lo que tenga que pasar. En unos días me estaré comunicando contigo-

Ah... es cierto... Taiga dijo que desaparecería e iría a investigar a su ex novio... a ese baka de Takasu. Pero... ya han pasado muchos días y... Taiga no me ha llamado. ¿Estará bien? ¿Habrá descubierto algo malo? Espero que no. Me preocupa un poco... pero tampoco la puedo llamar, pues qué pasaría si la llamo y de repente está arreglando las cosas con Takasu. Eso definitivamente... la arruinaría. Mejor no la llamo... mejor espero a que ella me llame como me dijo, pero... ¿qué tal si siguen pasando los días y ella no se comunica conmigo?... ¿qué tal si le pasó algo y yo estoy aquí sin hacer nada al respecto?... ¿qué tal si Taiga necesita mi ayuda y yo no lo sé?

-Escúchame bien, idiota. No quiero que te metas en problemas. ¿Recuerdas de lo que hablamos en el hospital hace meses? ¡No quiero que nos ganemos más enemigos!-

-Yo no haré nada en contra de Takasu-

-Pero si él te ve con Taiga... sí te hará algo a ti. Recuerda que él te odia... se le nota-

Es cierto... Sempai dijo que no me metiera en esas cosas... en asuntos que no me corresponden. Pero... Taiga es mi mejor amiga y... AHHHHH... no sé qué hacer. Creo que en vez de preocuparme por otros... debería preocuparme en lo que me sucede a mí y en lo que Sempai quiere hablar conmigo mañana en la noche. Tan solo espero que él... no me termine.

Sin darme cuenta... ya había amanecido. Parece que me había quedado dormido mientras reflexionaba y lagrimeaba. Desperté con los ojos y el cuerpo pesados. Toda la casa estaba en absoluto silencio. "De seguro Sempai sigue dormido". Me senté en la cama y bostecé. Agarré mi celular y... ¡¿SON LA 1 DE LA TARDE?!, expresé sorprendido, pues no suelo dormir hasta tan tarde.

De seguro Sempai está enojado porque no hice el desayuno... ni el almuerzo... ni siquiera me he levantado. Aunque la verdad... la casa está silenciosa y Sempai no me ha despertado. Supongo que seguirá enojado conmigo.

Volví a atormentarme con mis pensamientos. Salí de la habitación y me topé con la sala y cocina completamente solitarias. Quise preparar algo para comer, pues me moría de hambre y estaba seguro que Sempai también. Me acerqué a la habitación de Sempai y me doy con la sorpresa que no estaba cerrada... la puerta estaba junta pero no cerrada. Abrí la puerta con suavidad para no despertarlo, meto mi cabeza y... LA CAMA ESTÁ VACÍA.

¿Sempai no está? ¿A dónde fue? ¿Por qué se fue? ¿A qué hora se fue? ¿Por qué no me avisó?, grité sabiendo que nadie me escucharía. Me acerqué a la cama y noté que Sempai ni siquiera se molestó en tenderla. ¿Acaso tendría prisa en ir a un lugar
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-Not me finish, please, me are not done. I beg you, Sempai...--Ya basta, Morinaga - tried to break me - stop... stop you...-struggled with it - PARATE, idiot! NO TE HUMILLES... NO TE ARRODILLES BEFORE ME... TEN DIGNITY-Dignity. Yes... that's what I need. But when I'm with you... nothing matters to me. I am able to do anything for you and your love. Please, Sempai... not me are done again... do not think to be able to bear it.I was still a few seconds embraced Sempai legs; However, gradually let go and I was standing with his head down and accumulated eyes of tears...-How...-started again - tell me... AS I WILL GO ON MONDAY TO WORK EH! WITH THAT FACE I AM SUBMITTING --Sempai...--EVERYONE WILL KNOW THAT I AM A HOMO... DAMN IT! --... Sorry Sempai... of truth--Would it feel? - cried again - just ruining my life, bastard - your insults me destroyed - look... you know what...-be grabbed the 100 - at this time I am very angry with you, so I'm not going to release more full of anger words - breathed deep and looked at me very seriously - but... tomorrow night... talk seriously -Said and done, Sempai grabbed his backpack and locked himself in his room of a slam. He didn't know anything about me and less talk with me.The album... album that both cost me to... make the album that took my effort and dedication... the perfect album for me... now is... broken... into a thousand pieces... on the floor. Why... Why was so cruel with me... why Sempai is so... why can not understand that I love him too and that this sort of thing... me... me hurt. Agree... I know I was a careless dropping the album at the University, but... but... I think that life already wants people to know that there are between Sempai me and... of our relationship; However... Sempai... ashamed. He... ashamed of me. Then... Why are you with me? If really I love... it is not ashamed of me. Until when... even when are going to keep our relationship in secret!Very devastated... I knelt on the floor and with tears in my eyes... I started to pick up each piece of the album. I was trying to recover the photos that had not been very damaged. I would guess that 20 photo... 6 of them were alive... some wrinkled... but serviceable. All the leaves were broken... but the album cover was well... trampled... but well, as it was hard... Sempai could not destroy it with ease. I plowed... else with the broom.Go gift. First... I despise the slave that I gave for our half anniversary... and now... This destroys... album that meant much to our relationship. That album... IT SHOWED ALL THE CUTE MOMENTS SEMPAI AND I HAD LIVED; and he didn't even bother to look at it, not even appreciated the photos we had. I think Sempai... even knows that there are our photos. Sempai is a selfless... I think that to him... DOESN'T CARE ANYTHING OUR RELATIONSHIP.I turned off the lights in the House. I didn't want to do anything. Just... be in my room and... Let me. With what they had rescued from the album... I went to my room, turned on the light and I locked myself in my room. I went to my locker to store photos, I opened the door and at the top... in highest closet cubicle. That place was my secret hideout. There he had my things with Sempai... of course... didn't know it. Not to cause suspicion... always had a blanket in there, but what nobody knew was that there was a medium-sized metal box under that blanket. I had photos... love notes... drawings... to a DVD, which was all recorded with Sempai. Thus it is... not only taking pictures... but it also... recording our life with Sempai. I opened the box and kept the remains of the album, as well as the cover of this. I closed the box and went to hide under the blanket in the highest cubicle Cabinet. I closed the closet and laid me on my bed.The bed empty... just I. That means that Sempai not sleep with me today... or tomorrow... or... WAITING... Sempai said that I was going to finish? No... not... again not. I don't want to suffer again. However... Sempai was controlled and did not do so, well... He... was thinking clearly things... and decided to postpone our conversation until tomorrow night. I asked what you want to talk... because he used the word seriously. Perhaps... perhaps I will talk about our relationship and then come to the conclusion that we should... TERMINATING? No... Sempai can do me that. It can not end only by a small mistake. Well... by putting myself in the shoes of Sempai... it was not a small mistake. Now the University will know that he is with me and clear... they will bother him gay... but... So what. Matter what the people say... Sempai and I are happy together right?... happy? Sempai and I are really happy together?... No... clear that no. Am I happy now? I feel happy? Already not I suffer? That is not true because now... I'm crying. Sempai and I always fight... we discuss and keep it our secret. That... is that being happy? Then... was a mistake agreeing to be couple of Sempai? It is assumed that that was what most wanted in the world... my greatest desire,... then... why I am not happy? Why do I feel to that now that we are together physically... I feel that we are further emotionally?Maybe... the relationship wasn't as I always dreamed. I thought that Sempai would love me more... it would be loving, kind and attentive to me; but it is not... all the contrary. Sempai strives to hide what we have... and if something goes wrong or I do wrong... THE ME THREATENS TO TERMINATE ME. So I didn't want to be things. Sometimes I feel that it was happier alone in Hamatsu. In those moments I was... not suffering; It's more... I recovered from the pain I had caused Sempai when he married Yuki... and each day my heart is cured... I felt better... but... now... feel as if my heart turned to fall and is now full of pain. Do Sempai... perhaps made a mistake to accept you in my life again? Sometimes I wonder... what would have happened if 6 months ago, when Sempai me went to find Hamatsu, would have said you...? NO?, if we never would have given him an opportunity... what would I now?... Really... There are things I will never know... because definitely now more than ever... I am more in love with Sempai; Despite that he treat me bad... yo LO AMO MÁS QUE NUNCA and why... my great fear... is that I let again.Without realizing... was wrapped in the sheets of my bed... or even I had put the pajamas... had no forces or desire anything. My eyes were swelling so much crying in silence... needed a consolation.Taiga... where are you now? Maybe Sempai be angry if I tell you what happens to me now... but... He gave me his consent to talk with you about my problems, clear... provided you don't have intimacies or make be Sempai as the bad guy. But... Taiga are... not even to tell you what happened.-I'm going to disappear a few days, Mori...-Go away?--Yes. I want to... take my time to go to the village of Takasu and what has to happen happens. In a few days I will be communicating with you-Ah... indeed... Taiga said that it would disappear and go to investigate her former boyfriend... that baka of Takasu. But... have gone many days and... Taiga has not called me. Will it be fine? Will have you discovered something wrong? I hope that does not. It worries me a little... but I can not call it, because what if I call her and suddenly he is arranging things with Takasu. That definitely... would ruin it. Better not call it... best I hope to her call me like I said but... do if they continue passing days and it does not communicate with me?... What if it happened something and I am here without doing anything about it?... What if Taiga needs my help and I do not know?-Hear me well, idiot. I don't want that you mess in trouble. Do you remember what we speak in the hospital months ago? Not want us to win us more enemies!--I will not do anything against Takasu-- But if he sees you with Taiga... Yes it will do something to you. Reminds you that he hates... Note you -It is true... Sempai said to me not mess in those things... on issues that I do not correspond. But... Taiga is my best friend and... AHHHHH... don't know what to do. I think that instead of worrying about others... should I care what happens to me and Sempai wants to talk to me tomorrow night. I just hope that... no I end.Without realizing... already had dawned. It seems that he had stayed asleep while he pondered and weeping. I woke up with heavy eyes and body. The House was in absolute silence. "Insurance Sempai still asleep." I sat on the bed and bostecé. I grabbed my cell phone and... are the 1 pm?, I expressed shocked, because I do not usually sleep until so late.Insurance Sempai is angry because I did breakfast... and lunch I... even woke up. Although the truth... the House is silent and Sempai me not aroused. I guess that you will be angry with me.I returned to torment me with my thoughts. I left the room and I ran into the living room and kitchen completely solitary. I wanted to prepare something to eat, because me dying of hunger and was sure that Sempai also. I went to the room of Sempai and I realize with the surprise that was not closed... the door was not closed but together. I opened the door gently to not wake you up, I put my head and... THE BED IS EMPTY.Sempai isn't? Where was it? Why did? What time did? Why not I warned?, cried knowing that nobody would listen to me. I went to bed and noticed that Sempai didn't even bother to run it. Would you hurry to go to a place you have
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'I finish, please do not finish. I beg you, Sempai ...- 'Enough, trying to wriggle out Morinaga- -Párate ... ...- stand -¡PARATE struggled with it, moron! DO NOT ... Do not kneel humiliate TO ME TEN dignity ... Dignity. Yes ... that's what I need. But when I'm with you ... I care nothing. I can do anything for you and your love. Please do not end Sempai ... me again ... I do not think I can stand it. I stood still for a few seconds embraced Sempai legs; however, slowly I let go and I stood with bowed head and eyes ... tears accumulated ...- -How began Tell me again ... HOW WILL GO TO WORK MONDAY EH! With what face I will PRESENTAR- -Sempai ...- -ALL KNOW THAT I AM AN HOMO ... CURSE - -Sempai ... really ... I'm sorry Do you feel it - shouted again You've just ruin my life, I destroyed bastard insults Look ... you know what ...- clutched the hundred 'Right now I'm very angry with you, so I will not release more words full of anger breathed I deeply and looked quite serious ... But tomorrow night ... talk earnestly said than done, Sempai grabbed his bag and locked herself in her room shut. Wanted nothing less of me and talk to me. The album album ... I worked so hard to make ... the album that took me effort and dedication ... the perfect album for me ... now ... broken into pieces ... ... on the floor. Why ... why it was so cruel to me ... why Sempai so ... why can not understand that I love him too much and that this kind of thing ... me ... hurt me. Okay ... I know I was careless dropping the album in college, but ... but ... I think life and wants the people to know what is between Sempai and our ... relationship; Sempai ... however ... it is embarrassed. ... He is ashamed of me. So ... why is it me? If you really love me ... I do not be ashamed of me. Long ... long are we going to keep our relationship a secret! Very devastated ... I knelt on the floor and with tears in my eyes ... I started to collect every piece of the album. He is trying to recover photos that had not been badly damaged. I guess 20 photos ... 6 are left alive ... something ... but serviceable wrinkled. All leaves were broken ... but the album was well trampled ... but ... well, because as it was hard ... Sempai could not destroy it easily. Otherwise ... it swept with a broom. Go gifts. First ... I despise the slave who gave our half anniversary ... and now ... THIS ... destroys the album that meant a lot to our relationship. That album ... SHOWING ALL THAT SEMPAI beautiful moments and I had lived; and he did not even bother to look at him, not even appreciated the pictures we had. Sempai ... I think not even know that there are pictures of us. Sempai is a selfless ... I think he ... DOES NOT CARE NOTHING our relationship. I turned off the lights in the house. He did not feel like doing anything. Just ... be in my room and ... vent. With what he had rescued from the album ... I went to my room, turned on the light and locked myself in my room. I went to my closet to store photos, I opened the door and the top ... in the highest cubicle closet. That was my secret hiding place. That was my stuff with Sempai ... clear ... he did not know. To avoid suspicion ... there was always a blanket there, but what nobody knew was that under that blanket, had a median metal box. There was photos ... love letters ... drawings ... to a DVD, which was recorded with Sempai everything. So ... not only it is taking pictures ... but ... our life with Sempai recorded. I opened the box and kept the rest of the album, like the cover of it. I closed the box and went back to hide under the blanket on the top of the closet cubicle. I closed the closet and lay down on my bed. The empty bed ... just me. That means you will not sleep with me or Sempai today ... or tomorrow ... or ... wait ... Sempai said I was going to end? No ... no ... not again. I do not want to suffer again. However ... Sempai was controlled and did not, well ... he said ... I was not thinking clearly things ... and decided to postpone our discussion until tomorrow night. He asked me what want to talk ... because he used the word SERIOUSLY. Perhaps ... perhaps he will talk about our relationship and then come to the conclusion that ... we must finish? No ... Sempai can not do that. You can not finish me alone for a little mistake. Well ... putting on shoes Sempai ... it was not a small mistake. Now the whole college know that he is with me and of course ... they bother homosexual ... but ... so what. What does it matter what people say ... Sempai and I are happy together right? ... Happy? ¿Sempai and I are really happy together? ... No ... of course not. Am I happy now? I feel happy? Did I not suffer? That's not true because now ... I'm crying. Sempai and I always we fight ... and keep discussed what our secret. That ... is that happy? So ... was a mistake agreeing to couple Sempai? It is assumed that this was what I wanted most in the world ... my biggest wish ... then ... why do not I feel happy? Why do I feel that now we are together physically ... I feel we are further emotionally? Maybe ... the relationship was not as I always dreamed. Sempai I thought would love me ... that would be loving, kind and attentive to me; but no ... is the opposite. Sempai strives to hide what we have ... and if something goes wrong or I am wrong ... He Threatens to finish me. So I did not want things to be. Sometimes I feel I was happier being alone in Hamatsu. In those moments ... not suffering; It is more ... I recovered the pain he had caused me Sempai when he married Yuki ... and every day my heart is healed ... I felt better ... but ... now ... I feel like my heart began to fall and is now filled with pain. ¿Sempai ... perhaps made ​​a mistake by accepting in my life again? Sometimes I wonder ... what if six months ago, when I was Sempai looking for Hamatsu, had said ... NO ?, If I had never given a chance ... What would become of me now ? ... Really ... they are things I'll never know ... because certainly now more than ever ... I'm more in love with Sempai; even though he treats me wrong ... I love him more than ever and why ... my great fear ... is that he left me again. Without realizing it ... I was wrapped in sheets on my bed. .. I had not even put the pajamas ... I had no strength or desire for anything. My eyes were swelling from time to mourn in silence ... I needed consolation. Taiga ... where are you right now? Sempai You may be angry if I tell you what happens to me now ... but ... he gave me his consent to talk to you about my problems, of course ... as long as it does not have or do intimacies to be Sempai as the bad guy. But ... Taiga ... not even to tell you what happened. I'm going to disappear a few days, Mori ... - -¿Desaparecer - Yes. ... I want to take my time to go to the people of Takasu and that whatever has to happen. In a few days I will be communicating with you- Ah ... that's right ... Taiga said she would disappear and go to investigate her ex-boyfriend ... that baka Takasu. But ... it's been many days and ... Taiga has not called me. It will be OK? Will there discovered something wrong? I hope no. It worries me a little ... but neither I can call, because what if I call and suddenly is fixing things Takasu. That definitely ... the ruin. Maybe I better not call ... I wait for her to call me and told me, but ... what if we keep passing day and she does not communicate with me? ... What if something happened and I'm here doing nothing about it? ... what if Taiga needs my help and I do not know? Listen to me, asshole. I do not want to get in trouble. Do you remember what we talked about in the hospital for months? I do not want us to win more enemies - I do not do anything against Takasu- But if he sees you with Taiga ... If you do something to you. Remember that he hates you ... is remarkable is true ... Sempai told me not to get into these things ... in matters that are not mine. But ... Taiga's my best friend and ... AHHHHH ... I do not know what to do. I think that instead of worrying about others ... should I care what happens to me and what Sempai talk to me tomorrow night. I just hope he does not end ... me. ... Without realizing it was morning. It seems I had fallen asleep and was weeping as he pondered. I woke up with heavy eyes and body. The whole house was in absolute silence. "Surely Sempai still asleep." I sat on the bed and yawned. I grabbed my phone and ... ARE THE 1 pm?!, I expressed surprise because I usually do not sleep so late. Sempai Surely he is angry because I did not breakfast or lunch ... even ... I woke up. Although the truth ... the house is quiet and Sempai has not woken up. I guess that will upset me. I came back to haunt me with my thoughts. I left the room and ran into the living room and kitchen completely lonely. I wanted to prepare something to eat, because I was starving and I was sure Sempai too. I walked into the room and I see Sempai with the surprise that was not ... the door was closed but not locked together. I opened the door quietly not to wake him, I put my head ... the bed is empty. ¿Sempai is not? Where was he? Why did he go? What time did she leave? Why did not you call me ?, I cried knowing that nobody would listen to me. I went to bed and noticed that Sempai not even bother to hang them. He does not rush to go somewhere

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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- i'm not finished, please don't finish. I beg you, sempai...

- enough, –párate Morinaga - trying to get out... Stand... - He was struggling with –parate, asshole! Don't Embarrass yourself... Don't kneel before me have Dignity Dignity -

. Yes... That's what I need. But when I'm with you... I Don't care about anything. I can do anything for you, and for your love. Please, sempai...Don't you again... I Don't think I can handle it.

I stood still for a few seconds my sempai legs; however, gradually dropped and I stood with his head bowed, and the eyes of accumulated tears...

- - –Dime started again... How do I go to work Monday, hey! What I am presenting with Face -

- sempai... - All of you know that I'm with a homo...Oh, Damn!

- sempai... Really...

- Sorry - Sorry? - she screamed again –acabas Bastard ruined my life, destroyed their insults me - - look... You know what... - Hold The Hundred, this time I'm very angry with you, so I'm not going to drop more words full of AnGer took a deep breath and looked at me serious, but... Tomorrow Night... Talk seriously -

said and done,Sempai, grabbed his backpack and locked himself in his room for a door. He wouldn't know anything about me and talk with me.
the album... The Book cost me so much... The Album took effort and dedication... The Perfect album for me... Now... Broken... In Pieces... In the soil. Why... Why he was so cruel to me... Why sempai is so...Why Can't you understand that you love it too, and this kind of things... I... Hurt Me. Okay... I know I was a Careless dropping the album at the University, but... But... I think that the life you want people to know what's between sempai and I... Our relationship, however. Sempai... Is ashamed. He... He's ashamed of me. Then... Why are you with me?If you really love me... Don't be ashamed of me. Until when... Until when are we going to maintain our relationship Secret!

very devastated. I knelt on the floor and With Tears in my eyes... I started to collect every piece of the album. Trying to recover the photos that had not been badly damaged. I imagine that 20 photos... Six of them were Alive... Some wrinkled... But serviceable.All the leaves were broken... But the album cover was well... TRAMPLED... But then it was hard... Sempai could not destroy it with ease. The rest... I swept the floor with the Broom.

What a gift. First... I despise The Slave I gave you for our anniversary. And now... This... The album That Really Meant a lot to destroy our relationship. That album...All the beautiful moments that showed sempai and I had lived; and he didn't even bother to look at it, even the pictures I had seen. I think that sempai... I Don't even know that there are photos of us. Sempai is a selfless... I think he... You Don't care about our relationship. I turned off the lights in the House. I didn't feel like doing anything. Just... Be in my room and...Vent. I was rescued from the album... I went to my room, turned on the Light and locked myself in my room. I went to my Locker to store photos, I opened the door, and on top of... At the top of the closet cubicle. That Was My Secret Hiding Place. There was things with my sempai... Of course... He didn't know. Not to cause suspicion.Always had a blanket on that place, but what no one knew was that under that Blanket, there was a Box Of Metal Medium. There was... Letters of Love... Drawings... To a DVD, in which everything was recorded with sempai. This is... Not only taking pictures... But also... "Our Life with sempai. I opened the box and kept the remains of the album.Like the cover. I closed the box and I Hide under the blanket over the top of the closet cubicle. I closed the closet, and I laid down on my bed. The bed empty. Just me. That means that sempai won't sleep with me today... And Tomorrow... Or... Wait... Sempai said that he was going to End? Not... Not... Not Again. I Don't want to suffer. However...Sempai was controlled and did not, well... According to him... I wasn't Thinking Clearly... Our conversation and decided to postpone Until tomorrow night. I asked what you want to talk... Because you used the word seriously. Perhaps... You talk about our relationship, and then come to the conclusion that we should... Finish? Not... Sempai, you can't do that to me.Cannot finish by only a small error. Well... Putting myself in the Shoes of sempai... It was not a small mistake. Now the whole School knows that he's with me and... The bother of gay... But... And what. Who cares what people say... Sempai and I are Happy Together, right? ... Happy? Sempai and I Are Really Happy Together? ... Not... Of course not.I'm Happy now? I'm Happy? It doesn't Hurt Me? That's not true, because now... I'm crying. Sempai and I always Fight... We keep our Secret. That... It is to be happy? Then... It was a mistake to have agreed to be a couple of years? It is supposed that that was what I wanted in the World...... My greatest desire,... Then... Why am I not happy?Why do I feel now that we're together physically. I feel we are far more emotionally?

Maybe... The relationship was not as I always dreamed of. I thought I could love more sempai... That would be loving, kind and considerate to me, but... It is the opposite. Sempai strives to hide what we have... And if something goes wrong or am I Wrong? He threatens to finish.So I didn't want things to be. Sometimes I was happier Alone in Hamatsu. In those moments... I was no more; it is... I recovered from the pain that I had caused sempai when she married Yuki... And every day my heart Healed... I felt better... But... Now... I feel like my heart's back to fall and is now filled with Sorrow. Sempai...Perhaps it was a mistake to accept you into my life again? Sometimes I Wonder... What would have happened if six months ago, when I went to find Hamatsu sempai, had told him... No? If you never would have given him a Chance. What would become of me now? ... Really... These are things that you never know... Definitely, because now more than ever... I am More in love with sempai.Despite that he treated me badly. I love him more than ever and therefore... My Great fear... He let me again without realizing it.

... The sheet was rolled up in my bed... Even I was wearing Pajamas... I didn't have the strength or desire anything. My eyes were swollen from Crying In silence... I needed Consolation.
taiga... Where are you now?Sempai may be Angry if I tell you what happens to me now... But... He gave me permission to talk to you about my problems, of course... If and when I tell him... Or be sempai as the Villain of the film. But... Taiga... You're not even to tell you what happened. - i'll disappear for a few days, Mori...

- Disappear?

- - Yeah.I take my time to go to the Village of Takasu and whatever happens, happens. In a few days I'll be communicating with you

Oh... It is true... Taiga said he would disappear and go to investigate her ex boyfriend... The Baka of Takasu. But... I have spent many days and... Taiga has not called me. Will he be okay? Suppose you found out anything? I hope not. I'm a bit concerned...But nor can I Call, What would happen if the call and suddenly is fixing things with Takasu. That's definitely... The ruin. Better Not NAME IT... Better hope she Call Me Like I said, but... What if still passing on and she communicates with me? ... What if something happened and I'm Here Without doing anything about it? ...What if Taiga need my help and I Don't?

- Listen, idiot. I Don't want you to get in trouble. Remember what we talked about in the hospital for months? I Don't want us to Win more Enemies! -
I will do nothing against Takasu -

- but if he sees you with taiga... I will do anything to you. Remember that he Hates you. It is true -

...Sempai told me not to go in these things... In matters that don't correspond. But... Taiga is my best friend, and... Ahhhhh... I Don't know what to do. I believe that instead of worrying about other... Should worry about what happens to me and what sempai wants to Talk To Me Tomorrow Night. I only hope that he... I didn't finish.
without realizing... It's morning.It seems that I had fallen asleep while she and lagrimeaba. I woke up with eyes and Heavy Body. The House was in total Silence. " Insurance sempai is still asleep. " I sat up in bed and yawned. I grabbed my cell phone and... Are 1 in the afternoon? !, i surprised, because I Don't Sleep so late.

Insurance sempai is Angry because I didn't have breakfast...Neither the lunch... Even I woke up. Although the Truth... The House is quiet and sempai hasn't woken up. I guess it's still mad at me. I came back to torment me with my thoughts. I left the room, and ran into the living room and kitchen completely Lonely. I wanted to make something to eat, because I was hungry and I was sure that sempai.I went to the room of sempai and give me the surprise was not closed. The door was closed but not Board. I opened the door Gently not to wake him up, and put my head... The bed is empty.

sempai? Where was it? Why did he leave? What time is it? Why didn't you warn me? I screamed, knowing that no one would listen to me.I went to bed and noticed that he didn't even bother to set sempai. You should hurry to go to a place
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