El martes finalmente llegó y Tetsuhiro ya estaba listo para regresar a dịch - El martes finalmente llegó y Tetsuhiro ya estaba listo para regresar a Anh làm thế nào để nói

El martes finalmente llegó y Tetsuh

El martes finalmente llegó y Tetsuhiro ya estaba listo para regresar a su capacitación en Hamamatsu. No había tenido tiempo ni fuerzas para ir a ver a Hiroto, por lo que lo llamó y le prometió que iría a verlo cuando regresara a Nagoya. Souichi lo acompañó hasta la estación, ya que él también tenía que volver al trabajo.

– Senpai, ya me voy. Por favor cuídate mucho y llámame si necesitas algo.

– Ahou, de nuevo estás usando mis líneas.

Tetsuhiro sonrió y se dirigió a la entrada del Shinkansen con su mochila al hombro. Antes de ingresar, dio un último vistazo a su Senpai que seguía ahí de pie mirándolo fijamente.

– No… no olvidaré lo que me dijiste, Senpai. No lo haré nunca…

Souichi contempló por última vez aquella sonrisa y se quedó inmóvil durante un rato, incluso después de que el tren partiera a toda velocidad. En él iba una de las personas más importantes de su vida.

– Baka…

Souichi volvió a la rutina del trabajo, con la presión de tener solo una semana para acabar el proyecto encargado por su profesor hacía casi un mes. Sin embargo, pudieron terminarlo a tiempo y con excelentes resultados. Sus asistentes, si bien nunca serían tan buenos como su eficiente kouhai, habían hecho un muy buen trabajo y eso lo satisfacía muchísimo.

– Minna-san, con orgullo puedo decirles que hoy, 27 de mayo, hemos concluido y entregado el proyecto "Ichigo Alpha I". Otsukaresama deshita. – pronunció haciendo una pequeña reverencia ante Shouta y Ayano.

– Iie, Tatsumi-senpai, todo ha sido gracias a ti. – expresó Ayano conmovida.

– Estamos seguros de que en el futuro seguiremos siendo un gran equipo.

– Y ahora puedes descansar un poco, no has parado desde que se inició el proyecto.

– Sí, supongo que debería.

– ¿Por qué no te tomas el día libre? No hay mucho trabajo hoy, y en todo caso, nosotros podemos avanzar solos. – ofreció Shouta.

– Está bien, agradezco su consideración. Ja, osaki ni. Nos vemos mañana temprano.

– ¡Hai, otsukaresama deshita, Tatsumi-senpai! – exclamaron ambos asistentes al unísono al verlo partir.

Souichi llegó agotado a su departamento. Se lanzó al mueble con la satisfacción de saber que el proyecto había concluido y además con éxito. Estaba a punto de quedarse dormido cuando el timbre terminó con su somnolencia. No tenía idea de quién podía ser, ya que naturalmente no esperaba a nadie. Se levantó con desgana listo para despedir a quien quiera que hubiese tenido el atrevimiento de interrumpir su merecido descanso. Sin embargo, al ver quién era el molesto visitante, se le quitó el sueño por completo.

– ¡I-Isogai!

– El mismo. – dijo guiñando un ojo – ¿Cómo has estado, Souichi-kun? ¿Me dejas entrar?

– ¡O-oi, no dije que sí! Y en todo caso, ¿qué demonios haces aquí?

– Tengo un par de días libres en el trabajo, así que decidí venir a visitarte.

– Qué considerado de tu parte, pero no tenías por qué hacerlo. – contestó irónicamente – No necesito de la compañía de nadie.

– ¿Ni la de tu fiel kouhai? Por cierto, ¿dónde está?

– Morinaga está en Hamamatsu, en su capacitación. – contó sentándose en el sofá.

– Oh, ya veo por qué tu humor está peor que de costumbre.

– ¿A qué demonios te refieres? – preguntó arqueando una ceja.

– A que se nota que estás sumamente irritado por su ausencia, ¿o me equivoco?

– Bah, tonterías… – exclamó cruzándose de brazos – Cada vez se va por más tiempo, y cuando ya le toque trabajar allá definitivamente, que será aproximadamente en un año, va a venir incluso menos. Así que no tiene por qué afectarme, ¿crees que soy una colegiala o qué?

Taichirou rió. Era realmente un espectáculo muy divertido ser testigo de cómo Souichi trataba desesperadamente de ocultar o negar cuánto le afectaba todo lo relativo a su kouhai, en este caso su ausencia. El joven de Tokio sabía, sin embargo, que aquello no era más que producto del miedo, ese miedo extremo que Souichi experimentaba al sentirse vulnerable nada más y nada menos que por causa de otro hombre. Si bien él juraba odiar a los homosexuales, su comportamiento indicaba que con Morinaga Tetsuhiro, todo era diferente. El visitante se sentó al lado de Souichi y lo miró con una sonrisa pícara mientras colocaba un brazo alrededor de sus hombros. Souichi se zafó de inmediato con una expresión llena de espanto.

– A-Aléjate de mí, ¿qué diablos pretendes?

– Quiero hablar contigo seriamente.

– ¿Hay algún tema serio que tú puedas manejar? O-oi, no estarás pensando en contar lo de…

– ¿Lo de qué? O mejor dicho, ¿lo de quién? O mucho mejor dicho, ¿lo de quiénes?

– Ya basta de indirectas, Isogai. – vociferó poniéndose de pie – ¡Tú prometiste que no dirías nada!

– Y no romperé mi promesa, hombre. Tan solo quería conversar un rato contigo. En realidad, quería decirte algo que me ha estado dando vueltas desde la última vez que estuve en Nagoya.

– ¿Y de qué diablos se trata?

– Pues verás…

La respuesta quedó en el aire, ya que el celular de Souichi había comenzado a vibrar insistentemente sobre la mesa. Al ver el conocidísimo nombre en pantalla, el dueño del aparato torció el gesto y contestó de mala gana.

– ¿Qué pasa?

– Senpai, ¿daijoubu desu ka? No quiero molestarte, perdón si interrumpí tu descanso. Lo que pasa es que te mandé tres mensajes en el transcurso de la mañana y como no respondiste, me preocupé. Solo quería saber si todo había salido bien con el proyecto.

– Claro que sí, deja de preocuparte innecesariamente. En fin, ¿solo para eso llamaste?

– Gomen nasai, no solo es eso, también… extrañaba oír tu voz…

– Souichi-kun, estás rojo. – se burló el hombre de negocios – ¿Tienes fiebre? ¿Quieres que te tome la temperatura?

Souichi se apresuró a tapar la bocina, pero ya era demasiado tarde. La mecha había sido encendida.

– Senpai, ¿estás con alguien?

– N-no, estoy solo. Lo que oíste fue… una rata.

– ¿Una rata? Souichi-kun, no eres muy amable. ¿Y por qué me estás negando? ¡A mí, a tu gran amigo!

Si el destino de un asesino no fuera la cárcel, hace mucho que Souichi habría matado a miles, comenzando por su entrometido amigo. El científico volvió a ponerse el teléfono al oído temiendo lo peor.

– Mori…

– Chotto matte, yo conozco esa voz… ¡¿Eh?! ¡¿Isogai-san?!

– ¡Omae, no grites así! ¿Quieres dejarme sin tímpano derecho?

– S-Senpai, ¿por qué Isogai-san está contigo? ¿Es que acaso lo estás invitando a casa cada vez que yo me voy?

– No digas estupideces, el tipo vino porque está de vacaciones, y ya sabes que siempre aterriza aquí solo para molestarme.

– Vaya, vaya, así que es tu querido y celoso kouhai. Pásamelo, Souichi-kun.

– ¿Ah? En este momento no creo que sea lo…

Pero Taichirou ya le había arrebatado el celular a Souichi para poder hablar con el joven al otro lado de la línea. El de cabello largo solo observaba inquieto la escena.

– Moshi moshi, Morinaga-kun, ¿genki?

– ¡I-Isogai-san, kaette kudasai! Estás importunando a Senpai. Él acaba de terminar un proyecto y necesita descansar para recuperar fuerzas porque no ha estado comiendo ni durmiendo bien estos días.

– No te preocupes, he venido a cuidar de tu Senpai en tu ausencia, deberías estar agradecido.

– ¡So-solo vete por favor! Estoy seguro de que él no necesita de tu ayuda.

– Morinaga-kun, escucha. – dijo adoptando un tono serio – Estoy en medio de una conversación seria con Souichi-kun. Ya es hora de que dejes de desconfiar de mí. Yo soy de tu bando.

– ¿De mi…? ¡E-eso quiere decir que sí eres gay!

– ¡No! – negó algo ofendido – Lo que intento decir es que estoy de tu lado y que apoyo tu relación con Souichi-kun.

– Oi, oi, oi, ¡¿cuál relación?! – preguntó Souichi colérico.

A Tetsuhiro nunca dejaba de dolerle cuando Senpai hablaba así. Cuando negaba lo que tenían de una manera tan rotunda que hasta parecía que estuvieran hablando de una aberración. Taichirou notó esta reacción y volvió a hablar por la bocina.

– De eso precisamente quiero hablar con tu Senpai. Por favor te pido que confíes en mí en adelante. Soy una buena persona. – afirmó guiñando un ojo a pesar de que el otro no podía verlo.

El más joven dudó unos instantes antes de responder. Si bien seguía molestándole el hecho de que su Senpai estuviera acompañado de aquel tipo, desde Hamamatsu no podía hacer nada para que se fuera. Suspiró prolongadamente y decidió ceder por el momento.

– De acuerdo, Isogai-san. Voy a pasártela por esta vez, pero si me entero de que intentaste algo con Senpai…

Taichirou no podía creer cómo el chico podía ser tan terco y desconfiado, pero conociendo la personalidad explosiva y excéntrica de Souichi… Bien, no quería ser malo, pero le parecía que cualquier persona que estuviera con él se sentiría insegura de sus sentimientos. Y naturalmente, un hombre tan emocional como Tetsuhiro no era la excepción.

– Ya, ya, me quedó clarísimo. Te paso con tu adorado Senpai. Que te vaya bien en tu capacitación. – concluyó pasando el celular al de cabello largo.

– Morinaga, cálmate, solo vino de visita, ¿entiendes? Ve a trabajar… Sí, sí estoy leyendo tus correos y mensajes, pero a veces no me da tiempo de responder. Mañana te cuento lo del proyecto, ahora déjame terminar de hablar con este tipo para poder irme a dormir. No, no me iré a la cama con el estomago vacío… Maldición, Morinaga, ¿quieres dejar el drama? Me puedo cuidar solo. Voy a colgar. Ja na.

El científico se dejó caer en el mueble y colocó el celular a un lado. Reposó su brazo a lo largo de su frente en un gesto exasperado y negó con la cabeza.

– Diablos, este chico es…

– Sí que te has conseguido un novio maravilloso. Hace todo por ti e incluso a la distancia está muy pendiente.

– ¿Puedes dejar de decir cosas desagradables? Él no es mi… ni e-eso ni nada por el estilo.

– Pero como si lo fuera. Y veo que siguen teniendo una relación complicada incluso después de todo lo que han pasado, ¿eh?

– Ya te dije que eso no te incumbe.

– Es que siento pena por Morinaga-kun.

– ¿Ah? ¿Pena?

– Sí, porque sé cuánto desearía él
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
Sao chép!
On Tuesday it finally arrived and Tetsuhiro was ready to return to his training in Hamamatsu. I had not had time or strength to go see Hiroto, so called him and promised him that he would come to see him when he returned to Nagoya. Souichi accompanied him to the station, since he also had to return to work.-Senpai, you will. Please take care much and call me if you need something.-Ahou, are again using my lines.Tetsuhiro smiled and turned to the Shinkansen entrance with his knapsack on his shoulder. Before joining, gave a last look Senpai who remained standing there staring at it.-Not... I will not forget what you told me, Senpai. Won't do it never...Souichi watched last smile and stood still for a while, even once the train departed at full speed. He was one of the most important people in his life.-Baka...Souichi returned to the routine of work, with the pressure of having only a week to finish the project commissioned by his teacher did almost a month. However, they were able to complete it on time and with excellent results. His assistants, even though they would never be as good as its efficient kouhai had done a very good job and that met him a lot.-Minna-san, proudly can say that today, may 27, we completed and delivered the "Ichigo Alpha I" project. Otsukaresama deshita. -delivered with a small bow before Shouta and Ayano.-Iie, Tatsumi-senpai, everything has been thanks to you. -He said touched Ayano.-We are confident that in the future will continue to be a great team.- And now you can get some rest, you have not stopped since the project began.-Yes, I guess it should.-Why not take the day off? There is lot of work today, and in any case, we can move forward alone. -offered Shouta.-Okay, thank you for your consideration. JA, osaki ni. See you tomorrow early.-Hai, otsukaresama deshita, Tatsumi-senpai! -exclaimed both assistants in unison to see him starting.Souichi arrived exhausted at his Department. The furniture with the satisfaction of knowing that the project had been completed and also successfully launched. It was about to fall asleep when the Bell ended with its sleepiness. Had no idea who could be, because naturally not expecting anyone. Rose with unwillingness ready to dismiss whom he wants to that he had had the audacity to interrupt your well-deserved rest. However, to see who was the annoying visitor, sleep is removed completely.-I-Isogai!-The same. -said winking an eye - as you've been, Souichi-kun? You let me go?-O-oi, not said yes! And in any case, what the hell do here?-I have a couple of days off from work, so I decided to come to visit you.-What considerate of your part, but didn't do it. -Ironically replied - I do not need anyone's company.-Do nor that of your faithful kouhai? By the way, where are you?-Morinaga is in Hamamatsu, in their training. -It was sitting on the couch.-Oh, I see why your mood is worse than usual.-What the hell do you mean? -He asked arching an eyebrow.-To note that you are extremely irritated by his absence, or am I wrong?-Bah, nonsense... - exclaimed crossing of arms - each time will be longer, and when touch you already working there definitely will be approximately in a year, is going to come even less. So does not affect why me, do you think I'm a schoolgirl or what?Taichirou laughed. It was really a fun show to witness how Souichi was desperately hide or deny how much affected it everything related to his kouhai, in this case its absence. Tokyo young knew, however, that that was nothing more than the product of fear, this extreme fear that Souichi had to feel vulnerable nothing more and nothing less than because of another man. Even though he swore to hate homosexuals, his behaviour indicated that with Morinaga Tetsuhiro, everything was different. The visitor sat beside Souichi and looked at him with an impish smile as he placed an arm around his shoulders. Souichi is suddendly immediately with an expression of horror.-A - stay away from me, what the heck you pretend?-I want to talk to you seriously.-Is there a serious topic that you can handle? O-oi, you're not thinking of counting as of...-What from what? Or rather, what from who? Or better said, what from who?-No more hints, Isogai. -screamed by standing - you promised that you would not say anything!-Do not break my promise, man. I just wanted to chat with you. In fact, I wanted to tell you something that has been around me since the last time I was in Nagoya.- And what the heck it is?-As you will see...The response was in the air, since the cell of Souichi had begun to strongly vibrate on the table. To see the famous screen name, the owner of the appliance twisted gesture and answered reluctantly.-What?-Senpai, would Sissel desu ka? I don't want to bother you, sorry if I interrupted your rest. What happens is that you sent three messages in the course of the morning and as you did not respond, I worried. Just wanted to know if everything had gone well with the project.-Of course that Yes, you stop worrying unnecessarily. Finally, do only for that you called?-Gomen nasai, not only that, too... missed your voice heard...-Souichi-kun, are red. -businessman mocked - do you have fever? To take the temperature?Souichi rushed to cover the speaker, but it was too late. The fuse had been lit.-Senpai, are you with someone?-N-no, I'm just. What you heard was... a rat.-Would a rat? Souichi-kun, you are not very friendly. And why I are denying? To me, a great friend!If the fate of a murderer wasn't jail, long ago that Souichi would have killed thousands, starting with their intrusive friend. The scientist again put the phone to your ear fearing the worst.-Mori...-Schlaegt matte, I know that voice... huh? Do Isogai-san?-Omae, not shout as well! Let me no right eardrum?-S-Senpai, why Isogai-san are you? Is that perhaps you are inviting him home whenever I go?-Don't say stupid things, type came because he is on vacation, and you know which always touches down here just to annoy me.-Go, go, so it's your beloved and zealous kouhai. Pasarlo me Souichi-kun.-Do Ah? At this time I do not think that it is...But Taichirou had already taken him to Souichi cell phone to speak with the young man on the other side of the line. It's only long hair looked restless scene.-Moshi moshi, Morinaga-kun, do genki?-I-Isogai-san, kaette kudasai! You are touting a Senpai. He has just finished a project and need to rest to regain strength because he has not been eating or sleeping well these days.-Don't worry, I have come to take care of your Senpai in your absence, you should be thankful.-So just go please! I am sure that he doesn't need your help.-Morinaga-kun, listen. -said adopting a serious tone - I'm in the middle of a serious conversation with Souichi-kun. It is time that you stop distrust me. I am on your side.-Of my...? E-that means that if you are gay!-Not! -denied something offended - what I'm trying to say is that I'm on your side and that I support your relationship with Souichi-kun.-Oi, oi, oi, what relationship? -angry Souichi asked.To Tetsuhiro she was never hurt when Senpai spoke as well. When denied what they had in a manner so resounding that it even seemed that they were talking about an aberration. Taichirou noticed this reaction and returned to talk over the speaker.-Of that I just want to talk to your Senpai. Please I ask that you trust in me hereafter. I am a good person. -He said winking one eye while the other could not see it.The younger hesitated a moment before answering. Although still bothering you with the fact that his Senpai was accompanied by that type, from Hamamatsu it could do nothing so it would. He sighed long and decided to give at the moment.-By agreement, Isogai-san. I'm going to check it out this time, but if I find you tried something with Senpai...Taichirou could not believe how the guy could be so stubborn and distrustful, but knowing the explosive and eccentric personality of Souichi... Well, I didn't want to be bad, but it seemed that anyone who was with him feel insecure feelings. And of course, a man so emotional as Tetsuhiro was not the exception.-Ya, ya, I had very clear. You step with your beloved Senpai. You do well in your training. -He said passing the phone to the long hair.-Morinaga, calm down, just visit wine, do you understand? Go to work... Yes, yes I am reading your posts and messages, but sometimes does not give me time to respond. Tomorrow I tell you about the project, now let me finish speaking with this type to be able to go to sleep. No, I will not go to bed with the stomach empty... Curse, Morinaga, would like to leave the drama? Me I care only for. I'm going to hang. JA na.The scientist dropped into the Cabinet and placed the phone on one side. He rested his arm over his forehead in a gesture of exasperation and shook his head.-Hell, this guy is...-That you've got a wonderful boyfriend. It does everything for you and even the distance is very aware.-You can leave to say nasty things? It is not my... or e - that or anything like that.- But as if it were. And I see that they still have a complicated relationship even after everything that's been, eh?– Ya te dije que eso no te incumbe.– Es que siento pena por Morinaga-kun.– ¿Ah? ¿Pena?– Sí, porque sé cuánto desearía él
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
On Tuesday Tetsuhiro finally arrived and was ready to return to training in Hamamatsu. He had not had time or strength to go see Hiroto, so he called him and promised that he would go to see him when he returned to Nagoya. Souichi accompanied him to the station, and he also had to go back to work. - Senpai, I'm leaving. Please take care and call me if you need anything. - Ahou, again you're using my lines. Tetsuhiro smiled and walked to the entrance of the Shinkansen with his backpack. Before entering, took a last look at his Senpai was still standing there staring at him. - No ... I will not forget what you told me, Senpai. I will never do ... Souichi looked for the last time that smile and stood for a while, even after the train departed at full speed. In him was one of the most important in your life. - Baka ... Souichi returned to the routine of work, with the pressure of having only a week to finish the project commissioned by his teacher for nearly a month. However, they were able to finish on time and with excellent results. His assistants, although they would never be as good as its efficient kouhai had done a very good job and that satisfied him very much. - Minna-san, I can proudly say today, May 27, we have completed and delivered the "Ichigo project Alpha I ". Otsukaresama deshita. - Delivered by a small bow to Shouta and Ayano. - Iie, Tatsumi-senpai, everything has been thanks to you. - Expressed moved Ayano. - We are sure that in the future will continue to be a great team. - And now you can relax a bit, have not stopped since the project began. - Yes, I suppose I should. - Why do not you you take the day off? Not much work today, and in any case, we can go it alone. - Offered Shouta. - Okay, thank you for your consideration. Ha Osaki ni. See you tomorrow morning. - Hai, Otsukaresama deshita, Tatsumi-senpai! -. Both attendees exclaimed in unison to see him go out Souichi came to his apartment. He dashed to the cabinet with the satisfaction of knowing that the project was successfully completed and well. He was about to fall asleep when the bell ended his drowsiness. I had no idea who it could be, because naturally not expecting anyone. He got up reluctantly ready to fire whoever he had had the audacity to interrupt his deserved rest. However, to see who the visitor was upset, he was completely lost sleep. - I-Isogai! - The same. - He said winking - How have you been, Souichi-kun? Will you let me in? - O-oi, I said yes! And anyway, what the hell are you doing here? - I have a couple of days at work, so I decided to come and visit. - How thoughtful of you, but you did not have to. - Ironically he answered - I do not need anyone's company. - Neither of your faithful kouhai? By the way, where is it? - Morinaga is in Hamamatsu, in their training. - He told you sitting on the couch. - Oh, I see why your mood is worse than usual. - What the hell do you mean? - He asked arching an eyebrow. - A thing you notice you are extremely irritated by her absence, or am I wrong? - Bah, nonsense ... - said crossing his arms - Every time you go longer, and when I touch him work there definitely, it will be about a year, will come less. So need not affect me, do you think I'm a schoolgirl or what? Taichirou laughed. Really was a fun show to witness how Souichi tried desperately to hide or deny how much it affected everything about your kouhai, in this case his absence. Tokyo Young knew, however, that this was merely the product of fear, fear that extreme to feel vulnerable Souichi felt nothing more and nothing less than for the sake of another man. Although he swore hate homosexuals, his behavior indicated that Tetsuhiro Morinaga, everything was different. The visitor sat next to Souichi and looked with a mischievous smile as he put an arm around her shoulders. Souichi shook off immediately with a look full of horror. - A-away from me, what the hell want? - I want to talk to you seriously. - Is there a serious issue that you can handle? O-oi, you're not thinking of what to expect ... - What what? Or rather, who do you? Or better said, who did you in? - Enough of indirect Isogai. - He shouted standing - You promised you would not say anything! - And not break my promise, man. I just wanted a chat with you. Actually, I wanted to say something that has been giving me around since the last time I was in Nagoya. - And what the hell is it? - Well, you see ... The answer was in the air, as the cell of Souichi had begun vibrate insistently on the table. Seeing the well-known screen name, owns the device grimaced and replied reluctantly. - What? - senpai, do Daijoubu desu ka? I do not want to bother you, sorry if I interrupted your rest. What happens is that you sent three messages in the course of the morning and as you did not answer, I got worried. I just wanted to know if everything had gone well with the project. - Sure, stop worrying unnecessarily. Finally, only that why you called? - Gomen nasai, not only that, but ... I missed hearing your voice ... - Souichi-kun, you're red. - The businessman scoffed - Do you have fever? Do you want me to take the temperature? Souichi rushed to cover the horn, but it was too late. The wick was lit. - Senpai, are you with someone? - N-no, I'm alone. What you heard was ... a rat. - A rat? Souichi-kun, you're not very friendly. Why are you denying me? To me, your great friend! If fate of a murderer was not in jail, much to Souichi have killed thousands, beginning with his nosy friend does. The scientist came back on the phone to your ear fearing the worst. - Mori ... - Chotto matte, I know that voice ... Huh ?! !? Isogai-san ?! - Omae, do not shout so! Want me without right eardrum? - S-Senpai, why Isogai-san's with you? Is it perhaps inviting you home whenever I go? - Do not say stupid things, wine type that is on vacation, and you know that always lands here just to annoy me. - Well, well, so is your beloved kouhai jealous. Hand it to me, Souichi-kun. - Huh? At this point I do not think that's what ... But Taichirou had already snatched the phone to Souichi to talk to the young man across the line. The long hair just watched the scene uneasily. - Moshi Moshi, Morinaga-kun, genki? - I-Isogai-san, Kaette Kudasai! You are pestering Senpai. He just finished a project and needs rest to recuperate because it has not been eating or sleeping well these days. - Do not worry, I came to take care of your Senpai in your absence, you should be grateful. - So-just go by Please! I'm sure he does not need your help. - Morinaga-kun, listen. - She said taking a serious note - I'm in the middle of a serious conversation with Souichi-kun. It is time for you to stop mistrust me. I'm on your side. - From my ...? E-that means if you're gay! - No! - Something denied offended - I'm trying to say is that I'm on your side and support your relationship with Souichi-kun. - Oi, oi, oi, what relationship ?! - Souichi asked angrily. A Tetsuhiro never stopped talking so he hurts when Senpai. When they had refused such a roundabout way that even look like they were talking about an aberration. Taichirou noticed this reaction and spoke into the horn. - That just want to talk to your Senpai. Please I ask you to trust me on. I am a good person. - He said winking although the other could not see it. The youngest hesitated before answering. While still bothering him that his Senpai was accompanied by that guy from Hamamatsu could do nothing for him to leave. He sighed and decided to give hold for now. - Okay, Isogai-san. I will pasártela by this time, but if I hear you tried something with Senpai ... Taichirou could not believe how the boy could be so stubborn and suspicious, but knowing the explosive and eccentric personality Souichi ... Well, would not be bad, but It seemed that anyone who was with him feel insecure about their feelings. Naturally, such an emotional man as Tetsuhiro was no exception. - Yeah, yeah, I was very clear. I happened to your loved Senpai. I wish you well in your training. - Be concluded by passing the phone to long hair. - Morinaga, calm down, just came to visit, you know? Go work ... Yes, I'm reading your emails and messages, but sometimes do not have time to respond. Tomorrow I'll tell you what the project, now let me finish talking to this guy to go to sleep. No, I will not go to bed on an empty stomach ... Damn, Morinaga, will you leave the drama? I I can take care of myself. I am going to hang up. Ja na. The scientist was dropped in the cabinet and put the phone aside. He rested his arm across his forehead in an exasperated gesture and shook his head. - Hell, this guy is ... - Yes you've got a wonderful boyfriend. Does everything for you and even the distance is very concerned. - Can you stop saying nasty things? He's not my ... and e-that or anything like that. - But as if it were. And I see you still have a complicated relationship even after all they've been through, huh? - I told you that none of your business. - I just feel sorry for Morinaga-kun. - Huh? Death penalty?? - Yes, because I know how much he would

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