Ahh... ahhh...- me despegué de su boca intentando detener su mano –No. dịch - Ahh... ahhh...- me despegué de su boca intentando detener su mano –No. Anh làm thế nào để nói

Ahh... ahhh...- me despegué de su b

Ahh... ahhh...- me despegué de su boca intentando detener su mano –No... no lo hagas... ahh... ahh...-

-¿Por qué no?- no paraba –Te penetro y te masturbo al mismo tiempo ¿no te gusta?-

-Ahh... ahh... no... no es eso... ahh...- mi fuerza era insignificante, pues no podía apartar su mano de mi miembro –Me... me voy a... me voy a...-

-Córrete, mi Sempai- me susurró al oído sin soltarme –Quiero tenerte extasiado, excitado y débil para mí solo-

-¡Per... pervertido!- alcancé a decir antes de correrme –Ahhhhhhh...- me vine.

Fue la primera vez que me venía mucho. Bueno... es la acumulación de casi 6 meses. Lo raro es que no sentí que Morinaga se había venido. En ese momento no tenía fuerzas de pensar, tan solo... estaba cansado, agotado, débil. Morinaga salió de mi entrada y se sentó en sus rodillas. Podía oír mi fuerte respiración y poco a poco... rodé para ponerme boca abajo y con mis manos, poder sostener mi cuerpo para levantarme. Me sentía sucio... necesitaba darme una ducha o simplemente limpiarme. Con las pocas fuerzas que me quedaban, apoyé mis brazos en la cama, me puse de rodillas para levantarme. Sin darme cuenta... había quedado "en cuatro"... como si fuera un perro. Y mi peor error, fue no percatarme que Morinaga aún seguía consciente...

-Mmmm... Sempai- Morinaga se puso detrás de mí y pegó su miembro a mi trasero.

-Espera... qué haces. Apártate-

-No vas a ir ningún lado, mi Sempai- se inclinó encima de mí y apoyó su mano en mi espalda para hundir mi pecho y mi rostro en la cama –Es mi turno- me susurró al oído.

-¿Tu turno?- me sorprendí, pues mi pecho y mi rostro estaban pegados a la cama, pero mis caderas estaban levantadas (como un reloj que da las 6:20pm).

-Sí. Aún no me he corrido-

-Baka... ya fue suficiente. No sigas... ahhhh...- forcejeé, pero Morinaga volvió a introducir su miembro de una estocada.

-Vamos, Sempai. Yo tengo que correrme ahora... es lo justo- con sus dos manos, acarició mis hombros –Quiero intentar algo nuevo-

-¿Algo... nuevo?- me asustaban sus palabras.

-Sí. Algo como esto- dijo y sentí que me jaló los brazos para atrás.

-Qué haces, baka... suéltame-

Era inútil resistirme o forcejear. Morinaga me tenía bien agarrado de las manos, y sobretodo... me estaba penetrando de esa manera. Ni siquiera podía taparme la boca... no tenía con qué defenderme. Morinaga me tenía bajo su poder.

Mierda... ¿qué demonios está pasando? ¿acaso... es una clase de nueva pose extraña? ¿por qué siento que... me... me gusta? No... no por dios. Me gusta... maldición... me gusta. Puedo sentirlo... puedo sentir cómo entra todo su miembro. Aj... maldición. Lo peor de todo es que... quiero... quiero que siga... que no se detenga. Morinaga bastardo... por qué me haces este tipo de cosas... PERVERTIDO.

Cada vez... las estocadas se hacían más rápidas y fuertes. Definitivamente, Morinaga se había dejado llevar. Como ese baka tenía agarradas mis manos, yo no tenía con qué taparme la boca y... desgraciadamente... empecé a gemir...

-Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...- no podía parar –Ahhh... Morinaga... yaa... ya... ahhh...-

-¿Qué pasa, mi Sempai?- hablaba sin detenerse -¿Quieres más?-

-Ahhhh... ahhh... Mori... nagaaaa-

-De acuerdo, mi Sempai. Te lo haré más fuerte-

-Nooo.. ahhhh... ahhh... espera...-

-Te amo, Sempai... te amo-

Dio las últimas estocadas y nos corrimos al mismo tiempo. No era justo. Yo era el que más veces se corría. Maldito homobaka... por qué siempre me haces cosas que me avergüenzan. Me pones en poses muy... no sé... comprometedoras. AHHHHH. Maldito, Morinaga. Por tu culpa... a mi cuerpo le gusta esta mierda.

Ambos caímos rendidos en la cama. Yo no tuve fuerzas para reclamar y menos para agarrarlo a golpes, simplemente caí en posición fetal y mis párpados me ganaron. Lo último que pude sentir es a Morinaga que se recostaba a mi lado y me abrazaba por atrás.

Espero que lo hayas disfrutado, baka, porque esto... no se volverá a repetir. Bueno... no mientras Taiga viva en esta casa. Creo que te torturé casi seis meses, lo que significa que puedes aguantar medio año. Tan solo espero que la mocosa de Taiga no haya escuchado todo esto, porque si ella llega a decirme algo... juro que será TU CULPA.

Al día siguiente en la noche, Morinaga y yo habíamos regresado temprano de nuestras labores. Teníamos planeado ver una película... lo malo es que era de AMOR. Cómo detestaba ese tipo de películas, pero solo había accedido a verla, porque Morinaga me lo pidió y porque... hace tiempo que no pasaba tiempo con él. Estaba sentado con Taiga en el sofá grande, cada uno a un extremo del sofá, pues Morinaga se sentaría en el medio de los dos. La película la iban a pasar por un canal de televisión, y Morinaga estaba terminando de preparar la palomitas de maíz...

-¡Mori, apúrate con las palomitas de maíz!- Taiga le pasó la voz a Morinaga desde la sala –Ya va a comenzar la película-

-Sí, ya voy- respondió desde la cocina.

-Aj... por qué tenemos que ver esa basura- renegué.

-No es "basura", Souichi- me corrigió la mocosa –Es una película de amor-

-Qué aburrido- me crucé de brazos y rolé los ojos.

-Bueno... Mori quiso que veamos la película-

-No puedo creer que a ustedes les guste ese tipo de historias ¿No se dan cuenta que es PURA MENTIRA?- renegué –Eso de "y vivieron felices por siempre"... solo pasan en los cuentos de hadas-

-¡Ja! Lo sé. A mí tampoco me gustan las películas de amor-

-¿Enserio?- me sorprendió su comentario.

-Sí. Las detesto- expresó algo fastidiada –Es decir... "ella es pobre, él es rico; ella es la sirvienta, él es el dueño de la casa... ¿eso no resultará o sí?"... PUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJ-

-Jajaja...- reí amistosamente –Creo que al fin coincidimos en algo-

-Sí...- dijo algo fastidiada –No te emociones, tirano. No es que empecemos a tener cosas en "común"-

-Créeme. No me "emociona" tener cosas en común contigo, mocosa- respondí enojado –Además... si te parece tan "asqueroso" como dices... ¿qué haces aquí?-

-Voy a ver la película, porque a Mori le gusta. Además... hace tiempo que no pasamos tiempo juntos-

-¿Tiempo juntos?- me indigné –Solo YO debo pasar tiempo con Morinaga. No tú-

-¡Ja! Y veo que han pasado tiempo juntos, eh- se burló de algo.


-No te hagas el loco conmigo, tirano- se hizo la misteriosa –Por cierto... lindos gemidos los de anoche jajajajajajaja-

-¿Ge... gemidos?- me puse completamente rojo y nervioso –No... no sé... de qué hablas-

-"Ahhh... ahhh... ya... Morinaga... ya... ahhh..."- me remedó para burlarse aún más –Jajajaja... eres toda una mujer en la cama jajajajaja-

-¡Cállate!- me sentí humillado.

-"Oh... sí... Morinaga... ahh... ahhh... más... más... dame duro... más fuerte"- siguió burlándose.

-YO NO HE DICHO ESO- me ofendí y le di un golpe al sofá.

-Jajajajajajajaja...- solo rió.

-¡Cállate, enana!-

-De acuerdo...- paró de reír –Lo último me lo inventé, pero... con los gemidos que diste ayer... solo te faltaba decir eso-

-...- me enojé aún sonrojado.

-Pero... sí admites que lo primero fue verdad ¿no?- preguntó con sonrisa maliciosa.

-Ah...- me dejó sin habla y miré hacia otro lado.

¡Morinaga... ESTÁS MUERTO!, dije a mis adentros.

Minutos después, estábamos los 3 sentados en el sofá (Morinaga en el medio, yo a su lado derecho y Taiga a su lado izquierdo) viendo la estúpida película. Al parecer, Morinaga era el único emocionado. Taiga estaba con los ojos en la pantalla, pero no prestaba atención... solo le importaba tragarse todas las palomitas de maíz. Sin embargo, yo estaba prestando atención a la película, pero... me parecía una ridiculez total. Unas escenas después, por fin, el canal pasó a comerciales.

-Ay...- suspiró Morinaga –Esto es lindo ¿no?-

-¿Lindo?- pregunté.

-Sí... bueno... estamos los tres juntos... viendo una película tranquilamente. Mi mejor amiga, mi pareja, y yo- sonrió el muy baka -¿No es tierno?-

-...- Taiga y yo cruzamos miradas –Si...- respondimos en coro con voz de desinterés.

~Ding Dong~
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
Sao chép!
Ahh... ahhh...-I took his mouth trying to stop his hand - not... do not do it... ahh... ahh...--Why not? - don't stop - you enter and you masturbate at the same time do not like?--Ahh... ahh... not... isn't that... ahh...-my strength was insignificant, because he could not keep his hand from my Member - Me... I'm going to... I'm going to...--Cum, my Sempai - whispered in your ear without letting me - I want to have you ecstatic, excited and weak for me alone --Per... perverted! - could tell before cum - Ahhhhhhh...-I came.It was the first time that I came very much. Well... it's the accumulation of almost 6 months. The strange thing is that I didn't feel that Morinaga had come. At that time it had no forces of thinking, just... was tired, exhausted, weak. Morinaga left my post and sat on his knees. I could hear my strong breathing and little by little... shot to turn me upside down and my hands, be able to hold my body to lift me. I felt dirty... needed to give me a shower or simply to cleanse me. With the little strength that I had, I supported my arms on the bed, got on his knees to lift me up. Without realizing... it had been "four"... as if it were a dog. And my worst mistake was to not realize that Morinaga was still conscious...-Mmmm... Sempai - Morinaga stood behind me and rammed his Member to my butt.-Expected... What do you do. Depart--You won't go anywhere, my Sempai - leaned over me and supported his hand on my back to sink my chest and my face on the bed - it's my turn - I whispered in his ear.-Do your turn? - I was surprised, because my chest and my face were glued to the bed, but my hips were raised (like a clock that gives 6:20 pm).-Yes. Yet not I've run--Baka was already sufficient. Don't follow... ahhhh...-I forcejeé, but Morinaga returned to enter their member of a lunge.-Come on, Sempai. I have that cum now... is just enough - with both hands, he stroked my shoulders - I want to try something new –-Something... new? - his words scared me.-Yes. Something like this - said and I felt that he pulled my arms back.-What do you do, baka... release me -It was useless to resist or struggle. Morinaga had me well seized of the hands, and above all... I was entering that way. It could not even cover my mouth... not had with what to defend myself. Morinaga had me under his power.Shit... what the hell is going? perhaps... is a kind of new strange pose? why they feel that... I... I like? No... not by God. I like... curse... I like. I can feel it... I can feel how goes into all its member. AJ... curse. Worst of all is that... I... want to continue... to not stop. Morinaga bastard... why I do such things... PERVERTED.Every time... the thrusts were fast and strong. Morinaga had definitely left lead. As that baka had seized my hands, I had with what cover my mouth and... Unfortunately... I started to moan...-Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...-could not stop - Ahhh... Morinaga... yaa... ya... ahhh...--What, my Sempai? - spoke without stopping - would like more? --Ahhhh... ahhh... Mori... nagaaaa --By agreement, my Sempai. I will do it you stronger--Nooo... Ahhhh... ahhh... waiting...--I love you Sempai... I love you -It gave the latest lunge and we ran at the same time. It was not fair. I was the more times they ran. Damn homobaka... that's why I always do things that embarrassed me. I have some in poses very... I don't know... compromising. AHHHHH. Damn, Morinaga. Because of you... to my body like this shit.Both fell exhausted on the bed. I had no strength to claim and less to catch him with blows, simply cai in the fetal position and my eyes I won. The last thing I could feel is Morinaga he lay beside me and hugging me from behind.I hope that you enjoyed, baka, because this... will not be repeated. Well... not as Taiga living in this House. I think you tortured nearly six months, which means that you can endure half a year. I just hope that the runny Taiga not heard all of this, because if she comes to tell me something... I swear it will be your fault.The next day at night, Morinaga and I had returned early from our work. We had planned to watch a movie... the bad thing is that it was love. How I hated that kind of movie, but it had only agreed to see her, because Morinaga asked me and because... long time no I spent time with him. I was sitting with Taiga on the large sofa, each to one end of the sofa, because Morinaga would sit in the middle of the two. The film it would pass by a television station, and Morinaga was finishing of the popcorn...-Mori, hurry up with popcorn! - Taiga passed the voice to Morinaga from the room - and it is going to start the movie --Yes, I'm coming - said from the kitchen.-Aj... what we have to do that crap - renounced.-It is not "junk", Souichi - corrected me the runny - is a love film --What boring - I crossed of arms and rolé eyes.-Well... Mori wanted to see the movie--I can't believe that this kind of stories like you don't realize that is pure lie? - renounced - that of "and lived happily for ever"... only happen in fairy tales --Ja! I know. Also love films - I like-Seriously? - I was surprised by your comment.-Yes. I hate them - he said something fastidiada - i.e.... "she is poor, he is rich; "she is the servant, he is the owner of the House... that won't be or Yes?" ... PUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJ--Lol...-I laughed amicably - believe that in the end we agree on something--Yes...-He said something fastidiada - not you emotions, tyrant. It is not that we begin to have things in "common"--Believe me. Not "excites me" having things in common with you, runny - I said angry - in addition... If you think so "disgusting" as you say... What are you doing here? --I'm going to see the film, because Mori likes. In addition... some time that not we spend time together--Time together? - me indigné - Solo YO I spend time with Morinaga. Not you--Ja! And I see that they have spent time together, eh - mocked something.-Ah?--Don't make yourself crazy with me, tyrant - made the mysterious - by some... cute moans of last night jajajajajajaja --Ge... moans? - I was completely red and nervous - not... I do not know what you talk...-"Ahhh... ahhh... ya..." Morinaga... ya... ahhh... "- I remedó to further mock - hahaha... you are all a woman in bed jajajajaja-"-Shut up - I felt humiliated.-"Oh... Yes..." Morinaga... ahh... ahhh... more... more... give me hard... stronger "-continued to flout."-I I did not say that - offended me and gave him a blow to the sofa.-Jajajajajajajaja...-only laughed.-Shut up, dwarf!--Agreement...-stopped laughing - the ultimate me invented it, but... with the moans you gave yesterday was missing you... just to say that --.-I was angry even flushed.- But... Yes to admit that the first thing was true isn't it? - asked with mischievous smile.-Ah...-left me speechless and I looked towards the other side.Morinaga...! You're dead!, I said to myself.Minutes later, were the 3 seated on the sofa (Morinaga in the Middle, I to his right side and Taiga to your left) seeing the teen movie. Morinaga was apparently the only one excited. Taiga was with eyes on the screen, but not paying attention... only mattered swallowed all the popcorn. However, I was paying attention to the film, but... I thought it was a total absurdity. Scenes later, finally, the channel became commercial.-Oh...-sighed Morinaga - this is cute right?--Cute? - I asked.-Yes... well... we are all three together... watching a movie quietly. My best friend, my partner, and I - smiled the very baka - isn't tender? --...-Taiga and I crossed looks - Yes...-answered in chorus with the voice of disinterest.~ Ding Dong ~
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
Ahh ... ahhh ...- I took off me with his mouth trying to stop his hand No ... do not ... ahh ... ahh ...- Why not? - I'll not stop I enter and I masturbate while you do not like - Ahh ... ahh ... no ... that's not ... ahh ...- my strength was insignificant, because he could not keep his hand from my member ... 'I'm going to ... I'm going to ...- -Córrete my Sempai- whispered to me I want to have you still holding ecstatic, excited and weak to me just- -¡Per ... pervert! - I managed to say ...- -Ahhhhhhh cum before I came. It was the first time I came much. Well ... it is the accumulation of almost 6 months. The strange thing is that I felt that Morinaga had come. At that time I had no forces of thinking, just ... I was tired, exhausted, weak. Morinaga left my ticket and sat on his lap. I could hear my heavy breathing and slowly ... to get rolled upside down and with my hands, my body can hold up. I felt dirty ... I needed to take a shower or just clean. With the little strength I had left, I rested my hands on the bed, I knelt down to get up. Without realizing ... he had been "four" ... like a dog. And my biggest mistake was not to see how, Morinaga was still conscious ... Mmmm ... Sempai- Morinaga got behind me and stuck his cock in my ass. Wait ... what are you doing. Apártate- 'You're not going anywhere, my Sempai- leaned over me and put his hand on my back to my chest and bury my face in my bed It's turno- whispered to me. 'Your turn? - I was surprised because my chest and my face were glued to the bed, but my hips were raised (like a clock that gives 6:20 pm). Yes. I have not yet corrido- -Baka ... that's enough. Do not follow ... ahhhh ...- I struggled, but Morinaga reintroduced its member a lunge. Come, sempai. I have to cum now ... is it right- with both hands, patted my shoulder I want to try something new ... Something new - his words frightened me. Yes. He said something like this- and I felt my arms pulled back. -What do, baka ... suéltame- was useless to resist or struggle. Morinaga had me a good hold hands, and above all ... I was penetrating that. I could not even cover my mouth ... it had to defend myself. Morinaga had me in his power. Shit ... what the hell is going on? Perhaps ... it's a strange new kind of pose? Why do I feel like ... I ... I like? No ... not by God. I like ... damn ... I like it. I can feel it ... I can feel how hard his whole member. Aj ... damn. The worst thing is that ... I ... I want to continue ... that does not stop. Morinaga bastard ... why did you do this kind of thing ... pervert. Every time ... the thrusts became faster and stronger. Definitely Morinaga had been carried away. As the Baka had gripped my hands, I was not able to cover my mouth and ... unfortunately ... started moaning ... Ahhh ... ahhh ... ahhh ... ahhh ...- could not Ahhh ... Morinaga stop ... and ... ahhh ... yaa ...- What is it, my Sempai - spoke without stopping Want more - -Ahhhh ... ahhh ... nagaaaa- Mori ... Okay, my Sempai. I'll let you louder Nooo .. ahhhh ... ahhh ... I hope ...- I love you, i love you Sempai ... He thrusts the past and we ran together. It was not fair. I was the more times he came. Homobaka damn ... why do you always do things that embarrass me. You put me in poses very ... I do not know ... compromising. AHHHHH. Damn, Morinaga. Because of you ... my body likes this shit. We both fell exhausted into bed. I had no strength to demand and less to grab shock, I just fell into a fetal position and I won my eyelids. The last thing is to Morinaga could feel that leaned to me and hugged me from behind. I hope you enjoyed it, Baka, because this ... is not repeated. Taiga Well ... not while living in this house. I think you tortured for almost six months, which means you can hold half a year. I just hope that the brat Taiga has not heard all of this, because if she comes to tell me something ... I swear I will be your fault. The next day at night, Morinaga and I had returned early from our labors. We planned to watch a movie ... the trouble is that was love. How he hated that kind of movie, but had only agreed to see her, because Morinaga asked me ... and because you have not spent time with him. He sat on the large sofa Taiga, each end of the sofa, as Morinaga would sit in the middle of the two. The film would go through a television channel, and Morinaga was finalizing the popcorn ... -¡Mori, hurry up with popcorn - Taiga happened to Morinaga voice from the room-and going to begin film- Yes, I voy- answered from the kitchen. Ach ... why we should see this trash-disowned. 'It's not "junk" It's Souichi- brat corrected me a love story - What a bored crossed arms and I rolled my eyes. Well ... Mori wanted to see the movie- I can not believe you like it to such stories Did not realize that a lie? - 'That of disowned "and they lived happily ever after" ... only happen in stories of fairies Ha! I know. I also do not like movies about love- -¿Enserio - I was surprised by his comment. Yes. The detesto- said something annoyed-that ... "she is poor, he is rich,? She is the servant, he is the master of the house ... Is that yes or no result" ... PUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJ- - Hahaha I laughed amicably ...- I think finally agree on something- Yeah ...- said 'Do something annoyed emotions tyrant. Not that we begin to have things in "common" - Believe me. Not me "excited" to have things in common with you, I replied angrily mocosa- Besides ... if you think so "disgusting" as you say ... what are you doing here? - I'm going to see the film, because he likes Mori . Besides ... you have not spent time together- -¿Tiempo together - I was outraged -Only I spend time with Morinaga. No you- Ha! And I see that they have spent time together, something eh- mocked. -¿Ah - 'Do not play the fool with me, tyrant became the mysterious' By the way ... the cute moans last night jajajajajajaja- -¿Ge ... I groan - I got all red and nervous ... No ... I do not know what hablas- - "Ahhh ... ahhh ... and ... and ... ahhh ... Morinaga. .. "- he mimicked me to mock even more -Jajajaja ... you're all woman in bed jajajajaja- Shut up - I felt humiliated. - "Oh ... yeah ... Morinaga ... ahh .. . ahhh ... more ... more ... hard ... give me stronger. "- he continued taunting ESO-I SAID I do not offend me and I hit the couch. -Jajajajajajajaja ...- just laughed . Shut up, dwarf - Okay ...-'m finally stopped laughing I made ​​it up, but ... with the moans you gave yesterday ... just missing you say that- -...- me I blushed even angry. But ... if you admit that the first thing was true right? - asked with mischievous grin. Ah ...- left me speechless and looked away. ... ARE DEAD !, Morinaga I said to myself. Minutes later, we were 3 sitting on the couch (Morinaga in the medium, his right hand and his left hand Taiga) watching stupid movie. Apparently, Morinaga was the only excited. Taiga had my eyes on the screen, but not paying attention ... just swallow all care popcorn. However, I was paying attention to the movie, but ... I felt a complete absurdity. . A few scenes later, finally, the channel became commercial Oh ...- sighed Morinaga This is cute right? - -¿Lindo - I asked. 'Yes ... well ... we are all three together. .. quietly watching a movie. My best friend, my partner and me smiled very tender baka 'Is - -...- Taiga and I exchanged glances ...- If we responded in unison with the voice of disinterest. ~ ~ Ding Dong

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