Dos semanas había pasado desde aquel incidente y Morinaga se miraba má dịch - Dos semanas había pasado desde aquel incidente y Morinaga se miraba má Anh làm thế nào để nói

Dos semanas había pasado desde aque

Dos semanas había pasado desde aquel incidente y Morinaga se miraba más tranquilo, incluso podía decir que tenía la misma sonrisa de siempre. En el laboratorio el ambiente era silencioso pero apacible, no estaba esa aura de tensión que a veces se mezclaba en nuestras horas de trabajo. Los asistentes fueron a clases y se presentarían más tarde en el laboratorio, por el momento llevábamos buen ritmo y si continuábamos así podríamos regresar antes de las 10 al departamento. Vagué en mis pensamientos perdido entre la investigación, concentrado de tal manera que el tiempo parecía no transcurrir, hasta que un celular sonó y rompió mi burbuja. Era de Morinaga y por la expresión que hizo debía ser de alguien que no contactaba con regularidad. Salió después de pedirme permiso y yo continué trabajando, estaba curioso pero debía concentrarme en los experimentos o se acumularían las actividades para después. Pasaron varios minutos, al menos media hora, y él no regresaba. Me preocupé.

- ¿Cuánto poder tardar ese idiota para contestar una llamada?

Era molesto cuando alguien no tomaba en serio el trabajo, detestaba eso, Morinaga lo sabía y me parecía extraño que se pusieran a platicar tan tranquilamente en horas que no están designadas para eso. Iba a salir a golpearlo y traerlo de regreso pero como si leyera mis pensamientos al darme la vuelta para medio matarlo él abrió la puerta.

- Siento el retraso Senpai.

- ¿Por qué tiene esa cara otra vez?

Me sorprendió ver que regresaba decaído, sonreía cuando no deseaba hacerlo, eso me preocupaba mucho. Tal parecía que la persona que salió minutos atrás no era la misma que regresó. Antes radiaba felicidad y ahora era como estuviera regresando de un funeral, podía notar sus ojos un poco rojos ¿Estaba llorando? Al menos sentía que era lo que quería hacer, sus ánimos se apagaron.

- ¿Pero qué rayos sucedió hace un momento? ¿Por qué el idiota esta así? Me molesta.

- ¡Oye Morinaga! ¿Estás bien?

- …

Dejé lo que estaba haciendo por un momento, me acerqué a él, lo miré a los ojos pero él no los míos. Lo sacudí para que despertara y bajara de su nube de fantasía pero sus movimientos eran lentos, torpes e inseguros. Respondía con nerviosismo y en un tono de voz bajo.

- ¿Acaso no me escuchaste? Te pregunté si estás bien.

- ¿Eh? Ah, sí. Perdón, creo que me tomó más tiempo del que pensaba. Ahora regreso a trabajar. Sonrió.

- ¿Por qué sigues haciendo eso? ¿Acaso eres un idiota o crees que yo lo soy? No quieras engañarme con esa sonrisa falsa, ya te he dicho que no me gusta.

Tenía que poner un alto a este problema, no podía seguir tolerando que siguiera con la mirada perdida pero cuando se dirigía a mí me sonriera. Para mí era el equivalente a mentir, cada que veía que sonreía así y no era sincero era porque ocultaba algo y nunca era bueno.

- Lo siento pero no quiero preocuparte Senpai.

- ¡Deberías de saber que verte así hace que me preocupe aún más! No debes de esconder tus sentimientos. Si te sientes triste tan sólo deberías de decirlo, y-yo… yo intentaría ayudarte de alguna forma. Grité molestó. - No creí que fuera tan poco confiable. Susurré.

- ¡Maldición! Es que acaso nunca escucha lo que digo. Odio esa actitud de no querer preocuparme y ocultar cosas. Me molesta que no confíe en mí ¿Por qué tiene que ocultarlo? No es como si nos acabáramos de conocer.

- Muchas gracias Senpai, siempre eres tan bueno conmigo. Sonrió ligeramente con un dejo de melancolía.

- ¿Y bien… me vas a contar lo que sucede si o no? Crucé mis brazos para que notara mi impaciencia.

- B-bueno… ¿Por qué no lo dejamos para cuando regresemos al departamento? ¿Sabes que tenemos mucho trabajo, verdad? Además por mi culpa perdimos media hora. Movía acelerado sus manos y nervioso. Todas eran excusas para no enfrentar el problema directamente.

Lo observé con cuidado, con ojos afilados, mientras se ponía más y más nervioso.

- Está bien pero… es la última oportunidad Morinaga. Lo señalé amenazándolo. - De lo contrario… Troné mis dedos mientras lo veía enojado. - … me las vas a pagar.

-Por lo menos gané esta ronda, ya tengo la seguridad que me dirá lo que le pasa.

Estábamos atareados con el trabajo que debíamos sacar adelante el día de hoy pero afortunadamente los asistentes llegaron antes de lo esperado. A veces resultaban útiles, no era que fueran incompetentes pero por ser nuevos en esto no se habían acostumbrado al ritmo con el que normalmente trabajábamos y debíamos enseñarles. Mi poca paciencia me tendría gritando cada 5 minutos si yo estuviera encargándome de eso y por ese motivo era Morinaga quien los estaba entrenando. Al principio mostró su descontento con que los hubiera hecho parte de mi equipo pero después de entenderlo parecía llevar un buen trato con ellos; tenía que admitir que era un buen mentor. Los asistentes apenas realizaban la mitad de las tareas que Morinaga solía hacer solo y aunque se enfocaran únicamente en eso al hacerlo apropiadamente nos ahorraban tener que corregir errores y los pasos que dábamos con la investigación eran lentos pero seguros. Era un alivio contar con su ayuda y terminar, técnicamente, temprano.

El tiempo pasó, el sol bajó, oscureció y la noche llegó; terminamos el trabajo. Limpiamos todos los utensilios y acomodamos todo en el lugar que correspondía. Los asistentes se despidieron, cada uno se fue por su camino y me quedé a solas con Morinaga. El camino hacia el departamento fue pesado por la tensión que había entre nosotros, estaba impaciente por llegar y tenía demasiadas cosas que preguntarle que en esta ocasión no iba a poder escapar. Se la pasó distraído el resto del día y aunque cumplió con sus obligaciones no fue tan eficiente. Al llegar dejé mi mochila a un lado y me quité los zapatos, cuando también entró lo encaré, me puse frente a él cortando su paso y guiándolo con la mirada para que tomara asiento en el sofá. El interrogatorio iba a comenzar pero le di el privilegio de que hablara antes de yo atacarlo con mis preguntas, se mantuvo en silencio y no tenía intenciones de tomar iniciativa.

- ¿¡Y bien…? Estoy esperando.

- …

- ¿No vas a decir nada? Recuerda que es tu última oportunidad.

- Pues… Susurró mientras bajaba la mirada. Se cohibía.

- ¡Habla de una vez! ¡Y dilo claro para que pueda escucharte!

- C-creo que… tendré que alejarme de Senpai por un tiempo. Cuando alzó la mirada para verme a los ojos yo podía observar las lágrimas saliendo y fruncía su ceño en profundo pesar.

Me quedé en shock, ¿Estaba malinterpretando lo que dijo?

- Eso que acaba de decir no me lo esperaba, "Alejarse de mí", ¿Por qué? Este idiota es tan complicado que no logro entenderlo. Siempre está diciéndome todas esas cosas molestas sobre que me ama, de pronto tiene sueños raros, actúa aún más extraño y luego quiere alejarse de mí ¿Y viene a decírmelo con esa cara llorosa? No lo comprendo, simplemente no puedo.

- ¿Alejarte de mí? ¿A qué te refieres?

Pregunté temeroso y bastante preocupado de la respuesta que podía recibir.

- Es exactamente como dije Senpai, creo que tengo que irme por un tiempo… Su llanto no se detenía y se corrigió. - … más bien, podría no sólo ser un tiempo sino definitivo.

- ¿Esperas que te crea cuando me muestras esa cara? ¡Idiota mentiroso! Deja de bromear con algo tan serio.

- Lo siento, no puedo quedarme, debo partir cuanto antes. Secó el agua con el dorso de su mano y su mirada era más fría.

- ¿¡Y por qué ese cambio de actitud tan repentino!? Me paré y le grité muy enojado. - ¿¡Acaso sólo estabas jugando conmigo!? ¿Crees que es divertido venir y voltear mi mundo de cabeza? ¡Idiota! Será mejor que digas la verdad o me harás enojar.

Sin darme cuenta estaba llorando y no sabía si era de rabia o por el fuerte dolor que se presentó inesperadamente en mi corazón.

- ¿Qué está diciendo este idiota? ¿Irse? ¿A dónde? ¿Con quién? Y definitivo… eso quiere decir que para siempre ¿¡Para siempre!? Entonces puede que no vuelva a verlo… ¿Para siempre?

Sus palabras resonaban en mi cabeza en un eco profundo y con una gravedad que lastimaba. Noté como llevaba la mano a su pecho y apretaba con fuerza su camisa; justo en su corazón. Probablemente todo lo que me decía le dolía mucho más a él que a mí ¿Pero por qué? ¿Por qué herirnos de esta manera? Si le dolía tanto, si era tan difícil, porqué continuar diciendo tonterías sin sentido, porqué insistía en huir y dejarme sin aliento.

- Este debe ser otro de sus trucos para conseguir algo, sí, debe ser eso. Pensé tratando de encontrar una teoría lógica.

- Por favor discúlpame, no es mi intención hacerte llorar, además… Evadió mi mirada y se silenció. Respiró profundo, sujetó mis manos entre las suyas y me mirado directo a los ojos. - … yo nunca estuve jugando contigo. Lo que siento por ti es real, te amo, no creo que me sea posible dejar de amarte.

Me avergoncé al tenerlo tan cerca de mí, tomando mis manos y haciendo esa confesión tan enserio. Mi corazón palpitaba con fuerza y mi cuerpo temblaba gracias a lo que había dicho, estaba sintiendo tantas cosas que con anterioridad experimenté y no podía explicar; no podía ponerle un nombre. Era como si me derritiera, me sentía tan frágil pero no débil, Morinaga lograba eso en mí y aunque no sabía si me gustaba o no, quería que se quedara; quería averiguarlo.

- ¿Por qué me orilla a decir ese tipo de cosas? Y que él responda con algo como eso es… vergonzoso. Yo no soy ningún homosexual para hablar de esa manera, yo no puedo confirmarle algo de lo que no estoy seguro pero no quiero que desaparezca.

- Entonces, ¿S-si te sientes así… por qué te vas? Apreté sus manos, no lo dejaría irse.

- Eso no puedo decírtelo. No sé cuándo voy a regresar o si voy a hacerlo.

- ¿Qué dijo? ¡No sabe si va a regresar! ¿Por qué la insistencia en mantenerse callado?

- No quiero que me esperes por siempre, es injusto y egoísta pedirte que te comprometas a eso cuando… n-no somos nada, no soy tan especial para hacer esa petición y tampoco sé si podría cumplir una promesa así.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Two weeks had passed since that incident and Morinaga looked calmer, even could say that it had the same smile always. In the lab environment was quiet but gentle, was not that aura of tension that sometimes mingled in our working hours. Attendees went to classes and most arise later in the laboratory, at the moment got good pace and if we continued thus could return before 10 am to the Department. I wandered in my thoughts lost among research, concentrated in such a way that the time seemed not elapse, up to which a mobile phone rang and broke my bubble. Morinaga was and by the expression that made it should be someone who not contacted regularly. Left after asking me permission and I continued working, was curious but should concentrate on experiments or activities would accrue after. They spent several minutes, at least half an hour, and he did not return. I worried.-How long can take that idiot to answer a call?It was annoying when someone does not take seriously the work, hated that, Morinaga knew it seemed strange to be put to talk so calmly in the hours that are not designated for that. I was going to beat him and bring him back but as if you read my thoughts to turn me around to the middle to kill him he opened the door.-I feel the delay Senpai.-Why does this face again?I am surprised to see that it was returning deposed, he smiled when I didn't want to do it, that concerned me much. It seemed that who left minutes ago was not the same as that returned. Before he radiated happiness and it was now as he was returning from a funeral, you could tell his eyes a little red was crying? At least I felt that it was what I wanted to do, their spirits went out.- But what rays happened a moment ago? Why this idiot like this? It bothers me.-Hey Morinaga! Are you okay?- …I stopped what he was doing for a moment, I approached him, I looked at him in the eyes but not mine. I shook it so he woke up and down from his cloud of fantasy, but his movements were slow, clumsy and insecure. He responded with nervousness and in a low tone of voice.-Perhaps not I hear? I asked if you are OK.-Huh? Ah, Yes. Sorry, I think that it took me longer than I thought. Now back to work. He smiled.-Why keep doing that? Perhaps you're an idiot or believe what I am? You don't want to cheat me with that fake smile, I already told you that I don't like.I had to put a stop to this problem, it could no longer be tolerated that continue with staring but when directed to me I smile. For me it was the equivalent to lie, each saw that he smiled as well and was not sincere was hiding something and it was never good.-Sorry, but I don't want to worry about Senpai.-You should know that see you as well makes it worries me even more! You should not hide your feelings. If you're feeling sad just you should say it, and - I... I would try to help you in any way. I shouted annoyed. -Not, I thought it was so unreliable. I susurré.-Damn it! It's that you never listen to what I say. Hate this attitude of not wanting to worry about and hide things. It bothers me that you do not rely on me why is hide it? It is not as if we finished know.-Many thanks Senpai, are always so good with me. He smiled slightly with a hint of melancholy.-Well... I'll tell what happens if or not? I crossed my arms so you will notice my impatience.-B-good... Why have you not for when we come back to the Department? Do you know that we have a lot of work, really? Also by my fault we lost half an hour. He moved his hands fast and nervous. They were all excuses to not address the issue directly.I watched it carefully, with sharp eyes, while it became more and more nervous.-Okay, but... it's the last chance Morinaga. I said threatening him. -On the contrary... I troné my fingers while I saw him angry. -... me to pay.-At least I won this round, I already have the security that will tell me what happens.We were busy with the work that we bring forward today but fortunately the attendees arrived sooner than expected. They were sometimes useful, it was not that they were incompetent but being new in this are had not accustomed to the pace with which we normally worked, and we should teach them. My little patience I would be crying every 5 minutes if I was taking care of that and for that reason was Morinaga who was training them. At the beginning he showed his displeasure with that part of my team had done to them but after understanding it seemed to take a good deal with them; I had to admit it was a good mentor. Attendees were barely half of the tasks that Morinaga used to make only and although they only focus on that to do it properly saved us having to correct errors and steps we took with the investigation were slow but sure. It was a relief to have help and finally, technically, early.The time passed, the Sun fell, darkened and night came; We finished the work. Clean all utensils and settled in the place that was. Attendees bid farewell, each went his own way and I was alone with Morinaga. The path to the Department was weighed by the tension that there was among us, was anxious to arrive and had too many things that ask that this time it would not be able to escape. Distracted is passed the rest of the day and although it fulfilled its obligations was not as efficient. Upon arrival I left my backpack to one side and took off my shoes, when he also entered I faced him, I put in front of him cutting his step and guiding it with the look so it will take a seat on the couch. Questioning was going to start but gave the privilege to speak before I attack him with my questions, remained silent and had no intentions of taking initiative.-Well...!? I'm waiting for you.- …-Are not going to say anything? Remember that it is your last chance.-Because... She whispered while looking down. It is cohibía.-Speaks of a time! And say it clearly so can hear you!C-I think... I have to get away from Senpai for awhile. When he raised his gaze to look me in the eyes I could see tears coming out and seemed his brows in deep regret.I was in shock, I was misinterpreting what you said?-That which has just said did not expect me, "Away from me", why? This idiot is so complicated that I can't understand it. All those annoying things is always telling me about that loves me, suddenly has strange dreams, acting even more strangely and then want to move away from me and comes to tell me that tearful face? Do not understand it, simply can not.-Stay away from me? What do you mean?I asked fearfully and quite worried about the response that could receive.-It is exactly as I said Senpai, I think I have to go for a while... His tears did not stop and was corrected. -... well, could not only be a time but definitive.-Do you expect you created when you show me this face? Liar idiot! Stop joking with something so serious.-Sorry, I can not stay, I starting as soon as possible. It dried up the water with the back of his hand and his look was cool.-And what this change of attitude so suddenly! I stopped and yelled very angry. -Do you were just playing with me! Do you think that it's fun to come and turn my head world? Idiot! It will be better for you to tell the truth, or I'll get angry.Without my mind was crying and didn't know if was rabies or for the strong pain that arose unexpectedly in my heart.-What is this idiot saying? Go is? To where? With whom? And definitive... that means that you forever would forever! Then you may not again to see him... would forever?His words echoed in my head in a deep echo and with a severity that was hurting. I noticed as he wore the hand to his chest and forcefully pushed his shirt; right in his heart. Probably everything you told me hurt much more to him than me but why? Why hurt us this way? If you hurt him, if it was so difficult, why continue talking nonsense nonsense, why he insisted on running away and leaving me breathless.-This must be another one of your tricks to get something, Yes, should be that. I thought of trying to find a logical theory.-Please excuse me, it is not my intention to make you cry, in addition... He evaded my gaze and was silenced. He took a deep breath, he fastened my hands in his and I looked straight in the eyes. -... I was never playing with you. What I feel for you is real, I love you, I do not think I possible to stop loving you.I felt ashamed to have it so close to me, taking my hands and making this confession so seriously. My heart was throbbing hard and my body was trembling with what had been said, was feeling so much that I experienced previously and could not explain; He could not put a name. It was as if I melt, I felt so fragile but not weak, Morinaga achieved that in me and but didn't know if I liked it or not, wanted to stay; I wanted to find out.-Why do I edge to say such things? And he responds with something like that is... embarrassing. I am not any homosexual to speak that way, I can not confirm some of what I'm not sure, but I don't want to disappear.-Then, y-Yes feeling so... Why are you going? I squeezed her hands, she would not let it go.-That can not tell you. I don't know when I will come back or if I'm going to do it.-What say? Do not know if you will return! Why the insistence on keeping silent?-I don't that I wait forever, it is unfair and selfish to ask you to commit to that when... n-no we are nothing, am not so special to make such a request and does not know if he could meet a promise as well.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Two weeks had passed since that incident and Morinaga looked calmer, he could even say I had the same smile as always. In the laboratory the atmosphere was quiet but peaceful, was not that aura of tension that sometimes mingled in our working hours. Attendees were presented to school and later in the laboratory by the time we had good pace and if we continued and could return before 10 department. I wandered lost in my thoughts between research, concentrated in such a way that the time seemed to stand still until a cell phone rang and burst my bubble. It was Morinaga and expression should be made ​​of someone not contacted regularly. He left after asking my permission and I continued working, I was curious but had to concentrate on experiments or activities then accumulate. It took several minutes, at least half an hour, and he did not return. I worried. - How to take that idiot to answer a call? It ​​was annoying when someone does not take the job seriously, hated it, Morinaga knew and it seemed strange to be put to talk so quietly at times that are not designated for that. He was out to beat him and bring him back but as if reading my thoughts to turn around to half kill him he opened the door. - I feel the delay Senpai. - Why has that face again? I was surprised returning decayed, He smiled when they wanted to, that worried me a lot. It seemed that the person who left hours ago was not the same as back. Before radiated happiness and now it was as he was returning from a funeral, she could feel his eyes a little red Was he crying? At least I felt that was what I wanted to do, their spirits went out. - But what the hell happened just now? Why is this so idiot? It bothers me. - Hey Morinaga! Are you okay? - ... I stopped what I was doing for a moment, I approached him, I looked into his eyes but he did mine. I shook him to wake up and come down from his cloud of fantasy but his movements were slow, clumsy and insecure. Responded nervously and a low voice. - Did not you hear me? I asked if you're okay. - Huh? Oh yeah. Sorry, I think I took more time than I thought. Now I return to work. He smiled. - Why do you keep doing that? What are you, an idiot or do you think I am? Do not want to fool with that fake smile, and I said I do not like. I had to put a stop to this problem, I could no longer tolerate to continue staring but when he addressed me smile. For me it was the equivalent of lying, I saw smiling each well and was not sincere because it was hiding something and never was good. - I'm sorry but I will not worry Senpai. - You should see you well know that makes me worry even more ! No need to hide your feelings. If you feel sad just ought to say, II ... I would try to help in any way. I cried bother. - I do not think it was so unreliable. I whispered. - Damn! Is it that never listens to what I say. I hate that attitude of not wanting to worry and hide things. It bothers me that I do not trust me Why do you have to hide? It's not as if we we had just met. - Thank you Senpai, you're always so good to me. He smiled slightly with a hint of melancholy. - And well ... you gonna tell me what is happening or not? I crossed my arms to notice my impatience. - W-well ... Why do not we leave it for when we return to the department? You know we have a lot of work, right? Besides my fault we lost half an hour. He accelerated and moved his hands nervously. All were excuses for not addressing the problem directly. I watched carefully, with sharp eyes, as he got more and more nervous. - Okay, but ... is the last chance Morinaga. I pointed threatening. - Otherwise ... Trone my fingers as he looked angry. - ... Me you will pay. 'At least I won this round, and I have the security that will tell me what's wrong. We were busy with the work that we move forward today but fortunately attendees arrived earlier than expected . Some were useful, was not that they were incompetent but being new to it had not been used to the pace that normally worked and we had to teach. My little patience would have yelled at me every five minutes if I were encargándome that and for that reason was Morinaga who was training. At first he was unhappy with that would become part of my team seemed to understand but after carrying a good deal with them; I had to admit it was a good mentor. Attendees performed only half of the tasks that used to do just Morinaga and although they focused solely on that to do it properly saved us having to correct errors and the steps we took with the investigation were slowly but surely. . It was a relief to have your help and finish, technically, early Time passed, the sun went down, dark and night came; We finish the job. We clean all utensils and settled everything in the proper place. Attendees parted, each went his way and I was alone with Morinaga. The road to the department was heavy with tension between us, I was eager to arrive and had too much to ask that this time he would not escape. He kept distracted the day and although it fulfilled its obligations was not as efficient. Upon arrival I left my bag aside and took off my shoes when faced him also entered, I got in front of him cutting his step and guiding his gaze to take a seat on the couch. The interrogation would begin but I gave the privilege to speak before I attack with my questions, I remained silent and did not intend to take initiative. - And well ...? I'm waiting. - ... - Are not you going to say anything? Remember it's your last chance. - Well ... he whispered as he looked. It is self-conscious. - Speaks at once! And say it clearly so he can hear you! - II think that ... I have to get away from Senpai for a while. . When he looked up to see me in the eye I could see the tears coming and furrowed his brow in deep sorrow I was in shock, I was misinterpreting what he said? - That you just said I did not expect, "Get away from me ", why? This idiot is so complicated that I can not understand it. He's always telling me all those annoying things about loving me, suddenly have strange dreams, acting even stranger and then want to get away from me What comes to tell me with that tearful face? I do not understand, I just can not. - away from me? What do you mean? I asked quite worried and fearful response that he could receive. - It's exactly as I said Senpai, I think I have to leave for a while ... Your tears did not stop and corrected. - ... Rather, it could not only be a time but definitive. - You expect me to believe you when you show me that face? Lying idiot! Stop joking with something as serious. - Sorry, I can not stay, I must go soon. It dried up the water with the back of his hand and his eyes were colder. - Why this sudden change of attitude so !? I stood up and shouted angrily. - Perhaps you were just playing with me !? You think it's fun to come and turn my world upside down? Idiot! You'd better tell the truth or make me angry. Without realizing she was crying and did not know if it was anger or severe pain that appeared unexpectedly in my heart. - What is this idiot saying? Feel like going? Where? With who? And final ... that means for ever: Forever !? Then you may not see it again ... Forever? His words echoed in my head in a deep echo and with a severity that hurt. I noticed as he wore his hand to his chest and squeezed hard on his shirt; right in your heart. Probably everything he said I hurt him more than me But why? Why hurt us this way? If it hurt so much, if it was so difficult, why continue blathering nonsense, why insisted flee and leave me breathless. - This should be another of his tricks to get something, yes, that must be it. I thought trying to find a logical theory. - Please forgive me, I do not mean to make you mourn, well ... He evaded my eyes and kept quiet. He took a deep breath, held my hands in hers and looked me straight in the eye. - ... I was never playing with you. What I feel for you is real, I love you, I do not think that I can stop loving you. I was ashamed to have him so close to me, taking my hands and making this confession so seriously. My heart was pounding and my body was shaking because what he had said, was feeling so many things that I experienced before and could not explain; I could not put a name. It was as if melted me, I felt so weak but not weak, that could Morinaga me and although I did not know if he liked me or not, I wanted to stay; I wanted to find out. - Why do banks say such things? And he responds with something like that is ... shameful. I'm not a homosexual to speak that way, I can not confirm something I'm not sure but I do not want to disappear. - So S-if you feel that way ... why are you leaving? I squeezed his hands would not let go. - That I can not tell you. Do not know when I will return or if I'll do it. - Say what? You do not know if he's coming back! Why the insistence on keeping quiet? - I do not want to wait for me forever, is unfair and selfish to ask you to commit to that when ... n-we are nothing, I am not so special to make that request and not know if I could meet such a promise.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Two Weeks had passed since that incident and Morinaga looked more tranquil, even could say that it was the same Smile always. In The Laboratory, the environment was quiet but peaceful, wasn't that aura of tension which sometimes mixed in our working hours. The assistants went to classes and are presented later in the laboratory.By the time we had a good pace and we were so if we could return before 10 The Department. Lost in my thoughts i wandered between research, concentrated so that the time seemed not elapse until a cell phone rang and broke my Bubble. Morinaga and the expression was to be someone who did not contact him regularly.He went out after asking permission and I continued working, I was Curious but should concentrate on experiments or activities to ACCUMULATE after. Several minutes passed, at least half an hour, and he did not return. I was worried. - how much power to answer a call by that Idiot?

was upset when someone did not take seriously the job she hated that,Morinaga knew and seemed strange to talk quietly in hours that are not designated for that. I was going out to him and bring him back but as if Reading my thoughts when I return to kill him, he opened the door.
I Senpai. - Why is that again?

I was surprised to see you back down.He smiled when he wished to do so, That worried me a lot. It seemed that the person out minutes ago was not the same as returned. Radiated Happiness before and now it was like you were coming back from a funeral, I could feel his eyes a Little Red was crying? At least I felt that was what I wanted to do, their Spirits are out. - but what happened a moment ago?Why The Idiot like this? It bothers me

Morinaga. - Hey! Are you okay?

I stopped what I was doing for a moment, I approached him, I looked into his eyes, but he's not mine. I shook him to wake up and down his cloud of Fantasy but his movements were Slow, Clumsy and insecure. With nervousness and answered in a Low Tone of voice. - didn't you hear me?I asked You If you're okay. - huh? Oh, yeah. Sorry, I think I took more time than I thought. Now back to work.

smile. - Why are you doing that? You're an idiot, or you think I Am? You Don't want to fool me with this Fake Smile, I already told you I Don't like it.

I had to put a stop to this problem,I could not tolerate further with the eyes, but when he smiled to me. For me it was the equivalent to lie, each saw that he smiled and was not sincere was because he was hiding something, and never was good.

I'm sorry but I Don't want to worry you Senpai.

- you should know that Seeing You Like This makes me even more! Don't hide your feelings.
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