POV SOUICHIDespués de recibir la noticia del fallecimiento de la madre dịch - POV SOUICHIDespués de recibir la noticia del fallecimiento de la madre Anh làm thế nào để nói

POV SOUICHIDespués de recibir la no


Después de recibir la noticia del fallecimiento de la madre de Morinaga quedé totalmente destruido.

- Nunca tuve la oportunidad de conocerla.

Y claro, ahora no la tendría. Isogai se quedó en silencio por unos minutos sólo con su mano sobre mi hombro, no necesitó de palabras para que sintiera el apoyo de su parte. Nunca había sido una persona que mi agrado pero siempre se tomaba la molestia de escucharme cuando tenía un problema. Tal vez había sido demasiado, un poco, malagradecido pero no podía evitarlo, después de todo era amigo del hombre que había enamorado a mi hermanito menor. Sin mencionar que es una persona bastante peligrosa que hace tiempo me chantajeó. Tenía bastantes sentimientos encontrados y comencé a temblar mientras lagrimas bajaban por mis mejillas; me hiperventilé.

- ¡Souichi-kun, Souichi-kun! ¿Estás bien? Debes de tranquilizarte.

Este acontecimiento me había hecho recordar la muerte de mi mamá. Aquella vieja herida comenzaba a abrirse; primero como una pequeña marca y luego se desgarraría. Como yo soy el hijo mayor, soy quien tiene más recuerdos de ella en comparación a Kanako; quien era muy pequeña cuando todo aquello sucedió. Al cerrar mis ojos todavía podía verla sonreír, estaba llena de vida y era la persona más hermosa que haya visto. También puedo verla pálida, demacrada, decaída, postrada en una cama, sufriendo por dentro pero con su siempre característica sonrisa. Recuerdo a la perfección los últimos momentos que pasé con ella; me abrazó tan fuerte como pudo, bastante debilitada por su enfermedad, y me susurro: - Te quiero, siempre estaré contigo, no lo olvides. Se alejó para observarme con claridad, esa fue la primera y única vez que la vi llorar, continuó: - Cuida mucho a tus hermanos, después de abrazarme por última vez me dio un beso en la frente y me pidió que saliera de la habitación. Minutos después ella había dejado este mundo. En silencio ese fue su adiós.

Posterior a su funeral pasaron días en los que me sentí muy deprimido; no comía y casi no dormía. Pero recordando sus últimas palabras no me podía dejar vencer, tenía que salir adelante y sabiendo lo ajetreado que era el trabajo del viejo no podía dejar solos a mis hermanos; ellos tenían derecho a crecer en un hogar feliz o por lo menos el intento de eso. En ningún momento me quejé de la situación porque sabía que de nada serviría, ahora era parte de mi responsabilidad y debía mostrarme fuerte. Con el tiempo el dolor de su perdida se fue desvaneciendo y la vida se hizo llevadera. Aquella herida cerró y cicatrizó.

Nunca le desearía a alguien que pasara por el mismo dolor, ni a mi peor enemigo, nadie merecía perder a una persona tan importante en su vida pero el momento siempre llegaba. ¿Entonces por qué a una persona tan especial para mí tenía que pasar por esto? Bien dicen que la vida no es justa. El tiempo no espera a nadie.

Mi respiración comenzó a volverse acelerada y mi vista un poco borrosa. Desde la última vez que enfermé no me había sentido del todo bien; el estrés se había vuelto constante en mi vida diaria y ahora se me quería cobrar la factura. Podía imaginar lo que me diría si estuviera aquí: - Senpai, no deberías de esforzarte demasiado. Senpai no te ves muy bien, deberías tomar un descanso. Senpai yo me encargaré de todo, no te preocupes.

Extrañaba tanto sus atenciones, su presencia, su sonrisa; lo extraño tanto.

- Souichi-kun, no te vez muy bien.

- Ah, ah… ya, ya voy a… estar bien. Dije jadeando mientras seguía temblando. Apoyé una de mis manos en el descansabrazos cerrando mis ojos y tratando de normalizar mi respiración. Todo daba vueltas.

- No, no vas a estar bien ¡Mírate! Me regañó muy preocupado.

Empecé a sentirme algo mareado, como si fuera a perder la conciencia. Quise sostener masajear mi cabeza para aliviar el dolor pero perdí el equilibrio.

- ¡Cuidado! Gritó tomando uno de mis brazos y sosteniéndome para que no cayera.

- Ah… yo... g-gracias… Dije con falta de aire.

No podía dejar de temblar, los recuerdos del pasado regresaban como cuchillos estancándose en mi corazón y mi pecho dolía demasiado al pensar lo mal que se pondría Morinaga con la noticia. Odiaba mostrarles mi lado débil a otros pues pensaba que se aprovecharían de mí pero en esa situación no había manera de controlarme. Estaba muy fatigado y luego de balbucear perdí la consciencia.

- Y-yo… creo, creo que…

- ¡Souichi-kun! ¡Souichi-kun!

Caí totalmente rendido ante el mar de emociones y un profundo sueño.


- ¡Souichi-kun! ¡Esa indecisión tuya puede hacer que lo pierdas para siempre! Tú recuerdas todo por lo que han vivido juntos pero él no. Te había preguntado antes ¿Lo recuerdas? ¿Qué es lo que quieres hacer? Ya habías tomado una decisión ¿Por qué retractarte? Tienes que hablar con él antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Escuchaba su voz retumbar en mi cabeza.

- Tiene razón ¿Por qué seguir contigo si no me has dado ni una pizca de amor en comparación de todo lo que te he regalado? Me recriminó.

- ¡Pero he cambiado! Mi mundo giró 420° después de conocerte, te pedí que te quedarás conmigo… Traté de excusarme.

- ¿Acaso crees qué es suficiente? ¿Cuándo tiempo más tendré que esperar por un poco de tu atención? ¿Cuántos años más tendrán que pasar para oírte decir esas palabras que tanto anhelo? Dime Senpai ¿Cuánto más? Suavemente alzó mi barbilla y selló sus labios con los míos.

Pude sentir unas cálidas lagrimas caer sobre mis mejillas pero no eran mías, eran de la persona a quien tanto amo. Veía esa mirada que detestaba, esos ojos llenos de tristeza, igual a los de mi madre durante sus últimos momentos de vida. Esa mirada suya era tan parecida, tratando de aparentar estar bien, mientras por dentro estaban destruidos.

Sin ser particularmente especial esta persona me había elegido y para sus ojos era perfecto, aun teniendo tantos defectos me aceptaba como era, se encelaba fácilmente y se preocupaba por cosas que a mi parecer eran insignificantes; pero a él lo lastimaban seriamente. Tan falto de confianza pero tan seguro de su amor por mí.

- Decídete pronto o puede que cuando lo hagas sea demasiado tarde.


Desperté con la respiración algo agitada y alterado por la rudeza de sus palabras.

- ¿Por qué no puedo dejar de pensarte ni en mis sueños? ¿Es que acaso, en verdad… yo…?

- ¡Souichi-kun! Veo que por fin despertaste. Dijo bastante animado mientras entraba a mi habitación. - En verdad hiciste que me preocupara, no pensé que fueras a entrar en una crisis nerviosa


- Estuve a punto de llamar a Kanako-chan pero no quería preocuparla así que me abstuve. El médico recomendó que descansaras y te alimentaras correctamente. Además dijo que debías relajarte has estado sometido a demasiado estrés ¿No crees?

- ¿Qué está diciendo este tipo? Es mentira, yo no soy de los que se alteran y quiebran de esa manera.

- ¿Un médico vino al departamento?

- Si tuve que llamar a uno, no sabía que hacer contigo. Estaba a punto de llamarlo de nuevo porque llevabas dormido demasiado tiempo y no despertabas.

- Espera, es medio día ¿Ósea que dormí toda la mañana? ¿No crees que exageras un poco?

- No, dormiste todo el día de ayer también. Tienes el sueño muy pesado, te moví un par de veces pero eras como una roca. Comentó de manera burlona y se río pero lo dejé pasar pues estaba más impactado por lo mucho que había dormido.

- ¿¡Qué!? ¡Tengo que ir a la universidad cuanto antes!

Me paré tan rápido como pude pero todavía persistía mi mareo y perdía el equilibrio. Isogai me detuvo y no caí.

- Lo siento Souichi-kun, tú no vas a salir a ningún lado hasta que estés mejor.

- ¡Maldito Isogai! Lo miré con una cara de total desprecio. - Tú no me vas a impedir que vaya a la universidad. Tengo demasiado por hacer y no puedo perder tiempo aquí contigo.

- Muy bien, puedes irte cuando quieras pero no olvidas que se muchas cosas bastantes comprometedoras sobre ti y tu amorcito. No me gustaría comentar algo por accidente.

- ¡Tú, maldito bastardo! Lo miré muy molesto mientras cerraba con fuerza ambos puños.

No me quedaba otra que tomarme unos días de descanso. Era el último día de Isogai en Nagoya pero me advirtió que hablaría con Matsuda-san para que estuviera al pendiente y si se enteraba que fui a la universidad me advirtió que no me iría bien.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV SOUICHIAfter receiving the news of the death of the mother of Morinaga, I was completely destroyed.-I never had the opportunity to meet her.And of course, now it wouldn't make it. Isogai remained silent for a few minutes alone with his hand on my shoulder, did not need words to make you feel the support of his party. He had never been a person to my liking but always took the trouble to listen to me when I had a problem. Had perhaps been too much, a little malagradecido but could not prevent it, after all was a friend of the man who had fallen in love to my younger brother. Not to mention that it is a very dangerous person who long ago I blackmailed. I had enough mixed feelings and I started shaking while tears fell down my cheeks; I hiperventilé me.-Souichi-kun, Souichi-kun! Are you okay? You must calm down.This event had made me remember the death of my mother. That old wound began to open; first as a small marks and then tear it. As I am the oldest son, I am who has more memories of her in comparison to Kanako; who was very small when everything happened. To close my eyes still could see her smile, was full of life and was the most beautiful person I have seen. I can also see her pale, Gaunt, listless, prostrate in a bed, suffering from inside but always characteristic smile. I remember perfectly the last moments I spent with her; She hugged me as hard as he could, quite weakened by his illness, and whispered to me:-I love you, I will always be with you, do not forget it. Moved away to see me clearly, that was the first and only time that I saw her cry, he continued:-cares much for your brothers, after embracing me by last time gave me a kiss on the forehead and asked me to leave the room. Minutes after she had left this world. In silence that was her goodbye.After his funeral it took days in which I felt very depressed; He didn't eat and hardly slept. But recalling his last words he could not let me beat, had to move forward and the busy which was the work of the old not knowing could I leave alone to my brothers; they had a right to grow up in a happy home, or at least attempted that. In no time I complained about the situation because I knew that nothing would serve, was now part of my responsibility, and it should show me strong. Over time, the pain of his loss was waning and life became bearable. The wound closed and healed.You would never like someone who went through the same pain on my worst enemy, no one deserved to lose a very important person in his life but the time always came. Why then someone so special for me was to go through this? Well they say that life is not fair. Time does not wait for no one.My breathing started to become accelerated and my slightly blurred. Since the last time I got sick I had not felt me very well; stress had become a constant in my daily life and is now wanted to collect the Bill. You could imagine what would say me if he were here:-Senpai, you should not push yourself too. Senpai does not look very good, you should take a break. Senpai I will take care of everything, don't worry.I missed both his attentions, his presence, his smile; I miss him so much.-Souichi-kun, do not you time very well.-Ah, ah... already, and I'm going to be... well. I said panting while it was still trembling. I supported one of my hands in the armrest by closing my eyes and trying to standardize my breathing. All took turns.-No, will not be well look at you! He scolded me very concerned.I began to feel rather dizzy, as if it were to lose consciousness. I wanted to hold my head massage to relieve pain but I lost balance.-Beware! He screamed taking one of my arms and holding me so that it would not fall.-Ah... I... g-gracias... I said with shortness of breath.I could not stop shaking, the memories of the past returning as knives stagnate in my heart and my breast hurt too much to think how bad that would be Morinaga with the news. I hate to show my weak side to others because I thought they would take advantage of me, but in that situation, there was no way to control me. I was very fatigued and then mumble I lost consciousness.-And-me... I think, I think that...-Souichi-kun! Souichi-kun!CAI totally surrendered before the sea of emotions and a deep dream.-.-.-.-.--Souichi-kun! That indecision yours can make you lose it forever! You remember everything so you have lived together but it does not. You had asked before do you remember it? What do you want to do? Had already made a decision to why you recant? You have to talk to him until it's too late. I heard his voice rumbling in my head.-Is right why go with you if not you gave me not a shred of love versus what you've given? I faulted.- But I have changed! My world spun 420 ° after meeting you, I asked that you will stay with me... I tried to apologize.-Perhaps you think what is enough? When more time will have to wait for a bit of your attention? How many more years will they have to go to hear you say those words so long? Tell me Senpai how much more? He gently lifted my chin and sealed his lips with mine.I could feel a warm tears fall on my cheeks but they weren't mine, they were the person whom I love so much. I saw that look that hated, those eyes full of sadness, just like my mother during her last moments of life. That look of yours was so similar, trying to appear to be OK, while inside they were destroyed.Without being particularly special this person I had chosen and its eye was perfect, even with so many defects I accepted as it were, be encelaba easily and was worried about things that I think were insignificant; but to him hurting it severely. So lacking in confidence but so sure of his love for me.-Make up your mind soon or when you do it may be too late.-.-.-.-.-I woke up breathing somewhat agitated and upset by the harshness of his words.-Why I can not think of you in my dreams? Is that perhaps, in truth... I...?-Souichi-kun! I see that you finally woke up. She said quite lively as he entered my room. -Really you made it to worry me, I didn't think that you were into a nervous breakdown-NERVE C-CRISIS...?-I was about to call Kanako-chan, but I didn't worry about it so I abstained. The doctor recommended that you descansaras and you feed yourself properly. In addition it said that you should relax you've been subjected to too much stress don't think?-What is saying this type? It's a lie, I'm not that altered and broken that way.-A doctor came to the Department?-If I had to call one, did not know what to do with you. I was about to call it again because it took too much time asleep and not woke.-Wait, is half day would bone? that I slept all morning Don't you think that you exaggerate a little?-No, you slept all day yesterday also. You have very heavy sleep, you moved a couple of times but you were like a rock. Said quizzical manner and I laugh but let him go because he was most impressed by how much that had slept.-What! I have to go to the University as soon as possible!I got up as fast as I could but still remained my dizziness and lost balance. Isogai stopped me and I did not fall.-Sorry Souichi-kun, you are not going to go anywhere until you are better.-Damn Isogai! I looked at him with a face of contempt. -Won't I stop to go to the University. I have too much to do and I can not waste time here with you.-Very well, you can go when you want, but don't you forget which is much enough embarrassing about you and your sweetie. No, I'd like to say something by accident.-You fucking bastard! I looked at him very upset while he closed his force with both fists.Another that take me a few days of rest was not me. It was the last day of Isogai in Nagoya but warned me that he would speak with Matsuda-san to be on the lookout, and if found out I went to the University warned me that I would not be fine.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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POV Souichi After receiving news of the death of the mother of Morinaga was totally destroyed. - I never had the chance to meet her. And of course, would not have it now. Isogai was silent for a few minutes alone with his hand on my shoulder, did not need words to feel the support of his party. He had never been one to my liking but always bother to listen when he took had a problem. Maybe it was too much, a little ungrateful but I could not help it, after all he was a friend of the man who had fallen in love with my little brother. Not to mention a very dangerous person while blackmailed me. Feelings had enough and started to shake as tears ran down my cheeks; I hyperventilate. - Souichi-kun, Souichi-kun! Are you okay? You must calm down. This event had reminded me of my mom's death. That old wound began to open; first as a small brand and then rip it. Since I'm the oldest son, I am the one who has more memories of it compared to Kanako; who she was very young when all this happened. Closing my eyes I could still see her smile, she was full of life and was the most beautiful person I've ever seen. I can also see her pale, gaunt, listless, bedridden, suffering inside but always with his characteristic smile. I remember perfectly the last moments spent with her; He hugged me as hard as he could, quite weakened by his illness, and whispered: - I love you, always be with you, do not forget. He walked away to watch me clearly, that was the first and only time I saw mourn, continued: - Take good care of your brothers, after hugging last kissed me on the forehead and asked me to leave the room. Minutes later she left this world. In that silence was his farewell. After his funeral was days where I felt very depressed; not eat and hardly slept. But remembering his last words I could not let me win, I had to get ahead and knowing how busy it was the work of the old could not leave my brothers alone; they had a right to grow up in a happy home, or at least attempt it. In no time I complained about the situation because I knew that would be useless, it was now part of my responsibility and must show stronger. Eventually the pain of his loss faded and life became bearable. That wound closed and healed. I never would someone go through the same pain on my worst enemy, nobody deserved to lose such an important person in your life but the time always came. So why such a special person to me had to go through this? Well they say that life is not fair. Time waits for no one. My breathing accelerated and began to turn my eyes a little blurry. Since the last time I got sick I had not felt quite right; stress had become constant in my daily life and now I want to collect the bill. I could imagine what it would say if he were here - Senpai, you should not push yourself too. Senpai do not look great, you should take a break. Senpai I'll take care of everything, do not worry. He missed both his attentions, his presence, his smile; I miss him so much. - Souichi-kun, do not turn very well. - Ah, ah ... ya, ya ... I'll be fine. I said panting as he continued shaking. I put my hands on my armrest closing my eyes and trying to catch my breath. Everything was spinning. - No, you will not be good Look! He scolded me very worried. I started to feel a little dizzy, as if it were to lose consciousness. I wanted to hold my head massage to relieve pain but lost my balance. - Beware! She screamed taking one of my arms and holding me to keep me. - Ah ... I ... t-thanks ... I said with shortness of breath. He could not stop shaking, past memories returned as knives stagnating in my heart and my chest It hurts too much to think how bad it would Morinaga with the news. Show my weak side hated others thought it would take advantage of me but in this situation there was no way to control me. He was very tired and then lost consciousness babbling. - II ... I think, I think ... - Souichi-kun! ! Souichi-kun I fell totally surrendered to the sea of emotions and a deep sleep. -.- -.-.. - Souichi-kun! That indecision yours can make you miss forever! You remember everything I have lived together but he did not. You had asked before Do you remember? What do you want to do? You already made ​​a decision retract Why? You have to talk to him before it's too late. Heard his voice rumbling in my head. - You're right Why go with you if you have not given me one iota of love compared to what I've given you? I protested. - But I have changed! My world turned 420 ° after meeting you, I asked you to stay with me ... I tried to apologize. - Do you think that's enough? When longer I have to wait for a little of your attention? How many more years will have to go to hear you say those words so desperately? Tell me Senpai How much more? He gently lifted my chin and sealed her lips with mine. I could feel a warm tears falling on my cheeks but were not mine, they were the person I love. I saw that look that hated those eyes full of sadness, like those of my mother during her last moments of life. That look of hers was so similar, trying to appear to be fine, but inside were destroyed. Without being particularly special this person had chosen me and his eyes were perfect, certainly contains many defects accepted me as I was, easily encelaba and worried by things that I think were insignificant; but he seriously hurt. So lacking in confidence but so sure of his love for me. - Decide soon or maybe when you do it's too late. -.- -.-.. I woke up with something agitated and upset by the harshness of his words breathing. - Why I can not help but think of you even in my dreams? Could it be that, really ... I ...? - Souichi-kun! I see you finally woke up. He said quite animated as he walked into my room. - Really made ​​me worry, I do not think you'd get into a nervous breakdown - C-nervous breakdown ...? - I was about to call Kanako-chan but did not want to upset her so I refrained. The doctor recommended rest, and you feed him properly. He also said that you had to relax you've been under too much stress do not you? - What are you saying this? It's a lie, I'm not one to alter and break that. - A doctor came to the department? - If I had to call one and not know what to do with you. Was about to call again because wore slept too long and did not wake up. - Wait, is half day About Bone I slept all morning? Do not you think you're exaggerating a bit? - No, you slept all day yesterday too. You have a very heavy sleeper, I moved a couple of times but were like a rock. He said mockingly and laughed but I let it go because I was more struck by how much he had fallen asleep. - What !? I have to go to college as soon as possible! I stopped as fast as I could but still remained dizzy and lost my balance. Isogai stopped me and did not fall. - Sorry Souichi-kun, you're not going to go anywhere until you're better. - Damn Isogai! I looked at him with a look of utter contempt. - You're not going to stop me going to college. I have too much to do and I can not waste time here with you. - Okay, you can leave whenever you want but do not forget that many many embarrassing things about you and your sweetheart. I would not like to say something by accident. - You, you bastard! I looked very upset as he closed both fists hard. I had no other to take a few days off. It was the last day of Isogai in Nagoya but warned me talk to Matsuda-san so that he was the lookout and if she knew I went to college I realized that I would not go well.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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POV Souichi

after receiving the News of the death of the mother of Morinaga was totally destroyed.

- Never had the opportunity of meeting you.

and I do not have it. Isogai was Silent for a few minutes alone with his hand on my Shoulder, did not need to feel the words support.A person who had never been to my liking, but always took the trouble to listen to me when I had a problem. Maybe it was too much, a Little, but I couldn't help it, after all, was a Friend of the man who had fallen in Love With My Little Brother. Not to mention that it is a very dangerous time ago I Blackmailed him.I had many feelings and I began to Tremble and Tears streamed Down My cheeks; I hyperventilated.

- Souichi Souichi kun, kun! Are you okay? You must calm down. This event made me remember my mom's Death. That Old wound was opened; First as a small Brand and then Torn ASUNDER. As I am the oldest son,I have more Memories of it in comparison to Kanako; who was very small when everything happened. Closing my eyes I could still see her smile, I was full of Life and was the most beautiful person that I have ever seen. I can also see her Pale, Haggard, Down, Bed ridden, suffering inside but always with his characteristic smile.I remember perfectly the last time I spent with her. I hugged her as hard as he could, quite weakened by his illness, and I whispered: I Love You, I will always be with you, Don't Forget. Walked away to look at me with Clarity, that was the first and only time that I Saw Her Cry, continued: - take care of your brothers,After getting the last time gave me a kiss on the forehead, and asked me to leave the room. Minutes after she had left this world. In Silence, this was his goodbye. After his funeral in the days passed, I felt very depressed; I ate and slept almost not recalling his last words. But he couldn't Leave Me Beat,I had to get ahead and knowing how busy it was the work of the old man could not leave my brothers; they have the right to grow up in a Happy Home, or at least attempt that. In no time I complained about the situation because I knew it was useless, it was part of my responsibility and should be strong.By the time the pain of its loss Faded Away and made life bearable. The wound was closed and healed.

I would never Wish anyone to go through the same Pain, even my worst enemy, nobody deserved to lose an important person in his life but the moment always came. So why such a special person for me had to go through this?You say that life is not fair. Time waits for no one.

my Breathing accelerated and started to become a Little Blurred My Sight. Since the last time that I haven't felt quite right; stress had become Constant in my life and now I wanted to receive the invoice. I could imagine what I would say if he were here: senpai, you shouldn't try too hard.Champ, you don't look very well, you should take a break. Senpai I'll take care of it, Don't worry.

I missed both his attentions, his presence, his smile; I Miss You So Much

-. Souichi kun, you don't look so good. - Oh, ah... I'll be fine. I was Panting and Trembling.I supported my hands in one of the Armrests and closing My Eyes trying to normalize My Breath. Everything was spinning. - No, you're not gonna be okay. Look at you! She scolded me very concerned.

I started to feel a Little Dizzy, as if to lose consciousness. I wanted to hold my head massage to relieve pain but lost the balance.

!Taking one of my arms and shouted for holding me not fall. - Ah... G - I Need Air.

I couldn't Stop shaking, Memories of the past would stagnate as Knives in my heart and my chest Hurt too much to Think what would be wrong with the news that Morinaga.I hated my weak side show to others because I thought that would be me, but in that situation, there was no way to control. I was very tired and I lost consciousness after Babbling.

and I think, I think...

- Souichi kun! Souichi kun!

I Fell completely surrendered to the Sea of emotions and deep sleep.

-. -. -. -. -

- Souichi kun!This hesitation may make you lose Yours Forever! You Remember everything you have lived together but he had not asked before. You Remember? What do you do? You've taken a decision Why recant? You have to talk to him before it's too late. I listened to his voice ReSound in my head.- Why Go with you if you give me an ounce of Love, in comparison of what I gave you? I Fought.

but I've changed! My World Turned 420° after meeting you, I asked You to stay with me... I tried to apologize. - Do You Think what's enough? How long will I have to wait for a little more of your attention?How many more years will it take to hear you say those words i yearn for? Tell me how much more senior? Gently lifted my chin and sealed his lips to mine. I could feel a warm Tears Falling On My cheeks but weren't Mine, were the person who I love so much. I saw that look that he hated those eyes full of sadness,As to my mother during her last Moments of Life. That Look was so similar, trying to be good, while inside were destroyed.

without being particularly special about this person and I had chosen for his eyes was perfect, still having many defects accepted me as I was,Easily be Jealous and worried about things that I thought were insignificant; but he Hurt seriously. So lacking in confidence but as sure of your love for me soon.

- or when it may be too late. -. -. -. -. -

I woke up with the Breathing slightly agitated and disturbed by the rudeness of his words.- Why Can't i stop and think about my dreams? Is it really me?

- Souichi kun! I see you finally woke up. He said quite Lively while entering my room. - you really did that bother me, I didn't think you were entering a crisis

- C - nervous breakdown?

- I was about to call Kanako Chan but didn't want to worry you so I abstained.The doctor recommended that you rest and Feed yourself properly. Also said that you should relax you've been under too much stress?

- What is he saying this guy? It's a lie, I'm not the alter and break that way.

- a doctor came to the apartment?

- If I Call One, I didn't know what to do with you.I was about to call him again because you have too much time to sleep and not wake up. - Wait, is half a day so I slept all morning? Don't you think you're overreacting a little bit?

- I slept all day yesterday, too. You sleep very heavy, I moved a few times, but you were like a Rock.Said derisively and River, but I let it go because he was more shocked by how much I was asleep. - What! I have to go to College soon.

I stopped as fast as I could, but I still continued my dizziness and lost the balance. Isogai caught me and fell.

I Souichi kun, you're not going anywhere until you're better. - fucking Isogai

!I looked at him with a face full of Contempt. - You're not going to stop to go to College. I have too much to do and I can't waste time here with you. - Well, you can leave whenever you want, but don't forget that a lot of things quite demanding on you and your baby. I would not like to comment something by accident. - You fucking bastard!I looked very upset as he Closed with both fists.

I had to take a few days off. It was the last day of Isogai in Nagoya but warned me that I would speak with Matsuda San to be the outstanding and if he knew I went to College warned me that I would not do well.
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