-Morinaga-kun-smiled me kindly, showing me the armchair to sit - well that boy came, I have ready the results of your project - I approached with the folder and give me - Muchas felicidades Morinaga-kun project you did in collaboration with your friends was the best that I have reviewed, the analysis of the results was excellent and their applications were extraordinary , I see that you have acquired much experience in training of Hamamatsu - smiled, taking my folder that had the highest rating - thank you Professor, but largely I owe to the school, you by your recommendation and to training Tatsumi Sempai, which helped me to support training in Hamamatsu - answer honestly, because all that in combination gave me enough to Excel in my activities - je je je boy that modest are however none of this is achieved, if you don't have the motivation, discipline and intelligence to take the best decisions - I sonrojé since I was too flattering - good boy since these here, I want to ask you something the S pharmaceutical was communicated with you these days? - I wonder - if they spoke to me in the middle of week, they told me that they want to talk to me personally so that I will go within two week to deliver my new job and will see you there - I stared, then displaying a wide smile - that is good to hear that - has me intrigued so much mystery, first Souichi, my mother, Professor Fukushima and now pharmaceutical S. - teacher do you know that want to talk to me? - I look surprised and smiled kindly at me - No boy, I have no idea but coming from them insurance will be very good news, let me know when you get back - I calmed to hear those words, insurance also reassure Souichi, who also is worried about my projects and my future insurance work and like me is nervous about the results that can be obtained. I respectfully said goodbye to Professor Fukushima and leaving, I stop with Souichi was reloaded on the wall opposite the door of the office - Souichi! What do you do here?-I questioned him amazed, however his eyes looked concerned why? -You... you were taking too much, and you have to go home to change your yet - smiled you calmly and amazement - going home - as we walked toward the Department we will buy food for Souichi who didn't want that it will cook you, putting pretext that is had fancied him something of the street, the temperature had fallen, and for a moment I felt a shiver in my skin , but don't take him importance, in the train I talked him calmly details of the rating of my project, as well as the Professor had asked me if I had called pharmaceutical S, however Souichi became to nervous, but in what it told him that I said nothing really and he only wanted to come speak with the , back from my trip to Hamamatsu calmed-"you know this worried about my work, is so tender, so I love him" - he told me about their crops and told me that those guys had finally seized the step in terms of how they work, and I felt a little more tranquil in truth these young people are brave.We arrived at the Department were still around 1:30 pm it was early, but sent me Souichi to fix immediately, to not be late, so I arrange calmly while Sempai sat in the room with your meal and watched television. Long ago I dressed not as well, I saw in the mirror and remembered by a few seconds my life in the Morinaga House; I wore a dark gray dress pants and a color shirt long sleeve, my black tie wine and if I get the same tone of pants, my black shoes awaited me at the entrance, comb me as casual as I could use my perfume that had in my saved Cabinet, walked out of my room, I felt like those years ago , son of a wealthy family. Leaving the room I was stupidly ridiculous, I wear mine, wasn't to my casual clothes I liked most, look like normal people and be free, it is true that I managed well for Hamamatsu offices, but in laboratories my beloved robe was my faithful companion.Sentí rápidamente mis mejillas enrojecer cuando escuche de sus labios mi nombre -¡Morinaga!- y sus ojos que me recorrieron de pies a cabeza hasta clavarse completamente en los míos, -¿Eres tú?- Souichi pregunto anonadado -Si, soy yo- le respondí, colocándome enfrente de el, con una sonrisa, se levanto del sillón y se acerco a mi lentamente, sus mejillas se sonrojaron con las mías -Te ves muy bien- me dijo seriamente pero su nerviosismo lo traicionó, cambiando su mirada extrañamente, a una que decía "porque te dije eso". -Muchas gracias- le respondí caminando al recibidor, poniéndome uno de mis zapatos para marcharme, sin embargo cuando me lo estaba poniendo estornude dos veces seguidas y el salió de su trance llego hasta donde estaba y -Espera- me volvió a colocar su mano en mi frente, y al instante que hizo aquello sentí mi corazón palpitar, nuestros ojos se cruzaron y entonces el mundo se detuvo un momento -No tengo fiebre… estate tranquilo… Souichi- le respondí con voz deseosa, lo tome de la cintura y lo atraje a mí, pegando nuestros cuerpos, mis ojos se perdían en los tuyos, fue un momento mágico no sabía que pasaba, pero podía escuchar mis latidos por toda la habitación, aun su mano izquierda seguía en mi frente -si… tienes… fiebre- me dijo susurrando muy cerca de mi boca y su otra mano estaba en mi hombro -entonces… quítamela mmm- lo bese en un arranque desconocido, y él me correspondió de inmediato; sus manos se hundieron en mi cabello atrayéndome con desesperación a su boca, y después de varios minutos, la sensatez llego a nosotros, nos separamos lentamente respirando agitados y oí tu voz darme una orden -ya, ya vete… o llegarás tarde- me acomode mi cabello y el saco y me despedí -me voy… te veo en la noche Souichi- tu rostro mirada el suelo avergonzado al igual que el mío, estaba muy sonrojado, respire profundamente, me dirigí a la puerta y salí rápidamente.-"What was what happened earlier?" -I could not see anything, the only thing I knew is that I wanted to stay in that moment with Souichi, the way in which I saw, insurance I will ask later because rays I got dressed so and... touch my forehead,-"I don't have fever that's good"- but it hurts the head again, however I had an appointment and was on time so I rush. I rubbed and I headed towards the expected meeting with my mother, take a taxi and I arrived ten minutes before the time in the restaurant, arrive at the reception and said my name immediately after led me to the table where my arrangement was already floral-"is very beautiful I wish, is to your liking"-only I had to wait a few minutes.Five minutes later a woman in a suit in beige, a very discreet heel, short dark brown hair and beautiful eyes of green shoes, I go to the restaurant, my mother is very beautiful indeed I said smiling, a waiter the accompany to the table, and I got standing immediately and received it as it was right - good night mother - offered you the seat immediately she sat and answered me - good nights Tetsuhiro - with that characteristic tone of voice that did not remember "so cold" and its so indifferent gaze, his eyes nailed in mine and made me get off the look, was nervous and started the conversation in the most natural way possible - at long last, how is?... my father is it okay?... I dared to buy this beautiful arrangement of flowers hope is to your liking. I... regret having not called home during this time... tell me that wants to talk to me? -However I did not receive any response Moose look and look at it a few moments while she read the restaurant menu and to signal the waiter - please bring the following order - I give the menu and I look again.-Muy bien, hablemos- cruzo sus manos y la coloco debajo del mentón mirándome fijamente –Si, es verdad, ha pasado mucho tiempo, casi siete años desde que decidiste venir a estudiar y vivir a esta ciudad, después de hacer pasar a tu familia por la peor humillación- hablo con mucho rencor en su voz, baje mi mirada para seguir escuchándola -No tienes idea de lo que tu padre, hermano y yo afrontamos, para poder ocultar los rumores de tu indecente comportamiento con aquel chico; espero que durante todos estos años te hayas REHABILITADO, y ahora si puedas presentarte como todo un hombre decente en la familia- la mire muy sorprendido -"¿Qué quiere decir con rehabilitado y decente?"- pensé con mucha tristeza ¿Qué es esto? esta reunión era para volver a recriminarme todo el pasado de nuevo -Seré muy clara Tetsuhiro tu padre me pidió que viniera a hablar contigo personalmente sobre una propuesta muy importante, según lo que nos contó Kunihiro hace tiempo, estas a punto de terminar la universidad y tienes invitaciones de trabajo formal- suspiro aliviaday continuo -Es realmente placentero escuchar que no desperdiciaste tantos años de apoyo financiero- "apoyo financiero" ¿de eso se trata? –Bueno… dentro de unos meses me titularé y empezaré a trabajar en una compañía farmacéutica reconocida y… - le expresé mis logros para sorprenderla, sin embargo para mi familia era lo mínimo que tendría que hacer.-Ya veo, me parece adecuada la vida laboral que seguirás, tendrás los suficientes ingresos como recompensa, después de invertir mucho en tu educación y con lo que se refiere a tu vida personal espero que tus relaciones sean NORMALES y puedas presentarnos una futura prometida- ¿Qué fue lo que dijo… prometida? -Como sabes Kunihiro se casó y fracaso en su matrimonio, los rumores sobre él no se hicieron esperar, ahora tiene el sobrenombre de "divorciado", es una vergüenza que no se haya esmerado en mantener esa r
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