Las tres semanas se habían pasado de manera veloz y el martes a primer dịch - Las tres semanas se habían pasado de manera veloz y el martes a primer Anh làm thế nào để nói

Las tres semanas se habían pasado d

Las tres semanas se habían pasado de manera veloz y el martes a primera hora el tirano tendría por fin a su asistente en casa. Obviamente jamás aceptaría, ni siquiera para sí mismo, cuánto lo echaba de menos cuando se iba por tantos días a Hamamatsu. Las veces en las que se ponía a reflexionar sobre esa cuestión, llegaba siempre a la misma conclusión. El chico mantenía el departamento limpio y ordenado y la mesa siempre servida con comida sana, deliciosa y de buena calidad. Además de todo eso, lo ayudaba en el laboratorio cada vez que regresaba. ¿Cómo no iba a hacerle falta?

– Debo reconocer que es una persona eficiente y responsable.

Souichi a veces no podía creer cómo es que, sea por la razón que fuera, terminaba siempre pensando en su kouhai. Cerró el libro que estaba leyendo y lo dejó a un lado. Cubrió su rostro con el reverso de sus manos y empezó a perderse en sus pensamientos. Sin querer, vio dibujada en su mente la última sonrisa que le había dedicado su fiel kouhai antes de partir.

– Morinaga…

Y, una vez más, como si decir su nombre en silencio bastase para que el aludido apareciera, la puerta de entrada se abrió de golpe y lo hizo brincar del asiento.

– ¡Tadaima, Senpai!

– ¿E-Eh? ¿C-cómo es que…?

– ¿Te sorprendí de nuevo? Como ves, vine lo más rápido que pude. Te extrañaba demasiado. – confesó sonriente.

– B-baka… No tienes que andar corriendo solo para venir un día antes, si puedes llegar tranquilamente el día que te corresponde.

– No quise esperar más. – dijo dejando su mochila en el sofá y sentándose a su lado – ¿Tú no me extrañaste ni un poquito?

– Cla-claro que no, no tengo tiempo de andar pensando en ti. Ando ocupado con los experimentos. – mintió inútilmente.

– No te creo. En tu último mensaje me dijiste que el trabajo había disminuido desde que culminaste el proyecto. Me alegra porque así tendremos tiempo para hacer cosas juntos, ya que me quedo un mes. ¿No es grandioso?

– ¿Q-qué tipo de cosas? – preguntó asustado.

– Pues ir al cine, ir a comer o tan solo estar juntos aquí en casa. ¿Qué tenías en mente tú, Senpai? – preguntó acariciando su torso juguetonamente.

– ¡Suéltame, hentai!

– El pervertido eres tú, Senpai, por haber malinterpretado mis palabras.

– Ahou, no malinterpreté nada, es solo que tú siempre… ¡Ahhh, déjame en paz y vete al infierno!

– Pero si acabo de llegar.

– Exacto, acabas de llegar y ya me estás arruinando la existencia, bastardo.

Tetsuhiro rió divertido y se recostó en el regazo del otro a pesar de sus protestas. Souichi se sonrojó, pero nada le impidió al de cabello corto acomodarse sobre los muslos de su adorable superior.

– Senpai, es la primera vez que me dejas echarme en tu regazo.

– Dices me dejas, pero en ningún momento te di permiso de hacerlo, ¿o sí?

– Pero no me has golpeado ni abofeteado ni pateado aún, así que…

– Oi, ¿qué manera de hablar es esa? Quien te oyera diría que soy un salvaje abusador que te golpea día y noche.

Ambos quedaron en silencio unos instantes. La verdad era que esta vez Souichi no tenía en realidad nada que decir a su favor.

– M-mejor no me respondas.

– De acuerdo. – contestó conteniendo la risa.

Tetsuhiro se giró quedando boca arriba para poder contemplar bien al hombre de su vida. Extendió su brazo lentamente y con la mano acarició el rostro de su Senpai como si se tratara de una preciada joya. Sus dedos viajaban por la suavidad de su blanca piel dibujando cada una de sus delicadas facciones. Moría por descender hasta su pecho, continuar por su vientre y colarse bajo su pantalón, pero su cerebro lo frenó a tiempo. Souichi quería gritarle que se detuviera, pero el reclamo quedó atorado en su garganta. Lo observó expectante y pendiente de su siguiente movimiento.

– ¿Por qué estás tan quieto, Senpai?

Souichi pestañeó varias veces para salir de su ensimismamiento. Al ver que su asistente empezaba a esbozar aquella inconfundible media sonrisa maliciosa, se temió lo peor, así que se levantó de golpe, haciendo que la cabeza del otro chocara estrepitosamente contra el sofá.

– ¡Itai!

– Eso te pasa por estúpido.

– Hidoi, Senpai…

– Basta, no quiero oír más quejas.

Tetsuhiro puso su típica expresión de niño reprendido por sus padres después de una travesura. Como siempre, Souichi decidió ignorarlo y se dirigió a la cocina a beber un poco de agua, ya que toda esa situación le había dado un poco de calor. El más joven lo observó detenidamente. En realidad lo había extrañado muchísimo, tanto que en otras circunstancias, hace rato que lo habría persuadido para ir a su habitación. Suspiró tratando de borrar los pensamientos libidinosos de su cabeza, pero creyó que tal vez Senpai no se enojaría si le mostraba un poquito de afecto. Se acercó lentamente y lo abrazó por detrás haciendo que Souichi soltara el vaso con agua que tenía en las manos, el cual se hizo añicos al chocar contra el pavimento.

– M-mira lo que me haces hacer, pedazo de idiota. – gruñó nervioso.

– Gomen, Senpai, no sabía que tenías un vaso en la mano… ¿No te lastimaste?

– N-no… ¿Q-qué pretendías?

– Nada… – respondió sin mirarlo – Voy a limpiar esto, no toques nada, por favor.

– Mori…

El kouhai pasó de largo y se fue a buscar la escoba y el recogedor para barrer el desastre que había ocasionado su Senpai supuestamente por su culpa. El mayor solo lo miraba atónito, y sin entender muy bien por qué, empezó a arrepentirse un poco de sus acciones. ¿Debía disculparse o hacerse el desentendido?

Pero su orgullo le hizo elegir la segunda opción.

Llegó el martes, y como Tetsuhiro no tenía clases ese día, había aprovechado para limpiar la casa que estaba hecha un desastre tras sus tres semanas de ausencia. Habría querido ir a ayudar a Souichi en el laboratorio, pero este le aseguró que no había mucho trabajo y que, por lo tanto, regresaría temprano. Cuando terminó con las tareas del hogar, se dio un baño y esperó a Souichi con el almuerzo listo. Al sentir que giraba la cerradura, el chico saltó emocionado cual fiel mascota recibiendo a su amo.

– ¡Okaeri nasai, Senpai!

– Ah, tadaima.

– ¿Todo bien en el lab?

– Sí, sí, como siempre.

Souichi dejó su mochila en el sofá y se dirigió al cuarto de baño a lavarse las manos y la cara. Cuando regresó a la sala se encontró con la expresión sonriente de su kouhai. Y sí, cuando ese chico movía la cola como un perrito y sonreía de oreja a oreja como un niñito, era que algo tramaba. Y en la mayoría de ocasiones, ese algo no le convenía a Souichi.

– Senpai, ¿vamos al mall después del almuerzo?

– ¿Ah? ¿Para qué?

– Estaba pensando en que podemos ir de shopping hoy.

– Yo no necesito ir, tengo suficiente ropa.

– No lo creo, hoy que lavé, vi que tu ropa interior ya estaba bastante…

– ¡Urusai! No hagas comentarios innecesarios. – gritó sonrojándose – Además, ¿por qué tengo que ir yo contigo? Ve tú solo.

– Pero tenemos que aprovechar este mes al máximo para estar juntos. Si no quieres ir de compras, podemos ir al cine. Hay una película que se ha estrenado recién. Creo que se llama "Koisuru Boukun" o algo así…

– Qué nombre tan raro para una película. Y no, no iré contigo al cine.

– ¿Por qué no?

– ¿Cómo que por qué no? Eso es para parejas y de las melosas… ¿Qué pensaría la gente si ve a dos hombres yendo al cine?

– ¿Eh? No tiene nada de extraño.

– Olvídalo, no es no.

Tetsuhiro guardó silencio cabizbajo y resignado. Siempre que estaba feliz porque tendría más días con su Senpai, debía pisar tierra y volver a su cruel realidad. Souichi nunca accedería a hacer cosas que las parejas hacían usualmente, puesto que ellos no era una pareja. El tirano, al notar esta conocida reacción, se dirigió como un rayo a su habitación. El menor esperó el característico portazo del otro, pero se sorprendió al ver que regresaba a la sala con el rostro ruborizado. Naturalmente, esquivó completamente su mirada antes de hablar.

– A-acabo de revisar mis cajones y c-creo que me faltan algunas cosas, así que solo por eso accederé a acompa…

– ¡Arigatou, Senpai! – exclamó con una radiante sonrisa – Matte kudasai, voy a sacar mi billetera, te juro que no me tardo.

– Oi, Mori…

Solo en ese momento Souichi notó las ojeras de su compañero de departamento. ¿Cómo es que estando tan agotado prefería salir con él en vez de quedarse descansando en casa?

– Baka…

A diferencia de lo que podía considerarse como un día ocupado, ese martes el mall no estaba demasiado lleno. Las personas iban de un lado a otro conversando y haciendo sus compras de verano. Estaba de más mencionar que Tetsuhiro tenía una sonrisa radiante en el rostro y Souichi, un gesto exasperado.

– Senpai, la sección de ropa interior para varones está en el tercer…

– ¡Urusai! ¿Tienes que gritar esas cosas a plena luz del día?

– Go-gomen nasai. – se disculpó con una risa inocente.

Souichi avergonzado aceleró el paso, y al divisar el ascensor que se encontraba en una esquina, ingresó velozmente. Tetsuhiro se apresuró a darle el alcance y pudo entrar con las justas causando una risa malévola en su superior.

– Senpai, pude haberme caído. ¿Por qué te ríes?

– Eso te pasa por lento. – se burló haciendo especial énfasis en la última palabra.

El jovencito le volteó la cara fingiendo estar molesto y empezó a mirar distraídamente los botones del elevador. Parpadeó un par de veces, pues creyó que sus ojos estaban jugándole una mala pasada. Lamentablemente, su buena visión no se equivocaba.

– S-Senpai… el ascensor no se está moviendo…

– ¿Pero qué diablos estás diciendo? ¡Quítate! – chilló empujándolo hacia un lado.

Efectivamente el aparato estaba quieto y segundos después hizo un ruido seco y todo se oscureció. Ambos quedaron inmóviles por una fracción de segundo, pero enseguida el mayor salió de su estado de pánico e intentó forzar las puertas del ascensor. Su kouhai se le unió, pues sabía que tenía más fuerza que él, pero todo el esfuerzo fue inútil. Cuando al fin se rindieron, Souichi dio una pata
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Three weeks had passed so fast and early Tuesday the tyrant would have finally Assistant at home. Obviously never would accept, even for itself, how much missed it when it was going for so many days to Hamamatsu. The times in which he began to reflect on this issue, always came to the same conclusion. The boy kept the apartment clean and tidy and always served table with healthy, delicious food and good quality. Apart from that, it helped him in the laboratory whenever he was returning. How wouldn't make him missing?-I must admit that it is an efficient and responsible person.Souichi sometimes could not believe how it is, be for the reason that it was, was always thinking of his kouhai. He closed the book that I was reading and left it to one side. He covered his face with the back of his hands and began to get lost in your thoughts. Unwittingly, he saw drawn in your mind the last smile that had dedicated him his faithful kouhai before departing.-Morinaga...And, once more, as if say their name silently were enough to make the personally appeared, entrance door opened suddenly and did jump seat.-Tadaima, Senpai!-E-Eh? C-como is that...?-I was surprised again? As you can see, I came as fast as I could. I missed you too. -He said smiling.B-baka... You don't have to go running only to come a day earlier, if you can quietly come a day that you belong.-I didn't wait any longer. -said leaving his backpack on the couch and sat down beside her - do you not I missed one bit?Cla-of course not, I have no time to walk thinking about you. I'm busy with experiments. -you lie uselessly.-Don't you think. In your last post you said that work had decreased since Warners project. I am happy because we will have time to do things together, because I stay a month. Isn't it great?-Q-what type of things? -He asked afraid.-Then go to the movies, go to eat or just be together here at home. What had in mind you, Senpai? -He asked stroking his torso playfully.-Let go, hentai!-The pervert are you, Senpai, by have misinterpreted my words.-Ahou, malinterpreté nothing, is just as you always... Ahhh, leave me alone and go to hell!- But if I just got.-Exactly, you've just arrived and already I are ruining the existence, bastard.Tetsuhiro funny laughed and leaned back in the lap of the other despite their protests. Souichi blushed, but nothing prevented him from short hair to sit on the thighs of his adorable superior.-Senpai, is the first time that you leave me take me into your lap.-You say you leave me, but never gave you permission to do so, or Yes?- But not I've beaten slapped or kicked, so...-Oi, what manner of speaking is that? Who heard you say that I am a molester savage hitting you day and night.Both were silent a moment. The truth was that this time Souichi had actually nothing to say in his favor.-M-best not answer me.-For agreement. -answer containing laughter.Tetsuhiro turned running backs to be able to see well to the man of her life. He extended his arm slowly and by hand stroked the face of his Senpai as if it were a precious jewel. His fingers traveled by the softness of her white skin drawing each of her delicate features. It died down to his chest, continue along its belly and sneak under his trousers, but his brain stopped him in time. Souichi wanted to scream to stop, but the claim was stuck in his throat. He noted it expectantly and pending his next move.-Are so quiet, Senpai?Souichi pestañeó several times to get out of its self-absorption. Seeing that his assistant began to sketch that unmistakable half mischievous smile, feared the worst, so rose's hit, causing the head of another it hit miserably sofa.-Itai!-That is you stupid.-Past, Senpai...-Enough, I don't want to hear more complaints.Tetsuhiro put their typical expression of child reprimanded by their parents after a prank. As always, Souichi decided to ignore it and went to the kitchen to drink a little water, since all that situation had given him a bit of heat. The youngest observed it carefully. Had really missed it a lot, both making while in other circumstances, it would have been persuaded to go to your room. He sighed trying to delete the lustful thoughts of his head, but he believed that perhaps Senpai not be angry if you showed him a little affection. Approached slowly and embraced him from behind by Souichi to drop the glass of water that had in the hands, which was shattered when it hit against the pavement.-Wide do I make, piece of idiot. -he growled nervous.-Gomen, Senpai, didn't know you had a glass in her hand... not hurt you?-N-No... do Q-What being?-Anything... - answered without looking at it - I'm going to clean that up, don't touch anything, please.-Mori...The kouhai became longer and went to find the broom and dustpan to sweep the disaster that had caused his Senpai supposedly its because. The single largest looked at him stunned, and not understand very well why, began to repent a little of their actions. Should he apologize or make the material lying around?But his pride caused him to choose the second option.It came on Tuesday, and as Tetsuhiro had classes that day, it had taken advantage to clean house that was made was a disaster after their three weeks of absence. He would have wanted to go help Souichi in the laboratory, but this assured him that there was much work and that, therefore, it will come back early. When finished with the household, took a bath and waited for Souichi with lunch ready. To feel that turned the lock, the guy jumped excited which faithful mascot receiving his master.-Okaeri nasai, Senpai!-Ah, tadaima.-All good in the lab?-Yes, Yes, as always.Souichi left his backpack on the couch and went to the bathroom to wash your hands and face. When he returned to the room he met the smiling expression of his kouhai. And Yes, when this guy was moving the tail like a dog and smiled from ear to ear as a little boy, it was that something was plotting. And in most cases, that something not suited him Souichi.-Senpai, are going to the mall after lunch?-Do Ah? For what?-I was thinking that I can go shopping today.-I do not need to go, I have enough clothing.-Don't think so, now that I did, I saw that your underwear was already quite...-Urusai! Don't make unnecessary comments. -shouted certainly is - also, why do have to I go with you? See you only.- But we have to take this month to the maximum to be together. If you don't want to go shopping, we go to the movies. There is a film that just premiered. I believe that he is called "Koisuru Boukun" or something...-What name so rare for a film. And no, not I will go with you to the cinema.-Why not?-How than why not? That's for couples and the melosas... what would people think if sees two men going to the cinema?-Huh? There's nothing strange.-Forget it, is not.Tetsuhiro remained silent crestfallen and resigned. Whenever I was happy because I would have more days with his Senpai, it was dry land and return to their cruel reality. Souichi would never agree to do things that couples were usually, since they were not a couple. The tyrant, note this well known reaction, went like lightning to your room. The child waited for the characteristic Slam for the other, but was surprised to see that it was returning to the room with his face blushed. Naturally, it completely dodged his eyes before speaking.-A-acabo check out my drawers and c - I believe that I am missing some things, so just why it I go to accompany...-Arigatou, Senpai! -exclaimed with a radiant smile - Matte kudasai, I'm going to remove my wallet, I swear that I do not take you.-Oi, Mori...Only at that moment Souichi noticed dark circles of Department fellow. How is that you being so drained preferred to go out with him instead of stay resting at home?-Baka...In contrast to what could be considered a busy day, that Tuesday the mall wasn't too full. People went from one side to another talking and making their purchases of summer. It was more that Tetsuhiro had a radiant smile on the face and Souichi, an exasperated gesture.-Senpai, the men's underwear section is in the third...-Urusai! Do you have to shout those things in broad daylight the day?Go-gomen nasai. -apologized to an innocent laugh.Embarrassed Souichi accelerated step, and spotted the elevator that was in a corner, quickly entered. Tetsuhiro rushed to give the scope and could enter with jousting causing a malicious laugh in his superior.-Senpai, I could have fallen. Why do you laugh?-That passes you by slow. -clouded with special emphasis on the last word.The boy turned him face pretending to be upset and began absentmindedly watching the elevator buttons. He blinked a couple of times, because he believed that his eyes were playing tricks. Unfortunately, his good vision was right.-S-Senpai... the elevator not is moving...- But what the hell are you saying? Take off! -It screamed by pushing it sideways.The device was indeed still and seconds later made a dry noise and everything was darkened. Both were still for a fraction of a second, but then the mayor left his State of panic and tried to force the doors of the elevator. His kouhai was joined, because I knew I was stronger than him, but all the effort was useless. When at last they surrendered, Souichi gave a leg
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
Three weeks had passed so fast and early Tuesday the tyrant would finally his assistant at home. Obviously he never accepts, even to himself, how much she missed him when he went for many days to Hamamatsu. The times she wore to reflect on this issue, always came to the same conclusion. The boy kept the apartment clean and tidy and the table always served with healthy, delicious and good quality food. Besides all that, it helped him in the laboratory every time he returned. How I not was going to take? -. I must admit that is an efficient and responsible person Souichi sometimes could not believe how that is for whatever reason, always thinking of ending his kouhai. He closed the book he was reading and set it aside. He covered his face with the back of his hands and began to get lost in his thoughts. Unintentionally, he saw etched on his mind the last smile he'd given her his faithful kouhai before leaving. - Morinaga ... And, again, as if to say your name in silence sufficed for the aforementioned appeared, the front door He flung open and did jump seat. - Tadaima, Senpai! - E-Eh? H-how is that ...? - Am I surprised again? You see, I came as fast as I could. I missed you too. - He confessed smiling. - B-baka ... do not have to run around just to come a day early, if you can get quietly on you belong. - I did not expect more. - He said leaving his backpack on the couch and sitting down beside him - Do not you miss me one bit? - Cla-of course not, I have no time to be thinking about you. I'm busy with experiments. - He lied to no avail. - I do not believe you. In your last message you said that work had declined since it was finished the project. I am glad that so we have time to do things together, and I'll stay a month. Is not that great? - Q-what kinds of things? - He asked scared. - Then go to the movies, go out to eat or just be together here at home. What you had in mind, Senpai? - He asked stroking her playfully torso. - Let go, hentai! - The pervert you, Senpai, for having misinterpreted my words. - Ahou not misread anything, it's just that you always ... Ahhh, leave me alone and go to hell ! - But if we just got here. - Exactly, you just got here and you're ruining my life, bastard. Tetsuhiro funny laughed and leaned back in the lap of another despite their protests. Souichi blushed, but nothing prevented the short accommodated on the thighs of his top lovely hair. - Senpai, it is the first time you let me lie down in your lap. - You say you leave me, but he never gave you permission to do so , do you? - But you have not hit or slapped or kicked me yet, so ... - Oi, what speech is that? Who'd you hear that I am a wild bully who hits you day and night. Both were silent for a moment. The truth was that this time Souichi had not really anything to say in their favor. - M-better not answer me. - Okay. - He replied to laugh. Tetsuhiro being turned face up to look good to the man of her life. He extended his arm and hand slowly stroked the face of his Senpai as if it were a precious jewel. His fingers traveled the softness of your skin white drawing each of her delicate features. Dying down to his chest, his belly and continue to slip under his trousers, but his brain stopped him in time. Souichi wanted to scream at him to stop, but the claim was stuck in his throat. She watched expectantly and awaiting his next move. - Why are you so quiet, Senpai? Souichi blinked out of his reverie. Seeing his assistant began to outline that unmistakable half smirk, she feared the worst, so he jumped up, causing the head of the other miserably crashed into the couch. - Itai! - That you get for stupid. - Hidoi, Senpai ... - Stop it, do not want to hear any more complaints. Tetsuhiro put his typical expression of child reprimanded by his parents after a prank. As always, Souichi decided to ignore it and went to the kitchen to drink some water, and that the whole situation had given a little warm. The youngest she watched carefully. Actually I had missed a lot, while in other circumstances, while they have persuaded to go to his room. He sighed, trying to erase the libidinous thoughts of his head, but he thought maybe Senpai not be angry if he showed a little affection. He walked slowly and hugged him from behind making Souichi drop the glass of water he had in his hands, which shattered as it hit the pavement. - M-look what you do to me, you idiot. - Growled nervous. - Gomen, Senpai not know you had a glass in his hand ... Do not you hurt? - N-no ... Q-what you intended? - Nothing ... - answered without looking - I'll clean this up, do not touch no, please. - Mori ... The kouhai passed over and went to get the broom and dustpan to sweep the mess that had caused his Senpai allegedly at fault. The biggest one looked stunned, and not quite understanding why, he began to regret some of his actions. Should he apologize or turn a blind eye? But his pride made ​​him choose the second option. He arrived on Tuesday, and as Tetsuhiro had no classes that day, had used to clean the house was a mess after three weeks of absence. She wanted to go help Souichi in the laboratory, but he assured her that there was a lot of work and, therefore, would return early. When he finished with housework, she took a bath and waited Souichi with lunch ready. Sensing that turned the lock, which excited the boy jumped faithful pet receiving his master. - Okaeri nasai, Senpai! - Ah, Tadaima. - Everything okay in the lab? -. Yes, yes, as always left his Souichi backpack on the couch and went to the bathroom to wash his hands and face. When he returned to the room he found her smiling expression kouhai. And yes, when the boy moved his tail like a puppy and smiling from ear to ear like a little boy, it was that something was up. And in most cases, something that suited him Souichi. - Senpai, are we going to the mall after lunch? - Huh? What? - I was thinking we can go shopping today. - I do not need to go, I have enough clothes. - I do not think today I washed, I saw your underwear rather was already ... - Urusai! Do not make unnecessary comments. - He shouted blushing - also why I have to go with you? You go alone. - But we must seize this month maximum to be together. If you do not want to shop, we go to the movies. There is a movie that has been released recently. I think is called "Koisuru Boukun" or something ... - What an odd name for a movie. And no, I will not go to the movies with you. - Why not? - What do you mean why not? It is for couples and honeyed ... What would people think if you see two men going to the movies? - Huh? There is nothing strange. - Forget it, it is not no. Tetsuhiro kept his head down and resigned silence. Whenever I was happy because I would have more days with his Senpai, he had stepped ashore and return to their cruel reality. Souichi never agree to do things that couples usually did, since they were not a couple. The tyrant, seeing this known reaction, went like lightning to his room. The lower waited another characteristic slam, but was surprised when he returned to the room with flushed face. Naturally, completely dodged his eyes before speaking. - A-just checked my drawers and c-I think I'm missing some things, so why only accede to accompany ... - Arigatou, Senpai! - He exclaimed with a radiant smile - Matte Kudasai, I'll take my wallet, I swear I did not take. - Oi, Mori ... Only then Souichi noticed dark circles of his roommate. How is that being so exhausted preferred date him instead of staying home resting? - Baka ... Unlike what could be considered a busy day, that Tuesday was not too crowded mall. People went from one side to the other talking and doing their shopping summer. It was worth mentioning that Tetsuhiro had a radiant face and smile Souichi, an exasperated gesture. - Senpai, section underwear for men is on the third ... - Urusai! Do you have to shout those things in broad daylight? - Go-Gomen nasai. - He apologized with an innocent smile. embarrassed Souichi quickened his pace, and at the sight of the elevator that was in a corner, entered quickly. Tetsuhiro hastened to the scope and could go with just causing evil laugh in his superior. - Senpai, I could have fallen. Why are you laughing? - That'll slow passes. - Mocked with special emphasis on the last word. The boy turned his face pretending to be upset and began to look distractedly the elevator buttons. He blinked a few times, because he thought his eyes were playing tricks. Unfortunately, good vision was right. - S-Senpai ... the elevator is not moving ... - But what the hell are you saying? Get out! - She screamed pushing it aside. Indeed the unit was still and seconds later made ​​a popping sound and everything went dark. Both froze for a split second, but then the most out of his state of panic and tried to force the elevator doors. Your kouhai joined him, knowing that was stronger than him, but all the effort was futile. When they finally gave up, Souichi gave a leg

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
The three weeks had passed quickly and Tuesday at first time The Tyrant would end his assistant at home. Obviously never ACCEPT, even to himself, how much I missed it when it went by so many days to Hamamatsu. The Times in which it was to reflect on that question, always came to the same conclusion.The Boy kept the apartment clean and tidy, and the Bureau is always served with delicious and healthy food, good quality. Besides that, I helped him in the laboratory every time I came. How could I not do it?

- i recognize that it is an efficient and responsible person

Souichi. Sometimes I couldn't believe how is that, for whatever reason,Was always thinking in their kouhai. Closed the book he was reading and left aside. He covered his face with the back of his hand and began to be lost in His thoughts. Inadvertently saw the last Smile drawn on his mind that he devoted his Faithful kouhai before leaving Morinaga.
and, once again, as if to say their name enough to Silence the aforementioned appeared.The Door Burst open and made him Jump SEAT.

- i'm back, Champ!

- e - huh? C - how is that...?

- surprised to see me again? As You See, I came as fast as I could. I missed you too. - he confessed smiling.

- B - BAKA... You don't have to be running just to come a day earlier, if you can reach the day for you. - I didn't expect more.- He Left His Backpack on the sofa and sitting next to it - you didn't Miss Me a little bit?

- of course not, I have no time to be thinking about you. I'm busy with experiments. - Lied Helplessly.

- I Don't believe you. You told me in your last message that the work had declined since the culminaste Project. I'm Glad because that will give us time to do things together,Because I stay a month. ISN't it great?

- Q - What kind of things? - He asked scared. - then go to the Movies, go out to eat or just be together here at home. What did you have in mind you, Champ? - He asked playfully caressing his torso.

- Let Go of me!

- you pervert, senpai, having misunderstood my words. - ahou

, I didn't misinterpret anything,It's just that you always... Ahhh, leave me in Peace and go to hell!

- but if I just arrived. - exactly, just arrived and already you're ruining my existence, you Bastard.
Tetsuhiro River fun and laid in the lap of the other despite their protests. Souichi blushed, but nothing prevented the short hair on the thighs Fit his lovely

- senpai, superior.It is the first time you let me lie on your Lap. - you say you let me

, but at no time did I give you permission to do so?

but I haven't Hit or slapped and kicked in yet, so...

- Oi, what kind of talk is that? He heard you say that I am a Savage abuser hits you day and night. Both were Silent for a while.The Truth was that this once Souichi not actually had nothing to say in her favour. - M -

Don't Answer me. - Okay. - replied with laughter.

and Tetsuhiro turned up to see the Man of her life. Slowly he raised his arm and hand stroked the face of his senpai as if it were a Precious Jewel.His fingers were by the softness of his skin White Delicate drawing each of the factions. Dying down to his chest, continue on your Belly and slipped under his trousers, but his Brain stopped him in time. Souichi I wanted to yell to stop, but the claim was stuck in her throat. I was waiting and awaiting his next move.- Why are you so quiet, Champ?

Souichi blinked several times out of his Reverie. Seeing that his assistant, was beginning to outline the distinctive half malicious Smile, feared the worst, so Rose suddenly, Making the Head of another Crash noisily against the couch. - Itai


- that's because you're stupid. - Hidoi

, Champ... - stop it,I Don't want to hear about it.

Tetsuhiro put his typical expression of Child reprimanded by their parents after a prank. As always, Souichi decided to ignore it and went to the kitchen to get a drink of water, because that situation had given him a Little Heat. The youngest was observed carefully. In fact, I missed you so much, so much so that, in other circumstances,A while ago I would have persuaded her to go to her room. She sighed trying to erase the libidinous thoughts in his head, but he thought maybe if you were not Angry Birds showed a Little Affection. Slowly, he moved forward and hugged him from behind by Souichi drops the glass of water he had in his hands, which was shattered as it hit the floor.- M - Look What You made me do, you idiot. - "nervous.

- Gomen, Champ, I didn't know you had a cup in Hand, you're not hurt?

- N - Q - What?

- nothing... - replied without looking, I'll Clean This Up, please. -

Mori...The kouhai bypassed and left to find the Broom and the Dustpan to sweep up the mess that had caused his senpai, supposedly for his fault. The largest single looked stunned, and without Understanding very well Why, some began to repent of their actions. Should apologize or ignore?

but his Pride made you choose the second option.

here Tuesday,And Tetsuhiro had no classes that day, had used to clean the house was a mess after three weeks of absence. I wanted to go and help Souichi in the laboratory, but this assured him that there was a lot of work and, therefore, he would be back soon. When finished with the household chores, she took a Bath and Souichi with lunch ready.To feel that turned the lock, The Boy jumped excited which Faithful PET receiving his master.

- back Nasai, senpai!

I'm back. - Oh, All right. - in the Lab?

- Yes, always.

Souichi Left His Backpack on the sofa and went to the bathroom to wash hands and face. When he returned to the room he found his kouhai smiling expression. And, Yes,When that Kid waggedy Tail like a puppy and he smiled from ear to Ear as a Little Boy, he was up to something. And in most occasions, something that was not convenient to Souichi.

- Champ, come to the Mall after lunch?

- Ah? For what?

- I was thinking that we could go shopping Today. I Don't Need -

, I got enough clothes. - I Don't think that I did Today,I saw your underwear was already quite...

- Urusai! Do not make unnecessary comments. In addition, shouted Blushing, Why do I have to go with you? You Go alone. - but we have to take advantage of this month in order to be together. If you do not want to go shopping, we go to the cinema. There is a film that has been released recently. I think it's called "koisuru boukun" or something...

- What a Strange name for a movie. And I won't go with you to the Movies. - Why not?

- Why not? That's for couples and honeyed, What would people think if you see two men going to the cinema?

- huh? There is nothing Strange. - Forget It, IT's not Crestfallen.
Tetsuhiro kept silent and resigned. I was happy because I would have more days with his senpai,Should return to their land and cruel reality. Souichi would never agree to do things that Couples do usually, since they weren't a couple. The Tyrant, noticing this reaction known as lightning, went to his room. The smaller the characteristic waited another door, but is surprised to see returning to the room with his face flushed. Of course,He looked completely before you speak.

- - I just checked my drawers and C - I think I'm missing some things, so only that will accompany...

- Arigatou, senpai! Exclaimed with a Smile - - Radiant Matte kudasai, I pull out my wallet, I swear I'll.
I, Mori. Only at that moment did Souichi Circles of his Roommate.So exhausted he Preferred instead to stay home in bed?


Baka, unlike what could be seen as a busy day, Tuesday that the Mall was not too full. People were going from one side to another, talking and doing their shopping in summer. It was further mentioned that Tetsuhiro had a Radiant Smile on the face and Souichi,A gesture exasperated.

- Champ, for Men's underwear section in the third - Urusai...

! You gotta yell things in broad daylight?

- Go - gomen nasai. - apologized with a laugh innocent.

Souichi embarrassed Accelerated the step, and see the elevator which was in a Corner, went quickly.Tetsuhiro hastened to give the scope and could enter the Just Evil causing laughter in his superior.

- Champ, I could've fallen. Why are you laughing?

- that's slow. - Mocked with special emphasis on the last Word. The Young man he turned his face, pretending to be mad and started looking distractedly the elevator Buttons. Blinked a couple of times.Because he believed that his eyes were playing tricks. Unfortunately, your vision was right.

- S senpai...... The elevator is not moving...

- but what are you saying? Get off! - Scream it to one side. The Apparatus was still effectively and seconds later Clack and everything went Dark. Both remained immobile for a fraction of a SecondBut soon the most out of their State of panic and tried to force the Doors of the elevator. His kouhai joined him, because I knew I was stronger than him, but all the effort was futile. When finally surrendered, Souichi gave a leg
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