Y se fue. Al caer la noche, toda la empresa estaba a oscuras; obviamen dịch - Y se fue. Al caer la noche, toda la empresa estaba a oscuras; obviamen Anh làm thế nào để nói

Y se fue. Al caer la noche, toda la

Y se fue. Al caer la noche, toda la empresa estaba a oscuras; obviamente a los trabajadores no nos permiten ingresar a las oficinas fuera del horario de trabajo; está cerrado, tan solo tenemos acceso a los condominios y a la puerta trasera que da a la calle para entrar y salir.

Eran las 11pm y aún no había cenado. No tenía hambre. El ambiente estaba bastante deprimente. Me mantuve con las luces apagadas, solamente la luz de la luna alumbrando por mi ventana. Yo me encontraba sentado en el suelo, con las rodillas al pecho y mirando al oscuro cielo.

Vaya... me siento muy solo. Es decir... es noche buena... se supone que debería estar cenando con mis padres y mi Nii-san; sin embargo, me encontraba muy solitario y dolido. Mis padres ni siquiera me llamaron para ofrecerme pasar navidad con ellos y mi Nii-san, bueno sé que él anda muy ocupado y pasará la navidad fuera en un viaje de negocios, al menos eso me comentó. No tenía a nadie; antes en Nagoya tenía a Sempai... al menos me dejaba pasar navidad con Kanako-chan y Matsuda-san y con él. Era muy bienvenido en esa casa... en casa de los Tatsumi...

Ah... cómo olvidarlos... en especialmente a Tatsumi Souichi... mi Sempai. Sempai...han pasado más de 3 meses desde que me fui de Nagoya, me pregunto... cómo estarás... ¿ya me habrás olvidado? De seguro que sí... seguro Yuki te tiene tan ocupado que ya ni te acordarás de que existo... bueno... de qué me sorprendo si ni siquiera te acordaste de mí cuando yo estuve hospitalizado y tú en tu luna de miel con Yuki.

Lo peor había comenzado, me puse a pensar en Sempai de la nada y mis lágrimas empezaron a brotar después de tiempo que no lloraba. "No... por favor... no puedo estar llorando... no otra vez... se supone que ya lo había superado... ¿por qué otra vez me siento dolido?". Me preguntaba una y otra vez con la respiración acelerada y el cuerpo temblando. "Sempai... te extraño... Sempai... por qué no vienes a verme... Sempai... Sempai... Sempai... Sempai... Souichi...", no dejé de repetir esa palabra con lágrimas en los ojos.

No comí en toda la noche, tampoco tenía hambre. Estaba muy concentrado en mis pensamiento y de pronto... empecé a escuchar los fuegos artificiales... eso solo significaba una cosa "YA ERAN LAS 12 DE LA NOCHE... ¿FELIZ NAVIDAD?". Pude ver desde mi ventana los cohetes de distintas formas, colores y velocidad. Me puse de pie y me apoyé en mi ventana a verlos, al menos con eso me entretuve, pero a la vez sentí una melancolía intensa, no por el hecho de que extrañaba a Sempai, sino porque me sentía solo en sí. Parecía que no tuviera ni siquiera una familia que quiera pasar navidad conmigo.

Era obvio... mis padres no me quieren, nii-san no me quiere, Sempai no me quiere... NADIE ME QUIERE... ENTONCES... POR QUÉ SIGO VIVO... Me pregunto... si yo muriese... ¿ALGUIEN LLORARÍA EN MI TUMBA?

Estaba tan frustrado y de pronto vi una... ESTRELLA FUGAZ. Amo las estrellas fugaces, siempre he creído en ellas desde niño, pero nunca he tenido oportunidad de ver una. Cerré los ojos y pensé "Sé que es tonto y que no pasará, pero... igual me gustaría pedirlo". Me puse una mano al corazón y dije "Deseo... deseo que Souichi se enamore de mí algún día".

Por un momento creí que estaba solo en el mundo, que todo se silenciaba y todo me daba vueltas, luego cuando abrí los ojos, obviamente la estrellita no estaba; pero yo estaba agotado. Me senté nuevamente en el suelo a mirar la ventana, me recosté un poco en el suelo y sin darme cuenta... me había quedado... dormido.

Al día siguiente, sentí que alguien me sacudía. Hice caso omiso, pues tenía sueño, pero luego sentí una patada en el trasero y me levantó de golpe, me senté de inmediato y dije...


-¡FELIZ NAVIDAD, MORI!- Taiga me abrazó con mucha fuerza.

Nos quedamos pegados un rato; pero pude sentir que Taiga estaba temblando y tenía la respiración muy agitada. Pensé que estaba enferma o que algo malo le había sucedido...

-¿Te encuentras bien?- le dije despegándola de mí.

-Eh... sí... por qué lo preguntas- respondió bastante nerviosa y con una sonrisa fingida.

-Bueno... noto que...-

-TRAJE ALGO DE CENA NAVIDEÑA DE MI CASA... ¿QUIERES?- me interrumpió con mucho entusiasmo apropósito para que no me hablara del tema.

Estábamos de noche nuevamente, calculo que era las 7pm, parece que había dormido como un día entero. Taiga calentó la comida en el microondas de mi habitación y comimos varios platillos japoneses; sin embargo, Taiga estaba bien callada... algo raro le sucedía y quería averiguarlo...

-¿Qué hacías dormido en el suelo?-

-Espera... yo hago las preguntas aquí... ¿Por qué estás rara... te pasó algo?-

-Yo pregunté primero, así que respondes tú y luego yo...- sonrió victoriosa.

-Bueno... me sentía algo solo y pues no sé, me sentí más cómodo de ahí y me quedé dormido-

-Ohh... ya veo, pero te puede enfermar-

-Ahora tú... ¿Qué te sucede... estás rara... algo ha pasado?-

-¿Eh... ESTÁ RICA LA CENA?- interrumpió con otra pegunta que no tenía nada que ver.

-Taiga no me cambies el tema-

-De acuerdo... bueno... es que...-

Entonces Taiga se quebró... empezó a lagrimear y por su gesto, pude notar que no quería llorar, pero las lágrimas le ganaron...

-Taiga... ¿estás bien?- no me respondió tan solo se quedó cabizbaja y lagrimeando –¿Taiga?-




-¿Qué? Hoy por la mañana... ¿cómo así?-


Jamás la había visto así... ahora me tocaba a mí... consolarla como buen amigos que soy...


-Ya no llores, Taiga-


-Lo sé... sé cómo se siente que te partan el corazón, pero debes ser fuerte...-


-Bueno... al menos dime, ¿cuál fue el motivo?-

-Es que... es que... me terminó porque me dijo que está harto de verme conmigo, de enterarse que siempre ando contigo... él me terminó porque te odia-


-Parece que aún no se lo cree... de todas formas sigues siendo hombre- se limpió sus lágrimas.

-Ay... Dios mío –suspiré –TU novio está loco...- me harté con ese tema del novio celoso.


Taiga cuando lloraba... SÍ QUE LLORABA. Al menos yo no hacía tanto escándalo, pero Taiga... POR DIOS...

Tan solo me quedó consolarla como siempre ella hacía conmigo. Escuchó todo lo que me tenía que decir, todo lo que había vivido con Takasu, las experiencias buenas y malas. Luego... nos pusimos a hablar de otra cosa y vimos programas de comedia para distraerla. Sin embargo, nada quitaba aquel gesto triste del rostro del Taiga y eso me dolía. Ver a mi mejor amiga destrozada por un hombre que NO LA MERECE, me daba mucho dolor, pero a la vez mucha cólera. MALDITO TAKASU.

De pronto... Taiga quiso acostarse porque no se sentía bien, empezó a tener escalofríos y ella sola se recostó encima de mi cama. Yo le había dicho que yo dormiría ahí y que por lo tanto ella no podía recostarse y ella aseguró que solo sería por un rato y que luego ella se iría a su habitación. Pero no nos dimos cuenta y nos dormimos los dos en mi cama hasta el día siguiente.

Las luces del sol entraban por mi ventana, ya había amanecido y eso solo signficaba una cosa: "Volver al trabajo". No nos dimos cuenta, pero juro que nada pasó... sin embargo... desperté asustado...

-¡QUÉ ESTÁS HACIENDO EN MI CAMA!- Taiga había pegado el grito de su vida al darse cuenta que estaba durmiendo en la misma cama que yo.

-¿DE QUÉ HABLAS? ESTA ES MI CAMA- me defendí porque era cierto... era MI CAMA y ella era la intrusa.


-Dijiste que solo estarías recostada un momento, pero parece que caíste-

-Eh.. Mori... no... no pasó nada ¿cierto?-

-¿AHHHHHHH? ¿Acaso tú también dudas de mi homosexualidad?-

-No no... perdón... tienes razón... lo lamento... te falté respeto y dormí en tu cama. Qué descarada soy... discúlpame, Mori- tuvo una mirada perdida.

-No te preocupes, Taiga. Eres mi mejor amiga, te quiero como la hermanita que nunca tuve, y ahora es mi turno hacerte... COSQUILLAS-

Y la hice reír mucho. Llegamos un poco tarde al trabajo, pero no nos regañaron, por el tema de que recién habían pasado fiestas y les daban toleración. Como había dicho anteriormente, Taiga estaba muy triste y ahora era muy turno de no dejarla sola nunca y hacer que siempre se sienta contenta y segura.

Había pasado 1 semana y consolar a Taiga era más difícil de lo que pensaba. Ella sí se deprimía mucho, sí pensaba en Takasu a pesar de que no debía. La mayoría del tiempo estaba callada y la cabeza gacha. Me hacía recordar cuando yo andaba triste todo el día por Sempai.

Año nuevo había llegado y el 31 de Diciembre, Mori y yo decidimos ir a la iglesia de Hamatsu a rezar y hacer nuestras peticiones a Dios. Salimos del trabajo algo tarde, pues debíamos terminar ciertas cosas para comenzar bien el nuevo año. Ya no había nada que perder así que caminamos juntos por las calles de Hamatsu.

Pasamos por muchos sitios, eran las 7pm; pero al pasar por la iglesia pensé "Estos lugares ahora me traen malos recuerdos...". Se me vino a la mente muchas cosas, sobretodo la boda de Sempai, pues ver la iglesia me hizo relacionar a la iglesia donde se casó Sempai y sobretodo el accidente automovilístico. Las lágrimas se me acumularon y ahora yo era el que estaba muy triste, cosa que Taiga se dio cueta...

-Ay no, Mori... otra vez no...- Taiga se detuvo en la puerta de la iglesia.

-Lo lamento... es... es que... no puedo...- intenté parar las lágrimas.

-No llores, Mori. Si quieres no entramos-

-No te preocupes, ya... ya estoy bien... entremos-



Dije muy seguro, pues luego de casi 4 meses. Ya tomé una decisión... Entramos, fuimos hasta la primera fila y nos arrodillamos juntos. Cerramos nuestros ojos y rezamos
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And it was. At nightfall, enterprise was in the dark; Obviously they do not allow workers entering the offices outside working hours; It is closed, only have access to the condominiums and the back door facing the street to enter and exit.It was 11 pm and still had not eaten. I was not hungry. The atmosphere was rather depressing. I kept me with the lights off, only the Moonlight shining through my window. I was sitting on the floor with the knees to the chest and looking to the sky.Go... I feel very lonely. I.e. good night... is... is that you should be having dinner with my parents and my Nii-san; However, I was very lonely and hurt. My parents even called me to offer me spend Christmas with them and my Nii-san, well I know that he is very busy and will spend Christmas out on a business trip, so I commented. He didn't have anybody; earlier in Nagoya had Sempai... at least let me spend Christmas with Kanako-chan and Matsuda-san and with it. It was very welcome in this House... home of the Tatsumi...Ah... how to forget them... especially a Tatsumi Souichi... my Sempai. Sempai... more than 3 months have passed since I left Nagoya, I wonder... how you're... already I've forgotten? Insurance Yes... sure has you so busy that you will not remember that I exist... well... what I'm amazed if you even remember me when I was hospitalized and you on your Moon honey with Yuki Yuki.Worse I had started it, I started to think about Sempai from nothing and my tears began to sprout after a time that was not crying. "No... Please... can't be crying... not again... it is supposed that had already surpassed--would again I feel hurt?". I wondered again and again with the rapid breathing and body trembling. "Sempai... I miss you... Sempai... Why don't you come see me... Sempai... Sempai... Sempai... Sempai... Souichi... ", did not repeat that Word with tears in his eyes."Not I ate all night, I was not hungry. I was very concentrated on my thinking and suddenly... I started to hear the fireworks... it only meant one thing "as they were the 12 at night... do Merry Christmas?". I could see from my window the rockets of different shapes, colors and speed. I was standing and I relied on my window to see them, at least with that amused me, but at the same time I felt an intense melancholy, not by the fact that missed Sempai, but because I only felt itself. It seemed that it had not even a family that wants to spend Christmas with me.It was obvious... my parents don't want me to, nii-san does not want me to, Sempai I want to... NOBODY I WANT TO... THEN... WHY I'M STILL ALIVE... I wonder... If I die... would weep someone in my Tomb?I was so frustrated and suddenly saw one... ESTRELLA FUGAZ. I love shooting stars, I have always believed in them as a child, but I've never had opportunity to see one. I closed my eyes and thought "I know it's silly and that it won't happen, but... as I'd like to ask for it". I got a hand to the heart and said "I want... desire that Souichi is love me one day".For a moment I thought that I was alone in the world, which are all whining and all I was in turns, then when I opened my eyes, obviously the asterisk was not; but I was exhausted. I sat down again on the ground to look at the window, leaned a little into the ground and without realizing... it had been me... asleep.The next day, I felt that somebody shook me. I did ignore, because I was sleepy, but then I felt a kick in the butt and lifted me hit, I immediately sat down and said...-THAT RAYS TEA GOES!--Merry Christmas, MORI! - Taiga hugged me tightly.We were stuck awhile; but I could feel that Taiga was shaking and had very agitated breathing. I thought she was sick or something bad had happened to her...-Are you well? - I said taking her off of me.-Eh... Yes... that's why questions it - replied quite nervous and with a feigned smile.-Well... notice that...--COSTUME something for dinner Christmas of my house... would you like? - I interrupted enthusiastically intentional so I not mentioned the idea.We were at night again, calculating that it was 7 pm, it seems that I had slept as a whole day. Taiga warmed up food in the microwave in my room and we ate several Japanese dishes; However, Taiga was well quiet... something weird happened and wanted to find out...-What you were doing sleeping on the floor?--Wait... I do the questions here... Why are rare... you passed something?--I asked first, that answer you and then I...-so smiled victorious.-Well... I felt something only and because I don't know, I felt more comfortable there and stayed asleep--Ohh... you see, but you can get sick--Now you... what happens to you... are rare... something has happened?--Eh...? Would this RICA LA CENA?-interrupted with another question that had nothing to do.-Taiga I do not change the subject --According... well... is that...-Then Taiga broke... He began to teary and for his gesture, I noticed that I didn't want to cry, but tears earned him...-Taiga... are you well? - did not answer me just stood crestfallen and weeping - Taiga? --AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH--WHAT... THAT HAPPENS... WHY CHILLAS SO?--AHHHHH... TAKASU ENDED WITH ME THIS MORNING...-What? This morning... how so?--ME BUTTON BY TELEFONOOOOOOO... AHHHHHHHH - broke out in tears.Never seen it so... now I had my... to console her as good friends who I am...-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH--Ya no llores, Taiga --I CAN NOT... IT FEELS HORRIBLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE --I know... I know how you are feeling that they break you heart, but you must be strong...--NOT PUEDOOOOOOOO--Well... at least tell me, what was the motive?--Is that... is that I ended... because he told me that he is tired of seeing me with me, find out that I'm always with you... it I ended up because you hate-- But what RAYS happens... I am GAY! - I altered - already are LO HABIAS said thousand times --It seems that still do not be... of all forms still being man - wiped her tears.-Ay... My God - I sighed - your boyfriend is crazy...-I got with this subject of the jealous boyfriend.-NOW is my former NOVIOOOOOOOOOOOOO MOANS - returned to mourn.Taiga when he cried... THAT SHE CRIED. At least I did not so much scandal, but Taiga... BY GOD...It was just me comfort her as she ever did with me. You heard what I had to say, everything that had lived with Takasu, good and bad experiences. Then... we started to talk about something else and we saw comedy programs to distract her. However, nothing took from that sad gesture of the face of the Taiga, and that hurt me. See my best friend shattered by a man who is not the worth, gave me much pain, but at the same time much anger. CURSED TAKASU.Suddenly... Taiga wanted to lie down because he did not feel well, began to have chills and she leaned one is on top of my bed. I told him that I would sleep there and therefore she could not lie down and she said that it would only be for a while and that then she would go to her room. But not we realized and we slept two in my bed until the next day.The lights of the Sun came through my window, already had dawned and that only far one thing: "Back to work". We do not realize, but I swear that nothing happened... however... woke up scared...--WHAT you're doing in my bed! - Taiga had stuck the cry of his life to be realize that was sleeping in the same bed as me.-OF WHICH YOU SPEAK? This is my bed - I defended because it was true... it was my bed and she was the intruder.-WHAT? BUT AS I SLEPT HERE?--You said that only you would be lying down a moment, but it seems that you fell--Eh... Mori... no... nothing happened right?--DO AHHHHHHH? Perhaps you also doubts of my homosexuality?--Not no... sorry... you're right... sorry... you missed respect and fell asleep in your bed. How sassy I am... excuse me, Mori - had a lost look.-Don't worry, Taiga. You're my best friend, I love you like the little sister I never had, and now it is my turn to make you... TICKLE-And I made laugh much. We arrived a little late to work, but not us rebuke, the theme that had recently passed parties and gave them toleracion. As he had said earlier, Taiga was very sad and was now very shift not to leave it alone never and do that always feel happy and safe.I had spent 1 week and consoling Taiga was more difficult than I thought. It if is depressed much, yes thought Takasu while it should not. Most of the time was quiet and intently. It made me remember when I was sad all day by Sempai.New year had arrived and on 31 December, Mori and I decided to go to the Hamatsu Church to pray and make our requests to God. We left work rather late, since we had finish certain things to start the new year. Already there was nothing to lose so we walked together through the streets of Hamatsu.We went through many sites, they were 7 pm; but when passing the Church I thought "these places now bring me bad memories...". The car accident is came to mind many things, above all the Sempai wedding, because the church made me relate to the Church where he married Sempai and above all. Tears were accumulated and I was now that was very sad, something that Taiga was cueta...-Oh no, Mori... again no...-Taiga stopped at the door of the Church.-Regret this... is... is that... not I...-tried to stop the tears.-Do not cry, Mori. If you do not enter --Don't worry, now... because I'm fine... Let's get started --Are you sure?--Yes-I said sure, because after almost 4 months. I already took a decision... We entered, went to the first row and we knelt together. We close our eyes and pray
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And he left. By nightfall, the entire company was dark; workers obviously do not allow us to enter the office after hours of work; closed, only we have access to condominiums and the back door to the street to get in and out. It was 11pm and had not eaten. I was not hungry. The atmosphere was pretty depressing. I stayed with the lights off, only the moonlight shining through my window. I was sitting on the floor, knees to his chest and looking at the dark sky. Wow ... I feel very alone. I mean ... it's good night ... I was supposed to be having dinner with my parents and my Nii-san; however, I was very lonely and hurt. My parents did not even call me to offer me spend Christmas with them and my Nii-san, well I know he walks very busy and will spend Christmas out on a business trip, so it told me. I had no one; Nagoya had before Sempai ... at least let me spend Christmas with Matsuda and Kanako-chan-san and him. It was very welcome in that house ... home of Tatsumi ... Ah ... how to forget ... in particular ... my Sempai Souichi Tatsumi. Sempai ... been over three months since I left Nagoya, I wonder ... how ... and you will have forgotten me? Surely yes ... Yuki sure you so busy that you do not even remember that I exist ... well ... what if I catch you even remembered me when I was hospitalized and you on your honeymoon Yuki. The worst had started, I started thinking about Sempai of nowhere and my tears began to flow after time not crying. "No ... please ... can not be crying ... not again ... it is assumed that he had already passed ... why again I feel hurt?". I wondered again and again with rapid breathing and body shaking. "Sempai ... Sempai ... I miss you ... do not you come to see me ... Sempai ... Sempai ... Sempai ... Sempai ... Souichi ..." just kept repeating that word with tears in his eyes. I did not eat all night, nor was hungry. He was very focused on my thought ... and suddenly I began to hear the fireworks ... that meant only one thing, "it was already 12 pm ... MERRY CHRISTMAS?". I could see from my window the rockets of various shapes, colors and speed. I stood up and leaned against my window to see them, at least with that amused me, yet I felt an intense melancholy, not the fact that he missed Sempai, but because I felt alone itself. It seemed he did not have even a family who wants to spend Christmas with me. It was obvious ... my parents did not want me, Nii-san does not want me, Sempai not want me ... NOBODY LOVES ME ... then ... I keep alive ... I wonder ... if I die ... Does anyone cry on my grave? I was so frustrated and suddenly I saw a ... SHOOTING STAR. I love shooting stars, I have always believed in them since childhood, but I've never had a chance to see one. I closed my eyes and thought "I know it's silly and it will not be, but ... I'd just ask." I put a hand over his heart and said, "I wish ... I wish Souichi fall in love with me someday." For a moment I thought I was alone in the world, everything is silenced and everything was spinning, then when I opened my eyes obviously it was not the star; but I was exhausted. I sat back on the floor to look at the window, I lay on the floor a little and without realizing ... ... I had fallen asleep. The next day, I felt someone shaking me. I ignored because I was sleepy, but then I felt a kick in the ass and blow me up, I immediately sat down and said ... 'What's wrong RAYS - 'Happy CHRISTMAS, MORI - Taiga embraced me . strongly We were stuck for a while; but I could feel that Taiga was shaking and had very rapid breathing. I thought he was sick or something bad had happened to him ... Are you all right? - I said detaching it from me. Uh ... yeah ... why questions- quite nervous and replied with a fake smile. Well ... I notice that ...- I brought some dinner CHRISTMAS OF MY HOUSE ... Do you want -. I purposely interrupted with much enthusiasm to not talk to me about it were night again, I reckon it was the 7pm, it seems that he had slept as a whole day. Taiga food heated in the microwave in my room and ate various Japanese dishes; however, Taiga was well quiet ... something strange was happening and wanted to find out ... What were you doing sleeping on the floor - Wait ... I ask the questions here ... Why are you weird .. . I missed something - 'I asked you first, so you answer you and then ...- smiled victorious. Well ... I felt somewhat alone and they do not know, I felt more comfortable there and I was asleep Ohh ... you will see, but I can make you sick Now you ... What's wrong ... You're weird ... something happened - Huh ... DINNER IS RICA - interrupted pegunta another that had nothing to do. -Taiga do not change the subject- Okay ... well ... is that ...- Then Taiga broke ... and began to tear his gesture, I noticed did not want to mourn, but the tears won it ... -Taiga ... are you okay? - I did not answer just he stood downcast and weeping -¿Taiga - --AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- What about ... WHAT HAPPENS ... SO WHY scream - TAKASU -AHHHHH ... broke up with me this morning ... What? This morning ... how well - BUTTON FOR-ME ... AHHHHHHHH- TELÉFONOOOOOOO burst into tears. I never had seen so ... now my turn to comfort her as good friends ... I am .. . -AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- 'I do not cry, Taiga- 'I can FEEL HORRIBLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE- ... I know ... I know how you feel that you depart the heart, but you must be strong ...- -NO PUEDOOOOOOOO- - Well ... at least tell me, what was the reason? - It's that ... is ... finished me because I said that is fed up with me with me, I'm always learning he finished me with you ... because you odia- HAPPENS But what the hell ... I'm gay - I altered me I know what you said a thousand times seems not yet believe anyway ... you're still man wiped her tears. Oh ... my God sighed Your boyfriend is crazy ...- I got tired with the subject of the jealous boyfriend. Now it's my EX NOVIOOOOOOOOOOOOO AHHHHHHHHHHHH- mourn again. Taiga when she cried ... yes She cried. At least I did not make such a fuss, but Taiga ... GOD ... alone was comforting me as she always did with me. He listened to everything I had to say, everything that had lived with Takasu, good and bad experiences. ... Then we started talking about something else and watched comedy shows to distract. However, nothing that sad gesture removed the Taiga face and it hurt me. See my best friend shattered by a man who does not deserve it, gave me a lot of pain, but also a lot of anger. DAMN TAKASU. Suddenly ... Taiga wanted to sleep because he was not well, she started having chills herself and leaned over my bed. I told him that I would sleep there and that therefore she could not lie and she said it would only be for a while and then she would go to her room. But we did not realize the two and slept in my bed until the next day. The sun light coming through my window as it had dawned and that signficaba only one thing: "Back to work." We did not realize, but I swear that nothing happened ... yet ... I woke up scared ... 'What YOU DOING IN MY BED - Taiga had hit the cry of his life when he realized he was sleeping in the same I bed. 'What you talking about? This is my bed I defended because it was true ... it was my bed and she was the outsider. What? But how I SLEPT HERE - You said you'd be lying only a moment, but it seems that caíste- Hey .. Mori ... no ... nothing happened is not it - -¿AHHHHHHH? Did you also doubt my homosexuality - No no ... sorry ... you're right ... I'm sorry ... I missed you respect and sleep in your bed. What I am shameless ... excuse me, Mori had a blank stare. Do not worry, Taiga. You're my best friend, I love you like the sister I never had, and now it's my turn to make you ... COSQUILLAS- And I laugh a lot. We arrived a little late for work, but scolded us, for the matter of that party had just passed and gave them toleration. As was said earlier, Taiga was very sad and now shift was not left alone and never do you always feel happy and safe. It had been one week and comfort Taiga was harder than I thought. She really was very depressed, yes Takasu thought although he should not. Most of the time was silent, his head bowed. It made ​​me sad to remember when I walked all day Sempai. New Year had come and December 31, Mori and I decided to go to church to pray Hamatsu and make our requests to God. We work out a little late because we had to finish certain things to start off the new year. There was nothing to lose so we walked together through the streets of Hamatsu. We went through many places, were 7pm; but passing by the church I thought "These places now bring me bad memories ...". I came to mind many things, especially wedding Sempai therefore see the church made ​​me relate to the church where Sempai and especially the car accident married. Tears built up and now I was the one who was very sad, which he cueta Taiga ... Oh no, not again ... Mori ...- Taiga stopped at the door of the church. - I'm sorry ... is ... is ... I can not ...- tried to stop the tears. 'Do not cry, Mori. If you do not want entramos- -Don't worry, because ... I'm fine ... entremos- You sure - -Yes.- I said sure, because after almost four months. And I made ​​a decision ... We went, we went to the front row and we knelt together. We close our eyes and pray

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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And it was. At Nightfall, the entire company was dark; obviously the workers not to allow us to enter the offices outside working hours; is closed, so we only have access to the condos and the back door to the street to enter and exit.

were 11pm and had not eaten. I wasn't Hungry. The atmosphere was depressing.I stayed with the lights off, only the moonlight shining through my window. I was sitting on the floor, with knees to the chest and looking up at the Dark Sky.

Oh... I feel very Lonely. I mean... It's Good night... You're supposed to be having dinner with my parents and my NII San; however, I was very lonely and hurt.My parents didn't even call me to spend Christmas with them and my NII San, I know he is very busy and will spend Christmas away on a business trip, at least that's what I said. I had no one in Nagoya; before had sempai... At least Let me spend Christmas with Kanako Chan and Matsuda San and he was very welcome in that House... Home of the Tatsumi...

Oh...How to forget... In especially Souichi Tatsumi. My sempai. Sempai has been over three months since I left Nagoya, I Wonder... How do you... I've Forgotten? For sure... Sure Yuki has you so busy that you remember me... Well...Why am i surprised even if you remembered me when I was hospitalized, and you on your Honeymoon with Yuki.
the worst had started, I got to thinking about sempai from nothing, and My Tears began to Sprout after time not cry. " Not... Please... I can't be crying... Not Again... It is supposed that had already passed. Why again Hurt? " .I asked myself again and again with the Accelerated breathing and Body shaking. " Sempai... I Miss You... Sempai... Why don't you come to me. Sempai... Sempai... Sempai... Sempai... Souichi... ", I repeat that word with Tears In My Eyes. I didn't eat all night, or Hungry. I was very focused on my thought and soon...I started listening to the Fireworks. That only means one thing "were already Midnight... Merry Christmas? " From my window I could see the Rockets of different shapes, colors and speed. I stood up and leaned in my window to see, at least I was Amused, but at the time I felt an intense Melancholy, not by the fact that missed sempai,But only because I felt it. It seemed that don't even have a family who wants to spend Christmas with me. It was obvious... My parents Don't want me, Nii San didn't want me, I Don't want sempai... Nobody Loves Me... Then... Why I'm Still Alive... I Wonder... If I died... Someone llorarÍa in my grave?

I was so frustrated And Soon saw an... Shooting Star.I Love Stars, I've always believed in them since Childhood, but never had a chance to see. I closed My Eyes and thought, "I know it's Silly and that won't Happen, but... I would like to ask for it. " I put a hand to the heart and said "I Wish... I wish that Souichi Love Me someday. "

for a moment I thought I was alone in the World, All omitted and everything was spinning,Then when I opened my eyes, the star was not obviously; but I was exhausted. I sat down again on the Ground to look at the window, I lay down for a Little in soil, and without realizing it... I had been... Asleep. The Next day, I felt that someone shaking me. I ignored, because had the Dream, but then I felt a kick in the ass and I woke up suddenlyI sat up immediately and said... - What the hell is wrong with you

! -
- Merry Christmas, Mori! Taiga - hugged me with great Force.

we stayed close for a while, but I could feel that I was shaking and Taiga was Breathing very agitated. I thought he was sick or something Bad had happened...

? - I told despegándola me. - Uh... Yes...Why do you ask - Responded quite nervous and with a Fake smile. - well... I feel... -

- Something For Christmas dinner in my house... Do you want? - interrupted me with great enthusiasm by the way I talk about the topic.

we Night again, calculated that it was 7PM, it seems that had slept like a whole day.Taiga heated food in the microwave of my room and ate several Japanese dishes; however, taiga was very quiet... Something strange happened and I wanted to find out...

- I slept on the floor?

- - wait. I ask the questions here. Why are you acting so weird... Something Happened to you?
I asked First, so you answer and then I smiled Victorious. - well...
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