« ¿pero qué demonios pasa con este tipo? Ya sé, lo bloqueare»— Souichi dịch - « ¿pero qué demonios pasa con este tipo? Ya sé, lo bloqueare»— Souichi Anh làm thế nào để nói

« ¿pero qué demonios pasa con este

« ¿pero qué demonios pasa con este tipo? Ya sé, lo bloqueare»— Souichi salió de la cafetería sin separar la vista de la pantalla—«mejor no, a los enemigos hay que tenerlos cerca, y localizables además ¿Cómo sabe lo de Kanako? Creí haberle dicho a esa niña que borrara su número…me va a escuchar»

A un paso de subir las escaleras lo recordó—« ¡La cena de Kanako! Demonios, se supone que tenía que pedir los días». Con esto corrió hacia las oficinas de la dirección, estaba seguro que le permitirían tomarse los días, al fin de cuenta nunca faltaba y además de las clases, estaba a cargo del laboratorio.

Tal y como lo supuso, el coordinador le autorizó la salida. Desde el pasillo vio como el salón grito en alegría por una hora libre—«esos mediocres»— pensó ante la felicidad de los alumnos por no tener una clase con el profesor más joven pero también el más estricto del área. Ahora solo le faltaba ir al laboratorio a decirle a Tadokoro que se quedaba a cargo ese día y el siguiente.

¿Qué no podía haber ni una persona responsable? Sus ayudantes no estaban, el laboratorio estaba sin un alma. Salió furioso por el pasillo y se topó con una chica, al ver de qué se trataba, se cruzó de brazos para reprenderla.

— ¿Mika dónde se supone que estaban? ¡El trabajo no se hace solo, por algo están aquí!

La chica se puso colorada, tartamudeo tratando de buscar una excusa, pero vamos era Tatsumi, se calmó restándole importancia.

—Fui a buscar a Tadokoro, pero ahora mismo vamos para allá… ¿no tenía más clases hoy?

—Si bueno, me tomare el resto del día y mañana también me ausentare, por eso viene, para decirle a Tadokoro que está a cargo del trabajo de hoy y el de mañana. Si necesitan ayuda pídanla, solo no lo arruinen.

— ¡Ah, claro, no se preocupe. Déjelo todo en nuestras manos!

Le echo un vistazo a la chica que saludo de manera militar con mucho entusiasmo. Detrás de ella, venia Tadokoro corriendo a toda prisa mientras se colocaba la bata, el chico venia hecho un desastre.

—Nos vemos, no lo arruinen—fue lo último que dijo después le dejo las llaves del laboratorio a Mika en las manos, está se las guardo en su mochila. Se alejó viendo como Tadokoro le reclamaba algo a Mika mientras ella se burlaba de él.

A una cuadra de llegar a casa de Matsuda, sintió sentido su celular vibrar. Al ver la pantalla se decepciono, fue solo su imaginación. Creyó que al menos recibiría algún mensaje de Morinaga alrededor de la mañana, pero ya eran cerca de las diez y nada. Busco en la agenda su nombre, tentado a oprimir llamar topo con la entrada de la casa de su tía, reconsidero marcarle, decidiendo que no era buena idea. Con esto en mente, entro a la casa sin llamar.


¿El día pudo haber empezado peor? Primero una estudiante de secundaria fue acosada en el metro, Morinaga no pudo permitir por ningún motivo hacerse de la vista gorda e ignorarlo, así que delato al viejo que la quería tocar, obteniendo un agradecimiento de parte de la niña y deseos de muerte de parte el tipo. Por ello tuvo que dar declaración de lo acontecido a los oficiales de la estación y se retrasó treinta minutos. Al llegar a la Farmacéutica lo reprendieron por qué se supone que ese día tenían junta, y por imbécil olvido cambiar de am a pm la hora en la alarma del celular para recordárselo, sonando justo en el momento en que iba a entrar a la sala de juntas.

Resulto que tenían un nuevo proyecto que lo incluía, y que al parecer también trabajaría con otras personas de áreas distintas. Con su puntualidad en la junta dudaba que el jefe de área le diera una respuesta favorable. Aun así debía intentarlo, más que hacerlo por Souichi lo haría por Kanako, no podía fallarle.

Le pidió a su secretaria que le avisara, diciéndole que podía pasar. La chica era muy inocente y tenía pinta de niña, por lo visto varios de sus compañeros la traían en la mira, pero ninguno se le lanzaba. Se despidió de ella con una sonrisa amistosa, para entra en el despacho de su jefe, que había visto minutos antes.

Debía llevar tiempo trabajando en la farmacéutica como para notar cuando los empleados querían algo, porque enseguida noto como se aflojaba la corbata y se cruzaba de brazos. Morinaga empezó dándole vueltas al asunto, cuando creyó prudente le dio a entender lo que quería. Su jefe esbozo una leve sonrisa y puso los puños sobre su escritorio.

— ¿Sería el día de mañana y lo que queda de hoy, cierto?—Morinaga asintió con la cabeza aliviado— estará bien, solo si vienes el fin de semana a reponer las horas y claro, si te encargas del proyecto hablado en la junta.

Estaba por ponerse de pie; cuando cayó en cuenta su subconsciente, se volteó hacia su jefe y le agradeció. Estar a cargo de ese proyecto le beneficiaria a futuro, todos sus compañeros lo sabían, e incluso se suponía que alguien ya estaba a cargo, pero ¿para que preguntar, si ya le estaban diciendo que tenía el proyecto a su cargo? Se despidió con un apretón de manos y salió de allí directo hacia su oficina para dejar algunas cosas.

Los días cambiaba drásticamente, en la mañana el fresco ameritaba una chaqueta ligera, y ahora sentía como se le escurría el sudor por la frente. Morinaga se quitó el saco y la corbata al instante de cruzar las puertas de la farmacéutica. Se quedó de pie frente al cruce peatonal ¿A dónde se supone que iría?... ¿a la universidad? Lo pensó varias veces, pero sabía que Souichi pediría los días, entonces no podía estar allí, la segunda opción sería la casa de Matsuda o el departamento.

—«Seré imbécil, tengo celular, un estúpido celular»—miro receloso el contenido de su saco. Dentro de una de las bolsas saco su teléfono y marco el número de Souichi, al instante empezó a llamar, el semáforo peatonal se puso en verde y comenzó a ir en cuenta regresiva, junto con la gente empezó a caminar al otro lado de la calle, a mitad de esta entro la llamada, frenético busco respuesta antes de que Souichi dijese algo.

—Souichi, ¿Hola, me escuchas? ...¿Souichi?

—Sí, cálmate ¿Qué quieres?—Morinaga entro a una tienda de conveniencia, que no tenía mucha demanda al parecer, lo primero que hiso fue tomar una paleta helada para bajarse la insolación que sentía.

—Bueno veras…pedí los días, pero no he podido zafarme hasta ahorita ¿en dónde estás?—cambio el saco y el maletín de brazos, para buscar su cartera, el cajero lo observó con molestia por interrumpir su día sin clientes.

—Salí con Kanako a comprar los ingredientes de la cena, estamos comiendo en un restaurante familiar—Souichi hecho un vistazo al lugar, buscando el nombre del establecimiento, era algo raro para recordar—está en el centro, el restaurante verde con amarillo.

—Oh, creo saber cuál es—rolo los ojos— The Rochester creo…espera, ¿dijiste en el centro?—la vos de Morinaga cambio, definitivamente estaba más animado.

—Si—contesto Souichi vagamente.

—De acuerdo, nos vemos allá—Souichi dispuesto a protestar se volteó a un lado de la comida, dejando de lado su idea al ver a Kanako comiendo con tranquilidad, el celar vibro por medio segundo en el momento en que él lo tenía aun pegado al oído—Te quiero—Morinaga colgó la llamada, con eso ultimo Souichi sintió un vacío en el estómago y el cómo ese vacío se le subía al pecho llenándolo de un sentimiento extraño, se sentía como si le hubieran sacado un gran susto.

Bajo el celular a la altura del pecho, de reojo vio a Kanako masticando su comida con suma concentración, al parecer estaba perdida en sus pensamientos. En el celular se veía el icono de un mensaje recibido. Puso los ojos en blanco, ese tipo tenía el don de incomodar.

~Isogai Taichirou

Asunto: ¿Ignoras mis mensajes?

¿Debería llegar con ambos regalos a la casa de la señora Matsuda? Por si estas curioso, es un regalo para niños grandes y no creo que quieras que Kanako lo vea. Espéralo con ansias. ¡Una personita me dijo que últimamente ya no has peleado con tu amorcito, sigue así!¡Animo!

—« ¡Este tipo enfermo, me sacara de quicio!»—estaba hecho una furia en su interior, volteó hacia la persona que tenía en frente, seguro que había sido ella, o quizá no, no podía dárselas de adivino y culpar a su hermana por las ocurrencias de alguien con tan poca decencia como Isogai. Después de todo para Souichi seguía siendo el amigo de su enemigo, o algo parecido, solo contaba con la idea de que tanto como el, como Kurokawa debían ser vigilados de cerca—«Y, porque dice eso, es verdad que ya o he peleado con Morinaga…no una pelea en serio»—releyó el mensaje—«¿Qué? No, en todo caso ese tipo no es "mi amorcito" solo, es algo, en todo caso...»— sin pensar nada en concreto se hiso un lio. Vio receloso al causante de que su apetito casi de desvaneciera, y oprimió el botón eliminar.

Pero entonces ¿qué pensaba Kanako de él? ¿Qué debía pensar el de sí mismo? No encontraba respuesta para ninguna de las interrogantes, era como si la vida solo le aventara una pregunta tras otra. La decisión más fácil sería hacer lo que quisiera y dejar lo demás fluir ¿pero qué era lo que quería? O ¿a quién? Tuvo miedo de responder la única pregunta que creía conocer. Todo estaba bien en ese momento, como para preguntarse eso. Aunque sabía que Morinaga comenzaba a sentirse algo incómodo, y el igual al sentir su incomodidad, pero si las cosas seguían como hasta ese momento, sería más que perfecto. Sin problemas, normal.

—Kanako—la chica no lo escucho, Souichi rolo los ojos, dejo el celular dentro del portafolio, y se despejo, dejando de lado sus preocupaciones a las que llamo "ideas estúpidas"—oye Kanako— en un instante tenía sus ojos perplejos ante él, parecía despistad, realmente estaba perdida en sus pensamientos—necesito que me des un consejo—«después de todo pareces ser la más sensata de la familia»—Bueno veras…

Kanako pensó en decir algo referente a una broma, pero vio el semblante serio de su hermano, y capto que era una pregunta seria. Bajo su bebida y le prestó atención.

— ¿Qué pasa hermano, te ocurrió algo?

—No realmente, solo hay una person
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"but what the hell happens with this type? I know, it bloqueare it» - Souichi left the cafeteria without separating the view from the screen-«best, enemies there have them close and reachable also how know it from Kanako?» «I thought I have said to that little girl that delete your number... I will be heard»Walking up the stairs recalled it-"the dinner of Kanako! «Demons, supposed that I had to ask the days». With this he ran toward the offices of the Directorate, was sure that they would allow him to take the days, at the end of the account was never missing and besides classes, was in charge of the laboratory.As it was, the Coordinator authorized departure. From the corridor saw as the salon cry in joy for one hour free-«those mediocre»-thought to the happiness of students not having a class with the younger teacher but also the most strict of the area. Now it was missing only go to the lab to tell Tadokoro that day and the next was left in charge.What could there be not a responsible person? His aides were not, the laboratory was without a soul. He left furious by the Hall and he stumbled upon a girl, to see what it was, it crossed of arms to chastise her.-Mika where supposed that they were? The work is not only, for something they are here!The girl went red, stutter trying to find an excuse, but come on it was Tatsumi, it calmed him downplaying.-I went to look to Tadokoro, but right now we are going to there... did not have more classes today?-If well, I take the rest of the day, and tomorrow I also ausentare that it comes, to tell Tadokoro is in charge of the work of today and tomorrow. If you need help ask for it, just don't ruin it.-Ah, of course, don't worry. Leave it all in our hands!Echo out the girl greeting military so enthusiastically. Behind her, came running to hastily Tadokoro while stood the bata, the boy was made a disaster.-See you, don't ruin it - was the last thing said after I left him the keys of the laboratory to Mika in the hands, is be them keep in his backpack. He walked away seeing as Tadokoro claimed something to Mika while she made fun of him.One block to House Matsuda, felt felt his cell phone vibrate. To see the screen is disappointed, was only his imagination. He thought that I would at least receive some message of Morinaga around overnight, but they were about ten and nothing. I look for his name on the agenda, tempted to press call Mole with the entrance of the House of his aunt, I reconsider mark him, deciding that it was not a good idea. With this in mind, I walk into the House without calling..Could the day have started worse? First, a high school student was harassed in the metro, Morinaga not could allow for any reason become blind eye and ignore it, so I delato to the old man who wanted her to play, gaining an appreciation on the part of the girl and desires death type. Therefore had to give statement of what happened to the officers of the station and was delayed 30 minutes. Arriving at the pharmaceutical it rebuked why supposed that day they had Board, and stupid forgetfulness change from am to pm time on the cell phone alarm to remind you, sounding at the very moment that was entering to the boardroom.Turned out that they had a new project that included it, and which apparently would also work with other people in different areas. His time on the Board he doubted the area manager to give him a favorable response. Still you should try, rather than doing so by Souichi would do so by Kanako, could not fail.He asked his Secretary that he warned to him, telling him that he could pass. The girl was very innocent and had a pint of nina, apparently several of his companions brought her in sight, but none was launched. She said goodbye with a friendly smile, to come into the office of his boss, who had seen minutes before.He should take time working in the pharmaceutical to notice when employees wanted something, because I notice right away as the tie is loosened and crossed arms. Morinaga began mulling over the issue, when it believed prudent gave him to understand what I wanted. His boss sketch a slight smile, and put his fists on his desk.-Would it be tomorrow and what remains today, true? - Morinaga nodded relieved - will be fine, only if you come the weekend to replenish the hours and Yes, if you order project discussed in the Board.He was about to stand; When fell his subconscious, he turned toward his head and thanked him. Be in charge of that project you benefiting in the future, all his teammates knew it, and even supposed that somebody was in charge, but why ask, if they were already saying had the project in charge? You were dismissed with a handshake and departed from thence direct to your office to leave some things.Day it changed drastically, in the morning the fresh warranted a light jacket, and now felt as it is pouring you sweat across his forehead. Morinaga took off the sack and tie instantly cross the gates of the pharmaceutical. Stood in front of the pedestrian crossing where supposed to go?... to the University? It thought about it several times, but knew that Souichi would ask day, then he could not be there, the second option would be Matsuda House or the Department.-«I will be stupid, I have a cell phone, a stupid cell phone» - the contents of your bag look suspicious. Your phone bag within a bag and frame the number of Souichi, instantly began to be called, the pedestrian traffic light became green and started to go in the countdown, along with people started walking to the other side of the street, half of this entered the call, frenetic busco response until Souichi to tell something.-Souichi, Hello, do I hear? ... Do Souichi?-Yes, calm down what you want?-Morinaga entered a convenience store, which had high demand apparently first hiso was to take an icy palette to get off the isolation he felt.-Good really... asked for days, but I have not been able to zafar me until now in where you are?-change bag and Briefcase of arms, to find his wallet, the cashier noted it with annoyance to disrupt your day without customers.-I went with Kanako to buy the ingredients for dinner, we are eating at a restaurant family-Souichi made a look at the place, looking for the name of the settlement, it was something rare to recall - is in the Centre, with yellow green restaurant.-Oh, I think knowing what is-rolo eyes - The Rochester think... wait, you said in the Middle?-the voice of Morinaga change, definitely was more animated.-Si - contesto Souichi vaguely.-Agreement, we are beyond-Souichi willing to protest turned aside from the food, setting aside his idea to see Kanako eating calmly, the celar vibro by half a second at the time that he had it still stuck to the ear-Te quiero-Morinaga hung up the call, with that last Souichi felt a void in your stomach and how that vacuum is climbing to the chest by filling it with a strange feeling It felt as if they had taken a big scare.Under the cell at chest height, sideways saw Kanako chewing their food with utmost concentration, was apparently lost in his thoughts. The cell was the icon of a received message. Put the eyes blank, this type had the gift of making them feel uncomfortable.~ Isogai TaichirouSubject: you ignore my messages?Should you arrive with both gifts to the House of Mrs. Matsuda? If these curious, is a gift for big kids and don't want that Kanako see it. Wait for it eagerly. A little person told me that lately and not have you fought with your sweetie, keep it! arise!-«Such a sick, I pulled out freak out!» -a fury was done inside, turned towards the person who had in front, sure that was it, or perhaps not, not could register them I guess and blame his sister for occurrences of someone with so little decency as Isogai. After all for Souichi remained the friend of your enemy, or something similar, just had the idea that so much as the, as Kurokawa had to be monitored closely-«and, because says that, it is true that already or have fought with Morinaga... not a fight seriously"- he reviewed the message-'what? Not, in any case such is not "my sweetie" single, is something, anyway...» - without thinking of nothing in particular is hiso a mess. He saw the deceased that suspicious your appetite almost of Word, and pressed the button Delete.But then thought what Kanako him? What should he think of himself? I could not find answer to any of the questions, it was as if life sometimes only one question after another. The easiest decision would do what you want and let the rest flow but what he wanted? Or who? He was afraid to answer the only question believed to know. All was well at that time, to wonder that. Although he knew that Morinaga was beginning to feel rather uncomfortable, and like to feel your discomfort, but if things continued as until that time, it would be more than perfect. No problems, normal.-Kanako - girl don't hear you, Souichi rolo eyes, I leave the phone within the portfolio, and is paved, leaving aside their concerns which I call "stupid ideas" - Hey Kanako - in an instant had puzzled eyes before him, seemed despistad, really was lost in his thoughts - I need to give me a tip-«after all seem to be the most sensible family» - good really...Kanako thought saying something about a joke, but saw the serious countenance of his brother, and determine that it was a serious question. Under your drink and paid attention.-What brother, something happened you?-Not really, just a person
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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"But what the hell is wrong with this guy? Ya know, I'll block "- Souichi left the cafe without separating the screen view of" no best, enemies have to have them around, and also contactable How do you know about Kanako? I thought I told that girl to erase his number ... I will listen " One step up the stairs reminded him "Dinner Kanako! Hell, was I supposed to ask day. " With that he ran to the offices of the management, I was sure that would allow take days, the order has never missed and in addition to classes, was in charge of the laboratory. As you guessed, the coordinator will authorize the departure. From the hallway I saw the cry in joy by living freely hour 'those mediocre "- thought to the happiness of the students for not having a class with the youngest but also the strictest teacher in the area. Now just go to the lab lacked tell Tadokoro who was in charge that day and the next. What could be neither a responsible person? His aides were not, the lab was not a soul. He stormed down the hall and met a girl, to see what it was, he folded his arms to reprimand. - Mika where they were supposed to? The work is not done alone, something's here! The girl blushed, stammered trying to find an excuse, but we were Tatsumi, downplaying calmed down. I went to look for Tadokoro, but now we go over there ... Did not he have more classes today? Yeah well, I'll take the rest of the day and tomorrow also absents me, why I come to tell Tadokoro who is in charge of work today and tomorrow. If pídanla need help, not only ruined. - Oh, yeah, do not worry. I leave everything in our hands glanced at the girl salute militarily enthusiastically. Behind her came scurrying Tadokoro robe while standing, the boy came a mess. I'll see you, do not ruin-was the last thing he said after he left the keys of laboratory Mika in hands, is I put them in his backpack. He left watching Tadokoro claimed him something to Mika as she teased him. One block to get home Matsuda, felt felt his phone vibrate. Seeing the screen I was disappointed, it was just his imagination. He believed that at least Morinaga receive any message about the morning, but was nearly ten and nothing. Looking at the calendar name, tempted to call press run into the driveway of his aunt, to mark reconsidered, deciding it was not a good idea. With this in mind, entered the house without knocking. . The day may have started worse? First, a high school student was harassed on the subway, Morinaga could not allow for any reason to turn a blind eye and ignore it, so I ratted old that I wanted to play, getting a thank you from the girl and death wishes from the type. So I had to give evidence of what happened to the officers of the station was delayed thirty minutes. Upon reaching the Pharmaceutical they rebuked why is supposed that day they had together, and fool forgot to change from AM to PM the time on the cell phone alarm to remind, sounding just when he was about to enter the room together. It turned out they had a new project that included, and apparently also work with others in different areas. With its punctuality at the meeting doubted the area manager would give a favorable response. Still had to try, but would do so by Kanako Souichi could not fail him. He asked his secretary to let him know, telling him could happen. She was very innocent and looked like a girl, apparently several of his classmates brought in sight, but no one was throwing. He said goodbye to her with a friendly smile, to go into the office of his boss, who had seen minutes earlier. He must take time working in the pharmaceutical to notice when employees wanted something, because then I feel like his tie loosened and She crossed her arms. Morinaga began beating around the bush, when he thought prudent to let him know what I wanted. His boss smiled slightly and put his fists on his desk. - Would it be tomorrow and what remains today, some -Morinaga nodded relieved head will be good only if you come on the weekend to replenish? . the hours and of course if you take care of the project discussed at the meeting was about to stand up; when he fell into his subconscious mind, he turned to his boss and thanked him. Being in charge of that project would benefit in the future, his teammates knew, and even assumed that someone was already in charge, but to ask, if you were already saying that the project was in charge? He said goodbye with a handshake and went from there straight to his office to leave some things. The days changed dramatically in the morning fresh warranted a light jacket, and now felt as sweat trickled down his forehead. Morinaga took off his jacket and tie instantly through the doors of the pharmaceutical. He stood in front of the crosswalk Where are supposed to go? ... to college? He thought several times but knew that Souichi ask day, then could not be there, the second choice would be the home of Matsuda or department. - "I will be imbecile, I phone, a cellular stupid" suspiciously looked at the contents of your coat. Inside one of the pockets pulled out his phone and dialed Souichi instantly started calling, pedestrian traffic light turned green and started to go countdown, along with the people started walking across the street , half of this you enter the call, looking frantic response before Souichi say something. -Souichi, Hey, listen to me? ... Souichi? Yes, calm down What do you want? -Morinaga entered a convenience store, which was not much demand apparently hiso first thing I was taking a popsicle to get off sunstroke he felt. Well really ... asked everyday, but I could not break free until now Where are you? -change the bag and briefcase arm, to find his wallet, the cashier looked at him angrily to interrupt your day without customers. I dated a Kanako buy ingredients for dinner, we eat in a restaurant family-Souichi made ​​out to the place, looking for the name of the establishment, was rare to remember-is central, green with yellow restaurant. Oh, I know what It is-I rolled his eyes The Rochester I think ... wait, did you say in the middle? -the you Morinaga hand, was definitely more lively. If-I answer Souichi vaguely. 'All right, see you there-Souichi ready to protest is He turned aside from the food, leaving aside his idea to see Kanako eating quietly, the celar vibro for the second half when he had it even to his ear-I love you-Morinaga hung up the call, with that Last Souichi felt an emptiness in the stomach and how that vacuum is up to your chest filling a strange feeling, it felt as if someone had taken a big scare. Under the cell to the chest, sideways saw Kanako chewing their food with great concentration, was apparently lost in thought. In the cellular icon looked a received message. He rolled his eyes, that guy had the gift of inconvenience. ~ Isogai Taichirou Subject: Do you ignore my messages Should I get both gifts to the house of Mrs. Matsuda? In case you're curious, it's a great gift for children and I do not want to see it Kanako. Expect it forward. A little person told me that lately has not already fought with your sweetie, keep it Animo! - "This patient type, take me crazy!" - was furious inside, he turned to the person who was in Front sure she, or perhaps was not, could not give them to guess and blame her sister for occurrences of someone with so little decency Isogai. After all for Souichi remained the friend of your enemy, or something, just had the idea that as much as they should be monitored Kurokawa Cerca- "And it says that, it is true that I have fought or with Morinaga ... not a fight seriously, "he -releyó the message-" What? No, in any case such is not "my sweetheart" alone is something, anyway ... "- without thinking anything in particular hiso a mess. I was leery to cause your appetite almost faded, and pressed the delete button. But then what Kanako thought of him? What was the thinking of himself? There was no response to the questions, it was as if life will purge only one question after another. The easiest decision would do whatever he wanted and leave the rest to flow but what was it you wanted? Or who? She was afraid to answer the only question I thought I knew. Everything was fine at the time, to ask that. Although I knew that Morinaga began to feel uncomfortable, and just feeling his discomfort, but if things went as so far, would be more than perfect. Hassle normal. -Kanako-the girl does not listen, Souichi rolled his eyes, leave the cell within the portfolio, and cleared, leaving aside their concerns that I call "stupid ideas" Hey Kanako- in an instant had his bewildered eyes before him, seemed despistad really was lost in thought-need you to give me a tip- "after all seem to be the most sensible of the family" Well you see ... Kanako thought about saying something about a joke but I saw the serious face of his brother, and caught it was a serious question. Under his drink and listened. - What brother, something happened to you? Not really, there's only one person

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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"But what the hell is wrong with this guy? - I know, I bloqueare» Souichi left the cafeteria without separating the Screen View - 'Better Not, The Enemies need to be near, and also know about how detectable Kanako? I thought I told that girl to delete your number i will listen

to a step of the stairs he recalled "The dinner of Kanako! Hell,I was supposed to ask ". This ran to the Department, I was sure that would be the end of the day, and in addition has never missing classes, was in charge of the laboratory. As it was, the Coordinator will allowed to exit.
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